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现代大学英语第二版 精读1 教师用书lesson 1


现代大学英语第二版 精读1 教师用书lesson 1 现代大学英语精读教师用书 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 北京 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 1 12/23/10 3:20:41 PM 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 2 12/23/10 3:20:41 PM i 编者说明 本书为《现代大学英语精读》(第二版)(Contemporary College English)教材第一册的教 师用书,供使用该书的同行们采用。我们多年来一直担心这类教参会妨害同行们的创造性教学 实践,但又觉得作为编者有责任提供必要的辅助材料和建...

现代大学英语第二版 精读1 教师用书lesson 1
现代大学英语精读教师用书 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 北京 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 1 12/23/10 3:20:41 PM 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 2 12/23/10 3:20:41 PM i 编者说明 本书为《现代大学英语精读》(第二版)(Contemporary College English)教材第一册的教 师用书,供使用该书的同行们采用。我们多年来一直担心这类教参会妨害同行们的创造性教学 实践,但又觉得作为编者有责任提供必要的辅助材料和建议。最后只好两害取其轻,选择一些 较为基本的东西,给使用者作参考。本书也可以为使用我们教材的学生提供某些方便,但我们 希望并且相信,他们不会对此产生依赖,误以为抄录教参可以代替自主的创造性的劳动。为了 照顾自学者的需要,我们在本书中还增加了一些新的内容,方便他们的使用。 关于本套精读教材的编写原则、教学目的、基本框架和使用 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,我们在相应的学生用书 的前言里已有详细说明,这里仅就教师用书本身的五部分内容分别作一些介绍。 1. 每单元的第一部分是对 Text A 中内容和背景的介绍(Introduction)。作为精读课,如 何准确、全面、深刻地理解课文是一切教学活动的出发点和基础。但要做到这一点很 不容易。同一篇文章,往往仁者见仁,智者见智。正因为如此,我们没有采用“课文 导读”的说法,以避免患那种以督导自居,动辄强加于人的狂妄而又幼稚的毛病。我 们只是尽我们的力量,对课文做出我们认为是正确的分析,和同行们商榷、交流。我 们相信,经过实践,我们一定能一起做到对课文比较全面地掌握。在这一部分里,我 们还对课文的结构(Structure)做了简单的分析,提供了课文的提纲(Outline)。此外, 我们也对课文的处理和围绕课文进行的教学活动提出了一些建议(Teaching Tips)。 2. 每单元的第二部分是 Text A 中的语言重点(Language Focus)。其中包括词汇和语法两 大项,项目下面列出了本课有用的新句型、新语法、新短语、新词组、新搭配,以及 构词法的新规则等。此外,还对应该特别重视的词汇提出了建议。我们虽然不能要求 学生全部正确熟练掌握所列各项,但是一定要培养学生对语言重点的判断以及归纳的 意识、自觉性和能力。 3. 每单元的第三部分是对 Text A 的详细分析(Detailed Discussion of the Text)。通过分析, 希望解决语言难点,让学生真正透彻理解课文。其中还有对重点词汇、词组、句型及 其用法的介绍、归纳和训练。在这方面,重要的是要掌握时机和分寸,一定要及时恰 当,避免过早或过多,反之也不可取。对课文要理解透彻,还必须对其内容观点加以 分析。学生用书中每课课文的课前预习和各项口语活动的设计都是为了这个目的。 4. 每单元的第四部分是课文的译文(Translation of the Text)。这是旧版教师用书中没有的 项目。因为我们担心使用本书的自学者会过分依赖中文,而忽视循序渐进地打好英语 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 1 12/23/10 3:20:41 PM ii 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 基本功。但如果能正确使用本教参,学生对照汉语和英语两种文本,对于正确理解课 文应该会有积极的意义,对日后翻译技巧的培养应该也是有利的。不过需要说明的是: 翻译是一种艺术,翻译家历来提倡的“信、达、雅”这三点我们可能无法全部做到。 一来限于我们的水平;二来我们的目的主要在于帮助使用者通过对照译文更好地掌握 课文。所以我们只能力求忠实于原文,不敢有更高要求。 5. 每单元的第五部分是练习 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 (Key to Exercises)。关于这一部分,有几点需要特别加 以说明。首先,我们虽然尽量提供各个练习的答案,但是有相当一部分的练习,比如 口语练习中的对话讨论,很难提供标准答案,勉强提供恐怕会画蛇添足,贻笑大方。 所以只能让使用者自由发挥。其次,有不少练习其实可以有不止一个答案,比如翻译, 完全可以有不同的译文。我们在答案中只能根据该练习考查的重点来提供其中一种。 这就要求教师灵活处理,不要因为我们的参考答案影响学生创造性的发挥。第三,我 们在有些地方除了提供答案,还作了一些说明和解释。希望学生知其然,又知其所以 然。但语言是一个千变万化的东西,我们在告诉学生各项条规的时候,必须慎重。 最后,请允许我们对采用本书的朋友们表示感谢和歉意。由于水平有限,加上编写过程永 远没有编者希望的那种从容,所以每次交稿的时候,总是留下很多不安和遗憾。希望采用本书 的老少朋友不吝指教。 好在现在从网上取得各种材料十分便当, 而且任何教科书都不可能超越 大批才华出众的教师的实践发挥。这些都已经成为常识,因此不再作谦虚的表白,就此打住。 编者 2010 年 9 月 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 2 12/23/10 3:20:42 PM iii Unit 1 Half a Day .......................................................................................................... 1 Unit 2 The Boy and the Bank Officer ......................................................................... 23 Unit 3 Message of the Land ........................................................................................42 Unit 4 The Midnight Visitor .......................................................................................62 Unit 5 The Nightingale and the Rose .........................................................................79 Unit 6 The Green Banana .........................................................................................103 Unit 7 Inter-Lesson (I) .............................................................................................. 121 Unit 8 The Kindness of Strangers ............................................................................128 Unit 9 After Twenty Years ........................................................................................146 Unit 10 Mandela’s Garden .......................................................................................... 167 Unit 11 Maheegun My Brother ................................................................................... 187 Unit 12 Christmas Day in the Morning ......................................................................209 Unit 13 The Greatest Invention ..................................................................................227 Unit 14 Inter-Lesson (II) .............................................................................................246 Unit 15 Clearing in the Sky ........................................................................................253 Unit 16 The Monsters Are Due in Maple Street ........................................................269 Contents 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 3 12/23/10 3:20:43 PM iv 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 4 12/23/10 3:20:43 PM 1 Unit 1 Text A Half a Day Naguib Mahfouz Introduction 1 Background The author of the story uses a strategy commonly used in fiction writing—the protagonist returns after being absent for a short time to find everything changed beyond recognition. The best example is perhaps “Rip Van Winkle”, a short story by American writer, Washington Irving (1783–1859). Rip is a simple good-natured man. One fine day he went with his dog to the mountains to hunt squirrels. He drank something a queer old man offered him, and fell fast asleep. When he woke up he found himself an old man and that great changes had occurred in his village during his absence. In the village inn the portrait of King George III had been replaced by one of General Washington. This technique is often used to emphasize rapid changes in society. The setting of the story is not clear, but this is not important as long as what the author tries to get across is something universal. 