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雅思口语资料雅思口语资料 雅思口语资料 雅思口试不怕犯错误,只要你犯得自然 ---Would you talk about a person in your family whom you feel very close to? ---My father. He is a hotel manager and I also work in a hotel. We often talk about hotel management at home. 父女之情(You are supposed to talk about s...

雅思口语 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 雅思口语资料 雅思口试不怕犯错误,只要你犯得自然 ---Would you talk about a person in your family whom you feel very close to? ---My father. He is a hotel manager and I also work in a hotel. We often talk about hotel management at home. 父女之情(You are supposed to talk about someone very close to you.) 就在于谈工作?谈饭店管理?你的真实感受在哪里?你把这种感受用英文讲出会很困难吗?如果有的话,是哪方面的问题?是否脑子里的既定模式在作怪?是否你在小学作文中就在建筑这种模式,以至今日用另一种语言表述出来都浑然不觉? 再如,谈起春节,会听到这样的说法(取自某 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 学校口语教材Answer Key): During the Spring Festival, we eat delicious food, visit relatives and friends, and watch TV to welcome the New Year. 如果考官对中国的事情不甚了了,他的疑惑就可能是:Why watching TV can be part of it? 只要有文化间的交流,就会有差异造成的不适感或误读。如何找一些有共性的话题来谈,是辅导教师和考生共同需要考虑的。 当考生被要求Describe a place of attraction (interest) ---描述一个名胜时,一些现成的“答案”可能会这样告诉考生: 颐和园, or the Summer Palace, is a place of extraordinary beauty. The Long Corridor and the bridges are the crown jewels of this masterpiece of traditional Chinese landscaping and architecture. This public park, once an imperial garden, has attracted many visitors from China and around the world. It is usually crowded, but you can still manage to find peace and quiet in谐趣园, literally the Garden of Harmony and Enchantment. (颐和园是一个美丽的地方。长廊、十七孔桥都是中国园林建筑的瑰宝。节假日园内常常游人如织。我心仪的地方是谐趣园,那是一个幽静的所在。) 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。问题是我们平时讲话是否听来象解说词一样?请你比较下面的说法: Let me talk about the Summer Palace. I used to live near this park and I've been there many times. The Long Corridor and the bridges are all very famous. It is a world cultural heritage site now. The place I like best is called 谐趣园, --- it's a small garden with a pond in it. There is a nice teahouse by the water. Well, recently they put the ticket price up, 30 Yuan per person. I guess that's a bit too expensive for me. (我想说说颐和园。我以前常去,因为住的地方离的近。园里的长廊、十七孔桥都是有名的建筑。好象是前两年颐和园进了世界文化遗产名录。我最喜欢的地方是谐趣园,那里边水边有个亭子,可以坐下喝茶。最近没怎么去,门票都涨到三十块钱一张了。) 口语需要组织,但全然不同于IELTS写作课。你会说我写的怎么说也是不太地道的英文,但我说不管怎么样,你用写文章的思路,或别人写的文章(“标准答案”)去准备,说话一定带了写作味儿,就象许多电视主持人的文艺腔(常被讥为“不说人话”)一样,听着会很滑稽。 对于考官,你是外国人。如果对方差不多能听懂你的话,能据此做出反应;虽然你的语法、词汇不扎实,谈话有阻涩感,但谈话仍能进行下去,双方没有什么特别的不适,说明交流基本有效(effective communication,Band 5或6),应该是一个不错的结果。记得有一次模拟口试,一考生说他喜欢游泳,我顺口问道:What style are you good at? 这个考生找不到合适的词,情急之下,用手比画出自由泳姿势。我很高兴他能这样做,因为交流的目的达到了。这当然也反映了语言的局限,但更是积极、不轻言放弃的态度。尤其是在这个情形下,这种反映很恰当、很自然。 我真切地希望本书能够使大家意识到:1)英文要自己说;2)英文要说自己。 我复习阶段的笔记!(口语) 熟悉自己的application form 上的资料 name (mean); marry; parents’family (job); address (accommodation) ;date of birth (where were you born, 属相和自己的联系);sex (women’s problem equal rights with men) ; nationality; occupation; why are you taking this test; which country will you go (why, compare this country); education level (school , subject). 第一阶段:1.试图放松你,得到关于你英语水平的初步印象(非常重要),找到深入话题。不要提到你不想谈的topic。几乎每个考官都会问到关于hobby。仔细想一想生活中的每个细节,什么会让考官一开始被你吸引。      2.不要回答任何问题只用一个字,哪怕那个问题再简单。      3.可以发问(发问也不要只用一个词:what)。要求重复,但不能一直要求。考交流不是考知识,不管知道不知道都要表达。用升调发问。      4.看着考官眼睛,表示礼貌。      5.如果不知道文句中的某一个词,就问问那个词是什么意思。