首页 启德雅思9月考前精讲



启德雅思9月考前精讲 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 1 启德雅思 2011 年 9 月考前精讲 1.上月考题回顾: Generally speaking...

总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 1 启德雅思 2011 年 9 月考前精讲 1.上月考题回顾: Generally speaking,11年八月份的题目,不出我所料,新题出现得比往年多!例如第 一部分的科目、旅游、衣服、家庭、守时、节日等;第二部分,出了儿时睡房、休闲 中心、昂贵的礼物、最受欢迎的媒体、乐器、想成功的事情、到访的地方、散步的地 方、想学的东西等。 2.本月预测: (1)总的预测——因此,按此规律推算,11年九月就相对没有以往那么安全了!新题可能 出现不多,但至少变种题会出现不少!请同学们注意!不过,SIMON 还 是要说,毕竟预测终归是预测,我会尽量给大家圈定范围,不过,还是 要不厌其烦地说一句:我没法猜得万无一失,但我会尽我能力。 (2)分项预测详情 Part One: 1. General Questions: 五个话题(具体看 SIMON 课上的精品口语笔记) 2. Specific Questions: (1) 衣:Colour Clothes (2) 食:Food (3) 住:Entertainment – Outdoor activities Movie Concert TV programme Computer Environment – weather Housework House/ apartment/ room (4) 行:Travelling 3. Attentive topic: Animals/ Birds Happiness Gift Time Number Holiday 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 2 Part Two & Three: 1. Person: Teacher, the oldest person you know, a person you know who lives a healthy lifestyle (也就是 the oldest person you know) Neighbour, a person you helped(也就是 neighbour), an experience of helping others (也就是 neighbour), a person you want to travel with(也就是 neighbour) 2. Animal/ Object:; An expensive gift you bought, a vehicle you want to buy, a piece of clothes you like, a handicraft; A newspaper/ magazine; An educational TV programme you like; A piece of musical instrument Animal 3. Place: Your living city, a place near water(也就是 your living city), a place you would like to travel to(也就是 your living city), a street in your living city Museum, a historical building(也就是 museum), a building in school or college that you went to(也就是 museum) Park or garden, a peaceful place(也就是 park/ garden), a popular leisure centre(也 就是 park/ garden), a place where you often have a walk(也就是 park/ garden) 4. Experience: Birthday party,a happy family event(也就是 birthday party), a visit to your friends(也就是 birthday party) 3-day travelling, a day off from work/ study, a journey that took longer than you expected(也就是 3-day travelling), a trip you plan(也就是 3-day travelling), future travel(也就是 3-day travelling) Project, an enjoyable conversation on the phone(也就是 project) 5. Imaginary: Ideal job, a job that makes the world better A small business you want to run, something you want to succeed in, a small but successful company you know 6. Habit/ Hobby: Learning language, something you want to learn more(也就是 practical skill) A story you knew well when you were a child, a piece of news that interests you(也就是 a story you knew well when you were a child), your favourite song(也就是 A story you knew well when you were a child), a kind of book you like to read(也就是 a story you knew well when you were a child) 7. Local event: Local event, a happy event in your childhood, music event(也就是 local event) 8. Process: How to make a traditional dish, a foreign food you would like to try 9. Others: A healthy activity, a regular walk, a healthy way of living; An adventurous person, A friend of yours who is a good leader; A character in a childhood story, a person in the news(也就是 a character in a childhood story),a famous person(也就是 a person in the news); Positive side of your personality/ characteristic; Your ideal house, you childhood room 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 3 3.考时注意: (1)注意心理调整,不要过分紧张,尽量放松。 (2)考试时不要过于注意流利,把该注意的地方,例如停顿、是否走题、模版、怎么问考 官等容易被扣分的地方的应试技巧全忘掉。