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新视野教案Book3Book3 Unit 5


新视野教案Book3Book3 Unit 5Unit Five Section A Graceful Hands Objectives of teaching: _____To learn how to talk about death and euthanasia _____To acquire new words and expressions _____To learn how to write a short composition with dominant impression supported by details _____To ...

新视野教案Book3Book3 Unit 5
Unit Five Section A Graceful Hands Objectives of teaching: _____To learn how to talk about death and euthanasia _____To acquire new words and expressions _____To learn how to write a short composition with dominant impression supported by details _____To learn the reading skill -- understanding idiomatic expressions Content of teaching: ______To know about background information and to analyze text structure _____To study the new words and expressions _____To learn language points _____To analyze the general organization of the text especially the language points ______To Learn some language points Focal points of teaching: _____To understand the language points and the writing skills of this unit Difficulties of teaching: _____To help the students appreciate the vivid description of people’s appearance, behavior and psychological activities in a chronological order. Arrangement of procedures: _____Please give more and more information about Euthanasia _____One or two students will give their presentation in class _____Brief introduction about the text _____Key words/phrases _____Discourse analysis Arrangement of time: _____Students’ presentation 5 minutes _____Pre-reading Activities 15 minutes _____Global Reading of the Text 20 minutes _____Detailed Reading of the Text 70 minutes _____Post-reading activities 20 minutes _____Exercises 45 minutes _____Brief conclusion about the class 5 minutes I Pre-reading Activities 1 Background information Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is "intentional". If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia). There is no euthanasia unless the death is intentionally caused by what was done or not done. Thus, some medical actions that are often labeled "passive euthanasia" are no form of euthanasia, since the intention to take life is lacking. These acts include not commencing treatment that would not provide a benefit to the patient, withdrawing treatment that has been shown to be ineffective, too burdensome or is unwanted, and the giving of high doses of pain-killers that may endanger life, when they have been shown to be necessary. All those are part of good medical practice, endorsed by law, when they are properly carried out. 2 Listening Listen to a short paragraph and discuss relative questions—the exercise on page 124 II Global Reading of the Text 1 Text structure analysis (1) Main idea (central theme) of the text Mrs. Clark was seriously ill and would die soon. She was just a skeleton at that time. The medical worker accompanied finishing her rest of life. She was the mother of seven, grandmother of eighteen and a concert piano player. Her graceful hands impressed the medical worker greatly. (2) Main idea of each part Part I (Paras1 - 4) Mrs. Clark was very thin and dying. First the author tell us that she has never seen the patient, then the author describes what she sees on entering the room in Para 2. From Para 3 to Para 4, the author gives a detailed description about the patient’s conditions. The descriptions are presented in a chronological order. All the descriptions join to leave readers a dominant impression that the patient is dying. Part II (Para 5) The author, a medical worker, took care of her, who was too weak for anything. This part is arranged according to the time sequence too, though without any time marker. Through her service to the patient, the author creates a dominant impression on readers that the patient is seriously ill, too weak for anything. Part III (Paras6 – 7) The exchange exists between the author and Mrs. Clark. Here we have a clear time marker. “When I am finished” with helping the patient, we have the real exchange between the two human beings. And in this part the author comes to understand what is in the patient’ mind. Part IV (Para 8) The author was glad that she was there when Mrs. Clark died. We can find the time marker – “Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again”, which clearly connects the present part to e preceding one. Part V (Para 9) After Mrs. Clark died, the author knew what she was. It is only two days after Mrs. Clark’s death that the author comes to lean more about her from the newspaper. Part VI (Para 10) Mrs. Clark’s hands impressed the author greatly It leaves reader much space for further thoughts. 