首页 MIL-STD-463A



MIL-STD-463A f- MIL-mM63A 1JUW19?Z ~mlrc nIMm-463 9Juno 1966 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. r’ md3nb463A lJuDelg77. nsPAm9moF~ wasmngtai, D. c. 20301 xILam463A L ndoml.i~stiuxwrdis~ forluobyall~- A(pMfiesarthempnrkmt of MmBso. {’ -...

f- MIL-mM63A 1JUW19?Z ~mlrc nIMm-463 9Juno 1966 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. r’ md3nb463A lJuDelg77. nsPAm9moF~ wasmngtai, D. c. 20301 xILam463A L ndoml.i~stiuxwrdis~ forluobyall~- A(pMfiesarthempnrkmt of MmBso. {’ ---- --- Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. ma’D-b63A 1 J- 19’7’7 ) -- ~ e~ic ~m ad ~tibility laJ@la@ till whhtdly continua to expad. It 10, *rafom, Iqm%ant that aonatmotim ~etionn be mde by all usere of the documnt. no p?titi fmt 1s pmsdbed. For m term, a c~lete d8finitio0 shmld be ~dad, to@Jlar With sufficient eqd!anatlon of * itam for * bamfit of * edi-al 0-. If definitions -w-f’r=qs~, * eaLrc8 mst b8 Identiflad. w- ti@t m-al Oamot be inohded in this s~. Tm actiTa partici~tim of ititichd.a, orgmizaticxw, ad qpmciea in aukit- ting cban@e8, Ommotioas, ad edditi- Is ea88xltiAl b tbe oomin- Ued UsmLlxMus of this Stmdam and 18 enooumged. ~ possible, de finitimm conform b thoaa of tb Amrium Hational ~ In8titute, th Institute of Electri* ad Elec- =C Q@==sj ~e@ of ~iwa hgimera, ASCC(Air Staad- Uwmtiul mmilnating Omit-), mm, ~ t of Jhfamle Staxmhmb, tb kiiO b(fulstiooa of tb Intematiaaal hle~m- tioma union, * MaaUal of Regulation ad Procedures for Radio Re- ) r~ toftbemoe of TelecCmmd altioa Polmy axl mm Xntamatimal SPcial tit- m Radio InterfamrJ= ) . ii Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. JuL-mb463A lJUW 1977 .Pamgmpb 1. 2. 2.1 2.2 ;:1 3.1.3 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.U? 3.2.2 3.2.3 4. L1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4*U 4.13 4.14 4.15 ::$ smPs -------- =~==D DMXMEW?S- I ●uea of dooumnts CR&r mbllcatims Snmx9 m AREmmTxa6 --”-”---”-- -- -1* . ----------- . . . . . . . . . QwWtiee------------ -------- MiltiplJdng symbols --”- ----------- Abbmv18tlcum ------ ‘ ----------- Pwer levels --------- ““------- ~.~~1........- - . . . ...=.. dRn - Lhdbda Z@lstiw to me Edlllvatt- - - - - d&/x2 - Xhcitmls xwlmtiw to one mllllmtt pm sqUIUwmtxw ”---- ----------”- “ dlh/mv4Ez - ?mibels z91Ativm to me Rilllvatt prsqummmrtzwpermmz~dtb ---- Othrabbmtiatiom --- ------------ mm spmtrm designaticm UXI s- --- mmITxms AFmzSrMrRoxmr--- --------- Absorber ----------- --------- Mbi*nt Mml (e& ~ia) --------- Aneohoic ●nclomzv (mdlo fmqmag)- - - - -- - Antenna effectiw ama (In s @-n dlmcticm) - - Aatemeffective Mngtb-- ----------- Antmnm,ShWble----- ---------- Antanna factor --------- -------- An-, Fixed 81emtlm----” -------- hnnafpin(rehtl w)----- -------- AntelH1.nduoed mmqJe----- -------- Antenm, Isotrwplc --------------- Antenne ~ttern ------ ----------- h’wmlla, mwod~----’-” -------- ~nna, llota-ble ------- --------- An*nna, seml-elevBtabls- ------------ Antenna, spell-------- --------- Antenna M* a*cWhd inturfemxwe -O a.. 111 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. -mm* 4“M 4.19 b.ao 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 h.