(I am not sure what you mean by “”, could you express it in a different way? Of could you explain it?) 雅思口试启示录 一、概述   考生在做好准备与热身的前提下(be ready and warmed—up),作出灵活机敏的反应(be flexible and sesitiive)。IELTS注重的是考生用英语 交际的能力,其目的显然在于测试在英语国家学 习和生活的能力(to survive and to be O.K.),经过 笔试之后的口试,不仅涉及到考生的语言能力,还 涉及到考生运用英语交际的有效性 (effectiveness),这必然与交际过程中所运用的交 际策略与技巧密切相关,同时,要使交流顺利进行10—15分钟(to keep the communiction going)才是至上之策。   如何在面试中运用自已有准备的材料,以免 限入被动的境地,也是一个相当重要的问题。面试 过程中必然会出现考生未能准备的问题,如果考 生对有准备的问题和未能准备好问题的回答语言 表达(包括语言风格和流利程度)反差太大,考官 首先就会对有准备的回答产生怀疑,认为由此判 定考生的水平不可靠,往往未等考生说完便打断 话题,接着转换到另一个话题上去,或者就考生回 答的内容提更多的问题。被打断的次数越多,考试 也就变得越被动。因此,考生在应试中对所背材料 必须作技术处理,使整个面试过程保持整体一致 性,从语言到表情动作,给考官一个自然而无斧凿 之痕的印象(be natural)。   此外,考生须对自己的得分抱现实的态度(be realistic about the score you want to get)。IELTS成绩不会与奖学金有太大关系, 而且英国等国家所提供的奖学金数额也较小,考生可根据自身的实际水平,避重就轻地准备口语面试,达到过关的要求。 关于口试的4个阶段 第一阶段主要是为了放松与热身,作为面试 的序幕,初步展示考生的英文口头表达能力 (talking basically and giving simple information)。其 特点是试探性的,考官会用不同的方式问同样的内容(different ways asking the same things),绝对不 会为难考生。 第二阶段则进入了发展阶段,这一阶 段的交谈开始切人话题(talking in more detail),其 特点是要求考生通过描述(describe)、比较(eompare)和解释 (exllain),使谈话更加深入(more personal),提供比第一阶段 内容更多的回答(longer answers)。 第三阶段考查考生通过 提问获取信息的能力(getting information)。在此需要特别 提醒的是有些入在这一部分表现很差,要引起充分的重视。   第四阶段是整个面试的高潮部分,要求考生 在前三个阶段表现了自己的基本交际能力之后, 对自己的口语水平作最大的发挥,以让考官探知 考生水平的最高等级。因此,考官会有意识地增加 难度(try to stretch you),而且会更加灵活、深入,对 问题的回答则要求更加充实、具体(be specific and adequate)。但其难度应在不会阻碍交流继续下去 的范围之内,以保证测试的信度(reliability)和效度 (validity)。假如考生表现的现有水平为i,那么考 官就会把测试难度确定为i+1。在测试过程中,由 于i始终由考官主观判断以及考生表现的不稳定 性,因而i是一个变量。   第四阶段的话题一般涉及到未来、将发生的 事情以及事物的可能性(talking about the future, what may or could happen,and possibilitie3)。对考 生的要求首先是有话可说,向考官申明“My Eng— lish is very good,but the problem is that I really have nothing to say!”是无济于事的,“无话找话”方可能 在测试中有良好的表现,因为“说”(talking)才是最 紧要的。对问题的回答没有对与错的区分,错就错 在回答说“I don't know”! 这一阶段最能表现个人 风格,心里有什么感觉就说出来,不可停顿太久 (但停顿一两秒钟进行思考在交谈中是正常的), 在交谈中运用“导人”和“回避”的策略,即“导人” 自己所熟知的内容,回避“心中所无”或“心中所有 而口中所难”的内容,学会了遇难则“出”、遇易则 “入”,也就没有什么可害怕的了。必须特别指出的 是,在第四阶段不存在简单的“Yes”或“No”的回 答,肯定的回答之后须有详细的阐述,否定的回答 之后要具体解释为什么。 至于最后结束时的告别,一两句话便可干脆 收场,千万不要别出心裁,否则弄巧成拙,通常不 是评分的部分倒成了丢分之处。 关于IELTS考试的语音、词汇和语法问题   首先,没有统一要求的所谓“标准口音”,考生 没有必要非得去模仿标准的英国英语(the standart Queen'e English)不可。实际上,考试允许考生有口 音,只要不会影响到对方的理解,什么口音都无 妨。顺便说明一点,尽管目前在大陆的考官有相 当一部分为英国口音,但在某个考点也许有一个 说美语的考官,因此要准备好适应不同的口音。   其次,IELTS口语中使用的词语须自然易懂 (natural and understandable)。不要说一般人听不 懂的专业术语,不会用英语表达的可以通过解释、 举例等方式绕着弯子进行说明,或者干脆放弃不 说。许多人把口语不好归罪于词汇量太少,认为 “巧媳妇难为无米之炊”,实际上有几千词就够 “炊”的了(简明朗文词典的英文解释以及美国之 音特别节目所用词汇都非常有限)。假如把一位 未受过教育的澳大利亚老太太十天内所说过的话 记录下来,其词汇量也许不超过一千!但任何人 都不会怀疑她的英语口头表达能力。   最后,IELTS口语考试中语法并非绝对地重要(important but not the most important)。在这一点 上,母语为英语的人(native English spaker)与我 们母语为汉语的人看法上有差异。讲英语时,前者关注的是语法错误对理解所产生的影响,信息交流是否受到阻碍;后者则更关心是否违反了英语的语法规则,关心语言形式的完整性。事实上,用词失误比语法失误更能失分。 我的口语考试经验 1.Describing a well-know person 2.Describing a friend in your school times 3.Describing a perosn whom you like to work or study with. 4.Describing an interesting hobby. 5.Describing a tranditional festival in China 6.Describing a perfect trip 7.Describing a restaurant 8.Describing an intersting building. 9.Describing a favorite book. 10.Describing a letter. 11.Describing a skill you want to learn 以上十个题目我用一个单词做为核心词:COOKING!然后围绕这个单词准备WELLKNOW PERSON 我就说那个著名主持人LIUYIWEI, 2.我就说我有个朋友是厨师,(今天上午我说的就是TOPIC2,我说我的朋友和我是校广播站的男女主持,我们主持我爱厨房节目,我们都很爱做饭等等) 3.业余爱好我也说是COOKING, 4。传统节日,更好说了,中国任何一个节日都离不开吃,可以简单介绍背景,然后转到吃上面来 5。