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英国文学简史d英国文学简史(上)(中文版) 一、中世纪文学 古英语文学 英格兰岛的早期居民凯尔特人和其他部族,没有留下书面文学作品。5世纪时,原住北欧的三个日耳曼部落——盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特——侵入英国,他们的史诗《贝奥武甫》传了下来。诗中的英雄贝奥武甫杀巨魔、斗毒龙,并在征服这些自然界恶势力的过程中为民捐躯。它的背景和情节是北欧的,但掺有基督教成分,显示出史诗曾几经修改,已非原貌。按照保存在一部10世纪的手抄本里的版本来看,诗的结构完整,写法生动,所用的头韵、重读字和代称体现了古英语诗歌的特色。 ...

英国文学简史(上)(中文版) 一、中世纪文学 古英语文学 英格兰岛的早期居民凯尔特人和其他部族,没有留下书面文学作品。5世纪时,原住北欧的三个日耳曼部落——盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特——侵入英国,他们的史诗《贝奥武甫》传了下来。诗中的英雄贝奥武甫杀巨魔、斗毒龙,并在征服这些自然界恶势力的过程中为民捐躯。它的背景和情节是北欧的,但掺有基督教成分,显示出史诗曾几经修改,已非原貌。按照保存在一部10世纪的手抄本里的版本来看,诗的结构完整,写法生动,所用的头韵、重读字和代称体现了古英语诗歌的特色。 6世纪末,基督教传入英国,出现了宗教文学。僧侣们用拉丁文写书,其中比德所著的《英国人民宗教史》(731年完成)既有难得的史实,又有富于哲理的传说,受到推崇,并译成了英文。 此后,丹麦人入侵,不少寺院毁于兵火,学术凋零。9世纪末,韦塞克斯国王阿尔弗雷德大力抗丹,同时着手振兴学术,请了一批学者将拉丁文著作译为英文,并鼓励编写《盎格鲁—撒克逊编年史》,这是用英国当地语言写史的开始。 中古英语文学 1066年诺曼人入侵,带来了欧洲大陆的封建制度,也带来了一批说法语的贵族。古英语受到了统治阶层语言的影响,本身也在起着变化,12世纪后发展为中古英语。文学上也出现了新风尚,盛行用韵文写的骑士传奇,它们歌颂对领主的忠和对高贵妇人的爱,其中艺术性高的有《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》。它用头韵体诗写成,内容是古代亚瑟王属下一个“圆桌骑士”的奇遇。 14世纪后半叶,中古英语文学达到了高峰。这时期的重要诗人乔叟的创作历程,从早期对法国和意大利作品的仿效,进到后来英国本色的写实,表明了英国文学的自信。他的杰作《坎特伯雷故事集》用优美、活泼的韵文,描写了一群去坎特伯雷朝圣的人的神态言谈;他们来自不同阶层和行业,各人所讲的故事或雅或俗,揭示了多方面的社会现实。同时,还有教会小职员兰格伦写的头韵体长诗《农夫皮尔斯》(一译《农夫彼得之梦》),用梦幻的形式和寓意的象征,写出了1381年农民暴动前后的农村现实,笔锋常带严峻的是非之感。同样宣泄下层人民情绪的还有民间歌谣,它们往往是在长时间的口头流传之后才写定的,其中最初见于15世纪抄本的罗宾汉歌谣,描绘了一群农民劫富济贫、打击教会僧侣和执法吏的事迹,传诵至今。 二、文艺复兴时期文学 16世纪,由于新航路发现后海外贸易发达,英国国力逐渐充实,民族主义高涨,1588年一举击败大陆强国西班牙派来入侵的“无敌舰队”。文化上也出现了一个活动频繁、佳作竞出的文艺复兴局面。 一如在14世纪的意大利,文艺复兴在英国是以重新发现希腊、罗马的古典文化开始的。大学里恢复了古希腊语的教学,接着出现了规模宏大的翻译活动,众多的学者、作家将古代希腊、罗马和近代意、法等国的学术和文学名著译成了早期近代英语。哲学家、教育家、历史家、政治家、宗教人士纷纷从事著述,用不同方式表达了人文主义思想,其中有托马斯·莫尔用拉丁文写的《乌托邦》(1516)。这部作品借一个旅行者谈海外见闻的方式,描绘了一个没有私有制和宗教压迫而崇尚学术的理想社会,而对为了能多产羊毛而大规模圈地、迫使贫苦农民流离失所的“羊吃人”的现实英国作了有力的谴责。 诗歌创作空前活跃,大批诗集出版,开一时风气的重要诗选也陆续问世,其中《杂集》(1557)发表了华埃特和萨里两人对于意大利十四行诗的仿作,使这一诗体在英国生根。到了90年代,锡德尼等著名诗人都出版了十四行诗集,虽然仍以歌颂爱情为主,却能突破旧格局而注入新内容。比十四行更重要的还有其他诗体,或抒情,或叙事,或讽刺,或探讨哲理,都有出色的代表作家,而成就最大的则数斯宾塞。他的主要作品《仙后》(1590~1596)规模宏大,内容丰富,利用中古骑士传奇的体裁,以寓言为主要手法,在精神上却反对天主教而歌颂作为英国民族象征的伊丽莎白女王,传达了正在兴起的清教主义的严峻的道德观,并且出之以优美而多变的韵文,使得斯宾塞不仅独步当时诗坛,而且成为后世讲究诗艺的作家所仰慕的“诗人的诗人”。 诗歌的成就还包括无韵体诗在剧本里的成功运用。诗同剧的结合产生了这一时期文学最骄傲的成果:诗剧。从16世纪80年代起,诗剧作者们摆脱了中古神秘剧、奇迹剧、道德剧的宗教色彩和粗糙技巧,建立了一种生气勃勃的新戏剧,敏锐、强烈地表达了时代精神,在艺术上作了多方面的大胆创新。第一个成功地使无韵体诗变成戏剧媒介的是马洛。他用“壮丽的诗句”写壮丽的人物,如《帖木儿》(1590)中的中亚大帝国的创立者和《浮士德博士的悲剧》(1604)中的追求无限知识的德国博士,同时又在《爱德华二世》(1594)里将一个国王的遭遇写成了英国第一个历史剧。马洛早死,但是诗剧继续成长,经过基德、格林、查普曼、德克、米德尔顿、马斯顿、海伍德等人的创作实践,题材扩大,技巧更趋成熟,至莎士比亚而集大成。 莎士比亚是演员和剧作家,一生写了37部剧本。