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List_15-v3.2-by_Franklin 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 《新 GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周书林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1版 2011年 6月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱:gre3000words@gmail.com 高端申请咨询:premium.apply@gmail.com M...

本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 《新 GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命 3000) 主编:陈琦 副主编:周书林 编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真,杨珺,陶睿,王东东 第 1版 2011年 6月 关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱:gre3000words@gmail.com 高端申请咨询:premium.apply@gmail.com Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 使用说明: 新 GRE更加关注单词在语境中的考查,取消了以前的类比反义,增加了填空 6选 2,填空 3空题。《再 要你命 3000》在原书上的改动如下: 1. 将原书的类比部分取消,以 Thesaurus里的同义词进行替换。编者根据单词在以往 GRE考试中出 现的频率进行同义词筛选。 2. 将只能在类反中考查的单词删除;补充在填空,阅读中容易涉及到的同义重复、反义重复词条。 3. 丰富单词的例句,更好地帮助考生在语境下把握单词的内涵。 4. 借助 Collegiate和 Thesaurus拓展单词考法的含义,与新 GRE Official Guide中考查单词的丰 富含义,尤其是引申义保持一致。 整书单词依然强调单词的考法,即把握单词的深度。在新 GRE考试中,记忆单词的深度远比拥有大量 单词的广度针对考试有价值的多。本书是各位考生在冲刺阶段必备的复习资料。 电子版更新每周更新 2 个 list。更新请关注我们的微博通告:http://weibo.com/jasonandfranklin 或者琦 叔的校内公共主页:http://page.renren.com/600098688 单词示例: [] abstract 【考法 1】 vt. 做 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ,概括: to make an abstract of,summarize 【例】 abstracted the 135-page report in three short paragraphs 将一份 135页的报告概括为三段话 【近】 digest, recapitulate, synopsize, sum up, boil down 【反】 elaborate 详细描述 【考法 2】 vt. 使分心: to draw away the attention of 【例】 personal problems abstracted him 私人问题让他分心 【近】 detract, divert, call off, throw off 【派】 abstraction n. 心不在焉 【反】 attention 关注 ___________________________ 【考法 1】——中文和英文解释 【例】——英文例句及中文解释 【近】——近义词 【反】——反义词及中文解释 【派】——派生词及中文解释 “summarize”、”attention”——英文解释中以粗体并下划线标示出的单词短语为该词汇的考法特征 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 List 15 “每当我们对未来充满了各种美好的期望与幻想时, 就该反思一下自己现在的努力是否配得上这幻境中的将来。莫问收获,但问耕耘。” ——刘宜君 2009年 10月 GRE Verbal 730,Quantitative800 Unit 1 LIBERALIST LIBERTINE LICENTIOUS LIKEN LIMBER LIMP LIMPID LINGER LISSOME LIST liberal [] 【考法 1】 adj. 思想前卫的: not bound by traditional ways or beliefs 【例】 parents who take a very liberal attitude toward letting their children stay out late 思想开放,同意让他们 的小孩晚归的家长们 【近】 nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive, radical 【反】 conservative, conventional, hidebound, old-fashioned, stodgy, traditional 守旧的,传统的 【考法 2】 adj. 慷慨的,大方的: marked by generosity 【例】 a doctor who has been very liberal in dispensing low-cost care to patients who could not otherwise afford it 一个慷慨的医生,愿意帮助无法支付低额药费的病人 【近】 charitable, munificent, unselfish, unsparing, unstinting 【反】 closefisted, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, stingy, tightfisted 吝啬的 libertine [n] 【考法 1】 n. 放荡不羁者: one who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person 【例】 The legend of Don Juan depicts him as a playboy and libertine. 有关唐璜的传说把他描绘成一个放荡不 羁的花花公子 【近】 backslider, debaucher, decadent, deviate, pervert, profligate 【反】 ascetic 禁欲者 licentious [] 【考法 1】 adj. 