首页 不生病的智慧【英】课件



不生病的智慧【英】课件 不生病的智慧 之一:补足气血万病灭 之二:生活在人体的仙药田里 Wisdom of health ⒈Nourishing Qi and blood. ⒉ 不生病的智慧之补足气血万病灭 一﹑12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充足 二﹑保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 三﹑补血食疗一点通 Nourishing Qi and blood ⒈12 kinds of ways to quickly and accurately know whether you have enough qi a...

不生病的智慧 之一:补足气血万病灭 之二:生活在人体的仙药田里 Wisdom of health ⒈Nourishing Qi and blood. ⒉ 不生病的智慧之补足气血万病灭 一﹑12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充足 二﹑保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 三﹑补血食疗一点通 Nourishing Qi and blood ⒈12 kinds of ways to quickly and accurately know whether you have enough qi and blood. ⒉Take care of your stomach and intestine. ⒊ Knowledge about herb diet and nourishing blood. 12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充 1.观察眼睛: 看眼睛实际上是看眼白的颜色,俗话说“人老珠黄”,其实指的就是眼白的颜色变得混浊、发黄,有血丝,这就表明你气血不足了。眼睛随时都能睁得大大的,说明气血充足;反之,眼袋很大、眼睛干涩、眼皮沉重,都代表气血不足。 2.看皮肤: 皮肤白里透着粉红,有光泽、弹性、无皱纹、无斑代表气血充足。反之,皮肤粗糙,没光泽,发暗、发黄、发白、发青、发红、长斑都代表身体状况不佳、气血不足。 3.看头发: 头发乌黑、浓密、柔顺代表气血充足,头发干枯、掉发、头发发黄、发白、开叉都是气血不足。 12 kinds of ways to quickly and accurately know whether you have enough qi and blood. ⒈Observe eyes Check the color of the white eye. Turbid, yellow, with bloodshot which show that the inadequacy of blood. Eyes widely open all the time, indicating adequate blood; on the other hand, large bags under the eyes, dry eyes, eyelids heavy, represents the blood shortage. ⒉ Observe skin Healthy skin which is shiny and flexible without wrinkles and spots means sufficient blood. On the contrary, rough skin, no shine, dark, yellow, white, green, red, spot represents poor health, lack of blood. ⒊Observe hair Hair are black, thick and supple enough because of blood sufficiency. Deficiency of qi and blood can cause dry hair, losing hair, yellow or white hair, and split ends. 12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充 4.看耳朵: 现在,人的身体素质越来越差。不信你去仔细看看,现在人的耳朵小,看上去越来越僵硬、而且形状上看上去已有些变形。就是孩子和年青人都很少能看到圆润、肥大、饱满的大耳朵了。而这些大耳朵在老人那里却很多见,这说明以前人的身体素质明显强于现代人。 小孩子看耳朵看形态,大人除了形态就主要看后天的情况了,主要看色泽、有无斑点、有无疼痛。如果呈淡淡的粉红色、有光泽、无斑点、无皱纹、饱满则代表气血充足。而暗淡、无光泽代表气血已经下降。如果耳朵萎缩、枯燥、有斑点、皱纹多,它代表了人的肾脏功能开始衰竭,你要注意了。 ⒋Observe ears Big and thick ear with a round shape represents a good physical situation. Pink, shiny and plump ear without spot and wrinkle represents sufficiency of qi and blood. You should pay attention if the ear becomes atrophy, dry, spotted and wrinkled. It represents kidney failure. 12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充 5.摸手的温度: 如果手一年四季都是温暖的,代表人气血充足,如果手心偏热或者出汗或者手冰冷,都是气血不足。 6.看手指的指腹: 无论孩子还是成人,如果手指指腹扁平、薄弱或指尖细细的,都代表气血不足,而手指指腹饱满,肉多有弹性,则说明气血充足。 7.看青筋: 如果在成人的食指上看到青筋,说明小时候消化功能不好,而且这种状态已一直延续到了成年后。这类人体质弱,气血两亏。如果在小指上看到青筋,说明肾气不足。 如果掌心下方接近腕横纹的地方纹路多、深,就代表小时候营差,体质弱,气血不足。成年后,这类女性易患妇科疾病,男性则易患前列腺肥大、痛风等症。 ⒌temperature of hands Hands are warm throughout the year represents blood sufficient. Palm sweating, warmer or colder than normal people’s represents blood deficient. ⒍observe finger belly Whether child or adult, if the finger belly flat, weak or thin fingers, represents deficiency of blood, but full finger belly, thick and more flexible, it indicates sufficient blood. ⒎observe the blue veins Blue veins in adult’s index finger indicate a bad digestive function of childhood, and this state has been extended to the adult. If you see the blue veins in the little finger, indicating insufficient kidney qi. A lot of deep lines on the bottom of palm refers poor health at childhood caused by poor nutrition and deficiency of qi and blood. Such situation on women susceptible to gynecological disease, men are prone to prostatic hyperplasia, gout embolism. 12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充 8.看指甲上的半月形: 正常情况下,半月形应该是除了小指都有。 大拇指上,半月形应占指甲面积的1/4~1/5,其它食指、中指、无名指应不超过1/5。 如果手指上没有半月形或只有大拇指上有半月形的说明人体内寒气重、循环功能差、气血不足,以致血液到不了手指的末梢,如果半月形过多、过大,则易患甲亢、高血压等病。 9.看手指甲上的纵纹: 只在成人手上出现,小孩不会有的。当成人手指甲上出现纵纹时,一定要提高警惕,这说明身体气血两亏、出现了透支,是肌体衰老的象征。 10.看牙龈: 小孩子不明显,主要是成人。牙龈萎缩代表气血不足,只要发现牙齿的缝隙变大了,食物越来越容易塞在牙缝里,就要注意了,身体已在走下坡路,衰老正在加快。 ⒏Observe the half moon shape on nails Normally, the half-moon should be on all in addition to the little finger. Thumb, the half-moon share 1 / 4 to 1 / 5 area of nail, the half-moon shape on index finger, middle finger, ring finger should not more than 1 / 5. If the finger does not have half-moon or a half moon only on thumb describe a serious cold body, poor circulation, insufficient blood, resulting in blood can not reach the fingers’ tips. If the half-moon too much, too large, people are susceptibility to hyperthyroidism , hypertension. ⒐Observe vertical lines on the nails This situation only on adult. It refers to deficiency of qi and blood, a symbol of aging. ⒑Observe gingival Gingival recession mainly on adults caused by deficiency of qi and blood which also embody on crack between teeth become big, food more and more easy to plug in between teeth . 12种方法可快速准确地判断自己气血是否充 11.看睡眠: 成人如果像孩子一样入睡快、睡眠沉,呼吸均匀,一觉睡到自然醒,表示气血很足;而入睡困难,易惊易醒、夜尿多,呼吸深重或打呼噜的人都是血亏。 12.看运动: 运动时如果出现胸闷、气短、疲劳难以恢复的状况,气血就不足,而那些运动后精力充沛、浑身轻松的人就很好。 ⒒situation of sleep Sufficiency of qi and blood: sleep deep and breathing evenly. Deficiency of qi and blood: difficulty falling asleep, wake up easily startled easily, urination at night, deep breathing or snoring. ⒓exercise Deficiency of qi and blood: chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue. And difficult to restore the normal situation. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 1.胃、肠最喜欢你的细嚼慢咽。 2.胃、肠喜欢定时、定量和有规律的进食。 3.胃、肠更喜欢好心情。 4.胃、肠最怕冷 5.体育锻炼让你胃口大开。 6.胃、肠最喜欢按摩 Take care of your stomach and intestine. ⒈Chewing food thoroughly and swallow slowly. ⒉Quantitative and regular eating at a certain time. ⒊Eating with a good mood. ⒋Don’t eat a lot of cold food. ⒌Do some exercises. ⒍Massage apply on belly. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 1.胃、肠最喜欢你的细嚼慢咽 这样能减轻它的负担,所以易消化、温度适宜、可口的食物最受胃肠的欢迎,而那些过硬、过烫、过冷、过辣、过黏、油炸、腌制的食物应该离我们的嘴巴远远的。 ⒈Chewing food thoroughly and swallow slowly. This can reduce the burden for intestine and stomach. Take food easy to digest with suitable temperature, Food such too hot, too cold, too hot, too sticky, fried, pickled should take away from us mouth away. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 2.胃、肠喜欢定时、定量和有规律的进食 你看所有的长寿老人,他们从不暴饮暴食,总是定点吃饭、睡觉,饮食极有规律。所以,定时定量要从婴幼儿就开始抓起,一直坚持到老。 ⒉Quantitative and regular eating at a certain time. The longevity people, they never eat too much, always eating and sleeping regularly on time. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 3.胃、肠更喜欢好心情 大家都有生气吃不下饭的时候,生气的时候肝火就旺,按五行相生相克规律,肝是木,脾胃是土,木是克土的,当肝火旺时会直接抑制脾胃的功能,使人没有胃口,所以放松心情是增加食欲,促进消化、吸收很重要的一个方面。 ⒊Eating with a good mood. Everyone could not in mood to eat when angry, according to five elements theory, the liver pertaining to wood, the spleen and stomach pertaining to the earth. Vigorous liver fire can restrain the functions of spleen and stomach. So a good mood can increase the appetite, promote digestion and absorption. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 4.胃、肠最怕冷 有胃肠疾病的人都知道,当胃肠不适时,抱个热水袋捂一会儿就会舒服些。这说明体内寒重,因为胃属土,主黄,面色发黄时说明消化功能不好,发暗时说明寒重,这时,就不能再吃寒冷的东西了。寒冷之物之所以会引起胃肠的不适,是因为寒冷会使胃肠的血管收缩,影响食物透过消化道的黏膜化生为血液。 ⒋Don’t eat a lot of cold food. The cold things can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, because cold food will make gastrointestinal vasoconstriction. people who have gastrointestinal diseases are aware when gastrointestinal discomfort, holding a hot water bottle on the belly for a minute can make the belly a little more comfortable. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 5.体育锻炼让你胃口大开 有人可能觉得这样说有些片面,为什么有的人锻炼后食欲旺盛,另外的人锻炼后反而不想吃饭了,这类人就是气血不足。因为,锻炼后气血多分布到了四肢,如果气血不足,胃肠就会相对缺血,血供减少后,消化功能就下降,反倒不想吃饭了。遇到这种情况时,一是减少运动量,尽可能多吃一些细、软、烂的食物,等气血补足的时候再去锻炼,就不会出现上述不适了。 ⒌Do some exercises. Do some exercises could help the blood circulation, so the qi and blood can reach stomach to help digestion. Poor appetite usually caused by qi and blood deficient of stomach and intestines. 保护好胃、肠,心宽体壮 6.胃、肠最喜欢按摩 当经常有胃胀、消化不良的症状时,在腹部左右上下轻轻按摩,不舒服的症状会随之减轻,所以胃、肠消化功能不好的人,要经常摩腹。肚子上有人体最重要的9条经络,按摩时等于把9条经全照顾到了,真是一个一举多得的健康良方。 ⒍Massage apply on belly. People who have indigestion symptoms such as frequent bloating can massage the abdomen up and down gently. The most important nine meridians of body go through the abdomen, so massage apply on belly can help the circulation of qi and blood in order to have a healthy indigestion system. 补血食疗一点通 1.最快的补血方法是什么? 2.最好的补血食品是什么? 3.寒凉的食物是不是都不能吃? 4.黑色食品就是补肾食品吗? Knowledge about herb diet and nourishing blood. ⒈What is the nearest way to nourish blood? ⒉What is the best food to nourish blood? ⒊Do any food pertaining to cold can’t eat? ⒋Do all of black food can nourish blood? 