首页 介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前



介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前 5.2 介词 介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前,表示词语间语义关系的,指明其后面的宾语和前面的名词或动词的关系。 有些词既可用作介词也可用作连词,区别在于:介词后面跟名词,连词后面跟从句。如: Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great ...

介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前 5.2 介词 介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示词语间语义关系的,指明其后面的宾语和前面的名词或动词的关系。 有些词既可用作介词也可用作连词,区别在于:介词后面跟名词,连词后面跟从句。如: Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great orator. 乌龟飞在鸟儿们中间,非常高兴,由于他擅长演说,很快就被推选为大伙儿的发言人。(B3-U1-L28) -- 第一个as是连词,第二个是as介词。 有些词既可用作介词也可用作副词,区别在于:介词有宾语,副词无宾语。如: When everything had been set before the guests, one of the people of the sky came forward and tasted a little from each pot. 等所有的菜肴在客人们面前摆好后,一位天上来的人走上前来,把每样菜肴都尝一口。 (B3-U1-L48) (句中 before为介词) Most people today feel proud to have built a society that treats the races, sexes, and economic classes more equally than ever before. 今天已建成了一个比以往任何时候都更加平等地对待不同种族、性别及经济阶层的社会,大多数人为此感到自豪。 (B3-U2-L57) (句中before为副词) 5.2.1 介词的分类 1(简单介词:由一个 单词 英语单词 下载七年级上册英语单词表下载英语单词表下载深圳小学英语单词表 下载高中英语单词 下载 构成的介词,常用的有:above, about, across, after, against, along, among, at, before, below, behind, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, opposite, outside, over, past, since, through, throughout, till, toward(s), under, up, within, with, without等。 2(复杂介词:由两个或两个以上单词构成的介词,如:due to, except for, out of, together with, previous to, prior to, thanks to, up to, by means of, by way of, for the sake of, in the event of, on the point of, with a view to, irrespective of, because of, as for, as to, ahead of, according to, in front of, on top of等。如: Wives, on the other hand, may waste huge amounts of money because they are angry at their husbands. 另一方面,妻子因对丈夫有气而浪费大量钱财。(B1-p42-L8) According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders. 按心理学家的说法,许多人是购物成癖的人。(B1-p42-L16) Note: 复杂介词的搭配都是固定的,一般不可随意变更。同一个名词与不同的介词搭配所表达的意义往往不同,名词前的限定词语不同也会影响介词短语的意义。因此,学习者应把这‎‎些固定搭配的介词短语作为‎‎一个意义单位记忆。以由time构成的几个固定搭配为例。 on time"按时,准时";in time"及时,迟早,过一段时间";in good time"留有充分的时间,提前";at no time"决不"; in no time"立即,马上";at times"有时";宾for a time"一度,短时间内",for the time being"暂时"。如: Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be on time. 美国人认为做一名礼貌的客人首要的一点就是要准时。(B1-p71-L1) At first it grieved them to do so; but in time they got used to it. 刚开始时他们还很伤心,可后来就慢慢地习惯了。(B1-p128-L25) There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away. 诚然,障碍依然 存在,但那是一些假以时日终究会被消除的障碍。(B2-U5-L55) We arrived at the airport in good time for the plane.我们提前到达机场赶上了那个航班。 At no time did I tell you that you could use my car. 我根本没说过你可以用我的车。 Jed got the car fixed in no time at all. 杰德马上就把车修好了。 At times, she feels discouraged and at other times, optimistic. 有时她感到悲观失望,有时她又感到很乐观。 For a time the police thought she might be guilty. 警方一度认为她可能有罪。 You'll have your own office soon but for the time being you'll have to share one. 你很快就会有自己的办公室,不过你暂时还得和别人合用一间。 5.2.2 介词在句中的位置 1(介词通常位于名词或代词前,如: What I learned changed my life as a corporate executive. 我所学到的东西改变了我作为 公司主管人员的一生。(B3-U10-L7) Good-bye. It was so nice of you to have me. 再见,感谢你的盛意邀请。(B1-p72-L53) 2( 介词在下列结构中可放在句尾: 介词+whom/which/what/whose结构位于句首的疑问句;形容词从句中位于that /whom /which之前的介词;wh-名词性从句中;动词不定式作状语或定语。如: Whose mother do you think I'm talking about? 你认为我在谈论谁的母亲呢,(B1-p52-L19) --介词+whose结构位于句首的疑问句 Who was that lady I saw you with last night? 昨晚我看到的那位和你在一起的女士是谁,(B3-U3-L38) --介词+whom结构位于句首的疑问句 The people of the sky set before their guests the most delectable dishes (that) Tortoise had ever seen or dreamed of. 天上的人在客人们面前摆上‎‎了乌龟从未见过或梦到过的美味佳肴。(B3-U1-L43) --形容词从句中位于that之前的介词 There are dozens of mind-body techniques for you to choose from. 你可以选择的身心疗法有几‎‎十种。(B1-U7-L36) --动词不定式作状语或定语 3( 在"不及物动词+介词"结构中,介词须紧跟动词后,宾语不能置于动词和介词之间,如: An American who fell off his bike was very angry when on-looking Chinese laughe‎‎d at him. 从自行车上掉下来的美国人对站在一边笑的中国人很生气。(B1-p76-L10) 5.2.3 介词词组 介词后通常可接名词、代词、数词、-ing分词、疑问词+带to的不定式、名词性从句(一般 不接that引导的从句)等。如: Emotions do change with age. 人的情绪回随着年龄的增长而变化。(B4-U1-L17) I know you would have expected nothin‎‎g less from us. (B3-p484-L81) 我知道这正是你对我们的期望。 Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the bills. 兰休看到钱一点儿也不吃惊‎‎。(B1-p136-L81) Social scientists have exploded some myths about who's happy and who's not by identifying predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. 社会科学家通过辨别与幸福和人生的满足有关的迹象,推翻了一些关于哪些人幸福、哪些人不幸福的错误观念。(B4-U1-L13) 5.2.4 介词短语在句中的作用 介词与其宾语构成介词短语,在句中主要用作状语、后置定语、主语补足语、宾语补足语等‎‎成分。修饰动词、名词、全句。如: They were all nationally known and were all good role models for our youth to follow. 他们都曾经是全国皆知的人物,也是我们的年轻人仿效的好榜样。(B3-U11-L23) (作后置定语) They chose to fly home on an empty stomach. 他们宁可空着肚子飞回去。 (B3-U1-L60) (作状语) Activities at different stages of life may be of very different kinds. 不同的生活阶段会有不同类‎‎型的活动。 (B3-U9-L57) (作主语补足语) Goods must be of marketable qualit‎‎y. 商品质量必须合格。(B1-p156-L4) (作主语补足语) And Sham Shemagi answered from behind the curtain. 萨姆?舍玛琪在垂帘后回答。 (B1-p128-L42)(作另一介词的宾语) 5.2.5 介词与其它词类的搭配关系 介词与其它词类的搭配是英语学习的一个重要方面。不同的介词和不同的词语搭‎‎配会产生不同的词义,对此,学习者要特别注意。 1(与动词的搭配关系 1)许多动词往往要和介词搭配使用以表达某一的含义;许多动词和不同的介词搭配使用可以表达不同的含义。如: Manners make us aware that everything we have derives from a source. 礼貌使我们意识到,我们所拥有的一切都是有来源的。(B3-U2-L69) Compaq benefits from creating opportunities for employees to perform to the best of their potential and to be rewarded for their achievements. 康柏公司为其员工创造了潜能得以充分发‎‎挥并按业绩获奖的机会,公司由此获益匪浅。(B4-U3-L29) 试比较: Your account of the affair does not agree with mine. 你对这件事的说法和我的不一致。 Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的建议吗, 2)有些动词总是和特定的介词及副词连用,并具有特别的意义,这样构成的短语称为短语动词。英语中有相当数量的短语动词,由于它们具有特定的含义,学习者应特别注意。如: What do you look for in a potential date? 你对将来的约会对象有什么期盼,(B4-U5-L1) Too much challenge may lead to failure and frustration. 挑战性太强也可能导致失败与挫折。(B4-U3-L14) Moments of questioning creep up on us. 发生疑问的时刻会悄悄地出现在我们面前。(B1-p337-L47) Several schools are trying to cut down on the opportunity to cheat by giving‎‎ more open-book exams. 有些学校正设法采用更多的开卷考试来减少作弊的机会。(B4-U4-L12) 2(与形容词的搭配关系 许多形容词往往要和介词搭配使用以表达某一的含义,与不同的介词搭配使用也可以表达不同的含义。如: The world is full of disappointed people. 这个世界上有很多失意的人。(B4-U12-L43) 试比较: Are you afraid of snakes? 你怕蛇吗, They are afraid for their children. 他们为孩子担忧。 3(与名词的搭配关系 名词后所接的介词一般与该名词的同源动词或形容词所接的介词相同。但也有些名词 后所接的介词不同于其同源动词或形容词所接的介词。如: Many people are believers in their own immuni‎‎ty to advertising. 许多人相信自己对广告句 有免疫力。(B4-U6-L1) 试比较: In this respect, French is different from English. 在这方面,法语与英语是有区别的。 It's easy to tell the difference between butter and margarine. 很容易区别黄油和人造黄油。 5.2.6 介词的意义和常用介词比较 1(表示时间 1)at, in, on at指具体时间,表示某个时间点;in用于时间段;on用于短时间段,表示特定的时间。 如: at daybreak在拂晓 (B1-p135-L48) But most dinner parties break up at about 11 o'clock 但大多数晚会在11点左右就结束。 (B1-p72-L49) There was famine in those days. 那些日子它们正经历着一场饥荒。(B3-U1-L11) In the days that followed 在接下来的几天里 (B2-U5-L30) on one memorable occasion 在一次难忘的场合 (B1-U1-L31) on the afternoon of that eventful day 在这重要日子的午后 (B2-U5-L5) 2) since, from, after since表示 "自从…(到现在)":与现在完成时连用表示时间的继续,也可与过去完成时 连用表示过去终止的情况的起点;from"自…起",表示起始时间,与to相对;after "自…后" :表示时间先后的顺序。如: Mortgage debt has increased 300 percent since 1975. 自1975年以来买房借贷增加了百分之‎‎三百。(B1-U5-L10) Of course, there are obvious things that people need to remind themselves of from time to time. 当然,还有一些明摆着的事需要人‎‎们经常提醒自己。(B1-p195-L26) Meeting after a long interval, friends are like a couple who begin to dance again when the orchestra strikes up after a pause. 久别重逢的朋友就像是一对随着乐队休息片刻后又再次翩翩起舞的舞伴一样。(B3-U9-L64) 3)to, before, by, till /until 三个词均可表示情况的终止时间。to"到…":表示终止时间,与from相对;before"在…以前,直到…前";by"最迟在…之前":强调某事在特定时间之前发生但不迟于该‎‎时间。until"直到…":与表示持续性动作的动词连用,表示某件事持续到某时为止。在非正式英语中till 可until代替。until 在肯定句和否定句中的意义不同。如: It's no good leaving things to the last moment. 把事情拖到最后一刻再干不是好办法。 People who were born just before World War I remember waving at automobiles as they passed. 在第一次世界大战前夕出生的人仍然记得自己向从身边经过的汽车挥手的情景。(B3-U4-L1) By the time he had reached his seventieth year, all the property left to him consisted of the clothes on his body and his wife. 当他年满七十时,身上的衣服和他的妻子便是他的所有。(B1-p127-L16) He and his wife worked hard from morning till night for thirty years, growing richer each year. 三十年来,他和妻子从早到晚辛苦地劳作,终于一年比一年富裕起来。(B1-p127-L4) But the effects of these inventions upon the lives of ordina‎‎ry citizens were not felt until many years later. 但直到许多年后普通老百姓才感受到这些发明对他们的生活所产生的影响。(B3-U4-L14) 4)in,within in "再过…时间,花费…时间";within"在…时间以内"。如: His flight leaves in an hour. 他乘坐的航班一小时后起飞。(B1-p223-L12) In a few seconds, you have drawn hostile conclusions about unseen people and their motives. 几秒钟后,你就会对那些从未谋面的人产生敌意。(B1-p189-L29) Within several minute‎‎s this can produce deep calm. 几分钟内就能使你非常冷静。(B3-U12-L56) 5)for, during, through 三个词均可表示时间段。for"历时…":与表示持续性动作的动词连用,表示某事持续发生时间的长短;during强调动作的持续时表示"在…期间",而表示某动作在某一段期间中发生时表示"在…期间中的某一时间"。Through表示"整个…时间,从开始到结束无间断",用all through, throughout则语气更强。如: Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons. 乌龟已经有两个月没吃过一顿饱饭了。(B3-U1-L11) And during those same twenty-four hours, people will make more than 30 million business presentations. 就是在这二十四个小时里,人们将要做三千多万个商务‎‎发言。(B3-U12-L2) Students from elementary school through colleg‎‎e have about two weeks' vacation. 大中小学生通常都有约两周的假期。(B1-p99-L2) In fact, throughout history, the rose has signified "secrecy". 事实上,纵观历史,玫瑰含有"秘密"的意思。 (B1-p82-L29) 2(表示地点和位置 1)at, in, on at表示位于较狭窄的地点‎‎;in表示位于较宽广的地点。on意为 "在…上",表示某物和另一物表面相接触。如: He is waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first notices the young woman. 他在航空公司售票处等待购票时第一次注意到这个女人。(B1-p223-L1) You can lean out of a car window when you're stopped at the traffic lights and say "Merry Christmas". 当你在交通灯处停下来的时候,你可以把头伸出车窗外说:"圣诞快乐。"(B1-U4-L39) Ekwefi and her daughter, Ezinma, sat on the mat on the floor. 爱克蔚菲和她的女儿爱金玛坐在一块小地毯上。(B3-U1-L3) 2)in, into, within in "在…之中";into "进入…之中";within "在…以内"。如: A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. 一个缺乏幽默感的人不可能成为一群人中最受欢迎的人。(B3-U3-L14) At the post office he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbo‎‎x. 