首页 日本二维动画制作软件CoreRETAS的使用介绍



日本二维动画制作软件CoreRETAS的使用介绍日本二维动画制作软件CoreRETAS的使用介绍 CoreRETAS讲义 菜单和控制面板列表 浮动面板 X-sheet窗口 : 设置动画定时,组合方式和特效. A. B.舞台窗口 : 设置镜头(工作). C.Z视图 设置pegbar的前后关系. D.渲染窗口 显示渲染结果. E.CelBank 输入并管理由 x-sheet 使用的图像文件. F.层设置 控制层设置. diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory speciali...

日本二维动画制作软件CoreRETAS的使用介绍 CoreRETAS讲义 菜单和控制面板列表 浮动面板 X-sheet窗口 : 设置动画定时,组合方式和特效. A. B.舞台窗口 : 设置镜头(工作). C.Z视图 设置pegbar的前后关系. D.渲染窗口 显示渲染结果. E.CelBank 输入并管理由 x-sheet 使用的图像文件. F.层设置 控制层设置. diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national 菜单条命令 File -- 文件 : 文件输入/输出命令 New X-sheet... 新建... Template 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 Open... 打开... Open Scene Folder... 打开镜头文件夹... Close 关闭 Save 保存 Save As... 另存为.. Save Template... 保存模板 Revert 还原 Save Image... 保存图像 Export... 输出 Batch Esport... 场景输出... RAM Preview Apply RAM预览 应用 Setup... 设置 Export Movie... 输出影片 Cleat Cache DDR Control... DDR设备 ->控制... Setup... ->设置... Quit 退出 Edit -- 编辑 :编辑命令和参数设置 Undo 撤消 Cut 剪切 Copy 拷贝 Paste 粘贴 Selective Paste... 选择粘贴... Insert & Paste 插入&粘贴 Clear 清除 Select All 全选 Select Copied Range 选择拷贝排列 Preferences... 设置... 2alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Sheet – 律表(摄影表)... Parameter Settings... 参数设置... Cel Namber Auto Input... 单元格自动输入... Cel Auto Arrange 自动调整 Frame Insert... 图象 输入... Delete... 删除... Insrt... 输入... Layer 层 Delete... 删除... Rename... 重命名... Reset 恢复 Insrt... 插入... Pegbar Pegbar Delete... 删除 Rename... 重命名... Insrt... 插入... CelBank CelBank Delete... 删除... Rename... 重命名... Sound Import 声音 输入... Delete 删除 Play 播放 Stop 停止 Info... 信息 Keyframe Set Continuous-Keyframe 主要画面 设置连续关键帧 Set Noncontinuous-Keyframe 设置断续关键帧 Set Continuous-Keyframe (All) 设置连续关键帧(全部) Set Noncontinuous-Keyframe (All) 设置断续关键帧(全部) Unset 撤消设置 Inbetween Apply 当中 设置 Current Parameter Only 普通参数设置 Setup... 设置... Follow Setup... 安装向导... Random Input... 随机输入... Calculation... 计算器.. Reverse 翻转 Center Match 中心匹配 First Frame 第一帧 Last Frame 最后一帧 Jump To Frame... 跳到帧... Current Frame 当前帧 Collapse Sheet Expand Sheet Sheet Setting General... 律表设置 一般,常规 Camera Clipping„ 摄像机剪辑 Information... 信息 Memo„ 备注 In-Point... 入点 -hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 13seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm Stage – 舞台 Basic View 基本视图 Image 图像 Outline 轮廓 Keyframes 关键帧 Position X,Y 位置 X,Y Position Z 位置 Z Scale 比例 Rotation 旋转 Center 中点 All Frames 全部帧 Frame Path 帧路径 Show Pegbar 显示 Pegbar Show Grid 显示网格 Play 播放 Stop 停止 Zoom In 放大 Zoom Out 缩小 8/1 viwe 8/1 视图 4/1 viwe 4/1 视图 2/1 viwe 2/1 视图 1/2 viwe 1/2 视图 1/4 viwe 1/4 视图 1/8 viwe 1/8 视图 Render -- 渲染菜单 Render Current Frame 渲染当前帧 RGB View RGB视图 Alpha View Alpha视图 Zoom In 放大 Zoom Out 缩小 Normal 实际尺寸 Capture To Clipbord 捕获到剪贴板 Send To DDR... 发送到 DDR(设备)... Rendering Setting... 渲染设置... Windows -- 窗口菜单 Arrange Palettes Arrange 面板排列 排列 Arrange To Default Positions 默认排列 Save Current Positions 保存用户设置 Stage 视图 Z View 舞台 Z Rendering Window 渲染Windows CelBank Layer Setup 层设置 X-Sheet Untitled. X-Sheet律表 无题 4alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Effects -- 特效菜单命令 Add Effects 添加特效 Add Blur AlphaBlur 添加 模糊 Alpha模糊 Focus 焦点 Gauss Blur 高斯模糊 Soft Blur 柔和模糊 Composite Mask Replace 合成 蒙板替换 Distort 扭曲 CornerPin Distort 扭曲 Distort 2 扭曲2 Mirror 镜像 Light 光 Backlight 背光 Backlight 2 背光2 BG Light 背景光 Diffusion 扩散(漫射) Shadow 投影 Noise 噪音 Noise 噪音 Tone 色调 Brightness 亮度 Comtrast 对比 HSV Filter 色度/饱和度/纯度过滤器 Inwert 反转 RGB Filter RGB过滤器 Tint 色彩 Other 其它 Alpha 透明 Mosaic 镶嵌 Paraffin 石蜡, Smoothing 平滑 Delete 删除 Delete All 全部删除 Setup... 