旅行也一样,就说到哪儿了,那有个地方让你又玩又吃很开心 6.餐馆不用说了 7.至于BUILDING,就可以说餐馆呀,先描述外观,再说它是个馆子,饭特好吃 8.一本书嘛,你可以说是本教怎样做饭的。 9.一封信,可以说是一个餐馆开张的宣传信,邀请你去免费品尝 10.skill当然是cooking了 还有,要是说婚礼的话,你也可以描述宴会的场景。 另外有几个搭不上边的TOPIC也被我列到一起,核心词是SANDSTORM 1.DESCRIBING A KIND OF EXTREME WTHER 2.DESCRIBING A PIECE OF NEWS 3.DESCRIBING AN ENVIORMENTAL PROBLEM。 如何突破英语口语 一般来说,衡量一个人口语水平高低主要看以下几个方面:   1.语音、语调是否正确,口齿是否清楚;   2.流利程度;   3.语法是否正确,用词是否恰当,是否符合英语表达习惯;   4.内容是否充实,逻辑是否清楚。   这些是衡量会话能力的主要标准。针对以上标准,采取相应的训练方法,大致可分作两个阶段。  第一阶段:准备阶段,主要是进行模仿。背诵。复述练习。目的是训练正确的语音。语调。提高流利程度,培养英语语感。同时,通过各种方式,如阅读。做练习题,听英语磁带,看英语录像和电影等,来扩大词汇量。掌握英语的习惯表达方式,扩大知识面和训练英语逻辑思维能力,准备会话前,要对常用的词(组)、短语等熟练掌握,“熟练”是与人会话的前提,只有熟练,在会话时才能流利。熟练的标准就是要达到不加思索地脱口而出。  第二阶段:实践阶段,主要进行大量的会话练习,与他人对话、讨论,基础好的可练习口译,自己讲英语故事等等。 (一)模仿   模仿是学习外语主要方法之一,模仿的原则:一要大声模仿。这一点很重要,模仿时要大大方方,清清楚楚,一板一眼,口形要到位,不能扭扭捏捏,小声小气地在嗓眼里嘟嚷。刚开始模仿时,速度要慢些,以便把音发到位,侍把音发准了以后,再加快速度。直到能用正常语速把句子轻松他说出来,脱口而出。   大声模仿的目的是使口腔的肌肉充分活动起来,改变多年来形成的肌肉的习惯运动模式(汉语发音的运动模式),使嘴与大脑逐渐协调起来,建立起新的口腔肌肉的运动模式(英语发音的运动模式)。若在练习时总是小声在嗓眼里嘟嗓,一旦需要大声说话时,就可能发不准音,出现错误。二要随时都准备纠正自己说不好的单词。短语等。有了这种意识,在模仿时就不会觉得单调。枯燥,才能主动。有意识,有目的地去模仿,这种模仿才是真正的模仿,才能达到模仿的目的,也就是要用心揣摩、体会。三要坚持长期模仿。一般来说,纯正。优美的语音、语调不是短期模仿所能达到的,对于有英国英语基础的人学说美国英语是如此,对于习惯于说汉语的人学说英语更是如此。过度需要一段时间,时间的长短取于自学者的专心程度。   模仿的标准:模仿要达到什么程度才算模仿好了呢?简单他说就是要“像”,如果能够达到“是”就更好了,但不一定要达到“是”。“像”是指模仿者的语音,语调等都很接近所模仿的语言,“是”就是不仅在语音。语调等方面都很接近所模仿的声音,而且非常逼真。连嗓音也基本一样,简直可以以假乱真。我们不要求也不可能达到这种程度。   模仿的具体方法,第一步,模仿卑词的语音。模仿时要一板一眼,口形要正确,口腔肌肉要充分调动起来,刚开始模仿时,速度不要过快,用慢速模仿,以便把音发到位,待把音发难了以后,再加快速度,用正常语速反复多说几遍,直到达到不用想就能用正常语速把句子轻松他说出来(脱口而出),对于自己读不准或较生疏的单词要反复多听几遍,然后再反复模仿,一个单词一个单词地练,在那些常用词上下功夫,尽量模仿得像一些。 第二步,模仿词组的读法。有了第一步的基础,这一步就容易多了。 重点要放在熟练程度和流利程度上,要多练一下连读。失去爆破、不完全爆破,同化等语音技巧。 第四步,段落及篇章模仿,重点在于提高流利程度。打开录音机或收音机跟着模仿,“他”说你模仿,同步进行。目的要提高口腔肌肉的反应速度,使肌肉和大脑更加协调起来。 (二)复述   复述有两种常见的方法。一是阅读后复述,一是听磁带后复述。我认为后种方法更好些,这种方法既练听力,又练口语表达能力。同时,可以提高注意力的集中程度,提高听的效果,而且还可以提高记忆力,克服听完就忘的毛病。   具体方法:要循序渐进,可由一两句开始,听完后用自己的话(英语)把所听到的内容说出来,一遍复述不下来,可多听几遍,越练重听的遗数就越少。在刚开始练习时,因语言表达能力、技巧等方面原因,往往复述接近于背诵,但在基础逐渐打起来后,就会慢慢放开,由“死”到“活”。在保证语言正确的前提下,复述可有越来越大的灵活性,如改变句子结构,删去一些不大有用或过难的东西,长段可以缩短,甚至仅复述大意或作内容叙要。   复述的内容要有所选择。一般来说,所选资料的内容要具体生动,有明确的情节,生词量不要太大。可选那些知识性强的小短文。开始时可以练习复述小故事,有了基础后,复述的题材可扩展开些。 我是如何提高口语水平的 首先、确定你自己的英语水平。中国大学毕业生的通病是,书面阅读还可以,口语不行,听力很差,书写凑合。但每个人具体情况又都不一样,有人阅读专业书一目十行,但读报纸很费劲。有人听新闻可以,听别的不行。 其次、确定自己的发音水平。我有个朋友对我说他的发音没问题,可实际上他说得很多词我都听不懂。 你学的是英国音还是美国音都无所谓,反正最终从你嘴里出来的肯定是中国音。最重要的是发音要合理。英语每一个单词都有自己的念法,你不能凭空想象。比如,有人把RESUME读做RE-'SOOM,这样,别人说RE-SIU-'MAY,你不知道是什么。你念RE-'SOOM,别人也听不懂。 再次、确定自己的英语学习目标。我这里仅把口语交流做为目标。 最后、开始学习。 Skills for the Speaking Module Before the test begins, the examiner will check your identification. For security reasons you will be asked to bring your passport or some other photographic identification. You will be asked to sign your name, which will be matched up with the photograph and signature on your IELTS application form. The test will then be conducted in five phases, which we will now describe in turn. Phase 1: Introduction In Phase 1, the examiner will first introduce himself or herself and will invite you to do the same. You may be asked some general questions about your background, family, home or personal interests. SKILL Greeting the interviewer and introducing yourself. Phrases you could use: Good afternoon. My name is  (name)  . 