在邮局,他在信上贴上邮票,把它塞进了邮筒。(B1-p135-L56) There is also the kind of relationship within a group-men and women who have worked together for a long time, who may be very close, sharing great loyalty and warmth‎‎ of feeling. 还有一种存在于团体内部的关系 - 男女成员长期共事,有可能会关系‎‎密切,相互信任和关心。(B3-U9-L22) 3)out of, away from, from, off 这几个词语均意为"自…",表示作为运动开始的地点或物体。out of 与in, into意思相反。away from 表示远离。from表示动作的出发点时,即"自…",与表示终点的to相反。off :自…, 表示分离。如: Why is it that several students in a class will fall out of their chairs laughing after I tell a joke while the rest of the students look as if I've just read the weather report? 为什么听我讲完笑话后班上会有一些学生笑得前俯后仰,而另一些学生看上去就像刚‎‎听我读了天气预报一样呢,(B3-U3-L6) Does he influence people's lives in a positive way away from the court? 他在球场以外给人们的生活带来了积极的影响吗,(B3-U7-L25) Tortoise looked down from the sky and saw his wife bringing things out. 乌龟从天上往下看,看到他的妻子正往外搬东西。(B3-U1-L71) When some of the tension is taken out of the body, the strain is taken off the entire system.当某些紧张感从体内消除后,压力也就随之从整个系统消失。(B1-U7-L32) 4)above, over 和below, under above 与below反义,above表示位置高于, below 表示位置低于,均不与另一物接触。over 与under反义,over表示在某物的正上方,under表示"在…正下方",均不与表面接触。此外。above, over 和below, under 还可以表示地位、阶级的上下。例如: Many confessional booths in Catholic churches have carvings of roses above the door. 许多天主教堂的忏悔室门上方有玫瑰的雕刻图案。(B!-p82-L30) The sun has gone below the horizon. 太阳落到地平线下去了。 In ancient times, a branch of mistletoe was hung over doorways for good luck. 古时候,人们把槲寄生挂在门上以示好运。(B1-p100-L52) Anyone standing under the mistletoe is likely to be kissed. 只要你站在槲寄生树下,就会被人亲 吻。(B1-p100-L53) A captain is below a major in rank. 上尉比少校级别低。 She has only the director over her. 比她职位高的只有主任了。 5)up 与down up指从下往上,表示向上的运‎‎动,与down的运动相反;down指从上往下,表示向下的运动。此外,up还表示从乡村到城市、从南到北、从沿海到内地‎‎、从市区到住宅区。down则正相反,表示从城市到乡村、从北到南、从内地到沿海、从住宅区到市区。如: The car will take us right up the hillside. 小汽车可以把我们一直带到山腰。 There have been occasions when I've felt like buying a big Harley-Davidson motorcycle and riding it down the street.我时常想买一辆哈利?戴维森牌的大摩托车,想骑着它逛逛街。 (B3-U7-L53) 6)between, among between一般指在二者之间,有夹在当中的意思,有时也用于三者或三者以上,强调 每两者之间的关系。among指在三者或更多之间,有夹杂的意思。如: We had plenty of opportunity to compare Benjam‎‎in with Chinese babies and to observe the relationship that generally occurs between adults and young children. 我们有很多机会比较本杰明和中国孩子,观察中国成人和孩子之间的一般关系。(B2-p205-L34) Fortunately, it is the differences among people that make them interesting.值得庆幸的是,正是人与人之间的差异才使人生变得生动有趣。(B1-U12-L46) 7)round, around 两者均意为"围绕,在…四周",表示在某个地点范围内的多向运动,around通常指静态,round静态和动态皆可,但这两个字在实际用法中常混用。如: She hoped to have a chance to travel round the world. 她希望有机会做一次环球旅行。 I walked out of the room and began a leisurely stroll around campus. 走出教室,我开始在校园里悠闲地漫步。(B2-P283-L23) So who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval? 那么你周围的人又有谁值得你写便笺表示感谢或鼓励呢,(B3-U5-L57) 8)along, across, through along意为" 沿着"。across表示动态时作"横过"解,表示位置时作"在…的对面或 另一边"解。through表示"贯通",即"从这边穿到那边",through还可表示动作所经过的途径"自…"。如: The Natural Bridge‎‎ is also a favorite scene along the northern coast road. 自然大桥也是沿北部海岸大道的一个极好的景观。(B1-p257-L32) My journey started shortly after I accepted an appointment as visiting professor of psychology at the federal university in Nitero‎‎i, Brazil, a small city across the bay from Rio de Janeiro. 应邀到巴西尼泰罗伊联邦大学作心理学访问学者后,不久我便启程到了这座与里约热内卢市隔海相望的小城。(B2-p312-L13) At such times my sister or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y. on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance. 这时, 我或我姐姐就用孩子玩的雪橇拉着他,穿过纽约布鲁克林的街道,直到地铁的人口处。(B1-U1-L12) 9)to, toward, for 这几个词均意为"向…"。to强调运动的目的地,到达点;towards强调运动方向;for则常与start, leave等表示出发意味的动词连用,指出其目的地的方向。如: When his takeout is ready, he gathers up his numerous bags and his dinner and advances to the door to go back to the street. 当他要的外卖端出来时,他收拢自己的那些个袋子和饭菜朝门口走去,准备再回到街上去。(B3-U2-l6) Christmas is supposed to be a time to express our love and goodwill towards others.圣诞节应该是表示对他人的爱心和良好的祝愿的时候。(B1-U4-L16) They're leaving for Rome this morning.他们将于今天早上动身去罗马。 10)before, in front of与after, behind in front of"在…之前",单纯地表示位置关系,若表示具体的概念,尤其是建筑物的位置关系时用in front of。before "在……之前",与behind"在……之后"反义;behind"在……的后面",表示方向和位置的先后。after"在……之后":含有顺序、追赶的意思。如: an older couple walking very slowly in front of them 在他们前面缓慢行走的一对老夫妇(B3-U2-L58) There is an old pine tree in front of the building.大楼前有一棵老松树。(in front of不能改 为before) Then the guest called to the old woman who was seated behind the curtain. 然后,客人就问坐在垂帘后的老妇人。(B1-p128-L45) More women than men hold open doors for those behind them. 停下来为后面的人开门的更多的是女士而不是男士。(B3-U2-L21) If I try to go fast to discourage them from following, they are simply put to the discomfort of having to flee after me. 如果我想走得快一点以免他们跟上来,结果只会使他们紧跟我的脚‎‎步,从而使他们感到更不舒服。(B1-U3-L24) 3(表示原因和理由 表示原因和理由的介词主要有:at, for, from, of, over, through, with, due to, owing to, because of, on account of, thanks to。 1)at指感情或感觉上的原因。for表示内在的心理原因,常与喜怒哀乐等抽象名词连用。from表示原因、动机,也可表示伤亡或事故的原因。of表示情绪上或生病\死亡的原因,常和afraid, die, sick, fired等连用。over表示情绪的原因,常和cry, laugh, lament(悲伤), rejoice(高兴)等连用。through表示间接的原因。with指心理上或感情上由外界影响到内心的原因。 