首页 应用文写作格式及范文



应用文写作格式及范文应用文写作格式及范文 应用文是人类在长期社会实践活动中形成的一种文体,是人们传递信息、处理事务、交流感情的工具,有的应用文还用来作为凭证和依据。它的种类极为广泛,与小朋友日常生活和学习有关的,有请假条、留言条、申请书、决心书、感谢信、表扬信、读书笔记、会议总结以及各种通知等。每种应用文都有一个固定的格式。 一、请假条 请假条根据请假的原因,可以分为请病假和请事假两种。从小学、初中、高中到大学乃至参加工作,你都可以用到这种文体。 请假条的写法,有标题、称呼、正文、祝颂语、落款五个部分。 第一行居中写“请假条...

应用文写作格式及范文 应用文是人类在长期社会实践活动中形成的一种文体,是人们传递信息、处理事务、交流感情的工具,有的应用文还用来作为凭证和依据。它的种类极为广泛,与小朋友日常生活和学习有关的,有请假条、留言条、申请书、决心书、感谢信、表扬信、读书 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF 、会议总结以及各种通知等。每种应用文都有一个固定的格式。 一、请假条 请假条根据请假的原因,可以分为请病假和请事假两种。从 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 、初中、高中到大学乃至参加工作,你都可以用到这种文体。 请假条的写法,有标题、称呼、正文、祝颂语、落款五个部分。 第一行居中写“请假条”三个字,这是所有应用文的通用要求,用来表明此文是用来请假的条子。然后另起一行顶格写请假对象的称呼,往往是老师、领导等,这个地方要尊称,比如“敬爱的”、“亲爱的”等。正文前空两格,包括请假的原由,这个地方要实事求是;请假起止时间,这个非常重要,必须写清楚。祝颂语是所有应用文里表示对对方的友好落款包括请假人和写这张请假条的时间。 二、留言条 在日常生活中,你如果有事情要通知对方,或有事托付对方,对方不在,你却又没时间等候他回来,那就可以写张字条留给对方,这种条子就是留言条。 留言条的格式分四部分:称呼、正文、署名和日期。称呼要顶格写,条子留给谁就称呼谁。在称呼下一行空二格写正文,简单明了的把你要给对方说的事情写清楚。在正文下面写清楚谁留的条子,并在署名的下一行写清 年、月、日。 三、借条 借条是你借对方物品的时候,写给对方的一个书面凭证。你再把物品归还对方的时候,借条就同时作废了。 借条的格式包括标题、正文、落款等几个部分,其中正文要详细记录谁、什么时候,向谁借了什么物品, 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 什么时候归还等等。落款为借物品人的签名和借的时间。 范文: 借 条 今天借了学校体育器材室一个足球,用于下午课外活动的比赛。比赛结束马上归还。 年级(2)班:周涛 ****年**月**日 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 四、收条 收条是你收到对方物品的时候,写给对方的一个书面凭证,来证明某个物品已经由对方交到了你的手里。 收条的格式和借条类似,正文要写清楚什么时候收到了谁送来的什么物品。如果该物品有什么计划中的用途,也要一并写清楚。落款要由收物品的人签名。 范文 收 条 今天收到了六年级(2)班生活委员柳杨同学送来的款项765.8元,是该班全体同学为玉树地震捐献的。等我们班捐款活动结束后,我会将两个班的款项合在一起交给教导处。 *年级(1)班生活委员:宋超 ****年**月**日 五、领条 领条一班用于班级和学校、个人和年级之间,比如学校给每个年级发了清洁用品,你代表你们班去领取,当你如数领取到清洁用品后,为了留存以作证明,可以写一张领条交给学校。又比如班级给每个人发放一顶帽子,当你领到帽子的时候,也可以写一张领条交给生活委员,证明你的帽子已经领取过了。 范文 领 条 今天下午3点钟领取到教务处发给我们班的拖把2个、扫帚4个、抹布2个。 *年级(3)班:王琳 ****年**月**日 六、欠条 欠条是为证明一方欠另一方财物而立下的字据,一般由标题、正文、落款三部分组成。... 欠条是为证明一方欠另一方财物而立下的字据,一般由标题、正文、落款三部分组成。 ?欠条范文一 欠 条 尚欠5月8日从光明路街道办事处基建科借到的铁锨六把,特留此据。 经手人:东区医院杨广生 年8月6日...全文>> free trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new2 ?欠条范文二 欠 条 原借杜小强同志人民币叁佰圆整,已还壹佰伍拾圆整,尚欠壹佰伍拾圆整,两个月内还清。 刘玉刚 年月日 借款欠条 规范的借条应具备如下内容 1. 应写清楚借款人和放款人的法定全名; 2. 应写清楚借款金额,包括大写和小写的金额; 3. 应写清楚借款时间期限,包括借款的起止年月日和明确的借款期限; 4. 应写清楚还款的具体年月日; 5. 应写清楚借款的利息,应有明确的年利率或月利率,最终应支付的借款利息总额(包括大写和小写金额)等约定 特此提醒注意:不要把“欠条”变为“借条”,有些公司拖欠民工工资,向民工出具借款“借条”而非公司拖欠工资的“欠条”,如此,一字之差,劳资纠纷瞬间转变成民事借贷纠纷,民工对于企业长期拖欠工资的行为,便难以到劳动仲裁部门举报、申诉,只能向法院起诉...全文>> ?欠条写作的注意事项 欠条是付还欠物、欠款或索要欠物、欠款的凭据,所以在写欠条时不可潦草从事。同时欠条要好好保存,以防丢失。 欠条乃人们在日常交往中的一种借还凭证,一般不具有法律的约束力,因此必要时可在立欠条时经由一定的法律程序,以防后患。 欠条务必要字迹清晰,不可涂改。若不得不改动的,则需由改动方在改动处加盖公章(私 章)或个人签名 钱款数字要大写... ?欠条的适用范围 欠条通常适用于下列几种情况: 借了他人或单位的钱物到时不能归还,或不能全部归还,有部分的拖欠,此时就需写张欠条。 在购买物品或收购产品时,因不能支付或不能全部支付他人的款项而要写张欠条。 借了个人或公家的钱物,事后补写的凭证,也可以称作欠条... dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-3 七、启事 当我们要向人们 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 一件事或有什么事要请人们帮忙时,我们就可以写一个启事张贴出去。 启事的标题要写明启事的名称,这主要由启事的内容决定,如内容是征文,则名称写明“征文启事”名称字体应大于正文字体,居中写。 范文: 寻物启事 昨天下午课外活动的时候,我在东区操场单杠区域丢失了一个粉红色蝴蝶形状的发卡。那是我非常喜欢的发卡,请捡到的同学还给我。非常感谢~ 四年级(3)班:黄小丽 ****年**月**日,星期五 八、请柬 请柬,也叫请帖,是为邀请客人而发出的专用通知书。使用请柬,既表示主人对事物的郑重态度,也表明主人对客人的尊敬,密切主客间的关系,还可使客人欣然接受邀请。请柬,按内容分:有喜庆请柬和会议请柬。 格式和写法 会议请柬格式与喜庆请柬大致相同,也由标题、正文、落款三部分组成。 1。标题写上“请柬”二字 2。