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企业文化平时作业1-4企业文化平时作业1-4 得 分 企业文化 教师签名 第1次平时作业 得 分 批改人 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、企业文化作为一个完整的系统,其内容包括四个部分,即_企业价值观、企业精神_、企业伦道德规范和企业风貌与形象P35 2、国外学者都从观念形态的角度来界定企业文化,把企业文化的___价值观念体系__和__职工群体意识___作为企业文化的重点和核心。 3、企业文化的价值分为__经济价值_和_社会价值__。,48 4、虽然没有明文规定的规章制度,但他们有共同的形成基础和联系纽带,自然地联...

企业文化平时作业1-4 得 分 企业文化 教师签名 第1次平时作业 得 分 批改人 一、填空 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (每空1分,共20分) 1、企业文化作为一个完整的系统,其内容包括四个部分,即_企业价值观、企业精神_、企业伦道德规范和企业风貌与形象P35 2、国外学者都从观念形态的角度来界定企业文化,把企业文化的___价值观念体系__和__职工群体意识___作为企业文化的重点和核心。 3、企业文化的价值分为__经济价值_和_社会价值__。,48 4、虽然没有明文规定的 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 ,但他们有共同的形成基础和联系纽带,自然地联合成一个系统,是配合默契的群体。这个特征是指非正式群体的 整体性 。 5、从纵向系统考察,企业价值观可分为三个层次,即__员工人人价值观_、_群体价值观__和__整体价值观_。,70 6、社会是由许多个人所组成的群体、组织所形成的,社会发展的动力来源于_个人需要与团体利益__和__个人的处世方式和团体的发展动力_。,52 7、从团体的角度来划分焦虑,可将焦虑分为三类,即_基本存在焦虑__、__与工作相关的次生性焦虑__和深层焦虑。,61 8、企业伦理道德的特征在于它与_社会伦理道德_具有一致性,与__规章制度_紧密相连,具有__稳定性和连续__性。,82 得 分 批改人 二、选择题:(每题2分,共20分) 1、企业文化属于(BCD )。 A 宏观文化 B 微观文化 C 经济管理文化 D 社会亚文化 2、被称为是企业管理理论的“第四座里程碑”的是( D )。P32 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit A 科学管理 B 行为科学 C 现代管理 D 企业文化 3、企业文化本质上具有的特征是( ABCD)。P36-38 A个异性 B 共识性 非强制性 D 相对稳定性 C 4、以企业最高目标为核心理念的企业文化,属于( C )企业文化。P42 A 成熟型 B 竞争型 C 目标型 D 传统型 5、下列中属于病态的领导与下属关系的有( ABCD )。P56 A 幻想型 B 强迫型 C 压抑型 D 戏剧型 6、企业文化特质改变引起的企业文化整体结构的变化,叫( D )。 A 企业文化传播 B 企业文化冲突 C 企业文化选择 D 企业文化变革 7、最早将“文化”概念用于企业管理、研究企业价值观念及社会文化传统对企业管理的影响的学者,是美国著名管理学家(AD )。P18 A巴纳德 B 德鲁克 C 戴维斯 D 塞尔茨尼克 8、企业文化的理论基础中,除了人学理论外,还包括( ABCD )。P50-60 A 社会动力理论 B 领导理论 C 学习理论 D 情绪理论 9、下列中属于从内容特质上分类的企业文化有(B)。P42-43 A 成长型企业文化 B 团队型企业文化 C 国有企业文化 D 过程型企业文化 10、企业价值的基本构成中,包括( ABCD )取向。P72-73 A 经济价值 B 社会价值 C 伦理价值 D 政治价值 得 分 批改人 三、简答题:(每小题6分,共30分) to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 1、国外企业文化学者对企业文化认识的共同点是什么,P21 答: 1、认为企业文化是一种重视人、以人为中心的企业管理方式,强调要把企业建成一种人人都有社会使命感和责任感的命运共同体; 2、都从观念形态的角度来界定企业文化,把企业的价值观念体系和职工的群体意识作为企业文化的重点和核心; 3、都从狭义的角度理解企业文化的内涵; 4、都认为企业文化是一个企业在长期的生产经营中形成的特定文化观念、价值体系、道德规范、传统、风格、习惯和与此相联系的生产经营观念。 