Divers will marvel at one of the Caribbean's largest shipwrecks, a 400-foot World War II Germen freighter.潜水者将会惊叹加勒比海最大的残骸之一,一艘40英尺二战时期的德国货船。(B1-p256-L15) To kill a man for a shilling! 因一先令而杀人。(B1-p167-L36) Death rates from accidents have declined.交通事故的死亡率已经下降。 Remember, no one dies of hunger. 请记住,不会有人饿死。(B1-p135-L41) We rejoiced over the victory. 我们为胜利而欣喜若狂。 He knew he was quite capable of making mistakes through his inexperience. 他知道由于缺乏经验他完全可能发生犯错误。 The poor woman was trembling with terror. 那个可怜的女人吓得浑身发动抖。 2)due to, owing to, because of, on account of, thanks to 皆为短语介词表原因。due to,owing to,because of和on account of可作状语和主语补足语;但thanks to只能作状语。如: And I believe that their ability to work is largel‎‎y due to the fact that they do work. 我相信他们还有工作能力的主要原因是他们确实还在工作着。(B1-p330-L40) We were late, owing to the snow. 由于下雪我们迟到了。 I've been told that Petula Clark was a successful singer in France partly because of her English accent. 我听说佩特拉?克拉克之所以能在法国成为受人欢迎的歌手,部分原因是因为她的英国口音。(B2-p126-L39) We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather. 由于天气不好,我们推迟了出发时间。 Thanks to his being late, we missed the train. 由于他的迟到,我们误了火车。 4(表示"关于"、"至于" 表示"关于"、"至于"的介词主要有:in regard to, with regard to, regarding,as regards, with respect to, in respect of, with/in reference to , on the matter of,about, concerning, as to with/in reference to, with regard to, as regards等。如: The same rules hold true with regard to children. 同样的规则在对待孩子的问题上也一样适用。(B1-U3-L38) But my most important lessons about the link among business, the environment, and the economy did not come from my company. 但是,在商业、环境和经济相互之间的关系方面,最重要的教益不是从我的公司学到的。(B3-U10-L4) This is what I think concerning them. 关于这些事,我的想法是这样的。(B1-p128-L45) Regarding your order, we will ship it today. 关于你们的定货,我们将于今天发货。 5(表示方法、手段或工具 表示方法、手段或工具的介词主要有:by, in, through, with 等。by与被动语态连用表示其行为者,by还可以表示方法,意为"用,靠,凭"; in表示方式和工具;through 表示间接的方法、手段,常与by换用,意为"经由…,由…";with表示具体的工具或手段。如: And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo. 有趣的是甚至那些信誓旦旦认为这是不可能的人也因为用了安慰剂而完全康复了。(B1-U2-l52) There are people who says you can heal your body by using your mind. 有些人认为你可以用精神来治于愈自己的疾病。(B1-U2-L51) For the past eighty years I have started each day in the same way. 在过去的80年中,我都是以同样的方式开始每一天的。(B1-p330-L48) When you can give a stressful experience meaning through writin‎‎g, you don't think about it or worry about it as much. 当你能够把这些紧张的经历‎‎写出来,从而使自己理解它们是怎么一回事时,你就不会老是想着它们或为它们担忧了。(B1-U7-L41) There was pounded yam and also yam soup cooked with palm oil and fresh fish. 有甜薯泥以及用棕榈油和鲜鱼一起煮成的甜薯汤。(B3-U1-L46) They pulled the nation together with their greatness. 他们以自身的伟大把整个民族团结了起来。(B3-U11-L25) Note: by, in和on都可表示交通工具。by后的名词为单数,用零冠词;in 和on后的名词须加冠词或用复数。有些表示交通工具的词前必须用on,如on horseback, on foot等。如: the story of three elderly gentlemen travel‎‎ing by train in England 三位上了年纪的绅士在英国乘火车旅行的故事 (B3-U3-L49) : A typical journey on the Mystery Express offers the opportunity to solve a challenging murder right there on the train. "神秘快车"上的一个典型旅行是向乘客提供破获在火车上发生的具有挑战性的神秘谋杀案的机会。 (B1-p251-L40) 6(表示价格、比率、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、对比、速度 表示价格、比率、标准、对比、速度的介词主要有:at, by, for 等。at表示价值、价格、比率或速度;by表示度量,单位或标准,意为"以…计,按…计算"; for表示总价钱。:如: As we have already said, technological innovations are being made at faster‎‎ and faster rates. 正如我们以前所说的,技术革新的速度越来越快。(B3-U4-L46) All the same, if bargains were prohibited by law our standard of living would immediately rise by 7.39 per cent. 然而,如果法律禁止廉价商品出售的话,我们的生活水平就会立即上升7.39个百分点。(B1-p168-L84) I bought a suitcase for $40. 我花40元买了只箱子。(B1-p167-L57) 7(表示例外 表示例外的介词主要有:except, expecting, except for, with the exception of, apart from, aside from, but, 和besides等。 except "除了…",强调所排除的不包括在内 except后接的词同句中的主语一般‎‎是同类 的,指在同类的整体中除去一部分。except for "除了…",也强调所排除的不包括在内,但后接的词同句中的主语不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节或一个方面。excepting和except同义,但多用在句首‎‎。expect that "除去…一点之外",后接名词从句。besides "除了…还有",相当于in addition to。but也可表示"除…外",用法同except基本相同。but通常与all, every, everybody, anywhere, no, nobody, nothing, who, what, where等不定代词或疑问代词连用。but 和except后都可以跟动词不定式作宾语。但注意,如谓语动词是do,but后所接的动词不定式不带to,否则to不可省。apart from "除…外",既有besides的意义, 又有except,except for的意义。如: And males rarely touch each other, except for a brief but firm handshake. 除了简短而有力的握手之外,男性之间很少有身体接触。(B1-p76-L16) I like Charles Barkley like a brother, and except for the times when we're banging and pushing each other under the boards in games between my team and his, we're great friends. 我喜欢查尔斯?巴克利,就像他是我的亲兄弟一样,除了我和他的球队比赛时我们在蓝板下你撞我推之外,我们都是很要好的朋友。 (B3-U7-l1) Everyone was overjoyed to see her except her cold-hearted sisters. 除了她的两位冷酷的姐姐,所有的人见了她都万分高兴。(B3-p18-L88) What, besides their fame, do all these people have in common? 除了名气之外,他们还有什么共同之处呢,(B3-U11-L4) 8(表示让步 in spite of较常用,despite是较为正式的用词。如: In spite of what others might have thought, I was not running away from something but to something. 不管别人会有什么样的想法,我并没有逃避过去,而是在追求未来。(B1-U9-L17) Despite all the problems of modern world, however, most people would not choose to live in any of the less scientific ages. 尽管现代世界存在着种种问题,大多数人都不愿生活在科学欠发达的时代。