首页 暮光之城2:新月 New Moon (2009) 英汉字幕台词

暮光之城2:新月 New Moon (2009) 英汉字幕台词


暮光之城2:新月 New Moon (2009) 英汉字幕台词暮光之城2:新月 New Moon (2009) 英汉字幕台词 "These violent delights have violent ends, 如此猛烈的欢愉,亦猛烈地结束 "and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, 在激昂下死亡 像烈焰触发火药 "which, as they kiss, consume." 在亲吻的剎那,烟消云散 Gran? 奶奶? Edward, don't! She'll see you. 爱德华,不行,她会看到你 H...

暮光之城2:新月 New Moon (2009) 英汉字幕台词
暮光之城2:新月 New Moon (2009) 英汉字幕台词 "These violent delights have violent ends, 如此猛烈的欢愉,亦猛烈地结束 "and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, 在激昂下死亡 像烈焰触发火药 "which, as they kiss, consume." 在亲吻的剎那,烟消云散 Gran? 奶奶? Edward, don't! She'll see you. 爱德华,不行,她会看到你 Hmm. Okay. 好吧 Gran, I'd like you to meet... 奶奶,我想跟你介绍… Happy birthday, Bella. 生日快乐,贝拉 Happy birthday. 生日快乐 I thought we agreed, no presents. 不是讲好不送礼物吗? Well, the one from me's not wrapped, so it doesn't count. 我的礼物没包装 所以不算数 That's actually great. Thanks, Dad. 礼物好棒,谢谢爸 It goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated. 再加上你妈送的这个 Well, she coordinated me. 我们夫唱妇随 是她唱我随啦 It's to put your pictures in from senior year. 让你从高三开始收藏照片 Senior year. 高三了… - How'd you get so old so fast? - I didn't. It's not that old. 你怎么老得这么快? 没啦,没那么老 I don't know. Is that a gray hair? 我不知道,那是白头发吗? No. No way. 不是啦,才没咧 Happy birthday. 生日快乐 That's really funny. 很难笑 Another missing hiker brings the total to three presumed dead. 又有登山客失踪 共计3人死亡 Rangers are searching for the killer animal... 管理员正在搜寻咬死人的动物 Situation's all critical You've got to look first before you go It's Bella. Bella! - Hi. - I'm... Today's the big day, Bella. 贝拉,今天是大日子 A and J essay due. 要交罗密欧与朱丽叶的报告 - Oh, yeah. - Wherefore art thou, Bella? 对喔 "噢,贝拉,汝何以如是?" Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like, 我帮你们拍照,我妈… a scrapbook full of memories. 要我把相簿贴满回忆的照片 - Oh. Cool. Yeah. 好啊 I take them. I'm not in them. 我负责拍照,不合影 - No, no, no, come here. - Well, you are today. 不行,你过来 You'll photoshop this if my nose looks big, right? 我鼻子太大你会修掉吧? Don't worry, I'm in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys. 放心,有我在,没人会想看你们 That's good. 好极了 Oh, good. Cullen's here. 好巧,库伦来了 好耶 Well, talk to you later. 待会儿聊 - Happy birthday. - Don't remind me. 生日快乐 Mmm. 别提醒我了 Bella, your birth is definitely something to celebrate. 你的出生就值得庆祝啊 - Yeah, but my aging's not. - Your aging? 对,但老了不用庆祝 你老了? I think 18 is a little young to start worrying about that. 18岁还很年轻,放心啦 It's one year older than you. 比你老一岁 No, it isn't. I'm 109. 才没耶,我都109岁了 Well, maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man. 我还是别跟老头子交往吧 - Mmm. - It's gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed. 超恶的 Uh-huh. 我应该会抗拒的 - We have to go to class. - Okay. 该去上课了 嗯 Wait a second. 等一下 Someone wants you. 有人找你 - Bella! - Jacob! 贝拉! What? 雅各布! I'll leave you to talk. 你们聊 Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you. 嗨,猛男 你不要乱用类固醇啦 Well, I'm just filling out, Bella. 我只是长大了 You know, it wouldn't seem so drastic if we hung out more. 多多见面你就不会讶异了 You should switch schools. You can come hang out with the palefaces. 你应该转学的 跟白人一起上学 I'm all right. I prefer the rez school's exclusivity. 我还好啦 还是保护区的学校好 They let any old riffraff into this place. 没品的人都来念这里了 - I see. Then why are you slumming it? - Mmm-hmm. 是喔,那你来干嘛? I was just buying a part for the Rabbit. 我刚才去买汽车零件 You should really come take a ride when it's done. 车修好再载你去兜风 Is it fast? Um. 