正文写明被邀人于活动内容,如纪念会、联欢会、订货会、展销会等。一要写明活动的时间和地点;二要写上“敬请光临”等。 3。落款写上发出请柬的个人或单位名称和日期。 格式 称谓: 正文:(一般格式为:“谨定于鬃,举行鬃座谈会”) 落款:详细时间、地点 九、书信 书信是人们日常生活、工作中不可缺少的交际、交流思想的工具。有什么话要说,就可以直接了当地写出来,寄给对方。它迅速、灵活、方便。远隔两地的人,都可以用邮寄书信的方法对话、谈心、商量事情。 由于书信是人类借助文字交流思想感情、互通信息或联系各种事务的一种方式,因此在撰写书信时,态度要诚恳,意想要鲜明,叙述要清楚,内容要具体,语言要得体,书写要工整。这样才能使实现交际的目的。书信要用毛笔黑、或蓝色水笔、圆珠笔写。不能用铅笔,以防模糊不清。也不能用红笔写,这会让对方以为是绝交信。信纸要用专门信纸或稿纸。 书信由称呼、正文、结尾、署名和日期五部分组成。每一部分都有一定的格式:称呼要顶格写在信的第一行,并要单独成行,称呼后面要用冒号。正文是信 es thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along t4 的主要部分。正文的开头空两格,通常先写问候的话。如果是回信,先要写明信已收到,并对来信中提及的问题或要求办理的事情作出回答。如果内容较多,也可以分段写,一件事情写一段落。敬祝语写在正文之后,是用于表示敬意或祝愿的话,多用“此致敬礼”、“祝您健康”等。署名在敬祝语之后,另起一行于后半行署上写信人的姓名,目的在于告知对方信是谁写的。日期写在名字右下方,由年、月、日组成,一般只写月、日。 范文(一个小学生致妈妈的信): 亲爱的妈妈: 您好~ 天气转冷了,妈妈您要多穿几件衣服,以防着凉。 我最近读了很多书,最令我感动的一本是《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。里面讲了一个叫保尔?柯察金的男孩,他的生活是如此艰苦,但他还是坚强地活下去。这书告诉我:要坚持不懈,就会有成就。 我还有一篇有感想的文章——《狮子和蚊子》,讲的是一只蚊子打败了狮子,但因为骄傲,所以惨死在一个蜘蛛网里。这个故事告诉我:做人不能骄傲自满。所以我要谦虚,请妈妈也要谦虚。 快考试了,我要加倍努力才行,但是也需要妈妈的指导,我才能考个好成绩。 祝您身体健康,天天快乐~ 您的女儿:王静 ****年**月**日 十、感谢信 感谢信是对给予自己关心、帮助和支持的人或者单位表示感谢的一种书信。 感谢信是书信的一种,所以在格式上和书信是一样的。不同之处在于,感谢信的标题 “感谢信”或“致某某(某单位)的感谢信”要写在第一行正中,字体要大些。感谢信的内容要写清楚对方在什么时间,什么地点,由于什么原因,做了什么好事,对自己或单位有什么支持和帮助,事情有什么好的结果和影响。还要写清楚从中表现了对方哪些好思想、好品德、好风格。最后可以表明自己或所在单位向对方学习态度和决心。 范文: 敬爱的满老师: 您好~ 您教了三年的语文,讲课非常生动,每讲一篇课文,就象听了一个美丽的,您每次豉励我发言,认真的批改作业,每改一篇作文都很细心,每错一字、一个标点符号您都会帮我纠正过来,特别是用得好的句子,那红色的波浪线,表示对我的鼓励,每一段评语是对我的赞扬,文章结尾的评语,指出我的优点、缺点。您教我认字、写字、读课文,鼓励,有一点进步就表扬我…… posed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree tr5 深深感谢您对我学习的帮助;感谢您对我作文的精心辅导,这次期中考试作文只扣了一分;感谢您精心的讲解课文,使我轻松的背诵每一篇课文…… 敬爱的满老师,您像地下的树根,一点一点吸来知识的营养,都输送给嫩枝新叶,让他们在阳光下争比妖艳,您千辛万苦,日夜操劳,在教学的工作中洒下汗水,为我们树起闪光的路标。 满老师,我决心学习您,抓紧时间,努力学习;学习您认真工作的态度;学习您不怕困难,奋发向上的精神;学习您热爱学生的品德,去团结同学;争取期末考试语、数都是95分,来向报喜—让敬爱的满丽琼老师满意的微笑。 祝您身体健康,工作愉快~ 您的学生:戴臻 ****年**月**日 十一、贺信 (一)、贺信的概念 贺信是指行政机关、企事业单位、社会团体或个人向其它集体单位或个人取得的成就、获得某种职位、组织的成立、纪念日期表示祝贺的一种专用书信。 今天贺信已成为表彰、赞扬、庆贺对方在某个方面所作贡献的一种常用形式,它还兼有表示慰问和赞扬的功能。它是从古代祝辞中演变而来的,它既可以宣读,也可以通过邮寄送达对方。 (二)、贺信的类型 1、上级单位或个人对下级单位或个人所发的贺信 上级行政部门、公司领导对下级单位或所属的企业职工、群众在节日时可以发来的贺信;也可以在下级单位或个人在取得了巨大成绩时发来贺信。一般来说,贺信在表示祝贺的同时,还要提出希望和要求。 2、同级单位之间发出的贺信 为了加强不同单位之间的交往和合作,增强了解,互相学习,同级单位之间往往在节日到来之时,或对方在某一方面有了较大的发展和取得成绩时,发份贺信,既表示祝贺,又给予鼓励。 3、下级单位、职工给领导机关的贺信 这种贺信除了表示祝贺之外,还表示下级单位或个人对完成某项任务的决心。 4、给著名人物的贺信 行政机关、企事业单位、社会团体和领导人在本单位或社会上著名或重要的人如科学家、艺术家、领导人寿辰时发出的贺信。这种贺信一般表示发信人的真诚祝愿、美好祝福。 (三)、贺信的基本格式和写作 贺信一般由标题、称谓、正文、结尾和落款五部分构成。 (1)标题 after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre6 贺信的标题通常由文种名构成。如在第一行正中书写“贺信”二字。 (2)称谓 顶格写明被祝贺单位或个人的名称或姓名。写给个人的,要在姓名后加上相应的礼仪名称如 “同志”。称呼之后要用冒号。 (3)正文 贺信的正文要交待清楚以下几项内容: 第一,结合当前的形势状况,说明对方取得成绩的大背景,或者某个重要会议召开的历史条件。 第二,概括说明对方都在哪些方面取得了成绩, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 其成功的主观、客观原因。贺寿的贺信,要概括说明对方的贡献及他的宝贵品质。总之这一部分是贺信的中心部分,一定要交待清祝贺的原因。 第三,表示热烈的祝贺。要写出自己祝贺的心情,由衷地表达自己真诚的慰问和祝福。要写些鼓励的话,提出希望和共同理想。 (4)结尾 结尾要写上祝愿的话。如“此致——敬礼”、“祝争取更大的胜利”、“祝您健康长寿”等。 (5)落款 写明发文的单位或个人的姓名、名称,并署上成文的时间。 (四)、贺信写作应注意的事项 贺信要体现的是自己真诚的祝福,是加强彼此联系、增强双方交流的重要手段。所以贺信要写的感情饱满充沛。冷冰冰的陈述、评价是表达不出贺者心愿的。 贺信内容要真实,评价成绩要恰如其分。表示决心要切实可行。不可空发议论,空喊口号。 贺信与贺词有所不同,不要将贺信写成贺词。贺词内容篇幅长,而贺信要求简单短小,不宜长篇大论。语言要求精炼、简洁明快,不堆砌华丽词藻。篇幅要短小精悍。 