2、试述企业价值观在企业文化中的地位和作用。 企业价值观是企业文化的核心内容,为企业的生存和发展提供了基本的方向和行动指南。 它的作用是: 1、为企业生存与发展确立精神支柱; 2、决定企业的基本特性; 3、对企业和员工的行为起导向和规范作用; 3、企业文化如何发挥其维系功能,P119 1、企业文化通过提供物质诱因与员工贡献相平衡的分配文化,满足员工基本的物质需要,保证物质利益原则的实现; 2、企业文化通过各种就业、福利及安全保障文化,为员工提供满足安全感需要的各种保障; 3、通过主文化和诸多亚文化,制造团体认同感和职工归属感,从而形成后天的团体心理凝聚力; 4、通过制造一种成就感、机会均等感,为员工提供追求成就感需要的心理满足; 5、通过对群体中自发价值追求与企业经营目标的协调,为员工提供发展空间和自我实现的心理满足。 4、优秀的企业文化如何实现其经济价值,P48-49 答:,、企业是市场经济发展的产物,企业文化的形成受到市场经济发展的制约;市场to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 经济的客观规律和法则往往通过企业文化作用于企业的各项经济活动。 ,、优秀的企业文化体现着企业成功的经营管理特色,体现着企业对顾客“诚”、“信”之道。 ,、优秀的企业文化体现着以人为中心的根本思想,体现着员工心理及行为的一般要求,体现着多数员工的“共识”,因此能够对广大员工起到凝聚、引导、激励和约束作用,使广大员工发挥聪明才智和劳动积极性,并积极参与 管理,提合理化建议,提高劳动效率,最终给企业带来较高的经济效益。 ,、优秀的企业文化往往能够促进企业进一步深化改革,完善组织结构和经营机制,促使企业采用新的经营方式和科学的管理 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,从而带来组织效率的大幅度提高,为企业提高经济效益创造良好条件。 5、简述企业文化整合的五个层次,P112-113 答:,、企业文化对某一种新生的(主要指企业文化共同体内生的)或外来的企业文化特质加以同化。 ,、在企业文化共同体内,对创造的(内生的)或引进的一组企业文化特质进行重组、重造,以形成企业某一方面文化的综合。 ,、一种企业文化风格、规范趋于完美、成熟后,开始通过社会各种渠道进行传播和扩散。 ,、企业文化共同体伴随着企业革命、企业管理革命,对企业文化特质进行较为彻底的吐故纳新,进行多方位的整治和新的融合。 ,、伴随着企业文化共同体内发生的剧烈的文化冲突,酿成企业文化危机,最后由企业文化革命来收拾残局。 得 分 批改人 四、论述题:(每题10分,共20分) 1、结合实际论述东西方企业文化各自的特点。P178-179 答:1、东方企业文化的特点 (1)、强调集权式管理。其特点有三:一是向心;二是求同; 三是重人。 (2)、强调企业的社会责任,包括企业与社会的关系以及对国家的责任、对员工的全面关心to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 和庇护。 (3)、重视运用社会精神的力量去形成共同的意识形态,促使人们去服从组织的共同目标。 (4)、鼓励在组织内形成一种家庭气氛,员工之间沟通密切,十分重视感情和人际关系,很少流动,使得企业能够有相对稳定的员工队伍。 (5)、十分注意企业内各部门之间、各项经营活动之间的内在联系,更强调从整体上进行控制。 (6)相对于西方管理的明确性,东方管理更为艺术地应用含糊和微妙性以淡化组织中的冲突,达到和谐一致。 2、西方企业文化的特点 (1)、制度化。 (2)讲究效率,强调科学性。 (3)、强调明确性。 (4)、重视物的因素。 5)、强烈的进取精神促使西方企业在市场开拓、产品改进、技术创新等方面有一种无限的( 扩展和侵略性。 2、塑造企业形象有哪些途径,P94 ,、树立先进的经营理念,为塑造企业形象提供精神支术。 ,、建设积极的企业文化,为塑造企业形象奠定基础。 ,、实施CI战略,为塑造企业形象提供科学的方法与手段。 五、分析题:(10分) 得 分 批改人 观点:企业价值观对企业和员工行为的导向和规范作用,不是通过制度、规章等硬性管理手段实现的,而是通过群体氛围和共同意识的引导来实现的,是一种软性约束。