首页 【最新】pid温度控制程序



【最新】pid温度控制程序【最新】pid温度控制程序 #include #include #include #include struct PID { unsigned int SetPoint; // 设定目标 Desired Value unsigned int Proportion; // 比例常数 Proportional Const unsigned int Integral; // 积分常数 Integral Const unsigned int Derivative; // 微分常数 Derivative Con...

【最新】pid温度控制程序 #include #include #include #include struct PID { unsigned int SetPoint; // 设定目标 Desired Value unsigned int Proportion; // 比例常数 Proportional Const unsigned int Integral; // 积分常数 Integral Const unsigned int Derivative; // 微分常数 Derivative Const unsigned int LastError; // Error[-1] unsigned int PrevError; // Error[-2] unsigned int SumError; // Sums of Errors }; struct PID spid; // PID Control Structure unsigned int rout; // PID Response (Output) unsigned int rin; // PID Feedback (Input) sbit data1=P1^0; sbit clk=P1^1; sbit plus=P2^0; sbit subs=P2^1; sbit stop=P2^2; sbit output=P3^4; sbit DQ=P3^3; unsigned char flag,flag_1=0; unsigned char high_time,low_time,count=0;//占空比调节参数 unsigned char set_temper=35; unsigned char temper; unsigned char i; unsigned char j=0; unsigned int s; /*********************************************************** 延时子程序,延时时间以12M晶振为准,延时时间为30us×time ***********************************************************/ void delay(unsigned char time) { unsigned char m,n; for(n=0;n>i; /*移位操作,将本次要写的位移到最低位*/ temp=temp&1; write_bit(temp); /*向总线写该位*/ } delay(7); /*延时120us后*/ // TR0=1; EA=1; } /*********************************************************** 读一位数据子程序 ***********************************************************/ unsigned char read_bit() { unsigned char i,value_bit; EA=0; DQ=0; /*拉低DQ,开始读时序*/ _nop_(); _nop_(); DQ=1; /*释放总线*/ for(i=0;i<2;i++){} value_bit=DQ; EA=1; return(value_bit); } /*********************************************************** 读一字节数据子程序 ***********************************************************/ unsigned char read_byte() { unsigned char i,value=0; EA=0; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(read_bit()) /*读一字节数据,一个时序中读一次,并作移位处理*/ value|=0x01< 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 */ write_byte(i); j=read_byte(); i=read_byte(); i=(i<<4)&0x7f; s=(unsigned int)(j&0x0f); s=(s*100)/16; j=j>>4; temper=i|j; /*获取的温度放在temper中*/ } /*============================================================================== ====================== Initialize PID Structure ================================================================================ =====================*/ void PIDInit (struct PID *pp) { memset ( pp,0,sizeof(struct PID)); } /*============================================================================== ====================== PID计算部分 ================================================================================ =====================*/ unsigned int PIDCalc( struct PID *pp, unsigned int NextPoint ) { unsigned int dError,Error; Error = pp->SetPoint - NextPoint; // 偏差 pp->SumError += Error; // 积分 dError = pp->LastError - pp->PrevError; // 当前微分 pp->PrevError = pp->LastError; pp->LastError = Error; return (pp->Proportion * Error // 比例项 + pp->Integral * pp->SumError // 积分项 + pp->Derivative * dError); // 微分项 } /*********************************************************** 温度比较处理子程序 ***********************************************************/ compare_temper() { unsigned char i; if(set_temper>temper) { if(set_temper-temper>1) { high_time=100; low_time=0; } else { for(i=0;i<10;i++) { get_temper(); rin = s; // Read Input rout = PIDCalc ( &spid,rin ); // Perform PID Interation } if (high_time<=100) high_time=(unsigned char)(rout/800); else high_time=100; low_time= (100-high_time); } } else if(set_temper<=temper) { if(temper-set_temper>0) { high_time=0; low_time=100; } else { for(i=0;i<10;i++) { get_temper(); rin = s; // Read Input rout = PIDCalc ( &spid,rin ); // Perform PID Interation } if (high_time<100) high_time=(unsigned char)(rout/10000); else high_time=0; low_time= (100-high_time); } } // else // {} } /***************************************************** T0中断服务子程序,用于控制电平的翻转 ,40us*100=4ms周期 ******************************************************/ void serve_T0() interrupt 1 using 1 { if(++count<=(high_time)) output=1; else if(count<=100) { output=0; } else count=0; TH0=0x2f; TL0=0xe0; } /***************************************************** 