首页 美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason)

美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason)


美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason)美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason) 美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason) 这motherbord不支持77w和77w CPU。 4005@hikvision.com, 这moyyhxy168.kmdns.net 1、美国通过最脆弱的希腊攻击了欧元,火烧连船使得欧盟摇摇欲坠,欧元地位大大动摇,资本快速流向美国,修复美国资产负债表;通过...

美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason)
美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason) 美国为什么最强大原因(Why is the United States the most powerful reason) 这motherbord不支持77w和77w CPU。 4005@hikvision.com, 这moyyhxy168.kmdns.net 1、美国通过最脆弱的希腊攻击了欧元,火烧连船使得欧盟摇摇欲坠,欧元地位大大动摇,资本快速流向美国,修复美国资产负债 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ;通过挑起中日钓鱼岛之争,两个外汇储备最多的国家,外汇在潜在战争影响下源源流向美国,并打击日元和人民币,能挑战美元的欧元、日元、人民币受到打击,美国则从危机中快速恢复。 2、这个时点爆发的钓鱼岛之争名为领土之争,实为美国主导的经济之战,任何争端的背后都是经济利益在主导和驱使。 3、美国用爱国主义绑架中国政府,这就是香港某些一向反中亲美人士突然反常去登钓鱼岛的原因;再怂恿日本的2b政客,激发日本长期被压抑的领土欲望。钓鱼岛关乎两个国家政党的面子,两个民族的自尊,已经被挑起。 4、美国在全球有两大鹰犬,非常凶猛,在欧洲是英国,打击欧元的战役中,它最积极;在亚太地区是日本,本来美国不想动用日本,因这个国家的人比较二,容易走火,只想用菲律宾挑起争端,让资本流出中国,然菲律宾不堪大用,中国用军舰加胡萝卜就吓跑菲律宾,只好用日本了。 5、这不是什么阴谋论,是逻辑论,在货币的世界里就是这样,货币都是很自私、排它、嗜血的,要知道美联储那帮黑衣人每天都在研究 这些,中国长期、系统研究货币的人几乎没有,我算是一个,十几年以来一直坚持研究货币。 6、通过打击欧元,挑起东亚争端,导致资本流出欧洲和东亚,流入美国,这就是美国的QE3,而不是美联储印钞的QE3,世人翘首以待美联储的QE3是这种方式,成本最低的方式,如果还停留在传统的货币思维里,那么你就失败了,到时看资本流出中国的速度吧。 7、对于欧元的打击,美国可以直接打击,因为欧元没有保护屏障,而中国和日本有统一的主权、军队、庞大的外汇储备,只有通过挑起争端和冲突来打击,将资本赶向美国。 8、美联储为全球最大对冲基金,经常做空美元一切对手,美联储坐镇中央,麾下以索罗斯为代表的对冲基金出击,横扫英镑、日元、港币、泰铢等东南亚货币、欧洲,现在盯住了人民币,做空过的人都知道,一旦做空,就会变得很有攻击性,美联储也是这样。 9、人民币体系有很多漏洞,而且政府也在犯错误,所以被攻击或者狙击很正常,有人说我做空中信、SoHo区、苏宁等是我的代表作,这不过是小儿科,为了试验,我尝试攻击过人民币,曾经让外汇储备在一个月内减少1000亿美元,这才是惊天之举,有心的人可以查到(难道是上半年的那次跌停,)。 10、货币被攻击是自己犯错造成的,人民币还在犯错,一是没将楼市泡沫压下来,二是没真正控制通胀,三是今年不该拿银行开刀,很容易成为攻击的借口,要攻击一国货币,打击其银行系统是最有杀伤力的,四是有一个关键的关于离岸人民币的,这里暂时不说。 11、将美国整体看成一张资产负债表,最严峻的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 是债务过大,目前降低负债不可能,只能增加资本,通过打击欧元和挑起东亚争端,资本流入美国,很多会进入股权、房产等所有权领域,这样就等于增 加了美国的资本, Debt ratio is reduced, and investment promotes economic growth. 12, the United States quantitative easing policy to succeed, must be able to withdraw from the future, can not retreat, the United States is still a dead end, because the debt is too large. At this stage to ensure that the economic recovery in the United States, the United States must eliminate all potential currency rivals, once the other part of currency to replace the dollar's role in the global economy, so the negative consequences of quantitative easing will not be able to pass on the world. 13, Japan asked the SDF prepared, Chinese two patrol vessels to the Diaoyu Islands, that conflict has occurred, hereby verify. Japan, the two power country, is often irrational, and can kill suicide attacks in the same year. If there is no atomic bomb to destroy them completely, they will never surrender. 14, I am a pacifist, opposed to war, because the war will bring great pain, but also will destroy countless wealth. As a financial investor, but also to prevent possible war black swan, because once the patriotism is ignited, many things can not be expected, the first hit is housing huge fixed assets wealth. 15, because the currency is not freely convertible and capital import controls, huge foreign exchange reserves to the central unified management, so directly shorting the yuan is not convenient, but by shorting the overseas listing of H shares, especially financial stocks, became indirect channel which is short of the renminbi, Minsheng Bank and other financial stocks are short of the reason. 16, the government Chinese softening, long-term position on the Diaoyu Islands issue concessions led to the current dilemma, if like Russia on the four northern islands, South Korea Dokdo as position resolutely, tough, uncompromising, Japan is not so presumptuous, and again the tentative bottom line, then break the bottom line, is a bully. 17, why so anxious to do the evaluation, not only the spring and autumn, I know my sin, let it historical evaluation. Mr. Wen: the package plan doesn't have to be a distortion of the facts. Because of the decisive decision and scientific countermeasures, just to avoid the collapse of unemployed workers, farmers, the social wealth has increased, and constantly improve the quality of assets, the ability of anti risk increasing (Laogui is Laogui). 18 and four trillion is wrong, another one trillion is even more wrong and stupid, continue to pull the economy through investment, is essentially to the public in taxation, because the stimulus will bring the cost and liabilities total investment will continue to repay money fixed assets, wealth is more and more concentrated, resulting in the velocity of money greatly one of the lower, which is the fundamental reason for the China super currency. 19, any currency has a fatal flaw, the euro fatal flaw is the lack of a unified government credit, the fatal defect of $is to become a global currency and reserve currency, or the United States will cause a serious debt crisis, once the currency poses a threat to the dollar in international settlement, the dollar will be eliminated at all, this is the national strategy of the U.S. government and the federal reserve. 20, the economic crisis in the United States spend only half, only the transfer of personal and corporate debt to the government and the Fed's balance sheet, the second half of the government and the Federal Reserve's balance sheet must be reduced to debt, is the precondition of the dollar must continue as the global settlement and reserve currency, otherwise no one will exit the sale of bonds or few people, the United States will quickly be submerged in debt crisis. 