管理者按照企业价值观,启发、引导被管理者适时修正自己的言行,达到与企业目标和价值准则的一致。企业成员如果违反了行为准则,即使他人不知或不加责备,本人也会感到内疚,由于心理压力而进行自我调节。 针对上述观点,谈谈你的看法。 答:企业的价值观可以定义为企业领导者和全体员工对企业的生产经营活动和企业人的to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 行为是否有价值以及价值大小的总的看法和根本观点。 企业价值观是企业文化的核心内容。它为企业的生存和发展提供了基本的方向和行动指南,为企业员工形成共同的行为准则奠定了基础。对拥有共同价值观的公司来说,共享的价值决定了该公司的基本特征以及区别它与内和对外的态度。这样,价值不仅在管理者的心中,而且在大多数公司员工的心中成了实在的东西,正是这种意识使企业价值观产生作用。 企业价值观对企业的生存和发展具有重要的作用,它是企业生存的基础,是企业追求成功的精神动力。 1、企业价值观为企业的生存与发展确立了精神支柱。 2、企业价值观决定了企业的基本特性。 3、企业价值观对企业及员工行为起到导向和规范作用。 4、企业价值观能提高企业凝聚力,激励企业员工释放潜能。 最基本的企业价值观包含以下几个方面的内容: 1、经济价值取向 2、社会价值取向 3、伦理价值取向 4、政治价值取向 得 分 企业文化 教师签名 第2次平时作业 得 分 批改人 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、__正向积累__是企业文化自我完善的过程,创造出来的是健全的、优良的企业文化。 2、企业文化积累是指 企业文化特质 的保存以及 企业文化新特质 不段增长的发展过程。 3、日本文化对管理的重要影响主要表现在两个方面,一是___强调经营理念的重要性_,二是__重视团队精神的发挥__。P165-166 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 4、美国企业强调以 个人为中心 的价值追求,在企业组织管理中突出强调__对人尊重和信任__。 5、企业文化选择的客观 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 就是 企业的基本价值观 。P110 6、德国的企业文化观最早源于1914年R.戴特策的《经营科学》,该书提出的经营理念是___人本位的经营理论___。 7、企业文化经过法律环境的熏陶便产生出企业__制度文化__。 8、企业成员是在 文化传播 中使群体的行为得到协调,才产生出共同的信念与目标。 9、 反向积累 是企业文化恶化、衰亡的过程,创造出来的是病态的、不良的企业文化。 10、企业文化冲突的产生主要是由 不同类型 、 不同模式 、 不同行业 、 不同区域 、 不同历史阶段 的企业文化的不同特质所构成的 基本价值观 之间的过分悬殊所造成的。 、当今世界上许多发达国家的管理,正朝着____以人为本___的方向发展。 11 12、企业文化的选择过程实质上是企业文化的 冲突过程 。 得 分 批改人 二、选择题:(每题2分,共20分) 1、企业价值观和企业精神在公众心目中留下的整体印象,是( A )。P89 A 理念形象 B 产品形象 C 公关形象 D 员工形象 2、企业文化冲突主要表现在两个方面,即( AC )。 A 主文化和亚文化 B 外生文化和内生文化 C 个体文化和群体文化 D 传统文化和创新文化 3、一般说来,较优良的企业文化应该是处于( B )阶段的。P123 A 创业文化 B 守成文化 C 守业文化 D 败业文化 4、企业文化作为一个完整的体系,包括( ABCD )P35 A 企业整体价值观念 B 企业精神 C 企业伦理道德规范 D 企业风貌与形象 5、价值观的主体可以是( ABCD )。 P68 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit A 个人 B 国家 C 企业 D 社会 6、以企业最高目标为核心理念的企业文化,属于( C )企业文化。 A 成熟型 B 竞争型 C 目标型 D 传统型 7、企业文化特质改变引起的企业文化整体结构的变化,叫( D )。 A 企业文化传播 B 企业文化冲突 C 企业文化选择 D 企业文化变革 8、推行( C )是我国企业的本质要求。 