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《婚姻与家人关系》答案(Answers to marriage and family relations)


《婚姻与家人关系》答案(Answers to marriage and family relations)《婚姻与家人关系》答案(Answers to marriage and family relations) 《婚姻与家人关系》答案(Answers to marriage and family relations) Radiobuttonlist: 1. (A) is the first human form of marriage A. group B. dual marriage C. polyandry D. polygamous The 2. generation marriage per...

《婚姻与家人关系》答案(Answers to marriage and family relations)
《婚姻与家人关系》 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 (Answers to marriage and family relations) 《婚姻与家人关系》答案(Answers to marriage and family relations) Radiobuttonlist: 1. (A) is the first human form of marriage A. group B. dual marriage C. polyandry D. polygamous The 2. generation marriage period, all their men and women are married to each other, called (C) A. generation consanguineal family The original B. family C. blood group family D. blood group family 3. monogamy (D) evolved from A. polyandry B. polygamous C monogamy concubinage .D. dual marriage 4. lineal relatives including (A) A. parent-child relationship and their relations B. parent-child relationship, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren and sibling relationship C. parent-child relationship and the relationship between husband and wife The relationship between parent-child relationship and law D. Belong to the 5. siblings (C) A. lineal B. affinity C. collateral blood D. relation A multiple-choice question: The 1. group (ABD) has experienced three stages A. generation group B. generation group In the class C. group Group D. group 2. dual marriage is (BCD) A., a husband and a polygamous B. a couple more fixed in pairs C. a couple of long time fixed in pairs D. a pair of men and women within a short period of time fixed in pairs 3. family functions include (ABCD) A. education and social function; economic function B. physiological function; emotional function Take care of C. and protection function; the function of religion D. Entertainment Including the relationship of marriage and family in 4. (ACD) A. the relationship between husband and wife B. cohabitation C. affinity D. consanguinity To determine the problem; 1. early monogamy is for men and women * 2. of China's "marriage law" provisions during the marital relationship before marriage purchased housing can be identified as the joint property of husband and wife * Radiobuttonlist: 1. positive feedback (B) is a family system A. closed B. open C. forward D. regression 2. which one family theory family life, from the beginning of life up to the end of the course? A The A. family development theory The B family ecological theory C. family system theory D.. Pressure theory A multiple-choice question: 1. family development theory is mainly family development is divided into several stages, to explore the family in a fixed period of time (CD) A. changes B. development strategy The relationship between C. family and family D.. The family, family and external environment interaction and influence 2. the development of family life cycle can be simplified to the development period (BCD) The A. family preparation period The B. family establishment period The C. family development period The D. family of systole 3. the following about family development trend precisely (ABCD) A. China family gradually from the family to the nuclear family inhabited form (only small family consisting of parents and children) over B. people's first marriage and childbearing age generally. C. birth rates decline, rising divorce rates D. dual earner families, the traditional division pattern of male female inside gradually break you 4. families in the most lasting system for (ACD) three system A. couples B. three C. family The D. brothers 5. (ABC), and the interaction of these three factors have influence on family pressure event processing results. A. pressure event itself. B. family resources The C. family view of stressful events D. the public view of the stressful events 6. symbolic interactionism emphasizes (BD) A. family role B. social C. social interaction D. social role To determine the problem: 1. in the family system, the whole system is the sum of the family members of the family * 2. according to the family system theory, the emergence of a child may be due to some problems such as system family, parent-child relationship, the relationship between husband and wife, and the influence of the growth of children B. 3. "loving father and faithful son" realm theory can explain your family exchange 4. marriage and family life conflict means a family crisis began * Radiobuttonlist: One Explain the female male slightly ahead in the aspect of language is (C) The brain tissue of A. is more developed B. is only due to the difference of socialization process C. of brain tissue and socialization interaction results There is no difference in D. 2. in the family, the male role is defined as (C) A. emotional B. authoritative C. tool D. paternity A multiple-choice question 1. the concept of gender roles includes (AB) A. gender role expectation B. gender role performance C. gender role identity Gender role differences in D. 2. according to the Department of sociology theory, by children (CD) and informed the different roles of men and women A. is born B. learned without teacher C. observation D. personal experience 3. determine