首页 生活大爆炸台词-第五季22集生活大爆炸S05E022



生活大爆炸台词-第五季22集生活大爆炸S05E022 生活大爆炸S05E022 感谢人人影视和射手网提供、字幕,更多字幕请访问 www.yyets.com和www,shooter.cn I wish you could all be inside my head. 真希望你们能听到我的心声 The conversation is sparkling. 我脑中的对白简直是精彩纷呈 Fine, I'll tell you. 还是跟你们分享一下吧 A lichen is an organism made up of two separate species, 地...

生活大爆炸S05E022 感谢人人影视和射手网提供、字幕,更多字幕请访问 www.yyets.com和www,shooter.cn I wish you could all be inside my head. 真希望你们能听到我的心声 The conversation is sparkling. 我脑中的对白简直是精彩纷呈 Fine, I'll tell you. 还是跟你们分享一下吧 A lichen is an organism made up of two separate species, 地衣是由菌类和藻类 这两不同的物种 fungi and algae. 组成的复合有机体 If you could merge with another species, 如果你能跟别的物种结合 what species would you pick and why? 你会选哪种 原因是什么 Hint: There is a right answer. 提示 有正确答案的哦 None of you will get it. 你们肯定都猜不到 Okay, I'd pick swan because, 好吧 我会选天鹅 uh, the resulting hybrid would have 因为半人半天鹅 the advanced industrial civilization of a human 既能享受人类先进的工业文明 and the long graceful neck I've always dreamed of having. 又能拥有我一直梦寐以求的优雅长颈 Wrong. Leonard? 错 莱纳德 Horse, but mostly just for the height. 我选马 主要是因为马比较高 A little bit for the genital girth. 其次是因为生殖器比较大 Wrong, and let's keep it clean, shall we? 错 能让这话题保持点格调吗 Kangaroo, uh, 我选袋鼠 I'd be Kanga-Jew. 这样我就成了"犹袋鼠" The first of my people to dunk a basketball. 我将会是第一个能灌篮的犹太人 Also instead of just living in your mother's house, 还不用住在你妈妈的房子里 you could actually live inside her body. 因为你可以直接住在她的袋子里 Clever, but also wrong. 挺妙的 但还是错 No, the best organism for human beings to merge with 人类最应该与之相结合的有机体 is the lichen itself. 是地衣本身 That way, you'd be human, fungus, and algae. 这样 你既是人类 也是菌类和藻类 Triple threat. 三面手哦 Like three-bean salad. 像三豆沙拉一样 Give me one circumstance in which that would be useful. 给我举个例子 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 这三面手有用武之地 All right, picture this: 没问题 试想一下 a beautiful outdoor concert. 一场高雅的户外音乐会 Now, as a human, I appreciate Beethoven. 作为人类 我能够欣赏贝多芬的音乐 As a fungus, I have a terrific view, 作为菌类 我能够沿着耸立的枫树生长 growing out of a towering maple tree. 以获得最棒的视野 And no thank you, expensive concessions. 我也无需花钱买高昂的酒水 Because as an algae, I'll just snack on this sunlight. 因为作为藻类 我以光合作用维生 - He got us again. - No, he didn't. -他又赢了 -才不是 Anyway, if it's okay with you, 无论怎样 如果你不介意 we should talk about Howard's bachelor party. 我们该讨论一下霍华德的单身派对了 Seems like a bit of a letdown 我刚发表完关于地衣的大论 after our lichen conversation, but... 你换谈这个 层次低好多啊 但... what do you know, you're half swan. 我也不苛责了 毕竟你是半人半天鹅嘛 I've been doing some research on strippers. 我研究了一下脱衣舞女 One agency I spoke to, said I could get us a great price 其中一家说 如果不在乎表演者 if we're flexible on age range and number of limbs. 岁数与是否残疾 价钱绝对包君满意 Sounds like loads of fun, 感觉挺有意思啊 but I promised Bernadette no strippers. 可我已答应伯纳黛特 不找脱衣舞女了 You don't want strippers? 你居然不想找脱衣舞女 You're the king of strippers. 装什么啊 你可是脱衣舞之王啊 The one club in North Hollywood 北好莱坞的一家脱衣舞俱乐部 named a pole after you. 还用你的名字命名了一根钢管呢 What can I tell ya, I'm not into that stuff anymore. 