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丛林有情狼对白丛林有情狼 是时候感受一下飞速滑行的感觉了 It's time to ride the slide and taste the wind. 汉弗莱 你真是个天才 Humphrey, you are totally genius. 快点 要出发啦 Come on. Let's do it. 风之狼 Air wolf! 同志们 同志们 Guys. Guys. 我们还在原地呢 We're not moving! 这驯鹿是我的了 This caribou is mine. 凯特 人家不是驯鹿 我可...

丛林有情狼 是时候感受一下飞速滑行的感觉了 It's time to ride the slide and taste the wind. 汉弗莱 你真是个天才 Humphrey, you are totally genius. 快点 要出发啦 Come on. Let's do it. 风之狼 Air wolf! 同志们 同志们 Guys. Guys. 我们还在原地呢 We're not moving! 这驯鹿是我的了 This caribou is mine. 凯特 人家不是驯鹿 我可是你妹妹 Kate, I'm not a caribou. I'm your sister! 抓住你了 Gotcha. 欧米加可不玩这些 Omegas don't play like this. 没人能逃出史上最强大的阿尔法之手 You can't escape the greatest Alpha ever. 是嘛 我刚不就逃脱了 Well, I just did. 我们要完蛋了 We're going to die! 保持平衡 控制好 Keep it steady! Keep it steady! 我刚刚大脑短路了吗 What was I thinking? 棒极了 That was great! 同志们 今天我们成功飞天了 We are flying today, guys. 汉弗莱 怎么是你 Humphrey? 凯特 是你啊 Kate? 你在这里干嘛呢 What are you doing up here? 我在练习捕猎午餐呢 I'm practice hunting for our lunch. 正好 我快要把我的午餐吐出来了 Good, 'cause I'm about to lose mine. 是吗 You are? 我会努力咽下去的 I'll try to swallow it. 凯特 Kate! 是时候回去了 It's time to go. 就来 老爸 I'm coming, Dad. 你去哪儿 Where're you going? 阿尔法学校 要上到春季呢 Alpha school. It goes till spring. 春季吗 Spring? 但还有一整个冬天没过呢 But that's a whole winter away. 汉弗莱 我知道你是凯特的朋友 I know you're Kate's friend, Humphrey. 但到了下个春季 她将是位受训的阿尔法 But by next spring, she will be a trained Alpha, 是整个群体的首领 the future leader of the pack. 毫无疑问你将是个聪明的欧米加 No doubt you'll be a clever Omega. 学着保持距离 Learn to keep the peace. 并且 汉弗莱 And Humphrey, 要记得提醒大家享受生活啊 remind us all to have fun. 可是... 可是... But... But... 阿尔法和欧米加不能... Alphas and Omegas can't... 那话怎么说来着 How do you say it? 那是我们的习俗 狼群的法则 That's our custom. The law of the pack. 狼罗汉 Wolf pile! 幼稚的欧米加们 Silly Omegas. 阿尔法与欧米加 从林服务 锯齿公园 钓鱼和打猎 左转弯 三十度 Take a left! Thirty degrees! 小咸 起帆 Salty, give us some sail draft! 我觉得我感受到了风的气息 I think I taste the wind. 不对 是虫的味道 No, just a bug. 穆池 准备好 调低帆桁 Hey, Mooch, get ready! Lower the boom! -好嘞 -抓紧了 同志们 - All right! - Hang on, boys! 伙计们 我们真得练练... 刹车 Guys, we really need to work on the... brakes! -刹车? -刹车? - Brakes? - Brakes? 狼罗汉 Wolf pile! 把你的屁股从我脸前挪开 Get your butt out of my face. 我们撞到什么了 What did we hit? 春天 Spring. 看看是谁从阿尔法学校回来了 Look who's back from Alpha school. 别妄想吃天鹅肉了 汉弗莱 Forget about it, Humphrey. 凯特现在是阿尔法了 Kate's an Alpha now. 而你还是欧米加 And you're an Omega. 我们就是朋友 We're friends, okay? 没错 就朋友打住 Exactly. Just friends. End of story. 你最好把目光调向那边 You better set your sights over there. 莉芭和珍妮丝 素食狼 Reba and Janice, the vegetarians. 好吧 Okay. 看来今晚我们有驯鹿肉吃了 伙计们 Looks like we're eating caribou tonight, boys. 看 看 Hey. Hey. 东部狼群 Eastern Pack wolves. 小能 浩池 我们有伴儿了 Can-do, Hutch, we've got company. 这下好了 晚餐就这样跑掉了 Great. There goes dinner. 凯特也跑了 And there goes Kate. -天哪 -驯鹿 - Holy... - Caribou! 