设置... 5seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 窗口和控制面板 X-sheet 窗口 : 用来设置动画时间,合成方式,坐标,等等. X-sheet 在水平行上组织 cels (层) 和在垂直列上组织帧(帧)CoreRETAS 电影的各个组成部分都在 X-sheet 里协调安排,其中包括 cel 序号,位置,缩 等等. 放比例,透明性,效果参数, A.帧 工作表水平行叫作 " 帧 ". B.当前的帧 当前帧就是被高亮显示(以线框架方式),且能在舞台上被编辑, 当前帧与一输入选择的帧是不同. C.层 工作表的一列称为一层,一层中图像是以降序排列,就好像“A”,“B”,“C“,. 在混合的层顺序中,左边的层在图像序列下,右边的在上.(除了镜头层.) 最多能创建 100 个单元层,命名默认 A 到 Z, 然后从 AA 到 ZZ,依次类推.层类型如下: C-1.Cel层 C-2.Sub-cel 层是 Cen 层的子层,子层主要用于组合各 cels . 左边的是" 下面的层 ", 和右边的是" 上面的层 ".一 除了 Cel 序号,sub-cel 层不能含有参数, 因此" 输入参数选定菜单 Input,Parameter Select Menu" 不被能使用. -linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 16alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova 输入动画 cels. C-3.BG (背景) 层 C-4.效果层 C-5.镜头层(摄像机层) BG(Background) Layer 特效层附属到一 控制镜头.它不能包含. 仅仅名称不同,所有的函 cel 层或镜头层 "cell 序号或透明性 数作为另外的 cel 层是 同样的. 除了名称不同以 外,其功能与其它 层一样. C-6.声音层 Sound Layer D.当前层 高亮显示,可立即被编辑 E.关键帧区域 关键帧区域是显示能被编辑的关键帧区域能单独选定关键帧区域但必须在一个 Cel中. month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 17seases 7 Professional. Through the national F. Cel 一副图像被引入 x-sheet,同时由 Celbank 赋予它一 "Cel Number". 要删除一在 x-sheet 中的 Cel,输入 "0" 作为 cel 序号即可. G.选择 一个在 x-sheet 被选择且高亮显示的区域,可多行或多列选择.多重的行或列能是选定的.你能输 入一参数,应用 InBetween,拷贝或粘贴到一选定区.移动选择区域,请使用箭头键. 要学习怎么选择 请参考 "Command & Tools" 中的 "Selection"部分. 一选择区域, H. Pegbar Pegbar 被用来使层组合在一起.所有被组合到同一个 Pegbar 的层具有相同的位 置,缩放比例,旋转和对中参数设定. 改变一个 pegbar 参数,所有连接在 一起的各个 Pegbar 中的层将同步更改. H-1.镜头Pegbar 镜头 Pegbar连接到是在创造一新建的 x-sheet 之上的照相机作为默认. 当建立一个新 的 X-sheet 时,Camera Pegbar,被缺省的连接到 Camera.除名称外,所有的功能与其他的 pegbars是相同的.为了避 免与其他层相混淆,若无其它特别原因,连接只是从 Camera Layer 到 Camera H-2.当前 Pegbar Current Pegbar 选定一 pegbar 即可编辑.使用在舞台窗口里的 "Pegbar/Layer pegbar. Select Button" 切换到当前 H-3.Pegbar 参数 (包括镜头 Pegbar) PX 坐标 PY 坐标 PZ 坐标 PX方向缩放比 PY 方向缩放比 P旋转角度 P 中点 X 坐标 P 中点 Y 坐标 层参数 Cel 序号(注意 1) X 坐标 Y 坐标 X 方向缩放比 Y 方向缩放比 旋转角度 中点 X 坐标 中点 Y 坐标 透明性 (注意 1:镜头层不能包含 "Cel序号 " 或 " 透明性 ".) 模糊移动. (注意 1:镜头层不能包含 "Cel序号 " 或 " 透明性 ".) X-sheet A.X-sheet 名称 (标题条) 多个工作表能同时被打开,多少限制由您的内存决定. B.参数输入区域 仅仅能输入数字(包括小数点).在输入数字以后,按数字键区 Enter 键非 Return 键. month rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 18alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, c C.层标题条 显示层名称.单击一层标题条切换此层为当前层. D.Cel 层切换 Cell Layer Switch 单击一 cel 层 (或 BG层) 切换到渲染的打开 / 关闭. E.Sub-cel 层切换 单击 打开或关闭 sub-cel 层 (上面的 Cel 和放低 Cel). F.特效层切换 Effect Layer Switch单击右边打开或关闭特效层. G.Pegbar 选定菜单 用于连接一个层到一个 Pegbar.所有连接到同一 pegbar 的层共享如下参数: P X 坐标 P Y 坐标 P Z 坐标 P X 轴缩放比例 P Y 轴缩放比例 P 旋转角度 P 中心 X 坐标 P 中心 Y 坐标 也就是说,如果 pegbar 移动了,所有的与它连接的层将随着改变. H.CelBank 选定菜单 连接一层到选定的 CelBank.输入到这一层的 "Cel 序号 " 由所连接的 CelBank 决定 RETAS!PRO 版本 4 里,一个 CelBank 只能被一层所使用.如果多层用在同一 cel,它不得 不输 入到多重的 celbanks 中.在 RETAS!PRO 允许多重的层共享同一 celbank H-1.空 CelBank 空的 celbank 不能包含任何图像. 与一空 celbank 连接的层将不在舞台上显示,也不被渲染,即使输入了 cel 序号. I.输入参数选择菜单 详情请见每一个插件过滤指南. J.同步按钮 当按钮是开状态且如果一层 " 输入参数选定菜单(Input Parameter Select Menu" 已 改变, 所有其它层将相应改变.. [同步关闭] [同步上] seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 19 由于镜头层没有 "Cel 序号 " 或 " 透明性 ", 因此它就不能以这 2 种方式与另外的层 执行 同步.特效层不能执行同步. K.前一个值的显示区域 如果同样的值出现在随后的 cel,那么 x-sheet 以一 "-" 符号显示它. 