the degree of intimacy between benign standards (ABD) A. breadth B. openness C. distance D. depth Judgment questions 1. gender relations and gender roles have gradually shifted towards equality, while female roles have changed more than male counterparts 2. women in taste, smell, touch and hearing than male soprano dull * Radio examination: 1. most of the social regulations in the blood relationship (B) A. endogamy B. exogamy C. monogamy concubinage D. pairing marriage 2. the so-called special marriage is relative to the (A) A. ideal type B. common type C. Typicality D. traditional type A multiple-choice question: 1. adjusting the marriage market including specification (BCD) A. people's agreement B. Folklore C. minde D. law 2. special marriage choices include personal factors (ABC) A. rebel character B. idealism character C. cannot be there in a proper range of their preferred partners Individual psychological differences of D. Judgment questions: 1. the commodity market and the marriage market exchange is the value of X The legal force of 2. in the marriage market in the specification of the highest tick Radio examination: 1. infatuation is (C) A. is in love for marriage B. is obsessed with love C. fall in love for love D. lost love A multiple-choice question: 1. men and women generally experienced three stages of interaction (ACD) A. attraction phase The B. trial stage C. stage of building rapport D. forms the stage of love relationship 2. the functions of dating include ABCD A. promotes socialization and personality development B. approach opposite sex C. meets self need D. prepares for mate selection 3. the functions of marriage include ABCD A. security men and women of a certain relationship between rights and obligations B. changes his social status C. is the legal status of the children born D. and the spouse of the relatives or relatives to establish connection 4. one of the following circumstances, the prohibition of marriage ABD A. lineal consanguinity B. collateral relatives within three generations C. no Wufu relatives D. suffers from a medical illness that should not be married 5. the people choose not to marry the two kinds of reasons, namely (AC) A. is active without marriage B. family reasons C. passive non marriage D. social reasons 6. modern society advocates the equality of men and women, and the marriage type gradually turns from "husband centered marriage" to (AC) A. equal rights marriage B. wife centered marriage C. marriage of equal rights between husband and wife D. feminist marriage Judgment questions: 1. during the so-called marriage relationship between husband and wife is not protected by law B. 2. after registration of marriage, the woman can become a member of the family, but the man can not be a member of the family member of the woman Radio examination: 1., two couples in the face of the role of play and expectations, should be in the face of (C) attitude. A. men Ms. B. gives priority C. is more equal D. is dominated by her husband 2. how couples arrange appropriate arrangements for work, family, and leisure time to meet the needs of C must depend on the cooperation of the two. A. wife B. husband C. each other D. kids 3. families build stage couples rely on each other to establish the common task of development is (A) A. learn to express love and care for each other B. wife learns the meaning of grass C. The establishment of the husband's authority The establishment of D.'s wife authority A multiple-choice question: The 1. wife mostly thought (AB) are an important part of marriage A.'s feelings for self-expression B. expresses his own ideas C. talking about public affairs D. discusses career planning 2. the following statements (BCD) are the influence factors of a successful marriage. A. way of love B. relatives and friends support degree C. age D. education level The frequency of 3. sexual behaviors is related to such factors as (ABC), and is not a sign of good or bad relationship between husband and wife A. age B. work C. life stress 4. the elements of the communication process include (ABCD) A. expression B. message C. means of communication D. receiver Judgment questions: Listen to the 1. communication is no negative reaction to X The establishment of 2. families can be categorically starting from the marriage * 3. marriage crisis divorce is not only best way B. Radio examination: 1. of the family, the children caused by the arrival of the couple (B) pressure is inevitable A. dual roles B. multi role New role of C. D. career Love is not 2. children (A), but let the children grow up in an atmosphere of love A. spoiling B. kindness C. fatherly love D. maternal love In 3. families in this system (C) is a more long-term relationship between person. A. three B. relatives C. hands and feet Uncle D. A multiple-choice question: 1. in the parenting transition task for development (ABCD) A. adjustment of household division of labor B. new parent role learning The coordination of C. children's education attitude D. re adjustment between work and family Including 2. delayed parenthood reasons (ABCD) A. the improvement of female education B. pursues the development of self career C. economic pressures D. the attraction of single life 3. the advantages of parenting are (ABCD) A. intimacy increases B. brings a sense of security C. finds new life goals and focus The