2 Structure The text can be roughly divided into three parts, which can be subdivided into several sections. I 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 1 12/23/10 3:20:44 PM 2 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 I. The narrator’s unwillingness to go to school (paras. 1–7) A. He was unwilling to go to school. (paras. 1–3) B. His father told him the purpose and importance of school. (paras. 4–7) II. The narrator’s experience at school (paras. 8–16) A. He began to like school: friends, sweethearts and activities. (paras. 8–14) B. He found unpleasant things, too: school work, rivalries, fighting, and physical punishment. (para. 15) C. He realized what lay ahead of him: exertion, struggle and perseverance. (para. 16) III. The changes the narrator found after school (paras. 17–20) A. He didn’t find his father waiting for him at the gate and the street had changed. (para. 17) B. He couldn’t find his way home. (para. 18) C. He found himself an old man. (paras. 19–20) 3 Teaching Tips 1. Warm-up questions (about the students’ first day at college) Was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life? Who saw you off at the ■ railway station/airport? Who came to school with you? What did he/she/they say to you on the way? What do you think is the business of university? What do you expect to learn here? ■ Did you feel you were a stranger the first day you arrived? ■ Did you find the university just as you had imagined? In what way was it as you ■ imagined, and in what way was it not? (Were you disappointed when you found it wasn’t as good as you had expected?) Do you find life at college rich and colorful or tedious and boring? ■ Do you have trouble adjusting to life here? ■ What do you think you should do to get the most out of college? ■ 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 2 12/23/10 3:20:44 PM 3 Unit 1 2. Questions to check on pre-class work What’s the purpose of school, according to the boy’s father? Do you agree with him? Why ■ or why not? Do you agree with the lady in the story that a school is a home to the children? Why or ■ why not? What did the boy realize about school? Was it all fun? ■ What do you think of the changes that had taken place in the outside world during his half ■ day inside the school? Do you think the outside world had changed for the better or for the worse? Which sentence in the text do you think can be used as a motto for your college years? ■ Please explain. 3. A question for discussion at the end of the unit: What do you think is the message the author intends to get across? The following are a few possibilities: Time and tide waits for no man. ■ There is nothing permanent in life but change. ■ Education can never keep up with changes in society. ■ Life is short and time is precious. ■ Life is a dream. Do not take anything seriously. ■ Language Focus 1. Word formation 1) noun suffixes: -(a)tion/sion, -ment, -ness, -er/or 2) adjective suffixes: -ful, -less, -ed 3) adverb suffix: -ly 2. Verb patterns 1) make (see, hear, let, help, watch, feel, have) sb/sth do sth 2) make (find, keep, feel, think, consider) sb/sth + adj 3) find (see, hear, watch, keep, feel, notice) sb/sth doing sth II 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 3 12/23/10 3:20:45 PM 4 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 3. Idioms and expressions a matter of for the first time ahead of from the first moments at home from time to time be convinced here and there be employed in a daze be full of in addition be irritated in front (of) (street) be lined with gardens in half a day be over and gone in vain (fields) be planted with trees nothing but be surrounded by on one’s own between morning and sunset on the corner for a long time on the surface 4. Verb phrases arrive at bring about burst into tears cling to come along come into view come over come to a halt come up to sb disappear to fall in love with fool around form people into give rise to glance at go on with hurry towards let up look around make a man out of sb reach out one’s arm resort to return to rush towards show off smile at sort people into ranks step aside stretch out one’s arm take advantage of take over take sb across tear sb away from throw into turn towards wait for wake up walk along a street walk alongside yell at 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 4 12/23/10 3:20:45 PM 5 Unit 1 5. Verb + noun collocations announce an event lose one’s way begin life play games border the place punish a person change one’s mind reach the house clutch one’s hand say goodbye cover a place scold the child cross a street shake the air dry one’s tears show the various continents eat delicious food sing a song employ workers take a nap face life take a walk find no trace of take steps find one’s way somewhere tell a story invade a place watch our progress lift weights 6. Sentence patterns 1) I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand. 2) ... this was the day I was to be thrown into school... 