让考官扣得不亦乐乎! (3)如果因为太过紧张而无法使用模版的,记得使用我们的应急模板:第一部分——point + why/ how;第二部分的每个问题也可用 point+ why/ how扩充;第三部分——point + reason + example! 启德雅思精讲课笔记 适用于 2011 年 9 月 (沈栋) 8 月 13 日听力考题 听力 section 1 (130081s)listening S1 looking for part-time job 1 house number and road:8 Hill Road 2 area: North Park 3 postcode:c029..记不清了 4 cantact phone number:0777...同上记不清了 5 major:Politics 6 Booking?(上面的 customer service 是首字母大写,所以不知道下面这个并列的是不是也应该大写) 7washing 8 advanced 9 Tuesday Thursdays?(大家写的都是 Saturday,可能我听错了) 1025th September S2 introductions to tourism 11 选择交通工具,不是飞机,因为什么事情 delayed,猜了个 ferry,第一个 hovercraft 还有这个 ferry 的意思都不熟,猜的 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 4 12 13family house 14 15nature walk 貌似在东 A 南 B 北 C 三个海岸选择对应的项目,听得不是很 明确 16 带上什么东西(可能是 medicine,也可能是 water) 17 忘了是说什么了,但是好像不难听出来 18monkeys 19rivers(可能不对,不要喝什么地方的水,我猜的,呵呵) 20 seafood S3 两个人讨论研究课题,七选五对应,我当时是采取了排除法,讨论的问题是光污染,先把选项中 l ighting restrictions 和 alternative lighting 排除,然后就是五五 matching,建议在做这种题的时候不要看着 人名听内容,最好事听到人名后马上看上面的具体选项,然后在对应选项后面写上人名的简称代号之类的, 不然就会上下上下来回看,耽误了做题时间。不知道自己的策略对不对 然后是选择题,第一个是关于男生 Jim 对什么的看法,第二个是他们两个人都认为研究要 focus on 什么问题上 然后还有他们两人认为在哪三个方面可以继续加强研究,不记得了 S4 关于飞机场选址,分别陈述了两个地点的优劣(小作文 map 类型的听力版) 第一个空,the site is ...我填的是 near the airport ,可能错了,我有点走神,这个 section 不难, 但是有几个没听到 倒数第二个是 air quality 什么的 8 月 20 日听力考题 S1 新题 1 holidays 2 3234 3 Home welcome 4flexible 5 studio 6 480 7 water 8 transportations 9 deposit 10: references S2 V09148 介绍博物馆的展览 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 5 11-18 选择题 11)这个 exhibition 是由谁举力的 B B local resident 12)Professional model 13)限制时 间了 14)是为了 board game 15)是博物院 borrow 16)j 是被做成 different shape 17)是不太甜的 unsweet 18)tast e 19) Information Desk 20) lockers S3 V30090 21 Classical History 22 (?) 23 (?)matters 24 classification 25 coursework 26 towns and cities 27 origins and development 28 oral 29 seminars 30 field trip l ocation S4 V09106 31 A changing their thinking pattern n 32 B they are less efficient than the youn g 33 B they often do things in an old fashioned way 34 -40 A Allen B James C Vander 34 b 35 b 36 c 37 b 38 a 39 b 40 c 8 月 25 听力考题 听力第一题是关于一个男的为他行动不便的爸爸买什么 移动的设备 第二个是一个 leisure centre 的地图,让选各种场地的位子,然后选哪两个项目的新会员有折扣,以 及新会员送哪两样东西。 第三个几种调查 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 08231(貌似,不确定) section4, 08134s4 前面是个 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 ,后面是选四个关于 maker 的 布置,超市的货物怎么摆放 的问题 products layout in supermarket 第一种平行摆法 31. manage the traffic flow 32. rush 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 6 33. random organziation 34. less cost effective 35. need more time to select products 36. smaller areas 37. E quieter place: products need to think about 38. F end of aisle: slow-move products 39. A middle of shelves: expensive products 40. B near the entrance: profitable products 8 月 27 号听力考题 听力:SECTION 1 是各种学生可以租的房比较。。 可以 share 的空间有两个浴室,后面填 living room 提供的东西 TV, radio washing machine wash basin 还有挺多不记得 pay phone (这里要加连字符么?) lamp section2 都选择题 第二部分是填建房子流程图, 倒数第三空是 ROOF 还是 scaffold 不确定。。 section3 讲一个人做 research 如何选取 sample software 对不同人的不同研究方法: 对 manager 是 observations 对 employee 是 surveys refer to the author 这空有同学说他们听到的是 reference 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 7 statistics section 4 讲怎么研究鳄鱼习性之类的 第一次用 satellite 来定位 以前用 radio 但是会不准确。 navigate direct ( back home) avoid people 本月预测: 首先要说的是,近几个月的监考普遍很严格,请诸位考生不要提前翻看试卷。严格按 照考官的要求答题。因为我在最近一段时间收到好几个烤鸭的哭诉,都是因为提前看题或 时间到继续答题而整张试卷给考官没收。死于非战场因素是非常可惜的。 