% 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 k.jk 4.35 4.36 4.37 h.38 4.39 4.40 k.kl 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.52 b.53 4,54 4.55 4.56 4.57 4.58 MXL-STMJ63A 1 June 1977 CwTKm!s - continued AntinM, Test -------- ---------- 9 AttanuatlOm ‘ ------- ”------- ‘- 9 Ikndtidth, lwulme ------ ‘-------- 9 Bamdtidth, HecessU’y ---- ‘ --------- 9 Bauividtb, OccUPiad ‘---” --------- ; %ndtidth, Required acc@anw - -- . . . - . - Baseband ---------- ---------- 9 Bond (noun)- -------- ----------10 Bonding- --”------ -----------10 Mndingjwpe -------- ---”------1o ~icatlon dsvlce, Uw-pr - - - - - . . - - 10 Canmication-Sle@rtic (M) equipnt - - - - 10 Caupatibillty, Inter-systim electrcxmgnetic - - - 10 Ccnupatibility, lntrn-syatim electrcnm@etic - - - 10 Counterpoise ------ -------”----10 croa6 coupling ------ -----------11R** ~~~~~n. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - U crosstal k--------- ----- ------~~~c.--..----- ----- ------~ Rcibel(dB)- -------- ‘---------~ rhcibels Zwlatim to Onemillivatt (dlkl)” - - - - 11 Deaibels relative to one millivatt per s- reutre(dBm/#)-------- ‘- -------~ muibls X’ehtiwe to me milliuatt m ●e -tre per-mtiz bandtidtb (dBtn/#/Mk) - - - M? De~ation -------- -----------U meensitizatim ”---”- ----------”M -ctur, A~---- ‘-----------~ Detector,-----”- -----------: Detector, Qwl-M----” ---------- Detectm, m------- -----------13 Jktiation *normal, ALl~ble--- - - - - - - - ~ Ihltydycle --------- -..-..-..-13 Euthlng ----”--”-” ----------13 glectmm@WtiC Compatibility (~C) - -- - - - - ~ ~m~~tic in~rfe=- cmt~l- - - - - - - u xl-~ tic In~ncQ !kfety *@n (Mw) ~ Ilel?trcMgDetic Pulee(MP) --- ““---”--13 Bdssion -- ”-------- --------- 13 ki881011, 03KMh10t-3------ ‘--------:: IBmilmion, Elwtrmwne tlc interf’emn-- - - - - - Ihniasion, Easw’nit” ”---- -..-..---14 lnli66ion, IEpUlm ------- ---”-----14 d’ Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. -. MIL4TIM63A lJblMlm ~ - Conthmd -. ~Ph 4*59 4.60 4.61 L62 b.63 4.64 4.6Y 4.66 b.67 &.68 4.69 4.70 4.71 4*72 4.73 4.74 4.75 4.76 4.’77.- :: g 4.80 4.81 4.82 k.83 4.84 4.85 ;:E 4.88 4*M 4.90 4.91 4.92 b.93 4.94 4.95 4.96 b.fl Emission, Paraaitlc -------------- Ruliazlion,mdiatd-”----- -------- BmiB610n epectnul ”””---- --- ”---” Emission, Spurious ------- -------- snlrwOnmeDt, Ele ~ic ----- ””--- Wwlronment,E1.em------ -------- Bntironment, Gzxnmdle-1--- --------- htiromwnt, ~tld---- -------- Bquipent --------------- ---- Equi~t, Telo~=tiOns- - - - - - - - - - Equi~t Uxxler TeOt(WT) ----- ------ E-r ~te (bit, block, chuacter, .Mment)- - - Error %te, Bit(lSR)------- ------- haoimile ----------- -------- Fer-Field (rnizdzum test slto distanoe) - - - - - ?ar-Field ngion -------- -------- Field Intensity (str8ngth) Meter (HM) - - -- - Field strength --------- -------- P’xwquency allM!8tlon -------- ------ wenCYw, A8al& --””” . . . . . . . lhquency a86ipnt ------- ------- ReqwmeY,Ch8 z=cmstic”-”-”” . . . . . . ~quency, Refemnco ---- ---------- ~m selective vol~ (IwvM) ------ frequencies, Standazd~ct -- --------- ~queney tohxwwe------ -------- FYequeacy, lkmguldeoutorf --- -------- ~ng ----------- “--”--”- Gruundplene ----------- ------” ~,singlo-point ------ -------” ~a of E~ la RmdiatiOn to hl(BsRF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ of ~~ic =l~ti~ to klMnOe(BExw) --------------- - ~a of Ehctmmgw tio Wlatlcm to Fmmnel(ml P)----------- ----- Bsrtz ------------ --------” Eighpmmreffocts --- ------------ hmgefzq!ency---- --- ---------- IQxw$ection ------- ---------- I~se ------------ --------- Iq!ulse GeneIw~(IG) ------- ------ v lAI 14 14 14 14 14 M 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2 16 ti 16 26 36 17 I 17 17 , 17 I 17 17 17 17 17 3.8 la la la 18 la 18 28 la , Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. UHA!D463A 1 June 1977 -d’ ~* ~.~k.9$1 4.100 b. 101 k.lo2 4.103 4.104 4.105 4.106 4.107 4.100 4.109 b.llo 4.W 4*s12 4.3.13 k,nk 4.115 k.u6 4.117 k.u8 4.119 4.120 4.121 4.122 4*123 4*124 k.= 4*K6 4.127 4.128 4.12g 4.130 4.~1 4.132 4.133 4.134 4.135 4. W 4.137 4. ~38 4.~9 4.140 IxpCllSastrmu@m8~*M -*.....19 Iadmrid, Sc18ntifla, - H* qmd~) -19 mdumaltitlng~ m”--- -“------19 Itiimlom ------ --”----------39 I- erUEee, 13x’0wlbUd------ -“”------19 Ixlta-femnce, cmiU@td----- --------”-19 IMemwe, xlSert~l* -------”---19 l*awBm,uU=ml --- ---”--------19 Interfaxwnoo, ~------”--” ---- 19 hterrelwnoe,m idad--” --”----”----19 Irlte*ulAtic m------ ----------”-= Jitw----------” “-----------20 J5t*, Pbue- ------- ‘-----------20 Jitti8r, --------- ‘-----------~ Lightning-- --------- ----”--”--”20 Lightning slxxlp ------- ------------~ Umlfunutlal, me-”--”” -----”--”---20 Medloal dia~@qui~---- ‘ --------~ 1Mid-Pulse Mlaim Vislblo Siz (~) - -- -- - ~ Mini- Vldbb (Dlso-ibl@)W- (~), (~) - - ~ ‘dModulatla-bni~,M=- ‘---------~ MOduktiom tap@*”””-”-” -..-.-.-----21 BOMr-?leld regions”--- --”----------= lloiB8, 11w@.siwe---” ------------” -= Hdse,wkt-- ----- -----”-----::: ---0- 0---- ----- ----- - g--a---”--------”- -------23 ~te----------- ”----- ------23 ~tion, rxpk- ” --------- ----”--23 ~tiom,Six@.8x--------- . --.-...23 Pb8se lock loop-- ”-”------ --------23 PoiBt, wtl*----”--- -----------23 Poitlt, ualltar------” ““-”--------23 wintofB nt=y(PQO---- ”---- -“---”-:: PLWWF----------- ------------ Parer,ckx’Aer”---- ------------ --~ Padenslty ------- --------”--” Pm, E*iw IwaM (m)””” . . . . . . ..ak POuwr, Equivalent IBotsopic8UY Racimmi (m)- -- ;: Paer, lban .00---- ---- 9*9W.