A 企业管理 B 经济责任制 C 民主管理 D 法制管理 9、企业价值革命通常涉及的方面包括( ABCD )。P117 A 企业价值观的变革 B 管理哲学的变革 C管理思想的变革 D 企业经营思想变革 10、企业文化的评价方法( AC )。P126 指标评价 B 内容评价 A C 生命周期评价 D 功能评价 得 分 批改人 三、判断改错题:(每小题2分,共10分) 1、传统的管理强调实行分析,强调自主管理,鼓励员工发表意见,提倡员工参与决策。( 错 ) 修改:以人为本的管理强调实行分析,强调自主管理,鼓励员工发表意见,提倡员工参与决策。 2、“Y理论”认为只有极少数人,才具有解决组织问题。( 错 ) 修改:“Y理论”改为“X理论” 3、管理学家麦格雷戈在1954年发表了《动机与个性》,提出了“需求层次理论”。 ( 错 ) 修改:“麦雷戈”改为“马斯洛” 4、企业文化是靠强制、靠鼓励实现个人目标同企业目标的结合。( 错 ) 修改:企业文化更多的是在整体感受的基础上,靠文化力量把员工的行为潜移默化地导向和to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 融合到一个共同的目标中。 5、企业文化在传播中,要尽量避免冲突,才能顺利进行。( 错 ) 修改:企业文化在传播中,冲突是不可避免的,而且正是由于企业文化冲突的存在,才推动了企业文化的进步。 得 分 批改人 四、简答题:(每小题5分,共30分) 1、引起企业主文化和亚文化冲突的原因有哪些,P106 答:,、企业主文化已经变成病态文化,它或者是由于以往企业的主要领导者的固执已见、刚愎自用,或者是由于企业文化环境系统发生变化所造成的。 ,、企业主文化已达到健全的、优秀的、高度成熟的状态,不过这种文化已经经过了企业文化成长的几个阶段,正慢慢地在失去文化上的优势。 ,、企业主文化已演变成为过时的、陈旧的、衰败的文化,企业严文化在企业陷入严重危机的情况下仍旧没有适应的机会击败企业主文化,因为企业整个大权仍旧掌握在旧有企业信奉者手中。 2、简述欧洲国家企业文化的特征。P176 答:,、强调理性主义和创新、竞争精神 (,)、注重建立灵活多样、讲求实效的组织机构和制度。 (,)、重视研究开发及引进国外先进技术。 (,)、重视制定着眼于世界市场的企业战略。 ,、重视员工的“参与管理” 3、中国传统文化在哪些方面对企业文化建设有积极作用, 1、团体意识; 2、人本思想; 3、和谐思想; 4、求实精神; 5、爱国主义精神; 6、吃苦耐劳、勤奋自强的性格; to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 7、求索和开拓精神。 4、企业文化评价的标准有哪些,P126 答:,、企业文化的教化功能是否正常发挥作用 ,、企业文化的维系功能是否正常发挥作用 ,、企业文化的激励功能是否正常发挥作用 5、企业文化冲突的表现形式有哪些, 1、企业主文化与亚文化的冲突。 分为几种情况:企业主文化已成病态文化,就会与良好的、健康的亚文化发生冲突;主文化已高度成熟,但在慢慢失去优势,就会与代表未来价值观的亚文化发生冲突;主文化已经过时,但亚文化还没有占据主导地位,这时冲突通过企业的衰败必须出来。 2、群体文化与个体文化的冲突。 有两种情况:由于不同的文明发展程度、历史传统和社会体制所造成的冲突;另一种是其他的诸多原因造成的,如外来的文化、利益冲突等。 得 分 批改人 五、论述题:(10分) 当一个企业的文化严重不适应形势的发展时,如何通过价值革命重建一种健康的企业文化, 通过以下几方面来进行价值革命以重建一种健康的企业文化: 1、 企业价值观的变革; 2、 管理哲学与管理思想变革; 3、 企业经营思想变革。 六、分析题:(10分) 得 分 批改人 资料:欧美企业日益重视把企业伦理渗透到企业经营活动中去。据美国本特莱学院的伦理研究中心在20世纪80年代所做的一项调查,《幸福杂志》排名前1000家企业中,80,把企业伦理融合到日常活动中,其中93,的企业有成文的伦理准则。1995年英国《经济学家》杂志的一篇文章提到,美国3/5的企业,欧洲一半的企业设有专门的企业伦理机构。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 根据上述资料,谈谈你的认识。 用以调整企业内部以及企业与社会各种关系的行为规范的总和就是企业的伦理道德。企业伦理道德是企业文化的重要内容之一。作为规范企业员工行为的要求和准则,企业伦理道德贯穿于企业经营活动的始终。 