(B3-U4-L64) 9(表示支持和反对 for表示支持,相当于in favor of;with表示团结一致或同情;against表示反对。如: How many people voted for the proposal? 有多少人投票赞成这项建议, So I'm against Christmas-I agree with Scrooge. 因此,我反对过圣诞节 - 我同意斯克鲁奇的看法。(B1-U4-L24) 5.2 介词 介词用于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前,表示词语间语义关系的,指明其后面的‎‎宾语和前面的名词或动词的关系。 有些词既可用作介词也可用作连词,区别在于:介词后面跟名词,连词后面跟从句。如: Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great orator. 乌龟飞在鸟儿们中间,非常高兴,由于他擅长演说,很快就被推选为大伙儿的发言人。(B3-U1-L28) -- 第一个as是连词,第二个是as介词。 有些词既可用作介词也可用作副词,区别在于:介词有宾语,副词无宾语。如: When everything had been set before the guests, one of the people of the sky came forward and tasted a little from each pot. 等所有的菜肴在客人们面前摆好后,一位天上来的人走上前来,把每样菜肴都尝一口。 (B3-U1-L48) (句中 before为介词) Most people today feel proud to have built a society that treats the races, sexes, and economic classes more equall‎‎y than ever before. 今天已建成了一个比以往任‎‎何时候都更加平等地对待不同种族、性别及经济阶层的社会,大多数人为此感到自豪。 (B3-U2-L57) (句中before 为副词) 5.2.1 介词的分类 1(简单介词:由一个单词构成的介词,常用的有:above, about, across, after, against, along, among, at, before, below, behind, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, opposite, outside, over, past, since, through, throughout, till, toward(s), under, up, within, with, without等。 2(复杂介词:由两个或两个以上单词构成的介词,如:due to, except for, out of, together with, previous to, prior to, thanks to, up to, by means of, by way of, for the sake of, in the event of, on the point of, with a view to, irrespective of, because of, as for, as to, ahead of, according to, in front of, on top of等。如: Wives, on the other hand, may waste huge amounts of money because they are angry at their husbands. 另一方面,妻子因对丈夫有气而浪费大量钱财。(B1-p42-L8) According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders. 按心理学家的说法,许多人是购物成癖的人。(B1-p42-L16) Note: 复杂介词的搭配都是固定的,一般不可随意变更。同一个名词与不同的介词搭配所表达的意义往往不同,名词前的限定词语不同也会影响介词短语的意义。因此,学习者应把这‎‎些固定搭配的介词短语作为一个意义单位记忆。以由time构成的几个固定搭配为例。 on time"按时,准时";in time"及时,迟早,过一段时间";in good time"留有充分的时间,提前";at no time"决不"; in no time"立即,马上";at times"有时";宾for a time"一度,短时间内",for the time being"暂时"。如: Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite‎‎ guest is to be on time. 美国人认为做一名礼貌的客人首要的一点就是要准时。(B1-p71-L1) At first it grieved them to do so; but in time they got used to it. 刚开始时他们还很伤心,可后来就慢慢地习惯了。(B1-p128-L25) There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away. 诚然,障碍依然存在,但那是一些假以时日终究会被消除的障碍‎‎。(B2-U5-L55) We arrived at the airport in good time for the plane.我们提前到达机场赶上了那个航班。 At no time did I tell you that you could use my car. 我根本没说过你可以用我的车。 Jed got the car fixed in no time at all. 杰德马上就把车修好了。 At times, she feels discouraged and at other times, optimistic. 有时她感到悲观失望,有时她又感到很乐观。 For a time the police thought she might be guilty. 警方一度认为她可能有罪。 You'll have your own office soon but for the time being you'll have to share one. 你很快就会有自己的办公室,不过你暂时还得和别人合用一间。 5.2.2 介词在句中的位置 1(介词通常位于名词或代词前,如: What I learned changed my life as a corporate executive. 我所学到的东西改变了我作为 公司主管人员的一生。(B3-U10-L7) Good-bye. It was so nice of you to have me. 再见,感谢你的盛意邀请。(B1-p72-L53) 2( 介词在下列结构中可放在句尾: 介词+whom/which/what/whose结构位于句首的疑问句;形容词从句中位于that /whom /which之前的介词;wh-名词性从句中;动词不定式作状语或定语。如: Whose mother do you think I'm talking about? 你认为我在谈论谁的母亲呢,(B1-p52-L19) --介词+whose结构位于句首的疑问句 Who was that lady I saw you with last night? 昨晚我看到的那位和你在一起的女士是谁,(B3-U3-L38) --介词+whom结构位于句首的疑问句 The people of the sky set before their guests the most delectable dishes (that) Tortoise had ever seen or dreamed of. 天上的人在客人们面前摆上了乌龟从未见过或梦到过的美味佳肴。(B3-U1-L43) --形容词从句中位于that之前的介词 There are dozens of mind-body techniques for you to choose from. 你可以选择的身心疗法有几‎‎十种。(B1-U7-L36) --动词不定式作状语或定语 3( 在"不及物动词+介词"结构中,介词须紧跟动词后,宾语不能置于动词和介词之间,如: An American who fell off his bike was very angry when on-looking Chinese laughe‎‎d at him. 从自行车上掉下来的美国人对站在一边笑的中国人很生气。(B1-p76-L10) 5.2.3 介词词组 介词后通常可接名词、代词、数词、-ing分词、疑问词+带to的不定式、名词性从句(一般 不接that引导的从句)等。如: Emotions do change with age. 人的情绪回随着年龄的增长而变化。(B4-U1-L17) I know you would have expected nothin‎‎g less from us. (B3-p484-L81) 我知道这正是你对我们的期望。 Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the bills. 兰休看到钱一点儿也不吃惊。(B1-p136-L81) Social scientists have exploded some myths about who's happy and who's not by identifying predictors of happiness and life satisfaction. 社会科学家通过辨别与幸福和人生的满足有关的迹象,推翻了一些关于哪些人幸福、哪些人不幸福的错误观念。(B4-U1-L13) 5.2.4 介词短语在句中的作用 介词与其宾语构成介词短语,在句中主要用作状语、后置定语、主语补足语、宾语补足语等‎‎成分。修饰动词、名词、全句。如: They were all nationally known and were all good role models for our youth to follow. 他们都曾经是全国皆知的人物,也是我们的年轻人仿效的好榜样。(B3-U11-L23) (作后置定语) They chose to fly home on an empty stomach. 他们宁可空着肚子飞回去。 (B3-U1-L60) (作状语) Activities at different stages of life may be of very different kinds. 不同的生活阶段会有不同类‎‎型的活动。 (B3-U9-L57) (作主语补足语) Goods must be of marketable qualit‎‎y. 商品质量必须合格。(B1-p156-L4) (作主语补足语) And Sham Shemagi answered from behind the curtain. 萨姆?舍玛琪在垂帘后回答。 (B1-p128-L42)(作另一介词的宾语) 5.2.5 介词与其它词类的搭配关系 介词与其它词类的搭配是英语学习的一个重要方面。不同的介词和不同的词语搭配会产生不同的词义,对此,学习者要特别注意。 1(与动词的搭配关系 1)许多动词往往要和介词搭配使用以表达某一的含义;许多动词和不同的介词搭配使用可以表达不同的含义。如: Manners make us aware that everything we have derives from a source. 