怎么说呢 我对那玩意已经不感兴趣了 Good for you, Howard. I'm proud of you. 不错啊 霍华德 真为你自豪 And still, you're the first one of use to get married. 可你是我们几人中第一个结婚的 We have to do something special. 总得干点特别的事吧 You know Germans have an interesting pre-wedding custom-- 知道吗 德国人有个有趣的婚前习俗... Well, it's probably not for me. 估计不太适合我吧 Maybe we can go up to Napa Valley. 去纳帕谷怎么样 They've got that wine train. 那里有品酒列车 Boo, wine! 酒 坏东西 But yay, trains. I'm in. 火车 好东西 我要加入 Anyway, it's a beautiful time of year. 现在这个时节 那里的景色很美 Uh, you travel through the vineyards. 穿行于葡萄园中 There's a tasting on board. 火车上溢满葡萄酒的香气 And all the wildflowers are in bloom. 漫山遍野的花朵争奇斗妍 Magic. 简直是仙境 Look at that, in 30 seconds, 看啊 才过了三十秒 we went from hiring women to being them. 咱们从"玩女人"变"当女人" 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 翻译制作 更多美剧原创翻译 请登陆 www.YYeTs.com ■ 翻译:solarbear Tina 小 蛮腰 Joanna ■ 后期:孤帆 时间轴:YY ■ ■ 校对:莉莉赛太公 马修YY猫 总监:YY So, I hear you and the lost boys 生活大爆炸 第五季第二十二集 听说你们几个 are having a bachelor party tonight. 今晚要开个单身派对呢 Yeah, just going to a restaurant, 是啊 就是去餐馆 get some steaks, and scotch. 吃吃牛排 喝喝威士忌 - Nothing to worry about. - Why should I worry? -你不用担心 -我有什么好担心的 Well, I don't know. It's a bachelor party. 始终是个单身派对嘛 There could be strippers. 兴许我们会找脱衣舞女来呢 Wouldn't that make you a little jealous? 你难道就一点都不吃醋吗 Oh, come on Leonard, it's you. What's going to happen? 拜托 莱纳德 我对你放心都很 I mean, even if there was a stripper, 即使真的有脱衣舞女 all you'd do is avoid eye-contact 你也不敢跟人有眼神接触 and maybe offer to help her kid with his homework. 没准还会主动提出辅导她孩子功课呢 Hey, I am a young man in his sexual prime. 拜托 我很年轻 欲火如日中天 Under the right conditions, I-I-I am capable of just, 天时地利人和具备 我也是能做出... really crazy stuff. 非常疯狂的事情的呢 Really? What is the craziest thing 是吗 那说说你与女人做过 you've ever done with a woman? 最最疯狂的事情是什么 And the time you and I had sex in the ocean does not count. 你我于海中"翻江倒海"的那次可不算 Oh, come on. That's got to count. 别这样啊 那必须得算 There was a really strong undertow, we could have died. 那天激流暗涌 我们可能随时葬身海底 Well, have fun tonight. 祝你今晚玩得痛快啊 Oh, I will. 放心吧 我会的 There is no telling what might happen. 会发生什么事 我可不保证哦 Yeah, there is. 绝对没事 You know, there's nothing wrong helping some woman's kid 帮特殊职业的女人辅导孩子过高考 get through their S.A.T.'s. 也没什么不对吧 Hey, I got to hand it to Raj, 我得好好夸夸拉杰 he found a really nice spot to have a bachelor party. 他找的餐馆还挺适合开单身派对呢 It's not bad. 的确不赖 Unless you compare it to a train; then it stinks. 但一与火车相比 这地方就相形见绌了 Are you drinking whiskey? 你在喝威士忌吗 Indeed. 没错 If I'm to participate in the social convention 如果我要参与进这种社会习俗 that is the stag night, 也就是这个单身派对 then I must embrace all its components: 我就得接受所有的东西 including tobacco, swear words, 包括香烟 脏话 and yes, alcohol. 当然还有酒 Jeepers! That's yucky. 亲娘咧 太难喝了 Whoa, it's a little early to start 活动才刚开始 dropping J-bombs, don't you think? 就把亲娘挂嘴边骂 太快了吧 - Hey, you guys. - Oh, hey, Wil. -你们好呀 -你好呀 威尔 Nice of you to make it out tonight for Howard. 