他博采众长而又自有创造,在历史剧、喜剧、悲剧、传奇剧各方面都写出了杰作。他的9个历史剧包括了从约翰王到亨利五世(亦即从13世纪初到15世纪末)之间连续300年的英国历史,场面之大实属空前,而作者也写得波澜壮阔,反封建、反内战,热情地歌颂了民族国家的形成。他的喜剧活泼多趣,有浓厚的生活气息,其中《仲夏夜之梦》(1596)和《皆大欢喜》(1600)又充满浪漫诗情,令人神驰;《威尼斯商人》(1597)用生动的法庭对抗的场景提出了海外贸易和犹太人放高利贷等经济问题;而结构完整、语言锋利则又数揭露清教徒虚伪的《第十二夜》(1601)。他写悲剧的天才首先见于《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(1595),这个歌颂自由恋爱的剧本象朝露一样新鲜,而一对纯真青年的死又对封建门第的残酷作了有力的控诉,为后来的西欧乃至世界的文学艺术提供了又一个有长远吸引力的主题。1600年以后,他的思想更深刻,技巧也更老练,创作了一系列卓越的悲剧,其中《哈姆雷特》(1601)写一个年轻的人文主义者面对邪恶势力,在怀疑、犹豫之后终于为“重整乾坤”而献出生命;《奥瑟罗》(1604)写一个威尼斯的黑人大将虽然武功盖世,却仍然受到邪恶势力的捉弄,以至亲手杀了无辜的爱妻;《李尔王》(1606)写一个国王在老年做了极不合情理的事,因此也受到极不合情理的对待,终于流落在民间,而在这过程中反而悟到了真理;《麦克白》(1606)则深入探索了野心的毁灭性,在充满迷信和恐怖的气氛里,作者却让他笔下的罪人不时剖析内心,沉思和反省给了这个悲剧以更大的深度。这一时期的作品标志着莎士比亚达到了他的戏剧艺术的顶点。以后他转入传奇剧的写作,以宽恕和解为主题,其中《暴风雨》(1611)仍是有魅力的佳作。 在莎士比亚创作的末期,诗剧仍然繁荣,不仅有鲍蒙特与弗莱彻等人在写传奇剧,还出现了莎士比亚所未曾尝试的社会讽刺剧,其代表作家是琼森。他的最好的剧作是《狐狸》(1606年上演)和《炼金术士》(1610年上演),它们把17世纪初年伦敦社会上的骗子、方士、食客、荡妇、清教徒之流暴露得淋漓尽致,诗句也典丽有力。但琼森后来为了投合宫廷所好而去写假面剧。同时舞台上出现了韦伯斯特、特纳等人写的凶杀剧,他们以绝好的诗才而渲染色情和恐怖,诗剧的败象已现。等到福特、修莱等人的剧本上演,不仅内容猥琐,韵文也虚浮,深为在政治上日益强大、信仰清教主义的资产阶级所不喜,他们所控制的国会于1642年通过法令,封闭了所有戏院。从16世纪兴起的英国诗剧,在经历了60年的光辉灿烂的成长过程之后,至此乃告衰竭 文艺复兴文学中还有丰富多采的散文作品。16世纪的英语虽然稍嫌芜杂,却十分富于表达力,叙事、状物、写景、辩难,无所不能,因此出现了各种风格的散文,繁丽工整如黎里的《尤佛伊斯》(1579~1580),明白晓畅如纳什的《不幸的旅人》(1594),绵密雅洁如胡克的《论教会政策的法则》(1594~1597),简约隽永如培根的《随笔》(1597~1625)。上述黎里与纳什二书也是原始形态的小说。此外还有德洛尼写小城镇手工业者的三本书,特别是写鞋匠的《高贵的行业》(1600),在细节的叙述上已接近后来的现实主义小说。正是由于这时英语表达力强,所以在大规模的翻译活动中也产生了许多优秀的译作,如诺斯所译的普卢塔克的《希腊罗马名人比较列传》(1579)和弗洛里奥所译的蒙田的《随笔集》(1603)。它们都是莎士比亚参考过的书。17世纪初最重要的译作则是1611年由国王詹姆斯一世下令出版的英文《圣经》。它是47位学者集体翻译的成果,吸收了以前英文译本的优点,用词纯朴而富于形象,韵律也饶声调之美,对后来的英语产生了重大而持久的影响。以上思想、学术、诗、诗剧、散文、翻译等方面的活动成就卓越,尤以诗剧为最,使这一时期文学成为欧洲以至世界文学的高峰之一。 三、17世纪文学 16、17世纪之交,英国国内政治经济的矛盾加深,人心动荡,反映于文学的,除了上述诗剧的衰败,还有在散文作品中围绕政治与宗教问题的论争文章的急剧增多,在诗歌中出现了以多恩为代表的玄学派诗和一些称为骑士派的贵族青年所写的爱情诗,前者用新奇的形象和节奏写怀疑与信念交替的复杂心情,显示出当时科学大进展冲击传统文化的影响;后者则表达了一种末世情调。 17世纪40年代,革命终于爆发。人民经过公开审判,处决了国王查理一世,并在打了一场激烈的内战之后建立了以克伦威尔为首的资产阶级政权。在文学上,革命主要表现于两个方面:一是有大量的传单和小册子印行,各种集团特别是属于革命阵营左翼的平均派和掘地派通过它们来发表政见,其中李尔本、温斯坦利等人写得犀利有力;二是出现了一个革命的大诗人——弥尔顿。 弥尔顿对于革命的贡献,首先在于他的政论文。从1641年起,他搁下了早以优美著称的诗笔,而用英文和拉丁文写了许多政论小册子,为英国人民处死国王的革命行动辩护,也发表他的进步主张,如《论离婚》(1643)和《论出版自由》(1644)。他的文章虽然句式繁复,却有雄奇之美,在英国散文中自成一格。 1660年革命遭受了重大挫折,王政复辟。这时弥尔顿已经双目失明,受着政治迫害,但他痛定思痛,把自己的一腔孤愤写进了他一生最后的三大作品。首先是《失乐园》(1667)。这首以人类祖先失去乐园的圣经故事为主题的史诗表达了作者的清教主义,而在对于撒旦的描写中则又倾注着他的革命思想,正是那些歌颂叛逆者的响亮诗行构成了诗中最动人的篇章。继之而来的《复乐园》(1671)叙述耶稣拒绝撒旦诱惑的节操,虽见平淡,仍多佳句。同时出版的《力士参孙》是英文中最出色的希腊式古典悲剧,结构严谨而人物突出。作者写参孙双目失明,身陷囹圄,而仍力抗强暴,终于与敌人同归于尽。这当中有弥尔顿对自己不平凡的一生的回顾,炽热的情感溢出诗行,表示他依然壮怀激烈,不变革命初衷。