3) ... we walked along a street lined with gardens... 4) I wasn’t convinced. 5) I did not believe (that) there was really any good to be had in... 6) How could all this have happened in half a day...? 7) Here and there stood conjurers showing off their tricks... 8) Extremely irritated, I wondered when I would be able to cross. 7. Grammar 1) past participle as attributive modifiers 2) relative clauses with those, who Detailed Discussion of the Text 1. I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand. (para. 1) clutching his right hand: This is a present participle used to modify the main verb “walked”, showing the manner in which the narrator walked. III 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 5 12/23/10 3:20:46 PM 6 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 More examples from the text: My mother stood at the window watching our progress... (para. 2) I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help. (para. 2) “I’m not punishing you,” he said, laughing. (para. 4) The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work. (para. 17) 2. They did not make me happy. (para. 1) I wasn’t happy as I usually was when I had new clothes to wear. Here “they” refers to the narrator’s new clothes. 3. ... as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time. (para. 1) ... because it was the day I started school. to be thrown into school: “To throw sb into” is not usually used with the word “school”. Here, the expression is used to show that the little boy in the story didn’t want to go to school. He was forced by his father to do so. The phrase is generally used with nouns denoting unpleasant places, such as to be thrown into prison/jail. cf to throw sb out (of a place): to force sb to leave a place eg They’ll throw me out (of school) if I fail three exams. school: When the word means a place where children go to be educated, it is both countable and uncountable. When referring to such a place in general, it is used as an uncountable noun, as it is here in this sentence. More examples from the text: “Why school?” I asked my father. “What have I done?” (para. 3) “School’s not a punishment.” (para. 4) I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences. (para. 13) 4. My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help. (para. 1) our progress: our slow and difficult movement towards the school (My mother was anxious to know how my father would get me to go.) from time to time: sometimes, but not very often eg He goes to see his grandparents from time to time, about five or six times a year. hoping she would help: hoping she would stop my father taking me to school, or talk to my father so that he would change his mind about sending me to school Question: What does the sentence tell us about the boy’s relations with his parents? It seems that the boy was closer to his mother. Probably his mother was gentle while his father was strict. 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 6 12/23/10 3:20:46 PM 7 Unit 1 5. ... a street lined with gardens... (para. 2) ... a street where there are gardens along both sides... lined with...: a past participle phrase used here to modify “a street”. It can be regarded as a relative clause cut short. eg a novel (that was) written by Charles Dickens personal computers (that are) made in China 6. Why school? (para. 3) Why do I have to go to school? / Why are you going to throw me into school? This is an elliptical question. Such questions are common in conversation. More examples: 1) — Headmaster: We want you to go and tell the boy’s parents the news. — Teacher: Why me? 2) — Father: We’ll go to Tianjin this weekend. — Daughter: What for? (Why this weekend? / Why Tianjin?) 7. What have I done? (para. 3) I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong to be punished like this. (Children often think that taking them away from Mom is the worst punishment.) This is a rhetorical question—one that expresses strong feelings or opinions and doesn’t require an answer. It is used to say something more positively than a statement would. 8. It’s a place that makes useful men out of boys. (para. 4) to make... (out) of sb/sth: to make sb/sth become... eg The army made a man of him. Hardships help make a man (out) of a boy. I don’t think you can make a football star (out) of Johnny. 9. Don’t you want to be useful like your brothers? (para. 4) This is also a rhetorical question. More examples: Can’t you see I’m busy? (Don’t disturb me!) What good is a promise to an unemployed worker? (An empty promise is useless to an unemployed worker.) Does nothing ever worry you? (I don’t understand how you can be so carefree.) 