礼貌使我们意识到,我们所拥有的一切都是有来源的。(B3-U2-L69) Compaq benefits from creating opportunities for employees to perform to the best of their potential and to be rewarded for their achievements. 康柏公司为其员工创造了潜能得以充分发‎‎挥并按业绩获奖的机会,公司由此获益匪浅。(B4-U3-L29) 试比较: Your account of the affair does not agree with mine. 你对这件事的说法和我的不一致。 Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的建议吗, 2)有些动词总是和特定的介词及副词连用,并具有特别的意义,这样构成的短语称为短语动词。英语中有相当数量的短语动词,由于它们具有特定的含义,学习者应特别注意。如: What do you look for in a potential date? 你对将来的约会对象有什么期盼,(B4-U5-L1) Too much challenge may lead to failure and frustration. 挑战性太强也可能导致失败与挫折。(B4-U3-L14) Moments of questioning creep up on us. 发生疑问的时刻会悄悄地出现在我们面前。(B1-p337-L47) Several schools are trying to cut down on the opportunity to cheat by giving‎‎ more open-book exams. 有些学校正设法采用更多的开卷考试来减少作弊的机会。(B4-U4-L12) 2(与形容词的搭配关系 许多形容词往往要和介词搭配使用以表达某一的含义,与不同的介词搭配使用也可以表达不同的含义。如: The world is full of disappointed people. 这个世界上有很多失意的人。(B4-U12-L43) 试比较: Are you afraid of snakes? 你怕蛇吗, They are afraid for their children. 他们为孩子担忧。 3(与名词的搭配关系 名词后所接的介词一般与该名词的同源动词或形容词所接的介词相同。但也有些名词 后所接的介词不同于其同源动词或形容词所接的介词。如: Many people are believers in their own immunity to advertising. 许多人相信自己对广告句 有免疫力。(B4-U6-L1) 试比较: In this respect, French is different from English. 在这方面,法语与英语是有区别的。 It's easy to tell the difference between butter‎‎ and margarine. 很容易区别黄油和人造黄油。 5.2.6 介词的意义和常用介词比较 1(表示时间 1)at, in, on at指具体时间,表示某个时间点;in用于时间段;on用于短时间段,表示特定的时间。 如: at daybreak在拂晓 (B1-p135-L48) But most dinner parties break up at about 11 o'clock 但大多数晚会在11点左右就结束。 (B1-p72-L49) There was famine in those days. 那些日子它们正经历着一场饥荒。(B3-U1-L11) In the days that followed 在接下来的几天里 (B2-U5-L30) on one memorable occasi‎‎on 在一次难忘的场合 (B1-U1-L31) on the afternoon of that eventful day 在这重要日子的午后 (B2-U5-L5) 2) since, from, after since表示 "自从…(到现在)":与现在完成时连用表示时间的继续,也可与过去完成时 连用表示过去终止的情况的‎‎起点;from"自…起",表示起始时间,与to相对;after "自…后" :表示时间先后的顺序。如: Mortgage debt has increased 300 percent since 1975. 自1975年以来买房借贷增加了百分之三百。(B1-U5-L10) Of course, there are obvious things that people need to remind themselves of from time to time. 当然,还有一些明摆着的事需要人‎‎们经常提醒自己。(B1-p195-L26) Meeting after a long interval, friends are like a couple who begin to dance again when the orchestra strikes up after a pause. 久别重逢的朋友就像是一对随着乐队休息片刻后又再次翩翩起舞的舞伴一样。(B3-U9-L64) 3)to, before, by, till /until 三个词均可表示情况的终止时间。to"到…":表示终止时间,与from相对;before"在…以前,直到…前";by"最迟在…之前":强调某事在特定时间之前发生但不迟于该时间。until"直到…":与表示持续性动作的动词连用,表示某件事持续到某时为止。在非正式英语中till可until代替。until 在肯定句和否定句中的意义‎‎不同。如: It's no good leaving things to the last moment. 把事情拖到最后一刻再干不是好办法。 People who were born just before World War I remember waving at automobiles as they passed. 在第一次世界大战前夕出生的人仍然记得自己向从身边经过的汽车挥手的情景。(B3-U4-L1) By the time he had reached his seventieth year, all the property left to him consisted of the clothes on his body and his wife. 当他年满七十时,身上的衣服和他的妻子便是他的所有。(B1-p127-L16) He and his wife worked hard from morning till night for thirty years, growing richer each year. 三十年来,他和妻子从早到晚辛苦地劳作,终于一年比一年富裕起来。(B1-p127-L4) But the effects of these inventions upon the lives of ordinary citize‎‎ns were not felt until many years later. 但直到许多年后普通老百姓才感受到这些发明对他们的生活所产生的影响。(B3-U4-L14) 4)in,within in "再过…时间,花费…时间";within"在…时间以内"。如: His flight leaves in an hour. 他乘坐的航班一小时后起飞。(B1-p223-L12) In a few seconds, you have drawn hostile conclusions about unseen people and their motives. 几秒钟后,你就会对那些从未谋面的人产生敌意。(B1-p189-L29) Within several minutes this can produce deep calm. 几分钟内就能使你非常冷静。(B3-U12-L56) 5)for, during, through 三个词均可表示时间段。for"历时…":与表示持续性动作的动词连用,表示某事持续发生时间的长短;during强调动作的持续时表示"在…期间",而表示某动作在某一段期间中发生时表示"在…期间中的某一时间"。Through表示"整个…时间,从开始到结束无间断",用all through, throughout则语气更强。如: Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons. 乌龟已经有两个月没吃过一顿饱饭了。(B3-U1-L11) And during those same twenty-four hours, people will make more than 30 million business presentations. 就是在这二十四个小时里,人们将要做三千多万个商务发言。(B3-U12-L2) Students from elementary school through college have about two weeks' vacation. 大中小学生通常都有约两周的假期。(B1-p99-L2) In fact, throughout history, the rose has signified "secrecy". 事实上,纵观历史,玫瑰含有"秘密"的意思。 (B1-p82-L29) 2(表示地点和位置 1)at, in, on at表示位于较狭窄的地点;in表示位于较宽广的地点。on意为 "在…上",表示某物和另一物表面相接触。如: He is waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first notices the young woman. 他在航空公司售票处等待购票时第一次注意到这个女人。(B1-p223-L1) You can lean out of a car window when you're stopped at the traffic lights and say "Merry Christmas". 当你在交通灯处停下来的时候,你可以把头伸出车窗外说:"圣诞快乐。"(B1-U4-L39) Ekwefi and her daughter, Ezinma, sat on the mat on the floor. 爱克蔚菲和她的女儿爱金玛坐在一块小地毯上。(B3-U1-L3) 2)in, into, within in "在…之中";into "进入…之中";within "在…以内"。如: A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. 一个缺乏幽默感的人不可能成为一群人中最受欢迎的人。(B3-U3-L14) At the post office he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbo‎‎x. 在邮局,他在信上贴上邮票,把它塞进了邮筒。(B1-p135-L56) There is also the kind of relationship within a group-men and women who have worked together for a long time, who may be very close, sharing great loyalty and warmth of feeling. 还有一种存在于团体内部的关系 - 男女成员长期共事,有可能会关系‎‎密切,相互信任和关心。