'Hello. My name is  (name)  but most of my friends call me  (shortened version of name/nickname)  . Think about questions that the examiner might ask about the personal information you provided on the application form. With a partner, take turns interviewing each other with questions based on this information. Try to give full and comprehensive answers to each question. Phase 2: Extended discourse In phase 2, the interviewer will encourage you to speak for a longer period of time on a familiar topic. You may be asked to speak on topics related to your country, such as customs or lifestyle, and your personal involvement with these. The aim of Phase 2 is to show the interviewer that you can describe something, tell a story, give information or directions or express your opinion without relying on the interviewer to help you through the task. The idea is for you to talk and give as much information as you can. Do not simply answer 'yes' or 'no'. Remember, the interview should be like a conversation. Do not memorise responses. If you appear to be reciting from memory, the examiner will interrupt and ask a different question. Before you begin preparing for Phase 2, you may wish to make a list of topics related to your country, culture, lifestyle, personal interests, etc. Once you have completed such a list, form questions that relate to each of the skills for this phase. Think about possible questions that could be asked. SKILL Providing general factual information. What are some important festivals in your country? What kind of climate does your country have? What are some of the main industries in your country? What do you enjoy about the traditional music of your country? What do you think are positive and negative aspects of your country's education system? Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside and why? Could you describe the village/town/city in which you grew up? What happens during (cultural event, such as Chinese New Year/Christmas) in your country? Could you tell me how you like to spend your leisure time? How is (city where candidate is studying) different from (candidate's home city)? What is the difference between shopping in (city where candidate is studying) and shopping in (candidate's home city)? What do you like most about living in (country where candidate is studying)? How does that compare with (candidate's home country)? Could you tell me, in detail, how you got from your home to the test centre this morning? If I had to catch a train or bus in (candidate's home city) what would I do?' If I were to meet (an important older person) in your culture, how should I greet them to be polite and show respect? What happens in (an important festival) in your country? What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?' What did you do when you were preparing to leave (candidate's home country) to come to (country of study)? Why do people do what?(referring to something just mentioned) Could you tell me more about the procedure involved in (the topic under discussion) How do people celebrate the New Year in (candidate's country)? Phase 3: Elicitation In Phase 3, the interviewer wants to ascertain how competent you are at gaining information on a given topic. You will be given a card. On this card will be written a brief outline of a particular situation. The card will state your role and the role of the interviewer. You need to ask questions to find out more information. The card will suggest things for you to ask but