首页 六氟化硫气体危害的预防



六氟化硫气体危害的预防六氟化硫气体危害的预防 六氟化硫( SF6 )气体是目前发现的六种温室气体之一。在高压电器制造行业使用着大量的 SF6 气体,由于使用、管理不当或没有按正确的方法对其进行回收、再生处理,导致 SF6 气体及在高温电弧作用下产生的有毒分解物排放到大气中,给人类赖以生存的环境带来污染和破坏,同时给电器设备的正常运行和人们身体健康带来不利影响。 1 、概述 从 1940 年作为绝缘介质开始,迄今已被广泛地应用在电力设备中,如高压断路器、变压器、互感器、电容器、避雷器、接触器、熔断器、管道母等。随着 SF6 气体使用量...

六氟化硫气体危害的预防 六氟化硫( SF6 )气体是目前发现的六种温室气体之一。在高压电器制造行业使用着大量的 SF6 气体,由于使用、管理不当或没有按正确的方法对其进行回收、再生处理,导致 SF6 气体及在高温电弧作用下产生的有毒分解物排放到大气中,给人类赖以生存的环境带来污染和破坏,同时给电器设备的正常运行和人们身体健康带来不利影响。 1 、概述 从 1940 年作为绝缘介质开始,迄今已被广泛地应用在电力设备中,如高压断路器、变压器、互感器、电容器、避雷器、接触器、熔断器、管道母等。随着 SF6 气体使用量的增加,范围的扩大,正确的使用和管理 SF6 气体,保护好我们赖以生存的环境及人身安全等问题被提到了重要的议事日程上来。 2 、 SF6 气体的性质 2.1 SF6 气体的物理性质 纯净的 SF6 气体是一种无色、无嗅、基本无毒、不可燃的卤素化合物。其相对密度在气态时为 6.16g /cm3(20?,0.1MPa 时 ) ,在液态时为 1400g /cm3(20? 时 ) ;在相同状态下约是空气相对密度的 5 倍。为便于运输和贮存, SF6 气体通常以液态形式存在于钢瓶中。 2.2 SF6 气体的化学性质 SF6 气体的化学性质非常稳定,在空气中不燃烧,不助燃,与水、强碱、氨、盐酸、硫酸等不反应;在低于 150 ? 时, SF6 气体呈化学惰性,极少熔于水,微熔于醇。对电器设备中常用的金属及其它有机材料for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 不发生化学作用。然而,在大功率电弧、火花放电和电晕放电作用下, SF6 气体能分解和游离出多种产物,主要是氢氟酸。 3 SF6 气体的毒性来源 从有关部门的试验及研究结果可知, SF6 气体的毒性主要来自 5 个方面。 (1) SF6 产品不纯,出厂时含高毒性的低氟化硫、氟化氢等有毒气体。大家知道,目前 化工行业制造 SF6 气体的方法主要是采用单质硫磺与过量气态氟直接化合反应而成;即 S+3F2?SF6+Q (放出热量)。在合成的粗品中含有多种杂质,其杂质的组成和含量因原材料的纯度、生产设备的材质、工艺条件等因素的影响而有很大差异,杂质总含量可达 5% 。其组成有硫氟化合物,如: S2F2 、 SF2 、 SF4 、 S2F1O 等;硫氟氧化合物如 SOF2 、 SO2F2 、 SOF4 、 S2F10O 等以及原料中带入的杂质如 HF 、 OF2 、 CF4 、 N2 、 O2 等。为了净化粗品中的杂质,合成后的 SF6 气体还需要经过水洗、碱洗、热解(去除剧毒的十氟化物)、干燥、吸附、冷冻、蒸馏提纯等一系列净化处理过程才能得到纯度在 99.8% 以上的产品。然后再用压缩机加压,充入降温至 -80 ? 左右的钢瓶中,以液态形式存在。在使用时减压放出,呈气态冲入电气设备中。 除在上面的合成过程中产生的杂质外,另外,在气体的充装过程中还可能混入少量的空气、水分、和矿物油等杂质,这些杂质均带有或会产生一定的毒性物质。因此,为保证 SF6 产品的纯度和质量,对出厂的 SF6 产品国际电工委员会( IEC )及许多国家均制定了质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,并要求生产厂家在供货时提供生物试验无毒证明 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the (2)电器设备内的 SF6 气体在高温电弧发生作用时产生的有毒产物。 