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宝典:T-BAG的经典(精品指南)宝典:T-BAG的经典(精品指南) T-bag的经典台词 102-8'10 MS到T的领地偷螺丝, T认为他是害怕而希望加入帮派. T-bag: I assume that’s why you’re over here. A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system’s got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion....

宝典:T-BAG的经典(精品指南) T-bag的经典台词 102-8'10 MS到T的领地偷螺丝, T认为他是害怕而希望加入帮派. T-bag: I assume that’s why you’re over here. A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system’s got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion. “我猜,这就是你过来的原因。在这里面用不了几天,信上帝的白人们都会意识到,‘犯 人改造体系’严重的偏向美籍黑人团体。” 109-1’20 Seth在浴室找MS救助他, 被T发现了 T-bag:You’ll have to forgive my boy. He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouldn’t be. Fraternizing in the prison shower, come on. “原谅这个孩子吧。他太爱搞交际了,还老在不太合适的时候。在监狱洗澡的时候想和 人称兄道弟,得了吧” 106 暴动中- 损bellick T-bag: Listen up bros, listen up. Bellick, I got one for ya. Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn’t pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman? A C.O. “听着,弟兄们,听着。Bellick,我有个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 问你。你说一个以前过不了警察考试,现 在挣得比邮递员还少的废物,你怎么叫他,,,狱警。” 109 10’20 远远旁观, 看到tweener左右为难, 和狱友背后损tweener T-bag: Boy’s a bit confused about his pigmentation. But he sure does have spunk, doesn’t he? “那孩子有点搞不清自己什么颜色的。但他还是有点胆儿的,是吧,” 111 挖洞无聊, 唱歌, 顺便损cnote T-bag: (singing) Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me hoooome... Swing low, you know this one dontcha, sweet chariot... Comin' for to carry me home. (talking) Come on, give me somethin'! I thought you was a musical people. C,Note是黑人,所以TB唱黑奴时期的民歌,最后没人理他还说“来啊,怎么不唱啊, 以为你(们黑人都)是音乐人儿呢。” 111 挖洞, 损完cnote, 又想起sucre也是带颜色的.. T-bag: Hey Sucre, I got a question about you and the rest of the Mexicans. 能问个你们墨西哥人的问题吗, Sucre: I don't think I'll be able to help, seeing as I'm Puerto Rican. T-bag: Geographical semantics, amigo. I'm speakin' about the general Latino population. How is it that a people so historically lazy ended up being such a big part of the nation's workforce? 波多黎各人从地理上说,不也是拉丁人吗。怎么这些人这么懒,结果现在成了这社会的 体力活儿的主力, 112 PI组多出一人时, 大家背后计划搞掉tbag. 可是, 他早有准备!推门, 讽刺道: T-bag: Pardon me for interruptin' (laughs), but, uh, what's that smell? (sniffs) It smells a little like conspiracy. 对不起, 我打扰大家了.. 可是.. 那是什 112 PI多出一人, 损westmoreland, 威胁老头推出 T-bag: You know what I can't understand is why somebody like you wants to get out of here anyway. How you gonna survive, huh? The world's all different now, it's scary. They got computer phones, boobies made out of silicone, you wouldn't know what to do. 你就是DB,我还以为是个牛仔呢,我不明白怎么你这样的人也要出去。这个世界可疯狂 了,现在都是网络电话,硅胶胸了,你都不知道该怎么办了 113 割喉John后, 还装不知道, 继续损人不倦 T-bag: Wonder what happened to that boy? Maybe them mafia chickens came home to roost after all. “我琢磨那孩子到底碰上什么事儿了,可能他们那帮黑手党鸟人们最后都得回老家歇着 去。” 117 6'10 PI组工作即将完成时, 损bellick Bellick: (whistles) This place is sweet. I heard we're gettin' sattelite. T-bag: Yeah, all the porn you can watch, boss. “小地方不错,听说我们要装个卫星电视” “是啊,就可以看A片了” 120 要逃跑了.. 