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ThanatopsisnullThanatopsis by William Cullen BryantThanatopsis by William Cullen BryantnullnullWhat do people think when they read about Thanatopsis? Shall people be afraid of death? No is the best...

nullThanatopsis by William Cullen BryantThanatopsis by William Cullen BryantnullnullWhat do people think when they read about Thanatopsis? Shall people be afraid of death? No is the best answer to respond to this question, especially, when death is predestined; therefore, people shall be ready when they are facing the actual "death". Usually, their fears of facing the actual death are caused by their own negative perspective, when they have to define and understand about death itself. nullDeath is really connecting to the word Thanatopsis that the word itself came from the Greek word called Thanatos, which means "demise or death" and opsis means, "vision" or point of view. The new word is defined by the poem: a way of looking at and thinking about death. Bryant used his famous Thanatopsis to show his supportive ideas of looking at the positive side of death in human beings. In the "Thanatopsis", a sixteen-year-old Bryant had been supporting and expanding his ideas to express his positive sight on death during his introverted walks on the woods. null“Thanatopsis” is a meditative poem of eighty-two lines, granting consolation for human mortality through mankind’s unity with nature. it was frequently revised before its first appearance in North American Review in September, 1817, and was enlarged so as to include a new Wordsworthian opening (lines 1–17) and an extended, vaguely religious conclusion (lines 66–81) for its publication in Poems, 1821. The poem is a wonderful literary work which explores the often controversial questions of death. Within his well written lines Bryant attempts to show the relationship between death's eternal questions and the ongoing cycle of nature and life.null, Thanatopsis (1817), shows the deep Romantic spirit of Bryant in his youth. In this famous blank verse masterpiece, nature and death are described with a gentle sadness. The title is Greek for “view of death”. Bryant’s view is that death is the absolute end of the individual. Nature has a kind of healing effect. Nature can share your happiness. The image of death is definitely not horrifying, because you will be melted into nature. At first, this “view of death” might seem a cold and terrifying thought. But, as he explains in later poems, the life of man is part of the wonderful life of nature as a whole. The individual soul is not alone but, as he says in A Forest Hymn, part of “the soul of this wide universe”. Almost all of his poetry expresses his excitement at the idea of being part of something so vast. nullIn this poem, Bryant viewed death from a different perspective than anybody else ever did; he was the poem writer who pointed out on the good points of death. He tells the reader "When thoughts/Of the last bitter hour come like a blight…Go forth, under the open sky, and list/To Nature's teachings…" He believes that nature will guide its listener to a better understanding of life cycle, death and rebirth. He told us to closely paying attention to nature as it is all around us. Because of the facts he told, many people were attracted by his poem as it helped each individual to gain a better understanding of life and death . null 对他,她说着各种语言, 他爱自然,与她的种种可见形式 进行交流;为他欢快的时光 她 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达着快乐,微笑着, 并大加赞美,她悄悄溜进      他的隐秘的冥想,带着温和的 治愈一切的同情,在他明白之前 偷走他的痛苦。一想到 最后的悲痛时光来临,如同枯萎病 侵蚀你的精神,严酷而冷峻的痛楚, 裹尸布,柩衣,令人窒息的黑暗, 以及狭窄的棺屋,这些悲伤的景象 令你发抖,一阵阵恶心,-- 走出去吧,到露天下,倾听 大自然的教诲,此时你的周遭-- 土地以及她的水域,空气的深处-- 传来平静的声音---然而就几天, 统察一切的太阳,在其光照所及, 再也看不见你了,甚至寒冷的土地里, 你苍白的形式摆放在那儿,带着淋漓的泪水 null在海洋的怀抱里,你的形象 也不复存在。土地养育了你,有权拥有 你的成长,让你重新回归土地, 并且,丧失所有人间的踪迹,完全 放弃你的个体生命,你将永远 与自然之力混为一体,成为 麻木不仁的岩石的兄弟,成为 懒散的土块的姊妹。粗蛮的乡下汉 用犁耙翻着这些土块,并踩上几脚。 橡树的根伸展着,刺进你疏松的土壤, null然而并未刺到你永久的休憩地, 你将独自就寝,你也不能希望 你的床更华丽宏伟。你将躺下 与人类孩提时代的族长--与国王, 地球上有影响的--聪慧的,善良的, 与美人儿,以及几代前白发皤然的先知, 全在一个宏大的墓窟里。那些山 岩石为骨,如太阳般古老,--那些山谷 在郁郁寡欢的寂静中在群山间延伸; 蓊郁的丛林,滚滚的河水 庄严肃穆,与戚戚怨语的小溪 使草地青翠,并灌溉四周。 null古海洋灰色忧郁的荒地-- 只不过是所有人类巨大的坟墓 庄重而肃穆的装饰。金色的太阳, 行星,天空所有的无限的主人, 穿透平静的世代流逝,在悲伤的 死亡居所之上闪闪发光。对沉睡 在环球怀抱中的部落来说,所有踩在 地球之上者,不过是一小撮。-- 乘上早晨的翅膀,穿越巴肯荒原, 或者消失在连绵的丛林,那儿 翻滚着俄勒冈河,听不见声响, 除了它自己的咆哮声--然而死者 就在那儿,成百万在寂寞中,自从 时光飞逝之初,已经躺在他们         最后的睡眠中--死者独自君临此地。 null因而,倘若你躺下,在阒无声息中 你离开了活人,没有朋友留意 你的离去,那会怎样?所有能够 呼吸的生命,将与你命运与共。 当你走了,达观者将开怀大笑, 严肃者会忧心忡忡。缓缓沉重地 向前,每个人都一如既往追随着 他钟爱的幻影;然而这一切将离去, 他们的欢笑,以及财物,并将与你 一起铺床,随着一长串岁月的流逝, 人类的子孙,风华正茂的青年, 以及年富力强的他,主妇或者女仆, 未开口说话的娃娃,白发苍苍的老人 都将一一聚集在你的身旁, 同样,轮到谁,谁也得跟随而来。 null因此,活着,当你被召唤,来 加入滚滚人流的旅队,向着 神秘的领地移动,在那儿,人人 将在寂静的死亡大厅拥有一间寝室。 