企业伦理道德,既体现了社会伦理道德的基本精神和要求,又有自己鲜明的独特性。 1、伦理道德与社会伦理道德具有一致性。 2、企业伦理道德与规章制度紧密相连。 3、企业伦理道德具有稳定性和连续性。 企业伦理道德主要通过企业主体的品德、企业的服务行为、企业经营的客体、企业内外部的人际关系等方面体现。 企业伦理道德规范主要包括以下四个方面的内容: 1、企业与员工之间的道德规范 2、管理者与员工之间的道德规范 3、员工与员工之间的首先规范 4、企业与社会之间的首先规范 企业伦理道德建设是一项艰巨的工程,需要从不同层面上有计划有重点地做好长期耐心细致的工作。 1、发掘企业优秀伦理道德观念和习俗,确立正确的道德规范 2、把企业伦理道德建设和提高员工素质结合起来 3、坚持个人示范和集体影响相结合 4、企业伦理道德建设和管理制度改革相结合 5、企业伦理道德建设和规章制度建设相结合 得 分 企业文化 教师签名 第3次平时作业 得 分 批改人 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 1、企业文化氛围由___物质氛围__、__制度氛围__、__感情氛围___等三部分构成。P222 2、从企业家的定义出发,企业家精神最主要的是 创新精神 和____开拓精神___。 3、建设企业文化的基本程序,一般包括 调查研究 、 定格设计 、实践巩固和 完善提高几个环节。P215 4、企业家素质是指企业家本来的 品质、特征、知识素养及在 中表现出来的作风和能力的综合。P201 5、我国企业文化价值的内核是__主人翁精神_。 6、我国企业文化建设的指导思想,一是要坚持以__国家利益、集体利益、个人利益相结合_;二是要以__建设战略目标为指导,努力实现企业自身的理想目标__;三是要保证__企业员的主人翁地位__;四是要___坚持科学的管理 。 7、建设企业文化的一体原则是___坚持企业管理者和一线员工之间的关系一体化 。P211 8、企业文化的完善提高,即是企业文化建设__一个过程的结束 ,又是__下一个过程的开始 ,是_一下承上启下的阶段 。P219 9、 企业文化礼仪 对员工是一种“约束”。 得 分 批改人 二、选择题:(每题2分,共20分) 1、在企业文化建设中坚持( C ),是由人的社会属性决定的。P214 A 一体原则 B 卓越原则 C 亲密原则 D 共识原则 2、从楷模形成特点看,企业楷模可分为( B )。P192 A 群众楷模和领导楷模 B 共生楷模和情势楷模 C 单项楷模和全能楷模 D 历史楷模和现实楷模 3、“广大员工能够自觉地把自己的一言一行与企业价值观经常对照进行检查,纠正偏差,发扬优点,改正缺点,使自己的行为基本符合企业目标的要求”说明了企业文化的( C )功能。 A 约束功能 B 凝聚功能 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit C 导向功能 D 协调功能 4、企业家是指( D )。P195 A 企业董事长 B 企业厂长或经理 C 企业法人代表 D 创新事业和冒险事业的组织者 、企业楷模的作用可表现为( ABCD )。 5 A 聚合作用 B 调和作用 C 榜样作用 D 舆论导向作用 6、建设企业文化的基本程序包括( ABCD )。P215 A 调查研究 B 定格设计 C 实践巩固 D 完善提高 7、企业员工在社会公众联系、交际过程中的礼仪是指( D )。P221 A 工作惯例礼仪 B生活惯例礼仪 C 纪念性礼仪 D 交往性礼仪 8、建设企业文化的方法包括( ABCD )。P223-224 A 教育输入法 B 舆论导向法 C 行为激励法 D 利用事件法 9、企业文化的物质保证中不包括( D )。P225-227 A 生产工程建设 B 福利工程建设 C文明设施工程建设 D 企业制度建设 10、从市场角度给企业文化分类,过程文化的特点是( D )。P44 A 高风险快反馈 B 低风险快反馈 C 高风险慢反馈 D 低风险慢反馈 得 分 批改人 三、判断改错题:(每小题2分,共10分) 1、在文化较强时,制度是载体,对文化起强化作用。( 错 ) 修改:在文化较弱时,制度是载体,对文化起强化作用。 2、企业文化重过程。( 错 ) to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 修改:是重绩效 3、规章制度比企业伦理道德具有更大的约束力。 ( 错 ) 修改:企业伦理道德比规章制度具有更大的约束力。 