首页 下面是本人在复习过程中记录的一些较容易混的单词



下面是本人在复习过程中记录的一些较容易混的单词下面是本人在复习过程中记录的一些较容易混的单词 下面是本人在復習過程中記錄的一些較容易混的單詞,有一些重復的而且格式不統一, 主要方便自己啦,希望能對大家有點幫助。 hypocritical [hIpE5krItIk] adj. 僞善的 hypercritical [haIpE5krItIk(E)l] a〃苛求的,吹毛求疵的 resin [5rezIn] n.樹脂,松脂 raisin [5reIz(E)n] n. 葡萄乾 fresco [5freskEJ] n.壁畫 fiasco a complete...

下面是本人在复习过程中 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 的一些较容易混的单词 下面是本人在復習過程中記錄的一些較容易混的單詞,有一些重復的而且格式不統一, 主要方便自己啦,希望能對大家有點幫助。 hypocritical [hIpE5krItIk] adj. 僞善的 hypercritical [haIpE5krItIk(E)l] a〃苛求的,吹毛求疵的 resin [5rezIn] n.樹脂,松脂 raisin [5reIz(E)n] n. 葡萄乾 fresco [5freskEJ] n.壁畫 fiasco a complete failure apophasis [E5pCfEsIs] n. 『修』故抑其詞,以求婉達, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面否認要說或正說的話 apothecary [E5pBWEkerI] n.<古><英方>藥劑師,藥商,藥房 preposterous adj.荒謬的 apocalyptic<>inconsequential 天啓的<>不重要的 apoplectic<>calm 易怒的<>冷靜的 apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence 表示省略的撇號:詞=省略號:句子 (符號及其表示意 義) conscientious<>careless 負責的<>粗心的 conscious<>unwitting 有意識的<>不知情的 veracious [vE5reIFEs] adj〃誠實的,說真話的 voracious [vE5reIFEs] adj. 狼吞虎咽的,貪婪的 (把O當嘴,有嘴很貪的哦) vivacious [vI5veIFEs] adj. 活潑的,快活的 vitality [vaI5tAlItI] n. 活力,生命力 slight [slaIt] adj.細長的;輕微的 slight [slaIt] n.&v. 輕蔑,怠慢 congenial性格相似的,適意的 congenital 天生的 execrate:denunciate=?? 痛駡:指責=?? execrable<>commendable/laudable 極壞的<>贊揚的 Exorcise vt.驅邪, 除怪 Exonerate vt. 證明無罪; 使...免罪; 開釋; 昭雪 免除(義務等), 解除(責任等)(from) inexorable<>relenting 冷酷的<>憐惜的 excorticate vt.剝去…的外皮(或硬殼) excruciate [Ik5skrU:FIeIt] vt.施酷刑,拷問,折磨 derivate adj引出的, 系出的 deprivation n.剝奪 derive 起源 derisive 嘲笑的 deft Quick and skillful; adroit. Daft Mad; crazy;Foolish; stupid. headlong<>deliberate 輕率的<>深思熟慮的 hangdog<>sprightly 沮喪的<>輕快的 emancipate 解放 emaciated adj.瘦弱的, 衰弱的 emanative 發散的,發射性的 peripatetic<>sedentary 巡游的<>不遷徙的 peripheral<>in essence 周邊的<>核心【注:選項有STASIS 不要把提幹和 peripatetic搞 混】 vicarious<>firsthand 代理的<>直接的 virtuosity<>mediocrity 大師<>平庸 virulent<>salubrious/wholesome 有毒的<>有益健康的 vitriolic<>soothing 諷刺的<>撫慰的 jeopardy n.危險, 危險 pejorative [pi:v] adj〃帶有輕蔑意義的,貶低的 conviction n.深信, 確信;定罪, 宣告有罪 convince vt.使確信, 使信服 depreciation:value=ossification:flexible 貶值:價值=僵化:靈活 (行爲及其作用消除物件) despicable:value=mulish:flexible 卑劣的:價值=頑固的:靈活的 (人物個性及其缺乏物件) volatile [5vRlEtaIl] adj. 反復無常的,揮發性的 characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected change volition [vE5lIF(E)n] n. 自决,自主 an act of making a choice or decision; also :a choice or decision made persecute:injure=haunt:remember 殘害:損傷=縈繞心頭:回憶 (動詞程度比較) perspicuity [9p\:spI`kjU:EtI] n. 明晰,明瞭,簡明 plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation perspicacious [p\:spI5keIFEs] adj. 獨具慧眼的 , 敏銳的 of acute mental vision or discernment:KEEN clot [klRt] n. 凝塊,群 v.(使)凝結 a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood clog [klR^] n. 障礙,重物 v.障礙,阻塞 something that shackles or impedes:ENCUMBRANCE complaisance [kEm5pleIzEns] n. 彬彬有禮,殷勤,柔順 disposition to please or comply:AFFABILITY compliant [kEm5plaIEnt] adj. 順從的,適應的 ready or disposed to comply:SUBMISSIVE compliment [5kRmplIment] vt. 