首页 情感异化理论下乌托邦精神的异化英语论文



情感异化理论下乌托邦精神的异化英语论文 XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书 编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 情感异化理论下乌托邦精神的异化 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名:XXX 学号: XXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:XX 1. 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 本论文的研究目标是用情感异化理论探讨乌托邦精神的异化过程及其表现。其主要任务是弄清乌托邦精神异化的原因。 ...

XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书 编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 情感异化理论下乌托邦精神的异化 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名:XXX 学号: XXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:XX 1. 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 本论文的研究目标是用情感异化理论探讨乌托邦精神的异化过程及其 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现。其主要任务是弄清乌托邦精神异化的原因。 2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第一章佛洛姆的情感异化理论,第二章介绍乌托邦精神异化的表现,最后一章讨论了乌托邦精神异化的原因。 3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是前人对乌托邦精神异化解读的成果。 研究路线是运用情感异化理论,对乌托邦精神异化的这一现实进行细致的分析。 4、主要参考文献 Bibliography Nineteen Eighty-Four [1] Brooks, Cleanth, Warren, Robert Penn. Understanding Fiction. 3th Edition,Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,London:Pearson Education,2004. [2] Corry, John. How Do You Like Your Orwell?. The American Spectator, 2003/2004. [3]吴元迈. 20 世纪英国文学史. 青岛:青岛出版社,2004. [4]张中载. 十年后再读十年后再读《一九八四》——评乔治· 奥威尔. 外国文学, 1996(1). 5、 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 进度 阶段 起止日期 1 确定初步论文题目 3月16日前 2 与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 和任务书,导师签字 3月16日-3月23日 3 提交论文提纲 3月23日-3月30日 4 交初稿和文献综述 3月30日-4月20日 5 交终稿和评议书 5月8日前 指 导 教师: 年 月 日 教研室主任: 年 月 注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXXX 届 学生 姓名 XXX 论文(设计)题目 情感异化理论下乌托邦精神的异化 指导 教师 XXX 专业 职称 XX 所属教研室 英语基础教研室 研究方向 教学法与语言学 课题论证:本论文用情感异化理论探讨乌托邦精神的异化过程及其表现并进一步阐释乌托邦精神异化的原因。 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 设计:第一章佛洛姆的情感异化理论, 第二章介绍乌托邦精神异化的表现, 第三章讨论乌托邦精神异化的原因。 进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前写开题报告、任务书 3月30日前提交论文提纲 4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述 5月8日前交终稿和评议书 指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述 Literature Review The research on Orwell’s life and his masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four has been going on for many years at home and abroad. In the western critic circle, many critics based on the innuendo and criticism of Soviet socialism in Nineteen Eighty-Four make a subjective judgment that Orwell must support capitalism. Nineteen Eighty-Four was also taken to be as a propaganda weapon of liberal ideology. Although during this period, many commentators have pointed out that the true nature of Nineteen Eighty-Four is a warning, but a situation that the comments biased and limited to its ideas and themes didn’t come to an overall improvement until the end of the Cold War. In the past 20 years, with the world’s situation changing, study on Nineteen Eighty-Four from abroad is no longer limited to the analysis of its political ideas and themes, but has expanded to an analysis from multiple angles of literature, feminism, negative effects of science and technology, post-colonialism, and so on. According to different angled of analysis, the researches about Nineteen Eighty-Four both foreign and domestic focus on four main directions, that is, the political stance, the authenticity of the prophecy, feminism, and comparison with other literary works. Political connotation has been the focus of scholars’ research on Nineteen Eighty-Four. The judgment of the political position Orwell holds in Nineteen Eighty-Four has made an impact on the spread and research of his book all the time. During the Cold War, Orwell was billed as an “anti-Soviet propaganda writer” in the western literature. Thus, Nineteen Eighty-Four was resisted by some people in America, especially by the leftists. They believed that Nineteen Eighty-Four directed its attack at Stalin’s totalitarian rule, and thus Orwell was a writer of anti-communism and an ally of imperialists. However, this view is challenged by others. The dissentient voice is based on the study that Orwell’s early works reflected his aversion to colonialism and imperialism, such as Shooting an Elephant, and come to the conclusion that Orwell is an anti-imperialist and Nineteen Eighty-Four only expressed its concerns about totalitarianism, therefore Orwell is marginalized as a “leftist” writer. With the end of the Cold War and the reduction of the ideological impact, the evaluation of Orwell’s political stance reflected in Nineteen Eighty-Four has tended to be objective by degree. David A. Goodman made it clear in 60th Anniversary of the Publication of Orwell that “Literary critics usually think that George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is opposed to Stalin of the Soviet Union, but in fact it concerns a socialist totalitarian society which is out of control” (Goodman, 1984: 33). Similarly, Zhu Kunling makes a conclusion in Orwell’ s Dystopia and His Focus on the Political Realities – Brief Comments on Orwell and His Masterpiece < Nineteen Eighty-Four> that “ In Nineteen Eighty-Four, what Orwell criticizes is not a particular person or political system, but all the dictators and authoritarian governments on Earth through the ages” (Zhu, 2000: 96). Zou Jie makes a further consideration Another Comment on George Orwell and His and < Nineteen Eighty-Four> that “Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four criticizes the drawbacks of the Soviet Union, but at that time the socialism of Soviet Union had been deteriorating for a long time, the Soviet model is only one kind of socialism”, so “Orwell’s anti-communism seems impossible”(Zou, 2000: 12—13). Currently, according to the in-depth analysis of Nineteen Eighty-Four coupled with Orwell’s political stance he described personally, domestic and foreign scholars have reached a basic agreement that Nineteen Eighty-Four reflects Orwell violates all totalitarian oppression, and desires for freedom and equality, in fact he really aids socialism, but it is the one he imagines in his way. The critics have been debating the accuracy of Nineteen Eighty-Four, a political prophecy. Starting from the logic of totalitarian development, Orwell mades a bold prediction about the society in future, and speculates on operational mechanism of the powers and the means of controlling ideology. By a detailed analysis of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Goodman pointed out that among 137 scientific, technological and social changes predicted in the book, there were 100 changes having been realized in the mid-1970s. Without exception Orwell’s predictions were all on the basis of social reality at that time, and he drew them by technical processing. Just because of this point, critics attacked Nineteen Eighty-Four that it was not but a copy of the reality at that time, especially the one of the Soviet Union. With thedevelopment of the times, they believed that history also had validated the error of George Orwell’s predictions. After 1984 many critics held an optimistic attitude that this is just a false alarm, and thought that Orwell’s fictional imagination in Nineteen Eighty-Four had passed away. Krishan Kumar mentioned Epstein’s view in the book review On Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell and Our Future, and he thought “With the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the elimination of totalitarianism, Nineteen Eighty-Four will be read continuously, but only as a work belonging to a particular stage. Obviously, Orwell is a failed prophet” (Kumar, 2006: 407). This series of superficial views on Nineteen Eighty-Four fail to realize its far-reaching significance, and are objected by more critics. These critics argue that the title of Nineteen Eighty-Four is given by reversing the last two digits of the year 1948 when Orwell wrote the book, in order to express a kind of irony. The totalitarian world depicted in the book will not necessarily appear in 1984; maybe it will come true in 2050, 2084 or 3000. As mentioned in a book review, “1984, this figure is not important, but the significance of the totalitarianism it indicates” (Kumar, 2006: 405). Therefore, while it is a long time since 1984, the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four still affects many people, with inspiration for many of today’s heated issues today. Nineteen Eighty-Four does not involve women in its topic, but Blu Tirohl argued in Orwell’s Exploration: Nineteen Eighty-Four: Use Sex to Resist that “Orwell’s contact experience with females makes the women he described in the book appears extremely superficial” (Tirohl, 2000: 60). Julia, the heroine in Nineteen Eighty-Four, is a figure with an empty mind and little knowledge. She has no interest in the protagonist Winston’s resistance to oppression and authoritarianism. As for