4、人的素质是企业素质的核心。( 对 ) 5、要判断一种企业文化是否先进,还要看这种企业文化处于生命周期的哪个阶段。 ( 对 ) 得 分 批改人 四、简答题:(每小题5分,共30分) 1、企业家在企业文化建设中的角色是什么,企业家精神有哪些主要内容, 企业家在企业文化建设中的角色是: (1)企业家是企业文化的积极倡导者; (2)企业家是企业文化的精心培育者; (3)企业家是企业文化建设 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的设计者; (4)企业家是优秀企业文化的身体力行者; (5)企业家是企业文化转换和更新的推动者。 企业家精神的内容: (1)独具慧眼的创新精神; (2)敢担风险的开拓精神; (3)敢干拼搏的进取精神; (4)科学理性的实效精神; (5)尊重人才的宽容精神; (6)面向世界的竞争精神; (7)热爱祖国的奉献精神。 2、建设企业文化的基本原则是什么, 答:,、目标原则;,、共识原则;,、一体原则;,、卓越原则;,、绩效原则;,、亲 密原则。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 3、市场经济对现代企业文化建设的要求是什么, (1)在企业推向市场的情况下,亟待建设一种能适应社会主义市场经济的企业文化,它是分辨企业的独特优势之所在; (2)市场经济的确立,要求以建设独特的、能经得起市场经济风云变幻考验的企业文化为基础; (3)市场经济的确立,要求企业自我超越,追求卓越,这是企业文化建设的最高水准; (4)中国特色的社会主义市场经济,要求企业不仅要创造高度的物质文明,还要创造高度的精神文明。 4、如何使新型企业文化得以巩固, 1、积极创造适应新的企业文化运行机制的条件; 2、加强精神灌输和舆论宣传; 3、企业领导者以身作则、积极倡导; 4、利用制度、规范、礼仪、活动等进行强化; 5、鼓励正确行为。 、如何创造良好的企业文化氛围,P223 5 答:第一,要从思想上、事业上关心员工,如关心员工政治思想上的进步,文化、技术水平的提高,在工作上给予支持和帮助等,使员工感受到企业的重视与尊重,感觉到事业上有发展前途,从而促使上下级之间感情的融合。 第二,应善于利用各种文化活动,沟通员工个体与个体之间、个体与群体之间、群体与群体之间的感情,协调相互关系,增进情谊。 第三,应从生活上关心员工,尽力为其办实事,解决实际困难,增进员工的归属感。 第四,要利用各种场合进行感情投资,建立企业领导者与员工相互信任、相互支持的新型关系。 第五,要通过做思想政治工作、宣传企业目标、开展民主管理、进行物质和精神激励等办法加强对企业内部各类非正式组织的引导,使之在思想感情上与企业保持一致。 第六,要创造良好的学习环境,鼓励企业成员求知上进,使企业内形成浓厚的学习空气。 得 分 批改人 五、论述题:(10分) 结合实际论述全球经济文化一体化发展的趋势。 1、公司经营的国际化趋势 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 公司经营的国际化趋势可以从其商品输出和资本输出两方面来考察。 比如:从商品输出来看,许多公司都是主要的出口商,这些公司所生产的产品主要销往国处市场。从资本输出来看,主要表现为跨国公司的形成和发展,公司形成的物质基础是资本输出。 2、大型跨国公司的合作化趋势 比如:一些大型跨国公司进行“强强合用”,在开发新产品的新技术、占领市场、销售等方面进行联合,是20世纪90年代以来出现的一个值得注意的西方国家公司发展的新趋势。 3、世界各国文化一体化趋势 当前,世界各国的文化主要有以下变化趋势: 1、由于人们收入的增加和工时的缩短,人们的闲暇增多。 2、文化教育水平的提高,必然向传统观念提出挑战。 3、由于生活水平的提高,人们对健康和仪表越来越重视。 4、希望生活松弛些。 5、由于交通和通讯的发达,相对缩短了地理上的距离,促进了不同地区、不同民族间的文化交流,从而也势必对传统文化结构产生深远的影响。 6、随着广播、电视、报纸、杂志等大众传播媒介的国际化、国际旅游的普遍化以及各种国际经济聪明和跨国公司的发展,全世界的文化交流越来越密切,出现了趋同的倾向。 六、分析题:(10分) 得 分 批改人 观点:企业文化建设的过程,本身就是处理各种观念冲突,形成一种能为大家共同接受的道德观、价值观的过程,指望大家和气一团,没有各种纠纷和冲突,那是根本不现实的。 针对上述观点,谈谈你的看法。 