在艺术上弥尔顿力求完美,以希腊、罗马的古典文学为典范,然又不失英国本色,在他的笔下无韵诗更具有庄严灿烂之美,表现了“雄伟的风格”。 王政复辟以后,文学风气为之一变,盛行嘲笑清教徒的讽刺诗,法国式的“英雄悲剧”和反映浮华、轻佻的贵族生活的“风尚喜剧”。这类喜剧中也有意存讽刺的,如康格里夫的《如此世道》(1700)。这时文坛上的领袖人物是德莱顿,他有多方面的才能,主要成就在政治讽刺诗和文论。也有作家反对当时的社会风尚,如来自下层人民的班扬,他的《天路历程》(1678)用朴素而生动的文字和寓言的形式叙述了虔诚教徒在一个充满罪恶的世界里的经历,对居住在“名利场”的上层人物作了严峻的谴责。这里有清教主义的回响,而作品的卓越的叙事能力又使它成为近代小说的前驱。 还有两类散文作品,带来了新气象。一类是科学文章。1660年成立的皇家学会要求会员用“工匠、乡下人、商人的语言”,尽力把一切事物表达得“象数学那样朴实无华”。另一类是哲学著作,先有霍布斯,后有洛克,都用清楚、有力的文字发表了他们的经验主义哲学和政治思想,特别是洛克的影响深远的社会契约论成了近代资产阶级民主政治的理论基础。求实的文风和民主思想都是资产阶级所欢迎的;国王虽复位,实权还在他们手里。1688年,他们把另一个不得人心的国王赶下了台,从此政权被商人和地主的联盟所牢牢掌握,文学也进入一个新的发展时期。 四、18世纪文学 18世纪前半叶,英国社会安定,文学上崇尚新古典主义,其代表者是诗人蒲柏。他运用英雄偶句体极为纯熟,擅长写讽刺诗,但以发泄私怨居多。表现出启蒙主义精神的主要是散文作家,他们推进了散文艺术,还开拓了两个文学新领域,即期刊随笔和现实主义小说。 期刊文学是应广大读者的要求而兴起。斯梯尔与艾迪生两人有首创之功。前者创办《闲谈者》报 (1709~1711) ,后者继出《旁观者》报(1711~1712),将街谈巷议和俱乐部里的风趣幽默写上了期刊。艾迪生的文笔尤见典雅。后来笛福、斯威夫特、菲尔丁、约翰逊、哥尔德斯密斯等名家都曾主编期刊或为期刊撰稿,可见此风之盛。由于他们的努力,英国式的随笔得到进一步的提高,题材更广泛,文笔也更灵活。 更具英国特色而又对欧洲大陆产生重大影响的则是散文小说。笛福的《鲁滨孙飘流记》(1719)、《摩尔·弗兰德斯》(1722)等书把水手和女仆当做英雄人物来介绍,细节写得十分逼真,虽然书的结构松散,作者却有娓娓动听的说故事的本领,使读者始终保持兴趣。他的文字口语化,善于绘声绘形,而又迅捷有力。这些特点,加上笛福对英国城乡诸色人等的深刻了解,使他奠定了英国现实主义小说的基础。斯威夫特的《格利佛游记》(1726)是以讽刺朝政、表现人类的丑恶为目的的寓言,然而作为故事,也是十分引人入胜。他把现实细节放在十分奇特的幻想的情景之中,而幻想也是正在发展中的英国小说所需要的。世纪中叶,理查逊用书信体小说细致地描写遭遇不幸的少女的内心,以《克拉丽莎》(1747~1748)等大部头小说感动了一整代英国和西欧的读者,法国启蒙思想家狄德罗称之为伟大创造力的表现。但在菲尔丁的眼里,理查逊只是市侩哲学的代表,于是他起而用仿作去讽刺之,其结果却掌握了写小说的艺术,于是有了他自己的创作,其中最受称道的是《弃婴托姆·琼斯的故事》(1749),它的人物、风景、场面都是典型的英国式的。作者歌颂真诚、热心、忠实而又不受传统束缚的青年男女,全书有一种爽朗、清新的空气,而又结构完整,把现实主义小说推进到了一个新的水平。当时及稍后还有斯摩莱特、哥尔德斯密斯、斯特恩等人的小说,或扩充了题材,或实验了新写法,都有建树,因此虽然世纪末出现了渲染神秘恐怖的“哥特小说”,但是现实主义已经成为英国小说中的主流,继续向前发展。 菲尔丁的作品《弃婴托姆·琼斯的故事》插图 出色的散文还见于其他文学品种。约翰逊的《诗人传》(1779~1781)是传记和文论的卓越结合,鲍斯韦尔的《约翰逊传》(1791)开辟了传记文学的新境界,伯克的《论美洲的赋税》(1774)展示了政治讲演术的力量,吉本的《罗马帝国衰亡史》(1776~1788)更以其深刻的启蒙主义思想和典丽的文笔成为全欧钦仰的史学杰作。 然而散文之势虽盛,诗歌并未沉寂,不仅有世纪初的蒲柏和汤姆逊在创作,就是一些散文名家,如斯威夫特、约翰逊和哥尔德斯密斯,也善于写诗。等到世纪后半叶,感伤主义抬头,诗歌也复振,出现了扬格的《夜思》(1742~1745)和格雷的《墓园挽歌》(1750)等佳作,反映了英国许多人在产业革命加紧进行中所感到的痛苦和彷徨。珀西编的《英诗辑古》(1765)引起了对古民歌的爱好,于是仿作者有之,伪造者有之,形成一种对中世纪神往的风气。这时从经济不甚发达的苏格兰传来了农民诗人彭斯的声音,他既是旧民歌的整理者,又是新诗篇的创造者,而吟唱的内容则是爱情和自由、平等、博爱的新思想。后者正是法国启蒙思想的结晶,在80年代之末导致了法国大革命。对这次革命的迎或拒,同情或反对,使英国散文作家发生了严重的分裂,但大多数诗人却在革命初起的“黎明”时刻对人类的未来充满了希望。在这样的气氛中产生了浪漫主义诗歌。 考研英国文学复习要点(参照教材刘炳善《英国文学简史》) 本文供考研英国文学复习第二遍和第三遍的时候使用,第一遍要把教材细读一遍。 很多人觉的文学学的乱七八糟,主要是因为脑子里没有一个清晰的纲领,在临考前脑子里要对文学有很清晰的纲领,这样就算复习的差不多了。有人又问?什么是纲领?比如说英国文学吧,你要知道英国文学大致分为多少个时期,每一个时期有什么总体特点,有什么总体的literary trend,然后这个时期有那些重要的作家,每一个重要的作家都写过什么重要的作品,这些重要的作品大致内容是什么,有什么意义,有什么写作特色,除了这些之外,再对基本的文学术语有所了解就差不多了。当然如果要求选读的,选读作品得另看。