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2015秋华师网院在线作业_欧洲文化入门[试题]2015秋华师网院在线作业_欧洲文化入门[试题] 1(第1题 What were the three forms of vernacular Literature for nobles? A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramas B.fabliaux, fables and romance poetry C.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetry D.fabliaux, fables and dramas 您的答案:...

2015秋华师网院在线作业_欧洲文化入门[试题] 1(第1题 What were the three forms of vernacular Literature for nobles? A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramas B.fabliaux, fables and romance poetry C.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetry D.fabliaux, fables and dramas 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 2(第2题 Which one of the following statements about the condition of the Jews during the Roman time was NOT true? A.In 64 B.C. Pompey conquered Judea and turned it into a Roman province. B.The Jews had to pay heavy tax, but they enjoyed limited self-rule. C.Faced with Roman persecution, the Jews had to worship the Roman emperors as gods. D.The Jewish people hoped for salvation led by a prophet. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 3(第3题 Which one is NOT the factor that contributed to the success of the Byzantine Empire? A.prestige of the emperor B.commitment to classicism C.flourishing trade D.a well- trained army 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 4(第4题 Which factor did not facilitate the Islamic expansion? A.the well- organized Muslim ruling elite and a powerful Muslim army. B.people’s dissatisfaction with imperial rule in some Middle East areas. C.the tolerance of those cultures different from Islam D.the influence of the strict monotheism of Islam 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 5(第5题 What was the main difference between serfs and slaves in Western Europe? A.the amount of personal liberty B.the hereditary personal status C.the military protection provided by the lord D.the obligation to work on the land 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 6(第6题 Which city was NOT a prominent trading centre during the Early Middle Ages? A.Constantinop le B.Mecca C.Medina D.Baghdad 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 7(第7题 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.The Hundred Years’ War harmed England more than France. B.The war stimulated the development of new weapons. C.The war speeded up the development of the English Parliament. D.The war promoted the growth of modern nationalism and awakened the national consciousness in the mind of their people. 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 8(第8题 Which one of the following statements about the medieval universities is NOT true? A.The first university appeared in Italy. B.Bologna University was governed by a corporation of students, a pattern followed by other southern universities. C.University of Paris was dominated by a corporation of teachers, a pattern followed by other northern universities. D.A migration of scholars from Cambridge led to the establishment of the University of Oxford in England. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 9(第9题 All the following made up the basic social structure of medieval rural communities EXCEPT___. A.The village B.The manor C.The parish church D.The guild 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 10(第10题 Christianity originated from__. A.Turkey B.Palestine C.North Africa D.the Western Europe 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 11(第11题 The second founding father of Christianity was _____. A.St. Peter B.St. Paul C.St. Athanasius D.St. Augustine 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 12(第12题 Britain was turned into a Roman province in ________. A.the 1st century B.C. B.the 1st century C.the 2nd century D.the 3rd century. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 13(第13题 All of the following political ideas can be accredited to the Romans EXCEPT ____. A.popular sovereignty B.social contract theory C.democracy D.separations of power 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 14(第14题 The following descriptions of the Mycenaean culture are true EXCEPT for ____. A.The Mycenaeans were the first people known to have spoken Greek. B.The Mycenaeans regarded the Minoans as their potential enemies. C.The Mycenaean raid on Crete was recorded in Homer’s epics. D.The Mycenaean era is also called the “Age of Heroes”. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 15(第15题 Whose power was gradually reduced in the process of Athenian political reforms? A.People’s Assembly B.People’s Court C.Council of citizens D.Council of nobles 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 16(第16题 In the first Greco-Persian War, Greek army defeated the Persian forces and won a smashing victory in the battle of ____. A.Thermopylae B.Marathon C.Salamis D.Plataea 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 17(第17题 Which description of the Age of Pericles is NOT true? A.It is the Golden Age of classical Greece. B.It was when Athens secured its status as the capital of Hellenic civilization. C.It witnessed great developments in democracy, economy, art and science. D.It was when the nobles became a major force in politics. