首页 广东省茂名市电白县龟鳖养殖业发展情况简介



广东省茂名市电白县龟鳖养殖业发展情况简介广东省茂名市电白县龟鳖养殖业发展情况简介 广东省茂名市电白县 龟鳖养殖业发展情况简介 龟鳖类早在二亿多年前就已经出现,与“超级霸王”恐龙是同时代的动物。随着人们生活水平的提高,肉食多样化的需求和食疗胜于治疗观念的形成,宠物市场的火爆,龟鳖产品的需求已逐年增加。国家对龟鳖野生资源的枯竭及人工养殖的成功给予了高度的重视,允许通过人工驯养繁殖,合理利用子二代及其后代作了政策界限,给龟鳖业发展注入了生机。广东省电白县就是独占先机的龟鳖养殖大县。 电白县珍稀龟鳖养殖始于1986 年,二十多年来,电白农民大力发展养龟业...

广东省茂名市电白县龟鳖养殖业发展情况简介 广东省茂名市电白县 龟鳖养殖业发展情况简介 龟鳖类早在二亿多年前就已经出现,与“超级霸王”恐龙是同时代的动物。随着人们生活水平的提高,肉食多样化的需求和食疗胜于治疗观念的形成,宠物市场的火爆,龟鳖产品的需求已逐年增加。国家对龟鳖野生资源的枯竭及人工养殖的成功给予了高度的重视,允许通过人工驯养繁殖,合理利用子二代及其后代作了政策界限,给龟鳖业发展注入了生机。广东省电白县就是独占先机的龟鳖养殖大县。 电白县珍稀龟鳖养殖始于1986 年,二十多年来,电白农民大力发展养龟业,目前有养殖户2000多户,养龟50多万只,年产值2.38亿元,已成为本县农业的一大支柱产业。并涌现出了一大批养殖能手、行业组织和养殖企业。电白县沙琅龟鳖业协会于2005年4月23日正式登记成立,成为电白县服务农村经济的第一个行业性民间组织,茂名华鑫金钱龟、石金钱龟养殖基地与电白县星火现代农业发展有限公司等等养殖企业发展势头非常迅猛,电白县沙琅尚唐龟鳖养殖专业合作社与电白县星火龟鳖养殖专业合作社等互助性质的专业经济组织为电白县的龟鳖养殖业发展壮大作出了卓著的贡献。 一、龟鳖养殖的特点 龟鳖养殖具有占地少、易管理、高效益的特点。养龟不is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 需要投入很多时间和地方,按自己的资金投入养龟,多有多做,少有少做, 量力而行,利用一早一晚的小小时间换水喂龟就行。龟的耐饥饿能力特别强,有水饮用的合适环境下,一个月不进食不会死亡,上班一族没有时间及时喂养也不会出问题,龟冬眠又不用喂食,主食为小鱼小虾,相对投入产出比,饲料成本低。养龟成了我镇农民及城乡居民一大致富副业.很适合城乡居民利用房前房后的院子和楼房阳台与天台养殖。很多养殖户看好其回报利润率高渐渐成了专业户。 二、电白县发展养龟的历史及现状 电白县龟鳖养殖业始于1986年,发源地为沙琅镇尚唐村委会的尚唐路,开始试养的是金钱龟,种龟300来元一斤(800元左右一只),苗是80元一只,一个母龟一年平均产苗2.5只,一组金钱龟一公二母计算,6年可以回收成本,1995年开始试养石金钱龟,种龟100元一斤(250元左右一只),苗是20元左右一只,母龟年产苗7只左右,一组石金钱龟一公二母计算,3年全部回收成本还有赚。由于野生资源的日渐涸缺、人们对龟鳖的深入认识和市场需求猛增,去年金钱龟种龟是50万左右一组(一公二母),石金钱龟种是1500-2500元左右一斤(按稳产情况),金钱龟苗是20000元左右一只,石金龟苗是350左右一只。由于养殖利润丰厚(年利率分别是17%和33%),经过20多年的发展,电白县现有养殖户2000多户,占遍布整个电白城乡,养殖品种也由当年的单一金钱龟发展为至今的多品种齐上的势头,现在电白县养殖龟鳖的主要品种有三线闭壳金钱龟、黄喉拟水龟(石金钱龟)、小鳄龟、金is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 头龟(黄缘盒龟)、乌龟、山瑞鳖、珍珠鳖等,此外还试养成功了四眼斑水龟、平胸龟、大鳄龟、地龟、黑靴陆龟等二十多种珍稀龟,其中三线闭壳金钱龟亲龟存池量达4000多只,黄喉拟水龟亲龟存池量80000多只,分别占全国同种亲龟存池量的40%和60%。