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历史故事成语大全历史故事成语大全 历史故事成语: 战国: 完璧归赵(蔺相如)围魏救赵(孙膑)退避三舍(重耳)毛遂自荐(毛遂) 负荆请罪(廉颇) 纸上谈兵(赵括)一鼓作气(曹刿)千金买骨(郭隗)讳疾忌医(蔡桓公)卧薪尝胆(勾践)杀妻求将(吴起)惊弓之鸟(更羸) 高山流水(俞伯牙、钟子期) 秦 : 一字千金(吕不韦)指鹿为马(赵高)焚书坑儒(秦始皇)穷图匕见(荆轲) 悬梁刺股(苏秦、孙敬) 汉 : 一饭千金(韩信)四面楚歌(项羽)约法三章(刘邦)孺子可教(张良) 背水一战(韩信)破釜沉舟(项羽)手不释卷(刘秀)金屋藏娇(...

历史故事成语大全 历史故事成语: 战国: 完璧归赵(蔺相如)围魏救赵(孙膑)退避三舍(重耳)毛遂自荐(毛遂) 负荆请罪(廉颇) 纸上谈兵(赵括)一鼓作气(曹刿)千金买骨(郭隗)讳疾忌医(蔡桓公)卧薪尝胆(勾践)杀妻求将(吴起)惊弓之鸟(更羸) 高山流水(俞伯牙、钟子期) 秦 : 一字千金(吕不韦)指鹿为马(赵高)焚书坑儒(秦始皇)穷图匕见(荆轲) 悬梁刺股(苏秦、孙敬) 汉 : 一饭千金(韩信)四面楚歌(项羽)约法三章(刘邦)孺子可教(张良) 背水一战(韩信)破釜沉舟(项羽)手不释卷(刘秀)金屋藏娇(刘彻)暗渡陈仓(韩信)十面埋伏(项羽)投笔从戎(班超)马革裹尸(马援) 多多益善(韩信)老当益壮(马援)萧规曹随(萧何、曹参) 无颜见江东父老(项羽) 三国: 鞠躬尽瘁(诸葛亮)三顾茅庐(刘备)煮豆燃萁(曹植)刮目相看(吕蒙) 初出茅庐(诸葛亮)乐不思蜀(刘禅)七步成诗(曹植)言过其实(马谡)七擒七纵(诸葛亮)宝刀不老(黄忠)才高八斗(曹植)一身是胆(赵云) 封金挂印(关羽) 单刀赴会(关羽)望梅止environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 渴(曹操) 万事俱备,只欠东风(周瑜、诸葛亮) 晋: 入木三分(王羲之)闻鸡起舞(祖逖)东山再起(谢安)洛阳纸贵(左思) 草木皆兵(苻坚) 凿壁偷光(匡衡)狗尾续貂(司马伦) 南北朝: 画龙点睛(张僧繇)江郎才尽(江淹) 宋: 精忠报国(岳飞)东窗事发(秦桧)胸有成竹(文与可) 二、寓言故事成语: 坐井观天 井底之蛙 刻舟求剑 狐假虎威 守株待兔 揠苗助长 叶公好龙 自相矛盾 掩耳盗铃 南辕北辙 画蛇添足 滥竽充数 亡羊补牢 杯弓蛇影 买椟还珠 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 夜郎自大 黔驴技穷 杞人忧天 三、动物成语大全 〖鼠〗鼠目寸光 鼠肚鸡肠 鼠窃狗盗 投鼠忌器 獐头鼠目 胆小如鼠 〖牛〗牛鬼蛇神 牛刀小试 牛鼎烹鸡 汗牛充栋 对牛弹琴 九牛一毛 〖虎〗虎视眈眈 虎口余生 虎头虎脑 虎背熊腰 虎头蛇尾 虎落平阳 虎穴龙潭 放虎归山 谈虎色变 如虎添翼 骑虎难下 为虎作伥与虎谋皮 藏龙卧虎 狐假虎威 羊入虎口 狼吞虎咽 龙行虎步 龙吟虎啸 龙争虎斗 龙盘虎踞 龙腾虎跃 生龙活虎 降龙伏虎 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 〖兔〗兔死狐悲 兔死狗烹 狡兔三窟 鸟飞兔走 守株待兔 〖龙〗龙腾虎跃 龙飞凤舞 龙马精神 龙凤呈祥 画龙点睛 来龙去脉 攀龙附凤 