首页 9-11讲:英汉互译实践与技巧



9-11讲:英汉互译实践与技巧null 英汉互译实践与技巧 关晓薇 angel_gxw@yahoo.com.cn 15998555036 英汉互译实践与技巧 关晓薇 angel_gxw@yahoo.com.cn 15998555036null第一讲 翻译简论 第二讲 英汉语言对比研究 第三讲 Diction 遣词用字 第四讲 Amplification 增词法 第五讲 Omission 省略法 第六讲 Conversion 转换 第七讲 Restructuring 结构调整 第八讲 The Passive Voice 被动语态 第九讲 Affi...

null 英汉互译实践与技巧 关晓薇 angel_gxw@yahoo.com.cn 15998555036 英汉互译实践与技巧 关晓薇 angel_gxw@yahoo.com.cn 15998555036null第一讲 翻译简论 第二讲 英汉语言对比研究 第三讲 Diction 遣词用字 第四讲 Amplification 增词法 第五讲 Omission 省略法 第六讲 Conversion 转换 第七讲 Restructuring 结构调整 第八讲 The Passive Voice 被动语态 第九讲 Affirmative vs. Negative肯定与否定 第十讲 Nominal Clauses 名词性从句 第十一讲 Attributive Clause 定语从句 第十二讲 Adverbial Clause 状语从句 第十三讲 Long Sentences 长句的翻译 null实用文体翻译1:简历 实用文体翻译2:求职信 实用文体翻译3:通知 实用文体翻译4:致辞 实用文体翻译5:企业或学校简介 实用文体翻译6:新闻英语 实用文体翻译7:考研英语 实用文体翻译8:论文题目、摘要 实用文体翻译9:科技英语第九讲 Affirmative vs. Negative 肯定与否定第九讲 Affirmative vs. Negative 肯定与否定一、教学重点: 1. 英译汉的正反交替 2. 否定的陷阱 二、教学内容: 1. 英汉翻译中的正反交替 2. 汉英翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替1) " Full negatives" : no, not, none, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere, neither, nor; 2) "Semi negatives" : hardly, scarcely, seldom, barely, few, little, etc; 3) "Partial negatives" : not every, not all, not both, not much, not many, not always, etc. 4) "Words with negative implication": fail, without, beyond, until, unless, lest, ignorant, refrain, refuse, neglect, absence, instead of, other than, except, rather than, etc. Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替1、Affirmative in English but Negative in Chinese Such a chance was denied (to) me. 我没有得到这样一个机会。 (v.) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签订这种 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 (prep.) The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrender. 游击队员们宁愿战斗到死也决不投降。 (conj.) The lecturer spoke above the heads of his audience. 讲演者讲得太深奥 ,听众听不懂。(preposition) Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替2、Negative in English but Affirmative in Chinese The doubt was still unresolved after his repeated explanation. 虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。(v.) He manifested a strong dislike for his father's business. 他对他父亲的行业表示强烈的厌恶情绪。(n.) Don’t lose time in posting this letter. 赶快把这封信寄出去。(phrase) Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替3、 Same English Word, with Either Affirmative or Negative Equivalents in Chinese I'm new to the work. 这工作我是生手。(这工作我不熟悉。) The station is no distance at all. 车站近在咫尺。(车站一点儿也不远。) It’s no less than a fraud. 这简直是一场骗局。(这无异于一场骗局。) Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替4、Double Negative for Emphasis There is no rule that has no exception. 任何规则都有例外。 There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 有一利必有一弊。 It is impossible but that a man will make some mistakes. 人不会不犯错误。 Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替5、Roundabout Affirmative He didn’t half like the girl. 他非常喜欢那姑娘。 I couldn’t feel better. 我觉得身体好极了。 I couldn’t agree with you more. 我太赞成你的看法了。 He can’t see you quick enough. 他很想尽快和你见面。Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替6、Some Traps in Negative Structures 1) not... because The engine didn’t stop because the fuel was finished. 引擎并不是因为燃料耗尽而停止运转。 2) cannot...too The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated. 这次会议的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分。 You cannot be too careful in proofreading. 校对时,越仔细越好。Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替3) all/every ... not All that glitters is not gold. 发光的不一定都是金子。 No, everything is not straightened out. 不,并非每一个问题都弄清楚了。 4) both... not But you see, we both cannot go. 但是我告诉你,我们俩不能同时都走。 Both the instruments are not precision ones. 这两件东西不都是精密仪器。Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替Ⅰ. Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的正反交替5) for all You may leave at once for all I care. 你尽可立即离开,我才不管呢。 For all we knew, the files we were supposed to photograph were already on their way. 说不定那些该由我们去拍摄的文件已在途中。 6) It be + adj.+ n.+ that… It is a good workman that never blunders. 智者千虑, 必有一失。 It is a long lane that has no end. 路必有弯。( 凡事总有变化,不会永远不变。)Ⅱ. Negation in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译中的正反交替Ⅱ. Negation in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译中的正反交替1、Negation According to Usage 在他还没来得及阻拦我之前, 我己经跑出教室。 Before he could stop me, I had rushed out of the classroom. 俗话说,"男儿有泪不轻弹,皆因未到伤心处”. As the saying goes,"Men only weep when deeply hurt.Ⅱ. Negation in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译中的正反交替Ⅱ. Negation in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译中的正反交替2、Negation for Emphasis or Rhetorical Effect 我们讨论问题时,不能忘记这些基本点。 These basic concepts must be kept in mind in our discussion. 党的十六大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。 The 16th Party congress fully demonstrates that our Party is flourishing and has no lack of successors. 