前一个 值的显示区域在 x-sheet 第一可见的 cel 上面显示其 cel 序号. L. Marker Display Area显示一符号 符号好比书签是用于指定,一帧最多能使用 10 符号. 详情请见 "commands&tools" 里的 "Markers" . M.帧序号显示区域 显示一帧序号."当前帧"在舞台上高亮显示且可被编辑可选的显示类型共 4 种,如 下:"Seconds+Frames","Feet","Frame Number"和"Page & Frame Number". N.声音层 输入声音数据. O.声音层切换 单击打开声音层. 再次单击关闭. 声音层显示一输入声音的波形. P.关键帧区域 显示关键帧.它必须要和数据 cels一起选定. Q.工作表区域 以行.列的形式显示输入数据. R. Dat a Cel "Data Cel" 既是一单个的数据输入方框. S.信息区域 显示 x-sheet 信息. S-1.当前帧信息 : 示例:20/90 帧 显示当前的帧是总长 90 帧的第 20 帧. S-2.单位信息 : 示例:单位:象素 在 x-sheet 显示出当前的参数单位是"象素. -linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 110alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova 舞台窗口 舞台窗口就是在那里执行当前帧或镜头的组合,定位和缩放比例改变的位置. 垂直线和水平 线的相交处就是舞台的定位点. Pegbar/Layer 切换 Tab 单击选定 "Pegbar" 或 "Layer" 来编辑. A. RETAS!PRO 版本 5 使用单词 "Pegbar" 来容易的组织层 (cels). 总是选择 "Pegbar" 来设置镜头工作方式除非有特定原因而不用. " 层 " 当您想要改变一层的位置而不依赖其 Pegbar 时,用来设置它的偏移量.除 非偏移量特别要求,一般不要使用"层"标签. B.Pegbar/Layer 选定按钮 单击"Pegbar/Layer 切换标签 " 切换到 "Pegbar" 或 "Layer" 模式. 单击按钮,一弹出菜单出现.选择一层.如果 名称加粗, 那么这层连接到是当前 的 pegbar. C.颜色选定盒 (仅仅"Pegbar") 这选定盒改变与之相连的当前 pegbar 线框架的颜色. 单击颜色选定方 框然后从颜色调色板选择一颜色. 设置模式选定按钮. 选择一种模式,用鼠标更改其设置. D. D-1.位置设定 设置 pegbar 或层的位置. D-2.缩放比例设定 到设置 pegbar或层缩放比例. D-3.旋转角度 到设置 pegbar或层旋转角度. D-4.中点设定 设置 pegbar或层中心点." 中心 " 是 pegbar 或层的 " 旋转角度 " 和 " 缩放 比例 " 中点. D-5.缩放工具 缩放舞台视图.单击你想要放大的地方. 按住 Alt/Opt 键缩小. month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 111seases 7 Professional. Through the national E.关键帧设定按钮 E-1.Continuous-Keyframe 设定按钮 当一帧的数据输入域高亮显示,单击这按钮设置它为一 "Continuous-Keyframe". 如果在这一"Continuous-Keyframe"前后有另外的关键帧,它 将在 InBetween 上成为"中心点".详见"Commands & Tools" 里的 "Keyframe Settings". E-2.Noncontinuous-Keyframe 设定按钮 当一帧的数据输入区域是高亮显示,单击按钮设置它为 "Noncontinuous-Keyframe".既使在这帧前后有其它的关 键帧"它仍然有与它的"起始点"和"结束点"相关的 InBetween. 即,如果有一 Noncontinuous-Keyframe 在别的关键帧的 中间,它将中断 InBetween 连续性.在它前后的其它关键 帧将有独立的 inbetweens.详见 "Commands & Tools"里的 "Keyframe Settings". E-3.关键帧复位按钮 将一当前的关键帧复位到初始状态帧. E-4.关于关键帧Set/Unset 单击将设置 (或重新设置)关键帧的 X 和 Y 的值.Shift 加单击将仅仅设置 (或重新设置)关键帧的当前方式. 即:仅仅设置关键帧的 X 值 ,用 Shift 加单击. F.自动 InBetween方式按钮 如果这按钮是打开状态,舞台将处在 "Auto InBetween 模式" 详见"Commands &Tools"里的 "Auto InBetween" . G.显示模式选定按钮 G-1.基本视图 当处于选定状态时,当前帧在舞台上以有色线框架显示,再无其它的 信息显示. G-2.图像 当处于打开状态时,所有的层图像将显示在舞台上. 注意:在工作表嵌套模式时,嵌套的工作表不显示任何图像. G-3.轮廓 当处于打开状态时,字符在舞台上以轮廓模式显示. 注意:G-1 到 G-3 的显示模式不能同时被打开. G-4. All Keyframes ->PositionX,Y ->PositionZ ->Scale ->Rotation ->Center当处于打 开状态时,当前的 pegbar/layer 中的所有关键帧都显示在舞台上. G-5.所有帧 当处于打开状态时,当前的 pegbar/layer 中所有的帧都在舞台上显示. 注意:G-4 和 G-5 在舞台上不能同时处于打开状态. G-6.帧路径 当处于打开状态时,当前的 pegbar/layer 的路径显示在舞台上. 帧路径描述当前的 pegbar/layer 的中心点路径. G-7.显示Pegbar 当处于打开状态时,当前显示在舞台上的 pegbar/layer 的标签指示其顶底方向. H.数据输入区域 在这些输入域能以数值方式输入当前的pegbar或层的坐标X,Y,Z,缩放比例X,Y旋转角 度和中心点参数. 单击一输入域高亮显示它,输入值,回车即可.按Tab键移动到下一个输入域.Shift-Tab 返回到上一输入域. 输入域左边是关键帧输入域.关帧输入域是不能直接选定的.选择一关键帧点击它右边的 数据输入域,然后使用关键帧设置按钮. -12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 112alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota I.帧控制面板 控制当前帧. 当前帧的帧序号显示在这里. 。单击输入其它的帧序号,再按回车键.如果输入了 "64" ,将跳到帧 64.如果输入了 "5+10",就跳到第 5 秒第 10 帧(当前是 " 秒 + 帧 " 方式). 到第一帧 到前一帧 到下一帧 到最后一帧 播放 停止 J.帧滑标 连续地控制当前的帧.移拖动滑标到任何想去的帧位置. 拖动滑标到最左边即移动到第一帧.拖动滑标到最右边即移动到最后一帧. K.舞台区域 显示 pegbars 和层.层(图像)以有色线框架方式显示.改变帧的线框架颜色,单击 "Color Select Box". K-1"Pegbar"选定 所有连接到同一pegbar的层显示为相同的帧颜色。所有连接到当前的pegbar以加粗 的帧显示。其它没有连接到当前的pegbar的帧显示为灰色(非当前帧). K-2." 层" 选定 所有连接到同一 pegbar 的层以相同的帧颜色显示。 