稱贊,褒揚,恭維 expressing or containing a compliment damper<>ameliorate 抑制因素<>改進 【注;詞性不符】 dapper<>frowsy 乾淨的<>肮髒的 deficiency [dI5fIFEnsI] n. 缺乏,不足 an amount that is lacking or inadequate:SHORTAGE definitive [dI5fInItIv] adj.最後的, 確定的, 權威性的 serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation dire [5daIE(r)] adj. 可怕的,悲慘的,陰慘的,極端的 DISMAL, OPPRESSIVE dirge [d\:dV] n. a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially :one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites discretion [dI5skreF(E)n] n. 慎重,辨別力,考慮,處理權 the quality of being discreet:CIRCUMSPECTION; especially :cautious reserve in speech frivolous discretionary [dIs`kreFEnErI] adj.隨意的,自由裁量的 left to discretion:exercised at one's own discretion eccentric [Ik5sentrIk] adj. 古怪的,反常的,不同圓心的 n. 怪人,偏心圓 deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways eclectic [I5klektIk] n. 折衷主義者,折衷派的人 adj. 選擇的,折衷的 selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles Synonyms: discriminating, select, selective ellipsis [I5lIpsIs] n the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete elliptical [I5lIptIk(E)l] adj.橢圓的;省略的 , 朦朧的,含糊的 of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style) equable [5ekwEb(E)l] adj. 穩定的,(脾氣)溫和的 marked by lack of noticeable, unpleasant, or extreme variation or inequality equipoise [5ekwIpCIz] n. 平衡,均衡 a state of equilibrium equity [5ekwItI] n.公平, 公正, 公平的事物, 資産淨值, [律]平衡法 justice according to natural law or right; specifically :freedom from bias or favoritism equivocal [I5kwIvEk(E)l] adj. subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse expedite [5ekspIdaIt] vt. 加快,促進,派出 adj. 暢通的,無阻礙的,迅速的,方便的 to accelerate the process or progress of:speed up expedition [ekspI5dIF(E)n] n. 遠征,探險隊,迅速 efficient promptness:SPEED ignominy [5I^nEmInI] n. 羞耻,屈辱 deep personal humiliation and disgrace ignorant [5I^nErEnt] adj. 無知識的,不知道的,幼稚的 destitute of knowledge or education also lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified ignore [I^5nC:(r)] v.不理睬,忽略 to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded impeccable [Im5pekEb(E)l] a〃無瑕疵的 impecunious [ImpI5kju:nIEs] adj. 不名一文的,貧困的 having very little or no money usually habitually:PENNILESS improvident [Im5prRvIdEnt] adj. 無遠見的,浪費的 not provident:not foreseeing and providing for the future improvised [5ImprEvaIz] adj. 即席而作的,即興的 to compose, recite, play, or sing extemporaneously imprudent [Im`prU:dEnt] adj. 輕率的,魯莽的 not prudent:lacking discretion impudent [5ImpjJdEnt] adj. 放肆無禮的,厚顔無耻的 marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others:INSOLENT inculcate [5InkQlkeIt] vt. 教授,諄諄教誨,教育 to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions inculpate [5InkQlpeIt] vt. 使負罪,控告,使連累 INCRIMINATE ingrained [In5^reInd] adj. 根深蒂固的 to work indelibly into the natural texture or mental or moral constitution ingratiating [In`^reIFIeItIN] adj. 逢迎的,迷人的 capable of winning favor:PLEASING inimical [I5nImIk(E)l] adj〃爲敵的,不友善的 a:having the disposition of an enemy:HOSTILE b:reflecting or indicating hostility:UNFRIENDLY amiable adj.