贺电的结构由收报人住址姓名、收报地点、电报内容、附项四部分构成。拍发礼仪电报,要用电信局印制的礼仪电报纸按栏、按格写。 (1)收报人住址姓名。 先写住址一马路、街道、门牌号码;再写单位名称或个人姓名。 (2)收报地点。 填写省、市、县名,大城市可略写省名。 (3)电报内容。 先写祝贺的话,再写发报人地址姓名或发报单位地址名称。发报日期时间在电报中反映,电文中可省略。 (4)附项。 包括发报人签名或盖章、住址、电话 贺电的内容一般有标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款等五部分组成。 im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease 7 (一)标题 贺电的标题,可直接由文种名构成,即在第一行正中写“贺电”二字。有的贺电标题也可由文种名和发电双方名称共同构成,如“国务院致中国体操队的贺电”。有的还用副标题,即 以发电单位、受电单位和文种作为主标题,而用副标题说明内容。 (二)称呼 称呼要写上收电单位或个人的名称、姓名,是个人的还应在姓名后加上“同志”、“先生” 或职务名称等称呼。要顶格写,称呼后加冒号。 (三)正文 贺电的正文要根据内容而定,若发给单位或某一地区庆祝活动的,宜在表示祝贺的同时,对 其 作出的各种成绩、取得的巨大成就给以充分肯定,并给以鼓舞,提出希望。一般私人之间的交往,则一般把内容放在祝贺上就可以了。 (四)结尾 贺电结尾要表达热烈的祝贺和祝福之意,有的也提出希望。 (五)落款 即在正文右下方署上发电单位或个人的姓名,并写上发电日期。 (五)、贺信写作范文 尊敬的公司董事长并全体同仁: 欣闻药业公司成功改制为XX公司,这是发展历程中具有里程碑意义的大喜事。值此XX公司揭牌之际,公司董事长兼总经理携全体员工向XX公司董事长及全体同仁致以最热烈的祝贺~ XX公司诞生于革命战争年代,发展壮大于改革开放的新时代。具有XX年革命光荣历史的XX公司秉承“XX”的企业精神,解放思想,更新观念,抢抓机遇,求真务实,开拓进取,创造了一个又一个药业奇迹,为我国医药工业的发展和现代化建设做出了突出的贡献,成为国内医药界学习、尊敬和推崇的楷模。 药业有限公司改制为XX公司掀开了企业发展崭新的一页,也标志着公司向着现代化、国际化大公司又迈出了更加坚实的一步。我们坚信,在董事长及董事会的正确领导下,通过经营层和全体员工的不懈努力,贵公司必将迎来更加辉煌和灿烂的明天~ 最后,借XX公司揭牌之际,衷心希望我们同心携手,进一步增进相互间的友谊,不断加强双方的合作,用智慧和双手创造我们更加美好的未来。 衷心祝愿公XX司蒸蒸日上,兴旺发达~ 衷心祝愿贵XX公司全体员工身体健康,生活更加美好~ 公司 年月日 [范文二] , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving 8 贺 信 《读者》杂志社: 我们怀着十分欣喜与钦佩的心情通知您,贵刊在刚刚结束的“中国期刊奖”暨“第二届全国百种重点社科期刊”评选中荣获“中国期刊奖”暨“第二届全国百种重点社科期刊”称号。在此,向贵刊表示衷心的祝贺与诚挚的敬意。 处于世纪之交的“中国期刊奖”与“第二届全国百种重点社科期刊”的评选,是本世纪最后一次对全国期刊界的检阅,承先启后,继往开来,预示着新世纪中国期刊业进一步繁荣、腾飞的灿烂前景。吮吸着悠久历史的芬芳,化育着时代奋进的精神,祝愿贵刊早日成长为中国期刊之林的一棵参天大树。 中国出版杂志社敬贺 xxxx年xx月xx日 评析: 这篇贺信语言精炼、简洁明快、言简意赅但又不乏祝贺的诚真意切,内容表达恰如其分,感情饱满充沛,充分表达出中国出版杂志社对《读者》杂志社所获荣誉的肯定与热情祝贺,由衷地表达了其真诚的慰问与祝福。这篇贺信格式极其规范严谨,体现出祝贺单位对被祝贺单位的尊重和敬意。最后,点明这次评选是对全国期刊界的检阅,预示新世纪中国期刊业进一步繁荣、腾飞的灿烂前景。并进而提出鼓励、劝勉、希望《读者》杂志社在新世纪里早日成长为中国期刊之林的一棵参天大树。落款中“敬贺”二字作用不容忽视,它更密切了双方联系,礼多人不怪。总之,这篇短小精悍的贺信是典范之作。 十二、表扬信 表扬信是对在生活、工作和学习的某一个方面做出了贡献,发扬了风格的个人和集体加以表彰的书信。 表扬信也是书信的一种,所以在格式上也和书信相同。不同之处在于,表扬信的正文一要写清被表扬者;二是讲明表扬的先进事迹;三要表达感谢之情,希望受表扬的人或集体发扬成绩,继续进步;四要宣传先进思想和事迹,号召大家学习以便形成良好的风气,提高全民的素质。 范文: 尊敬的校领导: 您好~首先我为贵校能培养出优良品德的孩子而致敬~ 事情是这样的:本人于2009年12月12日丢失钱包(钱包内有现金660元,卡3张,暖气费收据一张),因为雪下的很大,钱包被雪覆盖,第二天贵校三年级(7)班苗丽丽同学在雪地里捡到了钱包,并交给物业,物业根据暖气费收据联系到我,他并没有留下姓名,后来他家长找到我确认我收到了钱包,我才知道他是贵校的学生。 ree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no9 本人的感激之情无法言表。苗丽丽同学这种拾金不昧的精神值得全体同学学习,她的行动充分体现了贵校高尚的道德情操和精神风貌。所以希望贵校能在公开场合给予表扬,以示鼓励。让更多的孩子能从中学习,继往开来,发扬优良传统的良好品德~ 再次为贵校能培养出优良品德的孩子而致敬~ 此致 敬礼 失主:张茂成 ****年**月**日 十三、申请书 申请书是个人或集体向组织、机关、企事业单位或社会团体表述愿望、提出请求时使用的一种文书,是个人对组织、下级对上级、一般单位对主管部门有所请求而写的。申请书要求一事一议,内容要单纯。不同的对象有不同的申请书,常见的有入团申请书,入党申请书等。 申请书一定要将重点突出,申请的理由,申请的目的,包括请求上级办什么事,用词要严谨。 范文一(入队申请书): 入队申请书 尊敬的少先队组织: 我是一年(1)班的学生汤楚婷,从开学到现在,我从不迟到旷课,并及时的完成老师布置的作业。我很积极的参加班上和学校组织的活动,并且从老师和同学身上学到许许多多的东西。看到高年级的哥哥姐姐每天带着红领巾去上课,我非常的渴望有一天我也能像他们一样,成为一名少先队员。带上鲜艳的红领巾。 在我成为少先队员以后,我会继续努力地学习,并且会更加团结友爱同学。争当作一个德、智、体全面发展的好学生,成为一名合格的少先队员。恳请老师批准为盼~ 此致 敬礼 申请人:汤楚婷 ****年**月**日 范文二(入团申请书): 入团申请书 敬爱的团支部: 中国共青团是一个先进青年的组织,是党的好帮手,是一个人才辈出的组织,使一批又一批的人才涌现。 我是六年级(4)班的学生,我认为自己已经是一个先进的青年,符合了团的标准要求。因此我恳求团组织认真考虑和评议上我加入团的大家庭,发扬团的 after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre10 优良传统。做一名优秀的团员。 我向团组织申请:如果我被录取了,我会用实际行动来证明,用力求完善的态度来完成团教给的任务。并且决心维护团组织,遵守团的章程、遵守纪律,做一个先进的团的好帮手。 