21 dollars, a threat to the global settlement currency, the United States will, during the subprime crisis, the European Union and the Middle East oil trade in euros, including Iran, but the main oil dollar trade, coupled with Merkel to promote the euro over the excellent theory, the subprime crisis, the United States took the euro slaughter, too horrible to look at. In 22, Merkel came to visit Chinese, announcement of trade settlement currency with each other, the United States to flatter, the way Hilary rounded the Zhongnanhai, not to be told and the European alliance, especially the settlement currency can not be used for each currency, the volume of trade between China and Europe is too large, with RMB and euro settlement will be greatly shaken the dollar in global currency position, And this is the basis of the reserve currency, warning, crazy retaliation. 23, what is more, China and Japan in time ago even signed a currency swap agreement, the Bank of Japan to buy Renminbi bonds and RMB as a reserve currency, the past hostile economic power currency swap and rapid scale if it hit against the dollar is destruction, the United States must stop this terrible happens, how to stop? Diaoyu Islands~ 24, Yu Shiyi time, the Diaoyu islands over the ever-changing, the war is imminent, the two governments were kidnapped by patriotism; suddenly, Japan's financial minister was suicide, doubtful points. All this is to maintain the status of the dollar, and any country or individual that is blocked will probably be killed. In the Sino Japanese War noise, the United States is on the side of the strange smile. 25, once again it is not a conspiracy, this is really happening, try to get from a logical point of telling you the truth, I study the currency for nearly twenty years, has been in the financial market in the fight, China such people almost no natural problems than people who see far, see the deep love, I in this country, so I write about the Diaoyu Islands behind the financial truth. 26, as long as Chinese continue to promote the internationalization of RMB, between China and the United States will war will fight a war, as to what time, to see the Chinese government to promote the internationalization of the RMB rate, as for how to fight, the battle is the preview of the Diaoyu islands! 27, any kind of currency to become an international currency and reserve currency, there must be an economic force and a strong backing, because money has become the international settlement and reserve currency, the monetary equivalent of colonialism, the world can print money to buy assets, and the colony is to rely on force, the renminbi is to rob others colonies avoid war. Write 28, when I was at the beginning of 2010 to the beginning of RMB internationalization analysis, said the central bank China and senior government did not do a good job in the internationalization of the RMB to the hasty, technically not ready, nor psychological not ready, may occur due to the internationalization of the RMB is not prepared for war, the internationalization of the RMB is not failure or miserably may. 29, there are good things to see, Japan does not call the Chinese government's verbal warning, and then the Chinese government to fight or not to fight? No, people lost in the past ten years financial mess will make the Diaoyu Islands; hit, confident, determined? Japan's chief cabinet secretary, said the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization of land registration formalities" completed. 30, the Diaoyu Islands: someone asked me if I had the money war in the world, certainly answer a world full of war, money, but money is not the world Master Rothschild family, no one bank, a family can not control the world economy and currency, the world's largest currency and ruler the colonists were fed, is a global economic disaster makers and predators. 31. Why should the United States launch the currency war of the Diaoyu Islands? The United States and China can be a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship, but this is the foundation of establishing the world shake the dollar settlement currency and reserve currency in Chinese not on, once the threat of internationalization of the RMB to the dollar hegemony, the United States will use all means to fight against the RMB, including provoke a regional war. 32, the Diaoyu Islands: why shaken to the dollar's international settlement and reserve currency status, the United States must eliminate it? The United States established by economic and social structure is based on the expansion in debt, the United States can not repay the debt, the debt clock has it all, only money debt, once the settlement and shake the world reserve currency, the U.S. economy and society will collapse. 33, the Diaoyu Islands War has started, but also thrilling. The network a weak voice and criticize the government, but also needs change, especially in the face of the United States, two Japanese War maniacs, more strange, more intelligent, better prepared, Dollar index fell below 80, China has been selling U.S. debt dollars, the currency war has started, selling American debt is to prepare for war with Japan must be prepared Read it if you have time! Will be more rational to treat this society! It will be more clear what politicians are!!
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