散开 Scatter to the sides! 看这身手之敏捷 Look at those moves. 看领导我的 Settle the score, leader. 你还好吧 Are you all right? -我还好 -你们到底什么毛病啊 - Yeah, I'm fine. - Hey, what's your problem, 你们这些东部蠢狗 那是我们的猎物 you stupid Eastern dog? That was our hunt. 你不能像那样冲出来打草惊蛇 You can't just snake it out from under us. 小能 退后 Can-do, back off. 你最好听她说的 You better listen to the girl. 松开 小能 浩池 散开 Hey, break it up. Can-do, Hutch, break it up! 好了 欧米加们 该我们出手了 All right, Omegas, duty calls. 住手小能 浩池 住手 Stop it. Can-do, Hutch, stop! -喂 -甜心 - Hey! - Candy! -凯特 -汉弗莱 - Kate. - Humphrey? 我还是轻饶不了这个龅牙傻瓜 I'm still going to tear this snaggletooth fool apart. 伙计们 调低帆桁 Guys, lower the boom! 汉弗莱 我们没时间找乐子 Humphrey, we don't have time for fun. 同志们 算了 别把皮毛弄褶了 Guys, guys, come on. Don't get your fur in a bunch. 你们这群狼给我们抹黑 You wolves are making us look bad. 连驯鹿都笑话我们 Come on, the caribou are laughing at us. 那要是月亮 我可连嗥叫都想省了 Now, that's a moon I don't want to howl to. 西部狼群 回你们地盘去 Western hunt group, get back to the den. 你们两个 回家去 The two of you, go home. 走啊 Now! 欧米加们 干的好 Omegas, good job. 这可好 我的首猎竟被我搞砸了 Great. My first hunt, and I blew it. 凯特 凯特 凯特 Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate. 别责备自己了 你刚才帅呆了 Don't beat yourself up. That's crazy. You were amazing. 我是说 如果饿了 I mean, if anyone's hungry, 我们还可以吃点... they can eat... 他们可以吃... They can always eat... 吃什么呢 What? 给 Here. 可以吃蓝莓 They can eat berries. 蓝莓非常有营养 Berries are really nutritious. 是吗 留着那话跟饥饿的狼群说去吧 Yeah. Tell that to a hungry pack. 东部狼群毁了凯特的狩猎 The Eastern Wolves ruined Kate's hunt. 幸运的是欧米加们在那里阻止了群架 Luckily, the Omegas were there to break up the fight. -莉莉 -怎么啦 - Lilly. - What? 真有意思 别再玩你自己的尾巴了 Very funny. Stop playing with your tail. 凯特 怎么无精打采的 Kate, you're slouching. 这才对嘛 Thank you, honey. 你知道你看起来有多强壮和美丽吗 Do you see how strong and beautiful you are? 我的... My... 任何食物都是恩赐 孩子 Any food is a blessing, dear. 温斯顿 过来和我们一起吃饭 Winston? Come join us for dinner? 速度 Now! 谢谢 亲爱的 Thank you, honey. 菜羹冷炙和骨头怎么能叫饭呢 Scraps and bones is no kind of dinner. 在我这里不行 Not for my pack. 对不起 父亲 I'm sorry, Dad. 那些东部狼群打乱了阵脚 It's just those Eastern Wolves. 不怪你 凯特 It's not your fault, Kate. 当他们闯入我们地盘时 When they crossed into our territory, 他们就破坏了群落守则 they broke pack law. 温斯顿 Winston. 小能被一群东部狼袭击了 Can-do was jumped by a group of Eastern Wolves. 这没什么大不了的 It ain't nothing. 快点 把他带进洞里来 Quickly, bring him into the den. 温斯顿 亲爱的 无论这是谁干的 Winston, honey, whoever did this, 我们都要让他好看 Let's rip his tail off and shove it down his throat. 老大 我们难道就要这样放任 Sir, are we just going to 他们破坏我们的捕猎吗 let them keep raiding our hunts 并且... and... 让我们阿尔法族进入戒备状态 Put our Alphas on alert. 已经办好了 老大 Already done, sir. 好样的 Good job. 伙计们 说实话 驯鹿肉也没那么好吃 Guys, honestly, caribou is overrated. 相反现在应该想开点 Instead, now, keep an open mind, 我只希望你们也能接受其他的食物 I just want you to have an open mind here, 我们给你们带了蓝莓来 we bring you berries. 