群龙无首 降龙伏虎 一龙一猪 老态龙钟 笔走龙蛇龙潭虎穴 叶公好龙 望子成龙 车水马龙 人中之龙 〖蛇〗蛇蝎心肠 画蛇添足 惊蛇入草 龙蛇混杂 杯弓蛇影 牛鬼蛇神 打草惊蛇 虚与委蛇 笔走龙蛇 春蚓秋蛇 〖马〗马到成功 马不停蹄 马革裹尸 一马当先 老马识途 汗马功劳 万马奔腾 犬马之劳 万马齐喑 一马平川 天马行空 快马加鞭走马看花 信马由缰 蛛丝马迹 兵荒马乱 人仰马翻 人困马乏 鞍前马后 人强马壮 猴年马月 青梅竹马 单枪匹马 招兵买马 心猿意马 悬崖勒马 千军万马 香车宝马指鹿为马 害群之马 厉兵秣马 塞翁失马 盲人瞎马 脱僵之马 金戈铁马 〖羊〗羊质虎皮 羊肠小道 羊入虎口 亡羊补牢 虎入羊群 歧路亡羊 顺手牵羊 〖猴〗猴年马月 沐猴而冠 尖嘴猴腮 杀鸡吓猴 杀鸡儆猴 〖鸡〗鸡毛蒜皮 鸡鸣狗盗 鸡飞蛋打 鸡犬不宁 鸡犬不留 鸡犬升天 闻鸡起舞 杀鸡吓猴 杀鸡取卵 偷鸡摸狗 鹤立鸡群 小肚鸡肠鼠肚鸡肠 呆若木鸡 〖狗〗狗急跳墙 狗尾续貂 狗仗人势 狗血喷头 犬马之劳 猪狗不如 鸡犬不惊 兔死狗烹 鼠窃狗盗 狼心狗肺 狐朋狗友 偷鸡摸狗画虎类狗 关门打狗 〖猪〗猪突豨勇 猪狗不如 杀猪宰羊 封豕长蛇 凤头猪肚 一龙一environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 猪 〖鸟〗鸟尽弓藏 笨鸟先飞 如鸟兽散 小鸟依人 惊弓鸟 飞禽走兽 珍禽异兽 衣冠禽兽 凤毛麟角 鸦雀无声 燕雀安知 鹤立鸡群鹤发童颜 风声鹤唳 莺歌燕舞 草长莺飞 燕语莺声 鹊巢鸠占 鹦鹉学舌 蜻蜓点水 〖兽〗困兽犹斗 如鸟兽散 人面兽心 飞禽走兽 珍禽异兽 衣冠禽兽 洪水猛兽 狼吞虎咽 狼心狗肺 狼烟四起 狼子野心 狼狈不堪狼狈为奸 豺狼成性 豺狼当道 引狼入室 声名狼藉 杯盘狼藉 豺狼成性 狐疑不决 鹿死谁手 中原逐鹿 象牙之塔 盲人摸象 猫鼠同眠 黔驴技穷 一丘之貉 管中窥豹 〖鱼虫〗金蚕脱壳 蝇头微利 花飞蝶舞 螳臂挡车 鱼跃鸟飞 如鱼得水 独占鳌头 井底之蛙 瓮中捉鳖 虾兵蟹将 鹬蚌相争 如鱼得水沉鱼落雁 缘木求鱼 四、数字成语: 一:一言九鼎 一心一意 一马当先 一目十行 一落千丈 一举两得 一如既往 二:独一无二 三心二意 三言两语 二三其德 一分为二 一清二白 二三其德 三:三顾茅庐 三生有幸 三长两短 三从四德 三言两语 三令五申 三长两短 四:四面楚歌 四平八稳 四面八方 四分五裂 四通八达 四海为家 低三下四 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 五:五谷丰登 五脏六腑 五湖四海 五彩缤纷 五花八门 五光十色 五体投地 六:六亲不认 六神无主 五颜六色 六亲无靠 六尺之孤 三头六臂 三姑六婆 七:七窍生烟 七嘴八舌 七上八下 七手八脚 七情六欲 七拼八凑 七零八落 八:八面威风 八面玲珑 横七竖八 八方呼应 八斗之才 半斤八两 耳听八方 九:九牛一毛 九死一生 一言九鼎 九霄云外 九牛二虎 三教九流 三六九等 十:十全十美 十拿九稳 五光十色 十恶不赦 十万火急以 一当十 十室九空 百:百发百中 百战百胜 百步穿杨 破绽百出 百折不挠 百里挑一 百无禁忌 千:千载难逢 千里迢迢 千篇一律 千钧一发 千方百计 千变万化 千锤百炼 万:万水千山 千变万化 万无一失 万众一心 千门万户 气象万千 万紫千红 1(神话传说中的成语,如: 夸父追日,女娲补天,精卫填海、后羿射日、嫦娥奔月等 2.