谢谢能来参加霍华德的派对 Well, it was either this or another 如果我不来这儿 hot tub party at George Takei's house. 《星际迷航》中苏鲁田光的扮演者 就得去乔治·竹井家参加泡澡派对了 I'm confused. 我不太明白 I thought since our reconciliation, 我以为自从我们和解之后 I was your friend in this group. 这帮人里只有我才是你的朋友 Oh, I'm friends with Howard too. 霍华德也是我的朋友 I guess you're just friends with anybody. 原来你只求数量 不求质量 Hey, uh, Leonard... 莱纳德 things are a little tight at the comic book store. 最近漫画书店的生意不太好 I might need some help covering my share of the check. 我可能需要你先帮我垫餐钱 Oh, yeah, no worries. 没问题 And maybe a few bucks for the valet. 还有给服务员的小费 Oh, all right. 可以 And gas money to get home. 还有回家的油钱 - Yeah, sure. - Great. -当然 -太好了 You know what? This is my grandfather's watch. 你知道吗 这是我爷爷的手表 18-carat gold, got it in Europe during the war. 18K金的 战争时期从欧洲弄来的 Wow, that's very nice. Mm-hmm. 不错 挺好看的 100 bucks and it's yours. 一百块卖给你 Hey, everybody! 各位 The bachelor boy has arrived! 派对主角来了 For he's a jolly good fellow 他是个快乐的好小伙 For he's a jolly good fellow 他是个快乐的好小伙 For he's a jolly good fellow 他是个快乐的好小伙 Which nobody can deny 大家都说他是好小伙 Yes, yes, yes. He's a jolly good fellow. 没错没错 他个快乐的好小伙 What time do the strippers arrive? 请问脱衣舞女什么时候来 Actually, Barry, we're not going to have strippers tonight. 巴里 我们今晚没请脱衣舞女 Ah, then what the frig did I get 200 dollars in singles out for? 那我找了两百块散钱搞毛啊 You want to buy a watch? 你想买手表吗 This is Maid of Honor Amy Farrah Fowler, 首席伴娘艾米·菲拉·福勒 bringing you the wedding activities 为你带来大喜之日 just weeks out from the big day. 前几周的婚礼活动 Let's check in with a beautiful, radiant young woman, 看看这位年轻漂亮 容光焕发的美女 and her friend who's about to get married. 旁边那边 则是她的准新娘朋友 Ladies, can you tell us what you're doing? 美女们 能说说你们在做什么吗 Um, these are gift bags 这些是礼品袋 we're going to put in the hotel rooms of our out-of-town guests. 我们准备把它们放到外地宾客的房间里 This is a map of Pasadena. 这是一张帕萨迪纳的地图 This is a list of local restaurants. 这是一张本地餐馆的清单 And then, for Howie's relatives, 还有给霍华德亲戚准备的 we have antihistamines, antacids, 抗组织胺剂[抗过敏] 抗酸剂[胃药] and medicine for diarrhea and constipation. 还有治腹泻和便秘的药 Yeah, we labeled them "stop and go." 我们在上面贴了"泻停封"和"泄挺疯" All right, pivoting to the big question: 好的 转到主要问题上 Bernadette, on your wedding night 伯纳黛特 洞房花烛夜 you'll be consummating your marriage. 你们将正式圆房 What do you think your first sexual position will be 新婚小夫妻打算采用哪种 as husband and wife? 性交体位呢 Amy, please. 艾米 拜托 Keeping in mind that whoever's on top 记住 谁在上 may set the tone for the marriage. 谁就掌握婚姻大权哦 Okay, show's over. 好了 别拍了 Hey, they may conceive a child on their wedding night. 他们说不定能在新婚之夜怀上孩子呢 Don't you think the kid might get a kick 你不觉得孩子将来看到这个 out of knowing how it happened? 会很高兴吗 I don't care. 我不管 Ask her things like "Are you going to take Howard's name?" 你应该问"会不会从霍华德的姓"这类问题 Not "Who's going to sit on who." 而不是"谁会骑在谁的上面" I've actually been thinking I'm going to hyphenate: 我其实想过用连字符把两个姓串起来 Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz. 伯纳黛特·玛丽安·罗斯滕科斯基-沃罗威茨 Nice. 