首页 潍坊科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)指导手册



潍坊科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)指导手册潍坊科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)指导手册 六、毕业设计(论文)的格式要求: 1、内容要求:论文一般应包括标题、中文摘要、外文摘要(外语专业外文摘要在前,中文摘要在后)、目录、前言、正文、结论、谢辞、参考文献与附录。 (附)参考文献格式: ?书籍和专著:[序号]编著者.译者.书名[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.页码 例:[1]霍夫斯基主编. 李强译.机械原理[M].下册.第三版.北京:高教出版社,2006.2-9 ?会议论文集:[序号]作者.篇名[C].见:主编.,论文集名. 出版地:出版者. 出版年份,...

潍坊科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)指导 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 六、毕业设计(论文)的格式要求: 1、内容要求:论文一般应包括标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 、中文摘要、外文摘要(外语专业外文摘要在前,中文摘要在后)、目录、前言、正文、结论、谢辞、参考文献与附录。 (附)参考文献格式: ?书籍和专著:[序号]编著者.译者.书名[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.页码 例:[1]霍夫斯基主编. 李强译.机械原理[M].下册.第三版.北京:高教出版社,2006.2-9 ?会议论文集:[序号]作者.篇名[C].见:主编.,论文集名. 出版地:出版者. 出版年份,起止页码 例:[2]张全福,王里青.“百家争鸣”与理工科学报编辑工作[C].见:郑福寿主编.,学报论从 第二集.南京:河海大学出版社:2007.1-4 ?国内外公开出版的学术期刊上发表的论文[J]:[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码 例:[3]高景德.交流电机的多回路理论[J].清华大学学报,2007,27(1):10—20 ?博士、硕士学位论文[D]:[序号]作者.篇名[D]:[学位论文].保存地点:保存单位,年份 例:[4]张竹生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D]:[博士学位论文]。北京:北京大学数学系,2005 2、论文格式要求: ?正文:一般选用五号宋体、单倍行距,首行缩进两个汉字的字距。除引文和前面所述的某些外文符号外一律用正体,文字用横排;内容较少时,根据情况正文也可用小四宋体或适当增大行距(由指导教师决定)。电子文档用WORD输入;其他格式应经院(系)领导特许后方可使用。 ?标点符号:单个的标点符号(如句号、逗号、问号等)和成双的标点符号(如括号等)的后半部分不得放在行首,成双的标点符号前半个不得放在行末。 ?纸张尺寸和页码。A4纸张,四周页边距2cm,带连续页码(阿拉伯数字页码,底部居中),可双面打印。若装订需要,左、右两侧的页边距也可以选2.5cm。 ?页眉和页脚(不作统一要求),如采用页眉,可用下列内容: syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindi1 cations. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 正文及其以后部分,其页脚居中、连续的阿拉伯数字页码。不可采用分章的非连续页码。摘要和目录等内容的页脚居中、连续的大写罗马数字页码。 ?注释用页末注,即把注文放在加注处一页的下端。 3、封面要求:用稍厚的纸张,注意美观,须留足页边以便装订和复制保存。 ointestinal decompression digestive systemgastrbiliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation estinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acutex intmucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation se cer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomachflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ul-mach esophageal antiies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stohnologdisease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment tecnow: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To k-syndrome and the complications; X2 潍坊科技学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告 题 目 学 号 指导教师姓名 姓 名 提纲(3000字以上): 1. 对指导教师下达的课题任务的学习与理解; 2. 阅读文献资料进行调研的综述; 3. 根据任务书的任务及文献调研结果,初步拟定的执行(实施)方案(含具体进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 )。 一、选题意义 二、国内外的研究现状 三、研究内容 四、时间安排 参考文献: kills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive systemase) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic sdise stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's rhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophagealcer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric can-e cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal antiand thognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species ease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recof intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's dis ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification-syndrome and the complications; X3 学生签名: 年 月 日 指导 教师 批阅 意见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation estinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acutex intmucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation se cer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomachflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ul-mach esophageal antiies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stohnologdisease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment tecnow: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To k-syndrome and the complications; Xointestinal decompression digestive systemgastr4 毕业设计(论文)撰写指导 一篇完整的毕业设计说明书或毕业论文是由题名(标题)、目录、摘要、引言(前言)、正文、结论、谢辞、参考文献和附录等几部分构成。 一、毕业设计说明书撰写的内容与要求 毕业设计说明书一般应包括如下内容: l、标题:设计课题名称,要求简洁、确切、鲜明。课题名称一般不宜超过20字,必要时可加副题名。副题名可另起一行,用破折号与主题名隔开。 2、目录。 3、中外文摘要:应扼要叙述本设计的主要内容、特点,文字要简练。中文摘要约300字左右;外文摘要约250个实词左右。 4、前言:应说明本设计的目的、意义、范围及应达到的技术要求;简述本类设计在国内(外)发展概况及存在的问题;本设计的指导思想;阐述本设计应解决的主要问题。 5、正文: ?设计方案论证:应说明设计原理并进行方案选择。应说明为什么要选择这个方案 (包括各种方案的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、比较);还应阐述所采用方案的特点(如采用了何种新技术、新措施、提高了什么性能等)。 ?计算部分:这部分在设计说明书中应占相当的比例。 ?设计部分:这也是设计说明书的重要组成部分。 ?样机或试件的各种实验及测试情况:包括实验方法、线路及数据处理等。 ?方案的校验:说明所设计的系统是否满足各项性能指标的要求,能否达到预期效果。校验的方法可以是理论分析(即反推算),包括系统分析;也可以是实验测试及计算机的上机运算等。 6、结论:概括说明本设计的情况和价值,分析其优点、特色,有何创新,性能达到何水平,并指出其中存在的问题和今后的改进方向,特别是对设计中遇到的重要问题要重点指出并加以研究。 7、谢辞:简述自己通过本设计的体会,并对指导教师和协助完成设计的有关 kills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive systemase) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic sdise stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's rhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophagealcer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric can-e cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal antiand thognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species ease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recof intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's dis ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification-syndrome and the complications; X5 人员表示谢意。 8、参考文献与附录:在说明书的谢辞之后,应列出主要参考文献。并将各种数据表格和篇幅较大的图纸以及计算机程序的目录附于说明书之后(大量图纸和计算机程序则单独装订,作为附件存放于毕业设计资料袋中)。 二、毕业论文撰写的内容与要求 1、标题:标题应概括整篇论文的中心内容。因此,要求简短、明确,有概括性。避免使用非公知公用的缩略语、字符、代号。让人看后能大致了解文章的确切内容、专业的特点和学科的范畴。标题的字数要适当,一般不宜超过20字,必要时可加副题名。副题名可另起一行,用破折号与主题名隔开。 2、作者所在单位(系、专业)。论文有封面时,此项可省。 3、中外文摘要(各一页) 摘要也称内容提要,应当概括研究课题的主要内容、方法和观点,以及取得的主要成果和结论,应反映整个论文的精华,一般在毕业论文全文完成后再写。中文摘要约300字左右为宜,外文摘要250个实词左右。写作中要注意以下几点: ?用精练、概括的语言表达,每项内容均不宜展开论证; ?要客观陈述,不宜加主观评价; ?成果和结论性意见是摘要的重点内容,在文字上用量较多,以加深读者的印象; ?要独立成文,选词用语要避免与全文尤其是前言和结论雷同; ?既要写得简短扼要,又要行文活泼,在词语润色、表达方法和章法结构上要尽可能写得有文采,以唤起读者对全文阅读的兴趣。 4、目录:为了醒目和便于读者阅读,要为论文编写一个目录,目录可分章节,每一章节之后应编写页码。应列出通篇论文各组成部分的大小标题,包括参考文献、附录、图版、索引等附属部分,分层次逐项标注页码,以便查找。 5、前言:前言是全篇论文的开场白。它包括: ?选题的缘由; ?对本课题已有研究情况的评述; ?说明本文所要解决的问题和采用的手段、方法; ?概述成果及意义。 ointestinal decompression digestive systemgastrbiliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation estinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acutex intmucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation se cer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomachflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ul-mach esophageal antiies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stohnologdisease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment tecnow: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To k-syndrome and the complications; X6 作为摘要和前言,虽然内容大体相同,但仍有很大区别。