例如: SF6 气体在电弧中的分解和与氧的反应: (氟化亚硫酰) (四氟化硫酰) (四氟化硫酰) (硫)(氟化硫酰) (3)电器设备内的 SF6 气体分解物与其内的水分发生化学反应而生成某些有毒产物。 例如: SF6 气体分解物与水的继发性反应: 产生(氢氟酸)(二氧化硫) (硫酸) ( 4 )电器设备内的 SF6 气体及分解物与电极( Cu , W 合金)及金属材料反应而生成某些有毒产物。 ( 5 )电器设备内的 SF6 气体及分解物与绝缘材料反应而生成某些有毒产物。 4 SF6 气体的危害 长期以来,由于对 SF6 气体的使用、管理不善、而导致许多有毒的、具有腐蚀性的气体和固体分解物被排放到大气中,不但给我们赖以生存的环境造成了难以挽救的污染和破坏,同时还危及电器设备的正常运行和人们的身体健康。 4.1 对人及动物的危害 从医学的角度来讲,各种分解物气体及生成物对人体的影响程度不光取决于其毒性的大小,还与吸入到人体内量的大小和每个人的身体素质有关。作为客观地判断依据,日本将每一种动物物质的允许浓度设定为五级。即: A— 最低致命浓度; B—半致命浓度( 50% 为死亡浓度); C—— 短时间停留极限,通常为 15min ; D—出现毒性反应的最低浓度; E—— for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 为每天 8h ,一周 40h 的正常劳动时间,大多数人在此浓度下工作,均不会对健康有不良影响。 早在 1979 年,上海第一医学院和上海市化工局职业病防治研究所就对长期从事或接触 SF6 气体的人群进行了调查及动物试验。 在对生产和使用 SF6 气体的两家企业的工人进行职业流行病学调查中,对年龄、性别、劳动强度、专业工龄、是否吸烟等相近的工人,进行分组对照、比较,对工人们的健康情况未发现有明显的损害。但从统计的症状发生率来看,表现出乏力、记忆力差、咽痛、胸闷的人数较多。 在对动物(雌性大、小鼠)进行分组急性静式染毒试验、亚急性静式染毒试验中,分别将白鼠放在不同浓度的 SF6 新气体或(与电弧接触过的)开断气的气体分组箱里。其结果是急性静式染毒试验未发现异常,而亚急性静式染毒试验则发现一只大鼠的肺毛细血管在电子显微镜下有轻度亚微结构改变。是否就是由 SF6 气体引起的,因试验的动物数量有限,还难以定论。 4.2 对环境的危害 近百年来,地球气候正经历一次以全球变暖为主要特征的显著变化。这种全球性的气候变暖是由自然的气候波动和人类活动所增强的温室效应共同引起的。减少温室气体排放、减缓气候变化是《联合国气候变化公约》和《京都议定书》的主要目标,而我国在减少温室气体排放方面所面临的国际压力越来越大。 温室效应是指大气中的二氧化碳等气体能透过太阳短波辐射,使地球表面升温。同时阻挡地球表面向宇宙空间发射长波辐射,从而使大气增温。for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 由于二氧化碳等气体的这一作用与 “ 温室 ” 的作用类似,故称之为 “ 温室效应 ” ,二氧化碳等气体被称为 “ 温室气体 ” 。目前,发现人类活动排放的温室气体有六种,它们是二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮、氢氟碳合物、全氟化碳、六氟化硫,这当中氟化物就有三种。其中 CO2 对温室效应影响最大,占 60% ,而 SF6 气体的影响仅占 0.1% ,但 SF6 气体分子对温室效应具有潜在的危害,这是因为 SF6 气体一个分子对温室效应的影响为 CO2 分子的 25000 倍,同时,排放在大气中的 SF6 气体寿命特长,约 3400 年。现今,每年排放到大气中的 CO2 气体约 210 亿,而每年排放到大气中的 SF6 气体相当于 1.25 亿 t CO2 气体。 现在全球每年生产的大约 8500t SF6 气体中,约有一半以上用于电力工业。而在电力工业中,高压开关设备约占用气量的 80% 以上。其中中压开关的用气量约占 1/10 ;主要是用在 126 , 252kV 的高压、 330 , 800kV 的超高压领域,特别是 126kV , 252kV , 550kV 的断路器( GCB )、 SF6 封闭组合电器( GIS )、充气柜( C-GIS )、 SF6 气体绝缘管道母线( GIL )中。