3、Negation to Convey Exactly the Original Meaning 到目前为止,该组织辜负了世界人民所奇予的希望。 This organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world place in it. “我找老王说旬话,马上就回来”. “Just to have a word with Wang. I won’t be long!” nullPractice: They often talk horse. That woman walks the streets. I'll report that official. The machine is in repair. We'll stand up to the project. Don't make a fuss of them! She is in the dock. The boss gave her the sack. That girl student is in the green. The old lady has gone to her rest That young man has lost his heart. The old man often takes his medicine. That fellow did hard labor for 3 years. The woman in labor is his wife. I'm not a little afraid of snakes.他们常常吹牛。 那个妇女是妓女。 我要检举那位官员。 那台机器状况良好。 我们将抵制这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 别讨好他们! 她在被告席。 老板解雇了她。 那女学生正值豆寇年华。 那个老太太安息了。 那个青年人处于热恋之中。 那老人常忍受不愉快的事。 那个家伙服过三年劳役。 分娩的妇女是他的妻子。 我很怕蛇。nullPractice: We charged him to do it. They surprised him doing it. I have see him through. He is the Speaker. Where is the Book? Do you know anything about Japan? I bought some salts yesterday. The man is in the dumps. Don't call him names! The little boy is a love child. He is a confidence man. He is a medicine man. What he bought is invaluable. This is a disused machine. He is disinterested in the affairs. 我们责令他干那事。 他们撞上他做那个事。 我帮助他过难关。 他是议长。 《圣经》在哪? 你了解 日本漆吗? 我昨天买了一些泻药。 那个人神情沮丧。 别骂他! 那个小男孩是私生子。 他是个骗子 . 他是个巫医。 他买的东西价值连城。 这是一台废弃的机器。 他在此事上公正无私。nullPractice: One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood. One may as well be asleep to read for anything but to improve his mind and morals, and regulate his conduct. 那座大楼处于无人管理的状态, 任何事物部有两点,说只有一点,叫"知其一不知其二。第十讲 Nominal Clauses 名词性从句第十讲 Nominal Clauses 名词性从句一、教学重点: 1. 名词性从句的翻译 2. 同位语从句的翻译 二、教学内容: 1. 英语名词性从句的翻译 2. 汉语复句的翻译Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译1、Subject Clauses 1) Subject Clauses Introduced by Pronouns Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression. 他此行所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。 2) "It“ Functions as a Formal Subject It doesn't make much difference whether he attends the meeting or n 他参不参加会议都没多大关系。Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译2、Object Clauses I take it for granted that you will come and talk the matter over with him. 我理所当然地认为 ,你会来跟他谈这件事的。 We have no definite information yet as to which route he will take. 关于他将走哪条路线 ,我们还没有确切的消息。 3、Predicative Clauses This is where the shoe pinches. 这就是问题的症结所在了。 Things are not always as they seem to be. 事物并不总是如其表象。Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译4、Appositive Clauses 1) Keeping the Original Order He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again. 他表示希望能再来中国访问。 2) Converting into an Attributive Order or an Independent Clause It does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay. 迟延应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译3) Using Punctuation Marks or Specific Words Punctuation marks : colon, dasher ; expressions : “这样”,“这种”, “这一”,“即" But considering realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good. 但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样一个事实: 我们的前景并不妙。 Not long ago the scientists made an exciting discovery that this "waste“ material could be turned into plastics. 不久以前,科学家们有了一个令人振奋的发现,即可以把这种废物变为塑料。 Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译Ⅰ. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译4) Changing into Sentences without the Subject An order has been given that the researchers who are now in the skylab should be sent back. 己下命令将目前在太空实验室里的研究人员送回来。 However, the writing of chemical symbols in the form of an equation does not give any assurance that the reaction shown will actually occur. 但是将化学符号写成反应式,并不意味着所表示的反应确实会发生。 Ⅱ. Translation of Chinese Complex Sentences 汉语复句的翻译Ⅱ. Translation of Chinese Complex Sentences 汉语复句的翻译1、Sentence Combination 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有12把,五颜六色,大小不一。 In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 我有一个问题弄不清楚,想请教你,你能回答吗? Could you kindly answer a question which is puzzling me? 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具。农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝伏态,由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重了。 The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of he information media.null2、Sentence Sequence 只要己发现有可能反对他的人 ,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这个人争取过来 , English version A: When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist. his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. English version B: As soon as he finds any possible opponent, he is, by instinct, to have an inclination for winning him over with charm and humor. English version C: The sight of any potential antagonist arouses his innate impulse for winning him over with charm and humor.