8 月份共有 3 场考试,从烤鸭的反馈来看,普遍认为难度偏大,特别是 8 月 27 号的 section2,填房子流程图,由于相关例题少,很多考生都感觉措手不及。但从整个月的考题 来看,还是延续今年以来的主流考法—填空为主,选择为辅(很少多项选择题),再佐以其 它类型题目(目前来看,配对题出现几率相当高)。 从难度来看,8 月 13 号和 25 号的考试烤鸭们普遍反映语速稍快,但题目却又相对不复 杂,可以说是有利有弊吧。和之前几个月时的预测一样,我们还是反复强调 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格填写题的 重要性,此类题目甚至会占整张试卷 40 道题目的接近一半,可以说是决定了分数的高低。 而其中定位绝对是做本类题目的核心,我们在之前的预测也已无数次提醒大家小心种种细 节了。一定回顾上课时我们反复强调的两点 1. 特别留意黑体字或表格最上方及最左方的信 息(经常给忽略);2. 在有可能的情况,尽量不要找和题目所处同一点的信息。具体请回顾 剑 6t2s3,剑 5t2s3,t3s3。当然另外一个问题就是拼写了。这个恰恰是基本功的体现,可能雅 思也想杜绝投机取巧的可能,现在才这么多考察填写类题目。比如有些时候我们明明听到 了答案的那个单词,但很有可能因为拼写错误而丢分,这是相当可惜的。而这正是看听力 机经的目的所在了,学会拼写考试常考的各类单词,而非盲目背诵。最后还有一件要提醒 大家的就是名词的单复数问题,现在来看,考官们对这个抓得比较紧。因此,我们平时在 练习时,就要非常小心究竟单词结尾处有无 s 这个音,尽量不要疏忽大意。 而关于选择题,特别是处于 section4 那一部分,难度通常都相当大,我们建议各位首 先要确保能看完题目,然后再关注选项内容。我们建议先运用靠后原则排除第一个听到的 信息(一般情况下都很容易听到,而且一般情况下都可能是陷阱),然后尽量在题目旁边写 下点笔记,因为通常情况下,后面读的内容干扰性很强,而且通常是某个选项的同义词转 换,我们很难再瞬间找到正确对应的答案,因此不妨先记下一些内容。还是那句话,能选 尽量先选,但对于有争议的,我们一会再靠当时的笔记再加以 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。如果时间允许的情况 下,在旁记下寥寥数字的信息帮助一会的检查,我们认为是个好方法。当然具体操作就是 见仁见智了。 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 8 下个月的考试,应该还是会以两旧两新为主,而且主要来自 v08,v09 开头的套题(貌似 今年的题目绝大部分都来自这些)。大家可以加以留意。我们建议各位可以有目的的浏览机 经,这是因为很多时候做题时不是听不懂或听不到,而是通常我们可以听到某个音,但由 于背景知识不够而不知应该写什么。启德不是鼓励背诵机经,而是建议各位浏览一下大概 内容,熟悉背景以及各种词汇。我们选取了一部分机经版本号(可能,仅仅是可能,出现 为考题几率会稍高),大家可以参考。还是那句老话,希望各位烤鸭不要本末倒置,把大量 精力和时间放在背诵听力机经上,毕竟它无法保证 100%的准确率。因此大家还是多点会议 我们启德课上所学内容,即各种题型的解答方法,尤其注意回忆最后一节听力课上我们所 提供的复习方法和建议的材料开展工作。 最后祝各位烤鸭好运!! V66, V67, V68, V69, V70, V71 全部内容 V09119s2s3s4, v09121s2s4, v09122s3, v09123s4, v09125s3s4, v09126s1s3, v09128s3, v09129s2, v09130s4, v09133s1s3 V08107s2s3, v08108s4, v08109s1s4, v08110s4, v08111s1s4, v08112s1, v08114s2s4, v08115s2, v08116s2s3, v09120s2s4, v08124s2, v08125s3s4, v08131s4, v08134s3, v08136s2, v08137s4, v08140s2s3s4, v08144s2s3s4, v08146s2, v08417s3 V30081S1S3, V30083S4, V30084S2S3, V30085S2S3S4, V30090S2S3 9 月写作预测 8 月考题回顾 8 月份总共考 6 场:A 类考试(8.13, 8.20, 8.25, 8.27)+G 类考试(8.20 , 8.25)。 8 月份在小作文方面, A 类的四场考试中, 跟上个月的预测的完全一样, 考了一场流程图,关 于用煤发电的过程,其余三场均为常规的图表,具体来说,一场是表格,一场是线状图,还 有一场是柱状图,总的来说,难度不算太大。G 类考的是建议信和咨询信,均属于常规的写 作题型,难度并不大。 大作文方面:A 类四场考试里面,两场教育类,一场是社会类, 还有一场是政府 投资类。 确切地说,一场是学校教育的本质和目的的讨论,一场是警察带抢是否可 以减少暴力犯罪的讨论, 一场是高等教育成本应该由谁来负责的讨论,还有一场 是政府是否应该资助电影行业的讨论,所有四场都是改装后的旧题,大家应该比较 熟悉。可以参考 06 和 07 年的写作机经,还有上个月的写作预测。 Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizens and workers rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 9 2007.9.22 Who should pay the cost of higher education: all paid by government, all paid by students, all paid by students using a loan and repaid after graduation? Compare the benefits and choose one you think best. G 类 Task 1: (8.20)建议信 You hear that an airport will be built. Write a letter to the local authorities. In your letter: 1. tell where you get the news; 2. explain the problem there will be; 3. give some suggestions. (8.25)咨询信 You are going to hold a party in a hotel. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter, - tell when you will hold the party - explain the requirement of the room - thank him/her for the help Task 2: (8.20)社会类—时隔一年的利弊 Many students choose to travel or work for a year before they start their university studies. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (8.25)教育类— 给小孩自由的利弊 Children nowadays have more freedom than before. Do you think it is positive or negative? A 类 Task 2 (8.13)教育类— 学校教育的目地 Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children as a good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. Do you agree or disagree? (8.20)社会类—警察带枪是否可以减少社会暴力 Some people think that a police should force carries a gun so that to decline the high levels of violence today in our society. Do you agree or disagree? 