当前的层以加粗的帧显示.其它 层显示为灰色.镜头 /cel 的中点标记为 "+" 符号. L.平滑滚动 Control 加拖动滚动舞台显示区. Z视图窗口 CoreRETAS 第 5 版本增加了 Z 坐标(P z 坐标).Z 值仅能在 "Pegbar" 模式被控制. " 层 " 没有 Z 值.当创造一新建的 x-sheet,默认设置 "500" 作为镜头的 Pegbar Z 值,其他的 pegbars 值设 置为 "0". 要更改一层的 Z 深度,首先连接它到一 Pegbar.连接到同一层的层叠顺序由 x-sheet 决定.有相同的 z 值 Pegbar 的层叠顺序由层的层叠顺序决定。 如果一 pegbar 的 Z 值大于镜头层的 z 值,那么它将不被渲染. 进一步讲,Z 值可能不是唯一决定顺序因素. 如果 Z 值设置为 "0.00" 和 "5.00",另外两个 pegbars 的 Z 值设置为 "0.00"和"1.00",它将有相同的结果. 13seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 渲染窗口 显示当前帧的渲染结果. 在 " 输出..." 或 " 批输出 " 过程中显示渲染进程,单击窗口放大。Alt/Opt 加 单击 缩小.Ctrl+ 拖动滚 动图像 A.渲染按钮 渲染当前帧.等效 "Render Current Frame" 命令. B.RGB 视图按钮. 示 RGB 图像. C.Alpha 视图按钮 示 Alpha 通道. 注意:在背景层,因为全部照相机由背景盖住了,Alpha 信道通常穿白色衣服是显示的. 因为 背景覆盖了镜头,因此 Alpha 通道一般以白颜色显示。 D.放大按钮 放大图像. E.缩小按钮 缩小图像. F.实际尺寸按钮 恢复正常大小. G.保存图像按钮 保存图像到磁盘. 单击按钮弹出保存对话框,选择目的地. 捕捉按钮 捕捉当前的图像且复制到剪贴板.等效 "copy" 命令. H. 用捕捉按钮把图像复制,粘贴到其它应用程序. I.DDR按钮 发送当前图像到 DDR,且作为它的一帧.用 DDR 按钮确认在视频监视器上的图像颜色. J.信息显示区 以象素显示光标点的位置 R, G, B : 光标下象素的 RGB 值. A : Alpha光标下象素的Alpha 值. X, Y : X,Y 光标下象素的x,y 坐标值. K.图像显示区 month rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 114alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nation CelBank显示渲染图像. 输入到层的图像,在面板中以缩略图的方式显示.选择 "window" 菜单下的 "CelBank" 来显示 / 隐藏它. A. CelBank选定按钮 单击 celbank 层名弹出菜单选择一 celbank 层.或单击左箭或右箭切换 层.不同于 CoreRETAS 版本 4:如果你改变一 celbank 层,x-sheet 层 不会随之更改.同样在 "Stage Window" 或 "Layer Setup Palette" 里 的层也不会随之更改. 当前的CelBank叫 "CurrentCelBank".. B.重载按钮 刷新已经输入进 celbank 中的图像.使用 CoreRETAS,你能启动 PaintMan 修改图像, 然后按此按钮重载修改后的图像. C.输入按钮 输入图像到当前的 celbank.在 RETAS!PRO 版本 4,一层只能使用一个 celbank.如果 cel,它不得不被 输入到多个的 celbanks.RETAS!PRO[!]允许多层共多层使用同一个 享一个 celbank. Cel输入对话框: C-1.取消输入,关闭对话框. C-2.打开输入同一文件夹的所有的图像文件到 celbank C-3.选择一个仅仅输入一个所选的图像进 celbank C-4.Create/Update 创造或更新图像预览. C-5.预览 /显示预览 显示或隐蔽预览. C-6.图像 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 弹出菜单为进口选择文件格式.选定输入文件的格式,文件列表仅仅显示选定格式的文件. 对于兼容格式,参考 " 附录 ".CelBank 也能输入 x-sheets,而不仅仅是图像.输入进 celbank 的 x-sheet称之为 "Nesting", 用于复杂的镜头编辑.详见 "Commands & Tools" 里的 "Nesting" . C-7.所有图像类型在其它平台上创建的图像可能不会出现在对话框中.在这种情况中,选择 " 所有的图 像格式 " 看见所有文件.要使工作正常,必须要有文件扩展名 D.删除按钮 删除当前 celbank 中的图像. E.缩略图显示区 显示已经输入到 celbank 中的图像的缩略图. cel 序号显示在每个缩略图下面.Cel 序号与原始的文件名无关,并且仅仅显示它在文件 夹内的顺序. 单击缩略图选择 它.选定的缩略图由一红色框住,显示信息. F.文件名称显示区 显示选定的文件名. G.图像大小显示区 显示选定的图像的大小.(单元:象素) H.图形分辨率显示区域 显示选定的图像的图形分辨率.(单元:DPI) I.文件路径显示区 显示选定的文件路径. J.全部Cels序号显示区 显示当前 celbank 中 cels 的全部的序号. K.视图切换按钮 单击此钮收缩 celbank 窗口,缩略图显示区将隐藏. 再次单击此钮,展开 celbank 窗口回到正常视图. ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 115seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4 层设置 层设置面板显示层预览并且设定层模式. A.层选择按钮 单击层名弹出菜单选择一层进行编辑.或者单击左箭或右箭切换层. B.Preview/Setup 切换 Tab 在"预览"和"安装"之间切换. B-1.预览:确认一层的动画设置.如果音轨 已被输入进声音层,声音也能被很好的跟踪. B-2.桢控制面板 到下一帧 到前一帧 播放如果一个音轨层的引入,声音也播放了. 停止 Refresh layer preview memory B-3.显示选定按钮 选择一层预观. 选定 " Main 主要 " 到预览"Cel 层 ". 选定 " Upper 上面 " 到预览" 上面的 Sub-cel" 层. 选定 " Lower 下部 " 到预览" 放低 Sub-cel" 层. B-4.预览区域 显示预览图像. B-5.帧数字 显示帧数字. C.安装 month rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 116alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, c 菜单命令 File 文件菜单 New X-sheet... : 新建一输出工作表. CoreRETAS版5能同时打开多个工作表.版 4x-sheet在版本5保存不能再由版本4 读 . A.X-sheet Name : x-sheet 一名称. PRO 版本 5默认增加一文件扩展名,甚至在 Mac OS上. 除非必要,不要删除扩展名. B.frames 帧 : 从4 到 6000 帧. C.layers 层 : 从1到100层 D.Camera Width /Camera Height 镜头 宽/高 : 最小尺寸 60x60 象素. 