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初一年级安全知识竞赛试题初一年级安全知识竞赛试题 2010年9月25日 一、填空: 1、( )有严重的危害性,它会影响人际关系,影响工作和学习效率。有的人长期受此影响,不仅人际关系和学习效率受到严重影响,而且心理上的痛苦还会转变成身体上的疾病。 2、火灾主要分为( )因素、( )因素引起两种。 3、车祸发生后,,尽可能迅速离开( ),避的远一点,以免燃烧、爆炸等续发性意外发生。出现人身伤害的车祸,无论发生什么情况,都需要( )。 4、骑自行车安全:不满( )周岁不能在道路上骑电动车,不打伞骑车;不脱手骑车;不骑车带人;不骑“病”...

初一年级安全知识竞赛试题 2010年9月25日 一、填空: 1、( )有严重的危害性,它会影响人际关系,影响工作和学习效率。有的人长期受此影响,不仅人际关系和学习效率受到严重影响,而且心理上的痛苦还会转变成身体上的疾病。 2、火灾主要分为( )因素、( )因素引起两种。 3、车祸发生后,,尽可能迅速离开( ),避的远一点,以免燃烧、爆炸等续发性意外发生。出现人身伤害的车祸,无论发生什么情况,都需要( )。 4、骑自行车安全:不满( )周岁不能在道路上骑电动车,不打伞骑车;不脱手骑车;不骑车带人;不骑“病”车;不骑快车;不与( )车抢道;不平行骑车;不在恶劣天气骑车。 5、遇到交通事故。拨打( )、( )报警电话;同伴被车撞倒,要记下肇事车辆的( )、车身颜色或其他特征. 6、如果发现电器起火,或闻到电线烧焦的气味,应立即( )电器,拔下电源插头,或拉下( )。 7、如果煤气中毒者呼吸、心跳已经停止,应该立即对其进行( )和 ( ) 8、在阳台上安装一个( ),在临睡前打开( ),一旦有人攀上阳台或有声响,灯就会亮,可以吓跑小偷。 9、口渴了应当多喝( ),饮料可以适量喝一点,但不能完全代替。因为多数饮料都含有一定量的色素和防腐剂,长期使用不利于( )。 10离开宿舍前, 应取下所有( ),拔下所有( )。 二、判断题 1、洪灾发生时,可以向高处走,并等待救援小组有序撤离。 ( ) 2、学生在校外遭遇暴力侵害时,先是逃跑,必要时采取防卫,同时一定要记住施暴者的体貌特征,并及时 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 警察和老师。 ( ) 3、学校必须制订《突发事故应急预案》。 ( ) 4、可以购买无行驶证与发票的二手自行车。 ( ) 5、心理疾病不是病,不用治疗 ( ) 6、煤气中毒患者醒后就没事了,可以在家休养,不必去医院 ( ) to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 7、如果发现家中被盗,要及时收拾、清理家中的物品,之后拨打“110”报警。 ( ) 8、一只烤鸡腿相当于60只香烟的毒性 ( ) 9、大扫除时,洗刷地板及走廊要注意洒在地面上的水和洗衣粉应该适量。地上有水时,要谨防摔倒。 ( ) 10、体育课带个别针没问题 ( ) 三、选择题 1、乘车时较为安全的行为是 ( ) A、在道路中间拦车 B、上车时争先恐后 C、车辆行驶时,头、手不伸出窗外 D、乘坐无牌、无证车 2、在骑自行车时下列行为安全的是 ( ) A、一手骑车,一手撑伞 B、骑车转向时,伸手示意 C、在机动车道上行驶 D、逆向行驶 3、火灾时脱身不正确的是 ( ) A、当处于烟火中,烟太浓,卧地爬行,并用湿毛巾蒙着口鼻 B、遇山林火灾时,朝下风方向跑 C、山林火灾时,朝上风向跑 D、当楼房发生火灾时,若火势不大,可用湿棉被,毯子等披在身上从火中冲出去 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 4、着火时,当楼梯已被烧断,通道已被堵死,下列方法不妥当的是( ) A、立即从楼上往下跳 B、比较低的楼层,可以利用结实绳索(也可以床单,窗帘布等物撕成条拧结成绳)拴好绳索,沿绳爬下 C、若被困于二楼,也可以先向外扔一些被褥坐垫子,然后攀着窗口或阳台往下跳 D、可以转移到其他比较安全的房间,窗边或阳台上,耐心等待消防人员援救 5、某地一所大学的学生曾因男子国家足球队在亚洲杯预赛中获胜,从楼上扔热水瓶、烧床单,以示庆贺。对于上述表达情绪的方法理解正确的是( ) A.合理发泄情绪,别人能够理解 B.合理发泄,但只要不损人也是可以的 C.喜怒哀乐,应该考虑他人的感受 D.只要不触怒法律的发泄情绪的方法,都是可以的 6、当学生发现财物失窃时,下列行为不当的是 ( ) A、保护现场,不翻动现场物品 B、立刻通知学校保卫部门,学生宿舍安全部门,政教处 C、对怀疑对象进行逼问、搜查 D、发现存折、信用卡被盗窃,立即办理挂失手续 7、公共场合下列哪个行为财物不容易被盗 ( ) A、乘车时不停的摸放钱的地方 B、将拎包、提包放在胸前 C、在乘车等车时看书,过分沉醉 D、大面额钞票与零钱一起显露 8、运动创伤中重度擦伤不妥当处理是 ( ) A、冷敷法 B、抬高四肢法 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, C、热敷法 D、绷带加压包扎法 9、在预防饮食安全方面做的不妥当的是 ( ) A、购买和食用定型包装食品时,要查看有无生产日期,保质期、生产 单位 B、餐具要卫生,要有自己的专用餐具 C、在外就餐时,选择较为便宜的无证无照的“路边摊” D、养成良好的个人卫生 10、神经衰弱的防治不恰当的是 ( ) A、建立有规律的生活制度,要安排好自己的学习和休息,学会科学用 脑。 B、吃大量的营养补品 C、每天坚持适当的体育锻炼 D、进行必要的治疗,如:针灸、理疗 四、简答题 (一)、青春期的身体变化主要表现在哪三各方面, (二)、校园发生火灾的原因有哪些, (三)、你知道的火灾逃生方法有哪些, (四)、地震被埋废墟后应当怎样做, (五)、调节不良情绪的方法有哪些, (六)、学生宿舍内发现窃贼时的应对方法是什么, (七)、电子游戏厅对青少年的危害? (八)、体育课中应注意的事项, (九)、十大垃圾食品有哪些, (十)、防止煤气中毒的措施有哪些, to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 一、填空 1、(不良情绪) 2、(人为)、(自然) 3、(车辆)、(报警) 4、 (12) (机动 ) 5、 (122.110.车牌号.颜色) 6,(关闭)、(总闸) 7、(人工呼吸)、(挤压心脏) 8、 (感应灯)、(开关) 9、(水)、(身体健康) 10、(充电器)、(电源插头) 二、判断 1、? 2、? 3、? 