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MI L-STD-188-203-3



MI L-STD-188-203-3
MI L-STD-188-203-3 5 October 1983 MILITARY STANDARD SUBSYSTEM DESIGN AND ENGINEERING STANDARDS FOR TACTICAL DIGITAL INFORMATION LINK (TADIL) C o@ NO INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS FSA TCTS / Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. HIL-STO-1138-Z03-3 5 October 1903 Subsystem Oeslgn and Engineering Stsmdards for lactical OIgital Information Links (TADIL.C) MI L-STO-1E2-203-3 5 October 1963 . . Oepartmsnt of Oefense Washington, O.C. 20301 1. This Hilltary Standard is.approved sndmmdatory for use by all Oepartmnts and Agencies of the Oepartmnt of Oefense fn accordance with the OASO (CCCI) Henarandum; dated 10W 1977. (See APPENDIx A). 2. Eeneflclal comments (rscow?ndat!ans, addftlons, deletions) and any pertinent data whfch msy be of use in hmjmvlng this doems?nt should bs addressed to: Camsnder Naval Electronic Systems Ccammd Attn: ELEX 8111 Washington, O.C. 20363 by using the self-addressed Stmdardtzatlon Omment Iwovsmen: prOPOSal (OO Fo~ 1426) .WPe~fWI at the end of this domur!ent or by letter. -, . / ii Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 1) folmo9.O ltlL-sTo-lW-203-3 5 October 1983 In the past. Mi Ittery Standard 188 (AIIL-STO-188), covering qilitary cmmmicatfons system tschn~&l standards.has evolved fran one wplfcsble ta al 1 qilitery camsmicatlons (NIL-HO-168, AUL-STO-lW, end AIIL-STO-1OOB) to one applicable to tactical cmcmnlcatlons only (IUL-STO-1E6C). 2. The Oefense Cmmmkatlons Agency (20) hes wblfshed OCA Circulars (LAW) Pr~19atf W stcudwds &nd criteria applicable to the Oefense UsWnlcatlons $yeten (oCS) snd to the technical suPW~ Of the Natfmal Mllftey ~ SYStE (fOl=). 3. Ststskcis for all q{lttary camunicatlons are MU being publfshed as Part of a 141L-STO-188 series of docments. 14i Iitary cmwnications Syst= technical stend.srds are suMfb’ifJed Into ccsmsan long haul snd tsctfcal standards ‘(HIL-STO-1S8-1OOseries). tectlcal stendards (141L-STO-188-200 Serlea). md long haul stsndwds (141L-STO-160-300 series). 4. This docmsmt {s the result of a .lotnt Chiefs of Staff (JCS) ectton requtrhg that the technical characteristics of the TADIL-A, -B, snd-C fomerly contained in JCS Pub 10, Tectical Ccsmsnd Control and Camsmications Systs=s Stmdaf’ds. be updated and published in the MIL-STO-M8 serl es. This doctsmnt cmt afns the technical requi r-nts for TADIL C; MIL-STO-1O6-2O3-1 ccmtalns the requir-nts for TMIL A, and ML-STO-188-203-2 con$s.tns the requirements for TAOIL B. The 141L-SIO-l@&203 serf es of documents does. not cent at n TAO IL message formats amd related i nfomet ion. These requirements wi 1 I continue to be contained in revisions of JCS Pub 10. It Is intended that technical chsratteristics of other T#DILs currently under develqsstnt, such ss the Joint Tactfcal Information Olstribution system(JTIOS), Ml I be Included as part of the ItIL-STO-lEO-203 serf=. IOWfIF12ATION OF INTERNATIONAL STANOARO12ATIU A6REEA4ENT Certain prwt slam of this doctnent are the subject of IIstemat tonal St mdard! zat ion Agreement (SWA6) 5s04. men 6 Chqe notice, resislon or cmcellatlon of thts docent is prapossd tikh till affect or violate the nternational a aeamt concerned, the prepertng sctivlty shall tske rWMWftie recofdlfation action through nternational stsndardlzatton channels. Including dep.srt- nental stsndmdtzation offices. if required. Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. ltl L-sTD-188-203-3 5 October 1983 CONTENTSI Page_ Paragr8ph 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 3. 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.6 . . 5. 