这里名词解释都没有具体打上,因为我在做另外一份专门的名词解释的文件,做好了传上来。还有选读作品的,本人学力有限,诗歌部分学的不错,等有空了也制一份文件传上来。 Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题) 2. Romance (名词解释) 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story 4. Ballad(名词解释) 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet) 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释) Part Two: The English Renaissance 8. The Authorized Version of English Bible and its significance(填空选择) 9. Renaissance(名词解释) 10.Thomas More??Utopia 11. Sonnet(名词解释) 12. Blank verse(名词解释) 13. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene”; Amoretti (collection of his sonnets) Spenserian Stanza(名词解释) 14. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读) 15. Christopher Marlowe (“Doctor Faustus” and his achievements) 16. William Shakespeare可以说是英国文学史中最重要的作家,一定要看熟了。四大喜剧,四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的喜剧作品是Hamlet这是肯定的。他的sonnet也很重要,最重要属sonnet18。(其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读) Lecture 1 Part 1 Early and Medieval English Literature “Early” here means English literature in primitive and slavery society. “Medieval period” is a quite special period in English history. In Chinese “Medieval” or “The Middle Age” means “中世纪”. You may hear something about this period. It was called “The Middle Age” because it was considered as the time between ancient world and the modern world. Here “Medieval” means English literature in feudal England before the Renaissance. I. Early English Literature (Anglo-Saxon Literature) 1, Historical Background 1 The earliest inhabitants of the British Isles were Britons, a tribe of Celts. Today most Celts lived in Scotland and Wales. 2 From 55 B.C. to 410 A. D. Romans conquered the Great Britain. The Roman army was led by Julius Caesar, who was a very famous figure in ancient Rome. He was a famous general and conquered lot of places in Europe and then he became dictator of Rome. He had famous words “I came, I saw, I conquered”. You can see how strong this man’s will is. Consequence of Roman conquest: a network of highways; scores of towns, including London; Roman lifestyle 3 English Conquest •Shortly after Romans’ retreat, the Britain was invaded by Anglos, Saxons and Jutes. And by the 7th century Old English emerged. •Anglo-Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism. •Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the 7th century. Before Christianization, Anglo-Saxons believed in old northern European mythologies. If you are interested in old Britain mythologies you may read the famous novel “The Lord of the Rings”, which was a collection of old northern European mythologies. The Christianization of Anglo-Saxons influenced the record of old English literature. 