在电白县历届政府的引导及帮助下,2005年4月23日成立了“广东省电白县沙琅龟鳖业协会”,之后的两年又成立了二大龟鳖养殖专业合作社,养殖户自主管理与合作及企业带动规模效益日渐壮大,现年产值达2.38亿元,年纯收入超2亿元,占本县农业总产值的,成左右,是我县农业的支柱产业,其保护利用、商品市场、价格、信息服务等,对全国龟鳖养殖业影响越来越大。养殖户大多采用庭院生态养殖模式。收入高、风险低是该养殖业的显著特点。现在,很多龟鳖养殖户住上了龟别墅开起了龟轿车,特别是尚唐村,成了社会主义新农村建设的一面旗帜,2006年4月10日,现中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、原广东省委书记张德江同志带领的社会主义新农村建设考察团一行亲临该村视察,对该村经济及社会各项事业的发展给予了高度的评价。 三、电白县发展养龟业的区位优势与前景 电白县珍稀龟鳖养殖产业在粤、桂、琼三地处于中心地位,其突出的区位作用有三个方面:一是珍稀金钱龟、石金钱龟的种龟存量大,养殖保护最成功,产量高,出苗质量好,养殖地集中,是名符其实的中国金龟(金钱龟、石金钱龟)养殖第一县(据2004年国家林业局保护司调查组)。由于本is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 县种金龟存量大,加上龟的成熟时间长达10年左右,其他地方想规模发展已失先机,故电白县珍稀龟鳖业顺其自然已成为金龟发展的龙头;二是电白地理及自然环境得天独厚。沙琅江贯穿全县,弯沿60多公里,其余大小溪流密如蛛网,河溪盛产小鱼、小虾,小鱼虾是两栖龟鳖的天然好饲料(电白历来就有野生金钱龟),县内生态保持良好,2000年被国家绿化委员会评为“全国绿化百佳镇”,水质符合无公害养殖水质标准。给龟鳖养殖业孕育了优良的生态环境;其三是电白县属于亚热带季风气候的沿海丘陵台地地形,四季分明,雨量充沛,光照充足,气候非常适合两栖变温动物的生长及繁殖,只要稍加设施(主要是居家庭院及阳台、天台)改造,即可进行种金龟的繁养。电白产金钱龟苗壳色比其它地方红润,个头比其它地方要大,母龟的产蛋量多,受精率高,孵化率在90%左右,现已成功繁育出第三代金钱龟及石金钱龟。经试验中国的大部分龟鳖种类在电白都能成功存活,故适宜建造南中国的龟博馆。综上所述,电白已是发展龟鳖经济(包括肉用龟鳖、观赏龟鳖、食疗药用龟鳖及保护研究开发龟鳖、发展龟鳖观光农业)所需的种质资源、自然环境、气候条件、农户的养殖习惯佳好且集于一身的优势发展洼地、龟谷。 茂名市领导非常重视我县的龟鳖特色产业,2006年初,市政府又把电白县龟鳖养殖业列入茂名市渔业“二品”之一,形成南有罗非鱼,北有珍稀龟鳖的渔业养殖规划,引导两地要加以做大做强。 2006年4月10日,现中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 理、原广东省委书记张德江同志带领的新农村建设调研组亲临我县沙琅镇视察,对电白县农村这一特色经济非常赞赏,并提出了新的希望——电白县要利用好现有条件,做大做强龟鳖养殖业,带动更多的农民脱贫奔康,建设有自己特色的新农村、新型生态养殖场,形成富有地方特色的民居、龟宅一体化的龟城。 电白县人民政府 二0一一年五月十八日 is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to
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