第十一讲 Attributive Clauses 定语从句第十一讲 Attributive Clauses 定语从句一、教学重点: 1. 英语定语从句的翻译 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 2. 兼有状语功能的定语从句 二、教学内容: 1. 英汉定语结构的对比 2. 限制性定语从句 3. 非限制性定语从句 4. 兼有状语功能的定语从句 Ⅰ. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures 英汉定语结构的对比Ⅰ. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures 英汉定语结构的对比 This is the cat. 这就是那只猫 This is the cat that killed the rat. 这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake。 *这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了蛋糕的老鼠的猫。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house. *这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built. *这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。Ⅰ. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures 英汉定语结构的对比Ⅰ. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures 英汉定语结构的对比This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake。 这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。 老鼠偷吃了蛋糕。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house. 这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。 老鼠偷吃了放在屋里的蛋糕。 This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built. 这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。 老 鼠偷吃了放在屋里 的蛋糕。 屋子是杰克盖的。 Ⅱ. Restrictive Attributive Clauses 限制性定语从句Ⅱ. Restrictive Attributive Clauses 限制性定语从句1. Combination Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with. 污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切间题。 July and August are the months when the weather is hot. 七八月是天气很热的月份。null2. Division They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个埋想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲了自已的生命。 Between these two tiny particles, the proton and the electron, there is a powerful attraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges. 在质子和电子这两个微粒之间有一个很大的吸引力,而这个吸引力总是存在于正、负电荷之间。 They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased。 他们制定出一种新方法,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。null3. Mixture There were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month. 在那群人中,有些人每天站在那里,站了一个月。 There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. 楼下有人要见你。 There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and the ability to be magnetized. 某些金属既能导电,又能被磁化。 We used a plane of which almost every part carried some identification of national identity. 我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个件部件都有国籍的某些标志。 Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句1. Division 1) Translating into Compound Sentences by Repeating the Antecedents The process of combining with oxygen is oxidation, of which burning is one type. 与氧结合的过程就是氧化,燃烧就是其中的一种。 This is a college of science and technology, the students of which are trained to be engineers or scientists. 这是一所科技大学,该校学生将被培养成工程师或科学工作者。Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句2) Translating into Compound Sentences by Omitting the Antecedents After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 饭后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到深夜。 This type of meter is called a multimeter, which is used to measure electricity. 这种仪表称为万用表,用来测量电流。Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句3) Translating into Independent Sentences One time there was a violent thunderstorm,the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective. 有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我平生所仅见。这场暴风雨遮住了我的目标。 Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully, which showed that the computations were accurate. 不过,问题还是圆满地解决了。这说明计算很准确。Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句Ⅲ. Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句2. Combination The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor. 整天躲在云层里的太阳 ,现在又光芒四射地露面 了。 He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant. but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情洋溢的妹妹 ,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句1、Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Cause We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays than our eyes. can see clearly in the night. 我们知道, 由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜也能看得很清楚, You must grasp the concept of "work“ which is very important in physics. 你必须掌握“功”的概念,因为它在物理学中很重要。 Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句2、Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Result There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 这个 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 富于创造性,独具一格,很有魄力,因此他们都很喜欢, Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance. 铜的电阻很小,所以广泛地用来传输电力。Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句3、Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Concession He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for. 他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。 The scientist, who was dog-tired, went on with the experiment. 