* --- PowUr, Pmakenmbpe---” -------”.”---24 Pulseduzution (POUJ tidti, x l.oX@ -- - - - 24 Pu180rioa ti-------- -------”-””- 24 Ti Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. nIIAmb463A lhmlyn ~* 4.141 4.142 4.143 Jb.ud$ 4.M5 LM6 4.14? L148 4. N$g 4.150 4.151 b. 152 b.153 4.15k b.155 4.156 4.157 4.158 4.159 b.m 4.M1 4.162 k.163 4.W 4.165 b.w 4.167 4.168 4.169 4.170 4.171 4.1?2 4*173 4,174 4.175 4.176 4.in 4.178 4.179 4,180 4.181 401.82 mdmr-- -”-””-””--- ------”-”” 25 hiarurxms secticm---- ------------25 ~e-i=oabom ------------ -25 WcMatlon--”-----” ------”-”--- 25 Hationdmeo, xncldmtd- ----------- 25 mtaticm dsvim, Ibda4atd- ----------- 25 hdmtiom Bmuds(MRiAZ)------ -------25 ~0---------”-- -----------25 R@lomltl--r---”-” “-----”-”--- 25 hitOU5tX’Ui~ -----”” ----------- 25 R#alooeammnimtlon-”””-”””” -- . . . . . . 25 ~iOfZW@SMCy8~_,w_- ----------25 R8diowaVQa (orIkrtzlaamms) ---------- 26 Rsflwstlonm efficient--- ------------ 26 lW~6e, Iw---- ------------ --s Wspwse, klfunctlon-1 ------------~ l’bqmse, Mlnlmdieoanib18hl - - - - - - - - 26 Response, Spurious ------ -----------~ lwponse, s~----- ------”-” ”-- 26 Rea~se, Undosi=blelm’el ------------ * R?ctabiMzed arcwelA8r-- ------------ 26 So8ttxw, Ionosp-rlc--- ------------- ~ s~t~rv~c ----------- ----~ w~powrw ----- -----------27 Weld--- ” -- ” ””-”-”--- ““--””-27 shlaldedencl~-”- “-”-------”- --27 spectnuR powerd8Mity--”” -----------27 Stamdaldxw’elwlee ow@nl’t - “- - - “ - - - - - - - n S-tIon --------- ------------- 27~b~~---------- ----------. = Subayatam, Shlta ----- ------------~ Suppreenion ------------ ---.....28 mm---------”- ““”-””””--- 28 Su-~ibility,Condu~ ------------ ‘a SuaoeptibllIty, El ~ic-----””--”~ suse@lMli*, Ykl18m--- ------””””” * suae@ptiMlity tbTembold-”- ------”---- ~ Syatun -----”=--- -“----”----”~ Mloxdng ---------- “-”--””””-”~ Ta~ication ------ ----------- 28 TeU~pby--.=-.-..-- ---.-.-.---2$) Te~rlng --------- -----------~ vii . Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. KIL-mM63A 2 Jum 197’7 ;:1 5.2 6. 6.1 6.2 am’mn?s - Contlluled Telepbouy ------------- -------2g Test sample or Equipment Wwler ‘hat (HIT) - - -- 29 *scents ----------- ---------2g *smlsf3iomlin80 --- . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ~blfltYP E~ tic(wv)-------2g A ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt JcABrz maims-------- --------29 186uee Or dOCUMII tee------------- .