如果团不录取我,我会认真改进自己的不完善之处,继续为下一次入团机会作出充分的准备。 此致 敬礼 六年级(4)班学生:杨振 ****年**月**日 十四 、倡议书 倡议书是由个人或集体就某一问题提出的确实可行的建议或者提议、号召他人去做某事的一种书信。 倡议书的格式也包括五部分。 标题:一般在第一行正中用较大字体写上“倡议书”三个字即可。另外也可以由倡议内容和文种名共同组成。如“把零用钱捐献给灾区人民的倡议书”。 称呼:第二行顶格写明受倡议人的称谓。 正文:另起一行空两格写明倡议的背景原因和目的,写明倡议的具体内容和要求,开展怎样的活动,都做哪些事情,具体的要求是什么,它有哪些价值和意义都需一一写明。倡议的具体内容一般是分条开列的,这样往往清晰明确,一目了然。 结尾:要表明倡议者的决心和希望或者某种建议号召力话。 落款:在正方的右下方写明倡议者的个人姓名或单位名称及日期。 范文: 倡议书 尊敬的市民们: 大家好~ 我是本市一名六年级的小学生,在这个美丽的城市中快乐的生活,已经有十多年的时间了,也算是本市的小市民了。每年每月,我都一如既往的踩着生活的音符,去观察城市的每一个角落,大到花博盛会,小到生活中的一景一物。仔细观察,便会发现它们其中的美,但也有不足。如我们美丽的校园,上课时,那从分明是朗朗读书声的海洋,但仔细听,不只有读书声,也有水龙头的哭泣,即便有提醒标语,但对部分同学来说,仿佛是一句空话,依然我行我素,如此,水龙头便在那里孤独的流泪。其实,只要我们处处留心,尽自己所能,就不会有“哭泣的水龙头”、“失眠的电灯“等现象发生了。 此类事情虽小,浪费也不大,但自然资源是有限的,有限的资源不会再生, posed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree tr11 也行某一天早上,那些个水龙头再也流不出一滴水了。 资源,是地球赐给我们的礼品,是我们生存的根本,没了它们,人类怎么生活,所以,从身边的一点一滴做起,保护资源,从关掉水龙头开始。 倡议人:徐梓桐 ****年**月**日 十五、求职信 第一,介绍自己的情况,如年龄、性别、学历、所学专业或技术特长、技术职称、政治面貌、民族、籍贯等(不要忘记附上自己的近照,尤其是应聘服务行业的职业时)。 第二,写自己的简单经历,着重写从事专业教育以后的经历,如:在何单位从事过何种工作、受过何种培训、业绩如何、是否受过嘉奖或处分,切不可浮夸或隐瞒。 第三,提出自己所应聘的职位,并阐述自己能胜任此项工作的理由,尽可能写得详细、充分。注意要谦虚、客观,不要夸夸其谈或信誓旦旦。 第四,写自己现在的身份和职位,提出工资、福利、住房方面的要求。这一点不必省略或觉得不好意思,因为用人单位在决定招用人才的同时,已有这方面的考虑。如果避而不谈,见面 才提出来,容易使对方感到意外引起不快,只要不提出非分的或令对方难以接受的要求即可。这方面不能写得太多,因为对方对你的实际能力还缺乏了解,不要给人留下“为钱干活”的印象。 第五,谈一下自己对应聘单位的认识和发展前景,尽可能提出自己的意见和建议,表现出“主人翁”意识,但不要长篇大论。 第六,写清自己的联系地址、电话及联系时间。 大专毕业生求职信范文 尊敬的公司领导: 您好~ 首先感谢您在白忙之中能抽空检阅我的简历,我是一名高中毕业进入中专学习的学生,并且在这两年报考了大连理工大专进修,也即将毕业。 由于我拥有过高中生活,所以进入中专之后非常快的进入角色,并且利用自身的优势,以高度热情迎接中专生活,从而在刚进入中专就渐露锋芒,在学生会和各种文体活动中得到过一些嘉奖,经过这两年的中专生活,我更加清楚的认识了自己,从而逐步改善自身的缺点完善自己的综合素质。 我是一个个人阅历较为丰富我人,曾经先后利用假期去过武汉,上海,广州,深圳,天津做勤工俭学等社会实践,这些经历让我收益颇丰,极大的锻炼了我的适应能力,这些经历让我先在无论走到那里生活和学习都能很快的进入角色,发挥出自己应有的能力,多年的学习生涯让我学会了一套不错的学习方法,并且在现实生活当中经常因此获益匪浅,不错的适应能力和较好的学习能力让我走过很 ?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re12 多地方都能够如鱼得水,并且这些工作经历,让我切身去体会过外边的世界,开阔了自己的眼界让我更加切合实际的去完善自己的人生价值观和世界观 我是一个独立性很强,也喜欢独立思考,并且善于处理人际关系,善于团队协作的人,我的性格韧性强,不会轻易言败,喜欢不断的挑战自己,喜欢在不同的阶段实现一些目标,从而实现自身的价值,我希望能够得到贵公司的青睐,我会让自己发挥出所有的能量,能够为贵公司做出贡献,并且实现自己的人生价值。 最后感谢您的检阅,祝贵公司业绩频升,祝您事业蒸蒸日上~ 此致 敬礼 求职人:XXX 20XX年X月X日 十六、决心书 决心书是一种常用的书信文体。决心书是个人、集体、单位为响应上级号召而表未决心所用的文书。一般都是个人对组织和领导、下级对上级表达决心而用的。小学生的决心书一般是写给老师、家长、同学或自己看的。 写决心书要注意格式:写标题时把“决心书“三字写大一些放中间;写内容时首先要写清写决心书的原因,接着写决心做到什么。写决心做到的具体事项和具体措施。这是决心书的主要部分,最好分条开列,每条各成一段,注意条理性。如果是递交的书信式的决心书,也要像一般书信的格式一样有称呼、正文、结束语、署名和日期;如果是当众宣读志愿,可以不写“此致敬礼”之类的结束语。 范文(新学期开学典礼上的决心书) 决心书 各位老师,各位同学: 上午好~我是三年级(3)班的张婷,很高兴能在开学典礼上发言。跨过了寒冷的冬天,度过了愉快的寒假,沐浴着和煦的春风,我们迎来了新的一学期。我首先向全体老师和同学们道一声:新年好~ 新的学期开始了,我们再一次相聚在可爱的校园。同学们对寒假生活也许都非常地留恋,可新的学期在等待着我们去拥抱、去挑战。把心收回来,做好充分的准备,用你的微笑去迎接新的学期。回顾过去,耕耘收获,我们倍感欣慰;展望未来,任重道远,我们豪情满怀。 同学们,新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。为了让我们的梦想能成为现实,我们决心做到五个关键词: 一、认真:课前准备好学习用品,上课专心听讲,大胆发言,不懂就问,回答问题声音响亮,课间做有益游戏。 二、积极:上课积极答问,不和他人说话,不做小动作。认真完成家庭作业。 三、卫生:讲究卫生,服装整洁,见到垃圾随手捡起。 四、守纪:下课不疯狂打闹,不骂人,不打架,不在教室、走廊上玩耍。不 after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t13 你追我打,不做危险游戏。 五、文明:尊敬师长,团结同学,对人有礼貌。 让我们争做讲文明、讲卫生的好学生。同学们,想做大事,就必须从身边的点点滴滴做起。我也深深知道,语言代替不了行动,而行动是最好的语言。让我们用自己的行动来实现我们的诺言。请大家看我们三(3)全体同学的行动吧~ 谢谢大家~ 三(3)班全体同学 ****年**月**日 十七、建议书 建议书是指个人、单位或集体向有关单位或上级机关和领导,就某项工作提出某种建议时使用的一种常用书信。 