损小胖儿 T-bag: (humming) (to Manche) If you get stuck in one of them pipes boy... (哼哼歌)(对小胖子)“如果你在里面卡住了,孩子...” 120 害怕阿布, 又损阿布 T-bag: Age, before beauty. “老人优先。。” 121 电梯出问题, 损ms T-bag: What now, genius?“现在怎么办,天才,” (Michael pushes the button again and the elevator still won't close) T-bag: Take your time, we got uh, (looks at watch) fifteen minutes to get over that wall. “不着急。我们还有15分钟翻过那个墙。” 鼓动型: 102-8'10 初见ms T-bag: It’s gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, but we’ll protect you. I’ll protect you. All you gotta do is (slaps Maytag’s hand away) take this pocket right here and your life’ll be all peaches and cream. I walk, you walk with me. Keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you. “象你这样的新手,会挺难办的。不过没关系,我们会罩着你的。我会保护你。 你要做的很简单,就是抓着这个口袋,你的一切就象天堂一样美好啦。 我走到哪,你就跟到哪。要离我近一点,这样这里就没人能伤害得了你。” 106 暴动中T-bag: Yeah, it’s comin’! It’s comin’! Get on the train! Get on the train!“机会来了~机会来了~大家一起来吧,一起来吧~” 106 暴动中 让Lincon交出狱警 T-bag: Oh I can make your last few weeks on earth quite, quite enjoyable. Give you some Demerol, some X. You know, make you forget about that big, bad chair. “我让你在世 Lincoln: No deal. T-bag: You gotta learn the art of negotiating. Lesson one: the bargaining position. “你得学学谈判的艺术。 第一课 旧约精览一百步肺炎基本知识第八章运动和力知识点六上学与问第一课时开学第一课收心教育 :你讨价还价时得先看看自己的处境。” 108 威胁John, 如果john不让他参加PI, 他将会对狱警告密 T-bag: Aw, John„ You can’t be serious. Not after our long illustrious history we share together. All those nights in New York City, in California, in St. Louis„ They were good times, weren’t they John? Tell the badge here about ‘em. Because if you don’t want to, I certainly could.“噢,John,不是真格的吧。忘了我们在一起 的那段漫长而辉煌的历史,在纽约的那么多个夜晚,在加州,在圣路易斯,那些时光多么美 好啊,是吧John,给狱警们讲讲吧。因为如果你不想讲,我可以讲啊。” 够狠型: 103 想除掉ms 为maytag报仇 T-bag: I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there. “我想慢慢来,让人特别痛苦,以至于希望死掉,来解脱。可惜,就是死不成。” 112 最经典的! T-bag: You know John, actually about Jesus... (Abruzzi turns around and T-bag slits his throat) T-bag: Say hi to him for me, will ya? 113 第一次越狱没成, 掏出刀恐吓ms Michael: We're not getting out of here. T-bag: (pulls out a shank) Unfortunately Pretty, that ain't an option. 幽默型 106 暴动中 T-bag: Why don’t you transfer us all some place cooler. Like Africa! T-bag: Not that hot?When this guy woke up this morning, he was white! "怎么不把我们送到凉快点的地方去, 比如非洲?" "还不热?当这个哥们今天早上起来时, 他还是白的!" 112 挖洞中 T-bag: I don't know about you all, but uh, (helps C-Note up) this room's gettin' a little too dark for me to dig. “屋子里黑得我都挖不成了” T-bag: (laughs) You know it vexes me that uh, that I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. It's not like you all are incarcerated for stealin' girl scout cookies. Abruzzi: None of us murdered any girl scouts in the process. “我在这屋里总被当成坏人,难得你们是因为偷了女童子军的饼干才进来的。”被回一个 “但我们没杀掉卖饼干的小女孩儿” 113 lincon被紧闭, 大家还要晚上按原计划越狱.