最大尺寸 8000x 8000 象素. E.镜头大小模板菜单 : 从弹出菜单选择一 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的镜头尺寸. F.Units单位 : 为CoreRETAS 选择单位.象素 Pixel在 x-sheet 的位置信息将用像素显示.毫米 mm在 x-sheet 的位置信息将用毫米显示.英寸 inch 在x-sheet 的位置信息将用英寸显示.(在 工作表用"Sheet -> Sheet Settings -> General" 命令创建后,工作表的这些设置能在任何时间改变.) G.Standard Resolution (DPI) 标准分辨率 H.FPS 每秒帧数 : 默认为每秒24帧。电影 24帧/秒;电视 25帧/秒。 I.Sheet View 表单视图 :Seconds+Frames 秒,帧 Feet 英尺,按英尺显示。 Frame Number 帧序号.显示帧序号顺序. Page+Frame+Number 页+ 帧+ 数字.显示页码和帧序号. J.Frames Per Page 每页帧 : 每页帧的最大数目 K.Guide Line 辅助线 : 为更容易的看,添加辅助线.输入"6" 为每6 帧一辅助线. L.Cancel 取消 : 取消设置,关闭对话框,没有创建新的x-sheet . M.Ok 确定 : 单击创建一新的x-sheet. Template 模板 : Open...打开... : 打开一以前存在在磁盘上的x-sheet (文件扩展名:tsf) 注意::创建在 版本 4 里的X-sheets能读, 但是" 连接层 " 信息将丢失. edical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 117seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng met Open Scene Folder...打开场景文件夹... : 打开以前保存在磁盘上 的一场景文件夹. 出现下列对话框:选择一场景文件夹和按 " 选定".注意:如 果多个x-sheets 存在 在场景文件夹,CoreRETAS 打开找到 的第一 x-sheet . Close 关闭 : 关闭活动窗口.如果x-sheet 没有保存,出现保存对话框. Save 保存 : 保存活动的x-sheet.它将覆盖同一文件夹内与之同名x-sheet 文件. 如 果是新建x-sheet,出现保存对话框. Save As...另存为... : CTRL+SHIFT+S 用另外的名称保存活动的x-sheet。保存对话框出现要求一名称和 保存目标. Save Template : Revert 还原 : 还原 x-sheet 到上次保存状态..如果你作错,使用这全部取消改变. Save Image...保存图像... : 作为一文件保存渲染窗口里的图像.注意::推荐 32位格式. Export... 输出... : 输出x-sheet 到DDR 和 /或HDD.出现"Export" 对话框. A.File Export文件输出 : 如果打开,输出到HDD . A-1.File Type 文件类 : 选择一输出文件类型. A-2.File Setup 文件设置 : 文件类型选项. A-3.Setup 设置 : 输出选项,不考虑文件类型. No Multiple Frame Copies 非多重的帧拷贝 : 但处于打开状态时,包含相同图像的帧 不能被输出. Save Alpha 创造预览图标 : 当处于打开状态时,为每一文件创建一预览图标. Lower Case for Extension 添加一文件扩展名 : 添加一文件扩展名.当处于打开, 状态时,添加一文件扩展名. 除非有 一特别的必要,总是使其处于打开状 态, 18alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Stanting File Number 起始文件号 : 添加到第一帧的起始帧号.默认值是1.除非必要, 推荐你不要更改它了. Seguential File Name 输出声音 : 如果一声音输入到声音层层,它能与一视频文件一同 输出. Use“.”Between Name and Number A-4.Location 保存位置 1 注意:如果没有选定目标为 "Save Location 1","OK" 按钮变灰.如果选定 "DDR Export" 检查 方框,即使没有选定目标, "OK"按钮也为 有目标打开状态.在这种情形下, 文件只是输出到 DDR ,非HDD. A-5.SaveLocation2 ~ 4 保存位置2 ~ 4 :与"Save Location 1" 等效.如果 "Location 1" 磁盘满了, CoreRETAS自动地写给 "Location 2", 或随后的磁盘. A-6.Size 尺寸大小 B.DDR Export DDR(设备)输出 B-1.Record In-Point :记录入点 (H:M:S:F) Sheet Settings B-2.DDR 控制按钮 如果连结,可控制一 DDR. 预览帧. 弹出时间输入对话框, 按设置跳到指定点 C.Range 每一帧跳过指定的帧数. "Every 1 Frames" 输出所有的帧.Every 3 Frames" 每3 帧跳过 2帧.当预览镜头工作时,使用这选项 缩小渲染时间.不同于 CoreRETAS 版本4::偶数如果这选项是使用上 QuickTime 电影输出, 照相机工 作能仍然是选中和纠正预定作为在 x-sheet 设置.在 QuickTime电影输出时,甚至这个选 项被选中,镜头工 作方式依然能在 x-sheet,输出工作表信息 D.Export Sheet Info输出工作表信息 : "Sheet Settings -> Info" 内容将在实际渲染前作为静止的帧 输出. E.显示渲染对话框 开始以前,弹出"渲染"对话框. Batch Export 批输出 : 输出多重的x-sheets到磁盘上.选择 " 文件" 菜单下 "批输出...". A.文件选定列表 (左) :选择x-sheets 输出. B.批输出列表(右) :输出一x-sheets 列表. 19seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 C. "添加 " 按钮 在 "文件选定列表"里选择一x-sheet , 然后单击 "添加" 添加到 输 出列表".或者,双击在" 文件选定列表" 里一x-sheet 添加. D."添加所有 " 按钮 单击 " 添加所有" ,添加所有在 "文件选定列表 "的 x-sheets到输 出列表". E." 删除" 按钮 删除在" 批输出列表" 里的一 x-sheet,首先选定它, 然后单击 " 删除" 按 钮.或者, 双击在 "批输出列表"里的一 x-sheet ,删除它. F." 输出 " 按钮 如果 " 批输出列表 " 已完成,单击 " 输出 " .. T" 输出" 对话框出 现.详情请见, 命令解释里的 "输出..." . RAM.Preview RAM 预览 Apply 应用 Setup... 设置... Export Movie... 输出影片 Clear Cache 清除储存 DDR (设备) : [图示::DDR 控制对话框(示例:Accom WSD)]如果连结控制数字磁盘记录器 (DDR) Control...控制 Setup...配置 : 选择"DDR配置."