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 5.2.10 5.2.11 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.1 WOPE Purpose Armltcatlon &ject i ves System Standards and Oesign Objectives REFERENCE OOCUNENTS 2 DEFINITIONS 3 6ENERAI. REQUIREMENTS 3 N4T0 Interaperability 3 Ccmaunicat!ons Security Equipment 3 CQIUIrmis{ng Emanations (TFWESF) 3 Electraaagnetic lnterfereme (ENI) and Electromagnetic Ca##lity (EIU) 3 3 Subsfitems and Systems 3 6rounding, ~ndfng and Shielding 3 Oigital lntarfaces 3 OETAILEO REQUIREMENTS 6eneral UHF Control Stat Ion Rsdio Interoperabfltty Fraus Rate Sit Rate Frequency Coverage Chhnnel Chcngfng Tfma Frequancy Stcbf lity t4wluIatW node Trmcmi t-Af ter-Rece9 ve 1“im Oelay Keying Transmitter POwm Output modulation Sensitivity Trmsmftter Atteck Tim Oelay Hamontc chd Spurious Output. Transmitter Noise Level (F3K) Antenna T,urn-Around Rece t ver Sensitivity Receiver Attack lima OelaY Oemdulation Spurious Response selectivity Input Sf al Protect Ion ?“Cm:#~St sit on Oata Temi nal Set Speci;l liming l{ae Slots of the Transmit Frme Tim SlOtS of the Receive Frame Control Massage Reply Message Caqmter Interface Ccamter OuWt Nerds Umjuter Inpti !JOrds we SMI tch 5 5 : ; ; 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. -. ) Ml -S10-188-203-3 5 bctober 1983 CONIENTS (teat f nued) Paragr6ph 5.3.8 Radio Interface Control Message Transmit Key{ ng Signal f ron the COTS Transmit Keying Signal Timfng Trmwnit Keying Signal Displacement Tr@mcmit Keying Signal in Standby Conditton Rep Iy Message 5.3.9 Error Oetectfon :.;.;; Test Message Test Reply Nessage 5:3:12 Wilt-in lest 5.4 W Control led Airborne Radio 5.4.1 Intemperabllity 5.4.2 Frme Rate 5.4.3 Bit Rate 5.4.4 Frequexy Coverage 5.4.5 Channel Chmg$ng Tim 5.4.6 Frequency Stabi 1f t y 5.4.7 S40dulation Node 5.4.8 Transmitter Power Output mdulation Sensitivity Transmitter Attack Tim? Oelay Antenna Turnaround Time Harnmnic end Spurfous Output Tr.stwnitter Noise Level (FSK) 5.4.9 Receiver Sensitivity Receiver Atteck Tfms Oeldy Oeduls.tion Spurious Response Input Signel Protection Selectivity 5.4.10 Input and Output F16uWS F16uRE 1 Block df 2 Tm”Timing re at fonship between control station and aircraft. 3 Special timing relationship between control stetion end alrcreft for Operatlq in the EAINS application. 4 Co:~;~lressege wtput tfming diegran end trencmft keyfng 5 Reply mm~sege Input timing d$agrm. TAWS TfWE 1 Canputer output word end control funct tons prof \ Ie 11 Camputer output word ad control functions profile for steerable antenna 111 Eqputer fnput word and control functions profile Iv “kkputer tnput wrd and control functfons profile for steer6ble entenna v Cmtml msssege profile VI Reply messege profile 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 ;: 15 1s 16 16 16 16 ;: 16 }: 16 16 16 16 1%18 17/18 4 6 7 10 12 11 11 13 v Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. leJL.sTD-188-203-3 5 October 19@.3 CON7ENTS (cent in.ed) APPENDICES APPENOI X A Hermrcmtm frm the Assistant Secretary of Oefense for Cctmnmlcatfons, Cc+zamnd Control and Intelligence. 10 nay 1977 B LI St of Abbrevi at fens and Acronyms used t n Ml L-STO-1E8-203-3 :; / vi Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. I HIL-sTD-188-21J3-3 S October 1983 ) 1. 5COPE The purmse of th!s docuua?nt is to establish technical stsndards snd design objec~i~es?%%at are necessary to ensure tnteraperabtl{ty rmd to prcmote canmfsa)fty for -nications equipment and subsystems used in TADIL C. Another purpose of this docmnent is to establlsh tccaptable over.il 1 syaten perfondiince and mbximwn f Iexibi Iity of system la~ut in order to satisfy diverse user requirements without the restrictions caused by interface snd in- ccupatibi Iity problems. St6ndard message formats are not included in this document. The TADIL C massage formats We contained in JCS PLIE 10, Tactical Camand and Cdntrol and Ccumunication System Standards. ~s&i:gelPPl&tfl#l. This docuzent is ctpplicable to the design and development of new equipment, s systems used In TPJIIL C. Thfs docunsnt is .sppliceble .