企业文化冲突是企业文化发展过程中不同物质的文化在相互接触、交流时所产生的撞击、对抗和竞争。企业文化在传播过程中,冲突是不可避免的,而且正是由于企业文化冲突的存在,才推动了企业文化的进步。 企业文化冲突的表现形式有多种表现形式,主要体现在: 1、企业文化与亚文化的冲突 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 2、群体文化与个体文化的冲突 企业文化的选择过程实质上就是企业文化的冲突过程。在新旧文化之间、不同质的文化之间冲突的结果是,优秀文化得到继承、弘扬或吸收,消极文化遭到淘汰或舍弃。企业文化冲突和选择虽然是客观的,但当人们认识了企业文化运动的规律以后,是可以通过分析企业文化冲突的起因、性质、程度,从实际出发,从主观上明确企业文化的选择标准,从而有目的地、自觉地选择同质文化中的优秀部分、异质文化中具有适应性的部分,并且通过各种手段倡导、强化这些企业文化,进而缓解冲突,达成共识,并把企业倡导的价值观内化到群体意识中去。 当新旧文化之间、不同质的文化之间发生冲突时,如何使优秀的企业文化得到继承、弘扬或吸收呢,必须从一切是否有利于企业创新的角度考虑企业文化的选择。因为在激烈竞争的市场环境中,一个企业只有保持创新的活力,它才有前途,才能立于不败之地。 得 分 企业文化 教师签名 第4次平时作业 得 分 批改人 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、中国特色的企业文化建设必须从它赖以成长的环境中汲取营养,如 时代精神 、_民族文化传统_、社会主义精神文明和国外先进科学精神和文化意识。P278 2、CI具有识别、代表、___解释__和__象征_功能。 3、企业外部形象是企业在外部公众和消费者心目中的形象,它表示企业对外的___知名度__、__美誉度__和__信赖度_。P88 4、_企业的质量__和__信誉__构成了企业形象的基础,而这个基础又是以__顾客满意度__为核心和灵魂的。P93 5、从某种意义上来说,CI是企业文化的___外显形式___,通过CI活动可以使企业文化__具体化__、__具有可操作性__。P243 6、CI包括___MI_____、__BI____和__VI___三个组成部分。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 7、我国企业文化目标模式的基本框架包括人本文化、__团队文化__、__创新文化__和 __竞争文化__、__求实文化_五个方面的内容。P283-286 得 分 批改人 二、选择题:(每题2分,共20分) 1、企业形象的基石是(B )。P90 A 理念形象 B 产品形象 C 公关形象 D 员工形象 2、企业形象设计中最根本的是( A )的设计。P243 A 理念识别系统 B 行为识别系统 C 视觉识别系统 D 形象识别系统 3、企业理念识别系统设计的要素有( ABCD )。P244 企业哲学 B 企业价值观 A C 企业精神 D 企业目标 4、CI策划通过MI、BI、VI三者相互协调一致的活动,使CI具有( ABCD )。P242 A 识别功能 B 代表功能 C 解释功能 D 象征功能 5、以下要素中属于MI的是( BCD )。P244-245 A 企业形象 B 企业精神 C 企业价值观 D 企业目标 6、BI对企业形象的塑造有(AB )。P252 A 支持功能 B 稳固功能 C 提高功能 D 完善功能 7、CI设计中( A )所要解决的是价值观的问题。P243 A 理念识别系统 B 行为识别系统 C 视觉识别系统 D 形象识别系统 8、企业理念的功能包括( ABCD )。P245 A 向导功能 B 制约功能 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit C 凝聚功能 D 激励功能 9、视觉识别系统的特征包括( ABCD )。P255 A 一致性 B 独特性 C 审美性 D 简单性 、以下描述中符合团队文化的特征的有( A )。P284 10 A 人际关系融洽 B 员工不关心企业的前途 C 非正式群体与正式群体不协调 D员工追求个人利益最大化 得 分 批改人 三、判断改错题:(每小题2分,共10分) 1、群体价值观是指正式群体所拥有的价值观。( 错 ) 修改:群体价值观是指正式或非正式群体所拥有的价值观。 2、产品形象是企业的灵魂,是企业的精神支柱,是企业个性的集中体现,是企业在哲学境界的表现形式。