下列对话框出现:取决DDR的连结类型对话框内容可能不同. A.Interface 界面 : 选择是否由SCSI 或 Ethernet连接. B.Size 大小: 按需要选定NTSC 或 PAL. C.IP Address IP 地址 : 如果连接经由Ethernet,设置一 IP 地址. D.Advanced Setup 高级配置 : DDR 20alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Edit 编辑菜单 Undo 撤消 : 取消上次修改,返回x-sheet 至先前状态.注意::不是全部操作都可应用. Cut 剪切 : 割掉x-sheet 选定的数据,存储在剪贴板. Copy 拷贝 : 拷贝选择数据并且存储在剪贴板.不同于"剪切":不移去数据. Paste 粘贴 : 粘贴剪贴板数据进选择区.剪切" & " 拷贝 " 将从一层拷贝所有的与 pegbar 的相关参数到剪贴板. 粘贴" 将在一层改写所有的与pegbar 的 相关参数 (连接的 pegbar). 详情请见 "Technical Information" 里的 "About Cut & Paste". Selective Paster...选择粘贴... : 仅仅粘贴选择参数.选择 " 选择的 粘贴...",选择想要参数的复选框, 然后单击 "确定 ". Insert & Paste 插入& 粘贴 : 插入一帧,粘贴数据. Clear 清除 : Select All 选择所有 : 选择所有的数据cels.这功能变化取决于当前存在的选择. A.在" 镜头层" 的当前选择 : 选择所有的在镜头层的帧 (所有的数据cels) . B.在 "Cel 层 "里面的当前选择 : 选择在所有的cel 层里面的所有的帧 (所有的数据cels) . 排除 Sub-cel 层. C.在 "Sub-cel 层" 里面的当前选择 : 选择所有在当前的sub-cel 层的帧 (所有的数据cels) . D.在 "效果层 "里面的当前选择 : 选择所有在当前的效果层的帧 (所有的数据cels) . Select Copied Range 选择已拷贝的范围 : 选择在剪贴板中存储的相同的范围.范围从第一 (上面离开) 选 择的数据cel 开始. 第一选择的数据cel 是唯一的一个不在选 择区内高亮显示. Preferences... CoreRETAS参数设置 : A. *一般 *输出 *文件 *X -sheet *舞台 *DDR单击左右箭头在选项之切换. A-1.General 一般 : 单击"选择..."按钮选择一插件文件夹. 除非必要,不更改插件文件夹默认值. 如果 插件文件夹位置已改, 它将不能马上装入,直到下一次你启动应用程序. A-2.Export 输出 : *Reverse Field On 3:2 Pulldown Change 反转在 3:2 下拉的变化上的字段 : 当 3:2下拉改变功能在输 出上插入时,偶数和奇数字段将颠倒 3:2 Pulldown 24 -30) 3:2 下拉改变由插入域增加帧.当写给 DDR 时,字段将颠倒, 其可以引起图像移位.如果是这情形,检查这选项. *Use Disk Cache 使用硬盘储存 : *File Number Digits 文件号数字 : 设置多少位数字用于文件序号.默认设置是 4 位数字. hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 121seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm- *Export Completion Sound 输出完成的声音 .Off 关闭 .Standard Sound 标准声音 .Extemal Sound 外部声音 A-3.File 文件 *Load Thambnails In CelBank 在CelBank 加载预览图标 : 当输入图像进celbank时加载预览图标. *Create & Save Thumbnails 创建&保存预览图标 : 如果当输入图像进一celbank 时,预览图标不存在, 这选项自动地创建且保存他. *Create Thumbnails From Movie File 从影片文件创造最小 *Save Outline 保存大纲/轮廓/略图 A-4. X-sheet 律表 *Paste Keyframes 关键帧粘贴 : 当处于打开状态时,粘贴关键帧是带参数的关键帧粘贴。 *Adjust Position In Center Mode 在中心方式模式调整位置 : 在激活状态, 如果你改变一 "pegbar Center" 或 "Layer Center", 图像 不移动- 位置根据中心变化调 整. 在关闭状态, 如果你改变一 "pegbar Center" 或"Layer Center", 图像移动 - 位置不根据中心 变化调整,.默认设置是 "ON". *Move By Selection 移动选择 *Zero Camera Center 摄像机零度中心点 Change Camera Size from Center 以中心点改变摄像机大小 * A-5.Stage 舞台 *Size(W.H) 大小 (宽,高) : 舞台尺寸设置. *Center(X.Y) 中心(X,Y) : 舞台中心的坐标. 舞台中心"是左上点.(它与 "pegbar center"或 "layer center"无关.") *Render Special Effects On Stage 在舞台上渲染特殊的效果 : 如果选定 " 图像" 模式,可在舞台上 渲染指定效果这有时需要很长时间.. 如果确认在舞台上的特殊效果不是确 实必要,关掉这一选项. *Stage BG Color 舞台背景颜色 : 单击颜色方框为舞台选择一背景色. *Grid 网格 A-6.Rendering *Rendering Window Threads *Stage Threads *Sheet Info BG Color A-7.DDR 机器 : 选择连接到你的计算机的磁盘记录器 (DDR)类型. 22alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Sheet 工作表菜单 Parameter Settings...参数设置... : 为一pegbar 和层设置各种参数. A.Pegbar : pegbar 参数和设置关键帧. A打开复选框,-1.参数复选框 输入设计的参数. 设置一关键帧. 单击在 " A-2.关键帧区域 连续的关键帧" -> " 连续的关键帧" -> "关键帧关闭 " 之间切换. 在一x-sheet 的关键帧区域不能被选定的. A-3.参数区域 在这里输入所需的参数. A-4.位置信息选定菜单 *Absolute 绝对作为绝对值 : 输参数入 x-sheet. *Relative 相对在x-sheet : 中把输入的参数加到当前数值上.负的值也可以输入. *Scale Relative比例相对值 :根据比例的缩放在 x-sheet 中把输入的参数加到当前数值上. *scaling.Ifacel size is enlarged :如果一cel大小被扩大了,对于同样的值,补充值将更大. *same amount :如果一cel大小被缩小了,对于同样的值补充值将较小. B.Layer 层 Cel Namber Auto Input 自动地将Cel 序号输入进一选择中. A.from : 从cel 开始序号. B.Number Skip 序号跳过 : 如果设置为0,没有 cel 序号将被跳过. C.To : 到cel 结尾序号. D.Frame Skip 帧跳过 : 如果设置为0,没有帧将被跳过. E.Every , Frame 每 ? 