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绝望主妇经典旁白绝望主妇经典旁白 101. An odd thing happens when we die. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could ...

绝望主妇经典旁白 101. An odd thing happens when we die. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they'd only take the time to look. 我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉 消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。我们能突然把 被我们扔在身后的这个世界看清楚。当然,大多数死人能看见的世界,活着的人也能看清楚,只 要他们愿意花时间去看。 102. As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me: the beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It?s a shame really, there?s so much to see. 当我回头看看身 后这个世界时;我看的如此清晰。有那么多有待发现的美丽;和那么多有待揭幕的神秘;但是人 们很少会停下来看上一眼。他们只是不停的往前走,这真的很遗憾。。。。有那么多值得一看的东 西~ 103. Yes, I remember the world --every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now -- there will always be those who face their fears... and there will always be those who run away. 是 的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节;而我记的最多的是我有多害怕;真是浪费。你看,住在恐惧 中并不是真正的活着~我希望能告诉活在我身后世界的人们这个道理,但是会有用吗,可能并不 会。我现在明白,总是会有人要面对他们的恐惧;也总有人会选择逃避 104. When I was alive, I maintained many different identities --lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves. 当我活着的时候,我保持着很多不同的身份——恋人,妻子,最终是受害者。 是的,这样那样的标签对于活着的人们来说是很重要的,因为它指示了人们怎么看待自 己。 105. People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders. Trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in...the ones we never truly get to know. 人本能都 在寻找入侵者;阻止别人从外面闯入。但总有些人强行闯入我们的生活;正如那些被我们邀请进 入我们生活圈的人一样。但最令人头疼的是;那些站在外面向里面偷窥的人;是一些你根本无法 去了解的人~~ 其它: Life was suddenly full of possibilities, not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命充满了各种各样的可能,还有一些意想不到的惊喜。 The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see. 有那么多待发现的美丽,和那么有待揭幕的神秘。但人们很少会停下来看一眼,他们只是不停地 往前走。这真是令人遗憾,有那么多丰富多采的事物等着去看啊。 We are all searching for someone, that special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives. Someone who can offer companionship...or assistance...or security. And sometimes, if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us...with all three. Yes, we're all searching for someone, and if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us. 我们一直在寻寻觅觅,寻找着一位能弥补我们生命中缺陷的与众不同的人。给予友谊,或是帮助, 又或者是安全的人。有些时候,要是我们能努力地寻求,我们甚至会找到能把以上三种东西都给 予我们的人。是的,我们都在寻觅着,如果我们一无所获,那只能祈祝寿他们能找到我们。 We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of. Some of us have fallen for the wrong man. Some have let go of the right woman. There are those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow. 在生活中,我们都做过一些我们为之羞愧的事情。我们中一些人爱错了男人,会 错过合适的女人。有使他们的父母丢脸的孩子,有让他们的孩子失望的父母。是的,我们都会犯 错,让爱我们的人离去。但还是有挽回的机会,只要我们试着从这些错误中汲取经验教训,从而 成长。 Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly. Sometimes, we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life. Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself. And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win. 每一个人总喜欢时不时地自欺欺人。当然 了,我们每人的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达方式不尽相同。有时我们告诉自己我作不会影响家庭,有时我们幻想某段关 系比实际的有有意义。有时我们会掩饰,好像这样能安慰自己我们的秘密并不是真的那么可怕。 是的,自欺欺人的游戏很简单。只要你说服自己谎言是真的。要是你能可以让全世界相信这是真 的,那么你就是赢家。 The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence. They're the ones who love us long before we've even arrived. They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives...feel like good mothers. 世间好爸爸到处都有。我们又如何辨认 呢,他们不在身边时我们会如此地想念到要崩溃,他们在孩子还未出生前就深爱着我们,他们在 我们迷失回家的路时找到我们。是的,世间处处有好父亲。而最好的父亲就是那些能让生命中的 女人觉得自己是最好的母亲的人。 You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. there will always be those who face their fears...and there will always be those who run away. 恐惧的生活根本不能算是生活。总有 一些人勇于面对他们的恐惧,但总有一些人会选择逃避。 Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults and learn to give up what we want so we can choose to do what is right. Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still, we try to do what is best, what is good--But for those we love. 迟早,我们都会成为有责任心的成年人,从而为正确学会了放弃。当然,终其一生的责任不会总 是简单。随着岁月的流长,一些人会不负重担。但是,我们依然尽力而为——为了我们所爱的 人。 We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring. Sometimes for their bravery. Sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes, because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves. 我们都有各种理由去尊敬英雄。有的是因为 英雄的胆识,有的是因为勇气,有的是善良。但我们尊敬英雄的大部分原因,多多少少是因为我 们都幻想着被拯救。当然,要是真正的英雄没有出现,有时,我们就只有自我拯救了。 Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on--be they faithful friends, determined advocates or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people who we thought would always be there for us, leave. And if that happens, it's amazing the lengths we'll go to to get them back. 每一个人都需要依靠——忠实的朋友,坚定的拥护者或者是充满爱意的家 庭。但有时候,我们以为会永远守护着我们的人,离去了。真是那样的话,我们就得为找回他们 而走上漫漫长路。 Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams--dreams we didn't even know we had. 是 的,照相机是用来捕捉画面的。但事实上,它能捕捉到更多东西。它能揭示一个你从不在意的男 人心底隐藏的渴望;它能泄露许多普通婚姻的天大的秘密;最惊人的是,相机可以在不知觉中告 知我们自己的梦想——我们从未意识到已拥有的梦想。 In a world filled with darkness, we all need some kind of light. Whether it's a great flame that shows us how to win back what we've lost, or a powerful beacon intended to scare away potential monsters...or a few glowing bulbs that reveal to us the hidden truth of ur past...we all need something to help us get through the night...even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope. 在一个黑暗的世界里,我们都需要光明。也许是一束让我们知道怎么挽回失去的东西的光明,也 许是一座能驱走潜伏着的恶魔的灯塔;又也许是几个照亮了掩蔽着的我们过去的真相……我们都 需要帮助来渡过黑夜,哪怕只是最微弱的希望的光芒。 106: The search for power begins when we're quite young. As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple.Traces of evil always remain. 权力的追求始于我们年少之时。 当还是孩子的时候,我们就受到“邪不能胜正”的教育。但随着年龄的增长,我们意识到没有单一 的事物。邪恶如影随行。 107: Competition , it means different things to different people. But whether to friendly rivalry, or fight to the death . The end result is the same . There will be winners, and there will be losers, Of course the trick is , to know which battles to fight, you see, no victory comes without a price. 竞争因人而异,但是不管是友好竞争还是生死决斗,结果总是相同 的――有赢家,也有输家。但是,诀窍是,懂得去参加什么样的竞争。要知道,胜利都是用代价 换来的。 108: there is a widely-read book that tells us everyone is sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do . in contrast , there are those who assume more than their share of the blame , there are others who soothe their consciences with small eggs of kindness. or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time. And pray for forgiveness , some times there prayers are answered. 有一本流行的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 告诉我们“每个人都是罪人”。当然了,不是每个人 看了这书都对他们所作的坏事感到愧疚。相反的,有些人认为那应该比应受的谴责更多;还有些 人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心;或者告诉他们自己,他们的罪行是正当的;最后,有些人 会发誓,下次会做好些,然后为了饶恕而祈祷。有时,他们的祈祷被回应了。 109: People are complicated creatures. On the one hand able to perform great acts of charity ,on the other , capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal, it is a constant battle that rages within all of us ,because the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our sinner demons, and sometimes the only way to ward off darkness, is to share a light of compassion. 人类是复杂的动物。一方面,表现着善心,另一方面,却又干阴险地背叛。 我们都时常在天性的本善与内心的恶魔之间挣扎。有时候,唯一能阻挡黑暗的方法,就是闪耀怜 悯的光辉。 110: trust is a fragile thing, once earned , it affords us tremendous freedom, but once trust is lost , it can be impossible to recover, of course ,the truth is we never know who we can trust , those we „re closest to can betray us , and total strangers can come to our rescue ,in the end, most people decide to only trust themselves, it really way is the simplest way , to keep from getting burned. 信任真是一件脆弱的东西,一旦赢得了,会提供给我们巨大的空间。 而一旦失去了,就不可能再恢复了。当然,事实上我们永远不知道我们能信任谁:那些我们最亲 近的人可能会背叛我们,而陌生人却能帮助我们。最后,大多数人决定只能信任他们自己。这的 确是简单的办法,来防止引火上身。 111: We are all search for some one , the special person that who are provide us are missing in our lives, some one who can offer compassion ship, or resistance or security , and sometimes if we search very hard we can find someone who provide ourselves, with all three, yes for all searching for someone, and if we can?t find them , we can only pray, they will find us. 我们都在寻找一个人,他能带来我们生活中所缺少的东西:有些人能提供陪伴,或是帮助,或是 安全。有时候如果我们努力寻找,我们能找到能同时提供以上三者的人。是的,我们都在寻找一 个人,如果我们找不到他们,那我们只能祈祷,他会找到我们。 112: Death is inevitable, it?s a promise made to each of us at birth , but before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us, whether the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss, we all hope experience something that makes our lives meaningful, but the sad fact is not all lives have meaning ,some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen to them, before it?s too late. 死亡无法逃避,那是上帝在我们一出生时就许下的诺言。但是在诺言兑现之前, 我们都希望会有些事情发生,不管那是浪漫激情、养育孩子的快乐还是巨大损失的悲痛,我们都 希望经历一些让生命有意义的事情。但不幸的是,并不是所有的生命都有意义,一些人只是天天 坐视旁观,等待着一些事情发生到他们身上――在还没太晚之前。 113: Sooner or later , the time comes when we all must become responsible adults, and learn to give up what we want , So we can choose to do what is right, of course , a life time of responsibility , is not always easy , and as the years go on, it?s a burden that can become too heavy to bear , but still we try to do what is best, what is good, not only for ourselves, but for those we love, yes ,sooner or later , we must all become responsible adults, no one knows this better than the young man. 或早或晚,总有一天,我们都必须成为负责任的成年人。 学会放弃我们想要的东西,那我们就能选择去做正确的事情。当然,要做到一辈子负责任,不总 是那么简单的。随着时间的流逝,对某些人而言,那将成为不能承受之重负。但我们依然试图做 得最好,使它有利于,不仅仅自己,还有我们所爱的人。是啊,或早或晚,我们都必须成为负责 任的成年人。没有人比年轻人更懂得这一点。 114: It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is , it can sustain us through trying times, or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices ,it can force decent man to commit darkest deeds, or compel ordinary woman to search for hidden truths, and long after we are gone, love remains , burned into our memories, we all search for love, but some of us , after we?ve found it ,wish we hadn't. 