親切的, 和藹可親的 innocent [5InEsEnt] n. 天真的人,笨蛋 free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS innocuous [I5nRkjJEs] adj〃(行爲,言論等)無害的 invective [In5vektIv] n.痛駡;惡意抨擊 of, relating to, or characterized by insult or abuse inveigh [In5veI] vi. 痛駡,漫駡,臭駡 to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently:RAIL inveigle [In5veI^(E)l] v. 誘騙,誘使 to win over by wiles:ENTICE palpable [5pAlpEb(E)l] adj. 明顯的,易覺察的 easily perceived by the senses; audible, recognizable, perceptible, noticeable, etc. palatable [5pAlEtEb(E)l] adj〃美味的,愉快的 agreeable to the palate or taste parable [5pArEb(E)l] n. 寓言,比喻 EXAMPLE; specifically:a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle paradigm [5pArEdaIm] n. 典範; 範例; 示例 EXAMPLE, PATTERN; especially :an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype paradise [5pArEdaIs] n.天堂 , 極樂,致福,一種愉悅的狀態 a place or state of bliss, felicity, or delight peripatetic [perIpE5tetIk] adj. 巡游的, 徒步的,逍遙學派的 moving or traveling from place to place:ITINERANT peripheral [pE5rIfEr(E)l] adj.邊緣的,周邊的 of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part prophetic [prE5fetIk] adj. 預言的,先知的,預示的 foretelling events:PREDICTIVE pertinacious [p\:tI5neIFEs] adj. 頑固的 stubbornly unyielding or tenacious pertinent [5p\:tInEnt] adj. 相關的,中肯的,切題的 having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand precipitate<>retard/dilatory 使提前發生; 倉促行進的,匆促的<>减速,阻礙/拖拉的 precipitous<>level 陡峭的<>平坦的 prescription [prI5skrIpF(E)n] n. 處方,命令,指示 a written direction for a therapeutic or corrective agent; specifically:one for the preparation and use of a medicine proscribe [prEJ5skraIb] v. (當作危險物而) 禁止<習慣等>,排斥 to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful:PROHIBIT prosecution [prRsI5kju:F(E)n] n. 實行,經營,起訴 the act or process of prosecuting; specifically:the institution and continuance of a criminal suit involving the process of pursuing formal charges against an offender to final judgment presentiment [prI5zentImEnt] n. 預感,預覺 a feeling that something will or is about to happen:PREMONITION prophetic [prE5fetIk] adj. 預言的,先知的,預示的 foretelling events:PREDICTIVE propitiate [prE5pIFIeIt] vt. 慰撫,安撫,和解 to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of:APPEASE, CONCILIATE propitious [prE5pIFEs] adj. 順利的,適合的,吉祥的,慈悲的 favorably disposed:BENEVOLENT protest [5prEtest] vt.vi. 反對,抗議,拒付,主張,斷言 to execute or have executed a formal protest against (as a bill or note) protect vt.保護 provident [5prRvIdEnt] adj. 深謀遠慮的,節儉的 FRUGAL, SAVING providential [prRvI5denF(E)l] adj.幸運的 Happening as if through divine intervention; opportune provincial [prE5vInF(E)l] adj. 省的,地方的,偏狹的 limited in outlook:NARROW provisional [prE5vIVEn(E)l] adj. 暫時的,暫定的,臨時的 serving for the time being:TEMPORARY provisory [prEJ`vaIzErI] adj. 有附文的,有附帶條件的,暫時的 containing or subject to a proviso:CONDITIONAL prudent [5pru:dEnt] adj. 審慎的,三思而後行的,精明的,節儉的 marked by circumspection:DISCREET prudish [`prU:dIF] adj. 