帧 : 被重复帧的数目.(一拍几) F.Repeat ? Times 重复?次 : 被重复的次数.单击 " 确定" 输入 cel 序号进一选择. Cel Auto Arrange Cel 自动重排 : 当从celbank 拷贝到 x-sheet时,根据文件名 中的帧序号自动地重排它. 如果你有由CoreRETAS输出的文件,使用此 特性你可以方便再次输入他们. 这特性要求文件名有一帧数字. 23seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Frame 帧 Insert ...插入... : 把帧插入到x-sheet. 会出现下列对话框. A.Insert ? Frames插入?帧 : 输入插入的帧数. B.Before/After 在当前帧之前或之后 : 选择这些选项之一.x-sheet 中的全部的帧数也增加 了.最新插入帧的参数重置为默认值. Delete...删除帧... : 对话框..单击 " 确定 " 从当前的帧开始删除选定的帧. 在删去以后, x-sheet的结尾的相等数目的帧成为空帧.这些空帧的参数重置为默认值. Layer 层 Insert...插入... : 把一层插入到x-sheet. 作为默认上次可用的 pegbar 被连接 到插入的层. Delete...删除... Rename...重命名... Reset 恢复 Pegbar Insert...插入... : 一新建的pegbar出现下列对话框最新插入的pegbar不连接到任何层. A.New Pegbar Name 新建的 Pegbar 命名 : 为新建的pegbar 输入一名称. B.Before/After 在当前 Pegbar 之前或之后 : 选择一位置,在当前Pegbar 之前或之后. C.Pegbar帧颜色 : 为新建的pegbar 选择一帧颜色.单击颜色方框和从颜色拾取器中选定. Delete...删除... : 删除当前的pegbar.一层如果连接到pegbar,出现一确认对话框.单击"确定"删除 pegbar.连接的层自动地重新连接到最后可用的pegbar.建议你在删除一pegbar 前 切断所有连接层. Rename...重命名... : 重命名当前的pegbar输入一不超过10个字符的名称.单击" 确定" 重命名 CelBank 胶片表 Insert...插入... : 插入一新建的celbank.出现下列对话框.最新插入的celbank 不连接到任何层. A.New CelBank Name 新建的 celbank 命名 : 为新建的celbank 输入一名称. B.Before/After 在当前 celbank 之前或之后选择一位置 : 在当前celbank之前或之后. 24alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Delete...删除... : 删除当前的celbank.一层如果连接到celbank,出现一确认对话框. 单击 " 确定" 删除 celbank.连接的层自动地重新连接到最后可用的celbank.建议你在删除一 pegbar 前切断所有连接层. Rename...重命名... : 重命名当前的pegbar.出现下列对话框. 输入一不超过10 个字符的名称. 单击 " 确定" 重命名 pegbar. Sound 声音 Import 引入 : 在一声音层中引入一声音文件.一声音文件必须是AIFF 或WAV 格式. Delete 删除 : 从一声音层中删除一引入的声音文件. Play 播放 : 在声音层中播放声音文件.如需播放声音的一部分,首先在x-sheet 中 选择帧,然后选择这命令.(注意 ::RenderDog只能播放所有的帧.) Stop 停止 : 停止声音的重放. Info 信息... : 显示声音文件信息: *文件名称 * 应用 ".当至少有 2 个关键帧时应用 Inbetween 命令. X,Y 和 Z 值将被 inbetweened. 25seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Current Parameter Only 仅当前参数 : 若想仅仅1 个参数被inbetweened 例如 " 仅X 或 “仅 Y " [图片::第一和最后一帧是关键帧] [图片::在一选择以内包括了关键帧] Setup...设置... Accelerate Decelerate A>>D D>>A Uniform Graph Setup Load Save Reverse Reset Spline Integer Only For Position InBetweening InBetween Same CelNumber Match Position And Speed InBetweening On Stage 设置镜头或cel 个别帧的移动距离和角Follow Setup...设置下列... : 度.在x-sheet 选择一帧范围,不考虑x-sheet的输入状态."设置下列 " 目 标是 "P Position 位置 X" 和 "P Position 位置Y". 下列 " 与旋转无关.. 要设置一旋转,请使用 "T 旋转 " 方式.出现下列对话框 A.Distance 距离 : 输入单帧的移动距离.可以用负值. Unit 单位 : 能在" 工作表设置sheet settings -> 一般general"里面设置.运动从选择中的第一帧 开始. B.Angle 角度 : 为移动方向输入一角度 (精确到3 小数位).角度从顺时针的方向的0 开始 0º右 90º向下 180º左 270º向上,向右下移动10 度,设置角度为 10度 向右上移动 350 度,设置角度为 350 度 C.In Frames 进帧 : 在开始时加速的帧数. D.Out Frames 出帧 : 在结尾时减速的帧数. Random Input... 随机输入... : 在一选择中输入不规则的参数. 出现下列对话框. A.Plus/Minus 正 / 负范围 为最大的范围输入一数字. Unit 单位 B.Relative Value相对值 : 如果打开了此选项,会在一个已存在的值上增加参数. 如果关掉,新建的 参数将替换现有的一个. Plus/ Minus 正/负值交替工作 : 正,负值将是随机的. C.Integer Only 仅使用整数 : 没有小数位. E.Same Value For Same Cel 同样的Cel 设置同样的值 : 同样的cel 使用同样的值. 26alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 Calculation 计算 : 在一现有的值上执行一计算.出现下列对话框.输入一值, 可精确到3 小数位, 在乘, 除,加,减中选择一种方式. Multiply 乘 现有的值 x 输入值 = 新数值 Divide 除 现有的值 / 输入值 = 新数值 Add 加 现有的值 + 输入值 = 新数值 Subtract 减 现有的值 - 输入值 = 新数值 Reverse反转 : 按降序在一选择以内反转参数. 关键帧将也被反转. Center Match First Frame 第一帧 : 去到第一帧. Last Frame 最后一帧 : 去到最后一帧. Jump To Frame... 