那位科学家虽己筋疲力尽,但还是继续进行实验。Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句4、Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Condition Men become desperate for work, any work,which will help them to keep alive their families. 人们拼命想得到工作,不管什么工作,只要能维持一家人的生活就行。 A body that contains only atoms with the same general properties is called an element. 物质如果包含的原子性质都相同,则称之为元素。 Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句Ⅳ. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials兼有状语功能的定语从句5、Translating into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Purpose They have built up a new college here, where students will be trained to be engineers and scientists. 他们在这里建了一所学院,以培养科技人才。 I’ll try to get an illustrated dictionary dealing with technical terms, which will enable me to translate scientific literature more exactly. 我要设法弄一本有插图的技术名词词典,以便把科学文献译得更准确。nullPractice: We cleaned the room against your coming. They are preparing a substantial meal against his return. Samples are subject to a series of tests in the lab, the object of which is largely to determine the correct processing methods to be adopted in each case. On flat ground you plow disgustedly through the mud, often getting well over your ankles. But on a climb you do worse. We all developed "Dunkirk throat" , a sore hoarseness that was the hallmark of those who had been there. A revolution of declining expectations vaporizes the hopes and dreams of only yesterday. A little after midnight the pilot landed narrowly averting a crackup. The ship turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over100 feet out of the water beside her. nullWhen they find who killed that kid and its mother, they'll throw the book, and never mind who it hits. Modem linguistics gets its charter from Leonard Bloomfield' s Language. If we want your two cents, we'll ask for it. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. When John was talking about the affair, we smelled a rat. Hoover was proud of his wife. She spoke five languages fluently and set. what was considered to be the finest table in White House history. Miss Crawley admitted her as a dear, artless, tenderhearted, affectionate. incomprehensible creature.实用文体翻译六——新闻英语翻译实用文体翻译六——新闻英语翻译一、教学重点: 1. 新闻英语标题的翻译 2. 新闻英语的特点 3. 新闻英语的翻译技巧 二、教学内容: 1. 新闻的结构 2. 新闻英语的词汇、句法、 语篇特点 3. 新闻英语的翻译技巧 Ⅰ. 新闻的结构Ⅰ. 新闻的结构1 标题(Headline) 2 导语(Lead) 3 主体(Body) 语言总体风格:大众性、趣味性和节俭性 Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译1 . 标题的语言特点 1.1 特殊表达 省略:冠词、介词、联系动词、连词、代词等 2008 Olympic security budget ready for approval 译文:2008北京奥运安全预算正待批 Hungry dog saves abandoned baby 译文:一条饿狗救弃婴 Nations favours US-DPRK contact 译文:联合国看好美朝接触 时态 Car bombs kill 7, wound 19 译文:汽车连环爆炸,7死19伤 Song reaches Beijing 译文:宋楚瑜抵达北京 Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译 Subway to Change Locals' Lives No.1 Line to Start Construction on 28th 译文:改变市民生活的地铁1号线28日动工 EU not to ease visa barriers 译文:欧盟将不放松签证障碍 Across US, residents opening homes to Katrina refugees 译文:全美居民为“卡特里娜”飓风灾民敞开家园 US congress sending $10.5B in relief aid 译文:美国国会送出105亿美元救济 语态 UN’s paramount role stressed at memorial New concept wanted to solve water shortage Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译1.2 词汇特点 多用短小词 World eyes mid-East peace talks 世界关注中东和平谈判 (eyes = watches) Beijing: Tokyo must back words with actions 中国认为:日本必须拿出行动支持自己的言论 (back=support) Suspects held 嫌疑犯被捕(held = arrested) 广泛使用缩略语 EU may free Chinese goods next month 欧盟下月可能放宽中国纺织品出口 (EU = European Union) ICBC and CCB step up co-operation 中国工商银行和中国建设银行加强合作 Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译2 标题的翻译技巧 翻译时应兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题意义,尤其是要透过字面理解其深层意义;在不曲解原意的情况下发挥汉语特点,以增强译文可读性;在文化背景缺失的情况下,注意译文的可接受性。 2.1 直译或基本直译 如果英语标题的含义明白,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,可考虑采用直译或基本直译 Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕泳将喜夺首金 UK’s oldest person dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译2.2 增减词法 加上逻辑主语,或电讯中有关的人的国籍、事件发生的地点等等 Astronauts cheered in Houston 美国宇航员在休斯顿欢庆胜利 Song reaches Beijing 台湾亲民党主席宋楚瑜抵达北京 China demands for bombing Probe and apology 中国要求北约就轰炸中国驻南使馆事件进行全面调查和道歉 Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译2.2 增减词法 增加词语使意义完整 Older, wiser, calmer 人愈老,智愈高,心愈平 Japanese dash to US to say “I do” 日本情侣蜂拥美利坚 牧师面前誓言“我愿意” 减词 Animal world captured in movies 电影中的动物世界 Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译2.3 用词新颖别致 Fly me to the moon? That'll be $100 million 你想绕月旅行吗?一亿美元让你梦想成真 Super girls: boon or farce? 超级女声:庆典还是闹剧? 2.4 言简意赅, 富有文采 NASA sends shuttle to space, debris fears arise “发现”号顺利升空, 碎片脱落引悬疑 Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译Ⅱ. 新闻英语标题的翻译2.5 尽量再现原文修辞特点 No Fans? “No fret!”------头韵(all iteration) 赛场没人气?“咱可没生气!”------押韵加叠词 After the Booms Everything Is Gloom------尾韵(rhyme) 繁荣不再萧条即来---
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