放荡的,性欲强的: lacking legal or moral restraints ; having a strong sexual desire 【例】 a moralist who decried what she regarded as the licentious and corrupt culture of the entertainment industry 一个公开谴责在她看来无比堕落和放荡的娱乐圈文化的道德家 【近】 concupiscent, horny, lascivious, lecherous, libidinous, lubricious, salacious, wanton 【反】 frigid, undersex 性冷淡的 【派】 licentiousness n. 放荡 liken [] 【考法 1】 vt. 显示相似,比较: to see, mention, or show as similar; compare 【例】 Life is often likened to a journey. 生活经常被比作一次旅行 Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【近】 analogize, bracket, equate, equalize 【反】 contrast 对比,对照以产生反差 limber [] 【考法 1】 adj. 可塑的,柔软的: capable of being shaped: flexible 【例】 She shaped the basket out of limber branches. 她用柔软的树枝编了一个筐 【近】 flexible, lissome, lithesome, pliable, pliant, supple 【反】 inflexible, rigid, stiff, stiffened 僵硬的 limp [] 【考法 1】 adj. 柔软的,松散的: lacking firm texture, substance, or structure 【例】 Her hair hung limp about her shoulders. 她的头发软沓沓地垂在肩上 【近】 droopy, flaccid, floppy, lank, yielding 【反】 firm, stiff, sturdy, tense 坚硬的;resilient 有弹性的 【考法 2】 adj. 软弱的,没有精神的: lacking strength or firmness; weak or spiritless 【例】 The team's limp performance has many people calling for the head coach's resignation. 队伍不给力 的表现让许多人呼吁教练下课 【近】 enervated, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, spiritless 【反】 ambitious, enterprising 有雄心壮志的; animated, energetic, motivated 精力充沛的,有积极性的 【考法 3】 vi. 跛行,艰难地行走: to move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily 【近】The project limped along with half its previous funding. 项目靠着之前一半的资金艰难地进展 【近】blunder, bumble, lumber, plod, struggle, stumble, trudge limpid [] 【考法 1】 adj. 透明清澈的: characterized by transparent clearness 【例】 limpid streams 清澈的小溪 【近】 crystal, clear, lucent, pellucid, transparent 【反】 cloudy, murky, opaque, unclear, turbid 模糊不清的 【考法 2】 adj. 镇定的,淡定的: free from emotional or mental agitation 【例】 the limpid outlook of a man who is at peace with himself as he awaits death 一个人在平静等待死亡的 过程当中所体现出来的淡然的世界观 【近】 collected, composed, cool, level, peaceful, placid, possessed, sedate, serene, smooth, tranquil 【反】 agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed 焦躁的 linger [] 【考法 1】 vi. 磨蹭,闲荡: to proceed slowly; saunter 【例】 fans lingered outside the door 粉丝们在门外徘徊 【近】 crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, lag, loiter 【反】 hurry, run, rush 飞奔 【派】 lingering adj. 闲荡的 lissome [] 【考法 1】 adj. 柔软的: easily bent; supple 【例】 Rattan is such a lissome material that it can be used for all manner of furniture and baskets. 藤 是 一 种非常柔软而有韧性的材料,因此可以被用于形形色色的家具和篮子之中 【近】 flexible, limber, lithe, pliable, pliant, supple 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【反】 solid 坚硬的;inflexible, rigid, stiff, stiffened 僵硬的 【考法 2】 adj. 敏捷的,轻盈的: having the ability to move with ease; limber 【例】 a lissome ballerina 身姿矫捷的女芭蕾舞演员 【近】 agile, featly, feline, gracile, lithesome, nimble 【反】 awkward, clumsy, graceless, ungainly 笨拙的 list [] 【考法 1】 v. 倾斜: to set or cause to be at an angle 【例】 The sudden lift of the load on the deck listed the ship badly. 甲板上货物被突然提起,船陡然倾斜 【近】 angle, cant, heel, incline, pitch, slant, slope, tilt, tip 【反】 erect 竖立 Unit 2 LITHE LOATH LOATHE LOFTY LOLL LOPSIDED LOQUACIOUS LOUTISH LUBRICATE LUCID lithe [] 【考法 1】 adj. 