可ms很无奈. T这样气MS T-bag: Whatcha gonna do, blow the whistle on your own escape?“你能怎么办吧, 自己边逃跑还边吹口哨 T-bag: Came to your senses, didja? (looks at Michael) What, you figure out some magic way to get your brother outta that hole and into the guard's room? “清醒了么,你啊,怎么,找到什么魔法了,把你哥从紧闭洞里弄出来,再送到警卫室 去,” 117 T-bag: I may be social, but that's a boundry line even I won't cross." 我可能 算爱交际, 但有个底线连我也不愿意越过." 117 当PI的工作忽然被取消时,小T急了 T-Bag: We got a real problem on our hands,don't we? Rug monkeys gonna come in here, tear up that carpet, and that hole's gonna be smiling up at them. “明天早上,他们一来掀开地毯,我们的洞洞就在在那对着他们笑” 118 拿到赌博用的100圆筹码 (Westmoreland hands T-bag the bible) T-bag: (takes out hundred dollar bill) Hello, Benjamin. 118 得知小胖也要加入 T-bag: What are we, the A train? Everyone gets to ride with us? 我们成什么了? 公共汽车?谁都能往上搭? 机智型 114 8’11 第一次越狱没成, 却被bellick发现门锁着 Bellick: How was this door locked? T-bag:It wasn't locked boss, the uh, fan kept pushing it open, so we just had to wedge it closed. 115 这个大家不会忘吧 T-bag: Ohio state! 119 阿布回来, 要握手言和 T-bag: (hesitates) Show me the palm of your other hand. 先给我看看你另一只手 120 马上就到时间一起行动,大家却惊讶的看见M被警卫带走了。 T-bag: Hey Pretty, tick-tock. “嗨,帅哥,滴滴答答。。。。”这多好玩啊。TB说“滴滴哒哒”。。其实意思是“要到时间了,你去哪啊,,” 超级经典 十大《越狱》台词中英对照版(图) No. 1 Michael: You and me„It's real„ 我和你。。。是真的 深情而含蓄的表白。 No. 2 Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith. 活得有信念点~ 逆境中的精神支柱。 No. 3 Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here. 我只向上帝下跪。他可不在这~ 带着尊严与骄傲离去,以及自己的信念。从容赴死前轻吻十字架的样子,像是这一生都已获得救赎。 No. 4 Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us. 握手言和,把以前的一切一笔勾销吧。 Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark? 温暖的手不比冷酷的人好得多吗, 渡尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。 No. 5 Friend of Sucre: You look like hell. Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas. -你看起来像是去拼命的。 -我可是从地狱逃出来的~我现在就要去维加斯。 Sucre对 No. 6 Sucre's GF: What do you want from the future? Sucre: Would you run if I said you? Sucre's GF: Would you chase me if I did? 女友:你将来想得到什么, Sucre: 如果我说是你,你会逃开吗, 女友:如果我逃开了,你会来追我吗, 又一条Sucre的。。没办法,无情不似多情苦啊。入狱的原因是为爱抢劫,傻的不行了。 No. 7 Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother. Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me. -Michael, 你能有今天都是因为你哥哥。 -也就是说,他有今天也是因为我。 获悉真相,内心暗潮汹涌。越狱计划之萌芽。 No. 8 T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I„loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then„and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home. 你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗,我。。。曾经爱过你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。 而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的 那一刻,那个做尽坏事的人就已经死了,而我则获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成了一 个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我送进这里,与这些人为伍时,过去那个肮脏的罪人又将 复活。 天堂与地狱的一线之隔,原来是爱。 No. 9 Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway? Michael: Because he's my brother. -你为什么这么想见他, -因为他是我哥哥。 