我们不能理解爱是如何的强大,它能支持我们度过困难时 光,或激励我们作出非同寻常的牺牲。它能使最正派的男人做出最黑暗的事,或促使普通的女人 寻找隐藏的真相。在我们过世很久以后,爱依然存在,深深刻在我们的记忆中。我们都在寻找爱, 但我们中的一些人,在我们找到爱之后,宁愿希望没找到过。 115: Yes , each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep , we whisper them in the dark to ourselves, telling ourselves we are happy , or that he is happy , that we are change , or that he will change his mind, we persuade ourselves we can live with our sins, or that we can live without him , yes each night before we fall asleep , we lie to ourselves , the desperate ,desperate hope , that come morning ,it will all be true 是的,新的一天的到来,总是伴随着一系列的 谎言,其中最糟糕的是那些自己用来骗自己的。在入睡之前,我们告诉自己,我们很快乐,或者 他很快乐;我们可以改变,或者他会改变。我们说服自己带着罪恶继续生活,或者我们没有他也 一样可以生活。是的,每天晚上在我们入睡之前,我们对自己说谎,近乎绝望、绝望地希望 着。 116: Yes ,everyone love the scandal , no matter how big of small ,after all , what could be more entertaining . that watching the downfall of the high and mighty ? what could be more amusing ,than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners. Yes, everyone loves a scandal, and if for some reason ,you are not enjoying the latest one…well ,the next one is always around the corner. 每个人都喜欢丑闻,或大或小。毕竟,有什么比看到别人从高峰跌倒低 谷更令人愉快呢,有什么能比丑陋的隐私被公布于众更另人感到有趣呢,是的,每个人都喜欢丑 闻,如果因为某些原因你不喜欢最新的丑闻,没关系,下一个很快就要来临。 117: We all honor heroes for different reasons , sometimes for their daring , sometimes for their bravery , sometimes for their goodness, but mostly we honor heroes , because at one point or another, we all dream to be rescued ,of course if the right heroes doesn?t come along , sometimes we just have to rescue by ourselves . 我们都因为各种各 样的原因崇拜英雄:有时是因为他们敢于冒险,有时是因为他们的勇敢,有时是因为他们的善良。 但是绝大部分,是因为,或多或少,我们都梦想着被拯救。当然,如果我们盼望着的英雄没有出 现,有时候,我们就必须自我拯救了。 118: Children come into the world with its own agendas, some to brighten our days , some to test our patience , some to give up purpose , some to take care of us , yes when they come , children change everything. Especially when they?re not invited. 孩子们 带着他们的使命来到人世间:有些孩子来点亮我们的生活,有些孩子来考验我们的耐心,有些孩 子让我们充满目标,有些孩子则是来照顾我们自己。是的,当孩子来了之后他们改变了一切,尤 其当他们是不请自来的时候。 119: Yes, life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side. Of course, that companion can be just about anyone: a neighbor on the other side of the street...or the man on the other side of the bed. The companion can be a mother with good intentions...or a child who's up to no good. Still, despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way. And then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, Human beings are designed for many things, But loneliness isn't one of them. 是的,生命如同旅 程,最好能与人结伴同行。当然,不同的人都会成为同伴:住在街道对面的邻居,或者是睡在枕 边的人,望子成龙的母亲,又或是捣蛋的小孩。但是,尽管我们有着最好的愿望,有些人会在旅 途中失去同伴,接着旅程就会令人无法忍受。你看,人类能应对许多问题,但孤独并不在其 中。 120: Spring comes every year to Wisteria Lane. But not everyone remembers to stop and smell the flowers. Some are too busy worrying about the future or mistakes they've made in the past. Others are preoccupied with not getting caught or thinking of ways to catch someone else. Still, there will always be a few who remember to take a moment and appreciate what Spring has given them, just as there will always be those who prefer to sit in the dark, brooding over everything they've lost. 每年,春天都会来到韦斯特瑞街。但并不 是每一个人都会停下脚步去欣赏风景。有的人总是为未来或过去犯下的错误而担忧,有的人老在 想着逃脱或是追捕。但有人还是依然会记得花些时间去好好欣赏春天给他们带来的礼物。正如还 有一些人,宁愿坐在黑暗中,埋怨着他们的所失。 121: The vow is simple, really. Those who take it promise "to stay together, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to honor and to cherish, for saking all others until death do us part." Yes, the vow is simple. Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part. But if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever after. 发誓很简单,真的。人们许下诺言:“无论好与坏,贫与富,病痛与健康,不离不弃, 相敬相爱,直到永远。”是的,誓言是简单,找到值得为其许下这个誓言的人才是困难的。但要 是我们找到了,那就是从此幸福地生活在一起的故事的开始。 122: Nothing is forever. And the time comes when we all must say goodbye to the world we know. Goodbye to everything we had taken for granted. Goodbye to those we thought would never abandon us. And when these changes finally do occur, when the familiar has departed and the unfamiliar has taken its place, all any of us can really do is to say hello and welcome. 没有什么事情是永恒的。当时间到来,我们不得不挥手告别熟悉的世界。告 别我们深知的一切,告别认为会永不抛弃我们的人。当这些改变最终发生的时候,当熟悉远离而 陌生来临的时候,我们所能做到的,就是说声“你好,欢迎”。 123-124: It's an odd thing to look back on the world , to watch those I left behind. Each, in her own way , so brave so determined, and so very desperate , desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she?ll miss when she goes. Desperate to get everything she wants, even when she is not exactly sure of what that is, desperate for life to be perfect again, Although she realizes their never really was, desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her past , I am not only watch, I cheer them on , these amazing women, I hope so much that they?ll find what they?re looking for , but I know not all them will. Sadly… that?s just not the way life works, not everyone gets a happy ending. 回过头来注视这个世界,注视我身后的这些 人,让我觉得很奇怪:每个人都是那么勇敢坚定,但又如此地不顾一切。不顾一切地想要出走, 但又舍不得因为出走而失去的代价;不顾一切想要得到所有想要的东西,即使他自己还不知道到 底要什么;不顾一切地想要生活重归完美,尽管他意识到生活从未完美过;不顾一切地想要一个 更美好的未来,欧办法能摆脱他的过去。我不只是注视,还为这些了不起的女人们加油,我真心 希望她们能够心想事成。但我知道,她们中不是每个人都称心如意。可惜的是,生活就是这样, 不是每个故事都有幸福的结局。 <绝望的主妇>第二季结束语:202、Control. It's extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it. Some rely on deception, while others engage in outright trickery. Then there are those who resort to extorsion. Why do we fight so hard for control? Because we know: To lose it is to put our fate in the hands of others. And what could be more dangerous? 控制,人们为了得到它真实无所不为。有些人靠诡计,有些人则用正直的把戏,还有一些人则屈 服于勒索,我们为什么这么拼命的想得到控制呢,因为我们知道,一旦失去了控制,我们的命运 就掌握在别人的手里了,还有什么比这更危险的呢, 203、Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly. Sometimes we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life.. Sometimes, we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally, we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself... And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win. 我们总是幻想某段关系,比 实际的更加美好和意义深远,有时我们则掩饰不安,像是一切总在预料之中,并不那么可怕。自 欺欺人的游戏,人们乐在其中。只要你说服自己谎言是真的,你就可以让全世界都相信这是真的, 然后得到想要的一切。 204、The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence. They're the ones who love us long before we've even arrived. They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives...feel like good mothers.世间好爸 爸到处都有。我们又如何辨认呢,他们不在身边时我们会如此地想念到要崩溃,他们在孩子还未 出生前就深爱着我们,他们在我们迷失回家的路时找到我们。是的,世间处处有好父亲。而最好 的父亲就是那些能让生命中的女人觉得自己是最好的母亲的人。 205、Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on--be they faithful friends, determined advocates or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people who we thought would always be there for us, leave. And if that happens, it's amazing the lengths we'll go to to get them back.每一个人都需要依靠——忠实的朋友,坚定的拥护者或者是充 满爱意的家庭。但有时候,我们以为会永远守护着我们的人,离去了。真是那样的话,我们就得 为找回他们而走上漫漫长路。 207、Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams--dreams we didn't even know we had.是 的,照相机是用来捕捉画面的。但事实上,它能捕捉到更多东西。它能揭示一个你从不在意的男 人心底隐藏的渴望;它能泄露许多普通婚姻的天大的秘密;最惊人的是,相机可以在不知觉中告 知我们自己的梦想——我们从未意识到已拥有的梦想。 208、In a world filled with darkness, we all need some kind of light. Whether it's a great flame that shows us how to win back what we've lost, or a powerful beacon intended to scare away potential monsters...or a few glowing bulbs that reveal to us the hidden truth of ur past...we all need something to help us get through the night...even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope.在一个黑暗的世界里,我们都需要光明。也许是一束让我们知道怎么 挽回失去的东西的光明,也许是一座能驱走潜伏着的恶魔的灯塔;又也许是几个照亮了掩蔽着的 我们过去的真相……我们都需要帮助来渡过黑夜,哪怕只是最微弱的希望的光芒。 209、It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. Sinners can surprise you. And the same is true for saints. Why do we try to define people as simply good or simply evil? Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can live side by side in one heart. And that anyone is capable of anything. 我们并不总是能够很清 楚的分辨好人和坏人的,有罪的人会让你大吃一惊,圣人也会。为什么我们要把人简单的分成纯 粹的好人和纯粹的魔鬼呢,因为没有人会愿意承认残暴和仁慈会存在于同一个身体里……也不 会承认自己会干出任何事情 210、The stories are as old as time itself. The prodigal son who returns home to the father who forgives him. The jealous wife who tricks the husband who trusts her. The desperate mother who risks everything for the child who needs her. And the faithless husband who hurts the wife who loves him so deeply. Why do we listen again and again? Because these are the stories of family, and once we look past the fighting, pain and the resentment? We occasionally like to remind ourselves...there is absolutely nothing more important. 故事依 旧是那个古老的故事。浪子回头金不换,善父宽容抛前嫌,欲妻讹夫骗信任,慈母护子为哪般, 为父不忠留妻绝,为何故事一遍又一遍,只因事关一家人。蓦然回首,须自省,家为首。 211、The act itself never varies. But each kiss carries with it a meaning all its own. It can convey a husband's eternal devotion. Or a wife's enormous regret. It can symbolize a mother's growing concern. Or a lover's growing passion. But whatever its meaning, each kiss reflects a basic human need. The need to connect to another human being. This desire is so strong it's always amazing when some people don?t understand it." 动作 是千篇一律的,但每个吻带着各自的含义。他能传达丈夫永久的专一,或妻子莫大的懊悔,它象 征母亲日益剧增的担心,或情人的无限的激情。但他无论象征着什么,每个吻,反映了人们最基 本的一种需求,与另一个心灵的沟通,这种需求如此强烈,他令人惊讶不已,特别是在哪些,不 理解他的人眼里。 212、Illness can take on many forms. Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts. The secret addictions that consume our souls. And the diseases we deny which affect our judgment. To survive we need to find that special someone who can heal us. But we can never predict who have the cure for what ails us. Or when they'll show up. 疾病有很多种表现方式,身体上的容易治疗,困难的是隐藏在心 灵深处的伤痛,不为人知的迷恋让我们的灵魂中毒,讳疾忌医会困惑我们的判断,为了继续下去, 我们得找到一位能帮助我们痊愈的人。但我们永远也不会料到,谁会有我们的解药,或者什么时 候他们会出现。 213、Everyone understands the nature of war. We also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some, when faced with a bloody battle, simply give in. But for some, surrender is unacceptable. Even though they know it will be a fight.... to the death. 