the feminist critics rising in the late 1960s, it can’t be too appropriate to take Nineteen Eighty-Four as a target of criticism. Feminist critics argue that what Orwell shows us is a world dominated by men, at the same time the image of women like a mother the protagonist yearning for has many flavours of the traditional women. Robert M Kirschen pointed out in Modernism and progress: Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Orwell that American writer Daphne Patty is a main critic among the feminist critics who committed to criticize Orwell. She proposed in Orwell’s Mystique: the Research of Patriarchal Ideology that “Orwell is a misogynist. In other respects, he is a very excellent person, but his remarks about women are unacceptable” (Kirschen, 2008: 163). However, Chinese writer Wang Xiaomei, in the Male-centered Theory in Nineteen Eighty-Four, makes a deep exploration of the background of Orwell’s discrimination against women, analyzed the causes, and summarized the characteristics of the heroine Julia, which makes a further step in the domestic research of this area (Wang, 2005: 87—94). Some researches about Nineteen Eighty-Four study it by comparing it with other writers’ works. Nineteen Eighty-Four by Orwell, Brave New World by British writer Huxley and We by Russian writer Zamyatin are known as “trilogy of dystopia in the 20th century”. These three dystopian novels are often inevitably made a comparison with one another. Krishan Kmnar made a comparison between Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World in the book review On Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell and Our Future. He thought “Brave New World is a better prediction, because American society is to a large extent similar to one of utility and enjoyment depicted in the book. But Nineteen Eighty-Four is a better novel, because the book conveys the depth of Orwell’s thinking and expresses the fear of totalitarianism in a unique writing style” (Kumar, 2006: 407). Robert M Kirschen also wrote an article to point out that Orwell, Fitzgerald and Hemingway had many similarities, because they all contributed to the development of civilization in the 20th century. Kirschen especially took Nineteen Eighty-Four as an example, and said “what Orwell wrote is not only the advancement of science and technology, but ideological progress” (Kirschen, 2008: 159). Similarly, John Corry also made a comparison between Orwell and Hemingway in What Is George Orwell to You, but from a different angle, he concerned the common male-centered ideology in their works (Corry, 2003/2004: 67). In order to introduce the study of Nineteen Eighty-Four into Chinese context, many Chinese scholars compared with the works of our country from different angles and entry points. For example, Huang Ling compared Nineteen Eighty-Four with Old Clouds from the perspective that ideological control would make people lose their freedom of spirit (Huang, 2005: 63—66). In addition to the four main aspects mentioned previously, a few scholars studied this classic work from viewpoint of linguistics, narratology, existentialism of Sartre or Lacan. Although these researches are not large-scale right now, they have made certain progress, expanded the area of research, and increased the possibility for the academic to make a multi-dimensional study on Nineteen Eighty-Four in future. 本科生毕业论文设计 题目情感异化理论下论乌托邦精神的异化 作者姓名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 所在学院 XXXX学院 专业(系) 英语教育 班级(届) XXXX级 1班 完成日期 XXXX 年 5 月 8 日 On The Alienation of Utopia’s Spirit Under The Theory of Alienation of Affection By XXXX Prof. XXXX, supervisor A Thesis Submitted to the Foreign Languages Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts at XXXXUniversity May XXXX Abstract Since the existence of human beings, people always pursue delightful and hamonious life. However, unequality always accompanies the process of human’s development, which forces the individuals to seek good way to seek equal society. Of those, the writers envisaged ideal state and institutions in their works. Brave New World (1932) by British writer Huxley We by Russian writer Zamyatin (1920) and Geoge Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four are of the most representitive.These three works are known as “Trilogy of Anti-utopian”. Orwell is regard as the cold conscience of 20th century. His genuine foresight is admired by the public.His two unti-utopian novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm are masterpieces.The unti-totalitarianism was fully demonstrated in Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the Oceania shares a large number of common characteristcs with Nazi German and Soviet Union in 20th century. As for China where the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution once flourished, after reading the novel, I cannot help but marvel. I kept considering one question after reading the novel, that is why the wonderful state becomes a devil which swallows freedom and humanity. Futunately, with the help of Fromn’s Theory of Alienation of Affection, I can interpret the question from a specific perspective. The introduction gives a brief presentation about Orwell, his works and literature review.The body can further be divided into three chapters. Chapter one is about Fromn and his theory. Chaper two tells the forms of alienation. And Chapter three interpret the causes of alienation. Key words : Nineteen Eigty-Four Geoge Orwell Anti-totalitarianism 中文摘要 自人类诞生以来,人们一直追求着幸福和谐的生活,然而不平等却始终伴随着人类的历史发展过程。这促使一些有识之士不断探求社会平等之良策,其中一些作家在其作品里构设理想的社会和国度。这其中最具代表性的是英国赫胥黎的《美丽新世界》,俄国作家扎米亚京的《我们》和乔治奥威尔的《1984》,这三部作品也被称为反乌托邦三部曲。 奥威尔被誉为二十世纪的良心,其天才的预见力为世人所叹服。他的两部反乌托邦小说《1984》和《动物庄园》可以称为巨著。《1984》里表现出强烈的反极权主义思想,文中虚构的国度与二十世纪苏联,纳粹德国的历史很相像。对于经历过“大跃进”和“文革”的中国人来说,读罢此书,不禁让人唏嘘不已。读完此书,我一直在思考一个问题,那就是为什么原来设想的很美好的国度却成为吞噬自由与人性的恶魔,幸运的是借助于佛洛姆的异化情感理论可以阐释其中缘由。这就是我为什么要写此篇论文。 引言部分简要介绍的乔治奥威尔的生平及其主要作品,以及后来的研究学者对于奥威尔的研究。主体部分可以进一步分为三个章节。第一章介绍了佛洛姆的生平事迹和他的理论成果。第二章分析了异化的形式及其表现。第三章根据佛洛姆的理论,进一步阐释了其异化的原因。 关键词:《1984》 乔治奥威尔 反乌托邦主义 Contents Abstract 摘要 Introduction Chapter One The Theory of Aliention of Affection 10 A Erich Frommand his theory of aliention……………………………………...…10 1 Erich Fromm…………………………………………………………………….10 2 Erich Fromm’s theory of aliention …….………………………….……..10 2 Chapter Two The Forms of Utopia Spirit’s Alienation 13 A The mind control 13 1 The cage of language 13 2 Propagand and falsification 14 3 Doublethink 15 4 Three absurd slogans………………………………………………….................16 B Political design………………………………………………………………….17 1 Social construction system………………………………………………..…….17 2 Omnipresent surveillence………………….……………………………………18 3 Extreme punishment……………………………….……………………………18 Chapter Three The Causes of Alienation of Utopia Spirit 20 A Dichotomy of survive…………………………………………………………20 1 Another layer of meaning of freedom 20 2 Escaping from freedom 21 B Social filter 22 1 Filtering of newspeak 22 2 Filtering of doublethink 23 Conclusion 25 Notes........................................................................26 Bibliography 27 Introduction Geoge Orwell Geoge Orwell (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), whose real name is Eric Arthur Blair , was an English novelist and journalist. His work is famous for clarity, intelligence and wit, awareness of social injustice, opposition to totalitarianism, and commitment to democratic socialism. Eric Arthur Blair was born on 25 June 1903, in Motihari, Bihar, in India.His father worked in the Opium Department of the Indian Civil Service as a monior official. When Eric was one year old, his mother took him and his sister to England. Eric Blair described his family as "lower-upper-middle class"because of poverty. Therefore he was sent to a second-rate boarding school — St. Cyprus. Ryan School.The school shared many shacrateristics with a totalitarian society: the whip education, hierarchy, the strong bullying the weak,standardization, hostility toward intelligence .etc. The miseries of his childhood in St.Cyprus, Ryan school Orwell later expressed in his autobiographical essay, Such, Such,Were the Joys (1947) planted the seeds of his thought against hierarchy and totalitarian ideology in his youth. Later, Orwell won a scholarship in his own effort to the most famous secondary school in Britain— Eton Public School, wheras he did not feel happy in the school around elites and aristocrats. His background made him suffer discrimination. The experience of his early years had an extremely important effect on his ability to sympathize with people living at the bottom of society, his calling for equality, the formation of the ideology of humanity emancipation, and the way he views totalitarianism. Perhaps for the considerations of his family ecnomic conditions or the thought he could not find a place among the elites,after he graduated from Eton Public School, Orwell did not follow the way most Eton graduate goes,taking