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房屋买卖合同案例房屋买卖合同案例 案例一 宅基地买卖无效,卖方承担升值损失 案例二 拆迁安置房买卖合法 案例三 共有房屋买卖无效,共有人赔偿买房部分房屋差价 案例四 拆迁安置房可以买卖 案例五 被拆迁人签了买卖合同又反悔,法院认定合同有效判决驳回 案例一 宅基地买卖无效,卖方承担升值损失 [案情简介]:李永夫妇在南昌市有253平方米的农房一处。1995年3月,两人以该房作抵押借款,1999年11月,因无力归还典当行的借款,遂将该房以9万元的价格卖给了女工张燕,双方均履行了付款、交房义务。由于是农房,而张燕又非村民,所...

房屋买卖合同案例 案例一 宅基地买卖无效,卖方承担升值损失 案例二 拆迁安置房买卖合法 案例三 共有房屋买卖无效,共有人赔偿买房部分房屋差价 案例四 拆迁安置房可以买卖 案例五 被拆迁人签了买卖合同又反悔,法院认定合同有效判决驳回 案例一 宅基地买卖无效,卖方承担升值损失 [案情简介]:李永夫妇在南昌市有253平方米的农房一处。1995年3月,两人以该房作抵押借款,1999年11月,因无力归还典当行的借款,遂将该房以9万元的价格卖给了女工张燕,双方均履行了付款、交房义务。由于是农房,而张燕又非村民,所以一直办不了房屋产权和土地使用权过户手续。张燕购买房屋后,进行了简单装修,主要用于自己居住和出租。2007年11月,李永夫妇向法院起诉,请求收回诉争房屋同时愿承担协议中的违约 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 。2008年11月,法院认为双方之间的房屋买卖违反了法律禁止性规定,判决买卖合同无效,李永夫妇返还张燕购房款及维修费9万元,张燕将房屋返还。现张燕依据法院认定导致合同无效,李永夫妇负有主要责任为由,又到法院起诉,要求李永夫妇赔偿因其对房屋买卖协议的反悔所造成的经济损失80万。 [法院判决]:一、二审法院经审理认为,原、被告于1999年11月签订的《房屋买卖合同》被依法确认无效后,自合同签订之日起该合同对双方当事人就不具有法律约束力。导致合同无效,订立合同的双方均有过错责任。虽然李永夫妇是在向典当行抵押借款无力偿还迫不得已的情况下出卖自己的房屋,但其应当知道农房不能买卖,且又在房屋出售9年后,以买卖房屋违反法律规定为由主张合同无效,有悖诚信原则,故应承担主要责任。张燕在购房前不严格验证对方房屋产权情况,盲目购买亦负有次要责任。由于本案中买卖的房屋时间跨度较长,根据当地市场行情,存在房价上涨的因素,原、被告买卖的房屋存在升值价值,本案应将安置房折价处理。因此,根据当地市场行情,当地安置房市场价为每平方米3500元至4000元不等。可就低按3500元每平方米计算,本案中的房屋为砖混结构,故升值部分为78万元。对房屋升值部分,根据双方过错责任,按一定比 例进行赔偿或分割。因此,对本案中的房屋升值部分应按8?2的比例进行分割,即张燕得62万余元。法院依照相关法律规定,判决李永夫妇赔偿张燕经济损失62万余元。 案例二 拆迁安置房买卖合法 案情简介:2008年1月,周女士(本案原告)与周某、华某夫妻(本案被告)二人签订《购房 协议书 婚内约定的财产协议书家庭养老协议书pdf意向性划转协议书商业银行关联方授信摔伤一次性补偿协议书 》,约定将位于无锡市某镇一套拆迁安置房以45万元的价格卖给周女士。协议签订当天,周女士即支付定金2万,后又支付12万房款。2008年11月3日,双方签订《补充协议》,约定将房价变更为36.5万元,同时周氏夫妻承诺在2008年12月30日前为周女士办理过户手续。后周女士多次催促周氏夫妻办理过户手续,但周氏夫妻一直推诿,故周女士诉至法院,要求判令周氏夫妻继续履行合同并协助办理房屋过户手续。 争议焦点:讼争房屋性质及购房合同效力问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 对方观点: 被告认为讼争房屋是农民安置房并提供村委会证明,虽然涉案房屋已取得国有土地使用权证,但土地出让金并未缴纳,产权部门不予办理过户手续;根据“锡政办发(2005)150号”《关于加强经济适用住房拆迁安置房建设交易管理有关问题的通知》规定,依法取得房屋土地权属证书的集体拆迁安置房上市交易前,应当依法办理上市交易审批手续,同时必须补交土地出让金和享受优惠的有关税费后才能进入市场交易,故合同在客观上无法履行。另外购房协议书约定必须要我方提供主管部门或房产管理部门允许卖房的批文该购房协议书才生效,现因没有批文,故购房协议无效。 我方观点:(我方代理原告) 房屋的性质,应当以产权登记为准。本案讼争房屋已经办理了房屋产权登记,并领取了国有土地使用权证。根据权属证书的登记,所涉土地性质为国有土地出让,用途为住宅用地,终止年限为2074年2月22日,该房屋的土地使用权由无For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of "blank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blank test correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be 锡市某房地产开发公司转让取得。不存在违反法律禁止性规定及无法实际履行的情形,也不属于被告所提供的“锡政办发(2005)150号”文件所规定限制交易的房屋。