+1s0 to the enginearlng and operatibn of existing TPDIL C factlttfes. It is not intended that exfsti~ TADIL C facilities be imnedl ately converted to canply sdth the standards contained herein. Nan TADIL C f acilfties snd thdse undergoing msjor nndiftcc.tton or rehabilitation shall CC411Y w{th the standards con- tained herein subject to the applicable requirements of current procurement regulations. TPDIL C can be used over cocmnon long haul and tactical ccsmamication circuits. In this case, both this standard and !!IL-STO-188-1OOshal 1 6pply. req”iremmhsure f“teroperatfoo of aq”irare”t and subsystems consistent with ratlitary 1.3 Ob act i ves. The qai n d ject Ives of th{s document are to provide subsystem perfonrmce requirements 6nd to schfeve the necessary degree of performance snd i ntercperat ion in the cost econanical way. These object ives W! 11 be CCCCUOI i shad by cent i nui ng efforts in the ereas specif{ad {n a thrwgh e: :: c. d. e. St andardi zing user-to-user perfofm6rKe Chsrscteristfcs. Stendardiz!n9 the tyua of si9nal S at various interface Wfnts in the applicable subsysteri. - - Specifying ms.a!mwn permissible degrc+dation of a signal in the process of trmsmis- sion, and al locating the permissible degradation a’mng various parts of a system. [st abl i shing performance paranaters md operat f ng faatures of equfrasent that govern the interface chcrdcterist!cs with subsystems in filch the TAOIL-C equiraent wf 1 I be used. Oef i ning performance parameters W1thout specifying the technology that should be used to obta$n the raqui red per fommce. An Udditfonal objective of this docucent is to prevent proliferation of aquf~nt serving the sate or a sfmilar function. The variety of equipment shall be the qtnirmm necessary to ef festive] y support the miss%ns of the tect ical forces in eccardance with LLspar@nt of Oef ense Ofrectfve (0000) 4630.5, Caapatibl Ilty and Commonality of Equiptcent for Tect ical CumDand snd I Control, emd C&rmntcatfons. I 1,4 S tea stendards end design objectives (ce3s~. The parameters end other requi raasents specified n his docunent are qandatory systcau st andards (see APPENOIX A) if the word ‘shallm fs used fn connection with the parcaseter value or requirement under cons tderat ton. Non-aandatory CKta ~ fire indicated as optional by the word Would” in connection wfth the parrtwter value or raqulre- ment under cons tdarat Ion. For a definition of the terms System Standard and Oesign Objective see FEO-STW1O37 . [nfonnatlon paragraphs., shdwm & notaa, have been included to better define l-’ cert al n methods currently 1n use WI th TAOILS. I / Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. MIL-sTD-IGG-203-3 5 October 1963 2. REFERENCED 00CUHENTS 2.1 Issues of documents. invitation for bid s or request herefn. STPNDA27DS FEDERAL FEO-STO-1O37 f41LITPRY MI L-STO-188-114 HIL-STO-12E124 HIL-STO-461 RIL-STD-462 MI L-STO-1553 HANowlxs MILITARY HIL-H02K-237 HIL-H02K-241 MIL-M02K-419 The following docwnents of the {ssue in effect on the date of for proposal, form a part of this standard to the extent spectfied Glossary of Teleccamntcatlon Terms Electrical Characteristics of Oigital Interface Clrcu\ts 6rounding. Gondfng a!id Sh!elding for Ccucmn Long Haul/Tactical ZOununicatfon Sy5tEns Electrdmagnetlc Emission ad Susceptibility Raquirenants for the Control of Electrccnagnetic Interference Electrcacagnetic Interference Charscteristtcs, Measurements of Aircraft Internal The Olvlsion ConmandlResponse 14ulti Dlex Oata Bus Electromagnetic Caupatib{ ltty Management 6utde for Platforms, Sntens and Equipent Oas ign Guide for EM] Reduction in Power