首页 SANTAK-山特中小UPS使用说明指南



SANTAK-山特中小UPS使用说明指南SANTAK-山特中小UPS使用说明指南 1.一台后备式500VA机器,其工作正常,但输出用表测发现其值为175V,为什么不是220V, 假设UPS是工作在逆变状态,由于后备式机器输出的是方波,当客户使用的是平均值万用表时棗该 表视方波为失真较大的正弦波处理而不准,故只有175V。必须用带有真均方根值(TURE RMS)标志的万 用表测量,才能测试出实际的输出电压。故机器属正常工作。 2.后备式是采用何种方式进行高压保护的, ?.市电电压超过UPS的输入范围上限后,将自动转电池状态 ?.在市电工作时,...

SANTAK-山特中小UPS使用说明指南 1.一台后备式500VA机器,其工作正常,但输出用表测发现其值为175V,为什么不是220V, 假设UPS是工作在逆变状态,由于后备式机器输出的是方波,当客户使用的是平均值万用表时棗该 表视方波为失真较大的正弦波处理而不准,故只有175V。必须用带有真均方根值(TURE RMS)标志的万 用表测量,才能测试出实际的输出电压。故机器属正常工作。 2.后备式是采用何种方式进行高压保护的, ?.市电电压超过UPS的输入范围上限后,将自动转电池状态 ?.在市电工作时,如果瞬间电压超过机器规格,则机内突波吸收元件会起保护作用。 3. UPS电池放电时能否消除报警声, 大部分机种只需按测试键或开机键一下即可。具体为: 只需重复按开机键(ON键)一次即可消音的有棗城堡系列(C系列);需按TEST/静音键消音的有棗 K750S/1050S、M500W/1000W、N系列;而TG系列、Pro系列、MT系列、K500、K1000等机种则无法 实现。 4.我使用的K500VA机器现无法正常工作,机器一直鸣叫,且红灯亮,是否机器故障,我有电子 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 技术基础,能否提供一份电路图。 只有经过 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 、考试合格并认证的代理维修人员才可维修UPS,所以不能提供维修线 路图。如有维修需求,可以先留下联系电话,再由当地服务站或授权维修代理商与之联络。 5.TG500相比K500有哪些改进 , (1)、TG500除保留K500的主要功能外,采用SMD(表面贴片)技术和在线机所使用的40KHZ高频技术, 创下UPS后备机技术革新的里程碑; (2)、TG500外壳采用全塑流线型 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,体积小、外型美观,为一次成型。 (3)、由于在接发电机性能方面进行了优化,故TG500较K500而言,可适应更多品牌的发电机。 6.TG500有无防雷击功能,抗高频干扰能力如何 , a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the TG系列UPS具有良好的抗高压、抗高频能力,可防止高压浪涌(雷击电压)通过UPS进入计算机等设备, 从而保护您的计算机系统。 7.TG500后备时间多长, (1)、TG500采用正宗松下12V7AH电池一节。当TG500带一台普通PC电脑时,工作时后备时间约为7 分钟,足够用户按正常程序退出关机,而保护数据不会丢失; (2)、UPS持续供电时间长短完全视负载大小而定。具体可参见产品使用手册之“放电曲线图”。 8.TG500充电时,负载如PC机插头需不需要从UPS输出插座上拔掉。 不需要。TG500属在线充电方式,即市电正常情况下,UPS所带负载处于正常工作状态时,UPS也同 时会对电池充电。 9.新购TG-500UPS,现有一现象:在有市电的情况下,几乎每天晚上11:00左右,UPS灯会闪烁,蜂鸣 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 器每四秒叫一声,较短时间就断电,不知是何原因, 这种情况,可能是市电异常,UPS转电池供电。这时UPS每4S鸣叫一声,且绿灯闪烁。因此在带半载 (150W)时,UPS将工作7分钟;带满载(300W)时,UPS将工作3分钟,所以工作时间较短(此放电 时间仅适用于新机器)。您所说的市电正常相对于UPS正常工作所需的技术参数可能不符,例如市电 输入电压超出UPS的输入范围(165,265V)或变化波动较快等。当UPS侦测电路检测到市电异常时, 将转电池工作;除非市电恢复正常,否则UPS将一直工作于电池模式下直到自动关机。一般电池放电 后,需在市电模式下正常工作10小时以上,才能将电池充回90%以上的容量。如不执行此动作,电池 的寿命会缩短。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 10.城堡系列的转换时间是多少, 城堡系列是属于在线式机种,在市电与电池供电两种供电方式之间的转换时间为0ms(零中断), 有效地保证了输出不间断供电。 11.我公司对所属的ATM进行远程管理,如何选用UPS, 的InterPower系列及城堡C系列UPS都具有高度智能化的网管功能。具有智能插槽,配备WebPower 卡,可进行远程电源管理。它的定时开关机、UPS自动侦测、警告讯息广播等功能,让您远在千里之外 也能运筹帷幄。 12.UPS电池放电时能否消除报警声, 大部分机种只需按测试键或开机键一下即可。具体为:只需重复按开机键(ON键)一次即可消音的 有棗城堡系列(C系列);需按TEST/静音键消音的有棗K750S/1050S、M500W/1000W、a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the N系列;而TG系 列、Pro系列、MT系列、K500、K1000等机种则无法实现。 