总觉得He's my brother更像是一种宣誓,一种对责任的声明与承受,一种对生命的分担, 背负与战斗。所以他们的战斗就此打响。 No. 10 T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa? 把我们丢到凉快点的地方去怎么样,比如,非洲, Hey, this man was still white this morning! 嘿,早上这哥们还是个白人呢~ T-bag其实够幽默的,哈哈。。 No. 11 Sara: I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem. 我的信条是成为解决问题的方法,而不是问题本身。 也找条Sara的。。。在毒品的阴影下,不知她是怎样艰难地平衡在天使的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 与魔鬼的诱惑之间的。 No. 12 Michael: There is a plan to make all of this right. 有个计划可以让所有事情顺利。 从一墙错综复杂的蓝图,到七零八散的剪报;从起初的觉得Michael真是天才~ No. 13 All: Utah~~ 犹他~ 当所有人的行踪以犹他为中心聚拢时,它已成为毋庸置疑的第二季中心词,以奇高无比的出现频率与“众口一词”的特殊效果荣登经典。 偏爱T-bag慵懒地坐上车时,甩出的那一句Utah~,散漫不羁,玩世不恭,又带着那么点桀骜不驯。此人乃雅痞之流。 No. 14 Haywire - What's your problem? - I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system. - What does that mean? - It means I don't sleep. - 你有什么问题吗, - 我有神经管能上的损伤,影响了我的网状活化系统。 - 那是什么意思, - 就是说,我不用睡觉。 崩溃啊~可怜的Michael„碰到这样的人,想不抓狂也难。 - I just shared a secret with you. Now, it's your turn. - Want to know what the tattoos mean? - Yeah. - Nothing. - 我刚刚告诉你我的秘密了。轮到你了。 - 想知道那些纹身的意思么, - 当然~ - 什么意思也没有。 Haywire一脸急切地说Yeah, 不料Michael极其干脆利索的泼他一头冷水。Michael也有如此不厚道的时候啊~ - Who are you? - 你是谁, Michael希望Haywire能帮忙复原背上的地图,两人再见面时Michael得到的欢迎词实在很有创意。 - Haywire, do I look even vaguely familiar to you? - Are you the guy who stole my toothpaste? Haywire, 你对我连一点模糊的印象都没有吗, 你是那个偷我牙膏的人, Haywire的思维方式果然奇特啊~ - You got something in your teeth again. 你牙缝里又卡了东西。 第一次,为了骗Haywire把镇定剂吐出来,Michael说他牙缝里卡了东西;第二次,Michael故伎重施后把Haywire直接“挟持”走,我觉得很搞笑。。。貌似Michael对神经病的态度一直不是很好啊。 No. 15 Sucre - I'll do anything you need. You see these hands? They're digging machines. You want to go to China? I'll get you to China. I'll dig like a psychotic rodent if I have to. 我会做你需要的任何事。你看到我的手了,这双手就是掘土机。你想到中国去,那我就帮你挖到中国去。我可以像土拨鼠一样疯狂挖洞~ - I wasn't trying to escape. - Sure you weren't. You were just out there howling at the moon. - 我没有试图逃跑。 - 你当然没有。你只是在外面对着月亮嚎而已。 Sucre在晚上去填地毯下的洞,被Bellick抓住。对Sucre的解释,Bellick倒还说出了一番 颇有情趣的话,huh? - Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity? - What do you think? - If we drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall. - How about speaki - 听说过延展强度吗,胡克定律, - 你说呢, - 如果我们在关键位置钻孔,墙的承重强度就会降低。 - 你不能用英语讲吗, 被专业术语转的头昏脑胀的Sucre„ - I've got a question for you, Fish. What if we do all this work, and the pipe is ten feet that way? - It won't be. - You got X-ray vision? - I calculated the drill point coordinates, hid them in my tattoo, and then projected them back onto the wall. Everything's been worked out so the image hits the right spot. It's just math. - What if your math is wrong? - You'll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall. There'll be an explosion, and we'll be burned alive. - But you're good at math, right? - 我有问题问你,雏儿。如果我们在这边钻孔,管道在那边十英尺的地方会怎么样, - 不会的。 - 你有透视眼么, - 我算过了钻孔的坐标,隐在了我的纹身里,然后把坐标重新投射回墙上。所有东西都经过 精确计算所以图像会卡准那些关键位
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