所有人都明白战争规律,我们也明白胜利得靠我们打出去的牌,有些人面对一场血战的 时候会草草放弃,但对有些人,投降是不可接受的,即使它们知道将会是一场……血战 214、The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How do they begin? With one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we're finally able to see the worth of those we had previously written off. And before we know it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up every day. No one understands this more than the lonely. In fact, it's what they count on. 这个世界充满了不可能发生而发生的友情,要问他们是怎样开始的,一个 有着迫切需要,而另一个愿意伸出援助之手,当有了这样的仁慈,我们最终得以见到我之前所作 的一切的价值,在我们知道以前,一条联系彼此的纽带就已形成,不管别人是否能理解,确实如 此,意外的情谊天天都会发生,每人能理解他们比孤独更多。事实上,这是他们所依赖的。 215、Now and then, we all need a little help, so we ask for small favors. But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda. No matter what they may tell us. And in those rare instances where there is no ulterior motive. We're so taken aback that we may fail to recognize the truth that a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor." 时不时 地,我们都需要一些帮助。于是我们向他人索取一点点关切,不过对那些急来的援助,最好带着 一颗机警之心。因为哪怕是最小的一点恩惠,也承担了代价,没错,每个人都有自己的打算,无 论他们对我们怎么说,然后当在少有的情况下,人们抛开隐含的动机时,我们却惊诧自己没有及 时发觉,一位忠实的朋友又帮了我们的大忙。 217、At that precise moment, as Dr. Hanson Mills was cutting yet another umbilical cord, other ties were being severed all over town. Like the one between a child and the mother who didn't want him to grow up so quickly, or the one between a case of fine wine and the housewife who hadn't wanted to admit that she had a problem, or the one between a woman and the boyfriend who couldn't forgive her betrayal. The choice to separate from what we love is painful. The only thing worse is when someone we've trusted makes the choice for us. 与此同时,在hanson mills医生剪脐带的时候起他的联系也被切断。母子之间的 亲情联系,一个不想孩子就这么快长大的慈母,或是一箱好酒和一位主妇之间的联系,一位不愿 意承认自己有问题的家庭主妇,或是一个女人和男友之间的联系,一个无法原谅女友背叛的男友, 选择和我们的所爱分离是痛苦的,唯一更糟糕的是,有时候我们信任的人替我们做了这样的选 择。 218、Temptation comes to all of us. Whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise. Sometimes it arrives in the form of an old flame, flickering back to life. Or a new friend who could end up being so much more. Or a young child who awakens feelings we didn't know we had. And so we give in to temptation, all the while knowing come morning, we'll have to suffer the consequences. 我们每个人都面临着诱惑,我们是 否向它屈服取决于我们识别他伪装的能力,有时它以一团昔日的火焰出现,重回生活中闪耀,或 是一个新朋友,最后却不止是一个朋友,或一个年轻的孩子,唤醒了我们不曾知道我们拥有的感 觉。当我们向诱惑妥协时,第二天早上醒来就会知道,我们将不得不承受以此带来的后果。 219、We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of. Some of us have fallen for the wrong man. Some have let go of the right woman. There are those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow. 在生活中,我们都做过一些我们为之惭愧的事情。我们中一些 人爱上了错误的人,一些人放走了合适的女人,有使他们的父母丢脸的孩子,有使他们的孩子失 望的父母。是的,我们都犯过错误,使我们爱的人离我们而去,但是仍然有挽回的机会,如果我 们试着从这些错误中汲取经验教训,使自己成熟起来。 220、There is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don?t want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from it's insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us. Because so many of us are cowardly. And afraid to stand up for what is right. Because so many of us give into despair when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that God will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is no. 祷文意图要赐给人们以力量,当面对他们不想接受的情况的时候。祷文的力量来自他对人类本性 的深刻洞察力,因为我们中很多人对与我们作对的命运之手唯有愤怒,因为我们很多人懦夫一般 的没有勇气为正义拍案而起,因为我们中的很多人对绝望妥协,当面对一个不可能的选择的时候。 好消息是,对那些把那些话说出口的人,那就是上帝会听到你的祈祷并给你答复,但坏消息时, 有时答复可能是否定的。 221、When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls or they place it behind closed doors or they obscure it with clever disguises but truth, no matter how ugly, always emerges. And someone we care about always ends up getting hurt. And someone else will revel in their pain and that's the ugliest truth of all. 当真相是丑陋的时候,人们尝试将他们隐藏起来。因为人 们知道,真相泄露所带来的伤害是多么严重,所以人们用严实的高墙将其藏匿起来,或者将其关 闭在紧缩的门后,或者用聪明的伪装使其变得模糊。但是真相,无论多么丑陋总会浮出水面。那 些我们关心的人最终还是会受到伤害,另外一些人会因为别人的伤痛而非常快乐,这才是世界上 最丑陋的事实。 222、It's a shocking moment for each of us. That moment we realize we are all alone in this world. The family we take for granted could one day abandon us. The husband we trust so implicitly might betray us. The daughter we love so deeply perhaps won?t return to us. And then we could end up all by ourselves. Of course, some see great value in going it alone. For example.. 对我们每个人来说,这都是非常震惊的时刻,令我们意识到我们在这个世界上是 寂寞的。我们认为理所应当的家人会突然遗弃我们,我们那么深信的丈夫也许会背叛我们,我们 深爱着的女儿也许再也不会回到我们身边,我们也许只能孤独终老。当然,也有人喜欢独身一人, 例如…… 223-224、This is the street where I used to live, and these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the day they moved in. And I saw what they brought with them beautiful dreams for the future. And quiet hopes for a better life, not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? No. From where I stand now, I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trick is to keep moving forward, to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon. Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't ya think? 这就是我曾经生活过的街道,这曾 是我与其分享生活的人们。从他们搬来的那一天起我们就认识了。我看到了他们所带来的对未来 的美好憧憬,对更好的生活的向往,不仅仅为他们自己,还有为了他们的孩子。如果可能的话, 我应该告诉他们在前方等待着的是什么吗,我应该警告他们将至的悲伤与背叛吗,不。在我所处 于的位置,我自然能明白路应该如何走。秘诀就是一直向前行,放下恐惧和遗憾,因为它们会让 我们放慢脚步,阻碍我们享受这转瞬即逝的旅程。是的,前方有无法预料的转折,令人措手不及 的惊讶,但是,生活的意思不正在于此吗, 301Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal,or the memory of his kiss.So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away. 每随风暴而来的是希望—— 不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。像对清白的疑惑,错误的 结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。即使我们清楚在心中, 有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将它们清除。 302Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened.The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me introduce you.They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other.你有没有遇到过完美的一对,精神伴侣,他们的爱永远不死;这对恋 人,他们的爱情从没受到过威胁;丈夫和妻子,完完全全信任对方,如果你没有遇见过这样的一 对眷侣,让我来给你介绍这么一对:他们是站在奶油冰淇淋上的。他们成功的秘诀,——他们从 来不正视对方 303We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with someone who can help lighten the load. But usually, it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying so we can get home that much sooner. Assuming, of course, there will be someone there to greet us when we arrive. Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.我们都在负重前行。当然,能结伴而行会很幸福, 有人帮助分担重负。但通常抛掉负担会更简单。 这样我们就能早日归家。设想着,当然,有人会在家迎接我们归来。为什么有人仍然抓住行李不 放,即使我们不顾一切的向前看。因为我们都知道,有的机会也许我们放弃的太快。 304We all have our reasons for rewriting history.Sometimes we need to provide ourselves alibis. Sometimes we wanna hurt someone who has hurt us, and then there are times we just wanna spare ourselves embarrassment. Of course, there are some who feel that to rewrite history is just another way to lie. But what is history anyway....But a set of lies agree depend?我们都有要改写历史的原因。有时候我们需要给自己找一些托辞。有时我们想要伤害那些曾经伤 害过我们的人, 有时我们只是不想自己困窘难堪。当然,有时改写历史只是另一种方式去说谎。 但是,历史究竟是什么呢。。。。难道只是一系列的谎言吗, 305Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others.阴谋破坏,每个人都能做,但有些人可以做得更加冷酷。Like the ones who create vengeance…像那些渴望复仇的人。。。Or the ones who hunger for love.像那些寻觅爱情的人。。。 Or the ones who were determined to burn bridges.像那些决定一刀两断的人。。。And then there are those who simply wants something…也有些人的愿望简单而直接。。。Something that belongs to someone else有时候, 那属于其他人。 306There is a place in St. Timothy church where sinners go to confess their sins.St.Timothy 教堂有处罪人忏悔的地方And once they are done, they expect absolution当他 们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness. 但事实上,不是所有忏悔都值得被原谅。Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation they receive.大多数人,秘密 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 败露了,得到应有的谴责。Most who disclose revengeful motives marry the punishment that follows.大多数人, 报复动机暴露了,得到随之而 来的惩罚Only the truly repentant at any right at all expect a second chance.只有真心悔过,才 有权利获得第二次机会。Were just why it's best to think twice before you confess.这就是 为什么最好在你忏悔前先三思而后行…Especially if you don?t know what it is you're confessing to.尤其是如果你不知道你在忏悔什么 307Sweetie, we can't prevent what can't predict.亲爱的,我们不能预防我们所 不能预知的Isn't there anything I could do?有什么是我能做的么,Yes, yes. You can enjoy this beautiful day.你可以享受这美丽的一天。We get so few of them.我们很少有这样的一天 308There are so many things we wish we could tell the young 有太多的事情我们想要告诉 孩子们We'd like to persuade them not to grow up so fast我们想说服他们,不要这么快就 长大。But they won't listen.但他们听不进去。We want to tell them the beauty face but they refuse to believe it.我们想告诉他们,花容总有凋谢的一天,但他们拒绝相信。We worn them that their actions will have consequences, but still they defy us.我们警告他们,他们的所作所为会有 后果,但他们仍然不予理睬。Suddenly the young can began to understand the world is a dangerous place.终有一天,孩子们会意识到这个世界是危险的So it?s up to us to do anything we can to protect them所以我们要做的就是,尽一切可能来保护他们Absolutely anything不惜 一切代价。 309Dangerous men walk among us.危险的人在我们之中潜伏。And we can?t always be sure who they are or what secret they hide.我们不是总能肯定他们是谁,或者他们隐藏着怎样 的秘密。But once our suspicious are confirmed 但是最可怕的疑虑得到证实。We can take action.我们就可以采取行动。Once their agenda were revealed 一旦他们的行事议程被揭露。 We can take steps to protect ourselves and those we love.我们就能采取措施保护自己和我们爱 的人。Yes, dangerous men can cause great harm是的,危险的人会造成巨大的伤害。But sometimes the greatest dangerous they pose is to themselves.但是人有时候他们所做有最危险 的事, 是对他们自己做的。 310There's a reason people can't wait for Christmas, and it has little to do with family reunions.人们等不及过圣诞节的理由和家人团聚没有任何关系。Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.或是为了蜷缩着喝一杯蛋酒。with that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe.又或是 槲寄生下那个意料的吻。or receiving a present from a special someone.或是收到某个特殊的人 送来的礼物。no, people look forward to Christmas.不是的,人们期待圣诞节的到来。because they know, it's a time for miracles.因为他们知道,是时候...出现奇迹了... 