串行口中断服务程序,用于上位机通讯 ******************************************************/ void serve_sio() interrupt 4 using 2 { /* EA=0; RI=0; i=SBUF; if(i==2) { while(RI==0){} RI=0; set_temper=SBUF; SBUF=0x02; while(TI==0){} TI=0; } else if(i==3) { TI=0; SBUF=temper; while(TI==0){} TI=0; } EA=1; */ } void disp_1(unsigned char disp_num1[6]) { unsigned char n,a,m; for(n=0;n<6;n++) { // k=disp_num1[n]; for(a=0;a<8;a++) { clk=0; m=(disp_num1[n]&1); disp_num1[n]=disp_num1[n]>>1; if(m==1) data1=1; else data1=0; _nop_(); clk=1; _nop_(); } } } /***************************************************** 显示子程序 功能:将占空比温度转化为单个字符,显示占空比和测得到的温度 ******************************************************/ void display() { unsigned char code number[]={0xfc,0x60,0xda,0xf2,0x66,0xb6,0xbe,0xe0,0xfe,0xf6}; unsigned char disp_num[6]; unsigned int k,k1; k=high_time; k=k%1000; k1=k/100; if(k1==0) disp_num[0]=0; else disp_num[0]=0x60; k=k%100; disp_num[1]=number[k/10]; disp_num[2]=number[k%10]; k=temper; k=k%100; disp_num[3]=number[k/10]; disp_num[4]=number[k%10]+1; disp_num[5]=number[s/10]; disp_1(disp_num); } /*********************************************************** 主程序 ***********************************************************/ main() { unsigned char z; unsigned char a,b,flag_2=1,count1=0; unsigned char phil[]={2,0xce,0x6e,0x60,0x1c,2};; TMOD=0x21; TH0=0x2f; TL0=0x40; SCON=0x50; PCON=0x00; TH1=0xfd; TL1=0xfd; PS=1; EA=1; EX1=0; ET0=1; ES=1; TR0=1; TR1=1; high_time=50; low_time=50; PIDInit ( &spid ); // Initialize Structure spid.Proportion = 10; // Set PID Coefficients spid.Integral = 8; spid.Derivative =6; spid.SetPoint = 100; // Set PID Setpoint while(1) { if(plus==0) { EA=0; for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;b<102;b++){} if(plus==0) { set_temper++; flag=0; } } else if(subs==0) { for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;a<102;b++){} if(subs==0) { set_temper--; flag=0; } } else if(stop==0) { for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;b<102;b++){} if(stop==0) { flag=0; break; } EA=1; } get_temper(); b=temper; if(flag_2==1) a=b; if((abs(a-b))>5) temper=a; else temper=b; a=temper; flag_2=0; if(++count1>30) { display(); count1=0; } compare_temper(); } TR0=0; z=1; while(1) { EA=0; if(stop==0) { for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;b<102;b++){} if(stop==0) disp_1(phil); // break; } EA=1; } } #include #include #include #include struct PID { unsigned int SetPoint; // 设定目标 Desired Value unsigned int Proportion; // 比例常数 Proportional Const unsigned int Integral; // 积分常数 Integral Const unsigned int Derivative; // 微分常数 Derivative Const unsigned int LastError; // Error[-1] unsigned int PrevError; // Error[-2] unsigned int SumError; // Sums of Errors }; struct PID spid; // PID Control Structure unsigned int rout; // PID Response (Output) unsigned int rin; // PID Feedback (Input) sbit data1=P1^0; sbit clk=P1^1; sbit plus=P2^0; sbit subs=P2^1; sbit stop=P2^2; sbit output=P3^4; sbit DQ=P3^3; unsigned char flag,flag_1=0; unsigned char high_time,low_time,count=0;//占空比调节参数 unsigned char set_temper=35; unsigned char temper; unsigned char i; unsigned char j=0; unsigned int s; /*********************************************************** 延时子程序,延时时间以12M晶振为准,延时时间为30us×time ***********************************************************/ void delay(unsigned char time) { unsigned char m,n; for(n=0;n>i; /*移位操作,将本次要写的位移到最低位*/ temp=temp&1; write_bit(temp); /*向总线写该位*/ } delay(7); /*延时120us后*/ // TR0=1; EA=1; } /*********************************************************** 读一位数据子程序 ***********************************************************/ unsigned char read_bit() { unsigned char i,value_bit; EA=0; DQ=0; /*拉低DQ,开始读时序*/ _nop_(); _nop_(); DQ=1; /*释放总线*/ for(i=0;i<2;i++){} value_bit=DQ; EA=1; return(value_bit); } /*********************************************************** 读一字节数据子程序 ***********************************************************/ unsigned char read_byte() { unsigned char i,value=0; EA=0; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(read_bit()) /*读一字节数据,一个时序中读一次,并作移位处理*/ value|=0x01<>4; temper=i|j; /*获取的温度放在temper中*/ } /*============================================================================== ====================== Initialize PID Structure ================================================================================ =====================*/ void PIDInit (struct PID *pp) { memset ( pp,0,sizeof(struct PID)); } /*============================================================================== ====================== PID计算部分 ================================================================================ =====================*/ unsigned int PIDCalc( struct PID *pp, unsigned int NextPoint ) { unsigned int dError,Error; Error = pp->SetPoint - NextPoint; // 偏差 pp->SumError += Error; // 积分 dError = pp->LastError - pp->PrevError; // 当前微分 pp->PrevError = pp->LastError; pp->LastError = Error; return (pp->Proportion * Error // 比例项 + pp->Integral * pp->SumError // 积分项 + pp->Derivative * dError); // 微分项 } /*********************************************************** 温度比较处理子程序 ***********************************************************/ compare_temper() { unsigned char i; if(set_temper>temper) { if(set_temper-temper>1) { high_time=100; low_time=0; } else { for(i=0;i<10;i++) { get_temper(); rin = s; // Read Input rout = PIDCalc ( &spid,rin ); // Perform PID Interation } if (high_time<=100) high_time=(unsigned char)(rout/800); else high_time=100; low_time= (100-high_time); } } else if(set_temper<=temper) { if(temper-set_temper>0) { high_time=0; low_time=100; } else { for(i=0;i<10;i++) { get_temper(); rin = s; // Read Input rout = PIDCalc ( &spid,rin ); // Perform PID Interation } if (high_time<100) high_time=(unsigned char)(rout/10000); else high_time=0; low_time= (100-high_time); } } // else // {} } /***************************************************** T0中断服务子程序,用于控制电平的翻转 ,40us*100=4ms周期 ******************************************************/ void serve_T0() interrupt 1 using 1 { if(++count<=(high_time)) output=1; else if(count<=100) { output=0; } else count=0; TH0=0x2f; TL0=0xe0; } /***************************************************** 串行口中断服务程序,用于上位机通讯 ******************************************************/ void serve_sio() interrupt 4 using 2 { /* EA=0; RI=0; i=SBUF; if(i==2) { while(RI==0){} RI=0; set_temper=SBUF; SBUF=0x02; while(TI==0){} TI=0; } else if(i==3) { TI=0; SBUF=temper; while(TI==0){} TI=0; } EA=1; */ } void disp_1(unsigned char disp_num1[6]) { unsigned char n,a,m; for(n=0;n<6;n++) { // k=disp_num1[n]; for(a=0;a<8;a++) { clk=0; m=(disp_num1[n]&1); disp_num1[n]=disp_num1[n]>>1; if(m==1) data1=1; else data1=0; _nop_(); clk=1; _nop_(); } } } /***************************************************** 显示子程序 功能:将占空比温度转化为单个字符,显示占空比和测得到的温度 ******************************************************/ void display() { unsigned char code number[]={0xfc,0x60,0xda,0xf2,0x66,0xb6,0xbe,0xe0,0xfe,0xf6}; unsigned char disp_num[6]; unsigned int k,k1; k=high_time; k=k%1000; k1=k/100; if(k1==0) disp_num[0]=0; else disp_num[0]=0x60; k=k%100; disp_num[1]=number[k/10]; disp_num[2]=number[k%10]; k=temper; k=k%100; disp_num[3]=number[k/10]; disp_num[4]=number[k%10]+1; disp_num[5]=number[s/10]; disp_1(disp_num); } /*********************************************************** 主程序 ***********************************************************/ main() { unsigned char z; unsigned char a,b,flag_2=1,count1=0; unsigned char phil[]={2,0xce,0x6e,0x60,0x1c,2};; TMOD=0x21; TH0=0x2f; TL0=0x40; SCON=0x50; PCON=0x00; TH1=0xfd; TL1=0xfd; PS=1; EA=1; EX1=0; ET0=1; ES=1; TR0=1; TR1=1; high_time=50; low_time=50; PIDInit ( &spid ); // Initialize Structure spid.Proportion = 10; // Set PID Coefficients spid.Integral = 8; spid.Derivative =6; spid.SetPoint = 100; // Set PID Setpoint while(1) { if(plus==0) { EA=0; for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;b<102;b++){} if(plus==0) { set_temper++; flag=0; } } else if(subs==0) { for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;a<102;b++){} if(subs==0) { set_temper--; flag=0; } } else if(stop==0) { for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;b<102;b++){} if(stop==0) { flag=0; break; } EA=1; } get_temper(); b=temper; if(flag_2==1) a=b; if((abs(a-b))>5) temper=a; else temper=b; a=temper; flag_2=0; if(++count1>30) { display(); count1=0; } compare_temper(); } TR0=0; z=1; while(1) { EA=0; if(stop==0) { for(a=0;a<5;a++) for(b=0;b<102;b++){} if(stop==0) disp_1(phil); // break; } EA=1; } }
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