change of family status in D. Factors affecting 4. youth have personally relationship (ABCD) A. differences between parents Maturity of B. children The gender of C. children D. cultural differences Judgment questions 1. in the passive choice for the parents not in the crowd because of female fertility disorders * The 2. is Chinese fertility due to the traditional marriage, so the child must be from the name of the father * 3. children were born to the family not only bring joy and responsibility and so on tick Radio examination: 1. (A) often affect the attitude of parents to their children's departure, and then affect the relationship. A. cultural differences B. economic capacity C. parental age Marital status of children in D. 2. (C) type to replace the role of the parents of grandparents, grandparents and parents to take care of by replacing the responsibility of parenting A. interesting search B. home smart repository C. parental agency D. normal 3. general forgrandchildren age (B), the more intimate relationship between grandparents and grandchildren A. Small B. C. is a big gap D. gap is small A multiple-choice question: 1. adult children choose to live with their parents are (ABC) A. economic reasons parents need financial support B. divorce C. the influence of Chinese traditional marriage and family view D. the common traditions of all human races Including the 2. factors affecting the relationship between husband and wife in old age (ABCD) Employment status of A.'s wife B.'s financial status after retirement The intimacy and interdependence of C. emotions D. health and leisure activities Increase the time of 3. couples get together after retirement but also promote the following functions ABD elderly couple marriage A. love B.'s sense of belonging C. career support D. interdependence 4. after the death of a spouse aged due to changes in the new role of the pressure mainly comes from ABCD The task of A.'s new role B. interpersonal conflict The shackles of C.'s new role The reconstruction of D.'s new role Judgment questions: 1. to middle age children who grow away from home means a loss of life for women, that is, midlife just means the moment of crisis 2. general widowed women than men have stronger ability to adapt Three Interpersonal conflict in elderly widowed after the most common is the tick relationship with family and friends Radio examination: 1., the abandonment of single parent families is divided into two cases: malicious abandonment and (C) A. good faith abandonment B. abuse The whereabouts of C. is unknown Runaway D. 2. from the course of family development, (A) itself is an important factor affecting children's academic performance A. family structure change itself B. father C. mother D. kids 3. based on the economic embarrassment or family role overload, the children of single parent families often have the opportunity to participate in social activities compared with the children of the general family (A) Lack of A. B. likes it C. is more D. exclusion A multiple-choice question: 1. single parent emotional distress mainly (BCD), emotional instability and other four more serious A.'s guilt towards children B. feels lonely and lonely C. misses the former spouse D. feels insecure 2. the reasons for the formation of single parent families today include (ABCDE) A. widowed B divorce C. abandonment D. unmarried son E. separation 3., the influence of single parent on children may have different effects in different (ABC) A. single parent family form Different age of B. C. different parent sex D. different living environment 4. common psychological characteristics and confusion of single parent children (ABCD) A. individuals lack a sense of security B. doesn't trust people and is hard to open himself C. sometimes has the mentality of destruction and revenge D.'s personality tends to be extreme Judgment questions: 1. according to foreign studies, parents of single parent families and single parent families are not engaged in marriage The parent child relationship of 2. single parent families can only deteriorate because of the disintegration of the original family 3. children from single parent families must be poor in quality due to neglect of discipline Radio examination: 1. found in the study the stability of remarriage (B), the first marriage A. higher than B. below C. equals 2., in view of the overall resource operation of family life, the original resources in family life may be troubled by A because of the new role or family member brought by remarriage event Redistribution and adjustment of A.. B. adaptation C. challenge D. conflict 3. for the pro family, B in the new relationship between husband and wife After A. B. C. simultaneous No D. A multiple-choice question: 1. the social factors affecting remarriage include the age of remarriage, and (ABCD) A. sex B social class C. jobs and careers D. children 2. in the newly established role of the pro role, in addition to the parties, (AB) is unable to replace the implementation of this task A. spouse B. others C. himself D. parents of remarried people 3., the dilemma faced by the following role includes reflection and stereotype, and (BCD) the tension of assets, money and services The influence of A.'s former spouse B. family boundaries can not be divided and the role of successor is not easy to establish C.'s loyalty to