首页 团日活动PPT演讲大赛策划



团日活动PPT演讲大赛策划团日活动PPT演讲大赛策划 一、活动背景 团日活动是以团支部为单位进行的一系列有益于德智发展的活动。开展团日活动的过程,也是团支部优化的过程,将活动开展的有趣而又意义,是每个团支部成员的责任。而且随着社会进步,计算机越来越普及,人们在演讲,展示自我的时候,逐渐摆脱了单一的模式而选用PPT来达到展示的目的。我们选择以文化娱乐为目的的PPT演讲大赛,旨在通过有影响,有实效的活动,发挥团支部的战斗力和凝聚力,带领他们在实践活动中提高自身的综合素质,体现自身价值,从而更好地融入大学生活。 二、大赛宗旨 为了加强团支...

团日活动PPT演讲大赛策划 一、活动背景 团日活动是以团支部为单位进行的一系列有益于德智发展的活动。开展团日活动的过程,也是团支部优化的过程,将活动开展的有趣而又意义,是每个团支部成员的责任。而且随着社会进步,计算机越来越普及,人们在演讲,展示自我的时候,逐渐摆脱了单一的模式而选用PPT来达到展示的目的。我们选择以文化娱乐为目的的PPT演讲大赛,旨在通过有影响,有实效的活动,发挥团支部的战斗力和凝聚力,带领他们在实践活动中提高自身的综合素质,体现自身价值,从而更好地融入大学生活。 二、大赛宗旨 为了加强团支部与社会的联系,吸引和团结广大青年,同时增添团支部自身的活力,通过沸腾的现实生活作为课堂来使广大青年在团的旗帜下积极投身到社会实践中,为他们提供一个可以彰显他们演讲和合作才华的舞台。 三、活动时间 2012年4月25日下午14:00 四、活动地点 沧波园校区D002 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 五、主办单位 南京人口管理干部学院工商管理系团总支 六、活动对象 南京人口管理干部学院工商管理系全体团支部 七、活动过程 (一)前期准备 1. 根据比赛情况由办公室向学校申请场地 2. 活动开始前两周由团总支宣传部、文体部制作嘉宾的邀请信、礼 卡及宣传册,以及关于这次PPT演讲大赛的展板及宣传海报,放 置在食堂门口进行宣传,并且在团总支人人网主页、QQ群及微博 等上进行宣传。制定好舞台的设计。 3. 开团支部例会通知各个团支部参加比赛,告之以参赛要求及时间、 地点等相关事宜。 4. 比赛前十天由办公室确定参赛团支部数量,并统计每个团支部负 责人联系方式。 5. 每部出两名志愿者,由实践创新中心负责志愿工作。 6. 比赛前一周,由宣传部派发出请柬给老师,评委及院系其他学生 组织。 7. 主持人的选定及礼仪的确定。 8. 由文体部准备好开场所需音乐,ppt(嘉宾入场音乐一首,开场音 乐一首,颁奖音乐一首),调试话筒,实创中心购买一些活动所需of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 的物资,以及活动结束后颁发给 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现优异的团支部的奖状和证书 等。 9. 确定前台主任及各个志愿者的任务。 10.评委席观众席的确定安排。 11.比赛前两天,参赛者将自己的作品送到学习部进行审核与存档备 份,并抽签决定比赛顺序。 12.赛前两天模拟比赛,找出问题及注意点。 13.赛前各支部负责人将作品存入比赛场地里的电脑里并试行,同时 自己留有不同 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 的备份,以便最后的确认。 14.对会场设备进行检修,确认无故障。比赛期间,若产生问题,及 时通知检修人员。 15. 赛前实创中心及志愿者负责赛场布置。 (二)中期开展 1. 举办人员及参赛者、志愿者提前一小时入场,参赛者确认自己的 作品,观众提前十五分钟入场,由志愿者引导找到位置。 2. 赛前五分钟礼仪引导评委及嘉宾入场,放音乐,观众起立鼓掌欢 迎。 3. 主持人介绍评委及嘉宾,并介绍比赛秩序及规则、评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,宣 布比赛开始,介绍第一支参赛队伍。 4. 关闭前排灯光,选手根据抽签顺序依次上台做演讲。(计时员在七 分三十秒时提醒选手注意时间) 5. 一支参赛队伍展示完毕后支持人上台宣布前一支参赛队伍的得分of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. (从第二位选手开始)并介绍下一支参赛队,由全场观众及评委 为每组参赛人员打分,最后根据平均分选出一、二、三等奖,主 持人宣布结果,嘉宾进行颁奖。 6. 陈大鹏老师发言总结本次活动。 7. 比赛结束,评委、嘉宾、主持人及所有参赛人员合影留念。 8. 所有人离开会场后,组织人员打扫会场。 (三)后期安排 1. 办公室撰写新闻稿,并将此次活动的照片及简报发布到学校网站。 在学校信息栏上公布比赛结果和照片。 2. 宣传部负责在各网络主页上公布比赛结果和照片。 3. 大赛负责人将此次的活动的所有 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 (包括选手作品)进行压缩 整理。 4. 活动结束后对所有经费进行统计报销。 八、 作品要求 1. 参赛作品要求参赛者亲自设计制作,不能有他人代替,严禁剽窃 他人作品。若违规,则取消参赛资格。 2. 参赛作品要求为.ppt文件格式。 