不错 You know, you should totally get 你应该去注册一个 Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz.com 伯纳黛特·玛丽安·罗斯滕科斯基-沃罗威茨网站 before someone snaps it up. 以免被别人抢先注册 Howard already took care of it. 霍华德已经注册了 Plus, he set up our beautiful wedding Web site 而且 他还建了个很漂亮的婚礼网站 with cute little facts about our family histories. 上面有我们两家家族史的小故事 Do you know, for a while in Poland, 你知道吗 在波兰有一段时间 my family and his family were neighbors. 我们两家还是邻居 Oh, that's cool. 那太好了 No, it's not. I'll explain it to you later. 一点也不好 我以后再跟你解释 May I have your attention, please? 请大家听我说两句 We are here tonight to celebrate the upcoming nuptials 我们今晚齐聚一堂 庆祝我死党霍华德 of my best friend Howard Wolowitz. 即将步入婚姻的殿堂 Hear! Hear! 干杯 干杯 And, apparently, Wil Wheaton's best friend. 显然他是威尔·惠顿的死党呢 Sheldon... 谢尔顿 Talk to the hand. 懒得鸟你 Does anyone have any words 有没有人想对 they'd like to say about our man of the evening? 今晚的主人公说几句 I do. 我来 As is the tradition, 按照传统习惯 I have prepared a series of disrespectful jokes 我准备了一些无礼的笑话 which generate humor at Howard's expense. 来取笑霍华德 娱乐大众 Prepare to have your ribs tickled... 准备笑到肚子疼吧 Howard... 霍华德 I always thought you'd be the last one of us to ever get married, 我一直以为你会是我们当中最后结婚的人 because you are so short and unappealing. 因为你四肢短小 其貌不扬 Am I right? 我说的对吧 Let's see here. 看看下面这个 Oh, seriously though, Howard, 不过话说回来 霍华德 you're actually one of the most intelligent people I know. 你其实是我认识的最聪明的人之一 And that's a zinger, because you're not. 这是笑点 因为你不是 I've always thought that you'd make 我一直以为 总有一天 someone a fine husband someday. 你会"做"个好丈夫 Assuming you'd be able to get the parts, 前提是你能找齐零件 and develop the engineering skills 并拥有足够的工程技术 to assemble them, which I don't see as likely. 能把自己组装成好丈夫 不过应该是没戏吧 Hacha! 好笑吧 Okay... Let me see here. 好 再看看这个 Okay, kidding aside-- 好了 不说笑了 Howard, you are a good friend. 霍华德 你是一个益友 And I wish you nothing but happiness. 我希望你幸福美满 Bazinga, I don't! 逗你玩 我才不呢 - Sheldon... - Double bazinga! I do! -谢尔顿 -还是逗你玩 我希望你好 Good luck following that. 要跟上哥的思维 你得加油啊 So, Howard Wolowitz tying the knot. 霍华德·沃罗威茨要结婚了 Leaving his crazy bachelor days behind. 要将疯狂的单身生活抛诸脑后 He was a wild one. 他是个疯狂的人 Well, I guess we all kind of were. 不过 我们又何尝不是呢 I remember this one time, 我记得有一次 I was with this girl at the beach. 我和一个姑娘去了海边 We were in the ocean and we started making out. 我们在海水里 然后开始亲热 I know, it was crazy. 我知道这挺疯狂的 I wasn't even wearing my Aquasocks. 我连耐克户外鞋都没穿呢 Then... 接下来 Nobody cares, Hofstadter. 没人想听 霍夫斯塔德 Wrap it up. 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 陈词吧 Right. 好吧 To Howard. 敬霍华德 To Howard. 敬霍华德 I totally had sex in the ocean. 哥绝对"翻江倒海"过 Okay, I'll go. 好吧 我来说几句吧 Howard, when I think about you and Bernadette 霍华德 当我想到你和伯纳黛特 starting this wonderful life together, 马上要开始共筑美好人生时 I can't help but get a little choked up. 我就情不自禁地想哭 I mean... 我是说 look at you. 你看看你 You have everything. 坐拥一切 Look at me. 你再看看我 I'm 37. 我都三十七岁了 I sleep in the back of a comic book store, 还住在漫画书店的后面 and I have the bone density of an 80-year-old man. 而且我的骨密度 堪比八十岁的老头 To Howard. 敬霍华德 To Howard. 