你走了,不像夜晚采石场的奴隶, 被鞭打进地牢,而是由坚定的信念 支撑和抚慰,走向你的坟墓, 像那人一样,在身上裹起床单, 躺下,犹如进入快乐的梦乡。 nullnull. This poem is all about nature and how nice it is. In addition, this poem is about death and how death is not the worst option. This poem is about death as it offers a peaceful view of death and comfort for the living. William Cullen Bryant shows his views of death in this poem, however, not directly. Bryant views death as part of the return to nature, like death is just another phase of life itself. “Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim / Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again” Bryant is saying that as a person has lived upon the Earth, the Earth will now live upon that person. The person will live on, but in another way. null“Surrendering up / Thine individual being, shalt thou go / To mix forever with the elements”. What Bryant is trying to say is that the person goes on living in Nature although each part of the person as an individual is gone. Bryant also tells the reader that he /she will not go to death alone. Everyone who has ever died will already be there. Everyone who has not gone yet will be there eventually. Social class or age does not matter, one thing is shared, and that one thing is death. In that way, all are equal and death becomes the great equalizer. nullThanatopsis itself means 'a view of death' in simple terms. The writer involved nature deeply in this writing as an explanation that after life is done, we return to the earth as we came from it. He says this with, " Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again, And, lost each human trace, surrendering up Thine individual being, shalt thou go To mix forever with the elements, To be a brother to the insensible rock And to the sluggish clod, which the rude swain Turns with his share, and treads upon. The oak Shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mold. " nullHe also expresses that when one dies, they should go willingly into death, rather than dread it. All in all I personally find this poem to be very intellectual and definitely offers more than what meets the eye. Bryant tries to show that life and death can be explained through nature. He expresses the beauty of nature as well. He does this with Imagery and Allusion. Writing this poem ,Bryant was influenced by British “The Graveyard School ”The Graveyard SchoolThe Graveyard SchoolDefinition: The Graveyard School was a group of 18th-century English poets. Depressing in their themes of death and dying, the poems were filled with dark and gloomy images--making us think of immortality. The Graveyard School influenced later Gothic Literature.null“墓园派”诗人有Thomas Parnell, Thomas Warton, Thomas Percy, Thomas Gray, James MacPherson, Robert Blair, William Collins, Mark Akenside, Joseph Warton, Henry Kirke White and Edward Young. 代表作有Thomas Parnell的A Night-Piece on Death Edward Young的Night Thoughts和Blair's The Grave Thomas Gray的Elegy in a Country ChurchyardThomas GrayThomas Graynull托马斯·格雷Thomas Gray (1716—1771 ),英国18世纪重要诗人,也是英国新古典主义后期的重要诗人。 格雷一生作诗不多,仅十余首传世,其中以《墓园挽歌》Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (1750) 最为著名。此诗创作长达8年之久,最初是为了哀悼他在伊顿公学读书时的好友里查德 ·韦斯特,至少诗末所附的“墓志铭”是为他而作。但纵观全诗,其内容已经明显超越了对某个具体人物的哀思,而是通过对乡村一处墓地的描写,表达对下层默默无闻的人民的深切同情。null对他们纯朴善良品质的赞扬,为他们没有机会施展天赋和才华而惋惜,同时也表现了对权贵、人间虚荣的蔑视和嘲讽,对大人物傲慢奢侈生活的谴责。这首诗充分体现了格雷的民主思想。 null由于贫困,农民不能发挥自己的才能,不能成为像弥尔顿John Milton 那样的文学家,像克伦威尔Oliver Cromwell 那样的政治家。但是从另一方面说,在他们身上没有“野心”,“傲慢”,“骄”“奢”和“谄媚”。他们虽然“贫瘠”,没有知识,但却有“德性”和“天良”,他们是自然本身。这样的思想和弥漫于全诗的感伤情调,使《墓园挽歌》Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (1750) 成为18 世纪后期感伤主义诗歌的典范之作。nullnull晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧, 牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落, 耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄, 把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。 苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退, 一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰, 只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞, 昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。 只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下 一只阴郁的柢枭向月亮诉苦, 怪人家无端走进它秘密的住家, 搅扰它这个悠久而僻静的领土。 null《墓园挽歌》之所以是历代注评家青睐的对象。是因为“第一,它凝聚了一个时期中的某种社会情绪;其次,它有比较完整的形式表达了这种情绪,在一定程度上解决了如何革新旧传统的问题,具有较高的艺术成就”。 从《墓园挽歌》这首诗中,我们可以看到英国诗人从新古典主义向浪漫主义的过度。一方面,格雷的诗歌语言精雕细琢,符合新古典主义推崇的诗歌词藻要求,另一方面,他的诗歌表现了浪漫的对自然以及对人与人之间和谐关系的渴望。这两者的结合用以表达深一层的感伤,使古典主义者所追求的对永恒真理的描述,这一古往今来始终如此的叹惋被精美的诗歌形式架构起来,更有着动人心弦的力量。 null“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”(1750)《写于一个乡村墓园的挽歌》。这是一首有关人生短暂的沉思,他的名声也就建立在这首诗上。他和一圈朋友以此类主题写了许多诗篇,故而被后人称为The Graveyard School“墓园派”。
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