2 Devices for developing the passage The passage is a narration presented in the chronological order as a whole, which can be divided into several parts accordingly. Even though the author states that she observes the patient “with an unemotional, medical eye”, we feel a swell of strong emotion after our reading. When the author is describing what she feels about the patient, she takes care to zero in on a single dominant impression that is to be left to readers. Her method is stating an impression in the writing first and then presenting the details which help to create that impression. – see examples: Paras 3 – 4 and Para 5. III Detailed Reading of the Text New Words and Expressions 1. graceful a. showing a pleasing beauty of form, movement or manner; pleasing in both style and attitude 优雅的;得体的 She is graceful in manner (speech / movement). 她举止(言谈/行为)优雅。 grace n. graceless a. 粗鲁的,不优雅的graceful a. gracefully ad. 2. preceding a. coming or going before in time, order, etc. 在前的,在先的,前面的 Our contact information is located on the preceding pages. 我们的联系方式在前几页上。 the preceding year 前一年 precede v. The paragraph that precedes this one is unclear. 这段话前面的那段写得不清楚。 3. decay n. [U] the action or state of gradually going bad; rotting 腐烂,衰败 Too many sweets cause tooth decay. 糖果会引起龋齿。 fall into decay 衰败,塌坏,年久失修 vi. 1) become bad; rot 腐烂,变坏 Too many sweets decay your teeth. 2) lose power, influence, etc. 衰败,衰落 As people grow old, they will decay mentally as well as physically. 人们年老时脑力和体力都回衰退。 4. loosely ad. in a loose manner 松地,大致地 He held the rope loosely in his right hand. 他的右手松松挎挎地拿着绳子。 Loosely translated, the word means “important”. 大致译出来,这个词的意思是“重要的”。 5. secure v. 1) make firm or tight; fasten 关紧,固定 Screws secure the steel bars to the window frame. 螺丝钉把钢棍固定在窗框上。 2) make safe; protect 使安全,保护 We have done our best to secure the embassy against terrorist attacks. 我们已尽全力以保护大使馆免受恐怖袭击。 3) get, sometimes with difficulty 得到,获得 He secured widespread support among the party’ members. 他在该党成员中得到广泛支持。 a. 1) safe; protected against danger or risk 安全的 The computer system is secure against/from intruders. 这个计算机系统是防入侵的。 2) firm or tight enough for safety 牢固的 The foundation of the house is not secure. 这座房子的地基不牢固。 3) having no doubt, fear or anxiety 无忧的,安心的 He felt secure about his future. 他对未来无忧无虑。 6. drip v. (cause to) fall in drops 滴 Please go and see if the tap is dripping. 请去看看水龙头是否在漏水。 7. faint a. 1) lacking clearness, brightness, strength, etc. 微弱的 He said something in a faint voice. 他用微弱的声音说了什么。 2) weak and about to lose consciousness 虚弱的 I feel faint. 我觉得头晕眼花。 8. slide v. 1) (cause to) move smoothly (使)滑动 The kids love to slide down this hill on the sledge. 孩子们喜欢坐着雪撬滑下山。 2) (cause to) move quietly (使)悄悄地移动 I think they slid out the back door a minute ago. 我认为他们刚从后门溜出。 3) change to sth. so gradually and smoothly that people do not notice the change (不知不觉地)陷入 The boy slid into the bad habit of smoking. 孩子们不知不觉养成了抽烟的坏习惯。 9. naked a. 1) not covered by clothes 赤身的,裸露的 The children played in the playground half naked. 孩子们半裸着身体在操场上玩耍。 2) without the usual covering 赤裸裸的,无遮蔽的 The naked truth is the plain truth without ornament. 赤裸裸的事实是指那些不加任何修饰的显而易见的事实。 10. outline n. 1) [C] line(s) showing the shape or outer edge (of sth,) 轮廓,外形 Through the mist we could see the faint outline of the island. 薄雾中我们可以看见岛屿的模糊轮廓。 2) [C] a statement of the main facts or points 要点,大纲 Please hand in an outline for your next essay by Thursday. 请在周四前把你下篇论文的提纲交上来。 v. give a short general description of (sth.) 概述 They outlined the project to us. 他们向我们简要介绍该项目。 11. hint n. 1) [C] a slight indication 细微的迹象 They fled at the first hint of trouble. 一出现麻烦的迹象他们就立即逃跑。 There was a hint of anger in the statement. 话里带有一点怒气。 2) [C] a subtle way of indicating to sb. What one is thinking or what one wants 暗示,提示 I kept looking at my watch, but she couldn’t take a hint. 我一直在看 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,可她却不能领会。 She dropped/gave a hint that she would retire soon. 她提示不久就要退休。 v. suggest sth. slightly or indirectly 暗示 He hinted (to us) that an agreement had been reached . 他(向我们)暗示 已达成一项协议。 12. interval n. 1) [C] a period between two events or times, or the space between two points 间隔,间距 There was a long interval before he replied. 他过了很久才答复。 at intervals 1)不时 2) 相隔一定距离 at regular intervals 每隔一定时间,每隔一定距离 at short/frequent intervals 常常 2) [C] a brief period between the parts of performance 幕间休息 13. blank a. 1) without expression, understanding or interest; empty 茫然的,无表情的 I tried to explain, but he gave me a blank look. 我试图解释,但他茫然地看着我。 2) carrying no information or mark 空白的,无字的 Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page. 