敬霍华德 - Um, uh, who's next? - I'll go. -谁是下一个 -我来 Howard, I'm gonna say something to you that everybody's thinking 霍华德 我要说几句大家心里有胆想 but no one has the courage to say out loud. 却没胆说出来的话 When you invite a man to a bachelor party, 当你邀请一个男人参加单身派对时 the implication is, there will be strippers. 潜台词就是 现场会有脱衣舞女 Maybe not completely nude, 或许不是一丝不挂 but at least pasties and G-strings. 但至少得看见小内内或丁字裤吧 That's not unreasonable. 这要求相当合理 - Hear, hear. - Hear, hear. -说得好 说得好 -说得好 说得好 Okay, uh, anybody else? 好了 还有谁要说两句吗 Huh? No? 没了吗 Okay, it all comes down to me, the best man. 好吧 那就由我这个伴郎来压轴吧 Ooh! This grasshopper is kicking my ass-hopper. 这杯开胃酒把人家喝得"性致"大开哟 Okay, okay, when I first came to this country, 言归正传 当我第一次来到这个国家时 I-I didn't know how to behave or how to dress, 我不懂如何待人处事 也不懂如何穿衣打扮 or what was cool...I was pretty lonely. 更不知道什么才叫做酷 人家那时候很寂寞 But then I met Howard, 可当我遇到霍华德之后 and suddenly, my life changed, 突然间 我的人生就此改变 because we could be lonely together. 因为有人陪我一起寂寞 This man became my whole world. 这个男人变成了我的全世界 Yeah, nice speech, Francine. 说得好 小美人 I'm not done, but thank you. 我还没说完呢 不过谢谢 I think back.... 我回想起... ...to all the good times we had, like, uh, 我们曾共度的美好时光 when we went camping and spent that night 比如说 我们那次去露营 telling each other all our secrets. 彻夜不睡 分享彼此的小秘密 I told him I'm addicted to pedicures 我告诉他 我很爱修脚 and he told me he lost his virginity to his cousin. 而他告诉我 他的初夜给了他的表姐 She was my second cousin. 那是我的远房表姐 And the first woman you ever disappointed sexually. 也是你第一个让人"不满足"的性伴侣 Ba-da-bazinga! 逗你玩呀 逗你玩 Oh...oh, yeah, and then there was the time 没错 还有一次 when Leonard and I took Howard to Las Vegas 我和莱纳德带霍华德去拉斯维加斯 and paid a hooker to pretend she was Jewish 我们雇了个妓女 让她假扮成犹太人 and that she wanted his little kosher pickle. 然后勾搭他 说想吃他的犹太"小黄瓜" Of all the "Howard humping hookers" stories, 在所有的"霍华德搞妓女"的故事中 that one's my favorite! 我最爱的就是这个了 Okay, buddy, that's it. Sit down. 好了 兄弟 够了 坐下吧 Oh, oh, what about that tubby girl 还有那个在动漫节上 in the Sailor Moon costume at Comic-con? 扮成美少女战士的胖妞 Don't remember. Please sit down. 不记得了 坐下吧 The only threesome I've ever had in my life, 那是我这辈子唯一一次3P经历 and I'm proud to say it was with this man right here. 而且我很自豪地说 就是跟这边这位男人一起干的 Oh, please shut up. 我求求你闭嘴吧 Oh, oh, don't get me wrong, 千万别误会 nothing happened with me and Howard. 我和霍华德之间什么也没发生 There was about 200 pounds of Sailor Moon between us. 我俩中间还夹了两百磅的美胖女战士呢 Oh, Internet, this is so going all over you. 这段子绝对要在网上红爆了 Jeepers, I'm drunk. 亲娘咧 我喝高了 Thank you for picking us up. 谢谢你来接我们 There's a warning, right there, on the scotch bottle. 威士忌瓶子上还贴着一条警示标语呢 You cannot be operatin' heavy machinery 老弟 一杯下肚之后 after you had a snootful of this, laddie! 绝对不可以操作重型机械哦[苏格兰口音] Funny. 好好笑 You boys have a nice time? 你们几个玩得开心吗 Yeah, it was great. 还不错吧 Low-key, like I promised. 如我保证般 十分低调 No hanky-panky, no strippers. 没有乱来 没有脱衣舞女 Just the guys telling jokes. 只是一堆男人讲讲笑话而已 That's nice. 不错啊 How about you? Did you have a fun night? 