区别主要在于:摘要一般要写得高度概括、简略,前言则可以稍微具体些;摘要内某些内容,如结论意见,可以作为笼统的表达,而前言中所有的内容则必须明确表达;摘要不写选题的缘由,前言则应明确反映;在文字量上一般情况是前言多于摘要。 6、正文 正文是作者对自己研究工作详细表述。它占全文的较多篇幅。主体内容包括研究工作的基本前提、假设和条件;模型的建立,实验方案的拟定;基本概念和理论基础;设计计算的主要方法和内容;实验方法、内容及其结果和意义的阐明;理论论证,理论在实际中的应用等等。根据课题的性质,一篇论文可能仅包括上述的部分内容。 正文的写作要求: ?理论分析部分应以简练、明了的文字概略表述所作的假定及其合理性,所用的分析方法、计算方法、实验方法等哪些是别人用过的,哪些是自己改进的,哪些是自己创造的,以便指导教师审查和纠正。这部分所占篇幅不宜过多。 ?课题研究的方法与手段分别用以下几种方法说明。 用实验方法研究课题,应具体说明实验用的装置、仪器、原材料的性能等是否标准,并应对所有装置、仪器、原材料做出检验和标定。对实验的过程或操作方法,力求叙述得简明扼要,对人所共知的或细节性的内容不必详述。 用理论推导的方法研究课题,这方面内容一定要精心组织,做到概念准确,判断推理符合客观事物的发展规律,符合人们对客观事物的认识习惯与程序。要做到言之有序,言之有理,以论点为中枢,组织成完整而严谨的内容整体。 用调查研究的方法研究课题,因为调查目标、对象、范围、时间、地点、调查的过程和方法等内容与研究的最终结果有关系,但不是结果本身,所以,一定要简述。但对调查所提的样本、数据、新的发现等则应详细说明,这是结论产生的依据。若写得抽象、简单,结论就立之不牢,分析就难以置信,写作中应特别予以重视。 ?结果与讨论是全文的心脏,一般要占较多篇幅,在写作时,应对研究成果精心筛选,把那些必要而充分的数据、现象、样品、认识等挑选出来,写进去,作为分析的依据,应尽量避免事无巨细,把所得结果和盘托出。在对结果作定性和定量分析时,应说明数据的处理方法以及误差分析,说明现象出现的条件及其可证性, rhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophagealcer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric can-e cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal antiand thognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species ease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recof intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's dis ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification-syndrome and the complications; Xkills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive systemase) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic sdise stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's7 交代理论推导中认识的由来和发展,以便别人以此为依据进行核实验证。对结果进行分析后所得的结论和推论,也应说明其适用的条件与范围。恰当运用表和图作结果与分析,是科技论文通用的一种表达方式。 7、结论 结论包括对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的总结;所得结果与已有结果的比较以及在本课题的研究中尚存在的问题;对进一步开展研究的见解与建议。它集中反映作者的研究成果,表达作者对所研究课题的见解和主张,是全文的思想精髓,是文章价值的体现。一般写得概括、篇幅较短。撰写时应注意下列事项: ?要简单、明确。在措辞上应严密,容易被人领会。 ?应反映个人的研究工作,属于前人和他人已有过的结论可不提。 ?要实事求是地介绍自己研究的成果,切忌言过其实,在无充分把握时,应留有余地,因为对科学问题的探索是永无止境的 。 8、谢辞 谢辞是在论文的结尾处,以简短文字,对课题研究与写作过程中曾给予直接帮助的指导教师及其他人员,表示自己的谢意。这不仅是一种礼貌,也是对他人劳动的尊重。 9、参考文献与附录 参考文献是毕业论文不可缺少的组成部分。它反映毕业论文的取材来源、材料的广博程度及可靠程度。一份完整的参考文献也是向读者提供的一份有价值的信息资料。引用参考文献时,必须注意写法的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 性。 此外,有些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入论文的附件中,如公式的推演、编写的算法语言程序等。 如果论文中引用的符号较多,为了节省论文的篇幅,并且便于读者查对,可以编写一个符号说明。注明符号所代表的意义。 最后必须提醒的是:不管在论文的哪一部分,凡采用到前人的观点、方法、结论、成果时,都必须注明其来源。一般的做法是将前人的相关论文或资料编入参考文献,然后在你引用的文字处加上该参考文献的编码即可,如不这样做,就有抄袭、剽窃、侵权之嫌。 estinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acutex intmucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation se cer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomachflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ul-mach esophageal antiies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stohnologdisease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment tecnow: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To k-syndrome and the complications; Xointestinal decompression digestive systemgastrbiliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation 8 (华文行楷,初号, 潍坊科技学院 单倍行间距) 本科毕业设计,论文~ (华文行楷,小初, 单倍行间距) 题 目 院(系) 专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 起讫日期 设计地点 (宋体,三号, 行间距46磅) 注:1、使用时将括号中的字体、字号、行间距等不需要的内容删除。 2、取消水印:双击页眉或页脚进入页眉页脚编辑状态?选中水印?按Delete键删除 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindi9 cations. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system 摘 要 石油工业作为国民经济中的支柱产业,具有举足轻重的作用。