首页 纸叠玫瑰花的图解方法



纸叠玫瑰花的图解方法1.取一张正方形的纸 2.横向对折,折好的每边再对折,再对折1次,纸上留下横向的折痕共7道 3.纵向对折,折好的每边再对折,再对折1次,纸上留下纵向的折痕共7道 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construc...

1.取一张正方形的纸 2.横向对折,折好的每边再对折,再对折1次,纸上留下横向的折痕共7道 3.纵向对折,折好的每边再对折,再对折1次,纸上留下纵向的折痕共7道 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 4.展开纸,对角折 5.打开以后,留下折痕如上 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 6.四边角折起 7.沿一条对角线对折 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 8.找到对角线上方最近的那条由横向、纵向折痕交叉点连成的线,向上折起 9.另一个对角线也同上一个步骤,折一条折痕 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 10.打开如上图,然后再沿对角线 (图示的红色线) 折起 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 11.最基本的步骤 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 12按这条红色线(最下面的小方块的对角线)位置折起 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 13最基本的步骤 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 14再将纸展开 15最基本的步骤 16将纸翻转 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 17将4条对角线捏起,上图是俯视看到的效果 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 18将折纸向内对折,对折的同时将顶部的四方形沿其对角线向下压折 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 19将折纸折成这样,上下的纸必须向相反的方向折去 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 20将折纸平放就变成这图了 21把折纸压平,根据红线将左上方的折纸向下折 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 22好,再把后面的半边从后面撑开,就形成上面的样子了 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 23然后折纸的下方翻出就可以看到上面的图了。要注意折完后看上去像风车就对了 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 24按照红色的线指示,分别向下折叠 25按红线将折纸向下翻出 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 26来个侧照,希望大家更明白 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 27四边都完成后的样子。这个步骤要耐心学习哦~不是很容易的 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 28折纸翻过来的样子 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 29按红线所示向后折出两个小三角 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 30按红线所示将小三角向右上折去 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 31再来按红线所示向左边折去 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 32四边都折好的样子 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 33这是折好后四支脚的其中一个近照 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 34按红线所示将折纸对折再向后折 35四个都折好后 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 36四个都折好后的侧图 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 37从花花的上方看 38这是花的下方 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 39接着将其中一支脚向内折 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 40第二支脚 41第三支脚 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 42第四支脚 43将四片花瓣轻轻向外拉,露出花芯 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 44轻轻按压花瓣的边缘,令花瓣的外端产生一定的弧度,好像是真的花瓣那样 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 45为了让花看起来更漂亮,大家可以多试试不同的纸,因为纸张太厚或太薄都会影响花折 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 好后的样子。 weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed
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