被告未举证证明房屋因土地出让金未缴纳而无法办理过户手续的事实,且土地出让金市房地产开发商与政府之间结算的问题,不影响讼争房屋的性质。被告认为协议附件约定卖方上级主管部门或房产主管部门允许卖方的批文为合同附近,合同因无批文而无效的说法亦是不合理的。原被告双方签订的购房协议及购房补充协议系双方当事人的真实意思表示,未违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,是合法有效的。当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务,当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担继续履行、采取补救 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 或者赔偿损失等违约责任。故被告应当依照协议的约定按时办理好房屋过户手续。关于讼争房屋存在过户手续办理困难及补交相关费用的实际问题,但双方就此已在《购房协议书》第十一条“特别约定”及《补充协议》作了专门约定,确定周氏夫妻对该问题进行担保。因此,即便是被告主观之外的原因导致产权变更拖延,其仍应承担责任。 法院裁判: 法院确认讼争房屋转让款为36.5万元,该房屋的房产证及国有土地使用权证齐全,标的物系合法。购房协议系双方真实意思表示,未违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,是合法有效的。故判决双方所签的购房协议及补充协议继续履行,被告周氏夫妻于判决生效后十日内将上述房屋过户给周女士。 一审判决后,被告方不服,提起上诉。二审法院经向相关部门了解,根据房屋所涉土地权证的登记,如确定土地性质为国有土地出让的,可以交易和办理过户手续。如果涉及拆迁等遗留问题难以办理产权过户的,凭人民法院的生效判决书及相关手续即可办理过户,故二审判决驳回上诉人的上诉请求。 二审判决后,被告仍未履行,原告申请强制执行,该房屋被法院强制过户给原告。 案例三 共有房屋买卖无效,共有人赔偿买房部分房屋差价 由于陈先生与刘女士的房屋买卖合同被法院确认无效,陈先生需要支付更高的价格另行购置房屋,为此,陈先生将房屋出卖人刘女士及其配偶魏先生,中介方北京鑫尊房地产经纪有限责任公司(以下简称鑫尊公司)告上法庭,要求三方共同赔偿其房屋价值损失70万元。6月26日,北京市海淀区人民法院依法审结了此起因房屋买卖合同无效而引发的房屋价值损失赔偿纠纷案件。 陈先生诉称,2008年经鑫尊公司提供中介,他与刘女士签订了房屋买卖合同,约定以110万元的价格购买刘女士名下的一处房屋。合同签订后,他向刘女士给付了首付款52万元并向鑫尊公司给付了中介费3万元,刘女士也如约交付了房屋。然而时过不久,刘女士的配偶魏先生却以刘女士未经允许私自处分夫妻共有财产为由诉至法院,要求确认双方签订的房屋买卖合同无效,后法院支持了魏先生的诉讼请求,并要求刘女士及鑫尊公司将购房款、居间服务费等费用返还给了陈先生。但是,陈先生如另行购置同样状况的房屋,则需要支付高于原房价70万元的房价款,故陈先生提起诉讼,要求刘女士、魏先生、鑫尊公司赔偿其房屋差价损失70万元。 在庭审过程中,刘女士表示并不知道出卖房屋还需取得丈夫的同意,且陈先生及鑫尊公司也都没有就此进行过询问,因此自己不存在过错;而且房屋买卖合同里面约定了违约责任是总价款的10%,所以她不同意给付陈先生70万元的差价补偿款。魏先生表示对于妻子卖房毫不知情,陈先生不应该向自己主张赔偿款。鑫尊公司则认为作为中介公司,已经履行了全部合同义务,现在房屋买卖合同无效是刘女士隐瞒事实所致,因此也不应承担责任。 法院经审理认为,依据已生效判决书,陈先生与刘女士在签订《房屋买卖合同》时对合同附件三房屋共有人情况一页的存在及所载 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,即核实是否存在共有人及共有人表示同意出售房屋的意思表示的规则是明知的,但双方均未按常理进行填写,故均存在主观过错。刘女士作为共有人魏先生的配偶,最有能力了解、掌控魏先生是否同意出售涉案房产的真实态度,最容易避免因魏先生拒绝出售涉案房屋导致合同无效后果的发生,且其作为出卖方,在买卖关系上占主动地位,故其对买卖关系被认定为无效的后果所应承担的责任应为最大。鑫尊公司作为提供居间服务的专业机构,其应较普通人熟悉法律、法规的规定,但其忽视对For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of "blank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blank test correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be 魏先生相关意思表示的审核,且未能对买卖双方,尤其是买方的风险予以提示,因此其对于买卖关系被认定为无效的后果所应承担的责任应较陈先生重。陈先生作为买受人,未认真审核刘女士房屋共有人的情况,主观上亦存在一定过错。综合上述因素,法院确认刘女士按50%的比例承担过错责任,鑫尊公司按30%的比例承担过错责任,陈先生按20%的比例承担过错责任。最终法院依据评估结论判决刘女士赔偿陈先生房屋差价损失35万元,鑫尊公司赔偿陈先生房屋差价损失21万元,并驳回了陈先生的其他诉讼请求。 案例四 拆迁安置房可以买卖 近日,成都锦江法院审理了一起房屋买卖合同纠纷案件。