312It's a dangerous world. So we all look for protection.And whether we find it in the arms of our mother,or at the end of a jagged blade, or in the kiss of our sweetheart, or at the end of a barrel. We do what we have to to feel safe. Because we know somewhere in the world there are those who would do us harm.这个世界危机四伏,所以我们都会寻求保护。不管是妈 妈那温暖的臂弯,还是一把锯齿刀片,不管是心爱妻子的一个轻吻,还是一把手枪。为了安全感, 我们不得不有所行动。因为我们知道世界上的某个地方,有想伤害我们的人。 313Yes, it can happen so quickly. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye.Unlikely friendships can blossom. Important careers can be tossed aside. A long-lost hope can be rekindled.Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us, because all too soon the day will come when there are no changes left.是的,世事瞬息万变。转眼之间, 面目全非。不可能的友谊可以开花结果,重要的事业可以放置一边,灰飞烟灭的希望可以重新点 燃。不论如何,我们仍然要感激生活的改变,因为不久末日来临,就不在有任何改变了。 314Recapturing the past is a tricky business. While most memories are simply souvenirs of a happier time, others can be quite deadly.回顾过去不是件容易事,其中大部分是关于快乐时 光的记忆,也有的可能是致命的。 317In every housewife's closet, there's an article of clothing that tells you more about its owner than she would want you to know. It might be a T-shirt that she despises but wears without complaint. Perhaps it's some lingerie, she knows isn't hers, but refuses to discuss... Or a dress she once loved, that she can no longer bear to look at this. You can learn a lot about women from what they choose to wear. You can learn even more by what they choose to take off, and who they take it off for.每个主妇的衣橱里,满满的都是关于着装的 文章,记载着主人很多不为人知的细节。也许是一件T恤,她很不喜欢,却毫无怨言的穿上; 也许是一件内衣,她明知不是自己的,却拒绝提起;也许是一件她曾经非常喜欢的长裙,可如今 却再也不想看见。是的,女人决定穿什么,会让你知晓很多,但是如果知道她愿意褪去什么,为 谁褪去,你会更加了解她的。 318It's so easy to spot the lonely ones.They're the people who tell stories to their plants, and whisper secrets to their pets, and have arguments with their TV, and the loneliest of all are the ones who talk to people who are no longer there.孤单的身影总是随处可见。他们向自己的 盆栽倾诉心事,向自己的宠物分享秘密,和自己的电视机争吵不休,但最孤单的则是这样一类人, 他们向亡者倾诉。 Passion. It's a force so potent we still remember it long after it's faded away. A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms of unexpected lovers. A sensation so overwhelming it can knock down walls we built to protect our hearts. A feeling so intense it resurfaces even though we try so hard to keep it buried. Yes, of all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.激情,就算它在逝去很久以后,仍是让人如 此难以忘记。它是如此强烈的诱惑,把我们推到意想不到的爱人怀中;它是无法抗拒的感情,击 垮了我们修筑起来的保护心灵的高墙;它是那尽管我们如此努力的埋藏,却仍浮出水面的炙热情 感。是的,在所有的情绪中,激情给了我们生活下去的理由,却也给我们了犯下各种罪刑的借口。 319Power, it's the type of thing most people don't think about, until it's taken away. Whether it's the political power of the many,or a lover's influence over just one. We all want some sort of power in our lives, if only to give ourselves choices. Yes, to be without choices, to feel utterly powerless, well...it's a lot...like being alone...in the dark.能量,多数人平日里毫不在 意,直到有一天猝然消逝才会察觉。不论是大众的政治权力,还是恋人间亲亲我我的影响。人生 中我们都需要某种能量,哪怕只是给我们一些选择。是的,假如连选择都没有,假如连一丝能量 都没有,那么在黑暗中,蔓延开来的,就是无边无际的孤独。 320:Gossip--it's just a harmless form of recreation. It's careless talk that deals in polite fiction. It's nasty speculation that's based on not-so-polite fact. How do we protect ourselves from the venomous sting of such idle gossip? The best way is to just tell the truth. 321:Anyone can end up a victim...injured by the actions of others. But whether the damage is inflicted by a cunning ex-wife...or a blow delivered by the object of our affection...the time comes when we must pick ourselves up and continue on our journey. And if we can't, then all we can pray for...is rescue.人人都会末路逢凶,被他人所伤。但无论是被狡猾 的前妻算计,还是被我们心仪的对象打击,我们都要站起来,收拾行囊,继续旅程。如果我们做 不到,那就只有祈求,被救赎。 322:From the moment we wake up in the morning till our head hits the pillow at night our lives are filled with questions.Most are easily answered and soon forgotten,but some questions are much harder to ask because we're so afraid of the answer. Will I be around to watch my children grow up? Am I making a mistake by marrying this man? Could he ever truly love me? And what happens when we ask ourself the hard question and get the answer we'd been hoping for? Well, that's when happiness begins.从我们清晨醒来,到我们夜晚入睡,我们 的生活充满了疑问。一些容易回答,也容易被忘记;有些问题却难以提出,因为我们害怕知道答 案——我能否活着看到孩子们长大,我是否嫁对了人,他是否会真心爱我,以及,当我们终于开 口问了问题,也得到了我们希望得到的答案,又会发生什么事情,幸福的生活将从此开始。 323:Family--there is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up when we're in trouble,the ones who push us to succeed,the ones who help keep our secrets. But what of those who have no family to rely on? What happens to those poor souls...who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well...most learn to walk life's road by themselves. But a sad few of us...simply...stop trying.家人,这世上最珍贵的风景。困难时他们突然出现;有 意无意时他们助推成功;守秘时他们相依为伴。若无这方风景依仗,又将何去何从,那些孤寂的 灵魂去往何方,渴求时却没有爱人肩膀,于是只能学着自己走完人生路。但总有可悲的人啊,却 连尝试,都要放弃。 401 It occurs after kids have left for school and husbands have headed off for work. It's a time when women think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends. and how shocked they would be if the truth was discovered. and how they'll do everything in their power to keep that from happening.But what of those lucky women who have no secrets left to keep?these women spend their mornings thinking of their neighbors, and the secrets.they may be keeping. 每天早上的某个时段,孩子们上学去了,丈夫们上班去了,女人们就会思考没有与朋友共享 的秘密,以及一旦东窗事发又是如何的耸人听闻,她们怎么尽力阻止那一切的发生,那些没有秘 密的幸运女人们又如何呢?每天早上她们又在想什么?这些女人在早上想着他们的邻居,以及他 们的秘密。 402 There is nothing more deceptive than a smile, and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them. Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies. Some put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling. Others wear silly grins to mask their fear. But then there is that rare smile that is actually genuine. 笑容最具有欺骗性,藏在笑容背后的人更了解这一点,那些用露齿微笑礼貌警告敌人的人, 那些用灿烂笑容来掩饰泪水的人,那些用咧嘴傻笑隐藏恐惧的人,但也的确有一些由衷的微笑。 403 All children love games. But children grow up,and then they find new games to play. They pretend to be well so their families won't worry. They lie to their lovers about where they go in the afternoon. everyone has fun playing games, right up until the moment...Someone gets hurt. 爱玩是孩子们的天性,但孩子们会长大,开始玩新的游戏,他们把自己伪装的很好,他们的 家人才不会担心,他们向爱人撒谎关于下午去了哪里,每个人都在游戏里自得其乐,直到一些人 受到伤害 404 pests-- they come in all shapes and sizes and disrupt our lives in a variety of ways. At first,they're merely annoying, and we do our best to ignore them. Home in my own bed.... but if we don't take them seriously, they can become quite dangerous. For some,death seems to be the easiest solution. But the problem with pests is that what they leave behind...is just as dangerous. 害虫--它们演变成不同的形态和大小,以各种各样的方式破坏我们的生活,一开始 它们只 是让人生厌,我们只需要视而不见,但如果我们放任其行,它们就会格外危险,对一些人来说, 死亡也许是最简单的解决方法,但是害虫之灾,在于后患,危机四伏。 405 We try not to get too close to the people who live next door. It's easier to give them a polite nod than to ask what's wrong. it's safer to keep walking by than to get involved.... true,we sometimes do get to know the people we share a fence with and end up lifelong friends. But mostly,we keep our distance because we'd rather our neighbors know nothing about us...than know too much. 我们试着和住在隔壁的人保持距离,礼貌的点头致意比关心询问更容易,路过比卷入其中更 加安全....事实上 有时我们去了解和自己共用一个篱笆的邻居,结成终身的友谊,但大部分时间 我们保持距离,因为我们更希望邻居对我们一无所知...而不是了如指掌。 406 There is much to be afraid of in this world, but what we fear has nothing to do with gruesome masks or plastic spiders or lifelike monsters. No, it's the thoughts in our head that terrify us the most... What if she comes to regret her decision? What i he really is unhappy? What if the chance for love has passed forever? How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts? We start by reminding ourselves what does not kill us...Just makes us stronger. 这个世界上 让你害怕的东西太多了,但我们恐惧的不是可怕的面具,塑料蜘蛛 或者逼真的 妖怪塑像,不 而是我们自己头脑中的想法...万一她后悔她曾经的选择,万一其实他并不开心, 万一真爱永远错过,我们如果征服了这些可怕的想法,我们只能提醒自己 那些美好的事...才能 让自己坚强 407 Deception. you find it in all the best homes. Parents rely on it when dealing with inquisitive children. women use it to help keep secrets. big and small. Lovers neeeed it to cover up inconvenient accidents. Why do people resort to deception? Because it's a handy tool that helps get us exactly what we'relooking for. 谎言...存在于所有的温馨家庭里,家长们用来敷衍好奇的孩子,女人们用来隐藏大大小小的 秘密,情人们用来掩饰不得已的意外,何以人们诉诸于谎言?因为谎言让我们更易接近内心深处 的真实愿望。 408 The past is never truly behind us. ghosts lurk in the shadows,eager to remind us of the choices we made. But if we look back,we might find an old friend with open arms... or an old enemy with a hidden agenda. Or a grown-up son with a forgiving heart... sadly,some of us refuse to look back, never understanding that by denying the past...we are condemned...to repeat it. 过去从未真正逝去,潜伏在暗处的幽灵,总让我们回忆起曾经的选择,但当我们回头看去就 会认清,一个宽容热情的好友...或一个图谋不轨的旧敌...以及一个心怀悲悯的儿子,不幸的是 有 些人拒绝回头看,他们永远不会懂得 否认过去...会注定让我们...重蹈覆辙 409 it was supposed to be a beautiful day. but then the winds came and changed everything... and not just the houses and the lawns. The people had changed,too. while the storm had raged, each of them had learned something... about friendship... and forgiveness... and redemption. And some had learned the hardest lesson of all... that life is always fragile and very often...unfair. 这本该是很美好的一天,但狂风席卷 改变了一切,不仅仅是房子和草坪,连人们也改变了, 暴风咆哮而来时,每个人都体会到了...友谊...宽恕...救赎,但有人却体会了最深的痛苦,那就是 生 命很脆弱,而且常常...很不公。 410 it had been seven days since a tornado devastated wisteria lane, and the residents continued to pick up the pieces of their lives. Some salvaged precious friendships. Some uncovered colorful histories. Others found challenges they hadn't expected. And then... there was one girl... who stumbled upon the truth she'd long been searching for... Only... to wish she hadn'T. 距离龙卷风袭击紫藤街已经七天了,居民们继续她们已经七零八碎的生活,一些人挽回了珍 贵的友谊,一些人体会了曾经精彩的过去,一些人遭遇了出乎预料的挑战,还有呢...有一个女孩... 偶然发现了她一直在寻找的真相...只是...