the advantage of Eaton’s fame and eventually get into the upper class. Orwell went to Burma as a police in 1922.Though he enjoyed many prelilleges such as making close observations of the trial, flogging, imprisonment, and hanging of prisoners,he did not feel the sense of imperialist pride.On the contrary,the experience produced his the ideology of anti-colonialism and anti-imperialism. Since the job made his consicosness suffered a lot,Orwell decided to resign it from India Imperial Police. He left Burma for Britain where he started four years’ street life.It is totally a risk to resign from a decent job and act like a tramp.However,the vagabond life offered him a opportunity to view himself and set the life goals.It also provided him with the writing materals and the way he understanded the world.During the four years,he shuttled from England to the European continent.He took jobs at the bottom of the society ranging from teacher,hoter dishwasher,bookstore clerk and dock worker.Owing to his upper class identy and the aristocratic accent learned in Eton Public School,he was not truly accepted by the lower class.The four years life enriched his experience and brodened his horizon,it is a real spiritual journey for Orwell.All this accumulated his material for his first documentary leteratur-Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) and The Road to Wigan Pier (1937) which reveals the miserable living conditions of mining workers in north England.At the same time,he tried to act like a practical bridge between the left-wing intellectuals and the opressed people in Britain to compensate for the defects that the theory of socialism tragically failed to contact. Orwell joined the IRA with the leadership of the Spanish Communist Party, to support the anti-Franco Spanish Civil War and became one of the thousands of international volunteers after the life at the bottom of society.A few months later he returned to England for recuperation because of a serious wound by a bullet through the neck..But he witnessed the power struggle and the brutal purge among the International Brigades led by Communist International.Orwell became a member of the Barcelona Marxism United Worker’s party which was seen as a Troskyist organization by the Communist International.Stalin maitained to destroy the organization ,sending police to spy on the members and cleansing the members in Spain,which caused a reign of terror in the IRA.The totalitarianism forces scaered Orwell and encouraged him to write Homage to Catalonia.From that time,anti-Marxism became the permanent theme in his mind and works. In 1944, Orwell finished a political allgory Animal Farm which is the summary of his experience in Spain Civil War.It expressed Orwell’s views on Soviet Union.The background is set by the Stalin’s purge in 1930s.Since it is written during the World War Two when Britain and Soviet were allies,the book aroused controversy when it was published. Orwell completed his another masterpiece Niteeen Eighty-Four in 1948.In it Orwell dipicts a society where people suffered greatly,the freedom,the democracy and the human rights were depriced of.Besides the ruler invented various new mechanism to control people with the help of technology.The work fully domonstrated his thought and consumed all his energy.In 1950,he died. Nineteen Eighty-Four Nineteen Eighty-Four is Orwell’s last and most influential work..It is regarded as the trilogy of anti-utopia novels together with Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World(1932) and Zamyatin’s novel We(1923) .Nineteen Eighty-Four depicts a society where humanity was greatly strangled.The pattern of the state consists of three minsties.The Mistry of Truth involves with mind control,which actually in charge of lies-creating and arrest those who have thoughcrimes. The Ministry of Plenty is responsible for food distribution.But food in the state is always defficent.Food issues usually sovled by the ration.The Ministry of Love deals with citizens’ affection.Though named with love, it lead people to anger and enemity towards others.Also,it stimulate people to worship the Big Brother.The society was divided into three classes:the Inner Party, the Outer Party and the common people. The Inner Party members enjoy many privelleges,the Out Party members work for the inner party and enjoy less privelleges.Wheras the common people are at the bottom of the society and have few rights. The research on Orwell’s life and his masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four has been going on for many years at home and abroad. In the western critic circle, many critics based on the innuendo and criticism of Soviet socialism in Nineteen Eighty-Four make a subjective judgment that Orwell must support capitalism. Nineteen Eighty-Four was also taken to be as a propaganda weapon of liberal ideology. Although during this period, many commentators have pointed out that the true nature of Nineteen Eighty-Four is a warning, but a situation that the comments biased and limited to its ideas and themes didn’t come to an overall improvement until the end of the Cold War. In the past 20 years, with the world’s situation changing, study on Nineteen Eighty-Four from abroad is no longer limited to the analysis of its political ideas and themes, but has expanded to an analysis from multiple angles of literature, feminism, negative effects of science and technology, post-colonialism, and so on. According to different angled of analysis, the researches about Nineteen Eighty-Four both foreign and domestic focus on four main directions, that is, the political stance, the authenticity of the prophecy, feminism, and comparison with other literary works. Political connotation has been the focus of scholars’ research on Nineteen Eighty-Four. The judgment of the political position Orwell holds in Nineteen Eighty-Four has made an impact on the spread and research of his book all the time. During the Cold War, Orwell was billed as an “anti-Soviet propaganda writer” in the western literature. Thus, Nineteen Eighty-Four was resisted by some people in America, especially by the leftists. They believed that Nineteen Eighty-Four directed its attack at Stalin’s totalitarian rule, and thus Orwell was a writer of anti-communism and an ally of imperialists. However, this view is challenged by others. The dissentient voice is based on the study that Orwell’s early works reflected his aversion to colonialism and imperialism, such as Shooting an Elephant, and come to the conclusion that Orwell is an anti-imperialist and Nineteen Eighty-Four only expressed its concerns about totalitarianism, therefore Orwell is marginalized as a “leftist” writer. With the end of the Cold War and the reduction of the ideological impact, the evaluation of Orwell’s political stance reflected in Nineteen Eighty-Four has tended to be objective by degree. David A. Goodman made it clear in 60th Anniversary of the Publication of Orwell that “Literary critics usually think that George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is opposed to Stalin of the Soviet Union, but in fact it concerns a socialist totalitarian society which is out of control” (Goodman, 1984: 33). Similarly, Zhu Kunling makes a conclusion in Orwell’ s Dystopia and His Focus on the Political Realities – Brief Comments on Orwell and His Masterpiece < Nineteen Eighty-Four> that “ In Nineteen Eighty-Four, what Orwell criticizes is not a particular person or political system, but all the dictators and authoritarian governments on Earth through the ages” (Zhu, 2000: 96). Zou Jie makes a further consideration Another Comment on George Orwell and His and < Nineteen Eighty-Four> that “Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four criticizes the drawbacks of the Soviet Union, but at that time the socialism of Soviet Union had been deteriorating for a long time, the Soviet model is only one kind of socialism”, so “Orwell’s anti-communism seems impossible”1(Zou, 2000: 12—13). Currently, according to the in-depth analysis of Nineteen Eighty-Four coupled with Orwell’s political stance he described personally, domestic and foreign scholars have reached a basic agreement that Nineteen Eighty-Four reflects Orwell violates all totalitarian oppression, and desires for freedom and equality, in fact he really aids socialism, but it is the one he imagines in his way. Chapter One The Theory of Aliention of Affection A Erich Fromn and his theory 1 Erich Fromn Erich Fromn who was associated with what became known as the Frankfurt School of critical theory, was a German social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was born in a Jewish family Frankurt German. He begained his studies in 1918 at the University of Frankfurt am Main with two semesters of jurisprudence. During the summer semester of 1919, Fromm studied at the University of Heidelberg, where he changed