(B3-U9-L22) 3)out of, away from, from, off 这几个词语均意为"自…",表示作为运动开始的地点或物体。out of 与in, into意思相反。away from 表示远离。from表示动作的出发点时,即"自…",与表示终点的to相反。off :自…, 表示分离。如: Why is it that several students in a class will fall out of their chairs laughing after I tell a joke while the rest of the students look as if I've just read the weather report‎‎? 为什么听我讲完笑话后班上会有一些学生笑得前俯后仰,而另一些学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢, (B3-U3-L6) Does he influence people's lives in a positive way away from the court? 他在球场以外给人们的生活带来了积极的影响吗,(B3-U7-L25) Tortoise looked down from the sky and saw his wife bringing things out. 乌龟从天上往下看,看到他的妻子正往外搬东西。(B3-U1-L71) When some of the tension is taken out of the body, the strain is taken off the entire system.当某些紧张感从体内消除后,压力也就随之从整个系统消失。(B1-U7-L32) 4)above, over 和below, under above 与below反义,above表示位置高于, below 表示位置低于,均不与另一物接触。over 与under反义,over表示在某物的正上‎‎方,under表示"在…正下方",均不与表面接触。此外。above, over 和below, under 还可以表示地位、阶级的上下。例如: Many confessional booths in Catholic churches have carvings of roses above the door. 许多天主教堂的忏悔室门上方有玫瑰的雕刻图案。(B!-p82-L30) The sun has gone below the horizon. 太阳落到地平线下去了。 In ancient times, a branch of mistletoe was hung over doorways for good luck. 古时候,人们把槲寄生挂在门上以示好运。(B1-p100-L52) Anyone standing under the mistletoe is likely to be kissed. 只要你站在槲寄生树下,就会被人亲 吻。(B1-p100-L53) A captain is below a major in rank. 上尉比少校级别低。 She has only the director over her. 比她职位高的只有主任了。 5)up 与down up指从下往上,表示向上的运动,与down的运动相反;down指从上往下,表示向下的运动。此外,up还表示从乡村到城市、从南到北、从沿海到内地、从市区到住宅区。down则正相反,表示从城市到乡村、从北到南、从内地到沿海、从住宅区到市区。如: The car will take us right up the hillside. 小汽车可以把我们一直带到山腰。 There have been occasions when I've felt like buying a big Harley-Davidson motorcycle and riding it down the street.我时常想买一辆哈利?戴维森牌的大摩托车,想骑着它逛逛街。 (B3-U7-L53) 6)between, among between一般指在二者之间,有夹在当中的意思,有时也用于三者或三者以上,强调 每两者之间的关系。among指在三者或更多之间,有夹杂的意思。如: We had plenty of opportunity to compare Benjam‎‎in with Chinese babies and to observe the relationship that generally occurs between adults and young children. 我们有很多机会比较本杰明和中国孩子,观察中国成人和孩子之间的‎‎一般关系。(B2-p205-L34) Fortunately, it is the differences among people that make them interesting.值得庆幸的是,正是人与人之间的差异才使人生变得生动有趣。(B1-U12-L46) 7)round, around 两者均意为"围绕,在…四周",表示在某个地点范围内的多向运动,around通常指静态,round静态和动态皆可,但这两个字在实际用法中常混用。如: She hoped to have a chance to travel round the world. 她希望有机会做一次环球旅行。 I walked out of the room and began a leisurely stroll around campus. 走出教室,我开始在校园里悠闲地漫步。(B2-P283-L23) So who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval? 那么你周围的人又有谁值得你写便笺表示感谢或鼓励呢,(B3-U5-L57) 8)along, across, through along意为" 沿着"。across表示动态时作"横过"解,表示位置时作"在…的对面或 另一边"解。through表示"贯通",即"从这边穿到那边",through还可表示动作所经过的途径"自…"。如: The Natural Bridge is also a favorite scene along the northern coast road. 自然大桥也是沿北部海岸大道的一个极好的景观。(B1-p257-L32) My journey started shortly after I accepted an appointment as visiting professor of psychology at the federal university in Nitero‎‎i, Brazil, a small city across the bay from Rio de Janeiro. 应邀到巴西尼泰罗伊联邦大学作心理学访问学者后,不久我便启程‎‎到了这座与里约热内卢市隔海相望的小城。(B2-p312-L13) At such times my sister or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y. on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance. 这时, 我或我姐姐就用孩子玩的雪橇拉着他,穿过纽约布鲁克林的街道,直到地铁的人口处。(B1-U1-L12) 9)to, toward, for 这几个词均意为"向…"。to强调运动的目的地,到达点;towards强调运动方向;for则常与start, leave等表示出发意味的动词连用,指出其目的地‎‎的方向。如: When his takeout is ready, he gathers up his numerous bags and his dinner and advances to the door to go back to the street. 当他要的外卖端出来时,他收拢自己的那些个袋子和饭菜朝门口走去,准备再回到街上去。(B3-U2-l6) Christmas is supposed to be a time to express our love and goodwill towards others.圣诞节应该是表示对他人的爱心和良好的祝愿的时候。(B1-U4-L16) They're leaving for Rome this morning.他们将于今天早上动身去罗马。 10)before, in front of与after, behind in front of"在…之前",单纯地表示位置关系,若表示具体的概念,尤其是建筑物的位置关系时用in front of。before "在……之前",与behind"在……之后"反义;behind"在……的后面",表示方向和位置的先后。after"在……之后":含有顺序、追赶的意思。如: an older couple walking very slowly in front of them 在他们前面缓慢行走的一对老夫妇(B3-U2-L58) There is an old pine tree in front of the building.大楼前有一棵老松树。(in front of不能改为before) Then the guest called to the old woman who was seated behind the curtain. 然后,客人就问坐在垂帘后的老妇人。(B1-p128-L45) More women than men hold open doors for those behind them. 停下来为后面的人开门的更多的是女士而不是男士。(B3-U2-L21) If I try to go fast to discourage them from following, they are simply put to the discomfort of having to flee after me. 如果我想走得快一点以免他们跟上来,结果只会使他们紧跟我的脚‎‎步,从而使他们感到更不舒服。(B1-U3-L24) 3(表示原因和理由 表示原因和理由的介词主要有:at, for, from, of, over, through, with, due to, owing to, because of, on account of, thanks to。 1)at指感情或感觉上的原因。for表示内在的心理原因,常与喜怒哀乐‎‎等抽象名词连用。from表示原因、动机,也可表示伤亡或事故的原因。of表示情绪上或生病\死亡的原因,常和afraid, die, sick, fired等连用。over表示情绪的原因,常和cry, laugh, lament(悲伤), rejoice(高兴)等连用。through表示间接的原因。with指心理上或感情上由外界影响到内心的原因。 Divers will marvel at one of the Caribbean's largest shipwrecks, a 400-foot World War II Germen freighter.潜水者将会惊叹加勒比海最大的残骸之一,一艘40英尺二战时期的德国货船。(B1-p256-L15) To kill a man for a shilling! 因一先令而杀人。(B1-p167-L36) Death rates from accidents have declined.