那松鼠怎么样呢 How about squirrels? 开玩笑的 Bad joke. 松鼠飞了 Flying squirrels. 温斯顿 Winston! 托尼 你看起来气色真好 Tony! You're looking good. 我后背僵得像块木头 椎间盘也裂开了 My back feels like wood. I got this disk that keeps cracking. 我都快被折磨疯了 Drives me crazy. 是啊 托尼 你就是只疯狂的狼 Yeah, Tony, you are one crazy wolf. - 是吗 -是的 - Yeah? - Yeah. 就像你在我们捕猎过程中玩的跟踪把戏 Like that little game of tag during our hunt. 游戏还是让欧米加们去玩吧 Let's leave the playing to the Omegas. 你知道东部已经没有驯鹿可捕了 You know there's no caribou left in the east. 那是你的问题 You got a problem. 部群联盟 温斯顿 是你当初提议 Unite the packs, Winston. It was you who gave the big speech 让你女儿凯特和我儿子卡斯 that your daughter Kate and my son Garth 联姻以团结部群的 would marry and unite the packs. 卡斯知道他的使命 凯特知道吗 Garth knows his responsibility. Does Kate? 别担心 她知道的 Don't worry. She knows. 那就好 Good. 那她今晚可以在月圆狼嗥时跟卡斯见面 Then she can meet Garth tonight at the moonlight howl. 我不会让我的部群挨饿的 温斯顿 I won't let my pack starve, Winston. 非不得已之时 我们就爪牙相见吧 If we have to, we'll fight for the valley. 那肯定是个严重的错误 That would be a big mistake. 凯特 这个... Kate. It's... 没关系 爸爸 我懂 It's okay, Dad. I understand. 这是...这是我的责任 It's... it's my responsibility. 伙伴们 我们得为月圆狼嚎做准备了 Guys, we got to get ready for the moonlight howl. 伙计们 有美眉哦 Guys, girls. 美眉啊 Girls? 你们很拉风啊 You are cool. 这样 让我打头阵... So, let me go ahead... 让美眉们准备迎接你们 我们到时候见 prepare the girls for your arrival and you guys meet me there. 好戏要开始啦 Game on. 美眉 Girls. 凯特 你看着美极了 Kate, you look so beautiful. 如果卡斯越界了 Now, if Garth gets out of line, 就用你那美丽的獠牙 take those beautiful teeth of yours, 朝着他喉咙咬下去直到他一动不动为止 go for the throat, and don't let go until the body stops shaking. 如果我的小公主不想这么做 If my little girl doesn't want to do this, 如果她还没准备好... if she's not ready... 放心 爸爸 我准备好了 Don't worry, Dad. I'm ready. 莉莉 快点 Come on, Lilly. 好了 好了 Okay. Okay. 你的皮毛看起来好极了 Your fur... it looks fantastic tonight. -哦 上帝啊 -我得... - Oh, my Gosh. - I had... 欧米加注意了 Omega alert. 我来搞定这个 I will handle this. 皮毛顺滑无比 It totally relaxes the knots. 你好 Hey. 你好 Hey. 我只有那一招 That's all I've got. 哇 一笑倾城啊 Wow. This is a new feeling. 伙计们 我全看见了 I saw the whole thing, guys. 我不敢相信她们竟然不睬你们 And, I cannot believe they didn't just fall all over you. 你说"你好"的时候我觉得你把握十足呢 When you yelled, ''Hey,'' I thought you cinched it right there. 你觉得你比我更有能耐吗 So, you think you can do better? 拜托 Please. 下个走上山坡的女孩 就是我的了 The next girl that comes up the hill, she's mine. 我从未见过如此美丽的她 I've never seen her look that good. 凯特真是漂亮极了 Kate is hot. 我马上回来 I'll be right back. 站住 Hey. 你觉得你要去哪儿啊 Where do you think you're going? 汉弗莱 你知道规矩的 Humphrey, you know the rules. 你是不能和她共嗥的 她是阿尔法 You're not allowed to howl with her. She's an Alpha. 我们可以一起吃东西 We can eat together. 但我们不能 你知道 共嗥 But we can't, you know, howl together. 伙计们 我知道 我...我就是... Guys, I know. I... I was just... 开玩笑 kidding. 别在意 兄弟 你还有我们呢 Cheer up, buddy. You still got us. 