Supplies Grounding, 2cmd!ng and Shtelcling for Electronic Equipments end Facfl!tfaa (copies of spacif{cations, standards, and handbooks requfred by contractors in Connection with specif fc procurement functions should be obtained frmn the pr~uriog act{vfty or as dt - rected by the Ccmtractlng officer. ) PuGLICATllMS Chief of Naval operations OP SPEC 404.1 Operational Specification for lactical Aircraft Oata L!nk (Appllcatfon forcd ies should be eddressed to Chief of Naval Operations, Attn: OP-942G, kfashington, O.C. 203S0. f North Atlantfc Treaty Organization (NATO) St6ndard\zat{on Agreement (STPJW) STANAG 5%4 Tactical O.sta Link for the CQntMl Of Aircraft - Ltnk 4 (U) (@PliCatiOn for WPieS of NATO stendardfzatton documents required by contractors In connect ion with specl f ic pracurenant f unct tons shauld be qade to the approprt ate NATO Subregi stry. ) Nat tonal Security Agency NACSIM 5100 1 NAtsll! 52m ‘NASSIU 5203 Ccaqrunisfng Emmation Laboratory Test Raq.frms?nts E lectrccnagnet fcs (U) (This doctsmnt was dosmgrdded to unclassified by Revisfon A) Ccaipr.ardsing Emanations Oesign Handbook (U) Guidelines for Facility Oesign and Red/Black Installation (U) (@Plf CatfOn fOr WPfeS of NA61M standardization documents required by contractors in connection !#Ith specific procmenent functions slmuld be mede to the Oirector, National I Security Agency, Fort George S. Retie, NO 20755. ) 2Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50ZCheck the source to verify that this is the current version before use. tlIL-STLl-188-203-3 5 October 1983 I 2.2 Other publications. The fol lout ng document f onns a Part of thts st andarfl to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shal 1 apply. JOfnt ChiefS Of Staff Publication (JCS Pub) JCS Pub 10 T ect+cal Command end Control snd Cemunicat$ons sy3tEnls Stemtards (u) (@PliCdtiOn for COpfeS should be addressed to the office of the Jofnt Chiefs of Staff, ATTN: Oocmzents Oivision, U.sshfngton, O.C. 20301). 3. OEFiNITIONS 3.1 Oef{nftlon of terms. Oef inition of terms used in this docunsWIt shal 1 be es specif led in FEO.STO-1037 . 3.2 Abbrevi at ions snd acronyns. The abbreviations end acron~s unique to this standard are listed tn?Wendlx B. 4. 6ENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 NATO interoperc.bi lit . The Interchange of f nf ormat 1on amng NATO merber nat tons using NATO LlhX ~ shall cOUPIY with %pplicable requfreamts of the current edition of STANA6 5504. 4.2 Cacmwnicatlons security equimnent. COUIWIicdtiO!IS security equipment that qay be normal Iy smployed {n a TAOIL C qay be part of the terminal sutssysten (see FIWRE 1). Ca?mim{ca- tions security equip?nt erployed in any TAOIL C system shal 1 be transparent and not cbdnge the stmdard TAOIL C transmlssicm frare format. Also, any functton incorporated in a TADIL C systsm for the purpose of equfpment fnteroperabi Iity shal 1 be transparent to the standard 7AOIL C trans- mission fraue format. 4.3 Caapmanfsin9 enanatfon Al I communication equfpa!ent, subsystems end system shall canply tit h the applicable crtteria of the current edition of the NACSIM 5100 series. f01c51H 5220 provfdes design gufdance and NACSIM 5203 pmvldes Imtallatlon guidelines for conpro- mlsing smenations. 4.4 Electrcmgnettc interference (EMI) end electromagnetic c@qMibility (211C~. WI end EM requirements shal 1 b e as specified 4.4.1 E#pne;t. My ,tm i=,tii” .4.1 d 4.4.~. t ng subassemblies snd parts, servfng functionally in em’ electrmmagne c env mnment in the bmsdest sense, shal 1 ccsuply with the eppl!ceble requirements of the current edition of MIL-STO-461. Techniques used for the measurensnt end determination of 5s!1 characteristics shal 1 ccsuply with the applicable requirements of the current editfon of MIL-STO-462. I NOTE : ML-NW-241 provides guidance for EHI reductions in equipm!t Pwer supplies. 