敏捷的,轻盈的: characterized by easy flexibility and grace 【例】 lithe dancers 灵活优雅的舞者 【近】 agile, featly, feline, gracile, lightsome, nimble 【反】 awkward, clumsy, graceless, ungainly 笨拙的 【考法 2】 adj. 柔软的: easily bent or flexed 【例】 lithe branches 柔软的枝条 【近】 flexible, limber, lithe, pliable, pliant, supple 【反】 solid 坚硬的;inflexible, rigid, stiff, stiffened 僵硬的 loath [] 【考法 1】 adj. 不情愿的,讨厌的: unwilling or reluctant; disinclined 【例】 I was loath to accept the fact that he had been killed in a terrorist attack. 我很不情愿地接受了他在一场 恐怖袭击中丧生的事实 【近】 disinclined, indisposed, reluctant, reticent 【反】 eager 渴望的;disposed, inclined 有意向的 loathe [] 【考法 1】 vt. 厌恶: to dislike someone or something greatly; abhor 【例】 I loathe having to do this. 我鄙视不得不这样做。 【近】 abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate 【反】 adore, love 热爱 【派】 loathsome adj. 令人讨厌的 lofty [] 【考法 1】 adj. 崇高的: elevated in character and spirit, noble Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【例】 lofty ideals 崇高的理想 【近】 chivalrous, elevated, greathearted, high-minded, magnanimous, sublime 【反】 base, debased, ignominious, mean 可耻的 【考法 2】 adj. 高的: rising to a great height 【例】 lofty mountains 高耸的山峰‖the ever-increasing lofty heights of the world's skyscrapers 不断攀升的 摩天大楼的高度 【近】 altitudinous, tall, towering 【反】 low 低的 【考法 3】 adj. 自大的: having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude 【例】 She acts all lofty and superior just because she went to Stanford University. 她之所以表现得这么自大 和不可一世,只因为她考进了斯坦福 【近】 assumptive, bumptious, haughty, lordly, peremptory, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious, superior 【反】 humble, lowly, modest 谦逊的,低调的 loll [] 【考法 1】 vi. 懒洋洋地行动: to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner 【例】 He lolled back in his comfortable chair. 他懒洋洋地倚在他舒适的椅子上 【近】 slouch, lounge 【考法 2】 vi. 偷懒,打发时间: to spend time doing nothing 【例】 Some members of the decorating committee were hard at work, and others were just lolling about. 装 修队的一部分人在很努力的工作,另一些则在偷懒 【近】 dally, dawdle, drone, laze lopsided [] 【考法 1】 adj. 歪的,倾斜的: leaning to one side 【例】 The portrait in the foyer was lopsided. 门厅里的画像挂歪了 【近】 askew, aslant, crazy, listing, oblique, pitched, skewed, slanted, tipping, uneven 【反】 even, level, straight 平的 【考法 2】 adj.不平衡的,不协调的: lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion 【例】 The arrangement of the furniture was lopsided. 家具的摆放太不协调了‖a lopsided score of 4-0 四 比零的压倒比分 【近】 asymmetric, disproportional, irregular, off-balance, unbalanced, unequal 【反】 balanced 平衡的;symmetrical 对称的 loquacious [] 【考法 1】 adj. 话多的: given to fluent or excessive talk 【例】 Sometimes the loquacious talk show host barely lets her guests get a word in. 有时候多话的脱口秀主持 人让她的客人一句话都插不进来 【近】 chatty, conservational, gabby, garrulous, talkative, voluble 【反】 laconic, reserved, reticent, taciturn, uncommunicative 话少的 【派】 loquaciousness, loquacity n.话多 loutish [] 【考法 1】 adj. 粗鲁的: having the characteristics of a lout; awkward, stupid, and boorish 【例】 a boy with a loutish air 一个举止粗鲁的男孩 【近】 boorish, churlish, clumsy, crude, discourteous, uncouth, uncivilized, uncultured, unrefined 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【反】 courteous, civilized, genteel, graceful, polished, refined, urbane有教养的 【派】 lout n. 举止粗鲁的人 lubricate [] 【考法 1】 vt. 