裝淑女樣子的,裝規矩的,過分規矩的 marked by prudery:PRIGGISH pucker [5pQkE(r)] v.折叠, 噘嘴 to contract into folds or wrinkles puckish [5pQkIF] adj. 愛惡作劇的精靈似的; 愛惡作劇的,淘氣的,頑皮 的 IMPISH, WHIMSICAL quaff [kwAf] vt.vi. 一口氣喝幹,大口地喝 to drink (a beverage) deeply quail [kweIl] vi. 膽怯,畏縮 to recoil in dread or terror:COWER quaint [kweInt] adj. 古雅的,離奇有趣的,奇怪的 unusual or different in character or appearance:ODD quash [5kwC:rI] v. 取消,拒絕接受,撤銷; to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely quell [kwel] vt. 壓制,平息,减輕 to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity quench [kwentF] vt. 熄滅,結束,冷浸,淬火 to cool (as heated metal) suddenly by immersion (as in oil or water) regime [reI5Vi:m] n.政體, 政權, 政權 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 a government in power regimen [reI5Vi:m]n. 養生法,生活規則 a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient recessive [rI5sesIv] adj. 退行的,逆行的,後退的,隱性的 producing little or no phenotypic effect when occurring in heterozygous condition with a contrasting allele regress [rI`^res] v.復原, 逆行,使倒退 reign [reIn] n. 執政,君主統治,統治,支配 royal authority:SOVEREIGNTY rein [reIn] n.繮繩 vi.駕馭,控制 to check or stop by or as if by a pull at the reins relapse [rI5lAps] vi. 故態複萌,再陷邪道,再度墮落 to slip or fall back into a former worse state release [rI5li:s] vt. 釋放,解放,放鬆,豁免,免除 to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude appeal n.請求, 呼籲, 上訴, 吸引力, 要求 vi.求助, 訴請, 要求 vt.控訴 repeal [rI5pi:l] v. 廢除(法律) to rescind or annul by authoritative act; especially :to revoke or abrogate by legislative enactment repel [rI5pel] vt. 逐退,抵制,使厭惡,抗據 to drive back:REPULSE resurgence [rI5s\:dVEns] n. 再起,復活,再現 a rising again into life, activity, or prominence:RENASCENCE resuscitate [rI5sQsIteIt] v〃使復活,使蘇醒 to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness; also :REVITALIZE revise [rI5vaIz] vt. 校訂,修正,校正 to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of revive [rI5vaIv] vi. 蘇醒,復活,復興,恢復精神 to return to consciousness or life:become active or flourishing again rife [raIf] adj. 流行的,盛傳的,非常多的 copiously supplied:ABOUNDING rift [rIft] n〃裂縫,隙縫,不和 BREACH, ESTRANGEMENT faultfinding:criticize=rift:breach rile [raIl] vt. 攪渾濁,惹怒,使焦急 to make agitated and angry:UPSET roil [rRIl] v.攪渾,激怒 to stir up:DISTURB, DISORDER rite [raIt] n.宗教儀式,典禮 a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony roister [5rCIstE(r)] v.擺架子, 喝酒喧囂 to engage in noisy revelry:CAROUSE roster [5rRstE(r)] n〃值勤表,花名册 a roll or list of personnel ruffian [5rQfIEn] n. 惡棍,歹徒. adj. 殘暴的 a brutal person:BULLY ruffle [rQf(E)l] n. 皺褶,波紋,生氣,輕擂 a strip of fabric gathered or pleated on one edge ruse [rU:seI] n.詭計 a crafty stratagem; a subterfuge. rue [ru:] n〃後悔,遺憾〃 to feel penitence, remorse, or regret for rustic [5rQstIk] adj. 鄉村的,純樸的,手工粗糙的 of, relating to, or suitable for the country:RURAL rustle [5rQs(E)l]v. (美口語)偷牛【馬】 to steal (as livestock) especially from a farm or ranch sacrifice [5sAkrIfaIs] n. 犧牲,供俸,祭品 an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially :the killing of a victim on an altar sacrilege [5sAkrIlIdV] n. 