她宁愿没有发现过 411 Faith is a belief in something That cannot be proven. So we trust in the words Of the only father we've ever known. We believe the promises of the woman who shares our bed. We rely on the example of dear friends Who help us to be better people. Yes,we all want to believe in those we are closest to, But where there is doubt, Our faith begins to vanish...And fear rushes in to take its place. 信念是我们所相信的,却又无法证明的事,所以我们相信唯一一位神父所说的话,我们相信 枕边那个女人许下的诺言,我们依靠朋友的榜样,是他们让我们成为更美好的人,是的 我们都 想相信自己所最亲近的,但是疑惑的出现,让我们的信念开始消失,取而代之的是阵阵恐惧 412 Blindness--it's an affliction that prevents people from seeing what is right in front of them... like the wives who can't detect the jealousy that consumes their husbands... the women unable to see that a rival might also be a friend... the men who stay oblivious to the guilt that lies deep within them. Yes... The world is filled with those who cannot see. The most dangerous are the ones who stay blind to the evil within their own hearts. How do we protect ourselves from these people? First,we have to open our own eyes and find them...before they find us. 盲目--是一种折磨 它使人们在正确的,选择面前逡巡不前,就像浑然不觉丈夫为妒火吞噬 的妻子们,不谙能化干戈为玉帛的女人们,把内心深埋的罪恶感抛诸脑后的男人们,没错...世界 充斥着盲目的人,最危险的就是那些邪恶而不自知的人们,对于他们 我们怎样未雨绸缪,保护 自己? 首先 我们得张开自己的慧眼,在他们找上我们之前 ,发现他们。 413 The truth is,everyone breaks the rules now and then... Never thinking for one second they might get caught. but if they do,they simply ask for forgiveness. And most of the time,they receive it. But some acts are so wicked,they demand only our condemnation. How do people avoid such a fate? Well...the trick is knowing which rules are made to be broken...and which rules...are not. 实际上 每个人都时不时犯错...从来不想可能会被发现但如果恶行败露,他们就会寻求原 谅, 大多数时候 他们得到宽恕,有些行为罪无可恕,只能被他人谴责,怎样才能避免这样的命 运,秘诀在于 明悉哪些错可以犯...而哪些错...却不行 414 the word "welcome" always carries with it a certain amount of risk. After all, to let someone into your home is to let them into your life. And we never know what sorts of horrible secrets they carry with them. We can't foresee the painful effect they might have on our loved ones. We don't anticipate the gossip that could result from their presence. Yes... we must be very careful with those we invite into our lives... because some...will refuse to leave. "欢迎"这个词总是带有一定的风险,毕竟让别人走进自己的家就是让人进入自己的生活,我 们永远不知道这些人藏着什么不可告人的秘密,我们无法预知怎样惨痛的后果,可能会降临到我 们深爱的人身上,更不会想到这些人的到来会惹来多少流言蜚语,是的...千万要留心我们生命里 邀来的访客,因为 有些人...拒绝离去 415 it happens the second sunday of every may. We celebrate the women who give us life... and so much more. The ones who protect us at all costs... who have the courage to fight those who would do us harm... who put our happiness ahead of their own. But mostly... we celebrate a mother's love, which is constant, eternal... and there from the very beginning. 五月的第二个周日,我们都要感谢那个女人,她给了我们生命和一切,她不顾一切保护我们... 她鼓足勇气 抵抗要伤害我们的人...她把自己的快乐放诸我们的快乐之后,通常...我们赞美母爱, 母爱坚定永恒,从出生便伴随着我们 41617 there's a ritual my friends have observed for years. Once a week, they meet to play a game of cards and talk about their lives. Of course, there's another aspect to these gatherings that has nothing to do with gossip or poker. Every seven days, my friends are reminded of a basic human truth-- there is nothing more important than friendships that endure, especially in a world that insists on changing. 几年来 我的朋友们都有个惯例,每周她们都会凑在一起打牌,谈谈自己的生活,当然 这样 的小聚也有另外一面,并且与八卦和扑克无关,每周我的朋友都就会温习一条人性真理,没什么 比友谊更持久,尤其是在这个千变万化的世界 501 In a flash, the life we knew is gone forever. And we're left to ask ourselves... How could he have left me? When did my beauty start to fade? Why has my friend changed? Was I the best mother I could have been? Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly time passes. That's why they're so determined to Get what they want before it's too late. 霎那间,我们曾熟知的生活便永远消失殆尽,空留我们自己 不断地追问,他怎能就此离我 而去,我的容光何时开始暗淡,我的朋友为何变了心肠,我这个母亲究竟当得是否称职,当然 还 有些人,深谙时光之飞逝,所以他们坚定如此,及时行乐 502 yes, everyone appreciates a good neighbor... you know, the kind that helps you with the groceries... but doesn't ask, "why is your son so moody?" the type that delivers misplaced mail but doesn't point out your wife seems discontented... the sort that offers to mow your lawn... but doesn't mention your husband seems cold. but if you're not sure the man next door is as nice as he would have you believe... do everything you can to get to know him better. 没错,好邻居人人喜欢,那个辛勤帮你拿杂货的人,却不过问"为何你儿子闷闷不乐",那个 把发错的邮件送到府上的人,却不告知 你太太似乎满腹牢骚,主动要求帮忙修剪草坪的人,却 只字不提 你那冷酷的丈夫,如若你不确定 住在隔壁的人,是否名副其实的好邻居,那么尽你所 能地去了解他 504 Bitterly jealous, but proud. If you look closely into the faces of thouse around you You will catch a glimpse Of a certain green-eyed monster. And then you'll see they envy your career... Your love life... The time you spend with their child... How do you deal with such jealousy? There are many ways. But the best... Is to simply share what you have. 一点点妒忌,但是更骄傲,如果你细心地观察周围朋友的面孔,你会看到她们内心深处的红 眼之魔,妒忌你的事业,你的爱情,你和他们的孩子共度的时光,如何应付这些妒忌,有许多的 方式,但最好的,就是分享你的成功 505 Yes, it was a night filled with surprises.Some had learned of their husband's plans for the future Others had discovered the truth of their wife's past Some were touched by their husband's secret longings Others were hurt by their lover's quick departure. But for one resident, The evening had gone as planned, And he now turned his thoughts to his real agenda. It wouldn't be long now Before he destroyed the man who had ruined his life, But he knew he had to move carefully. After all, he wanted it to be a surprise. 的确,这是个充满着意外的夜晚,有人明白了她们的丈夫对未来充满着憧憬,有人则知晓了 妻子过去难熬的时光,有人终于认知到丈夫对于爱的渴望,也有人因爱人闪电般的离去,受到了 伤害,而对于这位邻居来说,这一夜,最终如他所愿,他终于能够重置他真正的计划,无需等待 太久,他很快可以报复那个毁了他生活的人,但他明白,应当步步为营,他希望结局,是出人意 料的 506 There are dangerous women in this world. Some are lovers, Blind to the consequences of their actions. Some are wives enraged by the betrayal Of those they trusted. Others are predators, Deviously setting traps to get what they want. If you're unlucky enough to come upon One of these dangerous creatures, The safest thing to do... Is run the other way. 这世界上有些危险的女人,有些是情人,看不到她们行为带来的后果,有些是妻子,被他们 深爱的人背叛,感到愤怒不已,一些是猎食者,为求所得不惜布下陷阱,如果你不幸遇到她们中 的其中一个,最安全的做法是……是背向而战 507 Desire-- It's an emotion designed to lead us astray, Persuading those who crave love to make foolish choices... Causing those who yearn for family To act out in anger... Allowing those who are lonely... To behave in reckless ways. And when the pursuit of our heart's desire Becomes an obsession, The best we can hope for Is a caring friend willing to come along... And stop us. 欲望——是诱我们误入歧途的情感,让渴望爱情的人做出愚蠢的选择,让渴望家庭的人做出 愤怒的表现,让孤独的人鲁莽行事,当我们心底的欲望,因欲成狂,我们能期待最好的事情就是, 一个关心我们的朋友能过来,并制止我们 508 If you open up your morning paper, You can read about those who survived... And those who were injured... Those who barely escaped with their lives... And those who didn't. You can also read about a man who risked his life To rescue his neighbor. What you won't read about Are the reasons for this bravery. And that's because... No one ever doubts... A hero. 如果你打开晨报,就能读到有哪些人获救,哪些人受伤,哪些人死里逃生,又有哪些人不幸 遇难,同时你能获悉有个男人冒着生命危险,去救他的邻居,但是你无从知道,他为何如此勇敢, 那是因为,没有人会怀疑,一个英雄 509 If you walk through fairview memorial hospital, You will encounter all sorts of people Doing their best to recover. It might be a husband Licking his wounds after a marital battle... Or two parents rallying from an attack of doubt. It might be a wife who's been cured of low self-esteem... Or a pair of lovers who find honesty To be the best medicine. Sadly, you will also find some poor souls afflicted With a condition they will never recover from. 当你穿行在美景镇纪念医院里,会遇见形形色色的人竭力恢复自己的伤口,可能是一位丈夫 在夫妻大战后舔舐伤口,也可能是一对父母,从怀疑的打击中振作,还可能是一位妻子,被从自 卑的泥淖中拯救,或是一对爱人,发现坦诚是最好的解药,悲哀的是,你还会发现一些备受折磨 之可怜人,他们的境况,永远没法恢复 510 It's an awful thing to live in darkness, Unable to see what others take for granted. But if we are lucky, the darkness lifts And we can finally see The secret sacrifices made by our wives... The surprising progress made by our mothers... Or the unintended consequences Of our own actions. But there are those who prefer the darkness, Because there, they see only what they choose to see. 置身一片黑暗是何其可怕的事情,不能眼见别人熟视无睹的事情,可要是我们足够幸运 黑 暗得以弥散,我们终能得见,我们太太做出的隐秘牺牲,我们母亲迈出的惊人一步,或是我们所 作所为招致的无法预期的后果,可有些人选择黑暗,因为漆黑中,他们得以一叶障目 511 Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia, Mostly so the neighbors will nerver suspect What'soing on inside. Behind these freshly painted walls You will find... Parents wracked with guilt... Wives tired of struggling... Lovers who had been lied to, Yes, everybody needs a lovely home in suburbia. If for no other reason than to have a place. to come home to. 人人在郊区都想住得其乐,有的是为让邻居不对屋内发生之事产生疑心,在这些粉刷一新的 墙背后,你会发现,因内疚而痛彻心扉的父母,疲于争吵的妻子,曾被挚爱欺骗的恋人,是的, 人人都需要在郊外有个温馨的家,不为别的,只为有个地方, 能够回归故里 513 Eli Scruggs sat in his truck for almost an hour, devastated that he had done nothing to save me. He then made a quiet vow to god... from that moment forward, he would do what he could to help people, to help them fix their lives. And for the rest of his life, that's exactly what he did. I'm not surprised. He was a good man. I can't help feeling there's more we could have done to honor him. Well, let's just make sure we remember him. Eli would have said that's more than most people get. And he would have been right... As usual. Eli Scruggs在车里坐了将近一个小时,为他什么也没做 没能拯救我而感到难过,那时 他 暗自向上帝许下誓言...从那一刻起,他将尽其所能去帮助他人,帮助他们修复自己的生活,而他 在之后的人生,所做的正如他曾许愿的那样,这并不奇怪 他是个好人,我止不住的想,我们能 做得更多 用以悼念他,噢,我们只要确保永远记住他就行了,Eli会说这将比大多数人得到的还 要多,那他说的一定会是对的... 一如既往 514 There's a lot you can do with money in the suburbs. You can payfor a night on th You can provide a private school education. You can purchase a token of affection. But the one thing you must never do with money Is use it as a weapon, Because someone... Always gets hurt. 在郊区,有钱好办事,可以在镇上渡过美妙的一夜,可以送孩子去私立学校念书,可以购买 礼物表达爱意,但是敬告,千万不要把金钱当作武器,因为有人欢喜,就有人恼火 515 It begins just after sunrise. After a good night's sleep, People leave their homes to go to work. They do this so they can provide A better life for their families... Afford to buy nice things... And have a reason to get up in the morning. And when their exhausting work is done, People come back home again... And some begin counting the days... Till their next vacation. 