你呢 你今晚玩得开心吗 Yeah, we, uh, made gift bags, had wine, 不错 我们包了一下礼物 喝了点红酒 and then went online and saw this. 然后上网看到了这个 Of all the "Howard humping hookers" stories, 在所有的"霍华德搞妓女"的故事中 that one's my favorite. 我最爱的就是这段了 You know, we're not that far from my apartment. 其实这离我家已经不远了 If you stop the car, I can walk from here. 你可以把我放下来 让我自己走回去吧 You ain't goin' anywhere, Threeway. 你哪也别想去 3P男 - Bernadette, listen... - You lied to me. -伯纳黛特 听着 -你骗了我 You said you told me about all the girls you've been with, 你说你向我坦白了你所有的女人 but you never mentioned your cousin, 可你从未提过你还睡过你的表姐 the prostitute or Raj! 妓女 还有拉杰 Seriously, you don't even have to stop the car. 说真的 你都用不着停车 Anything under ten miles an hour 只要车速不超过每小时十英里 and I can combat-roll into the street. 我就能安全跳下车 Okay, just to set the record straight, 好吧 我要澄清一下 I didn't hire the prostitute, she was a gift from him. 妓女不是我雇的 那是他送我的礼物 Shame on you, Raj. 你真不知廉耻 拉杰 That is not how we treat women in this country. 在美国 你可不能这样对待女人 Don't you try and blame this on him. 你少把一切都推到他头上 - Thank you, Bernadette. - Zip it, pervert! -谢谢你 伯纳黛特 -闭嘴吧 变态 I don't know what I'm going to do. 我不知道我该怎么办 I'm supposed to marry Howard in a couple weeks 再过两个礼拜我就要嫁给霍华德了 and I'm not sure I even know who the man is anymore. 可我不确定我是否还对这男人了若指掌 I'm curious what's bothering you most: 我很好奇你最郁闷的是哪件 the borderline incest, the prostitute 近亲乱伦 招妓 or group sex with the girl dressed as the children's cartoon? 还是跟穿得像儿童卡通的女孩玩3P Amy, remember when we went over things 艾米 还记得我教过你 that would be helpful and things that wouldn't? 什么话该说 什么话不该说吗 Right. 记得 - And that was... - Not. -那我刚才说的话... -不该说 When I first met Howard, he seemed so innocent to me, 我初识霍华德时 觉得他很纯良 just a sweet little guy who lives with his mother. 只是个跟妈妈同住的善良小伙 Well, if that's what you like, 你要是喜欢这样的男生 I'll take you to the comic book store-- 我可以带你去漫画书店 the place is full of 'em. 那里都是这样的小伙 Wait a minute. 等下 You set me up with Howard. 是你撮合我和霍德华的 Did you know about all the creepy stuff he was into? 你当时就知道他做的全部恶心事吗 Well, a little. You hear stuff... 一点点吧 道听途说而已 Why didn't you tell me? 你为什么不告诉我 Well, I was gonna, but I didn't think 我想告诉你的 但我觉得 it would go past the first date. 你们肯定撑不过第一次约会 Then, when it did, I thought for sure 撑过之后 我又觉得 it wouldn't go past you meeting his mother. 等见完她妈妈 你们俩也该分手了吧 Definitely not past the two of you sleeping together. 最迟等到滚过床单后 也肯定该分了 I mean, the warning signs were there-- 处处都是警告信号 this is really on you. 要怪也只能怪你 God! 老天啊 I thought you were my friend. 亏我还把你当朋友 I don't think that was helpful. 你刚说的 也是不该讲的吧 Hi, Bernie, it's me again. 小妮妮 还是我 Please call me back. 请给我回电 Dude, I am so sorry. 兄弟 我太对不起你了 It's not your fault, it's mine. 这不是你的错 是我的 I did all that stuff, not you. 事都是我干的 不是你 Actually, you did do one of them together. 事实上 有一件倒是你们俩一起"干"的 Here. 给 What is this? 这是什么 You're upset. 你很低落 The convention is to bring an upset person a hot beverage. 按我的习惯 要给伤心人一杯热饮 No, but what is it? 不是 我是说这是什么热饮 Chicken broth. 鸡汤 It seemed culturally appropriate. 