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宫崎骏英文介绍ppt宫崎骏英文介绍ppt 宫崎骏英文介绍 鏈枃鐢辨竻鏅ㄥ悜闃宠姳寮?璐,尞 ppt鏂囨。鍙兘鍦?AP绔祻瑙堜綋楠屼笉浣炽?傚缓璁偍浼樺厛閫夋嫨TXT锛屾垨涓嬭 浇婧愭枃浠跺埌鏈満鏌ョ湅銆?/span> 瀹磶楠?br /> 鈥?English name: Miyazaki Hayao 鈥?Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan 鈥?Career: animation director, screenwriter writer, character designer 鈥?Date of...

宫崎骏英文介绍ppt 宫崎骏英文介绍 鏈枃鐢辨竻鏅ㄥ悜闃宠姳寮?璐,尞 ppt鏂囨。鍙兘鍦?AP绔祻瑙堜綋楠屼笉浣炽?傚缓璁偍浼樺厛閫夋嫨TXT锛屾垨涓嬭 浇婧愭枃浠跺埌鏈満鏌ョ湅銆?/span> 瀹磶楠?br /> 鈥?English name: Miyazaki Hayao 鈥?Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan 鈥?Career: animation director, screenwriter writer, character designer 鈥?Date of birth: jan. 5, 1941 鈥?He is a well-known Japanese animation director, the animator and cartoonist. Every of his works, though the topic is different, but it express dream, environmental protection, life, survival such remarkable message. 鈥?浠栨槸涓?浣嶇煡鍚嶆棩鏈 姩鐢诲婕斻?佸姩鐢诲笀鍙婃极 鐢诲銆備粬鐨勬瘡閮ㄤ綔鍝侊紝棰樻潗铏界劧涓嶅悓锛 屼絾 鍗村皢姊,兂銆佺幆淇濄?佷汉鐢熴?佺敓瀛樿繖浜涗护浜哄弽 鎬濈殑璁伅锛岃瀺鍚 堝叾涓? Laputa Castle in the Sky 鈥?澶??涔嬪煄 (1986) 鈥?Logo: One day, the young girl coming down from heaven 鈥?瀹,紶璇細鏈変竴澶?紝灏?濂充粠澶??岄檷銆?br /> 绫讳簡 鍩?鍑?缁?鏂囨棤 甯?缇?灏?鏄庢暟 锛?鐨?璁?鐨勮闈?鏃?浜?鍏充紬 甯?寰?鍗? 娉紝 鐨?锛?璞?銆佸悓 缇?鍔?娣?鍙嶆椂 銆?涓?鍒?鐪佷篃 杩?閭?锛?鍜屽繀 閮?娴?鎴? 鎬濈劧 鍔?鍦?涓? 鑰冨紩 鐢?绌?鐩?銆傚彂 娣?涓?璁?瑙傛繁姊,緱 浼楀湴骞婚偅 瀵规 劅鑸煍 浜哄姩鐨勫拰 鈥?The end is impressive, I always remember the soft beautiful melody, plus the floating in space dream city, it is very beautiful. This animation deeply moved a great number of audience, it also made the audience pay attention to human civilization, reflection and thinking. My Neighbor TOTORO 榫欑尗(1988) 鈥?Logo: this strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan 鈥?瀹,紶璇細杩欑 濂囨殑鐢熺墿锛岃涓嶅畾 浠嶇敓娲诲湪鏃ユ湰銆?br /> 鈥?The film is full of fairy tale color and warmth of family,it successfully lead audience into a fantastic fairy tale world, it is a rare and excellent work . It is very suitable for either old and young people. 