首页 第十二章 羊水过多与羊水过少

第十二章 羊水过多与羊水过少


第十二章 羊水过多与羊水过少第十二章 羊水过多与羊水过少 一、 选择题 [A1型题] 1. 羊水量超过多少为羊水过多, A( 600ml B( 700ml C( 800ml D(1000ml E( 2000ml 2. B超测量最大羊水暗区垂直深度表示羊水量的方法,大于多少考虑为羊水过多, A( 9cm B( 7cm C( 5cm D( 3cm E( 6cm 3. 用羊水指数法表示,大于多少考虑羊水过多, A( 10cm B( 12cm C( 14cm D( 18cm E( 20cm 4. 神经管畸形胎儿...

第十二章  羊水过多与羊水过少
第十二章 羊水过多与羊水过少 一、 选择题 [A1型题] 1. 羊水量超过多少为羊水过多, A( 600ml B( 700ml C( 800ml D(1000ml E( 2000ml 2. B超测量最大羊水暗区垂直深度表示羊水量的方法,大于多少考虑为羊水过多, A( 9cm B( 7cm C( 5cm D( 3cm E( 6cm 3. 用羊水指数法表示,大于多少考虑羊水过多, A( 10cm B( 12cm C( 14cm D( 18cm E( 20cm 4. 神经管畸形胎儿的检测,最常用的方法是检测羊水及母血中何种物质的含量, A( CEA B( CRP C( AFP D( HPL E( HCG 5. 羊水过多合并胎儿畸形的处理原则为 A( 终止妊娠 B( 抽取羊水 C( 保胎治疗 D( 期待疗法 E( 观察 6. 关于羊水过多但胎儿正常的处理方法中错误的是 A( 症状严重孕妇,胎龄不足37孕周,应穿刺放羊水 B( 一次放羊水量不超过1500ml C( 前列腺素合成酶抑制剂——吲哚美辛有抑制利尿的作用,应广泛用于治疗羊水过多 D( 症状较轻可以继续妊娠,注意休息,低盐饮食 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle E( 妊娠已近37周,在确定胎儿已成熟的情况下,可行人工破膜 7. 妊娠晚期羊水量少于多少为羊水过少, A( 300ml B.400ml C. 500ml D. 600ml E. 700ml 8. 关于羊水过少的说法,哪项是错误的, A. 妊娠早、中期的羊水过少,多以流产告终 B. 羊水呈粘稠、浑浊和暗绿色 C. 羊水过少,严重影响围产儿的预后 D. 羊水过少的病因已完全明了 E. 若羊水量少于50ml,胎儿窘迫发生率达50% 9. 羊水过多时正确的是 A.容易感觉到胎动 B. 常发生在患心脏病的孕妇 C. 容易合并妊高征 D. 超声检查价值不大 E. 畸形胎儿多为男婴 10. 关于急性羊水过多时正确的是 A.多发生在妊娠28——32周 B. 下肢及外阴水肿发生率不高 C. 自觉症状轻微 D. 检查胎心清楚 E. 容易发生早产 11.关于慢性羊水过少时正确的是 A. 多发生在妊娠20——24周 B. 胎儿畸形多见,无脑儿居多 C. 自觉症状严重 D. 破膜后容易发生脐带拖垂 E .常并发胎盘早剥 12.对羊水过多的孕妇娩出的新生儿,容易患的疾病是 A. 出生前感染性肺炎 B. 胎粪性腹膜炎 C. 先天性膈疝 D. 肺不张 E. 先天性食管闭锁 13.关于羊水过少的处理不正确的是 A. 妊娠足月者,应尽快破膜引产 B.若破膜后出现胎儿窘迫的表现,估计短时间内不能结束分娩者,应在除外胎儿畸形后,选 择剖宫产 C. 羊膜腔输液防治妊娠中晚期羊水过少 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle D. 剖宫产比阴道分娩可明显降低围产儿死亡率 E. 羊水过少者一律剖宫产 14.