from studying jurisprudence to sociology under. Fromm received his PhD in sociology from Heidelberg in 1922. During the mid-1920s, he was trained to become a psychoanalyst through Frieda Reichmann's psychoanalytic sanatorium in Heidelberg. He began his own clinical practice in 1927. In 1930, he joined the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research and completed his psychoanalytical training. After the Nazi takeover of power in Germany, Fromm moved to Geneva and then, in 1934, to Columbia University in New York. Karen Horney's long-term relationship with Fromm is the subject of her book Self Analysis. They each had a marked influence on the other's thought, with Horney illuminating some aspects of psychoanalysis for Fromm and the latter elucidating sociology for Horney. Their relationship ended in the late 1930s. After leaving Columbia, Fromm helped form the New York branch of the Washington School of Psychiatry in 1943, and in 1946 co-founded the William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology. He was on the faculty of Bennington College from 1941 to 1949. When Fromm moved to Mexico City in 1949, he became a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and established a psychoanalytic section at the medical school there. Meanwhile, he taught as a professor of psychology at Michigan State University from 1957 to 1961 and as an adjunct professor of psychology at the graduate division of Arts and Sciences at New York University after 1962. He taught at UNAM until his retirement, in 1965, and at the Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis (SMP) until 1974. In 1974 he moved from Mexico City to Muralto, Switzerland, and died at his home in 1980, five days before his eightieth birthday. All the while, Fromm maintained his own clinical practice and published a series of books. 2 Erich Fromn’s Theory of Alienation of Affection His so-called alienation of affection is to make a thorough analysis of human’s alienated existence from the perspective of affection. It means that human loses his affection and its expressing way in the process of development, and he changes into the affection of things and slaves or becomes an existence without affection, in this way he creates an external alien force, in turn, to objectify and deny human. Specifically, alienation of affection includes materialization of affection and enslavement of affection, deficiency of normal affection, structural imbalance of affection and so on. Materialization of affection is that affection points to a certain “thing” such as money, power, commodities, which takes the place of normal affection. Enslavement of affection is that affection loses its independence, neither thinking nor speaking, and is dominated by external force, such as the affection of masochism which is a complete loss of self without self-realization, and the experience of satisfaction of morbidity. Deficiency of affection is that affection does not mature appropriately and lies in an deserted emotional world, such as the lack of the sense of right and wrong, compassion, and so on. Structural imbalance of affection is that in a world with rich affection, some kind of affection over-expands, and deprives the growth space of other affection, such as the emotional world which loses the capability for love due to the occupation of hatred. Fromm outlines three forms of alienation of affection, which are Love of Death”,“Malignant Narcissism”, and “Incestuous Symbiosis”. These three can form “Syndrome of Decay” that forces individual to hate for the sake of hatred, to destroy for the sake of destruction. “The complex of growth” is contrary to it, which is born from Love of Life, love of others, and independenc. He thinks that only several people can achieve an extreme development in one of the two. Most people show a contradictory mixture of many factors. All in all, people move to the target he choose: good or evil; life or death. “Love of Death”, “Malignant Narcissism” and “Symbiotic Incest” are Fromm’s distinct concepts of alienation of affection which come from Freud and are further developed according to Marxism ideology. “Love of Life” is different from“Love of Death”. These two concepts are related to and different from Freud’s Life Instinct and Death Instinct. Human is a closed system driven by the forces of self-protection drives and sex drives in Freud’s “The Mode of Human Nature”. In1920, he put human’s destructiveness into consideration, and proposed the “life instinct” (Eros) and the “death instinct theory”. He argued the human beings are driven by the forces of these two contradictions instead of self and Libido drives. What Freud talks about are two kinds of survival instincts and the emotional distress they express. The word “narcissism” can be traced back to a Greek myth the legends of Narcissus. In Freud’s doctrines, the concept of “Narcissism” involves an attitude produced by Libido retracting self from the outside world. The begainning state is narcissism called “primary narcissism”. An infant can not tell “I” from the “not-I”, for it the outside world does not exist only its physical sensations exist. In normal development process, a child gradually increases contact with the outside world (libido), develops from the absolute narcissism to the perception of the outside world, from primary narcissism to “fetishism”. Following Freud’s ideas, Fromm discusses the reality of narcissism, and he argues that Freud’s mechanical concept of Libido hinders the development of the concept of narcissism, and has many different forms but they all possess the common characteristic in the lack of real interest to the outside world. The phenomenon of narcissism is complicated. A narcissist does not necessarily regard all of his things as a narcissistic object. Narcissus takes his own self-image as a narcissistic object. Similarly, the narcissist will take something of his own as a narcissistic object, such as honor, strength, wit, character, ideas, knowledge, house and so on.. The diseased manifestations of “Incestuous Symbiosis”contain failure to experience others’ presence, loss of objectivity and inability to reason and loss of independence and integrity. Because the objects in “Incestuous Symbiosis” are holy and its actions are justified, which will lead to a paranoia and distorted judgment, a failure to face the real life and real world and a loss of and damage to the capacity of love. Fromm indicates that when the three tendencies of love of death, narcissism and incestuous fixation are less serious, and none of them are close to another, nor will they be destructive, and will not damage the functions of reason and love. But when they tend to the malignant form, the relationship between them will become increasingly close. Incestuous fixation mixes with narcissism, the most primitive form of Incestuous Symbiosis and narcissism mixes with Love of Death. The desire to return to the womb and the past is the desire to be dead. When Love of Death, Malignant Narcissism and the extreme form of Incestuous Symbiosis blend together, Syndrome of Decay will be generated, which is an extreme evil. Hitler is the best example of “Syndrome of Decay”, he is fascinated with death and destruction. He is extremely narcissistic, takes his aspirations and ideas as the only reality. He is a man with an extreme incest, fanatically loyal to his race and humans of the same origin. Many people who crave for violence, hatred, racism, and narcissistic nationalism suffer from the Syndrome of Decay. They believe in violence, war, and destruction, while their evil often wears a cloak of rationality, and a mask of noble ideology, and it is difficult to identify. Therefore, understanding the illness is an important way to identify patients as well as acquire immunity. Chapter Two The Forms of Utopia Spirit’s Aliention In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Language has become a device to cotrol mind, and the destruction of will and imagination is the ultimate goal. In the novel, e in an attempt to create a new language named Newspeak,the citizens of Oceania are always stripping down the English languag. A The mind control 1 The Cage of the Language in Oceania Since the existence of human, influences of power and conflicts orientated to power have always kept going. It is not possible for one in history be the last winner of power and one can truly occupy power. Only power itself can exist in the space and time of history. Eternity of power shows not only a political phenomenon but the existence of it ought to be inserted into some kind of immense existence. Power and language has a close relationship.The omnipresent power penetrates the whole the society with power discourse as an ideological phenomenon; at the same time, language serves power. Based on its inherent structure, language contains unavoidable alienation. Parole is not only to communicate, but becomes a mastery force. Language is an implicit system; in the context of society, it is regarded as an important device of communication and a tool of thinking in a subordinate position, while the tool presents the granting of power. Communication in public area and thinking in personal region contain assumption of social relations on ideological aspects. Social consciousness can be controlled by language’s special power. Language supplies the materials with all ideological construction. Language, interpreting thinking, yet may conceal thinking.Hence, setting of language structure exemplifies norms for social power structure. Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four reveals a warning about language’s power. It presents how language can shape the public’s sense of reality, how it can be used to obscure truths, and even how it can be used to operate history. Language becomes the tool and effect to use power.As Orwell’s Newspeak: it must affirm the present order, disaffirm possibility of attacking the order, or even of statement of thinking. Within thedominant power, it has to stress itself and builds its superiority over dissidents, subdued group to support ideological hegemony of prerogative group. Power has penetrated human consciousness. It covers and politicizes all. Politics encourages keeping “silence” in language, and the power of language has become existence of totalitarian politics. In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Party and Big Brother exercise omnipotent power system. The system integrated with the power of language. It has surpassed boundary of traditional power system of politics for not only manipilating language as a device but holding language as a kind of effective power by applying energy from language, and by the way of altering, manipulating, , and creating language, to make a trinity of Party, power, language. During Winston Smith’s correction work at the Ministry of Truth, the Party’s intention clamps all “thought crime” by eliminating words, and word senses, that could express it. They are of considerable intrinsic interest indeed. Orwell’s essay on Newspeak, in particular, has kept exerting a fascination as sheer linguistic invention that threatens to undermine its deeper warning about mind-control. Subsequently, by controlling language, and the ability to distinguish the truth with words, the state wields a certain power over reality. As interpreted by the regime, “all reality is ideological” (Kumar 1991: 67). The state regime systematically changes language, always with the precise goal of shaping all the people in mind. In the conquest of the Oceania’s language, the state converts ideology into truth, and the state’s rhetoric perhapsbecomes the vehicle for that truth. 2 Propaganda and Falsification There is a state of eternal propaganda which is exploited as a tool to get citizens to do whatever is wanted, to yield to power in Oceania. People there are always persuaded that their individual interests are identical with the interests of nation. People are forced to believe that their efforts, their work, their sacrifices and their performances, will be devoted to the national cause of Oceania. In fiddling public opinion there is a clear allusion to the role of mass media, such as, the cinema and radio are among them, and it is acknowledged that there is political control. State control of all television, radio and other mass media makes it very easy for totalitarian regime to make its presence felt, usually through campaigns of propaganda or the creation of a vast cult of personality. The media is powerful as a controlling tool for manipulation not only because people are widely exposed to it, but also because people trust it. The media is depending on the principle that repeating a piece of message often enough and it will be accepted as real. Winston, a strong-minded individual, is repeatedly surprised to see his colleagues and friends gulp the lies which the media shows. The media is fairly skilled at making truth through language. One of the most disturbing results of this in the book is that the Party has ultimate extreme and control over history. After all, language is closely related history. In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell stays in the images of telescreens showing its purpose and function in a precise and explicit manner. Oceania no longer hides secrets after the “Two Minutes Hate” in crude form of hatred and mass hysteria,. “The Two Minutes Hate” happens at a specified fixed and time every day in which people gathered in front of a big telescreen where they were shown pictures and news of terrible events in history and then the face of Emmanuel Goldstein who was regarded as an enemy of the public. “Two Minutes Hate”starts with a sreaming sound and ends with Big Brother’s appearance restoring to calm and serenity. The Inner Party nutures the hatred to Goldstein and love to Big Brother with the goal of controlling people’s emotion and feelings and submitting people’s spirits absolutely loyalty to the government. In Oceania, emptiness is filled with a host of images of propaganda. The distorted use of the ideological affectation of the information and media decide a visual and aural reaction on the audience. Persons are fiddled through the manipulation of the facts and the past. Winton’s job is to rewrite the real history. He has to change the documents of the past so that it will consistent with the current interpretation and the explanation of the present. To alter documentation seems a comprehensive way of rewriting the history in a state in which documents are not of importance. In this standardized society described by Orwell the media uphold conformity, strangling individuals’ own privacy and their personal feelings. Meanwhile, they strengthen powers which have the capablity of controlling every single fact of their subjects’ life through depriving of all their critical attitudes. The government emptied of memory of the past and a sense of history. Power is the manipulation of the emotion. Daily existence of the subjects is stripped of all possible pleasure or variation. The necessities of life for the subjects are stripped to the minimal requirements. This stripping process causes a submissive population, and a population that are more receptive to synthetic, State-controlled entertainment. 3 Doublethink Some mental disciplines are taught to Party members to stop any hereodox tendencies, including the ability of intutively stopping dangerous thought. The Party actually combines the paradox into its philosophy by inventing the double conception. George Orwell makes explaination about the concept of doublethink, that is doublethink means that the power of holding two contradictory views in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both. The relations between the State and citizens are the relations between its victims and power. The victims have to be willing. Doublethink is a mental technique which allows the Inner Party members to stay on orthodox even when their own memory or some obvious facts contradict to the claims of the Party. For instance, a Party member that needs to revise his memory in accord with the Party’s latest revision of past history record will necessarily know that he is playing games with reality. One has to deliberately tell lies, at the same time believing in them genuinely. He also has to forget the fact which has become inconvenient, and furthermore, when it becomes an essential, to draw it back from oblivion so long as it is needed; one has to deny the existence of reality when taking account of the reality which he denies. All is very necessary. Doublethink is also the central thinking of Ingsoc, because the Party plans to make use of self-deception and causes an absolute loyalty to the Party and Big Brother. Goldstein’s book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism defines doublethink as a created word from Newspeak. ( Goldstein, 43 ) In the Oldspeak, it means “reality control” (Orwell, 172). Doublethink is an accurate spirit training, because the Party members have to get inner discipline and because they are forced to have right ideas and right instincts. To be in high level of doublethink, one has basic discipline training: in Newspeak, “crimestop” and “blackwhite”. (Orwell, 170) “crimestop” means “ the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, on the threshold of any dangerous thought.” (Orwell, 170) And “blackwhite” means “the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary.” (Orwell, 171) The theoretic belief of hiding below the doublethink and making doublethink lie in the hearts of Ingsoc is that language can definately exceed the range of reality. As a result of change of reality, by coordinating contradictions, power can finally be retained indefinitely. Doublethink makes a more authorized world rather than think out of the world based on common sense. One feels the existence of the world with eternal knowledge that relies on thought, which cannot split with language. Controlling the language indicates controlling the world. Doublethink develops as a basic tool to rationalize all means of manipulation and techniques of totalitarian power. Where there is the doublethink, there is unreason, illogic, and falsity. Since there is not a genuine record of history, the Party in power exists beyond history. 