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 10 (8.25)教育类—高等教育的成本应该由谁来负责 Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs paid by the government; all costs paid by students; all costs paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. Which is your opinion? (8.27)政府投资类—政府是否应该资助电影行业 People prefer to watch foreign films rather than local films .why is it? Should government give financial support in film industries? 9 月考题预测:难度系数-中等趋变 小作文方面,A 类考试,将重返绝对以常规图表为主导的路线,不过从往年出题 的情况来看,仍然有出现示意图的可能性,不过机会不会太大,各位要参加考试 的烤鸭只要做好准备,进行适当的熟悉和操练即可。所以主要还是以常规图表为 主,前期可以多加关注饼状图和表格,后期可以多关注线图和柱状图。总之大家 要提前作好准备,在最后的一周或两周内抓紧时间充分准备好常规图和非常规图 的写作思路,注意分清不同图表的判断和解题思路以及常规的语言点;另一方面 还要提高写作的速度和感觉。G 类的考生还是要熟练写好常考的 9 类信件,尤其 是以求助信,告知信,以及感谢信的写作为主,注意加强其布局和写作的流畅性, 同时兼顾句子结构的变化。 大作文方面,大作文的题目仍然将以旧题为主, 不过会有一定的改变,新旧交替 将是下个月的主旋律。A 类的“烤鸭”们在 9 月份需要关注的是社会类和教育类 为主,辅于环保类等话题,尤其是关注考试的主流--教育和社会话题。可以多参 考 06~09 年上半年考题;G 类的考生仍然要以社会类为主,例如社会治安问题、 工作家庭关系,社会现象问题,等话题。具体话题的练习请参考以下预测题目进 行练习,多数话题已经涵盖在预测中。 注意:大作文需要用到模板和套句搭救自己的烤鸭们,要 Bear in mind: 1) 模板要注意连贯,套句不能抄书, 需要改写,有自己的特色! 2) 一定要结合模板进行一定的写作。做到人板合一, 熟能生巧! 3)完整的框架, 结合精彩的内容, 方能锦上添花。 参考的练习题目: 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 11 社会类 1. Many companies provide high salaries, good health care and other benefits to keep the staff. What do you think about the practice? Give your opinion, reasons and examples of your experience. 2. Nowadays the young generation seems to enjoy higher social status than the elderly in society. Explain possible causes for the phenomenon and give suggestions on how to improve old people’s status. 3. People now spend much more money and time on their appearance and pay more attention to how they look than before. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 4. Some employers focus on academic qualification, paying less attention to life experience and personal qualities. Why is this phenomenon? Is this development positive or negative? 5. Should old men live with young people together, or should they live in the clubs for old men? Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 6. Some people think that we need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 7. The speeding of life in many areas such as travel and communication has negative effects on the society at all levels ----individuals, national and global. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 教育类 1. Some people think that children should be encouraged to do some paid work, while others say that it is unacceptable because it brings about negative effects on the healthy development of children. What is your opinion? 2. In the past people thought that education was only for young people. Now, it is believed that education is for a person's whole life. Do you agree? 3. It is an old practice that parents give their children some pocket money. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the practice and give your opinion with your own experience. 4. Nowadays students are overloaded with assignment and homework. Therefore, parents are complaining that schools have given students too much extra study to do. This is not good for students’ study and development. Give the causes of the situation and explain the positive and negative effects of it. 5. Many people think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. Do you agree or disagree? 6. Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays an important role in many educational systems. Does the usefulness outweigh its limitation? 7. Some people think that we should encourage students to evaluate or even criticize their teachers, while others claim that this practice will disrupt the order in classroom and lead to disrespect for teachers. What is your opinion? 8. Many schools demand the students to wear uniforms. Some people think that such as practice can undermine their personality and individuality. What is your opinion? 总部地址:广州中山四路 42 号广州图书馆二楼国外教育资料中心 邮编:510055 电 话:(020) 8384 5709, 8386 6665, 8387 8844, 8387 2884, 8386 4693 Email: eic@21cn.net 网 址:http://www.eic.org.cn 12 科技类 1. It is known that technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our foods. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that these changes are harmful. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 2. Some people claim that machine translation is highly developed in the society today, so it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What’s your opinion? 3. People believe that when a country begins to develop its science and technology, the traditional technology and methods are bound to die out. Therefore, the maintenance of the traditional technology and methods is futile. What is your opinion? 4. Technology can bring many benefits, but it can also cause social and environmental problems. In relation to new technology, Governments should focus their primary duty on potential problems, rather than benefits. Do you agree with the opinion? 5. Motorized flight is the most important invention in the modern world. No any other invention has such a significant impact on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 6. Some people think that modern technology make life more convenient, while others believe that life was better when technology was simpler. What is your opinion? 7. Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. Do you agree or disagree? 8. The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other. In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make? Does it have positive or negative effect on the development? 语言文化类 1. In many countries, people don’t wear their national costume any longer. Many people think the citizens will forget their history and tradition. So people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day. Do you agree or disagree? 2. Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must retire to the old and more traditional values in order to create a better world to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3. Many of the world’s languages and cultures are dying out. Examine reasons for the loss of languages and cultures and give your opinion with your own experience and examples. 4. Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use for the international communication. To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 5. Some experts say that children’s studying English at primary school is better than their studying English at secondary school. Do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 6. Laws protect many old buildings because they ar
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