请把你的姓名写在此页上方的空白处。 14. shallow a. 1) (of breathing) not taking much air into the lungs (呼吸)浅的,弱的 His breathing became shallow and frequent. 他的呼吸变得浅而急促。 2) having only a short distance from the top to the bottom 浅的 He is swimming towards the shallow end of the swimming pool.他朝游泳池水浅的一端游去。 3) not showing serious or careful thought 肤浅的,浅薄的 His arguments seemed shallow and tedious. 他的观点显得浅薄乏味。 15. emotion n. [U,C] a strong feeling 情感,感情,激情 She tried to appeal to our emotions rather than to our reason. 她想以情感打动我们而非讲理。 His voice is filled with emotion. 他说话时情绪激动。 emotional a. 感情(上)的,容易激动的 emotionally ad. 16. privilege n. [U,C] a special advantage, opportunity or honor possessed by a particular person or group 特权,优惠 His seniority brings him many privileges. 他年资高,这给他带来很多特权。 I had the privilege of meeting the President when he visited our school. 我有幸在总统访问我校时见到了他。 17. episode n. 1) [C] a single event or group of related events 一个事件,一组事件 The raid was one of the bloodiest episodes in the long hard war. 这次袭击是长期艰苦战争中最血腥的一次事件。 2) [C] one of the single parts into which a story is divided, esp. when it is broadcast on the television or radio (尤指电视或广播的)一集,一部分 the final episode (故事的)大结局 18. hang around sth.: (cause to) swing from or round sth. (使)…上挂着,(使)围…上 She likes to hang a necklace around her neck. 她喜欢在脖子上戴一条项链。 19. reach for: stretch one’s hand on order to touch or take 伸出手以触到或拿到 I reached for the dictionary. 我伸出手去拿词典。 20. feel for: search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc. (用手、足-棍等)摸索,寻找 He felt in his pocket for the key. 他用手在口袋里摸钥匙。 21. make an attempt to do sth.: make an effort to do sth. 尝试,企图 We made an attempt to get in touch with them. 我们试图与他们取得联系。 22. go about (doing) sth.: start to work at sth.; set about doing sth. 着手处理,开始做 How shall we go abut the job? 我们怎么开始做这个工作呢? 23. provide for sth.: make arrangements to deal with sth. that might happen in the future 安排,准备 How can people provide for unexpected events? 人们如何准备应付意料不到的事件呢? Language Points 1. I have never seen Mrs. Clark before, but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the preceding shift that tonight she will die. (Para 1) Meaning: Although I have never seen Mrs. Clark before, I know that she will die tonight, after I read her medical chart and the report from the doctors and nurses who worked in the earlier shift. shift: n. (in a factory, etc.) a division of the working day; the group who work in this period 轮班 The doctors and nurses in this hospital work in three shifts.这个医院的医生和护士上班三班倒。 I work on the night shift at the factory. 我在工厂上夜班。 2. …which is flashing its red light as if in warning. (Para 2) Meaning: …which is shining with its red light on and off as if it gave a warning of the patients’ life. flash: v. shine with a sudden bright light 闪烁 I’ll flash my headlight to make sure he sees us. 我会打开车前灯让它闪烁,以保证他能看见我们。 3. As I stand there, the smell hits my nose, and I close my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from past experience. (Para 2) Meaning: While I stand there, I smell the unpleasant smell of a dying person and I close my eyes as I recall the smell of decay from the experience I had before. hit: v. affect very badly 袭击,使遭受 A Powerful earthquake hit the city. 这个城市遭受了一次强烈地震。 4. I reach for the light switch, and as it silently lights the scene, I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye. (Para 2) Meaning: I stretch out my hand to turn on the light, and as the light quietly lights the whole room, I return to the bed to watch the patient without any personal emotion as a professional doctor does. 5. … the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide… (Para 3) Meaning: …the skin has the color of dark yellow and hangs loosely around the large bony skeleton that even a blanket cannot hide… exaggerated: a. larger, better, worse or more important than sth. actually is 夸张的,夸大的 I considered this remark exaggerated but complimentary. 我认为这句话有点夸张,但充满赞许。 6. … I put my finger over the end of the straw and allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst. (Para 4) ease: vi. 1) take away (pain or worry); relieve; lessen 减轻,缓和 Take this medicine and it will ease the pain. 把这药吃了, 能减轻疼痛 2) make more comfortable 使安心,使放心 I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe. 我宽慰她说孩子们很安全。 7. This time she does manage to swallow some liquid and weakly says… (Para 4) manage: vt. 1) succeed in dealing with (a difficult movement or action) 设法 He managed to accomplish his work in time. 他设法及时完成了工作。 2) control (esp. a business) 管理 8. Naked, except for a light hospital gown… (Para 5) except for: used to introduce the only things, people or ideas that prevent your main statement from being completely true. His composition is good, except for a few spelling mistakes. 