速度快吗? It's decent. 还不错喔 - I'm kidding. - Okay. Good. - 你在开玩笑 - 好吧 Hey, happy birthday. 生日快乐 Your dad told my dad, so... 你爸告诉我爸的 Yeah, of course he did. 对啦,他大嘴巴 I saw this the other day and thought of you. 我前几天看到这个就想起你 Catches bad dreams. 驱除噩梦的 That's kind of perfect. 不错嘛 Thank you. 谢谢 No problem. 不客气 - Good seeing you. - Yeah, I'll see you later. Bye. - 很高兴见到你 - 好,改天聊 So how come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't? 为何雅各布送礼物给你 我却不能送? Because I have nothing to give back to you. 因为我没什么好回送你 Bella, you give me everything just by breathing. 贝拉,你活着就是给我一切了 See? Thank you. - That's all I want. - Bella! 谢谢你,我的心愿已偿 贝拉! - Happy birthday! - Shh, shh! 生日快乐! I thought I said no presents. 不是讲好不送礼物吗? I've already seen you open it, and guess what, 我预知你拆了,而且你知道吗? you love it. 你会超爱的 You're gonna wear it tonight. Our place. 你今晚就穿去我家吧 Come on. Please? It'll be fun. 拜托嘛,好不好? 很好玩的 - Okay. All right. - Great! 嗯,好吧 太好了 Okay, I'll see you at 7:00. 我们7点见 Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing. 贾斯珀,控制别人的情绪不公平 Sorry, Bella. Happy... 抱歉,贝拉 生日… Never mind. 不说啦 You can't trust vampires. Trust me. 千万别相信吸血鬼 相信我 O my love! My wife! 吾爱…吾妻… Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath 死亡吸干你气息的香甜 hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. 却改变不了你的美貌 Thou art not conquered. 你并未被征服 Beauty's ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks. 你双唇与两颊依然透着美丽 And death's pale flag is not advanced there. 死亡的苍白尚未到达那里 I hate being celebrated. 我讨厌被庆生 There are worse tragedies. I mean, look at Romeo. 还有更悲惨的,你看罗密欧 Killed his true love out of sheer stupidity. 因一时愚蠢杀死他的真爱 Yeah. Though I do envy him one thing. 但我羡慕他一点 Juliet is, like, perfect. 朱丽叶吗?好极了 If you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing. 原来你喜欢她啊 Not the girl, the suicide. 不是说她啦 是自杀 It's nearly impossible for... 对某些人而言 For some people. 几乎是… For humans, a little poison, …不可能 人类只要喝点毒药 a dagger to the heart. 拿匕首刺穿心脏 There's so many different options. 有太多自杀方式 Why would you say that? 你干嘛这样说? Because I had to consider it once. 因为我考虑过一次 I didn't know if I'd get to you in time. 我不知能否及时救你 I had to come up with some kind of plan. 我总得想个办法啊 What was the plan? 你想了什么办法? That I'd go to Italy and provoke the Volturi. 跑去意大利激怒佛杜里 - The what? - The Volturi. 什么? Now, who'd like to repeat the last few lines of iambic pentameter 佛杜里 谁想重复抑扬格五音步最后几句 just to show they were paying attention? 证明自己有在注意听? Mr. Cullen? 库伦先生? Yes, Mr. Berty. 好,波提老师 "O here will I set up my everlasting rest 我将在此 永远长眠 "and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh. 让这厌倦俗世的躯体 摆脱厄运束缚 "Eyes, look your last. 双眼,再看最后一眼 "Arms, take your last embrace! 双臂,再做最后拥抱 "And, lips, O you, the doors of breath, 双唇,以这气息之门 "seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death!" 用深吻与贪婪的死神 达成永恒交易 Eyes on the screen, people. 同学们,眼睛看屏幕 Thus with a kiss I die. "我献上一吻,然后死去" The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family. 佛杜里是历史悠久的权势家族 I guess they're the closest thing to royalty my world has. 算是吸血鬼世界的皇室吧 - Is that Carlisle? - Yeah. 那是卡莱尔吗? 对 He lived with them for a few decades. 他在佛杜里住了几十年 Described them as very refined. No respect for human life, of course, 他说他们很优雅自负 甚至不尊重人命 but a respect for the arts and the sciences, at least. 但至少很尊重艺术和科学 And the law. 还有法律 Above all, the law. 奉法律为至上 Vampires have laws? 吸血鬼也有法律? Not very many. 