原告购买被告房屋后,被告反悔称所卖房屋是拆迁安置房,按拆迁协议规定不得进入房地产市场交易,所以双方的《购房协议》无效。那么,双方的《购房协议》是否有效呢, 锦江法院审理后认为,拆迁安置房在被拆迁人尚未取得产权的时候,从权属确定层面来看和“预售商品房”一样,虽也是“未依法登记领取权属证书”,但产权处于“可以期待”的状态,拆迁安置房在未依法登记领取权属证书的时候,签订转让合同并不违反法律禁止性规定。最后锦江法院一审判决被告应在房屋具备办理分户产权登记条件之日起2个月内为原告办理房屋的产权变更登记。 案例五 被拆迁人签了买卖合同又反悔,法院认定合同有效判决驳回 中国江苏网讯:二手房买卖成交合同签订后,房主以房屋尚未申领产权证书为由,要求确认房屋买卖合同无效,而买方坚持合同有效,要求继续履行合同,遂发生纠纷。日前,苏州市中级人民法院对该案作出“维持原判,驳回上诉”的二审判决,支持了房屋买方关于合同有效的诉求。 案件起因 两年前签订卖拆迁房合同一年前卖主单方面终止履行 2009年3月28日,戴某与徐某签订《定房协议书》,约定由徐某购买戴某位于昆山市陆家镇的一幢房屋(含附属的自行车库),其中房屋建筑面积 120.11平方米,自行车库面积9.74平方米,总价为30万元。同时双方约定,买方在签订合同后支付首付款10万元,交付房屋时再支付房款15万元,在房屋产权证过户后支付余款5万元。当日,戴某收取了徐某支付的定金1000元,并出具收据。同年 3月30日,双方签订《房屋买卖成交合同》,约定由徐某购买戴某的上述房屋,房屋价款及付款方式与定房协议书相同,双方还约定了违约条款,如一方违约应当赔偿另一方房屋总价60%的违约金。合同签订后,戴某当场收取徐某支付的10万元,并出具收据。 2010年6月1日,戴某向徐某发出1份《终止合同函》,称买卖合同约定的房屋因尚未申领产权证书,依照《城市房地产管理法》第38条第6款“下列房地产,不得转让„„(六)未依法登记领取权属证书的„„”之规定,要求终止房屋买卖合同,并向徐某退回已付房款。徐某对此表示异议,他认为双方之前签订的购房合同有效,不同意终止履行合同。双方因此发生争执,于是戴某向昆山市人民法院提起诉讼。 案件一审 一审法院判定合同有效,驳回原告诉求 戴某请求法院判令终止原被告双方于2009年3月签订的房屋买卖成交合同,并要求退还被告方房款10万元。 昆山法院经过审理认为,原被告双方所签房屋买卖成交合同是双方真实的意思表示,该合同合法有效,双方应当遵循诚实信用原则履行合同,对原告请求判令终止合同并退还房款的诉求,法院认为缺乏事实和法律依据,不予支持。 2011年4月16日,昆山法院判决驳回了戴某的诉讼请求。 6月14日,戴某就一审判决向苏州市中级人民法院提出上诉,称根据《城市房地产管理法》第38条第6款规定,该房屋不准买卖,因此本案买卖合同无效,同时诉称争议房屋为上诉人与女儿共有,据此请求二审法院撤销原判。 苏州中院经过审理认为上诉人戴某的上诉理由不能成立,不予采纳,最终作出上述终审判决。 For example, to check the water and the presence of intestinal pathogenic bacteria of dairy products-eosin methylene blue medium is the identification of a common medium. Medium has a double function selection and identification. Such as macconkey medium commonly used in food testing is one example. It contains bile salts, lactose and neutral Red. Bile salts inhibit the intestinal bacteria other than ... In a small jar, with the media and sterilization to determine the final pH of the medium used. 8, sterile medium 121 c can be used for medium and high pressure steam sterilization method of 15 minutes. In a variety of preparation methods, in the absence of special provisions, you can use this method of sterilization. Some fear hot ingredients, such as sugar, separate into 20% or a more concentrated solution to filter or intermittent sterilization sterilization, again using aseptic technique and quantitative increases in media. Gelatin medium using low temperature sterilization. Blood, body fluids and antibiotics and the aseptic technique extraction and joined in after cooling of about 50 degrees Celsius in the medium. Agar slant medium should be taken out immediately after sterilization, cooling at the time 55 ?