these are only given to you as a guide. Do not feel compelled to follow these suggestions if you have ideas of your own. You are responsible for starting the conversation and, to some degree, developing and directing the flow of dialogue. Phase 4: Speculation and attitudes In Phase 4, the interviewer will converse with you in greater depth on a particular topic. Topics that may be discussed include your plans for the immediate and long-term future and the impact that these may have on you and your family. Your opinion about, attitude towards and reasons for your particular future plans may also be discussed. The interviewer may not understand or agree with some of your responses. You may be asked to expand or elaborate on some point that you have made, so be prepared for such a response. Being prepared, however, never means memorising set responses. During Phase 4, the interviewer will allow the discussion to become more complex. He or she may refer to other comments you have previously made so you may have to defend your opinion or give a more detailed explanation of an idea you have already mentioned. Before you begin preparing for Phase 4, you may wish to make a list of your future plans under the headings of academic, professional, personal and possible conse-quences of these plans. Also, make a list of topics that relate to your personal interests in life as well as a wider rangs of topics relating to your country, profession and specific area of study. Tell me what you plan to do when you finish your undergraduate studies. Have you thought about which university you would like to study at and why? How did you come to choose (a chosen area of study)? Would you ever like to have your own business? Why or why not? Here are some key phrases you could use: In the future,I hope to,I would like to,successfully,In a few years,I intend to ,I'm planning to ,In two years,what I have in mind is to,explore the area of,Within three years,I imagine I will,a BA. an MA.an MBA.a PhD. 口语练习题型 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 及技巧 Stage1 问候: Hello. Nice to meet you. Good morning/afternoon. Glad to meet you. My name is ***. May i introduce myself? How do you do? How are you? How are you doing? Pleased to meet you. Stage2 背景: what's your name? Does your name have a special meaning? where were you born? where are you from? when did you come to ***? why did you choose to live in ***? what's the famous thing in your hometown? Could you tell me something about your hometown? what is the climate in your home town? what do you do for a living?/what's your job? Do you like your job? what's your favorite food? Do you have any hobbies? what do you do in your spare time? what kind of music do you like best? what's the most popular sports in your city? Could you tell me something about your family? Are you married? Have you any children? When did you get married? Could you describe something about your wedding? which university did you graduate from? what's your major? Do you still keep in touch with your classmates? Do you miss your campus life? what impessed you most in your university life? what are the main festivals in your hometown/country? Are there any special activities during the festival? stage3 角色卡: The examiner has just booked a holiday at the travel agent.Find out some information about the