2, Beowulf ?? National epic of English people 1 Definition of epic: an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero 2 Story of Beowulf •Ask students to read the story of Beowulf on textbook by themselves and then ask them “What are the three adventures mentioned in the story?” •The story of Beowulf includes three adventures: killing monster Grendel, killing Grendel’s mother and killing a fire dragon. 3 Some important points •“Beowulf” is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes. However it also reflected the features of the tribal society in Britain. •Originally Beowulf, the great epic, was in oral form and it must be a collective creation. •Beowulf in the epic is a legendary figure. In formal history you can not find a man named Beowulf. ④ Artistic features of “Beowulf” •Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 •Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas. You may find some examples on P6 ⑤ Epic tradition in Europe long narrative verse, part-historical and part-legendary origin This tradition can be traced back to Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey”. Similar works in Europe are “Edda” and “Saga” from Iceland etc. (referring to 《欧洲文学史》) 3, “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” • The book was conceived by King Alfred the Great. He also organized and supervised the writing process of the book. •This book is a very important historical document and specimen of Anglo-Saxon prose. II, Medieval English Literature 1, Historical Background 1 Norman conquest in 1066 marks the establishment of feudalism in England. 2 By the end of the 14th century, the Middle English emerged. 3 The ecclesiastics, from the monks and the clergy to the bishops and archbishops, together possessed over one third of the land in the country and owned numerous serfs, and had their tithes and ecclesiastical courts and the backing of the Pope in Rome. They had much political as well as religious power. Understanding the great influence of Christianity in the medieval Europe is very important for you to understand their literature because Christianity is one of the two resources