首页 软件工程实践报告撰写要求



软件工程实践报告撰写要求软件工程实践报告撰写要求 软件工程实践报告撰写要求 一、软件工程实践报告的内容安排 软件工程实践报告应包括以下7个方面的内容: 1. 摘要 2. 目录 3. (前言) 4.正文 5. 结论 6. 参考文献 7. 附录 二、摘要 1. 要求: 完整、准确、简练。(约150字) 2. 包含内容: (1) 课题的目的或意义; (2) 设计工作的主要内容、过程,采用的方法及取得的成果。即:做了什 么工作, (3) 结论或实现的功能。 3. 关键字(Key Words): 一般3,5个,最能代表报告内容特...

软件工程实践 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 撰写要求 软件工程实践报告撰写要求 一、软件工程实践报告的内容安排 软件工程实践报告应包括以下7个方面的内容: 1. 摘要 2. 目录 工贸企业有限空间作业目录特种设备作业人员作业种类与目录特种设备作业人员目录1类医疗器械目录高值医用耗材参考目录 3. (前言) 4.正文 5. 结论 6. 参考文献 7. 附录 二、摘要 1. 要求: 完整、准确、简练。(约150字) 2. 包含内容: (1) 课题的目的或意义; (2) 设计工作的主要内容、过程,采用的方法及取得的成果。即:做了什 么工作, (3) 结论或实现的功能。 3. 关键字(Key Words): 一般3,5个,最能代表报告内容特征,或在报告起关 键作用,最能说明问题的词组。 4.注意: (1) 摘要应用第三人称书写; (2) 不得引用他人的著作; (3) 摘要应排除本学科已成常识的内容; (4) 同义词不要并列为关键字。 三、(前言) 前言主要说明为什么要从事本设计工作(课题意义),本课题相关技术的现状与特点,拟采用的方案或路线。 可以有以下的一些内容: 1. 本课题的背景、目的、意义 。 2(国内本课题相关技术的研究或应用状况、特点。 注意:(1) 不要与摘要雷同; (2) 学科中的常识内容、科普内容不必赘述。 四、正文 正文是整个报告的核心部分,应包括所进行设计或研究的整体内容。 1(数据库类的正文主要包括: of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should (1)(前言) (2)课题的需求分析(数据流图、数据字典) 分析软件设计的目标和任务,确定软件功能和性能需求。 (3)数据设计(实体关系图) 侧重于实体关系图、数据表的设计和说明。 (4) 概要设计(系统层次结构图) 概要设计定义软件系统各主要成份之间的关系。 (5)详细设计(程序流程图) 把软件系统结构成份转换成软件的过程性描述(算法),用程 序流程图详述主要事件的实现过程。然后进行编码-----根据这 种过程性描述,编写核心源代码。 )调试及测试分析 (6 包括: 调试程序的方法和技巧;列写测试用例和与运行的结果 比较分析;调试中出现的故障现象、原因及排除方法。 (7)用户手册 描述如何使用所设计的软件。 2(算法类的正文主要包括: (1) (前言) (2) 设计要求:(基本要求,提高要求); (3) 系统的组成及设计的原理; (4) 概要设计(系统层次结构图,并包括方案比较) (5) 详细设计(程序流程图) 把软件系统结构成份转换成软件的过程性描述(算法),用程 序流程图详述主要事件的实现过程。然后进行编码-----根据这 种过程性描述,编写核心源代码。 (6)调试及测试结果与分析。 包括: 调试程序的方法和技巧;测试的数据和与运行的结果比 较分析;调试中出现的故障现象、原因及排除方法。 五、结论 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 结论是对整个软件设计工作的总结,不只是前面实现功能的简单重复,应概括出整个设计工作的结论性意见或认识,应总结软件实现的特点和方案的优缺点,指出课题的核心及实用价值,也可以提出改进意见和展望,以及课设的收获和体会。 要求:措词严谨、逻辑严密、文字准确。 注意:(1) 不要以第一人称(我)来书写; (2) 不要对在设计过程中的常识性错误进行讨论。 六、参考文献 本部分列出撰写 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 过程中所参考的文章、书本及其它文献。 1. 书写格式: [序号]?主要作者(?书名(?出版地:?出版社,? 出版年月 或: [序号]?主要作者(?文献名(?杂志名,? 出版年月,?卷号(期号):?页码 2. 举例: [1] 何鹏飞. Delphi7 程序设计教程.北京:清华大学出版社,2003. [2] 张玉起.仓库物流管理数据库系统设计.北京:今日科苑,2007年 14期,起止页码:149-150 (按时间顺序) 3. 注意:(1) 作者或责任者不明时,注明“佚名”。 (2) 序号应与文内引用注释号相同。 七、附录 附录应包含一些课题相关的补充材料,如:系统功能层次图,程序清单 ‥‥‥等等。附录也需序号和名称,如: 附录 1:系统各功能界面 附录2:程序清单及注释 八、有关论文中插图、表格、公式和单位等问题 1. 插图 (1) 插图要工整、清晰、明了;即: 插图要有自明性 (2) 图号,图名,座标名,标距,单位,注释齐全。 (3) 电气符号需符合国标或国际 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 2. 表格 (1) 表格要有标号、表名,且写在表格正上方。 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should (2) 表内不得用“同上”,“同下”,“同左”,“同右”,“//”等。 (3) 注释说明应齐全,写在表下。 插图、表格不得用铅笔或园珠笔绘制。 3. 公式 (1) 公式应单独成行; (2) 公式应有公式号,必要时可加上式中符号的注释。 4. 插图、表、公式的引用 (1) 在正文中需按插图号、表号、公式号来进行引用; (2) 插图和表必须在正文中被引用。 5. 单位 (1) 报告中使用单位应按国家法定计量单位制。 如:电流 — kA, A, mA, µA, nA, pA ; 电压 — kV, V, mV, µV — GΩ, MΩ, kΩ, mΩ, µΩ 电阻 频率 — GHz,MHz,kHz,Hz 时间 — s,ms,µs,ns „„ (要注意单位符号的大小写) (2) 有单位的数值必须标上相应的单位。 九、排版、装订格式问题 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 1. 编排格式: 3号黑体,居中 (1)软件工程实践报告目录 目 录 小4号宋体,缩2格, 加粗 小4号宋体, 缩2格,行距22ppt 第一章 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XX 1.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 1.1.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 1.2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 1.3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 第二章 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XX 2.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 2.1.