使润滑: to coat (something) with a slippery substance in order to reduce friction 【例】 lubricate the gears 给齿轮打润滑油 【近】 grease, oil, slick, smooth, wax 【派】 lubricant n.润滑剂 lucid [] 【考法 1】 adj. 有光亮的: suffused with light 【例】 Those lucid bands that spread across the arctic sky are known as aurora borealis, or the northern lights. 那些蔓延在北极的天空中光带就是北极光 【近】 beaming, brilliant, dazzling, glowing, incandescent, lucent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, splendid 【反】 dim, dull, lackluster 黯淡无光的 【考法 2】 adj. 神志清醒的: having full use of one's mind and control over one's actions 【例】 decided to make out her will while she was still lucid 决定趁着她神志还清醒,列出她的遗愿 【近】 balanced, clearheaded, normal, right, sane, stable 【反】 brainsick, crazy, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac 疯狂的 【考法 3】 adj. 表达清晰的, 简单易懂的: easily understood 【例】 The teaching assistant tried to make his instructions as lucid as possible so that everyone would understand what to do. 助教努力使自己的指令容易理解,从而让所有人都知道应该要干什么 【近】 apprehensible, clear, comprehensible, intelligible, palpable, patent, pellucid, plain, understandable 【反】 ambiguous, enigmatic, equivocal, indistinct, obfuscated, obscure, unclear 模糊不明确的 Unit 3 LUG LUGUBRIOUS LULL LULLABY LUMBER LUMINARY LURCH LURK LUSH LUSTROUS lug [] 【考法 1】 vt. 拖动,拉动: to cause to follow by applying steady force on 【例】 lugged the lawn mower out into the backyard 把割草机拖进院子 【近】 drag, draw, hale, pull, tow, tug 【反】 drive, propel, push 推动 【考法 2】 vt. 费力搬运: to carry laboriously 【例】 I don't understand why he's always lugging all of his books around when his locker is right over there. 我真搞不懂为什么他总是明明在有锁柜的情况下还随身扛着所有的书 【近】 bear, cart, convey, ferry, haul, lug, pack, tote, transport lugubrious [] 【考法 1】 adj. (故作夸张的)悲哀的: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. degree 【例】 his lugubrious tear-stained face他忧郁而带着泪痕的脸庞 【近】 deploring, doleful, dolorous, lamentable, melancholy, morose, plaintive, rueful, saturnine, sullen, woeful 【反】 cheerful, delighted, jocund, jovial 快乐的 lull [] 【考法 1】 n. 相对平静时期,间隙: a momentary halt in an activity 【例】 the lull before the storm 暴风雨前的平静 【近】 break, breath, interruption, recess 【考法 2】 vt. 使镇静,使安心: to free from distress or disturbance 【例】 The absence of attacks for such an extended period had lulled the nation into a false sense of security. 长期以来没有遭受攻击让这个国家产生了一种错误的安全感 【近】 allay, balm, becalm, compose, lullaby, quiet, salve, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize 【反】 agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex 打扰,扰乱 lullaby [] 【考法 1】 n. 催眠曲: a song to quiet children or lull them to sleep 【例】 sang a lullaby to the baby every night 每晚都给孩子唱摇篮曲 【近】 berceuse, cradlesong 【考法 2】 vt. 使镇静,使安心: to free from distress or disturbance 【例】 reclining peacefully on the deck, lullabied by the gentle motion of the ship 躺卧在甲板上,随着船轻轻的颠 簸放松下来 【近】 allay, balm, becalm, compose, lull, quiet, salve, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize 【反】 agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex 打扰,扰乱 lumber [] 【考法 1】 n. 木材: tree logs as prepared for human use 【例】 A huge amount of lumber will be needed to build the house. 建这栋房子需要大量的木材 【近】 timber, wood 【考法 2】 vi. 