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 18(第18题 Which one of the following statements was NOT a factor that brought about the agricultural growth during the Central Middle Ages? A.The climate improved and the temperature was higher. B.More lands were under cultivated. C.Farming technology improved greatly. D.The food price dropped drastically. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 19(第19题 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.The pope was assisted by the papal curia B.The curia was an extensive bureaucracy which contained specialized departments C.The curia was directed by the College of Cardinals whose members were selected by kings D.Like kings, the popes issued laws, hired masters to collect revenues and judge cases, even declared wars 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 20(第20题 What were the three forms of vernacular literature for town dwellers? A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramas B.fabliaux, fables and romance poetry C.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetry D.fabliaux, fables and dramas 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 21(第21题 Three of the following statements are true with the early experience of Christianity. Which one is the exception? A.Unlike the Jews, the early Christians of the Roman Empire suffered persecution. B.Christianity was not the official religion of the Roman Empire until the 4th century. C.Christianity spread in the cities of the empire, first in the east and later in the west. D.It was Constantine’s toleration for all religions that brought new life to Christianity. 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 22(第22题 Roman religion was _____. A.borrowed entirely from the Greeks B.not purely Roman C.invented by Romans D.borrowed from the Egyptians 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 23(第23题 Which of the following is NOT true about Emperor Constantine the Great? A.He concentrated power in his own hands. B.He made Christianity the state religion. C.He abandoned Rome as the imperial capital. D.He tolerated all religions in the Roman Empire. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 24(第24题 The gladiator show indicated Romans’ love for _____. A.adventure B.fun C.violence D.entertainment 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 25(第25题 All of the following statements about slavery in Roman society are true EXCEPT____. A.Wars provided the Romans with many new slaves. B.Slavery was a highly productive economic system. C.The offspring of slaves would automatically be slaves. D.Like in Sparta, slaves in Rome were public goods. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 26(第26题 Which description of the traditional Greek religion is incorrect? A.Ancient Greeks believed that the gods have human forms and human personality. B.For the Greeks, the gods only favored those people and states that honored them. C.In ancient Greece, the main religious ceremony took place inside the temple. D.Oracles also played an important part in the Greek religion and beliefs. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 27(第27题 Which statement about the humanist education during the Renaissance is wrong? A.The goal of education was to produce independent, virtuous and capable men who excelled in many different fields. B.The program of study relied heavily on classical training, but it also contained many other subjects. C.The Renaissance education enhanced the impact of the humanist ideas on the ruling class and the elite. D.The educational program of the humanists placed a high value on science. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 28(第28题 Which description of Petrarch is wrong? A.He was known as the “father of humanism”. B.He was the first to coin the term “Dark Ages”. C.He valued his Italian writings more than his Latin writings. D.He was financed by Galeazzo II Visconti. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 29(第29题 Which is not one of the three great achievements of Italian Renaissance art? A.the revival of classical texts B.the discovery of linear perspective C.the knowledge of anatomy D.the knowledge of the classical forms 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 30(第30题 Which is the key feature of the Mannerism of the Late Renaissance art? A.the invention of new artistic techniques B.the imitation of Greek and Roman styles C.the representation of idealized human figures D.the use of intense colors, strange themes and twisted figures. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 31(第31题 Which of the following statements about the Crusades is NOT true? A.On the way to the Holy Land, a crusader wore the white cross on his outfit B.The Crusades increased the power of the Papacy and the wealth of the Church C.The Crusades strengthened the power of national monarchies and undermined feudalism D.The Crusades set the first example of European expansionism 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 32(第32题 What were the three classes of people in the Central Middle Ages? A.Pope, peasants and nobles B.kings, lords and monks C.clergy, lords and peasants D.warriors, peasants and priest 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 33(第33题 Which categories of publication does Erasmus’s The Praise of Folly belong to? A.clever satires to expose people’s errors B.serious moral books to offer people Christian guidance C.scholarly editions of basic Christian texts D.collection of stories to amuse people 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 34(第34题 Which one is not the main characteristic of Shakespeare as a Renaissance man? A.His interest in classical culture B.His belief in humanism C.His support of individualism D.His consciousness of national identity 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 35(第35题 Who was regarded as the “father of oil painting”? A.Masaccio B.Botticelli C.Albrecht D黵er D.Jan van Eyck 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 36(第36题 Who was not a believer in the heliocentric theory? A.Nicolas Copernicus B.Johannes Kepler C.Galileo D.Francis Bacon 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 37(第37题 Of the following philosophical schools, which one had perhaps the greatest influence on Roman laws and government? A.Epicureanism B.Stoicism C.Cynicism D.Neo- Platonism 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 38(第38题 All the following constitute the main forms of heresy, EXCEPT A.mysticism B.flagellanti sm C.Lollards and Hussites D.worshipers 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 39(第39题 During the Wat Tyler Rebellion, the rebels marched into London and executed the following important officials, EXCEPT A.Lord Chancellor B.Lord Treasurer C.magistrate of London, William Tonge D.Archbishop of Canterbury 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 40(第40题 Which of the following descriptions of Constantinople is NOT true? A.It was the most important trading centre in Europe in the Early Middle Ages. B.It was the political and intellectual centre of the Middle Ages. C.It dazzled visitors with its grand buildings and great wealth. D.University of Constantinople did not have any Muslim students. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 41(第41题 For those who want to convert to Islam, which of the following pillars of Islam is of the utmost importance? A.reciting the Muslim statement of faith with conviction B.performing ritual prayers five times a day C.giving money or gifts to the poor and the needy D.observing a month-long fast every year and making a pilgrimage to Mecca 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 42(第42题 Alcuin established ______ as the basis for education during the Carolingian renaissance. A.the Carolingian minuscule B.trivium and quadrivium C.medieval Latin D.biblical texts 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 43(第43题 Olive trees and grapevine were introduced into Italy by ______. A.Etruscans B.Greeks C.Latins D.Egyptians 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 44(第44题 The first city- builders in Italy were ________. A.the Greeks B.the Latins C.the Etruscans D.the Italians 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 45(第45题 Of the following orders of columns, which one is more formal and dignified and mainly used in mainland Greece? A.Doric B.Ionic C.Corinthian D.Composite 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 46(第46题 The Hundred Years’ War arose from the following causes, EXCEPT, A.The territorial disputes between England and France. B.The clash of economic interest in Flanders. C.Famine, plague, economic turmoil, social upheaval. D.The dispute over the French royal succession. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 47(第47题 Which of the following statements about Joan of Arc is NOT true? A.She was born in a well-to-do peasant family. B.She grew up with a strong religious belief. C.Charles refused her to accompany the army. D.She was burned at stake. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 48(第48题 Which of the following statements about The Hundred Years’ War is NOT true? A.The most famous weapons were the longbow and cannon used by the English. B.Firearms played a significant role in the battles. C.Horse-riding knights became more important army force than infantry. D.Europeans relied more and more on cannon for defensive wars. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 49(第49题 Which description of the Age of Renaissance is correct? A.The Renaissance happened right after the Late Middle Ages in time. B.The Renaissance reached a peak at the end of the sixteenth century. C.The Renaissance began as a literary movement. D.The Renaissance was opposed to humanism. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 50(第50题 The Roman expansion had many consequences EXCEPT ______. A.Rome became the hegemony in the Mediterranean region. B.economic gains for all Romans C.social conflicts and slave uprisings D.increased political power for military commanders 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 51(第51题 Which one of the following statements about “Jacques rebellion” is NOT true? A.The peasants involved in the rebellion had a clear political program and organization. B.The rebellion took its name from a contemptuous nickname used by the French nobles for any peasant. C.Rebellious peasants burned down castles, murdered their lords, and raped their lords’ wives. D.Within a month the rebellion was suppressed by French nobles. 