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 7 12/23/10 3:20:46 PM 8 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 10. I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high walled building. (para. 5) I didn’t think it was useful to take me away from home and put me into that building with high walls. (The school looked like a prison to the boy.) It is no good/use doing sth or there is no good to be had in doing sth: It is not useful to do sth. More examples: It’s no good crying over spilt milk. (proverb) It’s no use talking to him. to tear oneself/sb away from...: to (make sb) leave a place or a person unwillingly because one has to eg Can’t you tear yourself away from the TV for dinner? The young artist couldn’t tear himself away from da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. 11. ... we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls. (para. 6) vast and full of boys and girls: This adjective phrase modifies “the courtyard”. When used as an attributive modifier, adjective phrases are often placed after the noun they qualify. More examples: There’s nothing wrong with the computer. It’s something important to my family. Can you recommend some books easy for first year students to read? full of: having a large number/amount of sth eg The boy’s pocket is full of candies. The girls are full of admiration for pop stars. Life is full of joys and sorrows. 12. Go in by yourself... (para. 6) Go into the school alone... (His father is not going with him.) by oneself: alone; without anyone else 13. Put a smile on your face... (para. 6) Make an effort to smile... 14. clung to his hand (para. 7) held his hand tightly 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 8 12/23/10 3:20:47 PM 9 Unit 1 15. “Be a man,” he said. “Today you truly begin life.” (para. 7) “Be brave,” he said. “Your life begins today.” This means that your carefree days are gone forever. Starting from today, you’ve got something important to do—to learn and to prepare yourself for the rest of your life. man: a person who is strong and brave or has other qualities that people think are characteristic of males eg Mrs Baker found that her daughter was more a man than her son was. cf to be man enough (to do sth/for sth): to be strong or brave enough eg He is not man enough to accept his failure gracefully. 16. You’ll find me waiting for you when it’s time to leave. (para. 7) I’ll come to fetch you when school is over. I’ll be waiting for you here at the gate. Here the present participle “waiting for you” is used as object complement (宾语补足语). 17. Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view. (para. 8) Then I could see the faces of the boys and girls. come into view: to begin to be seen eg As soon as we turned the corner, the palace came into view. 18. I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way. (para. 8) In this strange place, I felt confused and didn’t know what to do. lose one’s way: to become lost eg The boys lost their way in the forest. 19. I did not know what to say. (para. 11) question word + to do: often used as the object of certain verbs eg Faced with so many books I didn’t know which to choose. Would you please tell me how to get to the National Library? 20. to burst into tears (para. 11) to suddenly start to cry burst into (sth): to begin to do (sth) suddenly eg The boys burst into laughter. His family burst into song. The car burst into fire/flame(s). The audience burst into applause. 现代英语教师用书1-2.indd 9 12/23/10 3:20:47 PM 10 现代大学英语 精读1 教师用书 cf burst out (doing sth): to begin (doing sth) eg The boy burst out crying. His family burst out “Happy birthday!” as he walked into the room. 21. A lady came along, followed by a group of men. (para. 11) Probably the lady was the headteacher of the school. followed by a group of men: a past participle phrase that tells us how the lady came (or in what manner the lady came) 22. The men began sorting us into ranks. (para. 11) The men began arranging us into lines/rows. sort: to put people or things in a particular order or to separate them into groups eg The children are sorted into three study groups. She sorted her old books into two piles. 23. We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard... (para. 11) We were made to stand in different places to form regular lines or shapes in the big courtyard... 24. ... from each floor we were overlooked by a long balcony roofed in wood. (para. 11) ... we could be seen from the long, roofed balcony on each floor. overlook: to provide a view of, especially from above eg Our classroom overlooks a beautiful garden. roofed in wood: with wooden roof 25. Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis. (para. 13) Well, perhaps my doubt, worry and fear about what school would be like were all groundless (without good reason). / Well, it seemed that I was wrong to think that school was a dreadful place. 26. From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls. (para. 13) This is a humorous remark which suggests that the boy’s attitude t
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