-60 ?, placed into proper falls to natural coagulation. 9, medium quality tests each batch of medium preparation done, should be carefully examined again, if cracks are found, water immersion, abnormal color, cotton was picked out by culture medium contamination, should be discarded. And determine the final pH. All media at 36 ? 1 ? constantprovides outside, should take without dry (or not to water, or not to solvent) of for try products for test, and will calculation in the of take dosage by check items Xia measuring have of dry weightlessness (or water, or solvent) deduction. 3. test in the of "blank test", Department refers to in not added for try products or to equivalent solvent alternative for try liquid of situation Xia, by with method operation proceeds of results; content determination in the of "and will titration of results with blank test correction", Department refers to by for try products by consumption titration liquid of volume (ML) and blank test in the by consumption titration liquid volume (ML) of poor for calculation. 4. test temperature, does not indicate the means at room temperature; temperature has significant influence on test results, except where otherwise provided, 25 ? ? 2 ? shall prevail. Four, testing water unless otherwise specified, refers to the purification of water. The pH check the water, means a new boiling water and cool to room temperature. Laboratory safety and protection in the fifth section, laboratory safety in the chemical laboratory, often are quite toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive chemical direct contact often use of fragile glass and porcelain ware as well as in high temperature heating equipment such as gas, water, electricity ... Pour into glass bottle. 7. use oil-bath operation should be carefully heated, constantly measured with a thermometer, that the temperatures do not exceed oil temperature. 8. the residue of inflammable and easy explosive substance (such as sodium metal, white phosphorus, the match head) must not pour dirt bucket or sink should be collected within the specified container. 9. waste, especially in the strong acid and strong base cannot directly down to the tank should be
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