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 52(第52题 The Council of Constance marked A.the largest religious gathering of the Late Middle Ages. B.the end of the Western Schism. C.the success in dealing with the problems of heresy. D.the success in dealing with the problems of the church reform. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 53(第53题 During the Great Famine, starvation even drove some people to eat the following living creatures, EXCEPT A.cats B.rats C.snakes D.dogs 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 54(第54题 Which of the following statements about Western Schism is NOT true? A.France recognized the French antipope Clement. B.England recognized Pope Urban. C.Scotland followed the French. D.The emperor of Holy Roman Empire in Germany recognized Clement. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 55(第55题 Which of the following reform measures resulted in the moral decline of the Romans? A.limiting the amount of land owned by individual citizens B.selling grain at a low price to citizens C.distributing public land to landless citizens D.cutting down land taxes or rent 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 56(第56题 The prose writing of _____ had the greatest influence on Latin literature in the Middle Ages. A.Livy (59 B.C.-18 A.D.) B.Cicero (106-43 B.C.). C.Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.) D.Juvenal (55-130 A.D.) 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 57(第57题 Starting from the reign of which Roman emperor such jobs as bakery and military service became hereditary? A.Octavian B.Diocletian C.Constantine D.Theodosius 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:0.0 58(第58题 Which description of the Hellenistic civilization is incorrect? A.It was a cosmopolitan and open culture. B.It was a mixture of Greek and Oriental cultures. C.It helped to popularize Greek thinking and life styles. D.Its commercial, cultural and intellectual centre was Athens. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 59(第59题 Major changes in Roman religious life were mainly a result of _____. A.foreign cultural invasion B.trade and commerce C.territorial expansion of Rome D.interest in spiritual matters 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 60(第60题 Beginning in the 4th century, army units of German were__. A.suppressed by the Romans B.eliminated by the Romans C.welcomed into the Roman Empire to defend the Romans D.driven by the Romans to settle in depopulated areas. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 61(第61题 The Italian Renaissance scholars did all the following things except for ____. A.reviving many classical texts forgotten or lost for a long time. B.spreading the knowledge beyond the small circle of scholars. C.refusing to accept religious teaching or read religious works. D.paying more attention to man’s world and life on earth. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 62(第62题 Which of the following Renaissance writers was not known for his sonnets? A.Dante B.Petrarch C.Edmund Spencer D.William Shakespeare 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 63(第63题 Which statement about the “civic humanism” is wrong? A.It was developed by some Florentine scholars during the fifteenth century. B.It believed that virtue could only be obtained by participating in public life. C.It encouraged people to pursue material pleasures and fulfill their desires. D.It was the same with the “Christian Humanism” of Northern Renaissance. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 64(第64题 Who did not belong to the Florentine School of the Early Renaissance art? A.Brunelleschi B.Donatello C.Masaccio D.Raphael 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 65(第65题 Which factor directly resulted in the first great split in Christianity in 1054? A.The rulers of most European peoples adopted Christianity for themselves and their subjects B.The invasions from Vikings and Magyars not only destroyed many churches and monasteries but also greatly damaged the church institutions C.There were few schools to train clergy, and many church officers were shallow and incompetent D.Pope Leo IX asserted the supreme authority of the papacy and clashed with the Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 66(第66题 1066 marked the__ A.defeat of the Vikings B.Norman Conquest of England C.death of William I D.death of Alfred the Great 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 67(第67题 All the following statements about the Scholasticism are true, EXCEPT A.Some scholars tried in vain to forbid the study and teaching of Aristotle’s thought B.Some argued that reason alone could lead to truth C.Some argued that ultimate truth could not be discovered by reason, but was revealed to human by God in His mystical ways D.The most