犹太人也都爱喝鸡汤嘛 Also, there was a single cube of chicken bouillon 而且 这一整块鸡精块 in the cupboard when I moved in 从我刚搬进来就在那橱柜里了 and it's been bothering me for the last eight years... 这事困扰了我八年之久 So, as they say, two birds. 正所谓 一石二鸟嘛 I don't know what my next move is. 我不知道接下来该怎么做了 Well, Howard, I don't know much about women... 霍华德 我不大了解女人 - Yeah? - No, uh, that, that's it. -然后呢 -没了 就这句话 I don't know much about women. 我不大了解女人 Raj, you got anything? 拉杰 你有建议吗 I've got the phone number of the tubby girl from Comic-Con. 我有漫画展上那个胖妞的电话号码 I'm not calling the girl from Comic-con. 我才不打给漫画展认识的妞 All right. 好吧 More Sailor Moon for me. 那美胖女战士 我独享咯 I just threw up the bachelor party. 我把单身派对吐光光了 Please come out, Bernadette. 求你出来吧 伯纳黛特 Let's talk through this. 我们来谈谈 No, leave me alone. 不要 别理我 Perhaps you should give him a taste of his own medicine. 或许你该以其人之道还治其人之身 Do you have a cousin who you find attractive? 你有没有特别迷人的表兄弟 Amy. 艾米 Hey, you introduced her to the sleazebag. 是你把那个下流胚子介绍给她的 I'm just trying to clean up your mess. 我只是帮你收拾烂摊子 I need to talk to Bernadette. 我想找伯纳黛特谈谈 Well, I don't think she wants to talk to anyone right now. 她现在估计不想跟任何人谈吧 All right, well, could you at least give her a message? 好吧 能请你至少帮我转告她吗 Yeah, sure, I guess. 当然 Tell her I'm really sorry. 告诉她我真的很抱歉 And if she doesn't want to marry me, I get it. 如果她不想嫁给我了 我能理解 But what I really want her to know 但我真的想让她明白 is the guy that she's disgusted by, 她所厌恶的那个我 is the guy that I'm disgusted by, too. 也是我所厌恶的 But that guy doesn't exist anymore; he's gone. 但昨日种种譬如昨日死 And the reason is because of her. 正是因为她 我才改过自新 So, if this relationship is over, 如果她要跟我分手 let her know that she made me a better man, 请帮我告诉她 是她让我成为更好的男人(重获新生) and tell her thank you. 帮我谢谢她 Oh, my God, Howard. 天啊 霍华德 That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. 那是我听过最动人的话语 And it came out of you. 而且还是你这货讲出口的 Howie? 华仔 Penny has a message for you. 佩妮有话要转告你 I heard. 我都听到了 Your voice, not unlike your mother's, 你的声音跟你妈的一样 travels through walls. 穿墙入耳 Do you want me to go? 需要我离开吗 No. 不 Come here. 过来 I'm still really mad at you. 我还在很气你呢 I get that. 我明白 Is there anything else about your past I should know? 你的过去 还有什么是我该知道的吗 Couple things, but, you know, most of them happened overseas. 还有几件吧 但大多数都发生在海外 I'll tell you later. 我之后再告诉你 Okay. 好吧 So, is the wedding still on? 婚礼还继续吗 Yeah, the wedding's still on. 好啦 婚礼继续 Oh, thank God. 感谢老天 I'm still a maid of honor! 我还可以当伴娘 Oh, what the hell. 管他呢 This is kind of hot. 这场面好热辣啊 What's with the robe? 你怎么穿着睡袍啊 I'm gonna have sex with you right here, 我要在此时此地 right now, on that washing machine. 与你 在那台洗衣机上翻云覆雨 No, you're not. 没门 Come on, please. 来吧 求你 If you want to do something, 你真想做什么的话 you can help me fold this sheet. 帮我一起叠床单吧 Folding a sheet in my underwear, still pretty crazy. 穿着内裤叠床单 还是很疯狂 剧本制作:caroline MJE美剧口语联盟 看美剧,练口语,交朋友 www.mjenglish.org 50 字幕组为广大美剧迷提供了看美剧的便利,MJE美剧笔记组制作剧本, 制作美剧英语卡, 希望为大家提供看美剧学英语的便利.
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