建议书也是指个人、单位、和有关方面,为了开展某项工作,完成某项任务或进行某种活动而倡议大家一起做的事情,或提出合理化的意见。 建议书只是作为一种想法被提出来,它必须被有关部门、领导批准认可后才能被实施。所以建议书具有较强的可塑性,它不是最终的定文形式,它可以被修改,被增删,甚至被弃之不用,这要由具体的情况来定。如果你对班级建设或者学校的安排有好的建议,也可以写一份建议书交给老师。 范文: 尊敬的学校领导: 每周星期一上午8:00,全校师生都集中到学校大操场举行升旗仪式。随着那雄壮的国歌声,鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起,我们每位少先队员为能生活在这样的国度感到无比骄傲和自豪,这是我们接受爱国主义教育的最好时机。然而,少先队大队部选派的升、护旗手在升旗过程中动作不规范,步伐散乱的状况与整个庄严肃穆的氛围很不协调。我们认为造成这种现象的原因是被选派的升、护旗手缺乏必要的责任心和严格的训练,因而,我们向学校领导提如下建议: 一、学校政教处配合少先队大队部对升、护旗手加强纪律教育和革命传统教育; 二、聘请驻滁官兵来校,严格训练升、护旗手,从而规范他们的步伐和动作。 三、对全体少先队员进行礼仪教育和爱国主义教育,让全校少先队员懂得国旗法。 尊敬的学校领导,为了使我校的升旗仪式更加庄重、严肃,为了使所有升、护旗手的动作更加规范,请考虑一下我们的建议和请求吧~ 六(4)中队全体队员 ****年**月**日 after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre14 十八、说明文 说明文的写作方法有:列数字、打比方、做比较、下定义、 范文: 平凡“榜样” 热闹的街道,熙熙攘攘的人群,整座城市都呈现出一片繁华的景象。其中,有一个孤单瘦弱的背影穿行在这座城市间,守护着这座被垃圾、汽车尾气污染的城市。保持着它的美丽。 初次见他时,是在上学途中。本怀着好心情的我却被他给破坏了——穿着一身又脏又老土的衣服,一副丑陋的模样却时常挂着微笑。那微笑非但没有让别人留下好印象,反倒将他那满脸的皱纹和残缺不齐的牙齿显露无疑。这位与这座城市格格不入的清洁工。于是,便快步向学校走去,也没多看他几眼。 过了几天,又遇着他了。他还是一如既往地保持着微笑,继续着他那苦命的工作。“这笑容跟马戏团的小丑没什么两样吧~”我嘲笑着,“像一尊笑佛似的((((((”正当我为再次遇着他时。突然有一位青年将手中的塑料袋扔向离他不远的垃圾桶。不过,不但没扔进,反而将袋中的垃圾散落在地上。霎时间,地上布满了各式各样的零食袋,随风飘着。 我惊讶地看着那位青年,而他却摇着手正准备离开。突然,一个熟悉的背影出现在我的面前——是他~他怎么走过去了,只见他微笑着对那位青年说:“小伙子,你看,这多不好啊。下次不要这样了,行不,”青年一把将他推倒在地,自认为有理地说:“这是老子的事儿~你管得着吗,我乐意~你还是安安心心扫大街吧~少管闲事儿~” 这位青年也太不道德了吧~我想着,但也被刚才这情景给吓住了,呆在那里一动也不动。被推倒的他,站了起来,仍然带着微笑叫住那位青年,说:“小伙子,我没别的意思,只是让你下次注意点。我没读过书,也知道爱护环境,爱护我们的家啊~这座城市那么可爱,它不能被污染。”“对啊~你怎么能这样啊......”这位青年的做法引起了大家的公愤。他受不住大家的叫骂声,便惭愧地走了。看着这位平凡的清洁工远去的背影。却给我们留下了值得深思的问题:为什么如今生活水平越来越高,而人们的素质却越来越低,在我的心目中,他变得十分高大。虽然他只是做着自己分内的事儿,却能从中学到许多。而我们呢, 夕阳下,城市中,一个孤影...... 读书的乐趣 书是人类进步的阶梯,书是开拓视野的窗口,书是探索奥妙的金钥匙,书是天才成长的摇篮,书成就了辉煌。书萌发了智慧,我对此有切身体会。 “焚书坑儒”是一个历史见证。秦始皇为了加强思想统治做出了不可饶恕的错误。书是多么重要啊!书是人类精神文明的进步结晶。 after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t15 幼时,书的奥妙深化使我憧憬着,若是有个人是我那该多好;童年时,书的哲理使我期待着,若我是哲学家那该多好;少年时,书的诗词使我渴望着,若我是那漂亮不凡的诗仙那该多好……读书自顺便成为了我生活中良好的习惯,所谓“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。” 读书嘛,当然是读好书了。读一本书,就似品一杯茶,如《谁动了我的奶酪》,细细体会,你就发现一个深刻的道理。读一本书,有似喝一杯酒,如《鲁迅文集》,才思良久,你的热血便会沸腾。读书有好象吃五味豆,如《大林和小林》,慢慢咀嚼,五味豆具全。如茶,如酒,如五味豆的书才是好书。正如冰心奶奶的《忆读书》说的:“那些堆砌了华丽辞藻的文章,一下从脑中抹去。”我读文章,就是要读带有真情实感的文章,那写风花雪月的文章让人看得扑朔迷离。 读多了好书,当然切身体会到读书的好处。“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”。读书多了,肚子的“墨水”也多了,再也不会“空空是也”。遨游在知识海洋里面,确实是人生一大享受。在学习上,书教会了我如何精明,如何学习两国沟通的桥梁——英语;在生活中,书启发了我如何独立自主,如何处理人际关系;在社会上,书促动我要用知识和力量来回报社会。难道读书不是人生的乐趣吗? 读多了书,也要活学活用,若不如此便会成为“书呆子”。 读书是摆脱贫穷的拐杖,是摆脱愚昧的良药,是向往光明的指路灯! 蚂蚁的说明文 若是问你世界上力气最大动物是什么时,有人可能会想到体积庞大的大象,有人可能会想到身手敏捷的老虎,或许还有人会提到沙漠中的骆驼。但想必很少人会想起渺小、不起眼的蚂蚁吧。说出来,恐怕没多少人会轻易相信,但事实就是如此。 美国哈佛大学的昆虫学家马克莫费特,是一位对亚洲蚁颇有研究的学者。根据他的观察,10多只团结一致的蚂蚁,能够搬走超过它们自身体重5000倍的蛆或者别的食物,这相当于10个平均体重70公斤的彪形大汉搬运3500吨的重物,即平均每人搬运350吨,从相对力气这个角度来看,蚂蚁是当之无愧的大力士。所以,一些十分沉重的食物没多久就会被浩浩荡荡的蚂蚁大军搬运完。 我曾经想过一个问题:为什么当一只蚂蚁发现食物时,没多久就会有一大群蚂蚁前来接应,我也试图寻找着这个问题的答案,但因为那时还小,没太大的毅力,所以不是那么的成功,唯一能做安慰自己的答案也无非是蚂蚁能发出一种气味,这种气味使得蚂蚁与蚂蚁之间似乎变为“心灵相通”,所以一只蚂蚁找到食物后,不久,就会跑来援军。 一般的,蚂蚁可以分为四类:蚁后、雄蚁、工蚁和兵蚁。四类蚂蚁系系相关:蚁后与雄蚁进行交配,“新郎”寿命不长,不久便会死去,蚁后脱掉翅膀找到合适的地方繁殖后代。发育成熟的蚂蚁又根据形态特征分为工蚁和兵蚁。工蚁主要是伺养幼蚁和蚁后,兵蚁是为保卫群体的一种“武器”。又有谁能想到小小蚂蚁竟分工如此精密。把生活处理的井然有序,有条有理。 es thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along t16 说完了蚂蚁的分类,该讲讲它们的生活习性了。 