我们可是一辈子的朋友 Friends for life! 糟了 Ugly. 那你见过卡斯了吗 So, do you see Garth? 这下好了 Great. 我连他长什么样子都不知道 I'm not even sure what he looks like. 但我确信... But I'm sure... 我们一眼就能认出他 we'll know him when we see him. 你好 凯特 Hey, Kate. 什么嘛 What? 卡斯 Garth. 莉莉 别碍事 Lilly, stand up. 卡斯 你好 很高兴见到你 Garth, hello. Good to see you. -汉弗莱 -我的屁股 我的屁股 - Humphrey? - My butt! My butt. 真的很疼 It really hurts. 你真该治治你的咳嗽了 You should really do something about that cough. 小心 凯特 事情有些奇怪 Be careful, Kate. There's something going around. 尾巴和耳朵一日不如一日 真的 Tails and ears are falling off, literally. 我叫汉弗莱 Name's Humphrey. 卡斯 Garth. 哇 你很...你很大块头啊 Wow. You are a...you are a big one, aren't you? 你简直就是头驼鹿啊 Wow. You're practically a moose. 你把你的鹿角藏哪儿了 Where you hiding them antlers? 这小不点儿是谁 Who's the coyote? 小不点儿是谁? 我懂了 Who's the coyote? I get it. 很好 因为我是... That's good, 'cause I'm, like... 一个无关紧要的人 No one important. 莉莉 你为何不带着小不点儿 Lilly, why don't you take little coyote 汉弗莱一边儿玩去呢 Humphrey and run along? 走吧 汉弗莱 Come on, Humphrey. 我们一起吃醋去吧 Let's go eat some of those bitter berries. 跟我说说你自己吧 So, tell me about yourself. 卡斯都喜欢干些什么呢 What does Garth like to do? 我很喜欢健身 你知道吗 Well, I'm really into fitness, you know? 短跑 伏地挺身 Rabbit sprints, tree squats. 你知道我们阿尔法必须保持身材来领导部群 You know us Alphas got to keep fit to lead the pack. 但真正让我着迷的是... But, what really gets me going is... 你觉得怎么样啊 Was it good for you? 不可置信 Unbelievable. 你知道... You know... 我只是... I just...just... 稍等一下 我马上回来 Hold on a sec 'cause I'm going to be right back. 我需要喝点水 喝点水 I... I need some water. Some water. 好吧 我马上...就稍等一会 Okay? So, I'll... just... hold on. 没关系 我就继续练练嗓子吧 No worries. I'll just keep my vocal chords warm. 好极了 Yeah. "他是个无关紧要的人" "Oh, he's no one important". "带着小不点儿汉弗莱一边玩去" "Just take little coyote Humphrey and run along." 小不点儿 Coyote. -小白脸呢 -他叫卡斯 - Where's Barf? - It's Garth. 我们中场休息一下 And we're just taking a little break. 休息一下吗 A break? 怎么啦 很奇怪吗 What? Is that so strange? 不不不 你开什么玩笑 No. No, no, no, no. Are you kidding? 我总喜欢狼嚎间休息个十分钟 I always like to take a break minutes into a howl. 我的确要休息一下 Well, I do. 你的狼嚎伙伴 他不是... 身大无脑 Your howling partner, he's not a...he's not a stud. 不是身大无脑 虽很像"身大无脑" Not a stud but, like, it's like "stud" 但...是个无用鬼 无用鬼 是吧 but...a dud. A dud. That's it. Isn't he? 不是 No. 他不是无用鬼 He is not a dud. 实际上 汉弗莱 你会很惊奇地 In fact, Humphrey, you'd be surprised 发现他很...强壮 to find that he is...strong! 没错 没错 强壮 他很... Yes. Yes! Strong! And he's... He's... -骄傲 -对 对 -Proud! -Yes! Yes. 骄傲 他很...那词怎么说来着 Proud. And he's... What's the word I'm looking for? 是阿尔法中的阿尔法 An Alpha's Alpha. 对 他是阿尔法中的阿尔法 That is right! He is an Alpha's Alpha. 你真让我生气 You make me so mad! 嘿 我刚才开玩笑的 Hey, I was just kidding. 你很可爱 You're kind of cute. 真的吗 你认为...哇 我 可爱 Really? You think... So, wow. Okay. Cute. Yeah. 那个...听着 首先 谢谢夸奖 That's...look...Thank you, first of all, 可是你指的"可爱"是 but do you mean "Cute" in, 有点硬汉的 帅帅的"可爱"吗 like, a rugged, kind of handsomely ''Cute''? 