没有很多 And only one that's regularly enforced. 只有一条是要严格遵守 What is it? 是什么? That we keep the existence of our kind a secret. 我们的存在要保密 We don't make spectacles of ourselves, 不能太招摇惹人注目 and we don't kill conspicuously. 不能明目张胆杀人 Unless, of course, you want to die. 除非自己想找死 You gotta stop talking about that. 别再这样说了 I can't even think about someone hurting you. 我无法想象有人伤害你 Bella, the only thing that can hurt me is you. 贝拉… 唯一能伤害我的只有你 And I don't have anything else to be afraid of. 其余的我都不怕 That's not true. 才不是 Victoria? She'll come for me one day. 维多利亚? 她会来找我复仇的 Alice will see when she decides, and we'll be ready. 爱丽丝会预知她的到来 我们都会准备好 I could protect you 我也能保护你 if you change me. 只要你把我变吸血鬼 Bella, you already do protect me. 贝拉,你已经在保护我了 You're my only reason 你是我活下去 to stay alive, 唯一的理由 if that's what I am. 即使我不算是活人 But it's my job to protect you. 但我有责任保护你 From everyone except my sister. 除了我姊,谁也伤不了你 It's time! It's time. It's time. It's time! 来啦! 开始了、开始了… Your lips are nettles Your tongue is wine You're left as liquid But your body's pine Sorry about all this. 很抱歉搞成这样 - We tried to rein Alice in. - As if that were even possible. 我们有阻止爱丽丝 可惜管不住她 - Happy birthday, Bella. - Thanks. 贝拉,生日快乐 谢谢 I found it in your bag. You mind? 我在你包包里找到的,可以吗? Dating an older woman. Hot. 她比你大,姊弟恋哦 - What? - You first, Rosalie. 干嘛? It's a necklace. Alice picked it out. 那是项链 爱丽丝挑的 Thanks. 谢谢 Show me the love. 笑一个 This one's from Emmett. 这是艾米特送的 Already installed it in your truck. 已经装在你车上了 Finally a decent sound system - for that piece of... - Hey! Don't hate the truck. 那辆破车终于有好音响… 别批评我的车嘛 Open Esme and Carlisle's. 拆埃斯米和卡莱尔送的礼物 Just a little something to brighten your day. 逗你开心的小东西啦 Yes, you've been looking kind of pale lately. 你最近脸色有点苍白 Ow. Paper cut. 割破了 Jaz, Jaz. It's okay. It's just a little 贾斯珀!冷静… 只是一点点… blood. …血 Get Jasper out of here. 带贾斯珀出去 I'm sorry, I can't. 对不起,我无法… I'll have to stitch this up in my office. 到我书房缝伤口 Check on Jasper. 去看看贾斯珀 I'm sure he's very upset with himself, 他一定很气自己 and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now. 他现在应该只肯听你说 Edward. 快去,爱德华 - I never wanted to have a party. - It's not your fault. 我压根儿不想庆生 这不是你的错 Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us. 贾斯珀和我们都戒人血没多久 How do you do it? 你是怎么办到的? Years and years of practice. 年复一年的练习 Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way? 你有没有想过… …不要这么辛苦? No. 没有 I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people. 我知道自己想怎样 我想帮助别人 It brings me happiness, even if I am damned regardless. 会带给我快乐 即使灵魂被诅咒也无悔 Damned? 诅咒? Like hell? 下地狱吗? Carlisle, you couldn't be damned. 卡莱尔,你不会被诅咒 You couldn't. It's impossible. 你不会的,不可能 Thank you, Bella. 谢谢你,贝拉 You've always been very gracious about us. 你一直都… …对我们很好 So that's it? That's why he won't change me? 怕我灵魂被诅咒? 他就不把我变吸血鬼? Imagine the situation in reverse. Hmm. 换是你也会这样 If you believed as Edward does, 如果你也相信诅咒 could you take away his soul? 你会取走他的灵魂吗? You can't protect me 你无法保护我 from everything. 不受任何伤害 At some point, something's gonna separate us. 我们迟早会被拆散 It's gonna be an accident or illness 要不是意外 就是生病 or old age, 或是年老 as long as I'm human. And the only solution is to change me. 毕竟我还是人类 只有把我变吸血鬼才能解决 That's not a solution. That's a tragedy. 这不是解决办法 这是悲剧 You're not gonna want me when I look like a grandmother. 等我变成老太婆你就不会要我了 Bella, do you not understand my feelings for you at all? 