来源于宗教的成语:(佛)立地成佛,借花献佛,降龙伏虎,当头棒喝,(道)鸡犬升天点石成金,灵丹妙药,脱胎换骨,长生不老 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 3重叠成语, (1)AABB式 大都是形容词和动词的重叠:郁郁葱葱战战兢兢吞吞吐吐 (2) ABAC式 间隔式的重叠成语 1、3 字重叠 2、4 同义 近义或反义相关的词 善始善终 戒骄戒燥 (3 )AABC 式:蒸蒸日上 欣欣向荣 滔滔不绝 摇摇欲坠 (4)ABCC式 后面两字重叠对前面的陈述与说明,如文质彬彬 得意洋洋 威风凛凛 生气勃勃 (5) ABCB心服口服以牙还牙 倚老卖老 ABBC不了了之 4成语中的近义词 与反义词 反义词 深入浅出 前俯后仰 舍近求远、前仰后合、前俯后仰、大同小异 近义词 甜言蜜语 想方设法 胡思乱想、争分夺秒、翻山越岭、奇形怪状 5成语中的修辞 (1) 比喻 如鱼得水 如胶似漆 稳如泰山 似水流年 固若金汤 (2)夸张 度日如年 归心似箭 一日千里 日里万机 闻风丧胆 天崩地裂 云消雾散 雾里看花 冰清玉洁 (3)借代 汗马功劳 巾帼须眉 (了解) 三个字的成语 鸿门宴 安乐窝 铁公鸡 冷不丁 environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire 6 容易写错的成语 换然一新(焕) 变本加利(厉)再接再励 (厉) 不记其数(计) 走头无路(投) 汗流夹背(浃) 挤挤一堂 (济) 鬼计多端(诡) 轻歌慢(曼)舞 来势凶凶 (汹汹) 免为其难 (勉) 弱不经风 (禁) 舍生取(身)义 奋不顾生(身) 名落深山 (孙)迫不急待 (及) 山青水秀 (清)随声附合(和)永往直前 (勇) 仗义直言 (执) 星罗其布 (棋) 名符其实(副) 如火如茶(荼) 半徒而废(途) 惹事生非 (是) environment. In chicken diets composed of grain feed class and its by-products account for a considerable proportion. Such high total phosphorus content in feed, but most of its (65%~80%) combination of phosphorus and phytic acid (phytate), poultry low phytic acid phosphorus utilization capacity. According to reports, young birds of phytate phosphorus utilization is about 30%, adult birds is about 50%. Thus, phosphorus in plant feedstuffs alone cannot meet the needs of poultry would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire
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