在太阳初升之后,经过一夜的好眠,人们纷纷离家,出门工作了,人们工作是为了给家人提 供更好的生活,买的起漂亮的商品,有个早上起床的理由,当他们精疲力竭的结束工作,再次回 到家中,有些人开始亟不可待的计算起再次休假的时候 517 You can find them almost anywhere-- Friendly people with hidden agendas-- The woman who uses her neighbor To get herself a job... The wife who uses her influence To hire a friendly spy... The husband who uses his charm To steal from his friends... And you can be sure the friendliest people of all Have agendas that won't ever be discovered... Not until... It's too late. 这事处处可见,朋友之间暗藏着 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,一个女人,利用她的邻居,为使自己重入职场,太太 使用她的影响力,雇佣了一名贴心的特工,丈夫利用自己的魅力,从朋友那里行窃,可以肯定的 是,表面风平浪静的好友,其实暗藏着波涛汹涌,到发现时,为时已晚 518 Yes, life is full of nasty shocks.And they always seem to occur When we least expect them.And once our system has been jolted The question becomes will we survive? 生活中总是充满了令人震惊的事,这一些事情往往不请自来,一旦我们的身体遭遇此事,问 题就来了,我们会幸存下来吗, 519 How wisteria lane came to be my final resting place. My ashes were spread over grass i had once walked on... Beneath trees that had once given me shade... On top of roses i once admired... And beside fences i once gossiped over. And after my friends had finished saying good-bye, A wind came along and took what was left of into the air. As i looked down on the world, I began to let go of it. I let go of white picket fences And cars in driveways, Coffee cups and vacuum cleaners. I let go of all those things which seem so ordinary, But when you put them together, they make up a life... A life that really was one of a kind. I'll tell you something-- It's not hard to die when you know you have lived, And i did. Oh, how i lived. 紫藤郡如何成为我永久的安息之地的,我的骨灰被洒在曾经走过的草地上,曾经乘凉的大树 下,曾经欣赏的玫瑰花上,曾经跟别人叽叽喳喳交谈过的篱笆旁,在我的朋友们完成告别仪式之 后,一阵风吹来,把剩下的带到了空气中,我看着下面的世界,我开始释放,我远离那个白色的 箭桩篱笆,车道上的停车,咖啡杯和吸尘器,我远离看起来是如此平常的所有事物,但把它们组 合到一起时,就成了一种生活,一种确实异类的生活,给你说吧,只要好好生活过,死并不难, 我就是这样,我的人生啊~ 520 The fact is everyone does it. Everyone tries to cover up what they don't want others to see Women hide their need for commitment... Men disguise their growing insecurity... Wives mask their intense disdain. How can ordinary people Hide the truth of their feelings so successfully? All it takes is a friendly gesture... 人人都会掩饰,人人都在试图掩饰,不想让别人看到的东西,女人掩饰她们想要的承诺,男 人掩饰他们日益增加的不安全感,妻子掩饰她们深深的蔑视。常人怎能如此成功地掩饰他们的感 觉,示好是必须的,友好在先…… 521 The perfect client. On this street The bargaining is finished by sundown...A daughter agrees to go to bed early If her mother lets her dress up in her old gowns...A woman agrees to let her fiance spend the night If he'll agree to sleep on the sofa... A man allows his lover to get close As long as they don't discuss the future. Yes, everyone knows how to bargain on wisteria lane... But sometimes...They get more than they bargained for. 完美委托人,在这里,谈判随着太阳落下而结束,女儿同意早点上床睡觉,除非她妈妈让她 穿上旧时晚礼服,女人同意让他的未婚夫留下来过夜,但只能睡在沙发上,男人同意他的爱人靠 近些,只要他们不再讨论未来。是,紫藤郡的每个人都知道如何讨价还价,但有时,讨价还价的 结果却出人意料 522 Everyone wears some kind of mask, so you must look closely to find the truth that lies beneath. Some conceal anxiety about growing older. Some hide fears of financial ruin. Others cover up a love that continues to linger. And then there are those who let their masks slip. If you look to their eyes, you'll see who they really are... and exactly what they're capable of. 每个人都戴着面具,你必须睁大双眼,才能发现谎言后的真相,有人掩饰年华逝去的恐惧, 有人隐藏对于破产的畏惧,有人将无法忘去的真爱掩埋,有些人的面具不小心滑落,如果你仔细 看着他们的双眸,他们才会现出原形,及其精心盘算的计划 524 There was a wedding recently At fairview presbyterian church. The minister spoke about the nature of marriage... The sublime joy of giving birth... The immense pleasure of raising a family... The importance of life long fidelity... And then he said what all ministers say To conclude such matters... You may now kiss the bride. For a moment, The groom wondered if he was doing the right thing. 最近,在美景镇长老会教堂里,有一场盛大的婚礼,牧师宣读婚姻的本质,给予新生命的至 乐,呵护家庭所得的无与伦比的快乐,对婚姻忠诚的重要性,最后他像所有牧师一样,做了最后 的结语,可以吻新娘了,在这时,新郎还在犹豫他做的抉择,是否正确 601 It's not hard to find sin in the suburbs. Just look behind closed doors, And you'll find your neighbors Cheating on their husbands.... Maternity clothes Resenting their children... Plotting against their friends. But as much as we like to talk about The sinful things people do... We forget there is a difference between sin...and evil. Sadly, there's always someone willing to come along And remind us. 郊区随处可见道德沦丧之事,只要看看紧锁的门后,就会发现邻居们对丈夫不忠,对孩子不 满,对朋友暗算,我们常会谈论道德沦丧之事,却忘了不道德与…邪恶的本质区别,悲哀的是 总 会有人跳出来提醒我们 602 It had been a horrible day, And people in the neighborhood Were doing their best to recover. One mother was about to share some good news with her family When her son saw a flashing light in the window. Another was busy grounding her niece When she noticed the police car Pulling up across the street. A woman was planning a rendezvous with her lover When she saw a young man being taken out of his house. Within moments, everyone had heard The son of one housewife Was suspected of strangling the daughter of another. Yes, it had been a horrible day. And the thought occurred to one old woman.The days ahead could be worse. 这是可怕的一天,小镇里的人都尽全力从伤痛中恢复过来,一位母亲把好消息传达给家里人, 当她的儿子看见窗外的闪烁的警灯,另一位在教育她的侄女,当她看见警车在街对面停了下来, 一位女士正打算与情人幽会,当她看见一个年轻人被从家里带走,在这个片刻,大家都知道了, 一个主妇的儿子涉嫌勒死另一位主妇的女儿,是的,这是可怕的一天,一位老女人心想,这只是 一个开始 603 On this street, the day begins with a cup of coffee. Some drink it while recalling a lover they once cared for. Some pour it, Thinking of the boss they must lie to. Others sip it, Contemplating a man they might be in love with. But for one woman, on this particular morning, That cup of coffee has to wait... Because she discovers a neighbor in trouble. She goes to help, Not only because it's the right thing to do, But because it's the only way she can think of... To ask for forgiveness. And once it is given... The day begins. 在这里,一天的生活始于一杯咖啡,喝咖啡时,有的人忆起曾经爱过的情人,倒咖啡时,有 的人想到自己不能以诚相待的老板,有人小抿一口,想念可能与之相爱的男人,但对一个女人来 说,在这个特别的早晨,这杯咖啡得等等再喝了,因为发现邻居有难,她要伸出援手,不只是因 为这样做是对的,而是由于这是她所想到唯一,可以请求宽恕的方法,当她得到宽恕时,新的一 天伊始 604 You wouldn't think of it to look at her, But the lady next door is having a nervous breakdown. You'd never guess by her smile, But the wife of your uncle once betrayed his trust. And that daughter you adore... Well, she's having an affair with a married man. The sad truth is, We don't know our friends and neighbors Nearly as well as we think we do. Even the people we trust most... Keep secrets. 看着她,你也许不敢相信,但隔壁的淑女确实已经精神失常,看着她的笑容,你也许不会猜 到,但你的婶婶确实一度背叛过你叔叔,还有你的爱女,她确实跟已婚男士有染,可悲之处正在 于,我们以为自己熟知的朋友和邻居,其实只是熟悉的陌生人而已,即使那些我们深信不已的人... 也有不可告人的秘密 605 It is in our nature to judge the people around us. If they ignore our wishes, We believe they are disrespectful. If they don't watch their children, We conclude they are unfit parents. If we catch them cheating, We assume we know their reasons. But what happens when we finally stop for a moment To judge our own lives? It can be painful To step back and see what we've been doing... And even more painful to realize We have no intention Of stopping. 对身边人评头论足 是我们的天性使然,如果他们无视我们的意愿,我们相信,是他们失之 在礼,如果他们不照看年幼的孩子,我们推断,他们不够称职,如果我们发现他们偷吃,则猜想, 其中必有内情,可我们最终稍作停顿,对自己的生活扪心自问时,回首过去,面对往日,可能痛 苦万分,而更令人痛苦的是,我们意识到,我们并没有,悔过之意 606 There are so many rules in this world. That's why we must start learning them While we are still children.We are told very clearly..."Don't say bad words."“You're not allowed to cheat on tests.""It's not nice to lie to your friends." "You shouldn't covet a man who isn't yours. "and you shouldn't betray a man who is."So we grow up, And still we break the rules...Completely forgetting that if someone catches us, We will be punished. 人的一生要遵守数不胜数的做人准则,这就是为什么我们要从蹒跚学步时开始学起,周遭的 人告知我们,不能出口成脏,不能考试作弊,不该欺瞒蒙骗朋友,不该贪恋他人之夫,也不该红 杏出墙,长大懂事后这些规则,这些规则还是被我们一一违反了,我们也遗忘了如果被人抓住了 小辫子,我们将会自食恶果 607 The truth is,there's only so much we can learn from books. They can't tell you how to make your wife happy. They can't tell you how to appreciate your neighbor. They can't tell you if that man across the street is dangerous. No,the only way to truly learn is from your mistakes. Of course,if those mistakes land you in jail, it might be nice to have a book to pass the time. 实际上,书本能告诉我们的很有限,它们不能告诉我们如何让太太开心,如何欣赏邻居,如 何判别对面的邻居是否危险,获取这些的唯一渠道就是从错误中学习,当然,如果错误大到让你 坐牢,有本书打发时间还是不错的 609 The world is a dangerous place, And we must learn to defend ourselves From those who want to hurt us. That stranger without a name, An employeer who holds a garage, The husband who won't let go. Yes, we all try to defend ourselves so we won't get hurt. Until we realize, our pain Can hurt someone else. 这个世界如此危险,我们必须学会自卫,远离那些伤害我们的人,不知名的陌生人,屈就在 仓库里的职员,不愿放手的丈夫,是的,我们都努力地保护自己,免受伤害,直到我们意识到, 我们的痛,能使他人受伤 611 The funeral for Karl Mayer was a dignified affair. Attented by friends and family. And those who loved him. The priest spoke about the nature of tragedy. How it causes people to ask what if... What if he hadn't died... What if I had chosen differently.. What if I had made that mistake... And then the priest said the best way to honor those who had died was to focus on what was and to keep on livingand to keep on living the best way we know how. And in time, that is exactly what my friends would do. Karl Mayer的葬礼非常隆重,他的家人,朋友悉数到场,爱他的人也不例外,牧师陈述着 悲剧的经过,人们不禁自问,如果时光倒流会怎样呢? 如果他没有死,如果我做了不同的选择, 如果我没有犯下那个错误,然后牧师说道,对死者最好的尊重,就是正视现实,勇敢地活下去, 这也正是我的朋友们将去兑现的诺言 612 The act itself is quite simple-- You strip away the outer layer And reveal what's underneath. Of course, Sometimes the results can be quite surprising. Ou you strip away the veneer of happy domesticity, You may find grief. If you strip away that facade of wealth You may find self-loathing. If you strip away the veil of helplessness, You may find cruelty. Yes,stripping can be a dangerous pastime. But for a lucky few, It can also be... A lot of fun. 