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中医院中医中药中国行总结中医院中医中药中国行总结 通辽市中医院开展中医中药中国行、蒙医 蒙医内蒙古行—蒙中医药文化科普宣传月活动总结 我院贯彻落实自治区蒙中医药管理局《关于开展中医中药中国行〃蒙医蒙药内蒙古行—中医药文化科普宣传月活动的通知》精神~进一步加强中医药科普宣传~营造我院中医药事业发展良好的社会氛围~更好地为全市人民身体健康服务。自2009年8月中旬以来~中医院领导班子高度重视~制定活动方案~成立组织机构~明确人员分工~协调各部门~积极准备宣传月活动~经过几个月的紧张筹备~我院中医中药中国行活动于2010年12月末全部结束。...

中医院中医中药中国行 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 通辽市中医院开展中医中药中国行、蒙医 蒙医内蒙古行—蒙中医药文化科普宣传月 活动总结 关于勤俭节约活动总结初中家长会活动总结防范电信网络诈骗活动总结防校园欺凌活动总结阳光体育活动总结 我院贯彻落实自治区蒙中医药管理局《关于开展中医中药中国行〃蒙医蒙药内蒙古行—中医药文化科普宣传月活动的通知》精神~进一步加强中医药科普宣传~营造我院中医药事业发展良好的社会氛围~更好地为全市人民身体健康服务。自2009年8月中旬以来~中医院领导班子高度重视~制定活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~成立组织机构~明确人员分工~协调各部门~积极准备宣传月活动~经过几个月的紧张筹备~我院中医中药中国行活动于2010年12月末全部结束。现将活动总结情况汇报如下: 一、 领导重视 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 周密 为确保“中医中药中国行、蒙医蒙药内蒙古行”如期、高质量完成~我院特制定了《中医中药中国行、蒙医蒙药内蒙古行—中医药文化科普宣传月活动实施方案》~成立了以党支部书记、院长郭伟君为组长~以党支部副书记田福建为副组长~抽调各科室环节干部以及院办、党办、信息宣传科 成员共50多名职工组成七个中医中药宣传月活动小组~来完成此次重要宣传工作。按照《中医中药中国行实施方案》的要求~进行详细分工~明确各自职责。我院活动小组多次召开动员会、协调会、进展情况汇报会~督促、指导、解决up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 工作中遇到的问题。活动办公室各小组都制定了相应的实施方案或预案~做到了分工明确~责任到人~各司其责~定期召开碰头会~互通工作进度~研究解决筹备工作中遇到的问题~对各小组解决不了的问题~及时向组委会汇报~由组委会协调解决~由于领导重视~方案具体~组织有力~措施到位~确保了我院“中医中药中国行”宣传月活动的顺利进行。 二、形式多样、有序进行 我院开展中医中药中国行宣传月活动形式多样。2010年3月11日是世界第五个肾脏日~今年的宣传主题是“保护肾脏健康”~科教科、信息宣传科、肾病科组织了这次活动~我院在门诊楼的大厅里举办了肾脏日中医中药宣传活动~本次活动共发放宣传单200余分~诊治患者100余人~切实解决了百姓看病难看病贵的问题~切实将中医中药的好处带给了百姓。3月21日在我院团支部的组织带领下~我院内、外、妇、儿等多名医生及10多名团员到西门社区的三家贫困家庭送医送药~共送去药物价值三千余元~让贫困家庭足不出户就能感受到中医中药给百姓带来的好处。4月8日~我院共组织内、外、妇、儿等科室专家16名来到辽河乡新发村为新发村八百余名村民进行了一次疾病普查~免费诊治及药物累计一万余元~发放中医中药宣传单300余份~诊治患者300余人。9月23日上午在我院门诊楼前开展“中医中药中国行〃蒙医蒙药内蒙古行”活动启动仪式~郭伟君院长对本up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 次宣传月活动意义和目标做了简要说明~提出本次活动的宗旨~对宣传组成员提出的几点重要要求~并对本次活动寄予了很高的期望。启动仪式结束后~我们宣传月活动小组来到东电社区开展中医中药义诊宣传活动~发放宣传单500多份~发放药品价值2000余元。5月7日我院护理部为喜迎5.12护士节~开展了关于中医中药护理知识的大型智力竞赛~全院所有护理人员全部参与了本次竞赛活动~各科室所有人员通过笔试选拔~首先推荐出三名佼佼者组成本科室代表队参加各科室间的角逐竞争~这样全院共选出16个代表队~再经过预赛选拔出8组进入决赛~经过三轮激烈角逐~最后产生一组冠军~两组亚军~三组季军。通过这种方式让全院职工对中医中药的知识又加深了了解~使中医中药能够更好地服务于广大患者。5月16日是法定“全国助残日”~今年的宣传主题是“关爱帮扶农村贫困残疾人”~围绕主题我院党支部组织专家开展了大型残疾人中医中药宣传活动~党支部书记院长郭伟君带领专家组到辽河乡新发村为当地的残疾人进行中医中药免费义诊。10月5日~是全国艾滋病宣传日~我院充分利用有利时机~将我们中医中药在预防和治疗艾滋病方面的优势展现给通辽市老百姓~不但让百姓认识了解中医中药的独特优势~更让百姓充分享受中医中药给他们带来好处。我们医院宣传月活动小组制作了大型版面~版面 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 是我们医院近几年来中医中药的发展历程~中医药治疗常见up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 病、多发病和疑难重症方面的独特方法和显著疗效。