补血食疗一点通 1.最快的补血方法是什么? 从经络、穴位、反射区直接注射当归注射液,是补血气的最快方法,可以是立竿见影,但是要由专业的医生进行注射。 补血的另一种方法是食用高营养的各种肉汤以及用黑米、玉米、血糯米、大米做成的糊,再加进已加工成糊状的红枣、核桃、花生、莲子、桂圆、枸杞子等。所以病后初愈者、产后妇女、老人、孩子、身体虚弱的人,多喝各种将肉烧得很烂的牛肉汤、羊肉汤、猪肝汤、鸡汤、骨髓汤、蹄筋汤等,多吃各种直接消化吸收的糊,对养生及疾病的治疗特别好。 ⒈What is the nearest way to nourish blood? Direct inject angelica injection from the meridian, point, reflected area by a professional doctor is the nearest method to nourish blood and qi, it may immediately observed. Same food can effective nourish qi and blood,such as black rice, corn, blood glutinous rice, paste made of rice, Chinese dates, walnuts, peanuts, lotus seeds, longan , medlar, etc. A variety of meat soup, beef soup, mutton soup, chicken soup and bone marrow soup are good for people recovering from illness, postpartum women, the elderly, children and frail people. A variety of paste which easy to digest and absorb are particularly good for health. 补血食疗一点通 2.最好的补血食品是什么? 简单地说,只要吃到肚子里能消化吸收的食物,就是补血的,所以补血的前提是胃、肠道消化吸收的能力,就算吃的是粗茶淡饭,只要全部吸收,照样补血,而吃了高级的滋补品,胃、肠道不消化,依然什么用也没有。 相对来说,肉类、蛋类、鱼类这些高质量的动物蛋白,能明显地提高血液的质量,更容易使人抵抗力强,精力充沛。 ⒉What is the best food to nourish blood? In short, there is sufficiency of blood as long as the stomach can digest and absorb food, so the premise of sufficient blood is that good digestion and absorption capacity of stomach, intestinal. In contrast, meat, eggs and fish which contain high-quality animal protein, can significantly improve the quality of the blood, more likely to raise resistance and keep strong, energetic. 补血食疗一点通 3.寒凉的食物是不是都不能吃? 并不是所有的寒凉食物进入肚子里都会对身体产生负面影响,只要与人的体质、吃的季节相搭配,能起到中和、平衡的作用,就可以吃。比如夏天,人体大量出汗,而适量吃些大寒的西瓜,它能除燥热,又能补充人体因出汗多而丢失的水份、糖份,这时的西瓜对身体来讲就能起到协调、补血的作用,而天冷时吃西瓜,就易导致血亏。 ⒊Do any food pertaining to cold can’t eat? Not all of the cold and cool food into the stomach will have a negative impact on the body. Healthy people eat food at a right season that can play a balancing effect. 补血食疗一点通 4.黑色食品就是补肾食品吗? 我们经常看到这样的宣传——黑色食品补肾、补血,如黑芝麻、黑豆、黑米、黑木耳、海带、紫菜、乌骨鸡等。其实并不尽然,温热是补、寒凉是泻。黑米、乌骨鸡性温,补血、补肾效果明显;黑芝麻,性平、补肾、补肝,润肠、养发;黑豆,性平,补肾、活血,解毒;而黑木耳性凉,海带、紫菜性寒,夏天可以经常吃,冬天尽量不要吃。任何食物补还是不补,一定要看这个食物的属性,性平、性温的食物,一年四季对身体都有补益的作用,性凉、性寒的食物,除了夏天以外,其他季节尽量不要吃,非要吃的话,也要与温热的生姜,辣椒、胡椒、花椒配在一起,这样既能摄入这些食物特有的营养素,又不至于伤肾、伤胃。 ⒋Do all of black food can nourish blood? Not all of black food have an effect to nourish blood. Some black food pertain to warm, some pertain to cold. Warm one can nourish and eat during winter, while cold one can reduce and eat during summer. Warm: black rice, black sesame, black beans ,etc. Cold: kelp, seaweed, etc. 不生病的智慧之生活在人体的仙药田里 多按一按耳朵就能防治百病——耳部自我按摩法: 1.提拉耳尖法 2.上下按摩耳轮,并向外拉 3.下拉耳垂法 4.按压耳窝 5.推上下耳根 不生病的智慧之生活在人体的仙药田里 找手治病,一按就灵: 1.按压小鱼际治疗腹痛﹑腹泻 2.按揉大鱼际上面右侧部治疗慢性胆囊炎﹑胆结石 3.哮喘穴防治咳嗽 治疗便秘: 1黑木耳红枣粥 2固原膏 3松子仁 当归粉 4按摩 增强体质的方法
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