( 错 ) 修改:企业理念是企业的灵魂,是企业的精神支柱,是企业个性的集中体现,是企业在哲学境界的表现形式。 3、双维理论属于情绪理论。( 错 ) 修改:双维理论属于领导风格理论。 4、企业精神是企业领导的意志和愿望。( 错 ) 修改:企业精神是企业全体劳动者的意志和愿望。 5、CI是企业文化的内显形式。( 错 ) 修改:CI是企业文化的外显形式。 得 分 批改人 四、简答题:(每小题5分,共30分) 1、良好的企业形象有什么作用, to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 答:1、可以创造出消费信心; 2、可以增强企业筹资能力; 3、有利于企业广交合作伙伴; 4、可使企业得到社会公众的广泛支持; 、可以增强企业的经济实力; 5 6、可以增强企业凝聚力; 7、有利于企业广招贤才。 2、CI在企业文化建设中的功能是什么, CI在企业文化建设中的功能: 1、当企业的经营理念发生问题时,可以通过CI对企业再次定位,着重解决企业“是什么”的价值观问题,以及企业的经营方向、目标等问题。 2、创造和形成统一的企业识别系统,从而提高企业信息传达的效率。 3、完整统一的CI设计,不仅可以改善企业的外在形象,还可以提高员工的士气,增强企业的凝聚力。 4、改善企业与社会的关系。 3、简述导入企业理念的时机。 答:,、当企业环境发生根本性改变,而原有的理念已不能适应时,必须放弃传统的价值观重塑理念; ,、当行业处于高度竞争之中,并且环境变化迅速时,需要导入新的理念; ,、当企业业绩表现平庸或不佳时,需要重新调整企业理念渡过难关; ,、当企业刚刚踏入大公司的门槛时,需要塑出与公司地位相适应的先进的理念,使企业以高层次的新身份自立于社会; ,、当企业发展迅速,大批新员工进入企业,事实上原有理念发生了变化不再完好时,这就需要重新塑造一套完整有效的企业理念。 4、企业的人本文化具有哪些特征, 答:,、具有比较健全的民主管理制度和员工参与管理的通路。 ,、企业管理者具有良好的民主作风。 ,、具有一套运行良好的动力机制。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit ,、重视人才的开发、培养和使用。 5、如何选择企业文化建设的切入点, 1、从企业内部面临的主要矛盾入手。通过解决企业某方面的矛盾,倡导某种正确的价值观,建立良好的企业行为方式,培养良好的企业风气。 2、从总结企业的优良传统入手。企业的优良传统是企业历史上形成的文化精华和闪光点总结这些优良传统,容易抓住企业文化生长的根基,促进企业文化特色的形成。 3、从企业环境的重大变化和组织结构的重大改组、制度的重大创新入手。当企业环境 往往是植入一种新文化或发展某种特色文化的极好发生重大变化,或企业需要进行重组时, 时机。 得 分 批改人 五、论述题:(10分) 联系实际论述CI与企业文化的关系。P242 CI与企业文化的关系: (1)CI是塑企业文化形象的,是传播企业文化的载体和途径,而企业文化则是CI的灵魂。 (2)CI是一种“文化资本积累”。 (3)建设企业文化是CI的基础。 六、分析题:(10分) 得 分 批改人 观点:企业形象不光是企业的品牌、效益,更重要的是培养企业和职工对社会的责任感,使企业从上到下、从里到外展示给社会的是美好的东西。 针对上述观点,谈谈你的看法。 1、企业形象的社会功效。企业形象既是企业文化的体现,也是它非常宝贵的无形资产,正日益受到企业的重视。一个企业如果具有优秀的企业形象,能够使企业信誉度大增,促进企业经济利益和社会地位的提高。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 2、企业形象的设计主要包括MI、BI、VI。MI是CI的精神所在,反映的是企业精神现 象的本质,是企业在生产经营过程中形成的一种指导企业整体行为的特殊精神。其要素是企 业哲学、企业价值观、企业精神和企业目标。BI是企业理念的动态表现,作为CI活动的核 心,对企业活动形象的塑造有支持和稳定功能。VI能够直观的展现MI和BI,充分的反映 企业文化。其要素包括企业标志、象征图案、标语、口号、歌曲等,是企业经营理念和CI 在视觉要素上的具体化。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit
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