因此,合理、正确的使用管理 SF6 气体,减少排放量已到了非整治不可的地步。 5 SF6 气体的使用现状及存在的问题 5.1 工作人员环境保护意识淡薄 目前,尚有相当一部分人缺乏环境保护知识,对 SF6 气体的理化性能了解不够,对其给环境所造成的危害认识不深,环境保护意识淡薄。在生产、使用 SF6 气体的环节中由于使用、管理不当所造成的泄露及人为的排放相当严重。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 5.2 回收再利用或回收处理的不好 从国内的 SF6 气体回收装置的生产及需求数量上来看,每年约 70 台左右。而销售量最大的还是简易的抽真空、充气装置。究其原因,一是由于 SF6 气体回收装置的价格昂贵,每台在 15 , 30 万元人民币之间,而国外进口的价格更高,使其普及受到限制;二是除电器制造行业外,该装置的利用率很低,一般只在设备安装或检修时使用,闲置时间长。作为 SF6 气体使用量很大的高压电器制造行业的电力部门,其 SF6 气体回收装置的使用和管理并不理想;尤其一些中、小企业根本没有配备 SF6 气体回收装置。在电力行业, 35kV 以下变电站几乎没有 S6 气体回收装置,有的地区是几个变电站共用一台。 SF6 气体的回收处理更差,废气几乎都是一放了之或经过简单的过滤吸附而排放到大气中。因为,目前国内还没有一家生产的 SF6 气体回收装置可对 SF6 气体进行再生处理。 SF6 气体回收装置的功能均是对电器设备进行抽真空,将设备内的 SF6 气体回收至气腔压力为负 133Pa ,同时将废气压缩到储气罐中,储气罐的容量最大为 500kg 。而这些回收的 “ 废气 ” 一般用于电器设备中零部件检漏,很少有送回生产厂家对其进行再生处理的。 5.3 管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 不到位 对 SF6 气体的使用、管理没有建立完整的规章制度。 SF6 产品的装配厂房、检修间及检修现场等工作场 所均没有健全的通风设施和监控设备。对长期接触或短期接触 SF6 气体的人员在劳动保护方面欠考虑且没纳入安全生产的管理程序。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 6 预防措施 由于 SF6 气体分解产生的这些有毒气体和粉末对人及动物上呼吸道有强烈的刺激和腐蚀作用;并对环境造成污染和破坏,产生 “ 温室效应 ” 。因此,为尽量减少危害,将其所带来的不利影响降到最小程度。我们可采取以下行之有效的措施加以控制和防范。 6.1减少和控制SF6 气体中的水分含量 对充以 SF6 气体作为绝缘或灭弧的电气设备,为减少和控制其内部的水分含量,在产品装配前,除要将零部件放在相应的烘干间内进行烘干处理外,同时还要求在其内部装设吸附剂。常用的吸附剂有活性氧化铝和分子筛两种,由于它们的吸附性不同,可将两种吸附剂混合使用,吸附剂应放置在气流通道或容器的上方,用量为 SF6 气体总重量的 10% 左右。正确的使用吸附剂,不但可吸收 SF6 气体中的水分及 SF6 气体分解物,减少 SF6 气体中的水分含量及分解物的产生与排放。还能提高电器设备的绝缘性能和开断性能。 因此,我国标准 GB/T8905-1996 规定了在 20 ? 时 SF6 电器设备水分含量的允许值。 6.2 加强 SF6 气体及分解物的回收和处理 以 SF6 气体作为绝缘和灭弧的电器设备,在下列四种情况下必须对其内 的 SF6 气体及分解物进行回收或中和处理。 ( 1 )在新产品开发时,做过绝缘试验和开断试验的试品; ( 2 )检修进行过的电器设备; ( 3 )处理发生故障的电器设备; for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the ( 4 )淘汰、更换掉的电器设备。 在对 SF6 气体及分解物进行回收或中和处理时,要严格按如下步骤进行: ? 在打开设备前,必须先回收气体,并抽真空; ? 对设备内部进行彻底通风; ? 工作人员应带放毒面具和橡皮手套; ? 将金属氟化物粉尘集中起来,装入塑料袋并深埋。