贝拉… 你难道不懂我对你的感情吗? Carlisle told me 卡莱尔告诉我… how you feel about your soul. 你相信灵魂被诅咒 I don't believe that. 我不相信 So don't worry about mine. 别替我担心了 You should go inside. 你该进去了 It's still my birthday. 我生日还没过完 So can I ask one thing? 可以许愿吗? Kiss me? 吻我 I love you. 我爱你 我爱你 Up with your turret Aren't we just terrified? Shale, screen your worry From what you won't ever find Don't let it fool you Down Hey. Just come take a walk with me. 陪我去散散步 We have to leave Forks. 我们要离开福克斯了 Why? 为什么? Carlisle's supposed to be 10 years older than he looks, 卡莱尔的外表应该要老十岁 and people are starting to notice. 大家都会起疑心 Okay, I've gotta think of something to say to Charlie. 好吧 我帮卡莱尔找个借口 When you say "we"... 你说"我们"… I mean my family and myself. 意思就是我和我的家人 Edward, what happened with Jasper, it's nothing. 爱德华,贾斯珀的事… 那没什么 You're right. It was nothing, 你说得对,那没什么 nothing but what I always expected 只是我早就料到了 and nothing compared to what could have happened. 也幸好你保住了小命 You just don't belong in my world, Bella. 你不属于我的世界 I belong with you. 我属于你 No. You don't. 不,不是这样 I'm coming. 我跟你走 Bella, 贝拉… I don't want you to come. 我不要你跟 You don't want me? 你不要我了? No. 不是的 That changes things a lot. 那就另当别论了 完全两回事 But if it's not too much to ask, 希望这个要求不会太过分 can you just promise me something? 你能答应我一件事吗? Don't do anything reckless. 别做任何傻事 For Charlie's sake. 为了你爸爸 And I'll promise something to you in return. 我也答应你一件事 This is the last time you'll ever see me. 这是你最后一次见到我 I won't come back, 我不会再回来 and you can go on with your life without any interference from me. 你可以继续过日子 不受我干扰 It will be like I never existed, I promise. 就好像… 我从不存在,我保证 If this is about my soul, take it. I don't want it without you. 若是为了我的灵魂,拿去吧 没有你,我也不想活了 It's not about your soul. 不是为了你的灵魂 You're just not good for me. 你配不上我 Not good enough for you. 配不上你? I'm just sorry I let this go on for so long. 很抱歉拖到现在才跟你说 Please... 求求你 Don't... 不要 Goodbye. 再见 Edward. 爱德华! 爱德华! Edward! 爱德华! Edward. 爱德华! 去这一带找找看 I'm gonna try the Cullens' place again. 我再打去库伦家问问 - The Cullens left town, Charlie. - Good riddance. 库伦全家都搬走了 谢天谢地 Where'd they go? 他们去了哪里? We'll find her, Charlie. 我们会找到她的 - Thanks, Harry. - Charlie! 哈利,谢谢你 Hey. 查理! She's all right. 她没事 I got her. Thank you, Sam. 交给我吧 谢谢你,山姆 (10月) There's a possibility All that I had (11月) Was all I'm gonna get Alice, you've disappeared, 爱丽丝… 你消失了 like everything else. 带走了一切 Now who else can I talk to? I'm lost. 我还能找谁谈心?我迷失了 (12月) When you left, 你走了 and he left, 他也走了 you took everything with you. 你们带走了一切 But the absence of him is everywhere I look. 但我到哪儿都会想起他离开了 It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. 就好像胸口被刺穿一个大洞 Bella. But in a way I'm glad. 但我有点庆幸 The pain is my only reminder that he was real, 唯有痛才能证明他是真的 that you all were. 你们都存在过 (地址错误,传送失败) All right. That's it. 好了 到此为止 What? 怎样? You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother. 你去杰克逊维,跟你妈住 I'm not leaving Forks. 我不要离开福克斯 Bells, he's not coming back. 贝拉… 他不会回来了 I know. 我知道 It's just not normal, this behavior. 你的行为…不正常了 Quite frankly, it's scaring the hell out of me and your mother. 坦白说,我吓坏了 你妈也是 Baby, I don't want you to leave. 宝贝,我不希望你搬走 I don't, but just go. Go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends. 我舍不得,但你还是去杰克逊维 交几个新朋友吧 I like my old friends. 我原来的朋友很好啊 - Well, you never see them anymore. - I do. 你都不找他们了 我有啊 I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow with Jessica. 