4 Three absurd slogans There are three slogans that rule Oceania, “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” and “WAR IS PEACE”, “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” describe the severe and distorted rules of the Party and symbolize dyadic elemental formal logic of doublethink. By using dyadic logic the Party interprets the real and the ideal problems in non-philosophic terms. The negative becomes positive and the positive becomes negative but no qualitative change occur which cause synthesis. The principle of contradiction is the component of formal logic: “peace” is contrary to “war” and “ignorance” is also contrary to “strength.”and“Freedom” is contrary to “slavery” Orwell regards those who supports democracy criticizes these structures as “non-logical”. There is evidence that suggests that the totalitarian idea doesn’t make sense. For example, the sentence, “Ignorance is Strength”, is written with the purpose to keep party’s slogan “who controls the past, controls the future.”(Orwell, 171) As is stated above in the essay, the Party rewrites history so as not to make people learn anything about the past. In other words, the Party basically removes any evidence about existence of democratic system, thus the public cannot even think about freedom and liberty. If people under control find out something about the truth of the past, then Big Brother won’t be able to control future as he didn’t control the past. Orwell also suggests to his readers the evil-minded party that always manages to keep the steady power of the upper class especially the leader. As the Party in power believes “Freedom is Slavery”, a man who is alone or free is always defeated, since there is natural law that everyone have todie. Those who are free stay enslaved to their impermanent mortal frame. On the other hand, the slogan also can be reversed as “Slavery is Freedom”, for those who become the slaves of the Party and make such a complete submission that they totally identify with the Party will also be able to support and enjoy the Party’s omnipotence and immortality, in other words, the ultimate freedom. B The political design Totalitarian power takes keen pleasure in making citizens as objects of information and observation, not as an independent subject. In the power network all activities, communications and privacy are alienated, nothing other than meaningless and useless phantom. A disciplined society is primary on the premise of comprehensive social construction. In Oceania, power permeates within luminous division of social layer. Power makes its debut in the appearance of visual techniques which have been minutely attended to punish, manipulate, and examine those who challenge the authority. 1 Social construction system In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the totalitarian regime is an typical example of how power is abused excessively, and how totalitarian discourse dominates arbitrarily its people’ existence. The Party seeks power for its own sake and interests, not the interests of others. One makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship instead of establising a dictatorship to safeguard a revolution. The object of persecution is persecution itself, and the object of torture is torture itself. The object of power is power, which is in inflicting pain. Power breaks and tears human minds in new shapes in accordance with the thoughts of the governing Party. Administrations and different departments in this totalitarian regime are directly and entirely to serve the power, not for other aims. There is no ministry of public service in the totalitarian regime, no function to improve the life of people or to promote the welfare of the whole society. In similar ways, the government uses blindness of mass movement and necessity that a person occupies a certain position in society, through absorbing people, especially Party members into different social organizations and professional occupation. The method of making false social roles results in efficient suppression, because every person feels that they are contributing to an honored and great cause, their endeavor worthy of serving power, even if the government offers the least service for their existence and development. People have no right to a personal life or personal thought. Besides, sexual pleasure is not encouraged, with females being taught not to enjoy it but to reproduce next generation. It is difficult to give a clear definition when it comes to social system of the totalitarian regime. It is far more complex than normal totalitarian state, not to say its zest for maintaining an entire penetration and manipulation of power. It exists in the way of both rule of the man, and rule of political system. In a profound sense, it is abnormal power that controls the world through roles of the man, rather than the man through power. In the end, this form of power will become extreme totalitarian power, that is the peak of overall power. 2 Omnipresent Surveillance What a totalitarian government insists on is the ultimate power control; as a result, it must prohibit its citizens to express voices. It is evident that living in a society with limited freedom of expression is not very joyful. Personal beliefs, daily communication and individually devotion to the government are all controlled by the Inner Party in various ways. Actions, speeches and even thoughts are all monitored by the officials in one way or another. The Party also makes full use of electronic tools to keep tabs on the citizens of state. Orwell depicts in details how the government controlled people through technology. Technology offers convenience and makes it easier for the leaders to watch and possibly edit the whole society. High technology makes the dynamic of the telescreens possible, and the telescreens are the plenipotentiary of all of Big Brother’s monitoring techniques. At anytime day and night, it watches in all areas and even at homes and can never be escaped, and can also communicate back. They are used by the government so as to see what its citizens are talking and saying. There is another surveillance that encourages many finks that inform against those who are regarded to be “crimethought”. If telescreen is mechanic technique, man-made information work may change into a performance of those who are devoted to the Party. The Parson family is a common family of the Outer Party. The children in the Parson family are products of abnormal loyalty, because they betray their parents, insult an old unknown woman. They don’t have behaviors from innocent and pure children, but actually young devils that have become inculcation of totalitarian training and cold-blooded under the education of the Inner Party. The surveillance which has eliminated love and affection stirs up a very cold mode of social values. Because one’s honor derived from his performance is related to love and loyalty to the Party and Big Brother. Besides technical surveillance system, almost all Party members are voluntary accessories in surveillance system. Parson family, an ordinary family of the Outer arty, exemplifies painstaking and abnormal disintegration of trust among family members.Surveillance within family members, among colleagues, acquaintances, and even strangers, stablishes a rigid and vivid network of power control. All habitants may live in space surrounded by the invisible wall of surveillance that resembles ichel Foucault’s narration of surveillance in prison. Under the surveillance of totalitarian power implements, private life comes to an end. The Party’s execeuters as well as the thoughtpolice are watching when people are convinced they are, as a result the revenge they exact for this abuse of the Party control is tremendous. 