3. 参赛作品要求主题明确,内容健康,积极向上,无不良内容。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 九、评分标准 1. 主题明确,内容健康,倡议新颖,风格独特,富有情趣色彩搭配合理,画面相应成趣,音乐画面富有动感。 2. 选手展示时间为8分钟,不得超时。 3. 具体细则 总分十分 (1)仪表形象:(2分) a.着装整齐,大方得体(1分) b.姿态自然,动作适度(1分) (2)演讲技巧:(2分) a.发音标准,流利(0.5分) b.节奏处理得当,技巧运用自如(0.5分) c.表现力、应变能力强,能活跃气氛,引起高潮(1分) (3)演讲内容:(2.5分) a.主题鲜明,符合主题内容(1分) b.内容充实,活动丰富,演讲内容能反映出支部 的精神面貌(1.5分) (4)ppt作品:(2分) a.主题明确,内容健康(1分) b.倡议新颖,风格独特,色彩搭配合理,音乐画面富 有动感 (1分) (5)时间控制与ppt放映(1.5分) of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. a.ppt与演讲配合默契,ppt切换速度适中(0.5分) b.超出八分钟每三十秒扣0.2分(1分) 5.评分规则: 评委明确给出每部分评分,由计分人员进行最后加总,去掉最高分与最低分,取平均分为选手比赛成绩,按成绩排名分别获一、二、三等奖。 十、奖项设置 一等奖:两名 二等奖:三名 三等奖:五名 十一、活动中应注意的问题及细节 1. 所有人员在比赛开始后均要关闭手机或将手机调至振动状态,不 得因此而影响比赛进程。 2. 活动期间,不得大声喧哗、喝倒彩,不得擅自离席或随意走动, 必要情况可向会场秩序维护人员示意。 3. 活动期间,不得将垃圾留在会场,做一个文明观众。 4. 在活动结束后,志愿者对离开会场的同学进行有效的疏散,避免拥挤和堵塞。 5. 相关设备要求保证一切正常,并通知相关人员,若出现问题,要及时维修。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 6. 在活动结束后,志愿者对离开会场的同学进行有效的疏散,避免 拥挤和堵塞。 十二、活动经费 横幅 :70元 打印费: 15元 话筒电池: 5元(预备) 共计:90元 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 附件一:任务安排表 团日活动PPT演讲大赛任务安排 阶段 主要工作 责任部门 策划本次活动~活动中所有遇到问题的解决~经费的预算,主持人的确 定,评委席观众席的确定安排;对会场设备进行检修~确认无故障,各团总支组织部 种表格制定与打印 对作品进行审核与存档备份,并抽签决定比赛顺序 团总支学习部 制作嘉宾的邀请信、礼卡及宣传册,以及关于这次PPT演讲大赛的展 板及宣传海报;团总支人人网主页、QQ群及微博等上进行宣传;派发团总支宣传部~心保部 前期准备 出请柬给老师,评委及院系其他学生组织 参赛团支部负责人联系方式收集,礼仪的确定,前台主任的确定 团总支办公室 设计嘉宾的邀请信、礼卡及宣传册,大会音乐,制定好舞台的设计;采团总支文体部~心保部 购相关物品 比赛场地申请,场地的布置,包括一些道具如水、花等~以及现场横幅团总支实践创新中心 的悬挂等事宜,,志愿者 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 工作 整体流程的掌握~遇到的所有问题 团总支组织部 比赛的摄影~参赛人员统计~礼仪的工作 团总支办公室 活动中期 比赛的记分员~计时员 团总支学习部 团总支实践创新中心~志愿者工作的调度和掌握 心保部 在各网络主页上公布比赛结果和照片 团总支宣传部 撰写新闻稿,活动的照片及简报发布到学校网站,在学校信息栏上公布团总支办公室 比赛结果和照片 后期安排 压缩整理所有材料,报销各种费用 团总支组织部 赛场清扫 团总支全体 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 附件二: 评分表 参赛支部: 项目 细则 标准分 得分 仪表形象 着装整齐,大方得体 1 姿态自然,动作适度 1 发音标准,流利 0.5 节奏处理得当,技巧运用自如 0.5 演讲技巧 表现力、应变能力强,能活跃 气氛,引起高潮 1 演讲内容 主题鲜明,符合主题内容 1 内容充实,活动丰富,演讲内1.5 容能反映出支部的精神面貌 Ppt作品 主题明确,内容健康 1 倡议新颖,风格独特,色彩搭1 配合理,音乐画面富有动感 ppt与演讲配合默契,ppt切换 时间控制与速度适中 0.5 ppt放映 演讲时间为八分钟,超出八分1 钟每三十秒扣0.2分 合计 10 评分规则:评委明确给出每部分评分,由计分人员进行最后加总,去掉最高分与最低分,取平均分为选手比赛成绩,按成绩排名分别获一、二、三等奖。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 附件三:报名表 支部报名表 支部名称 作品名称 负责人签名 联系方式 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development.
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