fruitful achievement was the attempt to harmonize faith and reason by the leading scholar St. Augustine 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 68(第68题 In the year of ____, Constantine the Great issued Edit of Milan which officially made Christianity legal. A.311 B.313 C.324 D.380 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 69(第69题 In the Early Middle Ages, the Roman Church and the Eastern Church were divided over the following issues EXCEPT for ______. A.Iconoclasm B.official language C.explanation of the Holy Spirit D.baptism 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 70(第70题 For some Muslims, Qur’an should not be translated because_____. A.it is impious to translate the very words of Allah. B.it is too difficult to translate the rhymed prose of Qur’an. C.the original meaning of Qur’an would be distorted. D.the beauty of Arabic language would be violated. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 71(第71题 Which one is not the factor that led to the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire after Charlemagne’s death? A.the regional and ethnic diversity B.the conflicts between different successors to the throne C.the destructive attacks of non-Christian invaders D.the emergence of feudalism 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 72(第72题 In Early Middle Ages, Western European civilization differed from the Byzantine and Islamic Empires in the following aspects EXCEPT for _____. A.the influence from the Germanic and Romance vernacular languages. B.the unstable political situation and a lack of central power C.the influence of ancient Greco-Roman civilizations. D.the lower level of intellectual and literary accomplishment 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 73(第73题 The Late Middle Ages were marked by the following features, EXCEPT? A.Plague and famine caused millions of death in Europe. B.Along with depopulation came social unrest and conflicts. C.Rivalry between feudal governments led to wars, the most violent being the Hundred Years’ War fought between Germany and Italy. D.Peasant uprisings and urban revolts broke out in many countries. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 74(第74题 Which of the following statements about Papacy at Avignon is NOT true? A.The reform measures of Avignon papacy turned the papacy into a more spiritual than political institution. B.Several popes were Frenchmen, and 113 out of the 134 new cardinals created by the popes were French. C.Papal influence in England and in Germany declined. D.This period in church history is called the Babylonian Captivity. 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 75(第75题 Which of the following statements about villages in the Middle Ages is NOT true? A.Villages ranged in size from ten to several hundred peasant families, living in a cluster of cottages surrounded by their fields. B.Most villages had woodland which provided burning wood and building materials. C.Many villages had a stream or pond for water supply, fish and a water mill for grinding grain. D.Few villages had a few artisans and traders who combined farm work with other labor. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 76(第76题 Which of the following statements about the development of science in the Central Middle Ages is NOT true? A.Translation of Greek and Arabic scientific works gave new impetus to the study of science. B.Arabic numbers were introduced by Italian mathematician Leonardo de Pisa. C.Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon and others made Cambridge University the center of scientific studies during the thirteenth century. D.Bacon wrote three important books, Great Work, Small Work and Third Work. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 77(第77题 In the year _____ Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. A.311 B.313 C.324 D.380 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 78(第78题 Christians considered pagan gods_____. A.as demons B.as humans C.incredible D.supernatural 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 79(第79题 Which is not the similarity shared by Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Boccaccio’s Decameron? A.a collection of stories B.satirical and humorous language C.vivid characterization D.religious themes 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 80(第80题 Who was not a representative writer of Northern Renaissance? A.Giovanni Boccaccio B.William Shakespeare C.Fran鏾is Rabelais D.Miguel de Cervantes 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 81(第81题 In terms of science, what was the significant shift in thinking during the Renaissance Age? A.the inclusion of science in the educational program B.the emphasis on how things happened in nature C.the development of new scientific methods D.the acceptance of heliocentric theory 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 82(第82题 What is the limit of term for the members of the Senate of the Roman Republic? A.2 years B.4 years C.5 years D.life 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 83(第83题 Pope Urban VI started to reform the church and wanted to abolish the following abuses, EXCEPT A.Simony B.Pluralism C.Absenteeism D.homosexual 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 84(第84题 Which of the following statements about ciompi is NOT true? A.They formed a ciompi guild. B.They formed a people’s militia. C.They granted political representation in the government. D.They had not lost their hold on power. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 85(第85题 Constantine the Great named the new imperial capital ______. A.Constantinople B.Byzantium C.New Rome D.Istanbul 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 86(第86题 Which of the following statements about Byzantine classicism is true? A.The Byzantines revered ancient Greek literature, philosophy and historiography. B.The Byzantines emphasized Greek scientific and mathematical tradition. C.The Byzantines were not only imitative, but also creative in their study of Greek tradition. D.The Byzantine authors thought they could eventually surpass ancient Greek authors. 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 87(第87题 What event marked the climax of Charlemagne’s career and the formation of western European civilization? A.Charlemagne became the Frankish king and ruled most of Western Europe. B.Charlemagne produced the best government Europe had seen since the Romans. C.Charlemagne built a united Christian society and had an alliance with the papacy. D.Charlemagne was crowned “Holy Roman Emperor” by the Pope. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 88(第88题 It was during the ____ that the Romans were defeated by the famous Carthaginian general Hannibal. A.the 1st Punic War B.the 2nd Punic War C.the 3rd Punic War D.the 4th Punic War 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 89(第89题 The government of the Roman Republic included all of the following branches EXCEPT ______. A.the executive branch B.the deliberative branch C.the legislative branch D.the judicial branch 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 90(第90题 Which one of the following groups of the people could vote in the Roman assemblies? A.Roman generals and adult male plebians B.anyone whose parents were Romans C.adult Roman males and females. D.literate Greek slaves 您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 91(第91题 Which one of the Roman Emperors resembles the “philosopher king” praised by Plato? A.Trajan (r. 98-117 A.D.) B.Hadrian (r. 117-138 A.D.) C.Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161 A.D.) D.Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 A.D.) 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 92(第92题 All of the following Roman officers were produced by election EXCEPT ____. A.consul B.dictator C.tribune D.magistrate 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 93(第93题 Who replaced the Council of 400 with the Council of 500? A.Solon B.Persistratus C.Cleisthenes D.Pericles 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 94(第94题 Which description of Spartan women is incorrect? A.They enjoyed more political rights and domestic freedom that the rest of the Greek world. B.They received physical training instead of literacy education. C.They could inherit property. D.They usually got married at 18. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 95(第95题 The following descriptions of the second Greco-Persian War are true EXCEPT for _____. A.The Persian army was led by Xerxes I, who was Darius son. B.All Greek city-states united to counter the Persian invasion. C.The Greek army was greatly outnumbered by the Persian army. D.The Greek army won a decisive victory in the straits between Athens and Salamis. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 96(第96题 Which one is NOT the aftermath of the Peloponnesian Wars? A.In Athens, democracies collapsed and the empire crumbled. B.Many city-states rebelled against the imperialistic rule of the Athens. C.In Sparta, class conflict became severer and traditional virtues were corrupted. D.There were constant clashes between different city-states. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 97(第97题 Magna Carta in 1215 in England was significant in that it __. A.really weakened the power of the church B.spoke for the common people C.really weakened the power of the king D.spoke for the nobles 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 98(第98题 Which of the following statements about the third Crusade is NOT true? A.it had a strong start, but a weak end B.Frederick drowned on the way C.Philip quarreled with Richard and went home D.Richard stayed longer, and took Jerusalem. 您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 99(第99题 Constantine the Great declared __. A.Christianity as the only religion B.toleration for all religions C.the end of Imperial Cult D.paganism illegal 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 100(第100题 Which one does not belong to the Bronze Age civilizations of ancient Greece? A.Cycladic civilization B.Helladic civilization C.Hellenistic civilization D.Minoan civilization 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 作业总得分:99.0 作业总批注:
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