脱去这个动作,简单至极,脱去外层,显露本质,当然,有时候结果很出人意料,除去合家 欢乐的表象,你会发现悲伤,撇开金玉满堂的浮华,你会发现自厌,揭掉伤残顽疾的无助,你会 发现残忍,没错,脱去这个动作是很危险的,但对少数幸运的人来说...也蛮好玩的 613 In our darkest moments, we all need someone who will listen. Some turn to friendly professionals. A few rely on those who are older and wiser. Others seek out someone who knows what they're going through. But for most of us, nothing is quite so therapeutic as a good long talk with a few old friends. 在最黑暗的时刻,我们需要倾诉,有的人咨询和善的专业人士,有的人依靠年长的智者,有 的人寻求那些理解他们痛苦的人,但对大多数人来说,没有什么比和几个老朋友促膝长谈更加有 效 614 生活是一出永无止尽的戏,每个人都有自己的角色,有的人是爱情故事的主角,有的人是受 害者,有的人总是提供笑料,还有的人,会扮演英雄,特别是当他们觉得街对面... 住着一个反 派的时候 615 Robin gallagher was right. The people she had met on wisteria lane Had really looked at her, And they had seen her sense of morality, Her loyal heart... Her surprising insight, Her forgiving nature. Some people had even taken notice Of her incredible beauty... And they were surprised to discover They liked what they saw. Robin Gallagher说得对,她在紫藤巷遇到的人,真的能看懂她,她们看见了她的道德观, 她忠贞的心,她出人意料的内在,她宽容的天性,某些人甚至注意到了,她那非凡的美丽,人们 很惊讶地发现,她们喜欢上了她 617 It's not always easy to see someone's true colors. Sometimes you must look beneath the masculine veneer To find that fragile ego. You must ignore the sparkle of the jewel To know you're looking at a fake. You must bring the truth out of the shadows To see the beauty of its smile. Yes, people hide their true nature from us every day, And sadly, we only find out when it's too late. 要看清一个人的本色并非易事,有时需要看穿刚毅的外表,触及柔弱的内心,有时需要忽视 珠宝的璀璨,看透赝品的本质,有时需要探查被掩盖的事实,品味微笑的美丽,人们总是隐藏着 自己的本色,遗憾的是,我们总是看穿得太迟了 618 There are a lot of ways to win in this world. Some battles are won with a hasty retreat. Some victories are claimed... by those willing to cheat. Some opponents are defeated... with nothing more than a smile. Of course, for some, it's not enough to win. Someone else... has got to lose. 在这个世界上,要赢的途径有很多,有些战斗,虽是仓皇撤退,却能最终凯旋,有的胜利... 则被说谎者所取得,有些对手... 只需一个微笑,就能让他檄械投降,当然, 对于有些人而言, 仅取得胜利是不够的,他需要让对手,溃不成军 619 We all know that evil exists. The newspapers are filled with stories about young girls who suddenly vanish. But we don't pay attention because we're worried about our marriages... concerned about our friendships... anxious about our employees. Yes, we don't pay attention to evil because we think it will never come to our house. But it does. And sometimes... We let it in. 我们都知道魔鬼的存在,在报纸上总是报道,小姑娘突然失踪的新闻,但我们却未多加留心, 因为我们在愁思着自己的婚姻...关注着自己的友谊...顾虑着自己的职工,是的,我们并没有太在 意恶魔的存在,因为我们以为恶魔降临到我们家,但它来了,而且,有时候...是我们开门揖盗 620 There is a house in the town of Fairview. Inside this house lives a monster... The kind who kills women. You may wonder how a monster like that came to be. The answer is simple-- Monsters are created...By other monsters. 美景镇有一幢房子,房子里住着只怪物,杀取女性性命的怪物,你或许会问,怎么会有这样 的怪物,答案很简单,怪物,都是被怪物逼出来的 622 人们每天都在选择,这些选择... 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 着我们,一些人选择忠诚,即使生气和受伤,一些人选 择勇敢,即使震惊和恐惧,一些人选择反击,即使逃避亦无妨,但那些陷于困境的可怜人呢,他 们别无选择,一切又会怎样? People make choices every day. And those choices... Are what define us. Some of us choose to be loyal,though we're angry and hurt. Some of us choose to be brave, Though we're frightened out of our minds. Others choose to strike out When they could have walked away. But what about those poor people Who are trapped by circumstance? What happens to those Who have no choices left? 623 As they pulled away, Susan looked out on the street she loved so much... a street where parents could raise their children... where retirees could enjoy their golden years... where good friends could share horrible secrets... Yes, Susan looked on this street and vowed she would be back... but as she did so, she didn't notice the car that passed her... a car carrying Wisteria Lane's... newest resident. 他们离去的时候,Susan看着她所深爱的街区的景象...在这条街... 父母能够抚育儿女,在 这条街... 退休老人能够安享晚年,在这条街...好朋友之间可以分担骇人的秘密...是的,Susan 细看着街道,暗暗发誓,她会回来的...不过在她观察之时,她没有留意到,有辆车与她擦身而过... 而这辆车带来了紫藤街...最新的房客 701 Bad news travels quickly, And when it arrives, we have to find a way to deal with it. If our husbands tell us they've moved on... we look for projects to distract us. If the bills start to stack up... We find ways to earn extra cash. If we're told a secret too terrible to share... We learn to keep it to ourselves. But we must remember the bad news that's delivered can sometimes be good news... In disguise. 噩耗,总是不胫而走,它降临的时候,我们必须想办法应对,如果丈夫告诉我们,他们已经 不念旧情了,我们就应当追寻新的目标,如果账单堆积不下,我们就另辟蹊径去赚钱,如果我们 得知一个无法分享的噩耗,我们就把它深埋心间,但我们必须记住,不经传来的噩耗,有时也可 能是...喜讯 702 There are certain kinds of pain that can't be treated in a hospital, so those who are suffering do what they can to heal themselves. Some cure the ache of loneliness by making new friends. Some soothe their excruciating guilt with an infusion of cash. Some alleviate their burning desire with small acts of kindness. But sadly, there will always be those who can't begin to heal... because they realize there is more pain yet to come. 尘世间的痛楚,即使在医院也不会得以抚慰,所以受伤的人想要痊愈,只能借助自身的力量, 结交新的朋友,可以释放寂寞的苦楚,金钱的慰藉,可以减轻深恶痛绝的自责,一个小小的善举, 可以减缓灼热的欲望,可惜,可世间有一种伤痛让人无法治愈,因为他们意识到,更大的伤痛, 还未来到 703 Happiness... It's something everyone searches for. Some are sure they'll find it once they've moved back home. Some think they'll find it by making a new friend. Some hope to find it once they've defeated the competition. Then there are those who stop searching for happiness because they look up one day to discover... It was right there in front of them all the time. 幸福,是所有人所追寻的目标,有人相信一旦搬回家他们就可以找到它,有人认为交了新朋 友就能找到它,有人希望,打败了对手之后就能找到它,然后,还有一些人停止了搜寻幸福,因 为他们某天抬头发现,幸福就在眼前,一直在身边 704 It's called a purse, and as every woman knows, it can hold just about anything... from a bottle for a baby... to a check for protection... to a gift for a new friend. Whatever you find inside, there's one thing you can be sure of... every purse says something about the woman who owns it... whether she knows it or not. 这叫手袋...正如每个女人所知,它可以装下任何东西...从婴儿的奶瓶...到保护自己的支票... 再到给新朋友的礼物,无论你在里面发现了什么,有一件事是你可以肯定的...每一只手袋都透露 出女主人的信息...无论她自己知晓与否 706 The time comes when we all must find out what we're afraid of. Some of us fear... "she may never forgive me." Others worry... "she might learn the truth." A few wonder... "could he send me away?" Yes. The world is a scary place. It's even more terrifying... if we have to face it... alone. 时间流逝,我们都须察觉,令我们恐惧的事物,有些人会害怕... "再也无法得到原谅",有些 人则担忧..."再也瞒不住真相",也有一些人疑思..."我会被人抛弃吗?"是的,这世界令我们恐惧, 但最令人恐惧的... 莫过于,独自一人...去面对 707 Humiliation...It's not always something we can avoid.We may have wives who insult our masculinity.We may take jobs...we feel are beneath us.We may have boyfriends who make us feel old.Yes, there are all sorts of ways to be humiliated in life.But the surest way to get your dignity back is to get what you've been waiting for. 丢脸...有时是不可避免的,我们可能会有个无视自己男性尊严的妻子,我们可能会接下有失 身份的工作,我们可能会有个年轻男友,让我们觉得自己老了,是的,生命中总有,各种各样丢 脸的事,但挽回自尊的最有力方式莫过于,得到你一直在期待的东西 708 Once a year,We remember to stop and count our blessings.We give thanks for the friends who understand us...The lovers who makes us happy...The children who do our bidding...Yes, we must always be thankful for what we've been given...even if it's just an opportunity. 一年一度,我们都记得停下忙碌,捎去祝福,感恩知己体贴谅解... 感恩爱人给予快乐...感 恩子女服从教诲...是的,我们必须对拥有的一切,常怀感恩,即使只是一个可能拥有的机会 710 It was just before sunrise on wisteria lane. You could no longer hear the screams of frightened bystanders... Or the angry chanting of protestors... Or the cries for help from the injured. There were just the footsteps of a man who had finally punished those who had betrayed him. The silence was broken by something the neighbors would later say... Sounded like a gunshot. But paul knew it was the sound of revenge. 黎明前的紫藤巷,万籁俱寂,听不到围观者的惊声尖叫...也听不到抗议者的怒吼咆哮...更没 有伤者的哭喊呼救,只留下一个男人的脚步声,他刚刚惩罚了那些背叛过他的人,寂静突然被打 破,邻居们事后说道...那像是声枪响,但Paul知道,那是复仇之声 712 We pass by these people every day, but we never look at them. We don't wanna see the sadness in their expressions... the longing in their hearts... the loneliness in their eyes... But there are times we should stop and look at these isolated people. Why? Well, if we look close enough... we might just recognize them. 我们每天都与他们擦肩而过,但从没正眼看过他们,我们不愿看到他们脸上的悲伤,他们心 中的渴望,他们眼中的孤独,但有时,我们应该停下来看一眼这些孤立的人,为什么,如果我们 看得够仔细,我们或许就能认出他们 714 We may think we've left the past behind,Though we want to run away,we are forced to confront our past...but it has a way...of catching up to us.And the secrets that it buried...must come into the light.And then, if we are strong,we are able to move on.Yes, we all need to leave the past behind and move on toward the future.And if we're lucky,we will have help getting there. 我们或许以为,我们已经放下过去了,但我们却无法...抛开岁月往事,尽管我们想逃避, 却不得不直面过去...过去深埋的秘密...终将重见天日,然而,如果我们够坚强,就能继续走 下去,是的 我们都需要放下过去,走向未来,如果我们够幸运,就会有人伸出援手 帮助我们走 向未来 715 Leaving is never easy, But the time comes when we must move on... So we can leave our childhood behind... So we can let go of the past... So we can be a good parent. Yes, leaving is never easy, Especially for those who have nowhere else to go. 告别,从来不易,可我们无路可退时,就无从选择,这样我们才得以长大成人,才得以挥别 过去,才得以为人父母,没错,告别不易,尤其是那些无处可去的人 717 There comes a moment when our lives change forever... The moment we admit our weaknesses... The moment we rise to a challenge... The moment we accept a sacrifice... or let a loved one go. And sometimes... the change in our lives... is an answer to our prayers. 总有那么一刻,我们的人生永远地改变,我们坦承弱点的那一刻,我们迎接挑战的那一刻, 我们接受他人牺牲的那一刻,或是对爱人放手的那一刻,有时候,我们人生的改变,是对我们祈 愿的回应 718 Yes, whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, And then we need to move on. We must try to accept the changes in our lives... Or choose to trust an old enemy. Or learn to stop fighting our children's battles. But sometimes the pain we've caused is so great, there is no moving on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后继续生活,努力接受生活中的变化,选择相信曾经的敌人, 不再插手孩子的事,但有些时候,我们造成的伤害之大,以致让人无法继续 719 Yes, the residents of wisteria lane are nothing if not loyal. But there are times when that loyalty is put to the test... By the desire to help a stricken friend... By the need to protect a long-buried secret. By the movement of two lives in opposite directions. And sometimes just as one test of loyalty ends... Another begins. 