以最大羊水暗区垂直深度测定表示法 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 羊水过少的界值为少于等于 A. 1cm B. 2cm C. 3cm D. 4cm E. 5cm 15用羊水指数法将羊水过少定为少于等于 A. 8cm B. 7cm C. 9cm D. 10cm E. 6cm [A2型题] 16.27岁初产妇,妊娠23周,近1周来腹部迅速增大,腹胀痛,心悸气促,不能平卧。查体:宫高37cm,腹围105cm,胎心遥远,胎位不清。为明确诊断,首选的辅助检查是 A. B超 B. 腹部X线片 C. 彩色多普勒 D. 羊膜镜检查 E. 腹腔镜检查 17.40岁经产妇,妊娠39周,近1周来自觉胎动后腹痛难忍,来院就诊。查体:B超示羊水指数8cm,胎儿先天性肾缺如,下一步应如何处理, A. 保胎治疗 B. 剖宫产 C. 采取引产 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 经阴道分娩 D. 羊膜腔输液 E. 观察 18.25岁初产妇,妊娠23周,近1周来腹部迅速增大,腹胀明显,呼吸困难,不能平卧入院。查体,血压120/80mmHg,,心率102次/分,律齐,无杂音,双下肢浮肿,外阴部静脉曲张,呼吸25次/分,宫高37cm,腹围100cm,胎心音遥远,胎位不清,首先应考虑的诊断是 A. 双胎 B. 急性心衰 C. 急性羊水过多 D.胎盘早剥 E. 子宫破裂 19.25岁初产妇,妊娠39周,近2周来胎动时感腹痛,入院时查体:宫高27cm,腹围86cm,子宫敏感性高,胎位LSA,胎心138次/分,B超检查提示胎儿发育正常,羊水指数7。诊断为羊水过少。首选的处理方案是 A. 尽快破膜引产 B. 期待疗法 C. 羊膜腔输液 D. 立即剖宫产 E. 观察 [A3型题] 共同题干 28岁初产妇,现妊娠31周,近1周腹部迅速增大,自觉腹胀痛,心悸气促,不能平卧入院。查体:血压110/70mmHg,心率102次/分,律齐,呼吸24次/分,双肺呼吸音清晰,宫高40cm,腹围108cm,胎心135次/分,胎心音遥远,胎位不清。 20.最可能的诊断是 A. 子宫破裂 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle B. 急性羊水过多 慢性羊水过多 C. D. 急性心衰 E. 胎盘早剥 21.应采取的治疗方法是 A.西地兰静脉注射 B.继续观察 C.人工破膜 D.羊膜腔穿刺放羊水 E.静滴缩宫素引产 22.为明确诊断首选的辅助检查是 A.B超 B.腹部X线片 C.彩色多普勒 D.羊膜镜检查 E.腹腔镜检查 23.首先须排除下列哪项, A.胎儿畸形 B.母儿血型不合 C.贫血 D.巨大胎儿 E.前置胎盘 [A4型题] 共同题干 25岁初产妇,现妊娠35周,产前检查发现宫高39cm,腹围108cm,腹壁皮肤张力较大,胎 位不清,胎心遥远。 24.为明确诊断,首选哪项检查, A. 羊膜镜 B. B超 C. 腹腔镜 D. 腹部X线片 E. 彩色多普勒 25.最可能的诊断是 A.双胎妊娠 B.羊水过多 C.前置胎盘 D.胎盘早剥 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle E.先兆子宫破裂 26.若B超显示羊水指数为21cm,胎儿发育正常,则首选的治疗方案是 A.人工破膜引产 B.催产素引产 C.羊膜腔穿刺放水 D.剖宫产 E.卡孕栓引产 27.若B超显示羊水指数21cm,胎儿为无脑儿,下一步应如何处理, A.立即剖宫产 B.期待疗法 C.人工破膜引产 D.观察 E.等待足月时引产 28.人工破膜时哪项处理不当, A.采用低位破膜 B.采用高位破膜 C.使羊水缓慢流出 D.破膜放羊水过程中要注意血压、脉搏和阴道流血情况 E.放羊水后腹部放置沙袋以防休克 29.