屁股上又来一下 Again with the butt. 这些蚊子真是无法无天 These mosquitoes are out of control. 我们火星上见 I'll meet you on Mars, 就在我喝下银河系后 right after I eat the Milky Way. 听起来不错 That sounds good. 留一些给我 Save some for me. 把他们装起来 我们去爱德华州 Bag them up, boys. We're going to Idaho. 遵命 头儿 You got it, chief. 好 就这样 小心那里 Okay. There we go. Watch out there. 凯特? Kate? 多谢参观贾斯珀国家公园 我在哪儿 Where am I? 汉弗莱吗 Humphrey? 是你吗 Is that you? 凯特 我们这是在哪儿 Kate! Where are we? 我不知道 I don't know. 我们可能已经死了 Maybe we're dead. 没有 绝对没死 Nope. Definitely not dead. 最起码他们有水让我们喝 At least they left us some water. 你有水喝吗 You got water? 不对 绝对不是水 Nope. Definitely not water. 凯特 你在干嘛呢 Kate, what are you doing? 试着逃出去 Trying to get out. 冷静一下 Calm down. 听着 他们可能要把我们送去 Listen, maybe they're taking us to 食物更充足的地方 where there's more food. 又或者我们就是食物 Or maybe we are the food. 有道理 反抗 反抗 Kate, you're right. Fight. Fight. Fight. Fight. 好了 Yeah. 可以了 放他们出来吧 All right. Set them free. 看他们跑的 Look at them go. 哇 Wow. 这里不是贾斯珀公园 This isn't Jasper. 但这里实在是帅呆了 Yeah, but it sure does... Rock! 快点 趴下 Quick, get down! 他们在干嘛呢 What are they doing? 这将是多么令人沸腾的时刻啊 What a smashingly brilliant story this is. 来自北极圈的小鹅 The golfing goose from the low 积分正遥遥领先 regions of the Arctic Circle is leading the pack. 他用错球杆了 He's using the wrong club. 能帮个忙吗 小刺们 Could you do me a favor, Needles, 请闭上你们说话的嘴 and shut the hole that makes the words. 看起来 它们在玩某种诡异的游戏 Looks like they're playing some sort of weird game. 或许他们知道能让我们回家的路 Maybe they can tell us how to get home. 好主意 如果他们不知道的话 Yeah. And if they can't, 我们就吃了他们 we can eat them. 没错 跟我走 Yeah. Follow my lead. 我就在你身后 Yeah, I'm right behind you. 这杆是我的了 Now you will see, this shot is mine. 帅呆了 漂亮一击 Splendid! Wonderful hit, sir. 马上就好 Just a minute! 过程纠结了点 不过跑得不错 It's ugly, but a good runner. 你看见了吗 看见了吗 Did you see that? Did you see that? 这鸟毁了你的小鸟球 I guess the birdie ruined your Birdie. 你说了小鸟球 说明你承认球进洞了 You mark it ''Birdie'' because it would have gone in. 理论上来说 是可能会进 Technically, sir, it might have gone in. 我的球被那只蠢鸟给毁了 That silly bird stopped my shot from going in. 所以 就不应该再记杆了 So, I will not take an extra stroke. 快记下 是小鸟球 Mark it Birdie! 那 那算是个障碍物 Well, it... it was an obstacle. 不管谁打 都得有障碍物 And everyone has to play with the obstacles. 再说了 我们不能打假球 You know, we wouldn't want to lie. 如果你是法国人的话这压根不算假球 This is not a lie. This is not a lie if you are French. 法裔加拿大人 Well, French-Canadian. There's a slash, 不能算是法国人 a hyphen, in between there. -我就认为是法国人 -加拿大人 - I say French. - Canadian. -法国 -加拿大 - French. - Canadian. -法国 -加拿大 先生 - French! - Canadian, sir. 不管怎么说 您都是个厉害的高尔夫球员 May I just say, though, that you are a wonderful golfer. 你也是个非常好的球童 And you are a very good caddie. 快跑 Take off! 帕蒂 你怎么了 Paddy, what is wrong with you? 你 你们好 Hello. 你们是 两只狼 You are two wolves. 