笨拙地行动: to walk or move with heavy clumsiness 【例】 The elephant lumbered through the jungle. 大象缓缓地穿越丛林 【近】 flounder, plod, stumble, trudge 【反】 glide, slide 轻松地滑动 【考法 3】 vi. 使负担(从而拖累): to place a weight or burden on 【例】 lumber the expedition with unnecessary equipment and supplies 不必要的仪器和补给品给此次远征徒增 了许多负担 【近】 burden, encumber, freight, lade, laden, saddle, weight 【反】 disburden, discharge, disencumber, unlade, unload 卸下,解脱 luminary [] 【考法 1】 n. 杰出人物: a person who has achieved eminence in a specific field 【例】 Buddhist luminary 佛学大师‖Luminaries from the worlds of sports, entertainment, and politics were at the gala. 全球体育界、娱乐圈和政界的名人都出席了此次盛会 【近】 celebrity, eminence, figure, icon, notability, star, superstar 【反】 nobody, nonentity 小人物 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 lurch [] 【考法 1】 v. 蹒跚: to move forward while swaying from side to side 【例】 The ship lurched in the storm. 船在风暴中摇摆前行 【近】 careen, dodder, falter, reel, stagger, stumble, teeter, totter, waddle 【反】 progress smoothly 平稳前进;march, stride, swagger 游行,大步走 lurk [] 【考法 1】 vi. 潜伏: to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose 【例】 Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness. 在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险 【近】 ambush, snake, steal 【反】 appear, come out 出来 lush [] 【考法 1】 adj. 茂盛的: growing vigorously especially with luxuriant foliage 【例】 lush grass 茂盛的草 【近】 booming, exuberant, flourishing, lively, luxuriant, rampant, thriving, verdant, vivacious 【反】 blighted, faded, sere, withered 干枯的,凋谢的 【考法 2】 adj. 多产的: producing abundantly 【例】 His lush fields were the envy of neighboring farmers. 他富饶多产的土地让邻居羡慕嫉妒恨 【近】 cornucopian, fecund, fruitful, productive, prolific, rich 【反】 barren, dead, infertile, sterile, unproductive 贫瘠的 【考法 3】 adj. (声音、味道)优美的,令人愉悦的: appealing to the senses 【例】 the lush sounds of the orchestra 管弦乐队奏出的悦耳声音 【近】 ambrosial, luscious, palatable, savory, sensuous, tasteful, tasty, voluptuous 【反】 flat, flavorless, insipid, stale, tasteless 乏味的 lustrous [] 【考法 1】 adj. 有光泽的: having a shiny surface or finish 【例】 lustrous black hair 乌黑光亮的头发 【近】 brilliant, burnished, gleaming, glistening, glossy, polished, refulgent, rubbed, shining, sleek, splendid 【反】 dim, dull, lackluster, lusterless 昏暗的 Unit 4 LUXURIOUS LYRIC MACABRE MACERATE MACULATE MAELSTROM MAGNIFICENT MALADROIT MALAISE MALCONTENT luxurious [] 【考法 1】 adj. 豪华的: showing obvious signs of wealth and comfort 【例】 The luxurious apartment was filled with the latest electronic gadgets and fine works of art. 豪华的公寓 里充斥着最新式的电子产品和精美的艺术作品 【近】 deluxe, lavish, luxuriant, luxury, opulent, palatial, plushy, silken, sumptuous Made By Jason & Franklin. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. 【反】 ascetic, austere, spartan 简朴的 【考法 2】 adj. 奢侈的: given to or marked by excessive gratification of one's desires 【例】 squandered his family fortune in the relentless satisfaction of his luxurious tastes 为满足他奢侈的品味 而挥霍家族的财产 【近】 decadent, indulgent, overindulgent, self-indulgent, sybaritic 【反】 abstemious, abstinent 克制的 【派】 luxury n. 豪华;奢侈,奢侈品 lyric [] 【考法 1】 n. (可以哼唱的)小曲: a short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompaniment 【例】 The guitarist improvised and sang a gentle lyric while playing. 