of European culture. (referring to 《欧洲文化入门》) http://www.for68.com/new/2007/7/wa78193104172770025317-0.htm http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/11407796.html  11 英文的笔记 A Concise History of British Literature Chapter 1 English Literature of Anglo-Saxon Period I. Introduction 1. The historical background (1) Before the Germanic invasion (2) During the Germanic invasion a. immigration; b. Christianity; c. heptarchy. d. social classes structure: hide-hundred; eoldermen (lord) – thane - middle class (freemen) - lower class (slave or bondmen: theow); e. social organization: clan or tribes. f. military Organization; g. Church function: spirit, civil service, education; h. economy: coins, trade, slavery; i. feasts and festival: Halloween, Easter; j. legal system. 2. The Overview of the culture (1) The mixture of pagan and Christian spirit. (2) Literature: a. poetry: two types; b. prose: two figures. II. Beowulf. 1. A general introduction. 2. The content. 3. The literary features. (1) the use of alliteration (2) the use of metaphors and understatements (3) the mixture of pagan and Christian elements III. The Old English Prose 1. What is prose? 2. figures (1) The Venerable Bede (2) Alfred the Great Chapter 2 English Literature of the Late Medieval Ages I. Introduction 1. The Historical Background. (1) The year 1066: Norman Conquest. (2) The social situations soon after the conquest. A. Norman nobles and serfs; B. restoration of the church. (3) The 11th century. A. the crusade and knights. B. dominance of French and Latin; (4) The 12th century. A. the centralized government; B. kings and the church (Henry II and Thomas); (5) The 13th century. A. The legend of Robin Hood; B. Magna Carta (1215); C. the beginning of the Parliament D. English and Latin: official languages (the end) (6) The 14th century. a. the House of Lords and the House of Commons—conflict between the Parliament and Kings; b. the rise of towns. c. the change of Church. d. the role of women. e. the Hundred Years’ War—starting. f. the development of the trade: London. g. the Black Death. h. the Peasants’ Revolt—1381. i. The translation of Bible by Wycliff. (7) The 15th century. a. The Peasants Revolt (1453) b. The War of Roses between Lancasters and Yorks. c. the printing-press—William Caxton. d. the starting of Tudor Monarchy(1485) 2. The Overview of Literature. (1) the stories from the Celtic lands of Wales and Brittany—great myths of the Middle Ages. (2) Geoffrye of Monmouth—Historia Regum Britanniae—King Authur. (3) Wace—Le Roman de Brut. (4) The romance. (5) the second half of the 14th century: Langland, Gawin poet, Chaucer. II. Sir Gawin and Green Knight. 