褻瀆聖物,冒瀆,悖理逆天的行爲 a technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violation (as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God salve [`sB:lweI] n. 藥膏,v. 减輕,緩和 an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores salvo [`sAlvEJ] n. 齊射火器的同時發射 a simultaneous discharge of two or more guns in military action or as a salute saturated [`sAtFEreItId] adj. 飽和的,滲透的,深顔色的 full of moisture:made thoroughly wet saturnine [5sAtEnaIn] adj. 憂鬱的,沈默寡言的,陰沈的,感染鉛毒的 of a gloomy or surly disposition scarce [skeEs] adj.缺乏的, 不足的, 稀有的, 不充足的 deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand : not plentiful or abundant scare [skeE(r)] n. v. 驚嚇, 受驚, 威嚇 to frighten especially suddenly:ALARM scowl [skaJl] vi. 皺眉頭,做出不高興的臉 to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure scrawl [skrC:l] vt.亂塗, 潦草地寫 to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly scrupulous [5skru:pjJlEs] adj. 小心謹慎的,細心的 having moral integrity:acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper scrutable [`skrU:tEbl] adj. 通過細看和細查可以理解的 capable of being deciphered:COMPREHENSIBLE shun [FQn] vt.避開, 避免 to avoid deliberately and especially habitually shunt [FQnt] v. 使(火車)轉到另一軌道,轉移方向 to switch (as a train) from one track to another sluggard [5slQ^Ed] n.偷懶者, 懶鬼, 游手好閑的人 an habitually lazy person sluggish [5slQ^IF] adj.行動遲緩的,緩慢的,遲緩的表現出很少的活動或活力的 averse to activity or exertion:INDOLENT; also :TORPID snare [sneE(r)] v.誘捕 n.陷井 to capture by or as if by use of a snare snarl [snB:l] vi. 纏結, 混亂, 吠, 咆哮, 怒駡 to cause to become knotted and intertwined:TANGLE To growl viciously while baring the teeth stature [5stAtjE(r)] n. 身高, 身材, (精神、道德等的)高度 natural height (as of a person) in an upright position status [5steItEs] n.身份, 地位, 情形, 狀况 relative rank in a hierarchy of prestige; especially :high prestige statuary n.雕象 statute n.法令, 條例 stiff [stIf] adj.生硬的;嚴厲的;呆板的;僵直的 lacking in suppleness or responsiveness stifle [5staIf(E)l] vt.使不能呼吸,窒息,抑制 to withhold from circulation or expression:REPRESS stipulate [5stIpjJleIt] v. 規定作爲合約的條件規定:按 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 要求 To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract. Stimulate v.刺激, 激勵 striate [5straIIt] vt. 加條紋 to mark with striations or striae stride [straId] vi.vt. 邁大步走,跨過,跨 to move with or as if with long steps strike [straIk] v.沖制(獎牌) To form by stamping, printing, or punching: stricture [5strIktFE(r)] n. 狹窄,苛評,束縛 an adverse criticism:CENSURE structure n.結構, 構造, 建築物 vt.建築, 構成, 組織 strident [5straIdEnt] adj. 刺耳的,高聲喧嘩的 characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound stringent [5strIndVEnt] adj. 迫切的,嚴厲的,束緊的,銀根緊的 marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard stun [stQn] vt. 使暈倒,使驚嚇,打暈 to make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow:DAZE stunt [stQnt] v.阻礙 n. 特技,絕技,花招,矮小物,發育遲緩,手腕 to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of supercilious [9sjU:pE`sIlIEs] adj〃目中無人的,傲慢的 coolly and patronizingly haughty superficial [su:pE5fIF(E)l] adj.