蚂蚁在15?,40?之间可正常生长,但最佳温度为25?,35?之间。冬季低于10?就会进入冬眠。蚂蚁的土壤湿度应控制在10?,20?之间,空气相对湿度应控制在70%,90%之间。可见蚁后当初选洞穴的用心之深。 蚂蚁,一种微不足道的小动物,却不知蕴藏了多少秘密。它的身世可谓是个谜,可这个谜不知何时能解完。或许几十年,几百年,甚至几万年。 十九、新闻消息 一篇报道稿,发表在广播、报纸上,叫新闻稿,或者叫消息。发表在学校的板报上,叫报道稿,或板报稿。 比如你们班发生了一件好人好事,你把这件事写下来,交给学校广播站朗读,这就是一篇报道稿了。养成经常给黑板报、广播站、报纸写稿子的习惯,能培养一个人的观察能力。使人变得敏感,及时发现生活中的新题材,提高认识能力。养成经常写稿的习惯,自觉地增加练笔的机会,久而久之,会使人思路敏捷,思考细致,下笔成文。即使碰上新的作文题,也难不住。 报道槁的要求 一要“新”:选择生活中最新鲜、最感人,有积极意义的事; 二要“快”:报道要及时,要迅速; 三要“实”:报道稿要实事求是地写,不夸大,不虚构; 四要“短”:不管是登在报纸上,还是板报上,篇幅都以短小精悍为宜,力求语言简短、准确、生动。 范文: 好人好事报道稿 记得刚升入五年级的时候,梁迪可算的上是我们班的后进生,学习、纪律,以及各项工作都拖班级的后腿,老师也经常批评他,为此,他也感到烦恼。 他想当一名好同学,想成为人人敬仰的人。于是,他就在拼命的努力着。 最近一个阶段,在班主任老师的耐心教育、鼓励下,从此以后,梁迪有了很大的改变。上课能认真听讲,遵守纪律,各项活动都能积极参加,在运动会中也为班级争得了荣誉。他也有了强烈的进取心,再也不像以前那样落后了,特别是对待学习,非常努力。黑板上也经常没有他的名字了。每天他除了完成老师布置的作业以外,还自觉地预习功课,不懂就问。如今,做题速度也又快又准确,学习成绩也突飞猛进,有了很大的提高。 在我们班像梁迪这样的同学,还有许多。从后进变成先进,同学之间比学习、比进步,谁也不甘落后。我们班浓浓的学习气氛,感染着许多后进的同学。让我们一起努力吧~ ree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no17 二十、计划 写计划是指对未来一定时期内某项工作预先拟定的具体内容和步骤,也就是在做一件事情之前,或者对于接下来的一段时间,所要进行的活动的安排。比如读书计划、假期计划等等。做计划可以让你成为一个胸有成竹的小朋友,在事情发生之前就有准备,不至于手忙脚乱。 计划可分为制定计划的目的、内容、步骤、方法。计划不必安排得太紧凑,只要大致列出要做的事情就可以了,不能把一天的时间都安排得满满的,要留出一定的缓冲时间,这样有利于计划的有效执行。 范文: 寒假学习计划 寒假就要开始了,根据爸爸妈妈的要求,为了能过一个有意义的寒假,为新学期有一个好的开始,我决定拟一个寒假计划。 第一条:每天早上6:00起床,晚上9:00睡觉。 第二条:起床跑半个小时的步,然后每天坚持户外活动两个小时。 第三条:每天背诵作文范文精彩片段2段; 第四条: 每周1篇命题作文;周记一周一篇,完成时间自选。 第五条:电脑中学习新概念英语第一册半小时/天; 第六条:每周一次跟爸爸妈妈出去活动,活动形式含逛商场,骑自行车郊游,爬山,游公园等;一周可选择性观看自己喜欢的电视节目2小时。 第七条:语文、数学的作业要同步进行。 第八条:每天写一篇小字,如果时间宽松,再练毛笔字每天一张。 另外,对于我的压岁钱,我要拿出20,作“流动资金”,30,交学费。”50,捐给希望工程。如果以上我都完成得很好,那以后我就给自己做很多的计划,这样我就能成为一个很优秀的学生。 二十一、总结 总结通过对工作过程的回顾,对工作得失的分析,将工作中片断的、零星的认识变成有条理性的认识,从中找出有规律性的东西,以利于发扬成绩,克服缺点,力争把以后的工作做得更好。 总结与计划是分不开的。计划是任务执行前所制作的实施蓝图,总结是任务完成一部分或全部完成时对蓝图的重新审视。 正文是总结的核心部分,内容一般有:基本情况;成绩、经验和体会;存在问题和教训;今后的努力方向。成绩要写具体,经验和体会要求条理化。如果是集体的总结,还要先交集体讨论,搜集材料,列出大纲,再由执笔人写出来。写好后还要交给大家讨论提意见再定稿,以便提高总结的质量。 范文: es thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along t18 个人学期总结 记得上学期,妈妈经常说我学习成绩没有进步,现在期末快来了,而我的学习在老师和身边同学的帮助下,有了很大的提高,我想,主要有以下几个方面: 第一,学习态度比较端正。能够做到上课认真听讲,不与同学交头接耳,不做小动作,自学遵守课堂纪律;对老师布置的课堂作业,能够当堂完成;对不懂的问题,主动和同学商量,或者向老师请教。 第二,改进了学习方法。为了使自己的成绩有所提高,我给自己定了一个学习计划:(1)做好课前预习。也就是要挤出时间,把老师还没有讲过的内容先看一遍。尤其是语文课,要先把生字认会,把课文读熟;对课文要能分清层次,说出段意,正确理解课文内容。(2)上课要积极发言。对于没有听懂的问题,要敢于举手提问。(3)每天的家庭作业,做完后先让家长检查一遍,把做错了的和不会做的,让家长讲一讲,把以前做错了的题目,经常拿出来看一看,复习复习。(4)要多读一些课外书。每天中午吃完饭,看半个小时课外书;每天晚上做完作业,只要有时间,再看几篇作文。 第三,课外学习不放松。能够利用星期天和节假日,到少年宫去学习作文、奥数、英语和书法,按时完成老师布置的作业,各门功课都取得了好的成绩。参加少儿书法大赛,还获得特金将。 经过自己的不懈努力,这学期的各门功课,都取得了比较好的成绩。自己被评为三好生,还担任了班级学习委员一职。 虽然取得了比较好的成绩,但我决不骄傲,还要继续努力,争取下学习更上一层楼,取得更好的成绩。 二十二、通知 通知就是指把有关事项告诉大家知道,包括学校领导、党团组织以及各班委将某种规定、情况、事项告诉有关班级或同学的文件。 通知要在第一行的正中写上“通知”字样,有时可把通知的性质标出来,如“紧急通知”、“会议通知”等。通知的正文要写清时间、地点、事件、要求谁参加以及注意事项。写时要周密考虑,所有有关因素都必须写清楚。如果通知的内容较多,注意要把要求和措施部分交待清楚,可以考虑分条也可以用小标题的形式编写,便于理解。 范文: 关于开展“六一”儿童节庆祝活动的通知 各小学、幼儿园: ****年6月1日国际儿童节即将来临,为了组织好今年“六一”国际儿童节的各项庆祝活动,使广大儿童度过一个快乐而有意义的节日,现就全区“六一”儿童节 posed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree tr19 期间有关活动要求通知如下: 1(各学校、幼儿园要抓住“六一”这一有利时机,结合本单位实际,精心部署,周密安排,广泛组织开展丰富多彩、形式多样、意义深远的“六一”庆祝活动,让儿童在参与中体味快乐,受到教育,促进其全面健康和谐发展。 