首页 XXX市供销社2013年“新网工程”建设情况报告



XXX市供销社2013年“新网工程”建设情况报告XXX市供销社2013年“新网工程”建设情况报告 以“新网工程”建设为推力 全面提升供销经济加速发展 XXX市供销社 2013年~XXX市供销社认真贯彻落实《XXX省人民政府关于加快供销合作社改革发展的意见》,X政„2010?40号,和《XXX市人民政府办公室转发市供销社关于推进“新网工程”建设实施意见的通知》,X政办„2012?120号,文件精神~坚持为“三农”服务的宗旨~结合“美好乡村”建设~狠抓项目建设的落实~同时积极争取各级“新网工程”建设资金支持~加快推进我市“新网工程”建设。现将2013年“新网工...

XXX市供销社2013年“新网工程”建设情况报告 以“新网工程”建设为推力 全面提升供销经济加速发展 XXX市供销社 2013年~XXX市供销社认真贯彻落实《XXX省人民政府关于加快供销合作社改革发展的意见》,X政„2010?40号,和《XXX市人民政府办公室转发市供销社关于推进“新网工程”建设实施意见的通知》,X政办„2012?120号,文件精神~坚持为“三农”服务的宗旨~结合“美好乡村”建设~狠抓项目建设的落实~同时积极争取各级“新网工程”建设资金支持~加快推进我市“新网工程”建设。现将2013年“新网工程”建设情况报告如下: 一、“新网工程”建设概况 我市“新网工程”建设项目在实施过程中~坚持政府引导、市场运作、企业带动、多元发展的原则~积极发挥财政资金的引导带动作用~以项目建设推动“新网工程”的发展~扩大网络覆盖面积~提升为农服务水平。一年来~我社争取中央财政“新网工程”专项资金XXX万~省财政“新网工程”资金XXX万~市财政扶持资金XXX万~共扶持“新网工程”建设项目XXX个~其中农资网络建设项目XXX个、农副产品网络建设项目XXX个、日用消费品项目XXX个、再生资源回收利用项目XXX个、培育行业协会XXX个,新增各类经营服务网点XXX个~配送中safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 心XXX个~其中标准化网点达到X%~网点覆盖全市X%的乡镇和X%行政村~连锁配送率达X%以上,培育销售收入5000万元以上的企业XX家~其中销售收入过亿元的企业XX家,培育各类农民专业合作社XX家。通过“新网工程”项目的实施和推动~1-8月份全系统实现销售总额XXX亿元~与去年同期相比增长X%,实现利润XXX万元~与去年同期相比增长X%,解决城乡人员就业XXX人~帮助农民增收人均XXX元~促进了我市农村流通服务网络建设~增强了为农服务功能~实现了经济效益和社会效益双丰收。 二、“新网工程”建设成效 1.农业生产资料现代经营服务网络。壮大农资生产经营龙头企业~加快形成集生产、采购、储运、配送、批发、零售和科技服务于一体的现代连锁经营服务体系~和“龙头企业+配送中心+中心示范点+加盟店”模式~使供销系统农资现代经营网络成为执行国家农资流通政策~保证农资供应~稳定市场价格~抵制假冒伪劣~提供优质农资新产品的主渠道。建设农资配送中心X家~农资销售过5000万元以上企业X家~在申报省“美好乡村”建设中心村中建设农资综合销售网点X家~农资综合服务社X家~培育庄稼医院和科技服务站X家。 2.日用消费品现代经营网络。实施“小超市、大连锁”和区域集中发展战略,以城市为依托~以农村市场为重点~走“直safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 营店+加盟店”的低成本扩张之路~逐步建成产权多元化、管理现代化、经营连锁化的日用消费品经营服务网络。加快基层社基层网点、村级服务社升级改造。建设经营服务网点X个~配送中心X个。 3.农副产品购销网络。围绕我市生姜、棉花、茶叶、畜禽等农副产品生产和加工~加快发展农民专业合作社、农产品专业协会等农民合作经济组织。加大优质名牌农副产品宣传、营销力度~积极参与各类农副产品展览、展示、展销会~推出一批我市名特优农产品。培养X家省级农业产业化龙头企业~建设X个农副产品深加工基地~培育农副产品加工销售超5000万元以上企业X家~农副产品销售配送中心X家~发展各类农民专业合作社XX家~专业协会XX家~X家农民专业合作社获评2013年全国总社“农民专业合作社示范社”称号。 4.再生资源回收利用网络。围绕城市再生资源回收体系建设~大力加强城市社区和乡村回收站点建设。积极培育再生资源专业市场~区域集散交易市场、专业化分拣中心和横港再生资源产业园。大力拓展经营服务范围~逐步由单一回收业务向加工利用和综合开发延伸。建成专业化分拨中心X家~回收网、站点XX个。 5.烟花爆竹安全经营网络。按照“专业化、品牌化、连锁化、信息化”的要求~加快建设集销售、储运、配送、燃放为 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education3 一体的烟花爆竹经营管理体系。同时建设批发经营企业烟花爆竹流向管理信息系统~实行烟花爆竹流向的信息化管理。建成烟花爆竹专营店、加盟店X家~并对现有部分专营店、加盟店进行升级改造。 三、“新网工程”建设存在的问题及工作措施 ,一,存在的问题 “新网工程”项目扶持资金量偏少~影响了我市“新网工程”建设的进度和质量。五大网络建设发展不平衡~农村终端网点标准化水平不够高~网点升级改造的任务十分繁重。 ,二,工作措施 1.加强组织领导~强力推进任务落实。按照市委、市政府及省社的年度工作重点~结合实际~及时布置“新网工程”建设年度目标任务。对“新网工程”建设实行“一把手负总责~分管领导具体抓”的工作机制~认真分解任务目标~责任落实到人。同时~加强调查研究~积极妥善解决在“新网工程”建设中出现的新情况、新问题~及时掌握建设工作情况~督促工作进度~扎实、稳步推动“新网工程”建设取得实效。 2.加大投入力度~确保资金及时到位。深入推进“新网工程”建设~确保投入引导资金使用到“新网工程”建设项目中。项目资金实行专款专用~财政直接拨付。对所扶持的“新网工safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 程”建设项目可采取直接补助~也可采取资本金注入的方式~以充分发挥项目资金的利用效率。 3.培育龙头企业~发挥示范带动作用。在“新网工程”建设过程中~集中优势资源~重点扶持和培育五大网络体系中有较强竞争能力、创新能力、带动能力的龙头企业~使有限的资金发挥出最大的作用。同时~坚持内引外联~积极引导社会各方面资金参与农村现代流通服务网络建设。 4.扩大社会宣传~推动“新网工程”发展。积极宣传“新网工程”建设在经济社会建设中的地位和作用~不断扩大我市供销行业五大网络企业、服务、网络的品牌效应~促进五大网络企业产品知名度的提高。同时~加强与各相关部门的协调与合作~努力争取各方支持和配合~营造一个有利于“新网工程”建设和发展的外部环境。 2013年9月9日 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education5
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