表面的;膚淺的 of or relating to a surface support vt.支撑, 扶持, 支援, 支援, 擁護, 維持, 贍養, 忍受 n.支撑, 支援, 支援, 維持, 贍養, 支持者, 支柱 supple [5sQp(E)l] adj. 柔軟的,逢迎的,順從的 easy and fluent without stiffness or awkwardness synergic [sI`n\:dVIk] adj. 協作的,合作的 working together:COOPERATING synopsis [sI`nCpsIs] n. 摘要,概要 a condensed statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise):ABSTRACT synthesis [5sInWIsIs] n.綜合,合成 the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole taunt[tC:nt] v. 嘲笑,譏笑 to reproach or challenge in a mocking or insulting manner:jeer at taut [tC:t] adj.(繩子)拉緊的, 整潔的, 緊張的 having no give or slack:tightly drawn tatty [5tAtI] adj.不整潔的,簡陋的 rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated:SHABBY tasty [5teIstI] adj. 十分吸引人的 strikingly attractive or interesting testy [5testI] adj. 性急的,暴躁的 easily annoyed:irritable torpid adj. 麻痹的,遲緩的,遲鈍的,蟄伏的 sluggish in functioning or acting torpor [5tC:pId] n. 麻木,無感覺,不活潑 a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility:extreme sluggishness or stagnation of function torrid [5tRrId] adj. 酷熱的 giving off intense heat:scorching unexceptionable [QnIk5sepFEnEb(E)l] adj. 無懈可擊的,極好的,完全的 not open to objection or criticism:beyond reproach: UNIMPEACHABLE unexceptional [QnIk5sepFEn(E)l] adj. 非例外的,普通的,平凡的 not out of the ordinary:COMMONPLACE vaccinate [5vAksIneIt] vt.vi. 預防接種 to inoculate (a person) with cowpox virus in order to produce immunity to smallpox vacillate [`vAsIleIt] adj. 搖動的; 搖擺的; 猶豫不决的 to sway through lack of equilibrium:FLUCTUATE, OSCILLATE vault [vR:lt] n. 窖,地下室,撑竿跳,圓頂 a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables vaunt [vC:nt] vt.vi. 自誇 to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments:BRAG venal [5vi:n(E)l] adj. 唯利是圖的,貪髒枉法的 capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration:PURCHASABLE; especially :open to corrupt influence and especially vernal adj.春天的, 春天發生的, 和煦的, 青春的 venial [5vi:nIEl] adj. (錯誤等)輕微的,可原諒的 of a kind that can be remitted:FORGIVABLE, PARDONABLE; also :meriting no particular censure or notice:EXCUSABLE versed [ vE:st ] adj.精通的, 對…有很深造詣的 acquainted through study or experience; knowledgeable or skilled verve [veEv] n.氣魄, 神韵, 活力, 熱情 the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance:VIVACITY vindicate [5vIndIkeIt] n. to free from allegation or blame vindictive [vIn5dIktIv] adj〃報復性的 disposed to seek revenge:VENGEFUL virtuous [5v\:tjJEs] adj. 有品德的,善良的,貞潔的,有效力的 morally excellent:RIGHTEOUS virulent [5vIrJlEnt] adj. 劇毒的,致命的,刻毒的,惡毒的,充滿敵意的 marked by a rapid, severe, and malignant course vitality [vaI5tAlItI] n. 活力,生命力 capacity to live and develop; also :physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed vitiate [5vIFIeIt] v.使腐敗,敗壞 to make faulty or defective:IMPAIR wan [wRn] adj.蒼白的, 無血色的, 病態的, 暗淡的, 無力的 suggestive of poor health:SICKLY, PALLID wane [weIn] vi.變小, 虧缺, 衰落, 退潮, 消逝, 呈下弦 to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence
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