13.我公司想购买一台UPS,要求可带8台电脑,后备时间为30分钟,请问是否有此类UPS产品,或后备 时间不足30分钟,但可安装后备电池选件,从而达到30分钟左右的UPS产品, 从您提供的负载量、负载类型及所需后备时间,我推荐您购买城堡系列之C3KVA长效机。长效型UPS, 即内带充电器,可外配大容量电池的机型。可在市电异常、中断时延时工作0.5H~8H等,具体配置应根据 负载及所需延时长短时间进行选择。 14.有两台电脑,外加其他外部设备(如modem等),要求后备时间为8小时,应如何配置, 假设一台PC的耗电量为200VA,而其他设备则为100VA左右。当选择UPS时要留一定的容量,按以上负载 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 情况,配置一台STK C1KS/100AH*6 PCS即可 (100AH*3 PCS为一组,共两组)。 15.为何C2K机器每2分钟会鸣叫一次, 此时机器未开机,工作在旁路状态。2分钟鸣叫一次,是提醒使用者应做开机动作,否则市电中断后UPS 无法转电池继续供电。 16.C3KS机器在高压时有无保护功能, 目前城堡系列机器在遇到高压时会自动跳到电池状态供电,起到保护功能。 C1KS机器的额定功率为1000VA/700W,当负载超过105%(1050VA/735W)且超过10秒,或负载超过130% (1300VA/910W)且超过200毫秒时,UPS会自动跳到旁路供电。若过载状态解除,机器会自动跳回逆变状态供电。 17.C1KS机器在使用过程中为什么有时会跳旁路,而后又能自动恢复正常, C1KS机器的额定功率为1000VA/700W,当负载超过105%(1050VA/735W)且超过10秒,或负载超过130% (1300VA/910W)且超过200毫秒时,UPS会自动跳到旁路供电。若过载状态解除,机器会自动跳回逆变状态供电。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 18.C3KS机器接发电机时为什么市电灯总是闪烁,且只能在电池模式下工作, 当UPS侦测到发电机的输出电压、频率不在UPS 要求的输入范围时,UPS会认为输入异常而不接受发电机供电。 另请注意UPS配发电机时,UPS容量与发电机容量比最好为1:2。另参见发电机之FAQ。 19.一台C2KS,已使用3个月。使用过程中一直没有停过电,且设备运行良好,突然停电后UPS没有输出 , 为什么没有后备时间, 造成这一现象的原因可能有三点:一是UPS没有开机,一直在旁路下运行,故市电中断后无法转电池供电。 只需重新开机,即可正常工作;二是电池有问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,需专业人员检测以排除;三是UPS本身故障。事实上,一般多为客户没有事先仔细阅读产品使用手册,导致不熟悉UPS的使用操作,故一直没有开机在INV模式下运行。重新开机后UPS运行一切正常。 20.一台C3KS,开机运行正常,停电后工作4 ~ 5分钟,UPS自动关机,无任何反应,UPS是否出现故障, 根据这一现象判断,可能性最大的是电池出现问题,而不是UPS出现故障。这时需专业人员检测电池连接线两端电压是否有96Vdc以上,当测试正常后,可带负载测试,如电池电压降得很快,则说明其中有些电池已损坏。而之前测试的电压仅是其虚电压。就是因为这些电池损坏,而影响了UPS的工作。象这种情况,将坏电池更换即可。 21.一台C1KS UPS,自己配置的后备电池为充水式电池。现接市电开机正常,断开市电接入电池后无法开机, 市电电压为245V左右。请问是何原因, 1. 机器在不接电池情况下工作正常,而接入电池后则无法开机,所以应首先检查电池。因为电池电压过低会使UPS 无法开机。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 2. 推荐客户在UPS后应接免维护铅酸电池。另参见电池之FAQ。 22.为什么C6KS机器输入端前的配电开关经常跳, 空气开关容量太小,可更换合适的空开。空开容量应为30A以上。 23.为何切断C6K本机上的市电输入空开, 工作在电池状态时,零地电压会近110V? 因为市电的L、N都通过UPS开关,当NFB切断时,相当于同时断开了L、N线。而机内N对G会形成悬浮电压,近110V。 测量电池状态下的N、G电压只需断用户配电箱的市电火线开关。 24.我公司购买了贵公司的C10K/8H,请问需注意什么事项, ?.与UPS间的连线线径应与UPS输出功率相适应。 ?..对于市电比较稳定区域,要求对UPS要隔3~6个月充放电一次。 25.C6K/C10K UPS最大的输入电流为多少, C6K/ C6KS最大输入电流为:29.6A。C10K/ C10KS最大输入电流为:51A 。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 26.C6K/C10KVA UPS输入/出配线要求线径为何, C6K(S)输入、输出均为10AWG/6平方毫米,电池线为专用线。 C10K(S)/3C10K(S)输入、输出均为8AWG/10平方毫米,电池线为 10AWG/6平方毫米。 27. 6KVA以上UPS大机要求最小散热空间是多大, 因为STK UPS大机是通过内部风道散热,空气是从UPS前面板下方吸入,由后盖板风扇排出, 所以要求UPS前、后盖板40cm内不得有遮挡物,否则将影响UPS的通风散热。 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the
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