4.4.2 Subsystems ad s~tem. Caumunications systems smd essoctated subsystems shall be desfgnsd to tit eve fntra- endl n~er.sjs ten electromagnet Ic -et !bi I i t y. There sbal 1 be neither un-cept able respenses nor mc.lf unct ions of any i ten of the syate!n or subsyatsm beyond the tolerances established by the applicable requirenmnts of the current edition of MIL-STO-461. NOTE: 141L-N02K-237 provfdes guidmce for ieplsmenting m ESIC program \ 4.5 fimundinq, bm?ding and shieldin . Methods end prect ices for groundt ng, bonding and shielding of ground-based telecmmmmicat ons shal I ccaply with the applicable requirements of the current edition of t! IL-sm-lQcz4. N07E : HIL-NOllK-419 provides basic ard application fnfOrmatiOn on gm~dffq, tiding @ shielding prsctices reccmem?tied for electronic e9uiCaEnt. 4.6 Oigital Interfaces. All !nterfeces used in the TAOIL C syatan shall ccaply ufth the applicable requiratzents of the current edition of UIL.STO-122-114 (see FIGWE 1) and, if required, mdy also cmzply wftb the eppl!cable requireua?nts of the current edition of 141L-STO-1553. 3 Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. Nls!#M33-3 532’ . .:: c 4 Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2011-12-17T05:50Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. I I )411 -s10-188-203-3 5 October 1983 5. DETAILED REQuIREKENTS 5.1 C%er sl. These det &i led requi rem+ents shal I be met {n order to estebl ish interapera.bf I $ty between se~ $dditional information and specific application requirements are imd!c?.ted and shal 1 be used as gproprlate by the hrplementing service. My or al I functional elements in the terminal subsystem may be {ntegrated and cecblned fn a sfngle ewim?nt (see F16URE 1). The TAOIL C syaten normal lY interconnects tectlcal and support aircraft to the atrcraft control units. TAOIL C is a s kflnblt per second half duplex dlgftal data trensdssion system used to trimsfer aircraft control and target Information betmen a COntMl stati On and a controlled aircraft. The lAOIL C system enables control statfons to transmft target data amd cmcnands to a control led aircraft. Transmission shall be serial time divfsfon multiplex on a single redio frequency (rf) carrier with individual a=sages transmitted on a sequential time division basis. Wseges originated and sent by a contrOl sta:iOn Wi I I be kn~ as cOntml =ssa9es fiile =$$a9es replying to control tmsssages WI 1 I be known 8s reply messages. The TfQIL C systen tranamit and receive cycles shall be as specified in F160RES 2 and 3. The tw-way tactical TADIL C transmit end receive cycle shall be as specified in OP SPEC 404.1 and STANA6 5504. The requirements for the control station radio. control $tation data teminal set, end the controlled airborne redio, shall be as sPeciffed in 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 respectively. The airborne data terminal function is often accomplished in software, therefore, no hardware requirement is tncluded herefn. The control stations shal 1 &e designed to include on-line errar detection. These requirauents apply to the radio md the data terminal set. The use of test messages as defined in .lCS Pub 10 shal 1 be a requirement for error detection in the control stations. The TADIL C system shal 1 be designed to suppdrt the range (distence between stations) as specified by the i~l=ntfng service. The implementing service should coordinate with other services where multi service control of aircraft is the intended use of the II- tactical aircraft control system. In all systems using TAOIL t. the control StatiOn rSdi O shall be reouired to be capable of operating full duplex. The system shal 1 use
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