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亚洲千万富豪哪里找?Where to Find a Multimillionaire in Asia 亚洲千万富豪哪里找? It's hardly a surprise that Asia and its booming economies will produce thousands more multimillionaires in coming years. The question is, for everyone from luxury brands and real estate agents to private ...

Where to Find a Multimillionaire in Asia 亚洲千万富豪哪里找? It's hardly a surprise that Asia and its booming economies will produce thousands more multimillionaires in coming years. The question is, for everyone from luxury brands and real estate agents to private bankers and wannabe rich spouses: Where exactly to find these newly minted rich? 亚洲及其繁荣的经济体将在未来几年造就更多的千万富豪,这并不让人感到意外。问题是,无论是对奢侈品牌和房地产经纪人,还是私人银行家和想要成为有钱人配偶的群体来说,哪里才是这些新晋石王老五的聚集地呢? Try Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Mumbai and any major city in China. 到胡志明市、雅加达、孟买和中国的任何一个大城市去碰碰运气吧。 The new annual Wealth Report from property agency Knight Frank says there were 167, 669 ultra-high-net-worth individuals in the world in 2013. An UHNWI is defined by Knight Frank as someone with $30 million in assets, not including debt and their primary residence. The number is expected to grow by 28% to 215, 113 by 2023. 房地产机构莱坊(Knight Frank)的最新年度财富报告称,2013年全世界共有超高值人士(ultra-high net worth individuals)167,669人。超高值人士指的是金融资产逾3,000万美元者,其中不包括债务和主要居所。到2023年该人群数量预计将增加28%,达到215,113人。 Much of the growth will come from Asia. The $30-million-plus crowd in the region will hit 58, 588 by 2023, a rise of 43% from last year. That figure would surpass North America's UHNWI population, which is expected to grow 20% by 2023 to just 52, 536. 亚洲将成为增长的主力军。2023年,亚洲超高值人士将达到58,588人,较2013年增加43%。这一数字将超过北美,后者预计到2023年将达52,536人,增加20%。 The city expected to see the fastest growth in its headcount of the superrich is Ho Chi Minh City. Knight Frank, whose report delves into the global rich and their real estate preferences, expects the Vietnamese metropolis to increase its wealthy population by 173% to 246. Keep in mind, the extraordinary growth is coming from a low 2013 level when the city had just 90 multimillionaires. 预计超级富豪人数增加最快的城市是胡志明市。莱坊的报告深入探究了全球富豪及其对房地产的偏好,预计胡志明市的富裕人口将增加173%,至246人。考虑到2013年该市只有90个千万富翁,预期增速显得非同寻常。 Jakarta and Mumbai will also see significant boosts in UHNWIs. Jakarta is projected to have 857 super rich by 2023 (a rise of 148%), while Mumbai will have 1, 302 (up 126%). 雅加达和孟买的超高值人士也将大大增加。预计雅加达到2023年将拥有超高值人士857人(增幅为148%),孟买将有1,302人(增幅为126%)。 Though double-digit economic growth in China may be a thing of the past, its economy is still expected to produce an explosion of wealth, Knight Frank said. China's UNHWI population is forecast to increase 80% over the next decade to 14, 213, which will place it third among nations, after the U.S. and Japan. 莱坊称,在中国,虽然两位数的经济增长态势或已成为过去式,但其经济仍有望产生财富的激增。中国超高值人士预计将在未来十年增至14,213人,涨幅为80%,中国将一举跻身于世界前三之列,紧随美国和日本之后。 Among Chinese cities to have big jumps in multimillionaire numbers: Hangzhou, which is expected to see its wealthy headcount go to 1, 002, an increase of 78% from its current level of 563. Shanghai will see its rich population rise 50% to 1, 542, while Beijing is expected to be home to 1, 872 UHNWIs by 2023, a rise of 42%. 在中国的一些城市中,千万富翁的数量已有巨大飞跃:杭州,预计其富豪人数将在当前的563人基础上增加78%,达到1,002人;上海,预计将增加50%达到1,542人;北京,到2023年预计将拥有超高值人士1,872人,增加42%。 China's cities won't rival New York or London anytime soon as a magnet for the rich. (London boasts 4, 224 UHNWIs and that figure is expected to grow 17% to 4, 940 by 2023, for example.) But consider this: Hangzhou, a rising technology hub in China, is forecast to have more multimillionaires than Los Angeles in a decade's time. Perhaps then, we'll be thinking Moganshan instead of Beverly Hills. 在吸引富人这方面,近期内中国城市不敌纽约或伦敦(以伦敦为例,目前其超高值人士数量为4,224人,2023年将达4,940人,涨幅为17%)。不过想想看:在十年之内,杭州作为中国一个正在崛起的技术中心,预计将催生出比洛杉矶更多的千万富翁。也许到那时,我们自然而然想到的是莫干山(Moganshan),而不是比弗利山庄(Beverly Hills)。 继续阅读
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