2(各学校、幼儿园要按照实践育人的要求,根据不同层次儿童年龄特点,创新活动形式,拓展活动载体,精心设计和组织开展内容鲜活、形式新颖、吸引力强的思想道德宣传实践活动,引导广大儿童从小树立远大理想信念,培养积极健康的道德情感、正确向上的价值趋向和良好的道德行为习惯。要针对儿童思想道德建设存在的突出问题,出实招,办实事,形成合力,着力解决一些具体问题。 3(“六一”期间,各学校、幼儿园要通过广播、电视、报刊、网络等媒体,运用宣传栏、专栏、座谈会、报告会、文艺演出等形式,集中开展“六一”庆祝活动的宣传报道工作,大力宣传加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的丰硕成果,努力创造良好的社会环境、文化环境和家庭环境,推动未成年人思想道德建设工作的深入开展。 4(各学校、幼儿园要以不同形式对社会和家长开放,并主动邀请镇、区及相关部门领导参观学校,向社会、家长和领导展示教育成果。 今年“六一”期间,我区开展的全区性活动主要有:绿港小天使艺术团在杨镇中小举办庆“六一”文艺演出;幼教系统在顺义影剧院举办庆“六一”专场演出;区领导将深入到部分学校、幼儿园慰问。请各校(园)积极配合,同时结合本单位实际,高度重视、精心组织,深入开展“六一”庆祝活动。各单位在组织开展庆祝活动时,要制定详细的安全预案,加强安全教育。各单位要将庆祝活动开展的情况以信息形式上报教委办公室。 教委办公室 ****年**月**日 二十三、报告 调查报告是指对某个问题或某个事件进行专门调查研究之后写成的书面报告。它是在对特定对象进行深入考察了解的基础上,经过准确的归纳整理,科学的分析研究,进而揭示事物的本质,得出符合实际的结论,由此形成的汇报性应用文书。 调查报告常用第三人称。调查报告一般包括开头、主体、结尾三部分。 开头。类似消息中的导语,简要交代调查的目的、时间、地点、对象等情况。 主体。是调查报告的核心。应对所调查的某一事件或问题的发生、发展、结果作出全面系统的介绍,并对所调查的事实作具体分析,可用夹叙夹议的方式,作出应有的评价。 结尾。可以是总结全文,点明结论;可以提出解决问题的方法;也可以用鼓舞性语句作结语。 es thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along t20 写调查报告要注意: 第一,深入调查,大量、详细地占有材料。 第二,认真分析,找出有规律性的东西。 第三,鲜明地提出自己的观点,做到观点和材料的统一。 第四,有点有面,有叙有议。调查报告靠事实说话,因而要有实际材料做事例和数据,既要有一般情况,又要有典型事例。但事实也要有议,没有议,就成为简单的材料罗列了。 第五,语言简洁,数据准确。调查报告的用词要恰如其分,注意分寸,切勿用模棱两可的词语;调查报告的数据一定要准确。 范文: 五年级(3)班学生课外阅读情况的调查 当今社会,是信息时代,是知识更新极速的时代,一切都在飞速发展着。对于现在的学生,课本上的知识已经满足不了我们的求知欲望,于是,课外读物成了我们获得知识的重要来源。为此,我对本班同学课外阅读情况作了一次调查。现将调查情况整理如下: 一、根据同学们学习成绩的不同,阅读的课外读物也不尽相同。从我调查的四五个“品学兼优”的学生来看,他们经常阅读的报刊大多在五种以上,读过的书都有好几十本。他们读书的特点是:与课本紧密相联。作文世界、数学大王、动物世界、课间美文以及常识性读物。 成绩一般的同学看的多数是《故事大王》、《十万个为什么》、《中外名人故事》等书刊。从这些读物中可以知道很多课外知识和事情。班里的“万事通”王刚的周围总是有很多男生,就是因为他有讲不完的故事和新闻。 十来个成绩比较差的同学,有四分之三都不喜欢看书,他们认为看书浪费时间。这可能也是他们成绩比较差的一个原因吧。 二、根据性别的差异,男女同学对课外读物的选择也不同。一些女生热衷于童话、故事、寓言的书。因为女生性格文静,感情细腻,所以童话最能吸引她们。男生生性好动,他们喜欢看武侠小说,常常爱不释手。 从这个调查中可见,阅读好的、合适的课外读物对同学们学习能起促进作用。因此,老师要引导和鼓励学生在课余时间多看有意义的书籍,以扩大和提高同学们的学习知识。 ****年**月**日 二十四、演讲稿 演讲稿,是为演讲准备的稿子,是讲演者把自己认为正确的主张、看法、分析和判断向听众阐述的文稿。 演讲稿的特点: ?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, noree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex21 第一,弄清楚演讲的场合和听众。不能把欢迎稿写成欢送稿,还要考虑到听众的水平,文辞深浅要适宜。 第二,立论正确、材料典型、事理结合。 第三,演讲是面对听众的,是以宣传主张为目的,任何好的宣传不仅要以理服人,而且还要以情动人。所以,演讲稿应写得感情诚挚而又热烈。 第四,用词上要准确、鲜明、生动,而且强调口语化。 范文: 珍爱生命中的每一天 同学们,你们看,碧绿的大海里,鱼儿在自由自在地遨游;你们听,蔚蓝的天空下,鸟儿在欢快地鸣唱……哦~这个世界最生机盎然的就是生命~正是这一条条鲜活的生命啊,让我们的整个地球也鲜活起来。 我一直喜欢那一首歌:《在我生命中的每一天》,歌中唱道:“ 看时光飞逝,我祈祷明天 ……”每当那熟悉的旋律响起,我就感到生命的可贵 。 每天清晨,当朝霞映红了我的双颊,当树上的小鸟叫醒了我的梦想,我知道新的一天又开始了。我感谢我的爸爸、妈妈——是他们给予了我宝贵的生命,是他们让我感受这美丽的地球。我还要感谢我的爷爷、奶奶,他们的慈爱像阳光一样照亮了我心灵的每一个角落~ 是啊,生命就像一朵花,生命之花是绚烂的,也是脆弱的,稍不珍惜就会枯萎,凋零。 同学们,让我们吸取生活中教训,珍爱生命中的每一天。看时光飞逝,我祈祷明天,愿我们每个小小的梦想,都 能够慢慢地实现~从现在开始,从我们做起:不要因贪玩,而是去了宝贵的生命,健康成长,让生命之花永远绽放。 二十五、日记 日记属于记叙文性质的应用文,日记的内容来源于我们对生活的观察,因此,可以记事,可以写人,可以状物,可以写景,当然也可以记述活动,凡是自己在一天中做过的,或看到的,或听到的,或想到的,都可以是日记的内容。 日记顾名思义就是一日一记。那么日记是不是只能写当天的事呢,不是的。应该也可以写以前的事,如果单篇幅的日记,或是当天无事可写,或是以前发生的事未及时去写,都可以在以后的时间里,经过回忆思考再写下来。写的内容不需要用很好的词组来修饰,这毕竟只是个人在一天内把所做的事情用文字来表达并保存下来。只要连贯,让人读起来有一种很舒服的感觉。随心所欲--想到什么就写什么。创造一个轻松的阅读环境便已足够。虽然日记不一定只写当天的事,还是当天的事当天写好。不要非把当天的事放到以后再去写。 范文: ?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re22 2月2日 晴 星期一 晚上,我和小奇奇、李逸一起去新落成的紫金大桥玩。 紫金大桥坐落在防洪堤边,气势雄伟。远远望去更是灯火辉煌。那笔直的桥塔就像一个擎天巨人,拉着近百根钢索,支撑着整座大桥。桥梁边缘安装着近千盏荧光灯,一会儿蓝色,一会儿红色,一会儿绿色,一会儿又变成了鲜艳的淡紫色。