交通事故的死亡率已经下降。 Remember, no one dies of hunger. 请记住,不会有人饿死。(B1-p135-L41) We rejoiced over the victory. 我们为胜利而欣喜若狂。 He knew he was quite capable of making mistakes through his inexperience. 他知道由于缺乏经验他完全可能发生犯错误。 The poor woman was trembling with terror. 那个可怜的女人吓得浑身发动抖。 2)due to, owing to, because of, on account of, thanks to 皆为短语介词表原因。due to,owing to,because of和on account of可作状语和主语补足语;但thanks to只能作状语。如: And I believe that their ability to work is largel‎‎y due to the fact that they do work. 我相信他们还有工作能力的主要原因是他们确实还在工作着。(B1-p330-L40) We were late, owing to the snow. 由于下雪我们迟到了。 I've been told that Petula Clark was a successful singer in France partly because of her English accent. 我听说佩特拉?克拉克之所以能在法国成为受人欢迎的歌手,部分原因是因为她的英国口音。(B2-p126-L39) We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather. 由于天气不好,我们推迟了出发时间。 Thanks to his being late, we missed the train. 由于他的迟到,我们误了火车。 4(表示"关于"、"至于" 表示"关于"、"至于"的介词主要有:in regard to, with regard to, regarding,as regards, with respect to, in respect of, with/in reference to , on the matter of,about, concerning, as to with/in reference to, with regard to, as regards等。如: The same rules hold true with regard to children. 同样的规则在对待孩子的问题上也一样适用。(B1-U3-L38) But my most important lessons about the link among busine‎‎ss, the environment, and the economy did not come from my company. 但是,在商业、环境和经济相互之间的关系方面,最重要的教益不是从我的公司学到的。(B3-U10-L4) This is what I think concerning them. 关于这些事,我的想法是这样的。(B1-p128-L45) Regarding your order, we will ship it today. 关于你们的定货,我们将于今天发货。 5(表示方法、手段或工具 表示方法、手段或工具的介词主要有:by, in, through, with 等。by与被动语态连用表示其行为者,by还可以表示方法,意为"用,靠,凭"; in表示方式和工具;through 表示间接的方法、手段,常与by换用,意为"经由…,由…";with表示具体的工具或手段。如: And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo. 有趣的是甚至那些信誓旦旦认为这是不可能的人也因为用了安慰剂而‎‎完全康复了。(B1-U2-l52) There are people who says you can heal your body by using your mind. 有些人认为你可以用精神来治于愈自己的疾病。(B1-U2-L51) For the past eighty years I have started each day in the same way. 在过去的80年中,我都是以同样的方式开始每一天的。(B1-p330-L48) When you can give a stressful experience meaning through writin‎‎g, you don't think about it or worry about it as much. 当你能够把这些紧张的经历写出来,从而使自己理解它们是怎么一回 事时,你就不会老是想着它们或为它们担忧了。(B1-U7-L41) There was pounded yam and also yam soup cooked with palm oil and fresh fish. 有甜薯泥以及用棕榈油和鲜鱼一起煮成的甜薯汤。(B3-U1-L46) They pulled the nation together with their greatness. 他们以自身的伟大把整个民族团结了起来。(B3-U11-L25) Note: by, in和on都可表示交通工具。by后的名词为单数,用零冠词;in 和on后的名词须加冠词或用复数。有些表示交通工具的词前必须用on,如on horseback, on foot等。如: the story of three elderly gentlemen travel‎‎ing by train in England 三位上了年纪的绅士在英国乘火车旅行的故事 (B3-U3-L49) : A typical journey on the Mystery Express offers the opportunity to solve a challenging murder right there on the train. "神秘快车"上的一个典型旅行是向乘客提供破获在火车上发生的具有挑战性的神秘谋杀案的机会。 (B1-p251-L40) 6(表示价格、比率、标准、对比、速度 表示价格、比率、标准、对比、速度的介词主要有:at, by, for 等。at表示价值、价格、比率或速度;by表示度量,单位或标准,意为"以…计,按…计算"; for表示总价钱。:如: As we have already said, technological innovations are being made at faster and faster rates. 正如我们以前所说的,技术革新的速度越来越快。(B3-U4-L46) All the same, if bargains were prohibited by law our standard of living would immediately rise by 7.39 per cent. 然而,如果法律禁止廉价商品出售的话,我们的生活水平就会立即上升7.39个百分点。(B1-p168-L84) I bought a suitcase for $40. 我花40元买了只箱子。(B1-p167-L57) 7(表示例外 表示例外的介词主要有:except, expecting, except for, with the exception of, apart from, aside from, but, 和besides等。 except "除了…",强调所排除的不包括在内 except后接的词同句中的主语一般是同类 的,指在同类的整体中除去一部分。except for "除了…",也强调所排除的不包括在内,但后接的词同句中的主语不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节或一个方面。excepting和except同义,但多用在句首。expect that "除去…一点之外",后接名词从句。besides "除了…还有",相当于in addition to。but也可表示"除…外",用法同except基本相同。but通常与all, every, everybody, anywhere, no, nobody, nothing, who, what, where等不定代词或疑问代词连用。but 和except后都可以跟动词不定式作宾语。但注意,如谓语动词是do,but后所接的动词不定式不带to,否则to不可省。apart from "除…外",既有besides的意义, 又有except,except for的意义。如: And males rarely touch each other, except for a brief but firm handshake. 除了简短而有力的握手之外,男性之间很少有身体接触。(B1-p76-L16) I like Charles Barkley like a brother, and except for the times when we're banging and pushing each other under the boards in games between my team and his, we're great friends. 我喜欢查尔斯?巴克利,就像他是我的亲兄弟一样,除了我和他的球队比赛时我们在蓝板下你撞我推之外,我们都是很要好的朋友。 (B3-U7-l1) Everyone was overjo‎‎yed to see her except her cold-hearted sisters. 除了她的两位冷酷的姐姐,所有的人见了她都万分高兴。(B3-p18-L88) What, besides their fame, do all these people have in common? 除了名气之外,他们还有什么‎‎共同之处呢,(B3-U11-L4) 8(表示让步 in spite of较常用,despite是较为正式的用词。如: In spite of what others might have thought, I was not running away from something but to something. 不管别人会有什么样的想法,我并没有逃避过去,而是在追求未来。(B1-U9-L17) Despite all the problems of modern world, however, most people would not choose to live in any of the less scientific ages. 尽管现代世界存在着种种问题,大多数人都不愿生活在科学欠发达的时代。(B3-U4-L64) 9(表示支持和反对 for表示支持,相当于in favor of;with表示团结一致或同情;against表示反对。如: How many people voted for the proposal? 有多少人投票赞成这项建议‎‎, So I'm against Christmas-I agree with Scrooge. 因此,我反对过圣诞节 - 我同意斯克鲁奇的看法。(B1-U4-L24)
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