3Extreme Punishment In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the penalty system keeps carrying out the old punishment devices, what’s worse, new devices are continually invented. The old punishment focuses on torture and harsh sentences connected to flesh and soul. But the new punishment seeks to concentrate on efects, to prevent recurrence of smaller offenses. It concentrates on the crime, not the those who violate regulations. Punishment focuses on the everyday life so as to change the habits of people. The application of punishment is to touch the body in its significance. Chapter Three Causes of Alienation of Affection in Nineteen Eighty-Four A Dichotomy of Survival “Dichotomy of Survival” is the relationship between the innate human situation and humanity, one of its demonstration is the contradiction between the feeling of loneliness and the human’s“individualism” the feeling of loneliness. Fromm believes that human’s growing process after birth is the process of “individualism”, where human being is getting stronger emotionally and physically, and gradually gains more and more liberty. But freedom is not always the idealist state of human existence, since when the individual gains freedom and loses fetters, he also cuts off the bond with the surrounding environment. The process makes him lose a sense of belonging and security, and creates fear and loneliness within him. Fromm believes that humans will face the inherent contradictions of survival mentioned above inevitably , “the survival of the human being often lies in the inevitable imbalance” (Fromm, 1964:109), in order to reduce the fear and loneliness brought about by the “Dichotomy of Survival”, people will choose to give up and escape from freedom, and to become subservient to others. 1 Another Layer of Meaning of Freedom Freedom is a noble ideal of mankind. It is the ultimate goal of human being, and an eternal proposition throughout the, economic,political, ideological, philosophical, cultural and other fields. The highest pursuit of the modern Western revolution is also to get rid of the various economic, political and spiritual fetters, and to fight for individual freedom. Fromm presents the double meaning of freedom to modern people by tracing back through history. Firstly, he points out that freedom is a basic characteristic of the human being, “The existence and freedom of mankind is inseparable from the beginning” (Fromm, 1964: 120). As a human being, he is always free. However, Fromm also indicates that this is just one meaning of freedom for modern people. He believes that when a person has access to freedom, he will become aimless, lonely, and full of feelings of weakness and insignificance. Fromm demonstrates another layer of the meaning of freedom by example of a legend in the Bible that human were cast out of heaven. According to the Bible, in the “Garden of Eden”, there exists a harmonious relationship between man and woman, as well as among man, woman and nature.Then one day, man suddenly “violated one of God’s commands” (Fromm, 1964: 72), and ate the fruit of wisdom to discern good and evil, destroying the state of harmony with nature, so he was driven out of the Garden of Eden by God. In this regard, Fromm says: “From the position of the human being, this is the beginning of human’s freedom” (Fromm, 1964: 78). Disobeying God’s command, means to free himself from tyrannical rule, to rise to the level of a human being from the unconsciousness of human’s life. “From the point of the positive people, this is the first free action” (Fromm, 1964:92). It is the positive significance of freedom; but we should see that when humans are free, the harmony and unity between nature and man is destroyed, the sense of insecurity and loneliness is also increasing. Losing the contact with nature and others, makes himself feel trapped in a helpless situation, as a result of reaching an aimless state that he can’t measure his own body. 2 Escaping from Freedom From the above, the procedure of “individualism” has a dialectical characteristic. On one hand, it is the upgrade of self-force; on the other hand, it is increasing loneliness. The original relationship supplies security and a sense of unity with the outside. Once the individual breaks it, he will realize that he is lonely, he is a person separated from others, as if standing on the opposite side of the world. When comparing the whole world with the existence of the individual, the former will show an absolute power, meanwhile, it also means danger and threat, making people feel anxiety and fear. So, the impulse to overcome powerlessness and loneliness will be generated after giving up the impulse of personal independence, completely hiding himself in the outside world. Fromm indicates that it is in the process of escaping from freedom with the aim of alleviating the anxiety, fear and loneliness that people form a psychological mechanism for escaping from freedom. This psychological mechanism refers to” a tendency that in order to obtain the power he has lost, the individual would rather give up self-independence to make himself do with the external others or something else. In other words, it means a tendency of seeking ‘the second shackle’ to take place of the original one which has been cast off” (Fromm, 1964: 84). The psychological mechanism does not belong to a few people, “To promote the capacity of activities of the members of society, in this way they will no longer have a consciousness of the social behavioral patterns, and they will blindly follow others and satisfy themselves with actions in accordance with social requirements” (Fromm, 1964:121). The manifestations of the psychological mechanism are multiple, but it only has one purpose: to break away from the personal self, that is, to cast off the freedom, the unbearable burden. The main method to achieve this aim is to despise himself, to make himself confront danger, to make himself completely insignificant. It is obviously that the misfortune and pain themselves are not the goal he wants to achieve, and they are only the necessary price he has to pay for the purpose he pursues. Fromm points out that there are two ways when people get rid of the inherent “feelings of powerlessness and loneliness” (Fromm, 1964:120) in the growing process. One negative way is the psychological mechanism of “escaping from freedom” mentioned above. But the good way to solve human’s “Dichotomy of Survival” is to seek the “positive freedom” with the meaning of “love and creative work”. Specifically it is through love and work to make spontaneous contact with the world, to get rid of the feelings of powerlessness and loneliness, to realize the mixture of self, nature and others under the promise of not giving up self dignity and independence, forming a “combination of free men”.However, this approach requires a large social premise, that is, a sound social environment, otherwise in an unhealthy society, in order to reduce the feelings of loneliness and fear brought about by “Dichotomy of Survival”, people will choose a negative way, to give up and escape from freedom, and submit to others. B Social Filter Fromm points out that a series of phenomenon of alienation of affection will appear in a society because the society always has conflict with humanity, all societies in the past “suppressed” the real humanity to different degrees. In the interpretention of the causes of alienation of affection, Fromm inherits and develops Freudian theory of “social unconsciousness”, and indicates that “The ‘social unconsciousness’ is those pent-up areas; these areas are the same for the majority of the members of a society. When a society with special collision functions effectively, these common pent-up factors are precisely the contents that society does not allow its members to be aware of”. (Fromm, 1964: 135) That is, the social unconsciousness consists of those emotions and thoughts the society does not allow its members to have, mainly refers to the repressed part of the consciousness and universal spirit in the society. Social repression caused social unconsciousness, then how does social repression work? Here, it is necessary to introduce another concept Fromm proposes, “Social Filter”. He thinks that every society, develops a system or a category of deciding formation of knowledge through their own living practices and their own way of emotional connection. This system or category like a filter, the filter can experience can only be perceived and linked to form a coherent framework through it, and become part of the consciousness. “It is this filter that doesn’t allow certain ideas and experiences of the members of society to become part of the consciousness but makes them repressed within unconsciousness”, “experience cannot become part of the consciousness unless experience can enter the filter”. (Fromm, 1964:140) Fromm believes that it is through three ways that the “social filter” works that of language, logic, and social taboos. Based on the above theory, the causes of various alienation in Nineteen Eighty-Four can be reasonably interpreted, meanwhile people can clearly see that the series of pathologically authoritarian rulings the Party implements in Oceania, such as “Newspeak” and “Doublethink” are exactly for the goal of causing alienation within the use of these alienated states and members of society to serve its regime. 