- - Otbrpublicatiom- --- -----------31 Wigs ----------- ------------31 Intemtlcwl stadalde ---------- ---31 ?latioral s~s-- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - 31 Viii Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. ‘----- ImmvITIms ARDsYsTlm6 OF Unrrs, KrHYJ!DA63A lhnelyn lsrJEclRaummc ~m AM)BISCXTKNA- C UR4PATIRUCTY lSfXWO= 1. saws 1.1 This u~ io desi~ to assist in ~ s - c~ UDderstzuxilng of tk lmanlngof arms used in tb VarLals =l14q 8tard- ams VMdl provide e hsis for WBurlng -~ tic e~ttbillw within tw Opemthnal Edlim entire-t. mflnltlms of - - abbx%tiations - liml~ to ata~ts of -anlng ~latd to tbls and applicable standards, rather than ewycl~la or tact book diocusslcms. For definitions of other engl~ring taxmc, * user 1s n~ to NR31 (%2.100-1972, (m Sti Sax’y, AAD&. 2. RHTmR(m ZxmMmTS 2.1 1SSUQ!6 Of documents ● effeot on data of invitation part. of this Stadaxxi to the -! SPEm’rw!rolts Bma’MRx Mna-5c&7(AsG) - 9TARLMIUB tmrrARY ruL-sm-188a20 - MrL-mh285 “ HAlmBOm ?JmmARY ruIAumM16 - Mxw?72) , !41L-s’m-lfwm,and lwm ulos- Tlx foUwf~ d~ ts, of th issue in for bids or xwquest for pupoaal, form ● extat specified -In: Bmdlng, Inectrld, ad Lq@’tnlng WStlon for Aerospace &stns ● J41ue mamunlmtiau SystaB Staadax— ‘lw- ad Rfhltioms. Attenuation ~ts f= Encloaulws, ‘EUetrO- ~tlc Shielding for Blectronlc -St ~ ~ Method of. m Tran*asim Lines and ?lttlngs. . 1 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. * SW as@Y* O?K(S OF !lsXmmmmIm!rras mum (m) ~ of Ib@8tloM am Rwoamms for kdlo Pmqu9ncy ~“ (Applit=tlm for ocvies should be dchwd to Sup@x5n~t of ments, Us. ~nt IMntlng Offloej -~J D.c. -) ● U.S. mP~ 0? mmRQ@mmAL WlmLJ OF STAmMR= XE Special Fublicatlon 330 - llw In~tlcxW syu~ 0? units (SI) ● (~~*~t*~. f=~ eopm! AOQM be dd??w! Bed to Superr?tended of -ts, U.S. Oae~ Wing Offioa, Washington, D.C. 2@02). by SD @~ HO. a.10:330/3). Doal- Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. lawn ‘-i E.MmtPicaux=’mnt Eletio potmtid, Potuntlal al~ , =le~iw fox’w ll~e flu atrelwth (IMbCtor) T ic fldd dmengua E-Veatcu=) WIc max &Mlty Power ?rquency mectrlc ma16tan= mw?tric Ctapwltu= Xtiuc-m ph!gwltic flux Pulne Width k unltB, Wmbols lmtlotnl Systalm of PubliaMon 330. Tdt ad pbysleal hits (S1). teah . Vutt mz Seoaxl flumd btmry veber Beocxxl V/m ? R n 8 3 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. KtL-srlb463A lJunolgn } - @wltity B-of sI unit mdsxlhdt Fulsetz%8etl-2 8 Uamlength m 3.1.2 Ihlti-mmboh Thefouowlqlsrdmllm- to Id.imte th &ppl.iable nult;~o~ Mllltipldm - (lC%) T m (lN) G -~ (106) M H1O (ld ) k - (id) h - (lC+) d8 *d (10”1) d ei (10-2) e wilM (10-3) m mlexw(10-6) Y m (10+) n pi80 (10-% P w (10-% f -3.8)atto (lo s }.- -’” I .- Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. . MrbsrrdJ63A 1 mane 1977 a - mdbd. dh - Ileclbe18 mlAtlv9 to am EdlUmtt .2 @? - hclbeb mlatiw * me mllMmtt m squmm m. dh/H?/~Z - Ihciblm Iwbtile ta - =lUimtt Wr ●qU== ~ ~ =@h&TtZ budwldth. 3.2.2 OtMr abbxwlatlas. Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. MIL-srrM63A lJunelg77 J Eu mm ~la ~- =~lc --bi~*” ~ic vulnambiMty* W’reatim rhdiatd Paer. tqui~t Undar %Ot . Bleotmnio Uwf- . Pield Intanul* Uoter. heqwncy SeWxti79 Voltmetire Bazard6 of lUeot~ic Matial to ml. Wants of Elec~ tic HatIon to ~oe. ~n of tlect~ic Radiation to Persoxmel. ~jE6E %SXhWJL&&&. Impube (kneratar. IndwtxLal, Sciantiflc and PWIQ2 llquipmnt. Antenna effective lmgtb for electric-field antunnna. Antenna erfeotlve l.engtb for ~lc-f ield anannal ● Mininum Riocernible Signal. M@@tic Meld St~gtb. Mid-Pulse Vigible Signal. Mlnimun Visible Signal. Point of Entxy. Wliation &URUXi6 ● kdla~ kli66iO11. Radio Ihquency Intirfexwwe. Radiated Sut30eptibillQ. 6 i “J t L Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. 4.5 Antmm effeotiwa length ilxbmad TKmq@ to tml lJrkrJSi& (1=) ----- Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. MIL4-STD-M3A 1 June 1977 4.6 Autenna, XlamWblc. An~Msigllodtih~ # 8i- alltxlutioaUy, aai-mutcmticoUy or ~, thragh an aX@a. 4.7 ~ fa. Tht rh tw, G ~~ appli.d tO tm *lwdimgortba ~ng ixMaUmant, @em tlm abctric fldd ●tmngth In volts/~r or - ~le field otmngtb in ~8/nt8r. note: This fm mc~s * affeots of Ultama eflootiw 19ngtb, UKl Birntcb and trauadsslm loam. (X!UE) 4.8 AntanmL, ?Ssad ●19vatiCm. h mt8WM d06i49Wd ?O& ~tiOD 8t a sa~ as@s of ●l#atim ad not adjuasla -o@ by ~xig or awplaoing Mlntlng buRiuue . 4.9 Antanm min (mhtlva ) ● ‘lb ratio of tlb pouar mqui- ●t * inptofa -fmnoaantanmto Qmpmersupplid totha*t Of * given aae to produaa, in m @van dlmction, tba - field ●t the - Cuswma. Ukn not ~aet Spaalfiad, * @n ~ for an an- -- to tin &@n In t& dixwction of * m&tiai tin lobe. sow : In applications uaiag s=twng modaa of ~tial * u * ofananti wnotba~zabla iDpXWti~,ti-a~@ my m With tima. (m) 4.10 Antaana indnwd ml a. ma Vdtlqp VMoh is ~ ●t, or Od.OUhtad to ad-t -0s, * Opm-ciroui- antenna tunulnalse 4.U Autmma, Imtrqpi c. A bypotbtioal antenm -t ~ataa or XW- alms ~ of all polarization Oqu&uy Uald in au dlmotiocw ● An iaotmplc ~ 18 a looalasa point wnwoa und w tlw ~ti rafarenoa in dawzribing tlw absoluta gwln of a S ~. 4.32 ~ mtm. A -* of * -al Ocxpannt of tha Puynting Wwto? et 8 oawknt~na,a aaflmotiomof Haa@alnt&mxndinata Bya- wad. 4.14 ~, Rotatabla.An M* cW@gnad for oparaticad =- tion in * azimati phna. 4.15 Anti, m-almmtabla. An antanzm desigmd to WmmlUamly tbrmagh an arqjgleof lese t- 80 tigraas, or crmmts in tb wrtioal ~. b ●umtd8t8ppmiin in- a Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. /- K-Ibh63Almnelyn 4.17 Ctad i~ ● Aay UdRsimd Wlta@ or cumwmtgpmenktad ulthin 8 meelwtr, tmnsml~r, or their assoaiatal equi~t apparingat tln antanm tunuinals. 4.19 Attenua tion. A~rslte- usadto¬ia de~ In e- tude (of power or field strength) in ~smisslon frcm cw point to an-. Xt~beaxpxwssed asaxatio or, byeXtansion OftbS-i.D decsibelse (IlmB) 4.20 Bwmlwidth, ImPul.se. l!bpeakvalueoftb=~sea-m dim= by * we- @- (Illl@.se @ren@) of an ●pplied b- @e. (=) 4.21 haduldth, lleoeasaxy For a gim almss of caissi-, tM minimm * of the omlpied bandwl:th Suffioiant to ~ * ~msim of lnf-tion at t~ rata and with ths quality ~ for tM sys~ m- .ployad undar specified eonditlfma. Mssi- Usahll for * good mo- tioning of tbe raoeiving equipwnt as, for exampls, tln amission oarm- sponding to * tier of mdimed ~or sys~, daall be inclwbd in ths nea)asazy bandwidth. (~) 4.22 &m!width, ti elmied. - fmqwnay baU3vidth Sudl that, beknf Its lowrand abweitsu~frequancy Uts,tlnnw)pom’stim - eaohoqua2to 0.5peroent0f ~total~pouwradiati byagl-n emission. In SC9 oases, for sample, titiohnnel ~~ diwisla sys-, tlw pwoentaga of 0.5 perant my H to mrtain difficulties in * praotioal ●pplication of tbe definitions of oooqpiod aml -ssary bandwidth; in such oases ● diffozwnt po~ w ~ useful. (Ol!P) 4.23 Maduidth, ~ aoou@an -. Tbs xwoei= ~dtb uhi& in- el.ides * fwniauntal frequemqyresponse and ~htlbbstto W M@est *qu-CHl m the seUctiti@’ max’wemtsid8 of whioh * lJm@rqKmSelLnd &uotbr2wspon8es Srellpocified blelsbolgutbe ~ fzxqueney mspoQse. 9 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. KIxam-463A lJUml$rn - 4.28 (hmmmimtim detice, Lou-pouer. A XW3triCt.Odmdiaticm ~00 , exclusive of those amploying a-uctad or @aided zwlio f’requanay tech- niques , Uoed fw * transmission of signs, Signab (including -*1 Sigrmb) , Vx5ting, Imlges ad smmds Or inwliganos of any Xwtulw by lwiiatlm of ~tic ~. Jhample8 of mob -00s inchde vlnlms ISI~, phmgraph osciUator mdio-oontzd.led ~ door qnmerj and mdlo-oahmlled models. (d 4.29 ~oatlon—lSISCwali c (-)eQul -t” Any 1- ~ting, transmitting, Con*ng, aoquiz%ng, rewiring, staring, prooasslng or utilizing electrmi c and elec~ic Infonmtlcm in tkm bromdo.t ~. 9U* Hoes am Used to mot a YUrlety of Cqnmti- Zwluim- mts &uch au ~c41tions , SUrwllhncm , idantiflolkion, Xmtigati=, guided mi88ila omml, 8-, Oaxn~s, ad se upazllticms. 4.32 Manta rpoise . A sywtam of WIXWSor otbr conductcm, alewa- abcne and InuulatOd ~ tlw ground, foxmi~ t& louer sys- of COO- ductxrrs of en antenna. For owrkad llneo, a cunductor or systam of Cmduotars ~ beneath tb llne, located on, abwe, or mst fr- equently below tlm? surface of tb em, and connected to the footings of * tcxem or poles supporting the llne. (15B ) [ -.10 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. - -Y- LMesired signal OMnmlS, C.lroult k.34 QWBUmddatbn. A typ8 of IntamxluMtla) due * mbuatlaa of t& Oazz5er of the dasil=d signal by an ulYia8m 6i@lal* (-) DaOada. A frequency ~tiO Of 10 to 1, OT3.32 outams. mdbal (a) c Atitusedasm~ Oftwlrmtiooftmpowr WIdB” lolOg —U2 am 4.38 Declbelkl lwlativeto Cme d.uuatt (cum). m abaoln pRr * in daclbaulmfermd to a pwer level of m E1l.ldvatt.3“ dhm = dEW = 10 1*1O Pwer W&Kmpower 1s in ndlllvatts, eml zaro * ●quala ~ 8iU@att. 3* is and Is 6= U . . 1 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com on 2010-10-21T10:32:40. MII.PsrrA63A 1 Jw 1977 - ._ 4.39 DaCibb mhtim to Om Blmvatt par 8quaN =tlw (dmq Q 4.40 Lhclbals xelat
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