鈥?杩欓儴褰辩墖鍏呮弧浜嗙璇濊壊 褰?鍜屼翰鎯呯殑娓?Θ锛屾妸瑙備紬鎴?鍔熺殑甯,叆浜嗕竴涓骞昏埇鐨?绔ヨ瘽涓栫 晫閲岋紝瀹冩槸涓?閮ㄤ笉 鍙寰楃殑浣充綔锛屽崄鍒嗛?傚悎 涓?瀹惰?佸皬榻愰綈瑙傜 湅銆?br /> Spirited Away 鍗冧笌鍗冨 鈥?Logo: go through the tunnel, there will be a strange town 鈥?瀹,紶璇細绌胯 繃闅ч亾锛屾槸涓?涓寮?鐨勫皬闀?br /> 鈥?The film is known as hayao miyazaki's "Alice in wonderland". It was originally created for children, but it let more adults wake up to notice the lost innocence and enthusiasm. This is my favorite animation, when I鈥檓 older, I would take my children to see the animation. 鈥?瀹冭瑾変负瀹磶楠忕殑銆婄埍涓戒笣姊,父浠欏 銆嬨?傚畠鏈潵鏄负瀛?瓙鍒涗綔鐨勶紝浣嗗嵈 璁?洿澶氱殑澶т汉閱掓偀鍒板凡 缁忓け鍘荤殑绾湡涓庣儹鎯呫?傝繖鏄垜灏忔椂鍊欐渶鐖辩湅鐨勫姩 鐢伙紝鍗充娇浠ュ 悗鑰佷簡锛屾垜涔熶細甯,潃瀛?瓙閲嶇湅杩欓儴鍔ㄧ敾銆?br /> Howl's Moving Castle 鈥?鍝堝皵鐨勭Щ鍔ㄥ煄鍫?2004) 鈥?Logo: two people living together. 鈥?瀹,紶璇細涓や釜浜轰竴璧?鐢熸椿銆?br /> 鈥?The 19 th century Europe, 18 years old girl Sophie became an old woman because of the evil magic. To look for a spell method, she accidentally broke into the magical moving castle, inside there is a magical door, people can cometo four world through the door ... A weaving love with pain, music and tragic love story in the flames started quietly. 鈥?19涓栫磤鏈瓙娲诧紝18姝插皯濂宠槆鑿茶鑽掗噹 鎯?瘨鐨勫コ宸柦涓嬮瓟鍜掕 畩鎴?0姝茶?佸,濠嗐??鐐烘壘灏嬭В闄ゅ拻瑾炵殑鏂规硶锛屽ス鍋剁劧闂栧叆 鍥涜檿閬 婅蛋銆佸厖婊挎闂滃拰榄旀硶鐨勭Щ鍕曞煄 鍫?紝瑁,潰涓?閬撻瓟娉曢杸锛屾洿鍙 氬線鍥涘??绁炲涓栫晫鈥,?,竴娈典氦绻斾簡鎰涜垏鐥涖?佹? 鑸囨偛鐨勬剾鎯呮晠浜 嬪湪鎴扮伀涓倓鎮勫睍闁嬨??br /> Let's appreciate Hayao Miyazaki's animation world! 鈥?Hayao Miyazaki鈥漵 works let the world know the beauty of imagining the wonderful world, like people open a skylight in their narrow on the back of a vast,they automatically believe the power of a dream, because existence of 鈥?瀹磶楠忕殑 浣滃搧璁?笘浜虹煡閬撴兂璞′笘鐣岀殑缇庡ソ锛?dreams is the reason of 灏卞儚浜哄湪 鑷繁鐙獎鐨勫悗鑴戜笂寮?浜嗕竴涓箍闃?happiness in the world. No 鐨勫ぉ绐楋紝 涓嶇敱鑷富鍦扮浉淇??鎯崇殑鍔涢噺锛屽洜 matter how long the time 涓烘?鎯崇殑 瀛樺湪锛屾槸浜哄湪涓栦笂骞哥鐨勭悊鐢便??past, we will think of it's 鏃犺鏃堕 棿杩囧幓澶氫箙锛屾垜浠兘浼氭兂璧烽偅鍞編 beautiful picture. 鐨勭敾闈 The End
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