我们制作了宣传条幅~发放了400多张艾滋病宣传单~加大百姓对艾滋病的防范~以积极心态对待和治疗艾滋病~同时与通辽市电视台、报社等多家媒体予以大力宣传。10月22日上午举办中医中药中国行宣传月活动启动仪式~下午举行现场义诊、发放科普资料、赠送药品、乡村医生培训、慰问贫困农民。我院宣传月活动小组不但多次举办宣传活动~而且在我院网站的一部分栏目上宣传中医中药的优势~中医中药的预防保健作用~以及中医中药在治疗部分疾病中与有西药无法比拟的优势作用。同年12月5日~我院宣传月活动小组在郭伟君院长的带领下~一行18人来到益庆和镇为敬老院老人送去新年祝福~并免费为他们发放价值2000余元的中药~以及白面35袋~用中医中药为老人解除看病难、看病贵的问题~充分发挥了中医中药独特优势。今年我院在内蒙古日报蒙文版上共发表40多篇关于中医中药的宣传版面~在都市报、晨报、内蒙古商报上共发表100多篇中医中药的宣传版面~在通辽市电视台全年共播出100余例关于中医中药的新闻报道。 三、存在问题 有待解决。 虽然我院在中医中药中国行宣传月活动中取得了一定成绩~但是仍有许多不足之处~比如~模式比较固定~参与的人员还是比较有限~宣传的范围也比较窄~不能完全深入up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification, 基层、深入贫困百姓。不能让老百姓对中医中药的知识有更深层次的了解。这些都是我们医院在2011年应该也急需解决的问题。争取我们在下一年内容形式上有所更新~比如可以通过文艺演出、各种运动类比赛等多种形式来宣传中医中药的知识。 总之~我院通过在全市范围内举办大规模的中医药文化科普宣传活动~集中展示中医药悠久的历史和科学的理论~特别是在中医药治疗常见病、多发病和疑难重症方面的独特方法和显著疗效~依托“中医中药中国行〃蒙医蒙药内蒙古行”平台~让社会了解中医药为中华民族繁衍生息所做出的巨大贡献~了解中医药在维护人民健康、促进经济社会发展、弘扬我国优秀传统文化等方面的重要地位和作用~使广大人民群众了解中医、认识中医、感受中医~让中医药惠及千家万户~为大众健康服务。 up, put the responsibility in the first place. To firmly carry up, adhere to the "development must not be at the expense of people's life at the expense of 'the Ming red line, strengthen production safety special inspection of the work of the organization and leadership, to achieve full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, pragmatic". Below, on how to implement the responsibility, do a good job in the rectification work I to emphasize a few points: first, must have the courage to bear the responsibility. Party committees, the government should strictly implement the "party with responsibility, a pair of" system. The safety in production not only government to catch, party to catch. The districts and counties, departments, the park, the units of the party and government leading cadres according to the "government with responsibility and a pair of Qi, grasp the total tube" and "pipe industry must pipes safe And management business must be safety tube, pipe production and management must control security "requirements, the effective implementation of the local government of territorial supervision, Safety Supervision Department consolidated supervision, the direct supervision of the departments in charge of industry classification regulatory responsibility, a careful analysis of the region, in the industry, the unit of production safety situation and weak link, deep introspection in production safety work in the presence of their main problems, earnestly rectification,
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