破膜后12小时仍无宫缩,则需 A.立即剖宫产 B.使用缩宫素引产 C.使用抗生素 D.使用前列腺素 E.使用硫酸镁 [B型题] 问题 A 2000ml B 1500ml C 800ml D 300ml E 1000ml 1. 羊水过多为 2. 羊水过少为 3. 孕足月时羊水量约为 问题 A. 8cm standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle B. B 5cm C. C 18cm D. D 9cm E. E 10cm 4用羊水指数法表示羊水过多为 5羊水过少的临界值为 6羊水过少的绝对值为 问题 A.人工破膜术 B 缩宫素静点 C 立即剖宫产 D 等待自然分娩 E 输血输液 F 吸氧 G 硫酸镁静点 7.25岁初产妇,妊娠39周,B超检查显示羊水指数为5,胎儿发育正常,骨盆测量正常。则首选的处理方法是 8.一羊水过少产妇,在产程观察中发现有胎儿宫内窘迫表现,宫口开大2,先露部棘下2,除外胎儿畸形后,则首选的治疗方案是 填空题 二、 1. 妊娠足月时羊水量约为?_____,凡在妊娠任何时期羊水量超过?_____者,为羊水过多。 2. 羊水过多的孕妇中,有时合并胎儿畸形,其中以?_____最常见。 3. B超检查羊水量,以最大羊水暗区垂直深度测定,?_____考虑为羊水过多。 4. 用羊水指数法表示羊水量时,羊水指数,?_____为羊水过多。 5. 急性羊水过多多发生在妊娠?_____周。 6. 慢性羊水过多常发生在妊娠?_____周。 7. 羊水过多常见于以下几种情况:?_____、?_____、?_____、?_____和?_____。 8. 妊娠晚期羊水量少于?_____称羊水过少。 9. 羊水过少临床多见于下列情况:?_____、?_____、?_____、?_____。 10. B超检查羊水量,以最大羊水暗区垂直深度测定??_____考虑为羊水过少。 11. 用羊水指数法表示羊水量时,羊水指数??_____为诊断羊水过少 的临界值。??_____为诊断羊水过少的绝对值。 12. 近年来应用?_____防治妊娠中晚期羊水过少取得良好效果。 13. 当羊水过多怀疑合并神经管畸形时,最常用的检测方法是检测羊水和母血中?_____含量。 14. 多胎妊娠并发羊水过多是单胎妊娠的?_____倍。 15. 羊水过多合并正常胎儿,一次放羊水量不超过?_____。 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 三、是非判断题 1(妊娠足月时羊水量约为1000ml,凡在妊娠任何时期羊水量超过3000ml者,为羊水过多。 2(羊水过多的孕妇中,有时合并胎儿畸形,其中以消化道畸形最常见。 3(B超检查羊水量,以最大羊水暗区垂直深度测定,7cm考虑为羊水过多。 4(用羊水指数法表示羊水量时,羊水指数,20cm为羊水过多。 5(急性羊水过多多发生在妊娠20-24周。 6(慢性羊水过多常发生在妊娠28-32周。 7(羊水过多常见于以下几种情况:胎儿畸形、多胎妊娠、孕妇和胎儿的各种疾病、胎盘脐带病变和特发性羊水过多。 8(妊娠晚期羊水量少于500ml称羊水过少。 9(羊水过少临床多见于下列情况:胎儿畸形、多胎妊娠、胎儿宫内发育迟缓、羊膜病变。 10(B超检查羊水量,以最大羊水暗区垂直深度测定?3cm考虑为羊水过少。 11(用羊水指数法表示羊水量时,羊水指数?8cm为诊断羊水过少 的临界值。?5cm为诊断羊水过少的绝对值。 12(近年来应用羊膜腔输液防治妊娠中晚期羊水过少取得良好效果。 13(当羊水过多怀疑合并神经管畸形时,最常用的检测方法是检测羊水和母血中绒毛膜促性腺激素的含量。 14(多胎妊娠并发羊水过多是单胎妊娠的2倍。 15(羊水过多合并正常胎儿,一次放羊水量不超过2000ml。 四、名词解释 1. 