首页 文言文中表示时间的词语



文言文中表示时间的词语文言文中表示时间的词语 文言文中表示时间的词语 此~” (罗贯中《杨修之死》) 一、表示动作行为已经发生或曾经发生,?忽然抚尺一下,群响毕绝。(林嗣环《口如:尝,其意思相当于“曾经”。 技》) ?尝贻余核舟一,盖大苏泛赤壁云。(魏学?屠暴起,以刀劈狼首。(蒲松龄《狼》) 洢《核舟记》) ?定伯便担鬼著肩上,急执之。(干宝《宋?孔子曰:“苛政猛于虎也。”吾尝疑乎定伯捉鬼》) 是。(柳宗元《捕蛇者说》) ?急令医士调治。(罗贯中《杨修之死》) ?予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何例?~?“忽”“忽然”“暴”都有“...

文言文中表示时间的词语 文言文中表示时间的词语 此~” (罗贯中《杨修之死》) 一、表示动作行为已经发生或曾经发生,?忽然抚尺一下,群响毕绝。(林嗣环《口如:尝,其意思相当于“曾经”。 技》) ?尝贻余核舟一,盖大苏泛赤壁云。(魏学?屠暴起,以刀劈狼首。(蒲松龄《狼》) 洢《核舟记》) ?定伯便担鬼著肩上,急执之。(干宝《宋?孔子曰:“苛政猛于虎也。”吾尝疑乎定伯捉鬼》) 是。(柳宗元《捕蛇者说》) ?急令医士调治。(罗贯中《杨修之死》) ?予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何例?~?“忽”“忽然”“暴”都有“突哉,(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》) 然”的意思。例??“急”是“急忙”的?陈涉少时,尝与人佣耕。(司马迁《陈涉意思,除表示动作的急促之外,它还着重世家》) 表示仓促、忙乱的意思。 二、表示动作、状态在继续进行或持续存五、表示同时发生,如:一时。 在,如: ? 一时齐发,众妙毕备。(林嗣环《口技》) 1、会,意思是“恰逢”、“正赶上”。 “一时”译为“同一时候”,表示行为、?会天大雨,道不通,度已失期。(司马迁状态存在的时间短暂。 《陈涉世家》) 六、表示过了很短的时间就发生,如:顷?会宾客大宴。(林嗣环《口技》) 之,俄而、未几、少时,顷刻、少顷、间,2、方,意思相当于“正”、“刚”。 相当于“一会儿”“过了一会儿”的意?方欲行,转视积薪后。(蒲松龄《狼》) 思。 3、正,“正好”、“恰好”的意思。 ?顷之,客请与予对局。(钱大昕《弈喻》) ?正沉吟间,夏侯敦入帐,禀请夜间口号。?俄而百千人大呼。(林嗣环《口技》) (罗贯中《杨修之死》) ?未几,夫齁声起。(林嗣环《口技》) ?正唯弟子不能学也。(《论语/述而》) ?少时,一狼径去。(蒲松龄《狼》) 三、表示在特定的某个时间发生,如:是?狼亦黠矣,而顷刻两毙。(蒲松龄《狼》) 时。 ?少顷,但闻屏障中抚尺一下。(林嗣环《口?当是时,妇手拍儿声。(林嗣环《口技》) 技》) “当是时”,即“正在这个时候”的意思。 ?扁鹊见蔡桓公,立有间。(韩非《扁鹊见四、表示事件或动作行为突然发生,异常蔡桓公》) 迅速,出人意料,如:忽,忽然,暴,急。 七、表示动作、行为或状态在前不久发生?忽一人大呼:“火起。” (林嗣环《口或完成不久,如:初,甫。 技》) ?大儿初醒声。(林嗣环《口技》) ?忽一彪军撞至面前,大叫:“魏延在?甫下数子,客已得先手。(钱大昕《弈喻》) appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 八、表示两件事相继发生,其间相距的时后多以年号记年。如: 间较短,如:既而,寻,相当于“不久”“旋?晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。(二册?《桃即”的意思。 花源记》) ??既而儿醒,大啼。(林嗣环《口技》) 元丰六年十月十二日夜,解衣欲睡。(三?未果,寻病终。(陶渊明《桃花源记》) 册?《记承天寺夜游》) 九、表示某种情况或行为动作就要发生或二、记月 完成,如:将,意思是“快要”“就古代记月的主要方式有三种: 要”“将要”。 一是用地支记月。按阴历,寅为正月,卯?不治将恐深。(韩非《扁鹊见蔡桓公》) 为二月,其余(辰巳午未申酉戌亥子丑)?季氏将伐颛臾。(《论语/季氏》) 依次类推;二是在春夏秋冬各季前(分别)十、表示过了一些时候才发生。如:已而。 依次加上孟、仲、季等字,组成孟春、仲?已而太阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾春、季春„„孟冬、仲冬、季冬,古人用客从也。(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》) 它们作各季中相应月份别称;三是如同现十一、表示时间过了很久,如:久之,“很代记月,在月前加数字记月。初中文言诗久”的意思。 文中常见的是第三种,如: 久之,目似瞑,意暇甚。(蒲松龄《狼》) 胡天八月即飞雪。(四册?《白雪歌送武?? ?陈涉少时,尝与人佣耕,辍耕之垄上,判官归京》) 怅恨久之。(司马迁《陈涉世家》 ?五月人倍忙。(五册?《观刈麦》) 二是用干支记年。干,即“天干”(天干?庆历八年九月十二日。(六册?《墨池依次为:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸);支,即记》) “地支”(地支依次为:子丑寅卯辰巳午三、记日 未申酉戌亥)。干、支是我国古代用以记录古代记日的主要方式亦有三种: 时间的一套专门的序数系统。干、支按顺一是用干支记日。如: 序两两相配,至六十次为一循环,称为一是月丁未。(旧教材?《登泰山记》) 个“甲子”(或“花甲子”):甲子、乙丑、二是用特定的节日、节气名称记日。如: 丙寅„„辛酉、壬戌、癸亥。如: 待到重阳日,还来就菊花。(一册?《过故?时万历丁酉二月十四日。(四册?《西湖人庄》) 游记二则》) 三是在一月之内,古人常用“朔”(农历?己亥之二月也。(五册?《满井游记》) 每月初一)、“月出(fěi)”(农历每月?天启壬戌秋日。(四册?《核舟记》) 初三)、“望”(农历每月十五)、“既望”三是用国君的年号记年。我国古代帝王年(农历每月十六日)、“晦”(农历每月的号,从汉武帝刘彻“建元”年号开始,此最后一天)等表示日期。