我… 我明天要跟洁西卡去逛街 - You hate shopping. - I... 你讨厌逛街的 我… I need a girls' night out. 我想约姊妹淘聚聚 All right. Girls' night. 好吧 姊妹淘相聚 Shopping. 去逛街 I like it. Go buy some stuff. 我喜欢,去吧 买些东西 Hi, Jessica, it's Bella. 嗨,洁西卡,我是贝拉 Yeah, Bella Swan. 对,贝拉斯旺 I don't know why you want to sit through all those zombies eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. 真搞不懂你干嘛看那些僵尸吃人 却不看帅哥亲美女 It's gross. Like... And why are there that many zombie movies anyway? 超恶的 怎么有这么多僵尸片? 'Cause if it's supposed to, like, draw a parallel about leprosy, 若要拿麻疯病来比… my cousin had leprosy. It's not funny, you know? 我表弟有麻疯病,真不好笑 And, like, is it supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism? 难道是要跟失心疯比? Because don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-referential cleverness, you know? 别拍这种自以为聪明的电影 Like, some girls like to shop. Not all girls, apparently. 有些女生爱逛街 不是所有女生啦 Although I was surprised you even called at all. You know? 但接到你的电话我有吓到 Like, your depression thing, I get it. I'm totally, totally worried. 你的沮丧我懂,我担心死了 But after a while it's like, - you're still bumming... - You want a ride, girls? ...and I'm going through stuff, too. You know? Like Mike deciding - 但你也闷太久了 - 搭便车? 我也失恋过啊 he just wants to be friends. What's up? Look what we found. 你啊,要多找朋友出来啦 It's hard, you know? 不然很难熬的 Like, and since when does "just friends"... 不就是普通朋友… - What's up guys? - Look what we found. 美女好!卯死啦 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, where you going? 你要去哪儿? 慢一点…来嘛! 别碰我! Keep walking. 继续走 This is dangerous. 这样很危险 - Dude, come on. - Come here for a sec! 走了啦 I think I know those guys. 我认识那几个人 We got beer! We got bikes! Well, they seem great. Can we go? 他们满酷的,可以走了吗? I'm just gonna see something. 我去看一下 Hey, girlie! All right, all right. We got a taker. 好耶!美女上钩了 Turn around. 回头 - Shut up! - You shut up! I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else. 对不起,我认错人了 No, that's cool. I'll be whoever you want me to be, honey. 没关系,我谁都是 So, what do you say? 怎样? 要不要兜风? You promised me, nothing reckless. 你答应过我不做傻事的 You promised it would be as if you never existed. 你也要我当你从来不存在 - You lied. - You say something, babe? 你骗人 你有说什么吗? You know what? Never mind. 算了,不重要 Stop! Stop, stop, stop! 停车! 停车… Hey, what the hell's wrong with you? 你是怎么搞的? Just curious. 只是好奇吗 - I thought that I saw something. - You... Oh. 我以为我看到了什么 你以为… You're insane, actually. Or suicidal. 你疯啦,或是有自杀倾向 That homeboy could've been a psycho. 那家伙搞不好是个变态 I was about to end up in an FBI interview room like some lame TV show. 我差点像电视影集那样 被FBI带去盘问 God, that was such a rush. 好爽的快感 Awesome. So you're an adrenaline junkie now? 很好 That's cool. You can go bungee jumping. 你寻求快感上了瘾?好极了 你去高空弹跳啊 You don't get on the back of some random loser's motorcycle. 别随便搭变态的摩托车 Crazy. 疯了 Alice, I saw him. 爱丽丝,我看到他了 Maybe I'm crazy now. I guess that's okay. 也许我是疯了,没关系 If a rush of danger is what it takes to see him, 如果危险的快感能让我看见他 then that's what I'll find. 那我就做危险的事 Bella! 贝拉! Where the hell have you been, loca? 你这阵子躲哪去了? I brought you something. 我载了东西要给你 - Okay. - It's a little crazy. 好 有点疯狂啦 Wow. Scrap metal. You shouldn't have. 破铜烂铁,你真大方哩 I saved it from the junkyard. 我去废铁场拿来的 I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth, 花钱去修理应该不值得吧 but then I thought that if I had a mechanic friend - to help me out then... - Ah! 但我又想找会修车的朋友帮我… - Me being the mechanic-type friend? - That's right. 