虽然我在这还没怎么见过狼 I have not seen many wolves in these parts. 但是我不怕 不怕 But I am not afraid of wolves. No. 我爱狼 I Iike wolves. 好极了 我们就想问几个问题 Good. 'Cause we just want to ask you a few questions. 没问题 快看身后 Yes. Quick! Look behind you! 抓住他 Grab him! 你是想尝尝法国式的反抗吗 So, you want to face the French Resistance? 是法裔加拿大式 That's French-Canadian! 我的屁股 屁股 屁股 My butt! My butt! My butt! 这是个有出息的欧米加 Omegas. 这已经不能算是游戏了 This is not a game anymore! 你难道不洗脚的吗 Don't you wash your feet? 小心树杈 Look out for the trees! 小心 Watch that. 真漂亮 先生 Nice one, sir. 抓住你啦 Gotcha. 不 Oh, no. 这样会很痛的 That's got to hurt. 感觉如何 小蠢狼 How do you like it now, wolf? 一杆即中 先生 Hole in one, sir. 兄弟 我可不是那么容易对付的 You have bit of more than you can chew this time, my friend. 救命 Help! 天哪 我得找个 My goodness. I... Look out for the... 不 不 不 不 No. No. No. No. No. No. 他肯定完蛋了 He's a goner for sure. 等等 你们在看什么 看什么呢 Wait, what are you looking at? What are you looking at? 弗兰克 见到你真好 Hey, Frank. 好吧 你有什么问题 Okay. You have a question? 没错 我们现在在哪儿 Yeah. Where are we? 爱达荷 Idaho? 啥跟啥 Ida-who? 爱达荷 一个有山 有河 有湖 Oui, Idaho, land of mountains, rivers, lakes, 还有很多很多土豆的地方 and a few billion potatoes. 锯齿国家公园 Sawtooth National Wilderness. 爱达荷 我们在这里干嘛 What are we doing in Idaho? 你们被安排到这里来繁衍后代 You were relocated to repopulate. 他们希望你们大狼 能生一堆小狼 They want you big wolves to make a lot of little wolves. 听上去不错啊 公园里可不能少了狼 Sounds good to me. Park shouldn't be without some wolves. 我的意思是 对公园来说 挺好的 I mean, only for the good of the park. 所以 你们是非法同居对吧 So you two are undomesticated partners? 帕蒂 好好说话 Paddy, please. Don't be rude. 你们是男女朋友吧 So, you two are boyfriend, girlfriend? 你们合二为一了吗 You are an item? -这个 -没有 - Well... - No. 你们这些狼 可真有趣 You wolves, you are funny. 我们必须马上回家 We have to get home now. 我不回去的话贾斯珀会有大麻烦的 There's going to be trouble if I don't get back to Jasper. 好吧 好吧 你有点神经质了 Right. All right. You're freaking out. 我没发疯 只是我不得不回去 I'm not freaking out. I just have to get home. -是因为那小白脸吗 -他叫卡斯 - Is this about Barf? - It's Garth. 再说了这是关乎责任的问题 And it's about responsibilities. 我也不指望你能懂 So, I don't expect you to understand. 能请你帮个忙吗 Can you help me? 我需要马上回家 I need to get home fast. 好吧 速速小姐 All right, Miss Fast. 你温馨的家在哪儿 Where is home sweet home? 加拿大的贾斯珀公园 Jasper Park, Canada. 贾斯珀公园 开玩笑啊 Jasper park? Get out of here. 我们最喜欢贾斯珀公园了 We love Jasper Park! 没错 没错 我们去那儿旅游好多次了 Yes, yes. We've toured it many times. 拜托 帕蒂 我们去那旅游很多次了 Paddy, please. We've toured it many times. 我和一只从那儿过来的尖嘴鸭约会过一次 I dated a pintail from Jasper once. 她一直呱呱地叫个不停 我都要疯了 She never stopped quacking. Drove me nuts. 你受不了的话正好给我 Drove her right to me. 注定的 注定的 Bound to happen. Bound to happen. 那你能帮我回家了 So, you can help me, then, get home. 我们好久没上贾斯珀那儿玩了 We haven't played Jasper in quite a while. 听上去会是个不错的主意 I think it would be a smashing idea. 确实如此 我会帮助你们的 This is true. So, of course I will help. 我喜欢你俩 你们是我的开心果 I like you two. You make me laugh. 