对电器设备内的吸附剂和回收装置,吸附罐中吸附剂,按 CB/T8905-1996 《六氟化硫电气设备中气体管理和检验导则》的规定 “ 由生产分解气体的设备中更换下来的吸附剂不要再生 ” 由此我们可按下列方法进行处理: ( a )按 20ml/g 的比例将吸附剂放入当浓度为 IN 的氢氧化钠溶液中,搅拌浸泡 24h , 将吸附剂内部可溶于水和可水解、碱解的 SF6 气体分解物转移到氢氧化钠溶液中。 ( b )对浸泡过吸附剂的氢氧化钠溶液要用当量浓度为 0.1N 的硫酸进行中和,在溶液呈中性时,方可排放。 ( c )对排放后剩余吸附剂及固体物质经水洗后可作为普通垃圾处理或深埋掉。 6.4 提高产品 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 水平,降低泄露率 在产品设计上采用新技术、新工艺,提高制造水平,力争将年漏气率由 1% 降到 0.5% 以下,主要从如下三点入手。 ( 1 )应尽量不用 SF6 气体或减少 SF6 气体的使用量,通过改变产品结构,减少充气隔室或空间,开发空气绝缘、固体绝缘的电器设备,如环氧树脂绝缘的(干式)变压器、电压互感器、电流互感气、真空断路器,for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 空气断路器,负荷开关;将断路器的灭弧室充以 SF6 气体,绝缘拉杆部分采用空气绝缘;将罐式断路器改为瓷柱式等。 ( 2 )在保证产品电气性能的前提下,尽量降低充气压力。这样不但有利于密封,还可能减少漏气点。 ( 3 )在产品的密封结构及材料上下功夫,采用新材料、新工艺、减少 SF6 气体的泄露。 如电器设备动力输入处的直动密封或转动密封采用波纹管结构,靠波纹管的蠕变来提供直动所需的行程或转动所需的转角。 6.5 采用其它代替气体或混合气体 目前,还未发现一种完全代替纯 SF6 气体的单一替代气体,从环保方面考虑,唯一有可能的替代气体是纯 N2 气体;但要使纯 N2 气体的绝缘强度与纯 SF6 气体的绝缘强度等同,须将纯 N2 气体的压力提高到纯 SF6 气体的 3-4 倍。因此,从安全角度考虑,电器设备的容器刚度、强度及其使用有待提高。 鉴于使用纯 N2 气体的难以操作性,国内外的研究人员将目标转向 N2/SF6 混合气体,在纯 N2 气体中混入一定百分比的纯 SF6 气体后,发现可显著得提高绝缘强度,并接近于纯 SF6 气体的绝缘性能。关于使用 N2/SF6 混合气体来替代 SF6 气体的研究很多,虽然可减少纯 SF6 气体的使用量,但其应用范围受到限制,如在 GCB (断路器)和 GIS (封闭组合电器)中使用的绝缘介质,不但要求有绝缘性能,还要求有灭弧性能,而 N2/SF6 混合气体要想获得与原有设备同等的性能是极其困难的,要想直接使用是不可能的。如西门子公司为解决高寒地区( -40 ? )断for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 路器的使用问题,将 N2/SF6 混合气体的压力提高到 0.75MPa (表压),同时也对灭弧室进行了修改。在 GIL (管道母线)中 由于除故障时以外,均无电弧产生,且对绝缘气体没有灭弧要求,使采用 N2/SF6 混合气体成为可能性,在这方面法国、德国已做了尝试。但由于 N2/SF6 混合气体的分离回收技术方面还有一些问题尚待解决,还难以保证 SF6 气体不被排入大气中,因此,安全、可靠的进入实际应用阶段还需一个过程。 7 结束语 由于 SF6 电气技术设备的大量使用,不可避免地给人类赖以生存环境带来污染和破坏,同时也给人们的身体健康带来不利影响。因此,早在 1992 年国际上就开始研究全球变暖问题,并在 1997 年的京都会议( COP3 )上确定了温室气体的削减目标。但迄今为止,还未找到比 SF6 气体的综合性能更好的单独气体和混合气体。随着人们环境保护意识的增强,在今后相当长一段时期,少用和不用 SF6 气体的电器设备才是高压电器制造行业的发展方向。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the
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