原油的开采、生产和提炼以及原泊与各类成品油的安全储运,都需要实时严格测量和控制各类储油罐和反应塔的液位。因此,石化行业每年都需要大量具有防爆功能的各类液 位计,尤其是功能齐全的智能型液位计。 与传统的电容式液位计不同,我们采用了双传感器测量方式。当被测液体发 生改变或液体中混入其他杂质时,不需要做任何的改动,液位计便可以自动测出液体的高度。从而一举彻底解决原有电容式液位计初次安装困难以及不同的液体介质需要质检技术人员进行困难、费事而且危险的标定、校正的老大难问题。 为适应企业生产自动化、网络化和办公自动化三合一的需要,我们同时设计 了多种目前流行的网络化通讯接口。如 RS-485 通讯接口、CAN 总线通讯接口以及4,20mA电流输出接口。我们还加入了两路继电器控制电路,用来实现对液位的实时控制。为提高系统的稳定性,我们使用了看门狗电路对程序运行实施监控。 关键字:电容式液位计,双传感器测量,RS-485,CAN总线,实时控制 ointestinal decompression digestive systemgastrbiliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation estinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acutex intmucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation se cer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomachflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ul-mach esophageal antiies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stohnologdisease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment tecnow: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To k-syndrome and the complications; X10 Abstract As the pillar industry, petroleum industry has the prominent function. The mine, production, refine of crude oil and the safety transport finished product, all need to measure and control the liquid level of various oilcan and reactivity tower strictly at any moment .So the petroleum industry needs a large quantity of liquid level meters with the flameproof function, especially the intelligent liquid level measurement instrument with lots of functions. Different from the traditional capacitance liquid level meters, we use two sensors to measure the liquid level. When the liquid being measured has been changed or mixed with other impurity, without any adjustment, the liquid meter can get the liquid level automatically. So it drastically solves the difficulty of installation of former capacitance liquid level meters for the first time and the problem that people have to demarcate and emendation different kinds of liquids. In order to fit the demand of automatization and network connections in enterprise manufacture and OA , we have designed many kinds of network communication interfaces. Such as communication interface of RS485, communication interface CAN (Control Area Network)bus and output of electrical current from 4mA to 20mA .We also have used two relaies .for the real-time control of liquid level. For the sake of the system's stability , watchdog circuitry has been used for monitoring the running of programme. Key words: capacitance liquid level meter, MCU, RS485, CAN bus, electrical Current loop kills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive systemase) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic sdise stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon inflammatory and Crohn's rhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophagealcer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirflow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest sex ulcer gastric can-e cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal antiand thognition of common diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species ease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recof intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's dis ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification-syndrome and the complications; X11
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