如: tent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consiscant allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no signifi 00 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or notthan 1otal length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, t3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 -enly smooth transition. Width 2zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evaffected -melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heatappearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening-ss into round, multicore wiring harne-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-tiarrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal mul core wire bunch-gging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multiess in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plug procerminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, bindinhe cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 T.5.5 t2 自既望以至十八日为最盛。(三册?《观“俄而”之类,此不赘述:只要我们在阅潮》) 读时联系语境,弄清文意,也就不难理解戊申晦,五鼓,与子颍坐日观亭(旧教它们所表示的意思了。 材?《登泰山记》 间:一会儿。“立有间”(《扁鹊见蔡桓公》) 四、记时 晓:清晨。“晓驾炭车碾冰辙”(《卖古代记时的主要方式也有三种: 炭翁》) 一是古人根据天色、人事把一天分为十二 顷之:过一会儿。“顷之,客请与予时:夜半、鸡鸣、平旦、日出、食时、隅对局”(《弈喻》) 中、日中、日昃、晡时、日入、黄昏、入 久之:很久。“久之,目似瞑”(《狼》) 定。二是用地支记时,每个时辰恰好等于 旦:早晨。“旦辞爷娘去”(《木兰诗》) 现在的两个小时,后世(清代)又把每个 暮:傍晚。“暮投石壕村”(《石壕吏》) 时辰分为先“初”后“正”,使十二时辰 寻:不久。“未果,寻病终”(桃花变成了二十四段,正好与现代时段相对应。源记》) 三是记夜。古时没有钟表计时,特在城市 顷刻:一会儿。“顷刻两毙”(《狼》) 或寺院的钟鼓楼置铜壶滴漏,并派人负责 未几:没多久。“未几,夫鼾声起”守漏、击鼓报时(更):漏一下为一更;漏(《口技》) 两下为二更,余类推。一夜共五更。古今 旋:立刻,马上。“有奇字素无备者,时段、时辰对照,如下表:(见文末) 如: 旋刻之”(《活板》) 我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。(一 瞬息:一眨眼。“瞬息可就”(《活板》) 册?《两小儿辩日》) 俄而:一会儿。“俄而百千人大呼”暮投石壕村,有吏夜捉人。(二册?《石壕(《口技》) 吏》) 少顷:一会儿。“少顷,但闻屏障中鸡栖于埘,日之夕矣,羊牛下来。(六抚尺一下”(《口技》) 册?《君子于役》) 夜阑:夜深。“夜阑卧听风吹雨”(《十杭州人游湖,止午、未、申三时。(四册?《西一月四日风雨大作》) 湖游记二则》) 既而:不久。“既而儿醒”(《口技》) 夜半,客曰:“吾去矣~”(旧教材?《大 是时:这个时候。“当是时”(《口技》) 铁椎传》) 即:立刻。“即书诗四句”(《伤仲永》) 戊申晦,五鼓,与子颍坐日观亭(同例紒 立:立刻。“自是指物作诗立就”(《伤紟矠) 仲永》) 除以上所述之外,初中文言文中还有表示 日:天天。“日扳仲永环谒于邑人” 时间长短的词,诸如“少时”、“未几”、 已而:不久。“已而夕阳在山”(《醉 - 3 - 0. 7. onsistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness iscant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, cignifir not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no shan 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete oter tm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be grea0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 m 3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 +-be evenly smooth transition. Width 2cted zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should affe-melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heatappearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening-harness into round, multicore wiring -core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-al multibunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudincore wire -plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof inding5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, b5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.3 翁亭记》) 日:一天天。《捕蛇者说》:“而乡邻 曩:从前。“曩与吾祖居者,今其室之生日蹙。” 十无一焉”(《捕蛇者说》) 翼曰:明天。《促织》:“翼日进宰(宰 见其小,怒呵成。” 旦旦:天天。“岂若吾乡邻之旦旦有 事哉”(《捕蛇者说》) 翌日:次日。《(指南录)后序》:“翌 日,以资政殿学士行。” 旦日:第二天。“旦日,卒中往往语, 皆指目陈胜”(《陈涉世家》) 旦:早晨。