是的,紫藤郡的居民,个个忠诚无比,可有时候,这忠诚,得经受考验,因为想照顾受到打 击的朋友,因为要谨守朋友深藏多年的秘密,因为两个人的生活开始背道而驰,有时候,一场忠 诚度检验结束,另一场又拉开序幕 720 People do good deeds for many reasons, but sometimes good deeds have bad consequences. Correcting a colleague's mistake could breed resentment. Opening one's home to a friend can damage that friendship. Trying to bring a spouse closer might push her further away. That's why there's an old expression about helping people-- No good deed... goes unpunished. 人们做好事的理由有很多,但有时好事却招致恶果,纠正同事的错误,会反遭怨恨,对朋友 敞开家门,会有伤友情,想与配偶亲近,却反而离得更远,因此,有一句讲助人的古话说得好, 一切善举,都要招致惩罚 721 Yes,no matter who we are, we all experience moments of dread... When we ask ourselves, will anyone believe i'm innocent? will my daughter be a child of divorce? will this man break my heart? are there things that go bump in the night? and sometimes... The answer... Is yes. 是的,无论我们是谁,我们都会有恐惧的时刻,扪心自问,是否所有人会相信我是无辜的? 是否我的女儿会在单亲家庭长大?是否我会被这个男人伤害?是否有什么会在夜晚突然出现? 有 时候,答案是,肯定的 72223 There are many things that bind friends together... Sharing a laugh over an embarrassing incident... Comforting each other in times of need... Finding it in our hearts to forgive. 有很多事会把朋友们连结在一起,因一件囧事而相视一笑,在需要时相互安慰,出自真心地 原谅对方。 801 It's only the best of friends Who stay long after the party's over To help clean up... To cleanse the pain of a guilty conscience... To pick up the pieces...Of a broken marriage... To sweep away the loneliness of keeping a secret. Yes... It's good to have friends who help clean up our messes. But every housewife knows That as soon as one mess is taken care of... Another one appears. And we may find ourselves... Right back where we started. 聚会后留下来帮忙的,才是真心朋友,帮忙减轻内疚的痛苦,安慰婚姻破裂后的心碎,驱赶 保守秘密的孤寂,的确 有朋友帮忙解决困境真好,但是每个主妇都清楚 解决了一个困境,另一 个接踵而来,甚至会发现,一切又回到原点 802 Yes, in the divided world of the suburbs, Everyone is looking for some way to make a connection. Some seek to connect by focusing on a greater good... Some by revealing a common history... Some by sharing a pain no one else can heal. Then there are those Who once sought to make a connection... That they now want desperately to escape. 是的,在郊区独来独往的小世界里,每个人都在寻求慰藉,有些人的慰藉,源自对儿女的共 同呵护,有些人,源自对相似经历的袒露,有些人,源自对无解伤痛的分担,当然也有些人,曾 经拼劲全力地寻找那份慰藉,如今却不顾一切地想要逃离 803 Yes, the residents of Wisteria Lane are skilled at the art of concealment. They know how to cover the evidence of a messy breakup... to compensate for what their children might be missing... and to spare the feelings of a loved one whose taste they may not share. But for some, the art of concealment comes at too great a cost. And so they find themselves forced to reveal the truth... even at the risk of facing an uncertain future. 没错,紫藤郡的居民们,擅做表面文章,他们知道,如何修饰仓促分手的狼狈,如何补偿孩 子们缺失的幸福,如何与心爱的家人分享心事,哪怕毫不欣赏对方的品位,但对有些人来讲,遮 掩的代价实在太高,所以即使后果未卜,他们还是鼓起勇气说出真相 804 Yes, we often learn our most important lessons outside the classroom-- The painful truth about the state of a relationship... The ugly cost of challenging authority... The sad fact that life's colors aren't always rosy... Then there are those who refuse to accept these important lessons. They simply wait for the chance to teach a lesson of their own. 是的,我们常常是在课堂以外,学到重要的教训,揭露新恋情的痛苦真相,挑战权威的丑陋 成本,生活并不总是玫瑰色的悲哀事实,还有一些人,拒绝接受这些重要的学习,他们只是静候 时机,等着教训别人 805 Yes, we may think we're all destined to play certain roles. But sometimes those roles can unexpectedly change. A nervous student may discover a hidden confidence. A longtime wife may confront a harsh new reality. A busy mother may find her attention is needed elsewhere. And a woman who wanted to do a little bit of good may find herself playing a much bigger role than she intended. 是的,我们或许想过,我们都注定要扮演某些角色,但有时这些角色发生的变化出人意料, 紧张的学生,也许会找到隐藏的自信,已婚多年的妻子,也许要面对急转直下的现实,忙碌的母 亲,也许急需转移注意力,而原本只想做些许善事的女人,也许会发现,她要扮演的角色,比起 她的初衷,重要得多 807 Yes,we're all seeking control over something in our lives. We may want to cover up The remains of a troubling secret... Or ease the pain of letting go... Or erase the mistakes of our children. But sometimes the only way we can truly change our lives... Is by letting go completely... 没错 我们都希望能掌控人生,也许是埋葬一个残留的秘密,也许是为了减轻痛苦而放手, 也许是擦除孩子犯下的错,但有时,改变人生的唯一办法,是不计后果 808 Yes,there comes a time when we must expose our weaknesses... When our secrets can no longer remain private... When our solitude can no longer be denied... When our pain can no longer be ignored... But sometimes we feel so alone... That a weakness we thought we'd overcome... Suddenly becomes too strong to fight. 是的,某些时候,我们必须直面自己的软弱,秘密昭告天下时,孤独必须面对时,伤痛不能 逃避时,有时,孤独感如此强烈,自以为已经战胜的软弱,重新成为挑战 810 It's a lonely business keeping secrets. That's why we all search for someone we can confide in... An ally who will understand. An advisor we can trust. A friend who will never judge. Yes, we all need help hiding the darkest truths of our lives. Because as soon as you've told one secret... Another is likely to appear. 保守秘密让人寂寞难耐,因此我们都在寻求倾诉的对象,一名通情达理的同伴,一位可信任 的参谋,一个从不批判的朋友,是的,我们都需要帮助,来隐藏生命中黑暗的真相,因为一旦你 说出一个秘密,另一个又会接踵而至 811 Yes, good friends are the ones who tell us the truth about ourselves. Even when the truth might be something we're reluctant to admit... that we still have a great deal to learn... that we sometimes need to ask for help... that we may be overlooking a golden opportunity. Yes, hearing the truth can often set us on a different path. Where that path might take us... or who might be watching. 是的,好朋友就是这样一些人,她们告知我们关于自己的真相,即使这真相,也许是,我们 不愿意承认的事实,比如我们需要学习的还有很多,比如我们有时也需要寻求帮助比如我们可能 忽视了绝佳的机遇,是的,得知真相,能让我们踏上不同的路,但我们永远不知道,这条路将带 领我们走向何方,抑或,有谁在注视着我们 812 Yes,in the life of every housewife, there comes a time for renovation. She may be doing away with an unpleasant memory... Breaking up a once happy relationship... Or making the necessary changes to prepare for a new one. But no matter how much a housewife may embrace the way her life is changing, the people in her neighborhood * a different view. 是的,在每位主妇的生活中,都会经历一段修整期,忘掉一段不愉快的回忆,告别一段曾快 乐的感情,或改变自己, 迎接新的恋情,但无论主妇们以何种姿态迎接生活的变化,身边的邻 居 总是会另眼相看 813 Yes,love can bring out the best in us... The confidence to move on... The courage to tell the truth... The strength to keep hoping... But sometimes what surprises us most isn't what love brings out... But who it brings back. 没错,爱能激发人表现最好的一面,重新开始的自信,说出真相的勇气,永不放弃的信念, 但有时最让我们惊喜的,不是爱能激发什么,而是失而复得 815 Yes. There are times when we all could use a little help. When our generosity has been repaid with cruelty... When our behavior has filled us with regret... And when our future has become terribly uncertain. But then there are those who are past the point of help, and in their wake, they leave nothing but destruction. 是的,有时候,我们都会需要一些帮助,当我们的慷慨 换来残酷的回馈,当我们为所作所 为 充满悔恨,当我们的未来 变得毫无定数,可有些人已不再需要帮助,在他们身后,留下的, 只有破坏 816 We all take the gift of life for granted. If only we could slow things down. Because before you know it... The gift is gone. 生活中的幸福,我们不以为然,多希望可以放慢速度,因为,在你意识到之前,幸福已经离 去 817 Yes,as much as death takes from us, it also gives. It teaches us what's truly important... like giving back after a lifetime of taking... going after something we never should have let go of... or looking back on what made us who we are. But sometimes the lessons learned after a person's death aren't the ones we expected. 没错,死有一失,亦有一得,孰轻孰重,当下立辨,始终索取,终知报答,懂得珍惜,紧追 所爱,放慢脚步,审视自我,有时死亡带来的,也会令人始料未及 818 Yes,in life, when we see an opportunity,we have to take it, whether it's the hope of winning back the love of our life... a shot at proving our worth... or the chance to show a child the right path. But sometimes when we answer the call... we have no idea what opportunity awaits us. 是的,生活中,每当看见机会,我们就要抓住,赢回心爱之人的希望,证明自己价值的可能, 正确引导孩子的契机,但有时,当我们应答,我们并不知道,会面对怎样的机会 819 Yes,in life,we all make plans, but sometimes they don't turn out the way we expected. By trying to help out,we may damage a relationship. By attempting to reach out,we may push someone further away. By digging into the past,we may enrich our present. But then there are those who refuse to let go of their plans, no matter how badly they're turning out. 是的,生活中,我们计划周详,但结果常不尽如人意,想帮忙,却破坏了感情,想主动,却 让他更疏远,想了解过去,结果充实了现在,但有些人,决不改变计划,不论进展多不如意 820 Yes,it isn't easy giving up power... Admitting that we might need help from friends and neighbors... Deciding that a loved one...Might know what's best for us. Giving up our better judgment for a slightly darker agenda. But for some,the hardest kind of power to give up... Is the power to control their own desires. 是的,放弃权力,谈何容易,承认我们需要朋友邻里的帮助,确信爱人会保障我们的最大利 益,放弃评价具有阴暗目的的约会,但对某些人来说,最难放弃的权利,是对欲望的掌控 821 Yes,recent events in the lives of my friends had stirred up intense emotions... Excitement about starting a new chapter... Guilt over causing another's pain... Disappointment in a failure to change. Then there are those who are asked to put all emotion aside in order to make a coldhearted decision. 是的,最近发生的事,让朋友们情绪波动很大,开始新的生活,那么兴奋,造成别人痛苦, 那么内疚,无力改变自己,那么失望,更有人被要求放下感情,硬起心肠作出决定 82223(全剧终~) At Susan left her drive way, she had a feeling she was being watched. And she was, the ghost of people who have been apart from Wisteria Lane. We gazing upon her as she passed, they watched her as they watched everyone, always hope the living could put aside rage and sorrow, bitterness and regret, these ghosts watch, wanting people to remember that even the most desperate life is ALL SO WONDERFUL! But only a lucky few realize the gift they've been given. 当Susan开车的时候,她觉得好像有人在看着她,确实如此,那些曾是紫藤街一部分的人 们的幽灵,在她经过的时候注视着她,他们看着她,正如他们看着每一个人,他们一直希望活着 的人能明白,要把愤怒 悲伤,痛苦和悔恨放在一旁,幽灵们注视着这些活着的人,想要他们记 住,哪怕是最绝望的生活...也是很精彩的,但是只有少数的幸运儿意识到他们被上天赐予的礼物, 大多数人只是日复一日地活着,徒劳地挣扎着... 试图保守,注定要泄露的秘密
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