羊水过多 2. 羊水过少 五、英译汉 1. polyhydramnios 2. oligohydramnios 3. amniotic fluid index,AFI 六、简答题 1. 有哪些方法可以协助诊断羊水过多, 2. 羊水过多的病因有哪些, 3. 羊水过多的类型有哪些,各有何特征, 4. 羊水过多应如何处理, 5. 羊水过少的病因有哪些, 6. 羊水过少应如何处理, standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 第四节、参考 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 一、选择题 [A1型题] 1E 2B 3D 4C 5A 6C 7A 8D 9C 10E 13E 14B 15A 11A 12E [A2型题] 16A 17C 18C 19A [A3型题] 20B 21D 22A 23A [A4型题] 24B 25B 26C 27C 28A 29C [B型题] A D C C A B A C 二、填空题 1( 800ml、2000ml 2(神经管缺陷性疾病 3(7cm 4(18cm 5(20-24 6(28-32 7(胎儿畸形、多胎妊娠、孕妇和胎儿的各种疾病、胎盘脐带病变、特发性羊水过多 8(300ml 9(胎儿畸形、过期妊娠、胎儿宫内发育迟缓、羊膜病变 10(2cm 11(8cm、5cm 12(羊膜腔输液 13(甲胎蛋白 14(10 15(1500ml 三、判断题 × × ? × ? ? ? × × × ? ? × × × standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 四、名词解释 1( 妊娠的任何时期羊水量超过2000ml称羊水过多。 2( 妊娠晚期羊水量少于300ml称羊水过少。 五、英译汉 1. 羊水过多 2. 羊水过少 3. 羊水指数法 六、简答题 1.B超检查最大羊水暗区垂直深度,7cm,或用羊水指数法(将腹分为4部分测各象限最大羊水暗区垂直深度相加),18cm,均可确诊为羊水过多。 2(1)胎儿畸形包括神经管缺陷性疾病、消化道畸形。(2)多胎妊娠。(3)孕妇和胎儿的各种疾病如糖尿病、血型不合、输尿管或尿道畸形。(4)胎盘脐带病变。(5)特发性羊水过多。 243羊水过多有急性和慢性之分,二者有各自的特点。其中急性羊水过多发生时期以妊娠20-周居多,而慢性羊水过多发生在妊娠28-32周居多;前者有明显的自觉症状,常出现呼吸困难,不能平卧,甚至出现发绀,而后者自觉症状常不明显。 4对羊水过多的处理,主要取决于胎儿有无畸形和孕妇自觉症状的严重程度。如果合并胎儿畸形,应及时终止妊娠。如果胎儿正常,则应根据羊水过多的程度与孕周决定处理方法。症状严重应穿刺放羊水,以孕妇症状缓解为度,并服用吲哚美辛。如果妊娠近37周,胎儿已成熟,可行高位人工破膜。 5(1)胎儿畸形包括胎儿先天性肾缺如、肾发育不全、输尿管或尿道畸形。(2)过期妊娠。(3)胎儿宫内发育迟缓。(4)羊膜病变。 羊水过少是胎儿处于危险的信号。如果在妊娠中晚期发现,可行羊膜腔输液法注入温生理盐水,以解除脐带受压,提高新生儿成活率。如果妊娠足月,应尽快行人工破膜引产。有胎儿窘迫征象,估计短时间内不能结束分娩,应行剖宫产。 6.羊水过少是胎儿处于危险的信号。如果在妊娠中晚期发现,可行羊膜腔输液法注入温生理盐水,以解除脐带受压,提高新生儿成活率。如果妊娠足月,应尽快行人工破膜引产。有胎儿窘迫征象,估计短时间内不能结束分娩,应行剖宫产。 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle
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