我就是那会修车的朋友? 没错 - Since when are you into motorcycles? - Since now. 你几时开始迷摩托车? 现在开始 I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless. 如果你觉得愚蠢又疯狂 我可以理解 Yeah, I mean, it's completely stupid and reckless. 对,确实是愚蠢又疯狂 When do we start? 何时动手? Um. Now. 现在 - Please? - All right. 拜托嘛 好 Oh, hey, be careful. Those things are actually really heavy, so... 等一下,小心,那些东西… …还满重的 Jake, you're, like, buff. 雅各布,你好猛 How did that happen? You're, like, 16. I don't get it. 怎么会这样? Mmm-hmm. Age is just a number, baby. What are you, like, 40 now? 你才16岁,我不懂 年龄只是个数字 难道你40岁了? It feels like that sometimes. 我偶尔有这种感觉 That song's good. You don't like it? 那首歌很棒,你不喜欢吗? I don't really like music anymore, kind of. 我不太喜欢… 现在不大听音乐了 Okay. No more music. 好,不听音乐 So I was thinking, if we're gonna do this every day, 我在想,如果每天弄这个… and hopefully we will, 最好每天弄啦 we have to, like, fit some homework in there somewhere. 那就要找时间写功课了 I don't want Billy thinking that I'm a bad influence on you. 不然你爸会说我在带坏你 You? Influence me? Please. 你带坏我? 你嘛帮帮忙 Are you... I'm older than you, 你是… so that makes me the influencer and you the influence. 我年纪比你大,所以是我带坏你 你被我影响 No, no, no. My size and knowledge base actually makes me older than you 不对,我块头比你大 玩车的经验也比你久 because of your general paleness and lack of know-how. 而你瘦弱又什么都不懂 I convinced you to build two-wheeled death machines with me. 我说服你来修两轮死机器 Don't you think that makes you kind of young and naive? 不觉得你太嫩太好骗吗? Okay. So where do we stand? 好吧,现在是怎样? - I'm 35. And you might be, like, 32. - Come on. 那我35岁 你大概32岁吧 拜托 - Yo, Jake, you in there? - It's okay. It's just my boys. 雅各布,你在吗? 没关系,是我麻吉 - Hey, Jake. - Hey. Guys, this is Bella. 嗨,雅各布 嗨,这位是贝拉 - Bella, that's Quil and Embry. - Hi. 贝拉,这是奎尔和安柏瑞 嗨 I'm Quil Ateara. 我是奎尔亚德瑞 So the bike building story is true. 你真的在修摩托车喔 Oh, yeah, yeah, I taught him everything he knows. 对,都是我在教他的 What about the part where you're his girlfriend? 他说你是他女友也是真的吗? Uh... We're friends, you know. 我们是朋友啦 - Burn. - Actually, 被打枪了 remember I said she's a girl and a friend. 别忘了我只说她是我女的朋友 Embry, do you remember him making that distinction? 安柏瑞,你记得他有这样讲吗? Nope. 不记得 So you guys have girlfriends? That's awesome. 你们有女朋友?不错嘛 Yeah, right. Quil's actually taking his cousin to prom. 对啦,奎尔要带她表妹去舞会 Yeah, that's still a riot. 对,尽管笑啦 You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny. 布莱克,你想笑吗?我来让你笑 Jeez. Hey, that hold's illegal! 天哪! I got five bucks on Quil. 押5元赌奎尔赢 You're on. 我跟你赌了 All of the astronauts Champagne in plastic cups Waiting for the big hero to show Outside the door he stands His head in his hands And his heart in his throat What can he tell them now Dear Alice, 亲爱的爱丽丝… I wish I had your real address. 好希望我有你真正的地址 I wish I could tell you about Jake. 我好想告诉你雅各布的事 He makes me feel better. 他让我心情好很多 I mean, he makes me feel alive. 他给我活着的感觉 The hole in my chest, 我胸口的大洞… well, when I'm with Jake, it's like it's almost healed 和雅各布在一起时 几乎就像是愈合了 for a while. 暂时愈合 So, Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much. 奎尔一直说他要来 他可能是太喜欢你了 Oh. Well, I'm really not into the whole cougar thing. You know? 我这老女人没兴趣养小狼狗 What's up with you and age? 干嘛一直说自己老? I mean, how old was that Cullen guy, anyway? 库伦家那家伙到底几岁? But even Jake can't keep the dreams away. 但就算是雅各布也赶不走噩梦 Hey, hey, hey! 爱德华… Wake up, Bella. You're okay. You're okay. 贝拉,醒一醒 没事了… I tho
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