吉他手在弹奏的过程中即兴创作并哼唱 了一首小曲 【近】 ballad, ditty, jingle, vocal 【考法 2】 adj. 如诗歌般流畅甜美的: having a pleasantly flowing quality suggestive of poetry or music 【例】 The film's lyric photography really enhanced its romantic mood. 电影中如诗歌般的图像效果着实增强了 浪漫的氛围 【近】 euphonious, lyrical, mellifluous, mellow, melodious, musical, poetical 【反】 prosaic, prose 无聊乏味的 【派】 lyrics n. 歌词 macabre [] 【考法 1】 adj. 恐怖的: suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome 【例】 Impressively, Plants vs. Zombies presented a supposedly macabre themeinsuch anenjoyableway. 令 人难忘的是,《植物大战僵尸》将一个本应该十分恐怖的主题用一种如此欢乐的方式呈现出来 【近】 appalling, atrocious, dreadful, ghastly, gruesome, hideous, horrific, nightmarish, terrific 【反】 agreeable, delightful, enjoyable, pleasant 令人愉悦的 macerate [] 【考法 1】 vt. 浸泡(以软化): to make soft by soaking or steeping in a liquid 【例】 macerate the sample in ethanol 用乙醇浸软试样 【近】 drench, drown, impregnate, saturate, sodden, sop, souse, steep 【反】 wring 拧干;dehydrate, desiccate, parch, sorch, sear 烤干,烤焦 maculate [] 【考法 1】 v. 使有斑点,弄脏: to spot, blemish 【例】 Her reputation was maculated after the affair with a married man. 自从被指与一个已婚男士有染之后, 她的名声受到了影响 【近】 besmirch, dot, dirty,soil, spot,stain 【反】 clean, cleanse, purify, wash 清洗,弄干净 【派】 maculated adj. 有斑点的 maelstrom [] 【考法 1】 n. 漩涡: a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius 【例】 Their raft got caught in a maelstrom. 他们的筏被一个漩涡卷住了 【近】 gulf, vortex, whirlpool 本文档由陈琦和周书林共同制作完成。未经作者授权,严禁将此文档用于商业用途。 【考法 2】 n. 混乱、动荡的局势: a violent or turbulent situation 【例】 the maelstrom of war 战争带来的乱世 【近】 chaos, disorder, pandemonium, tulmult, turmoil, upheaval, uproar 【反】 calm 风平浪静 magnificent [] 【考法 1】 adj. 壮丽的: strikingly beautiful or impressive 【例】 a magnificent cathedral 宏伟壮观的大教堂 【近】 august, epic, glorious, grand, imperial, imposing, massive, monumental, noble, regal, splendid 【反】 humble, unimpressive 平凡的 【派】 magnificence n. 壮丽,壮观 maladroit [] 【考法 1】 adj. 笨拙的: lacking or showing a lack of nimbleness in using one's hands 【例】 a maladroit movement 笨拙的动作 【近】 awkward, bumbling, clumsy, fumbled, gauche, graceless, heavy-handed, inept, unhandy 【反】 adroit,ambidexterous, deft, dexterous, handy 灵巧的 malaise [] 【考法 1】 n. 不舒服: a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness 【例】 He complained of depression, headaches and malaise. 他抱怨说感到沮丧、头痛和身体不适 【近】 debility, decrepitude, disease, feebleness, infirmity, infirmness, sickliness, unhealthiness malcontent [] 【考法 1】 n. 不满分子: one who is in active opposition to an established order or government 【例】 The chaos was caused by a handful of malcontents. 混乱是由一小撮不满分子引起的 【近】 complainer, faultfinder, grouch, rebel 【考法 2】 adj. 不满的: dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs 【例】 The film follows three malcontent teenagers around Paris. 电影围绕着三个不满现实的青少年在巴黎展 开 【近】 discontented, discontent, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, ungratified 【反】 contented, fulfilled, gratified, pleased, satisfied 满意的 Unit 5 MALICIOUS MALIGN MALINGER MALLEABLE MALODOROURS MANDATORY MANGLE MANGY MANIA MANIFEST malicious [] 【考法 1】 adj. 恶意的: given to, marked by, or arising from malice; deliberately harm
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