children's hostility and disagreement D.'s eccentric parents and tolerance 4. from the point of view of the children, the family structure can be divided into the following family (ACD) A. biological mother - stepfather family B. biological mother - father's family C. father - stepmother family D. stepfather - stepmother family Judgment questions: The 1. TV series "home with kids" in the family is a typical Chinese family - stepfather stepmother 2. the children in the subsequent family will not affect the spouse relationship 3. the children in a subsequent family can legally cut off all contact with their original father Radio examination: 1., the longer the cohabitation time (B), the greater the chance of the break A. short B. long 2. in the living - generational family care forgrandchildren or important to its decision C A. grandparents B. grandparents C parents Uncle D. A multiple-choice question: 1., the social factors of cohabitation family are loose; the divorce rate is high and the lack of confidence in marital life and (ABCD) A. years of education growth and postponed the marriageable age The improvement of B. economic standard C. contraceptive methods and the popularity of induced abortion D. The opening and influence of pluralism 2. in the general family, parents often play the role of ABD media between grandparents and grandchildren A. mediation B. socialization C. barrier D. Bridge 3. generally speaking, the pressure and plight faced by homosexual couples' families are discriminated against by the public (BCD) Birth problems of A. children B.'s family's lack of understanding and support C. lacks legal protection D. adaptation to married life Judgment questions: Cohabitation in the family can receive 1. cohabitation legal protection * All 2. grandparents family of grandparents have custody of grandchildren, can only take care of X 3. word "comrade" in Taiwanese and mainland we have different meanings, referring to Taiwanese gay tick Radio examination: 1. the definition of violence (B) to identify A. the perpetrator's Subjectivity B. perpetrators' behavior C. the subject of violence D. injury severity of victims 2., marital violence has bad influence on spouse, and also has negative influence on (A) A. their children B. friend C. relatives 3. the easiest thing to do is to have an affair (A) A. married men plus single women B. married men plus married women C. married women plus single men 4. the most common problems faced by divorced people include health problems, (B) social and sexual adaptation. A. fear B. helpless C. alone D. comes from the contempt of society 5. (D) is the first place for people to learn A. Society B. school C. kindergarten D. home 6. the construction of learning family should include software (software) learning environment and (C) learning environment A. Society B. family C. software (software) D. family 7. (C) is the starting point of life learning, and lifelong learning places A. Society B. kindergarten C. family D. school A multiple-choice question: 1. (ABCD) the above abuse was accompanied by emotional abuse, which affected the self-esteem and self survival value of the abused A. body beating B. sexual violence C. destroys things or pet abuse D. mental abuse Abuse of family violence in 2. adolescents including physical abuse (ABD), etc. A. mental abuse B. negligence C. discipline D. sexual abuse and incest The following 3. groups (ACD) belongs to the high risk population of an affair A. has premarital sex B. elderly C. believes that marital quality is poor D. is more independent 4. criteria for assessing extramarital affairs include (ABCD) A. duration B. emotional involvement C. sex secret or not D. unilateral or bilateral extramarital affairs 5. according to China's marriage law, one of the following situations, if the mediation is invalid, the divorce AB should be granted A. bigamy or cohabitation of a spouse with another person B. implementation of family violence or maltreatment and desertion of family members C, estranged for one year D. has been gambling, drug abuse and other vices incorrigible The woman in the 6. (BCD) during the husband may not apply for divorce A after 1 years of marriage .B. within 1 years after delivery C. discontinued within 6 months after pregnancy D. during pregnancy 7. learning families should have the following characteristics (ABC) A. family members are looking forward to grow and learn, mutual support for each other learning activities The B family in equal dialogue relationship, effective communication C. is the number of common basic shared space, leisure or learning 8. review of marriage and family change in this century, scholars have summed up several different views: ABC A. marriage and family become stronger B. of marriage and family is changing along with the change of society C. marriage and family will be confronted with solutions D. marriage and family structure will restore polygamy Judgment questions: 1. domestic violence only refers to the family caused by limb damage * 2. asexual violence in marriage 3. the elderly have no chance of extramarital affairs 4. soldiers regardless of whether or not the fault of marriage divorce must be approved by the military to X 5. divorce is not required. * 6. the school is not the only place in the life of learning Chinese
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