1. a general introduction. 2. the plot. III. William Langland. 1. Life 2. Piers the Plowman IV. Chaucer 1. Life 2. Literary Career: three periods (1) French period (2) Italian period (3) master period 3. The Canterbury Tales A. The Framework; B. The General Prologue; C. The Tale Proper. 4. His Contribution. (1) He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types. (2) He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language. (3) The spoken English of the time consisted of several dialects, and Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech. V. Popular Ballads. VI. Thomas Malory and English Prose VII. The beginning of English Drama. 1. Miracle Plays. Miracle play or mystery play is a form of medieval drama that came from dramatization of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It developed from the 10th to the 16th century, reaching its height in the 15th century. The simple lyric character of the early texts was enlarged by the addition of dialogue and dramatic action. Eventually the performance was moved to the churchyard and the marketplace. 2. Morality Plays. A morality play is a play enforcing a moral truth or lesson by means of the speech and action of characters which are personified abstractions – figures representing vices and virtues, qualities of the human mind, or abstract conceptions in general. 3. Interlude. The interlude, which grew out of the morality, was intended, as its name implies, to be used more as a filler than as the main part of an entertainment. As its best it was short, witty, simple in plot, suited for the diversion of guests at a banquet, or for the relaxation of the audience between the divisions of a serious play. It was essentially an indoors performance, and generally of an aristocratic nature. Chapter 3 English Literature in the Renaissance I. A Historical Background II. The Overview of the Literature (1485-1660) Printing press—readership—growth of middle class—trade-education for laypeople-centralization of power-intellectual life-exploration-new impetus and direction of literature. Humanism-study of the literature of classical antiquity and reformed education. Literary style-modeled on the ancients. The effect of humanism-the dissemination of the cultivated, clear, and sensible attitude of its classically educated adherents. 