holiday. To find about : the destination the form of transport the length of the holiday the dates of the holiday the number of the people going the reason for the holiday Your computer is broken.Your examiner works in a computer shop.He/She has looked at the computer and is ready to tell you about the problem. To find about : the problem the possible cause of the problem the time needed for repairs parts that need to be ordered the cost of repairs the guarantee You are a friend of the interviewer.The interviewer will show you a photograph and a letter.You must ask as much as you can about the letter and photograph. To find about : sender wher from when identity of persons in photo event interviewer's feelings The Student Union at your university is organizing a skiing trip.You are interested in going on the trip.Ask the interviewerquestions to get as mush as you can about it .To find about : cost accommodation transport food location facilities ski equipment numbers going on trip By ask the interviewer ,find out as much as you can about the bookshop discount card. To find about : wher it can be used where it can be obtained validity cost restrictions if you lose the card uses Image you are a patient entering hospital.Speak to the nurse and find out as much as possible about hospital rules .To find about : things to bring with you meal times visiters telephone calls times of getting up/going to bed entertainment(books,radio,TV) smoking You are interested in renting a car for a few days.Your examiner is in charge of a car rental agency.Find some about renting a car. To find about : the cost per day the cost per kilometer insurance the type of driving licence required the type of car available the pick-up point for the car You have just arrived in London for the first time.You go to a Tourist Information Center.Your interviewer is working at the information desk in the Center.Ask him/her as many questions as possible. To find about : hotel accommodation price of accommodation distance from the city center city sights entertainment facilities transport The examiner has just seen an accident.Find out some information about what happened. To find about : the time of accident what the examiner was doing the accident itself where the accident took place the number of people injured the cause of the accident You have been in the university for a few days and you go to the Campus Information Office to find out about the student welfare services available. To find about : health care accommdation English language class insurance travel Student Union Welfare Office student tutors/counsellors The interviewer has visitors from overseas.Find out some information about them. To find about : who they are where they are from how they become friends the length of their stay their plans for daytime and evening activities stage4 未来打算: what about your future plan? Do you think your English is good enough to live in Canada? what will you do if you can't find a job in Canada? what's your biggest problem in emmigrating to Canada? How do you overcome the problems? Do you know the biggest difference between Chinese culture and British culture? why do you choose Canada as your destination? what's the most attractive thing of Canada for you? what do you want to study in
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