1 Filtering of “Newspeak” It refers to language filter,firstly. In Oceania, the party always tries to promote “Newspeak”. Language is the carrier of thought and emotion, however,the thought and emotion are not so easily perceived as physical experience, so a language with a rich vocabulary to bear and convey is needed, so it is normal for a language to be the one of which vocabulary continually expands and semantics gradually increases, then why “Newspeak” to act in the opposite way? The linguist Sam Winston makes such an explaination to Winston: It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words… Take “good”, for instance. If you have a word like “good”, what need is there for a word like “bad”? “Ungood” will do just as well — better, because it’s an exact opposite, which the other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of “good”, what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like “excellent” and “splendid” and all the rest of them? “Plusgood” covers the meaning or “doubleplusgood” if you want something stronger still2 As Fromm discussed, the language decides which experience can come into our consciousness. The whole language includes an attitude towards life. In the Party’s authoritarian rule, “the Party is the truth”3, so the Party proceeds from language ,the carrier of thought, and through language, the “filter” to repress the sign of “Thoughtcrime” in the field of “social unconsciousness”, which is a place where its members of society can not constitute real thought and ideas. Therefore, when “Newspeak” becomes perfect, the Party’s revolution will gain a definite success. “Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc is Newspeak”4 2 Filtering of “Doublethink” The second aspect of this filter which makes consciousness possible is a “law”which directly guide people’s thought in a particular culture, that is, the mainstream logic of a cultural system. The ideas or thoughts contrary to the logic finds it very hard to enter the consciousness.Just as people believes, their language is “natural”, other languages merely use different words and sentences to explain the same things. At the same time, they believe that the rule of limiting the special thought is also natural and universal. In Oceania, “doublethink” is the natural logic and any thought contrary to it is considered to be “illogical”. “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them” (Orwell, 1961: 56). Logically and theoretically, “Big Brother” always represents truth and justice, is the God of the world and the savior of mankind. They establish a fundamental belief in Oceania, that is: “Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible” (Orwell, 1961: 24). Perfect only exit on theory and logic ,in reality it often shows deficiencies. “Big Brother” himself understands the point,he knows that in reality the Party is not always right and he is not omnipresent, therefore, it requires “Doublethink” to maintain its authoritarian rule. “Doublethink” also is a means of survival,everyone in the state have to master it.But doublethink does not apply to the proletariat.The proletariat only need to accept the already-created system of value standards. Big Brother achieve it success through the way of instilling the simple doctrine.Big Brother’s three slogans:“War is peace; Freedom is slavery; Ignorance is strength”, are well known to all citizens and becomethe lifestyle of people in Oceania. The Party’s mainly use the “doublethink” to rule over the people, and always retain the correctness of the Party’s ideas. The Party’s fundamental principle is “to tell you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears” (Orwell, 1961: 34). Like the Ministry of Truth, it is the main ministry to implement “Doublethink”. From the perspective of name, this is a ministry that can not makes mistakes, and specializes in creating the truth, instilling the truth. The ministry is responsible for entertainment, education news and art, and offers the citizens of Oceania movies, newspapers and other cultural products., Its main idea is to spread the thought of “Big Brother” while meeting the cultural needs. Its means of communication, that is, the main responsibilities of the Ministry of Truth, is in charge of falsifying spreading rumors,and tampering history. The purpose of people who works in the ministry is to make “Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past” “Every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct”.. The Party is very clear on the point. They present two different attitudes towards history. The past history will “exist” It takes a dual attitude to history. The past history which is useful for the Big Brother and Party will “exist”,otherwise it will “non-exist”. To utilize “Doublethink”, one have to achieve the perfect unity of emotion and rationality, instinct and consciousness. To use “Doublethink” rationally, one also must change it into an emotional thought and merge it into blood, convert it into an instinct with which one cannot speak out a wrong daydream. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is need, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this in indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of truth5 The Party’s essential purpose of is to use the deception tactic at the same time let the citizens’ keep honest to it.Th indispensably necessary tactics include telling lies purposely but believing in them genuinely, forgeting any fact that can expose the lies but when it is necessary, pulling it back from abyss for so long as it is need denying the existence of objective fact, and at the same time taking account of the act again which one denies. It is necessary to carry out doublethink, even when using the word doublethink. “Ultimately it is by means of doublethink that the Party has been able to arrest the course of history”. Conclusion Since the existence of human, unequality always exits in the history. People especially those from the lower class are dissatisfied with the reality, therefore Utopia come into being. Utopia represents huaman beings’ good will towards the future society. The interlectuals envisage an ideal society through their works. However, instead of being realised, the ideal society always go the opposite direction, that is totalitarianism. Geoge Orwell was a great writer who exposed the phenomenon.His Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four are two mastepieces of anti-utopia. Living in a socialism country, I have been confused why utopia always go to wrong direction. When I read Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, I was impressed by the description deeply. I was astonished by Orwell’s amazing foresight. I managed to figure out the confusing question. Forturnately, Erich Fromn’s theory of alienation of affection gives me a hand. With the help of Fromn’s theory, I reveal the situation. In Niteen Eighty-Four, People are divided into three different classes:citizens are deprived of freedom and basic human rights. They are undeer omnipresent surveillence whera they have to behave that they enjoy life. Big Brother is like God and the Party establishes the cult of personality of Big Brother. People are not allowed to have different views. When it comes to foreign relations, war becomes a device to control people. The Party use war to consume goods, thus people suffered malnutrition and they have to seek help from the Party. Unfortunately, most people do not know the truth. They are still immersed in the deception of the Party. But The pratagonist Winston is an exception.He trys to reveals the deception of the Party and lead the real life. But he failed, at the end of the novel , Winston’s tears represent the conscience of human beings. Though, humanity disappeared at last , Orwell did not evade his responsibility to the time.That is telling what he experienced and wittnessed in time.It is Orwell’s sincere and rational attitude that present the positive aspect of Orwell--- correct the wrong recongnition of utopia through the way of anti-utopia. Notes 1 邹颉,再论乔治·奥威尔和他的《动物农场》与《一九八 四》,阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版),2000(6) 2 Orwell, Goegre. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: New American Library, 1961:43. 3 Orwell, Goegre. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: New American Library,1961:34. 4 Orwell, Goegre. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: New American Library, 1961:79. 5 Orwell, Goegre. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: New American Library, 1961:29. 6 Orwell, Goegre. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: New American Library, 1961:25. Bibliography Nineteen Eighty-Four [1] Brooks, Cleanth, Warren, Robert Penn. Understanding Fiction. 3th Edition,Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,London:Pearson Education,2004. [2] Corry, John. 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