1. poetry The first tendency by Sidney and Spenser: ornate, florid, highly figured style. The second tendency by Donne: metaphysical style—complexity and ingenuity. The third tendency by Johnson: reaction--Classically pure and restrained style. The fourth tendency by Milton: central Christian and Biblical tradition. 2. Drama a. the native tradition and classical examples. b. the drama stands highest in popular estimation: Marlowe – Shakespeare – Jonson. 3. Prose a. translation of Bible; b. More; c. Bacon. II. English poetry. 1. Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard (courtly makers) (1) Wyatt: introducing sonnets. (2) Howard: introducing sonnets and writing the first blank verse. 2. Sir Philip Sidney—poet, critic, prose writer (1) Life: a. English gentleman; b. brilliant and fascinating personality; c. courtier. (2) works a. Arcadia: pastoral romance; b. Astrophel and Stella (108): sonnet sequence to Penelope Dvereux—platonic devotion. Petrarchan conceits and original feelings-moving to creativeness—building of a narrative story; theme-love originality-act of writing. c. Defense of Poesy: an apology for imaginative literature—beginning of literary criticism. 3. Edmund Spenser (1) life: Cambridge - Sidney’s friend - “Areopagus” – Ireland - Westminster Abbey. (2) works a. The Shepherds Calendar: the budding of English poetry in Renaissance. b. Amoretti and Epithalamion: sonnet sequence c. Faerie Queene: The general end--A romantic and allegorical epic—steps to virtue.( 12 books and 12 virtues: Holiness, temperance, justice and courtesy.( Two-level function: part of the story and part of allegory (symbolic meaning)( Many allusions to classical writers.( Themes: puritanism, nationalism, humanism and Renaissance Neoclassicism—a Christian humanist.( (3) Spenserian Stanza. III. English Prose 1. Thomas More (1) Life: “Renaissance man”, scholar, statesman, theorist, prose writer, diplomat, patron of arts a. learned Greek at Canterbury College, Oxford; b. studies law at Lincoln Inn; c. Lord Chancellor; d. beheaded. (2) Utopia: the first English science fiction. Written in Latin, two parts, the second—place of nowhere. A philosophical mariner (Raphael Hythloday) tells his voyages in which he discovers a land-Utopia.
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