灯光一闪一闪的,仿佛在与月光比美,与繁星争辉。 据说这些超凡美丽的灯光耗费了2400万元人民币。听到这个数字,我沉思:这笔巨额的钱可以让多少穷得不能上学的小朋友重返校园,可以让多少没饭吃的孩子有饭吃,还可以……政府花的这笔钱是值得还是不值得,后来我想到,丽水市现在能在紫金大桥上安装这么贵的进口灯,不正说明了丽水的事业建设和经济正在飞速发展吗,那么,那些贫困的孩子不也有脱离贫困的希望了吗, 二十六、读书笔记 读书笔记指读书时为了把自己的读书心得记录下来或为了把文中的精彩部分整理出来而做的笔记。写读书笔记是训练阅读的好方法,对于深入理解、牢固掌握所学到的知识,对于积累学习资料,以备不时之需,很有必要。 最简单的一种做读书笔记的方法是“摘抄法”。所谓摘抄就是读一本书、一篇文章,把其中的一些好的句子和段落摘下来,抄在本子上或卡片上。读书笔记的形式还有写读后感或读书心得、内容鉴赏、探讨主题、评论人物、评品语言。 范文: 读《命运》有感 前阵子在书城买了本书,叫《滴水藏海》,里边有300个经典的哲理故事。现在我来品味一篇小故事,叫《命运》。 《命运》讲的是连个孩子的命运,一个被高僧占卜为“状元”,另一个为“乞丐”。二十年后,当初的“状元”成了乞丐,而“乞丐”却成了“状元”。 上帝说:“我赋予每个人的天分之占他命运的三分之一,其余的在于他如何去把握。” 看了这段话,我很受触动。把握,把握命运,多简单的字眼,可是又有多少人真正把握住了自己的命运呢,不必埋怨自己的天分,更不必埋怨自己的命运,因为命运掌握在自己的手中,你随时都可以改变它的~只要你愿意 二十七、毕业赠言是临到毕业的时候,写在同学赠言簿上的留有纪念意义的话。 毕业赠言为我们提供了一次表达情感、交流思想的机会,一个展示个性、展现才情的平台。 虽然毕业赠言人人都能写,但是由于其特殊的纪念意义,毕业赠言应尽量写得精练、形象、富有时代感、饱含深情,能给人以启迪。 ree trposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the t after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash ex?es and flags ... In order to contact. gesturnd attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing a?cs, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. dynamistarting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, ?dy high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. rea?to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention s groupshrub tual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in acfree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed , nosteps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no-dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease im, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no23 范文一: 不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我;不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻;不管多少个春夏秋冬,我们是永远的朋友。与你同行,回想起我们曾拥有过的共同理想;与你分手,憧憬着我们重逢时的狂欢。 范文二: 光阴似箭,一转眼,6年的同窗生涯即将成为过去。但教室里,还回响着我们朗朗的读书声;操场上,还留着我们奔跑矫健的身影。这里的草坪、小溪、竹亭,是我们永远依恋的百草园~ ?should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. tions ation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two ac every oper?, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. gloves pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber ?pirators. ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and As?he management of drug safety and drug equipment. to ta large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention ups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs groupur gronts for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into foe climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangemefree, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vin-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed rate fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving , pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the newfree trees-he horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and diseaseive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along tes thrcycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, tre after work, pay attention to re24
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