4、× 5 、× 6、× 7、× 8、? 9、? 10、× 三、选择 1 、( C ) 2、( B) 3、( B) 4、( A ) 5、(C) 6、(C) 7、(B) 8、(C) 9、(C) 10、(B) 四、简答 、身体外形的变化 (一)、1 2、身体内部器官的完善 3、性机能的成熟 (二) 1、在一些禁烟的场所吸烟 2、对易燃的实验品保管不当 3、在宿舍内生明火 4、使用“热得快”及大功率电炉 5、长时间使用电器,如充电。 6、乱拉乱接电线 (三)、1、绳索自救法 2、被单凝结法 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 3、跳楼求生法 4、管线下滑法 5、竹竿插地法 6、攀登比活法 7、楼梯转移法 8、卫生间避难法 9、火灾求救法 10、逆风疏散法 11、“搭桥”救生法 (四)、1、坚定求生意志。 2、挣脱手脚,清除压在身上尤其师傅不的重物,就地取材,加固周围的支撑 3、设法用手和其他工具开辟通道逃出,若费时费力过多,则应停止,保存体力。 4、尽量向有光、通风的地方移动 5、用毛巾、衣服掩住口鼻。 6、在可以活动的空间中寻找食物和水,尽量节省食物,以备长时间使用。 7、注意保存体力,不大声喊叫呼救,可用敲击铁管、墙壁,吹哨子等方式与外界沟通,听到救 援者靠近时再呼救。 8、在封闭室内不可使用明火 (五)、1、转移注意法 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, 2、合理宣泄法 3、理智控制法 4、升华法 (六)、 1、要保持一定的警惕性 2、要依靠同学的集体力量,控制嫌疑人,防止其逃跑 3、要保持镇定,以正压邪 4、要随机应变 5、保持清醒头脑,临危不乱 6、要依法办事 7、要牢记窃贼的主要特征 (七)、1、长时间玩电子游戏会损害身体健康 2、长时间玩电子游戏,势必会荒废学业,导致成绩下降,影响学习 3、经常去游戏厅会诱发违法甚至犯罪行为 (八)、1、课前做好准备活动,课后做好放松整理 2、课前课后进行点名 3、穿着合身的服装和合脚的鞋,最好穿运动服和运动鞋,禁止穿着 有碍运动的服装 4、听从指挥,服从安排,有秩序的进行各项目的练习 5、在做器械、高难度、危险动作时做好安全保护。 (九)、1、油炸类食品 2、腌制食品 3、加工类肉食品 4、饼干类食品 5、汽水可乐类食品 6、方便类食品 7罐头类食品 8、华美蜜饯类食品 9、冷冻类食品 10、烧烤类食品 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought, (十)、1、合理使用煤炉,装上烟筒并使其完整,烟筒伸向窗外的部分要 加上防风帽 2、防止煤气管道和煤气灶具漏气。 3、防止煤气点燃后被浇灭而导致大量煤气泄漏。 4、正确使用燃气热水器。 5、保持室内空气流通 to the state and the people, caused great losses. After each production safety accidents, and the pressure are large, the superior first time make arrangements for the deployment, asked us to quickly check and remove hidden dangers, and who checks, who is responsible ". On the county situation, 201 County, but the extent of my 4 years is "one vote veto", is because of safety production did not pass, so the performance appraisal has not commented on the outstanding.2015 County safety production situation is still very grim, is not optimistic. The safety production situation is grim outstanding performance in: one is the risk of enterprise, procedures are not complete, safety hidden trouble, this is a historical legacy problems. Last year our own play, vigorously rectification, help enterprise running to do. At present, accomplish the trial production from qualified and distance, we need to continue to work hard to do the work. The second is the coal mine safety production tasks. The county is mine, and all small coal mines. Coal mine, coal mine. Security risks on large.2015 in Autonomous Region Party committee specially convened in Xinjiang more than 20 county (city) committee to listen to the report of the situation of safe production in coal mines, the visible Autonomous Region Party Committee attaches great importance to the coal mine safety production, but fortunately we are technical innovation. The third is my County in traffic thoroughfare, traffic accidents, especially during the holiday traffic accident prone multiple. The fourth is to paralysis of thought,
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