再说了 我还欠你们一个人情 And you didn't eat me, 因为你们没有吃我 so I owe you favor. 她去哪儿了 Where did she go? 那正是我要问的问题 Maybe I should ask you. 你知道这不是我的风格 You know that's not my style. 我的部下 小能 了解你的风格 My wolf, Can-do, knows your style. 我就想说一件事 I just want to say one thing. 如果你的手下胆敢伤害我女儿 If any of you wolves have hurt my daughter, 我会亲自挖出你的眼睛 I will personally rip out 塞进你的喉咙 your eyes and shove them down your throat 让你亲眼看到我是如何撕裂你的身体的 so you can see my claws tear your carcass open! 妈妈 Mom? 宝贝 妈妈在怒火中 一会儿再说 Not now, dear. Mommy's in a rage. 既然凯特放了卡斯飞机 Well, since Kate stood up Garth, 我可以在她回来之前带卡斯到处看看 I could show him around until she gets back. 我不会说她放了我飞机 I wouldn't say ''Stood up.'' 卡斯 Garth! 听起来不错 Sounds good to me. 那来吧 卡斯 Well, come on, Garth. 很温柔吧 从我这儿继承的 Isn't that sweet? She gets it from me. 满月是最后时限 I'll give her till the full moon. 今天天气特别好 It is beautiful out there. 都有去田地里挖土豆的冲动了 Almost makes you want to hit the potato patch. 如果你还没出门的话就快行动吧 If you haven't already hit the outdoors, get on out your door. 今天的天气是... The weather today is... 你们回家的车 Your ride home. 快 进去 Quick! Get in! 搞什么 一天被关在箱子里两回 What? Boxed up twice in one day. 什么倒霉运啊 What are the odds? -躲起来 -快 - Hide! - Hide! 那是斯卡蔻丝夫妇 That right there is Garn and Debbie Theocarcus. 你们运气不错 Lucky for you, they travel 他们每年都会先去锯齿再去贾斯珀 every year to Jasper right after Sawtooth. 天气真好 老婆大人气色也非常不错 The day's looking pretty, and so is my woman. 这是那首让我们相遇的歌 This is the song we met to. 来 亲爱的 我们来跳舞吧 Come here, you. Let's dance. -钻进来 -快 - Down here. - Hurry. 他曾经摩托车队的 她是图书管理员 Now, he was in a motorcycle gang, and she was a librarian. 所谓异性相吸 And opposites attract, if you will. 没错 不过这次是因为书店也贩卖啤酒 Exactly. In this case, it was a bookstore that also sold beer. 他们就这么相遇了 So, they met. 快 我们得进车里了 Come on. We have to get in. 棒极了 All right. Here we go. 你就是我的白马王子 You're just a dream. 我跳起来像个小兔子 对吧 亲爱的 I'm like a little bunny. Aren't I, dear? 我爱你 黛比 I love you, Deb. 我也爱你 I love you, too. 快进去 快 Get inside now. Get inside. Quick. 哎 又要回箱子里了 Well, back in a box. 你俩一路顺风 Good luck, you two! 我们会在天上照看你们的 We will be watching out for you from above! 好吧 我会看着你们的 Well, I'll be watching out for you. 他会在一旁喘气 He will be breathing heavily. 如果无从选择 我们会为了溪谷而战斗 If we have to, we'll fight for the valley. 汉弗莱 Humphrey? 为什么要叫兔粑粑山 So, why is this called Rabbit Poo Mountain? 因为兔子爱在这个地方拉屎 Because this is where rabbits like to poo. 开个玩笑啦 I was just kidding. 我懂了 你是负责搞笑的欧米加 I get it. You're a funny Omega. 好吧 快逗我笑 Okay. Make me laugh. 我是谁 What am I? 这难到我了 You got me. 是个翻不过身来的海龟 It's a turtle that fell and can't get up. 挺像的 That's pretty good. 那这又是什么呢 Okay. What's this? 是个在路上被压死的海龟 It's turtle road kill. 你还能扮什么 What else can you do? 我只会扮海龟 I just do turtles. 好了 该到我了 Okay, it's my turn. 你想看看阿尔法会做什么吗 You want
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