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 2.2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 第三章 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XX 3.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 3.2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 第四章 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XX 4.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 4.2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 第五章 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????XX 5.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 5.2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 参考文献?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 附录 A ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? XX 注: 1.三级目录可视情况确定是否上目录。 2.插图号、表号、公式号按章排序,如“图3.1”,“表4-1” 等。 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should (2)页面设置 A4打印纸 软件工程题目 上边距2.5cm 左边距2.0cm 右边距2.5cm 装订线1.0cm 下边距2.5cm X 页码 (3) 正文层次格式及其有关内容 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 【示例】: 小3号宋体加粗,居中 小4号宋体, 固定行间距22pt 第一章 库存管理系统需求分析 1.1 库存管理系统的任务概述 仓储材料的管理在商场的整个供应链中起着至关重要的作用,如果不能保证正确的进货和库存控制,将会影响商场的经营情况,销售情况与库存管理不能协调,增加管理费用,影响商场的竞争力。传统简单、静态的仓库管理已无法保证商场各种资源的高效利用。如今的仓库作业和库存控制作业已十分复杂化多样化,仅靠人工记忆和手工录入,不但费时费力,而且容易出错,给企业带来巨大损失。需要开发一个库存管理系统要求能够及时准确的记录仓库库of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 存品的相关信息,库存品和原材料的出库和入库信息,减轻员工的工作量,提高员工的工作效率,增强商场的竞争力。 „„ 4号宋体加粗,居左 1.2 库存管理系统的目标 在方便商场管理的基础上并注意发挥信息系统的智能化,自动化,减轻仓库管理人员的工作负担。 „„ 小4号宋体加粗,居左 1.2.1库存管理系统的开发意图 方便商场库存的管理,减轻仓库管理人员的工作量,提高工作效率。更好更方便展现商场的经营情况。 „„ 小4号宋体, 固定行间距22pt 注:凡没有标明字体的,与报告内容一致。 2(封面格式要求 见附件1。 3. 装订顺序 封面 软件工程实践任务书 中文摘要 目录 (前言) 正文 结论 参考文献 附录等 注:同题目的报告严禁抄袭,一经查出,按“不及格”论处~ of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should 附件: 软件工程实践报告 题目名称: 姓 名: 专 业: 班级学号: 同 组 人 : 指导教师: 南昌航空大学信息工程学院 2007年 月 日 of the works. Casement sash installation: required fixed hinge on the door and window frames, Windows Embedded in the box after a temporary fix, adjust the appropriate door after ... 12, scaffolding the construction phase of the project this project proposes to adopt the following three types of scaffolds for construction: part a, Foundation construction with double rows of single pipe scaffolding, to provide construction jobs and support. B, up to four-layer cantilever scaffold, six-layer cantilever, suspension height of 18.6 metres, does not exceed the standard 20 m c, exterior eave construction by Beijing feitian red construction machinery manufacturing ZLD500-630 electric hanging blue (see next figure). (A) the double rows of steel tubular scaffold with couplers 1, material preparation: erection of scaffold fittings should be prepared in advance, classified according to specifications, neatly stacked, steady, pile site does not have water. Material quality: tube selection φ 48x3.5 standard pipe, wall thickness and no cracks, no warpage, rounding and other defects. Pipe brush paint the pipe connected fastener using a right angle fastener, joint fasteners, rotate the fasteners, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, no accusations, torsional flexibility. Mesh has closed key factory certificate, required construction safety supervision and management departments permit card shall not be used, safety nets and scaffolding with a nylon rope around the tie firmly, nylon connectors should
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