他的作文写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。 9. …and not until I run my hand up over her knees do I feel any of the life giving warmth of blood. (Para 5) “not until…do I…” 构成倒装。 10. As though she is a mind reader, Mrs. Clark answers my thoughts… (Para 6) Meaning: As if she is able to know what I’m thinking, Mrs. Clark replies to my doubts… 11. Having spent her last ounce of strength she cannot go in, …(Para 6) an ounce of sth.: a very small amount of sth. 一点 She hasn’t an ounce of common sense. 她一点常识都没有。 12. Again she seems to sense my thoughts, …(Para 6) sense: become aware of 感觉,意识到 He sensed that she did not want to talk to him.他感觉到她不愿和他交谈。 13. …I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers…(Para 7) match: vt. go with, correspond to 与……协调一致 I tried hard, but still my pace couldn’t match his.我很努力,但我的步伐还是不能与他保持一致。 14. Her long fingers curl easily around my hand… (Para 7) curl: become curved or rounded in shape 弯曲 Her white hands were curled around the cup. 她白皙的双手握着杯子。 15. There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life. (Para 8) swell: n. an increase or growth in number, strength, degree, etc. 膨胀,隆起 There was a swell of emotion in her for the poor old man. 她心里涌起一股感情,为那位可怜的老人感到难过。 There was a swell in population in that country. 那个国家人口膨胀。 16. Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again, gladly. (Para8) Meaning: While I still hold her hand, I gradually realize that I do not mind this emotional struggle between having her with me and saying food-bye to her. I also become aware that in effect, the struggle was a special right she has given me, and I would experience it again, and with pleasure. 17. Mrs. Clark spared her family an episode that perhaps they were not equipped to handle and instead shared it with me. (Para 8) Meaning: Mrs. Clark prevented her family from suffering an event which perhaps they were not prepared to deal with and shared it with me instead. spare: v. prevent from (suffering sth.) 赦免,不需要,用不着 Spare his blushes. 别叫他脸红了。 He doesn’t spare himself. 他对自己要求很严。 IV Post-reading 1 Text Summary Do the exercise on page 13 2 Further questions to be discussed by the groups: 1) What do you think of Mrs. Clark? Can you understand her? 2) Why does the author think Mrs. Clark has “graceful hands”? 3) Suppose one day you are old and seriously ill, how would you choose your death? 3 From reading to writing (Structured Writing) Have a look at the outline and the sample short composition on Page 137 that has been organized with the dominant impression supported by details. Then try to write your own short composition, with dominant impression supported by details. You may choose one of the following topics: 1) Secret agent Albert, a man of mystery 2) Serious effects of iron loss 3) Barbie dolls for everyone Homework: _____Read the passage and recite Para.7 _____Finish the exercises on pages 130-134 Section B Decisions of the Heart Reading Skills: Understanding Idiomatic Expressions The meaning of idiomatic expressions can be very hard — even impossible — to guess. Word formations in dictionaries don't always help, and can even fool us entirely! Idioms grow out of events and usage within the specific culture and that is why learning the cultural behavior is as important — and maybe more important in some instances — as learning the words if we are to achieve truly effective communication. To understand idiomatic expressions in a reading passage, one must be good at: 1) searching for context clues, 2) looking at examples if there are any, 3) finding explanations if there are any, 4) locating opposite or similar expressions. Here are more examples picked up from Reading Passage A. Example 1 They are ice cold, and I quickly move to the wrist and feel for the faint pulse. (Para. 4, Reading Passage A, Unit 5) feel for: try to find sth. by touch Example 2 She is too weak for conversation, so without asking, I go about providing for her needs. (Para. 5, Reading Passage A, Unit 5) go about (doing sth.): start to work at sth. Example 3 When I am finished, I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and, taking her free hand between mine, again notice the long, thin fingers. (Para. 6, Reading Passage A, Unit 5) pull a chair up: move a chair forward Finish the exercise XV on page 138 Global Reading of the Text Choose the correct version of each of the relative statements according to your understanding of the text. (P 145) Post-reading Finish the exercises (P 145) PAGE 1
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