《术兰诗》:“旦辞爷娘去, 尔来:从那时以来。“尔来二十有一暮至黄河边。” 年矣”(《出师表》) 质明:天刚亮。《(指南录)后序》:“质 素:一向,平素。“吴广素爱人” 明避哨竹林中。” 既:已经。“既克,公问其故” 亭午:正午。《古风》:“大车扬飞尘, 秋:时候。“此诚危急存亡之秋也” 亭午暗阡陌。” 岁:年。《捕蛇者说》:“盖一岁之犯死者 宵:晚上。《雨霖铃》:“今宵酒醒何二焉。” 处?” 期年:满一年。《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》: 暝:天黑了。《梦游天姥吟留别》:“迷期年之后,虽欲言,无可进者。” “花倚石忽已暝。” 积年:好几年。《张衡传》:“所居之 即日:当天。《鸿门宴》:“即日因留官辄积年不徙。” 沛公与饮。” 曩:从前。《捕蛇者说》:“曩与吾祖 中夜:半夜。《祖逖传》:“中夜闻鸡居者,今其室十无一焉。” 鸣。” 向:先前。《捕蛇者说》:“向吾不为 失时:过时。《论积贮疏》:“失时不斯役(” 雨,民且狼藉。” 久之:很久。《狼》:“久之,目似瞑, 无何:没有多久。《促织》:“无何,意暇甚。” 宰以卓异闻。” ’ 良久:很久。《琵琶行》:“感我此言 尔来:从那时以来。《蜀道难》:“尔良久立。” 来四万八干岁。” 异日:将来。《黄生借书说》:“日姑 尝:曾经’。《劝学》:“吾尝终日而俟异日观云尔。” 思矣。” 旦旦:天天。《捕蛇者说》:“岂若吾 素:一向,平素。《陈涉世家》:“吴乡邻旦旦有是哉?” 广素爱人。“ 旦日:第二天。《陈涉世家》:“旦日, 既:已经。《曹刿论战》:“既克,公卒中往往语,皆指目陈胜。” 问其故。” ess in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plug procerminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, bindinhe cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 T.5.5 ttent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consiscant allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no signifi 00 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or notthan 1otal length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, t3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 -enly smooth transition. Width 2zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evaffected -melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heatappearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening-ss into round, multicore wiring harne-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-tiarrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal mul core wire bunch-gging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi4 既望:阴历十六。《观潮》:“自既望 晦:阴历每月最后一天。《登泰山记》:以至十八日为最盛。” 戊申晦,五鼓,与子颍坐日观亭。” 适:刚才。《孔雀东南飞》:“适得府 今者:现在。《齐桓晋文之事》:“今君书。”者,有人语此,力足以举千钧。” 几:将近。《论积贮疏》:“汉之为汉, 夜阑:夜深。《十一月四日风雨大作》:几四十年矣。” 夜阑卧听风吹雨。” 初:刚开始。《赤壁之战》:“初一交 薄暮:傍晚。《岳阳楼记》:“薄暮冥战。” 冥。” 未几:没多久。《口技》:“未几,夫一、记年 驹声起。” 古代记年的主要方式有三种: 寻:不久。《桃花源记》:“未果,寻一是按照王公即位的年次记年。汉武帝病终。” 建元以前,帝王没有年号,只能直书“某 已而:不久。《醉翁亭记》:“已而夕某王(公)某某年”或“××年”。例如: 阳在山(人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。” ?二世元年七月,发闾左适戍渔阳。(四 遽:立刻、马上。《察今》:“遽契其册?《陈涉世家》) ?十年春,齐师伐我。(六册?《曹刿论舟。” 瞬息:一眨眼。《活板》:“瞬息可就。” 战》) 顷刻:一会儿。《狼》:“顷刻两毙。” 二是用干支记年。干,即“天干”(天 少顷:一会儿。《口技》:‘‘少顷,干依次为:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸);支,但闻屏障中抚尺一下。 即“地支”(地支依次为:子丑寅卯辰巳 食顷:一顿饭工夫。《促织》:“食顷,午未申酉戌亥)。干、支是我国古代用以记帘动((片纸抛落。” 录时间的一套专门的序数系统。干、支按 卒:同猝”,突然。《赤壁之战》:“五顺序两两相配,至六十次为一循环,称为万兵难卒合。” 一个“甲子”(或“花甲子”):甲子、乙 倏尔:忽然。《灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“如丑、丙寅„„辛酉、壬戌、癸亥。如: 何半日上倏尔又变了?” ?时万历丁酉二月十四日。(四册?《西 秋:时候。《出师表》:“此诚危急哿湖游记二则》) 亡之秋也。” ?己亥之二月也。(五册?《满井游记》) 朔:阴历每月初一。《逍遥游》:“朝 ?天启壬戌秋日。(四册?《核舟记》) 菌不知晦朔。” 三是用国君的年号记年。我国古代帝王 望:阴历每月十五日。《五人墓碑记》:年号,从汉武帝刘彻“建元”年号开始,予犹记周公之被逮,在丁卯三月之望。” 此后多以年号记年。如: - 5 - 5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.0. 7. onsistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness iscant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, cignifir not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no shan 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete oter tm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be grea0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 m 3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 +-be evenly smooth transition. Width 2cted zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should affe-melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heatappearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening-harness into round, multicore wiring -core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-al multibunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudincore wire -plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof inding5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, b5 ?晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。(二册) 戊申晦,五鼓,与子颍坐日观亭(旧教 ?元丰六年十月十二日夜,解衣欲睡。材?《登泰山记》 (三册?《记承天寺夜游》) 四、记时 二、记月 古代记时的主要方式也有三种: 古代记月的主要方式有三种: 一是古人根据天色、人事把一天分为十 一是用地支记月。按阴历,寅为正月,二时:夜半、鸡鸣、平旦、日出、食时、卯为二月,其余(辰巳午未申酉戌亥子丑)隅中、日中、日昃、晡时、日入、黄昏、依次类推;二是在春夏秋冬各季前(分别)入定。二是用地支记时,每个时辰恰好等依次加上孟、仲、季等字,组成孟春、仲于现在的两个小时,后世(清代)又把每春、季春„„孟冬、仲冬、季冬,古人用个时辰分为先“初”后“正”,使十二时 辰变成了二十四段,正好与现代时段相对它们作各季中相应月份别称;三是如同现 代记月,在月前加数字记月。初中文言诗应。三是记夜。古时没有钟表计时,特在文中常见的是第三种,如: 城市或寺院的钟鼓楼置铜壶滴漏,并派人 负责守漏、击鼓报时(更):漏一下为一更;?胡天八月即飞雪。(四册?《白雪歌送 武判官归京》) 漏两下为二更,余类推。一夜共五更。古?五月人倍忙。(五册?《观刈麦》) 今时段、时辰对照,如下表:(见文末) 如: ?庆历八年九月十二日。(六册?《墨池 我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。记》) (一册?《两小儿辩日》) 三、记日 暮投石壕村,有吏夜捉人。(二册?《石 古代记日的主要方式亦有三种: 壕吏》) 一是用干支记日。如: 鸡栖于埘,日之夕矣,羊牛下来。(六 是月丁未。(旧教材?《登泰山记》) 册?《君子于役》) 二是用特定的节日、节气名称记日。如: 然杭州人游湖,止午、未、申三时。(四 待到重阳日,还来就菊花。(一册?《过册?《西湖游记二则》) 故人庄》) 夜半,客曰:“吾去矣~”(旧教 三是在一月之内,古人常用“朔”(农材?《大铁椎传》) 历每月初一)、“月出(fěi)”(农历每 戊申晦,五鼓,与子颍坐日观亭 月初三)、“望”(农历每月十五)、“既 除以上所述之外,初中文言文中还有表望”(农历每月十六日)、“晦”(农历每示时间长短的词,诸如“少时”、“未月的最后一天)等表示日期。如: 几”、“俄而”之类,此不赘述:只要我 自既望以至十八日为最盛。(三册?《观们在阅读时联系语境,弄清文意,也就不潮》) 难理解它们所表示的意思了。 he cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 T.5.5 ttent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consiscant allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no signifi 00 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or notthan 1otal length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, t3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 -enly smooth transition. Width 2zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evaffected -melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heatappearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening-ss into round, multicore wiring harne-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-tiarrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal mul core wire bunch-gging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multiess in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plug procerminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, bindin6
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