跳转帧... : 出现下列对话框. Current Frame Collapse Sheet Expand Sheet Sheet Srtting 工作表设置 : 对x-sheet 进行各种设置. General...一般...一般的设置. A.X-sheet 名称 : 仅仅供确认,不能修改. B.Frames 帧数 : x-sheet 的长度 (总时间) .如果你增加帧数,新建的帧将补充到x-sheet 的结尾. 最新增加的帧的参数设置为默认值.如果你减少帧数,帧将从x-sheet 的结尾删除. C.Layers 层 : x-sheet 总计层的数字.不包括镜头层.如果你输入 "4",将有4 层:"-BG", "A", "B" 和 "C" 加上镜头层.如果你增加层数,新建的层将补充在 x-sheet 的右边. 最新增加的层的参数设置为默认值.如果你减少层数,层将从x-sheet 左边删除. D.Camera Width / Height 镜头 宽 /高 : 在这里输入一镜头大小. seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 127 E.“Custom” 镜头大小模板弹出菜单 : 在这里选择一标准的镜头大小. F.Units 单位 : 选择CoreRETAS使用的单位. G.Standard Resolution 标准的图形分辨率 : 100Frame 的标准的图形分辨率.(单位:DPI)CoreRETAS 根据镜头的大小和标准的图形分辨率计算毫米 (或英 寸)/ 每象素.如需了解标准的图形分辨率的更多知识, 参阅" 技术信息" 中 "标准的图 形分辨率" 一节. H. FPS 帧/ 秒 : 当输出到一 QuickTime 或 AVI 电影时, 电影的播放速度是基于这设置. : 选择一工作表视图方式. I.Sheet View 工作表视图 *Seconds + Frames 秒+ 帧 : 用秒和帧显示. *Feet 尺 : 用尺显示. *Frame Number 帧序号 : 用帧序号显示. *Page + Frame Number 页 +帧序号 : 用页码和帧序号显示. J.Frames Per Page 帧 /页 : 每页的最多帧数 K.Guide Line 辅助线条 : 为了清晰工作表视图,加入了辅助线. 输入 "6" 指每6 帧有一辅助线. L.Cancel 取消 : 取消上面的设置,关闭对话框. M.OK 确定 : 单击接受变化. Information... 信息... : 储存诸如标题, 事件数字, ...等工作表信息.如选中" 输出工作表信息 " 选项,录制时可以输出此信息.这信息不能在显示x-sheet 上,并且仅仅用于录制目的. : 输入一标题.可从右边的弹出菜单中选定以前的标题.在这菜单内可存储最多10 个 A.Title 标题 题. B.Episode 事件 : 输入一事件数字 ,以前进入的事件数能从在右上的弹出菜单是选定的.10 事件数 的一最大值能在这菜单是存储的. C.Seguence 顺序 : 输入一序号. D.Scene 场景 : 输入一场景数字. E.Seconds 秒 : 用秒为单位输入场景持续时间. F.Frames 帧 : 输入全部的帧数. G.Take 回数 : 输入回数. H.Memo 备注 : 输入一备注.能从右边的弹出菜单中选定以前输入的备注. 在此菜单最多可存储10 个 备注. Camera Clipping... Memo...备注... : x-sheet 备注.如果你双击一x-sheet 或选择 "文件 " 菜单下面的" 打开" 命令,会弹 出"备注"用于将工作备注发往其他处,例如作为镜头工作一个笔记. In-Point...进点... : 当输出到DDR (数字的磁盘记录器)的录制起始点用"小时:分钟:秒:帧"输入一时 间代码 这进点用于 " 输出 -> DDR 输出 -> 录制进点 -> 工作表设置".如果一新建的 进点在 " 输出" 对话框中进行了设置,这进点将被忽略. linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 128alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova- Stage 舞台菜单 在" 舞台区域”中设置图像显示方式. 与舞台窗口中的 " 显示方式选定按钮" 功能相同. 如果没有打 开舞台窗口,这菜单是暗淡的. Basic View 基本的视图 : 尽管也能显示图像内容,这方式主要用于高速重放以确认位置. Image 图像 : 所有的层图像显示在舞台上. Outline Keyframes Position X,Y Position Z Scale Rotation Center All Frames Frame Path Show Pegbar Show Grid Play 播放 : 在舞台上重放动画.重放速度取决于你的计算机处理器速度,并非x-sheet 中 设置的速度. Stop 停止 : 停止重放. Zoom In 放大 : CTRL+3 30 更改为 3:2 下拉24->30 : 通过自动地加入field(场),以变换24fps x-sheet 到30 fps 电影. Field Rendering B.Rendeing Window合成窗口 : 合成质量的设置. B-1.Resolution 图形分辨率 *Lowest 最低的图象质量,最高合成速度. 主要用于快速确认镜头的运动. *Low 低的图象质量,高的合成速度. *Mid 中等的质量. *Good 好,标准的质量,是默认值.合成主要采用这种方式. *High 最高,最好的质量..但是合成时间最长. B-2.线程(CPU) 多线程(CPU)合成.为达到最好的性能,将线程的数目设置为安装的 CPU 数目.. 例如,为 1CPU设置 1 线程,为2CPU 设置 2 线程,等等. C.Stage 舞台 : 舞台图像合成质量设置. C-1.Resolution 质量 *Low 低 : 低图象质量,更高的合成速度. *Mid 中等 : 中等的图象质量. *Good 好 : 标准的质量.主要采用这种方式 -12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 130alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota C-2.线程(CPU) 多线程(CPU)合成.为达到最好的性能,将线程的数目设置为安装的 CPU 数 目..例如,为 1CPU设置 1 线程,为,2CPU 设置 2 线程,等等.如果你为一个1CPU 的 PC 机 选择2 或4 线程,合成速度将不会增加.多线程仅可用于Windows NT. D.Smoothing 平滑 : 平滑设置 D-1.Layer Settings 层设置 : 根据层设置面板中的设置. D-2.Auto 自动 : 当 cels 被缩放比例时,自动地检测和应用平滑,以达到更好质量. D-3.All 全部 : 在所有的层上都进行平滑.忽略了" 层设置" 中的设置. 4.Off 关闭 : 对任何层都不进行平滑处理.忽略了" 层设置" 中的设置. D- E.Both Edge Smoothing 边都平滑 : CoreRETAS版本5 用 32 位,包含Alpha 信道的方式合成所有的图 像. 通常,RGB平面在输出时是不平滑的.如果 " 边都平滑" 被选 中,RGB平面将输出时进行平滑处理. 如果你不需要这选项,关闭它. F.BG Color 背景颜色 : 设置一背景色. 这 "BG" 不是指"-BG" 层,而是指在它后面的颜色.单击颜色方框 和从颜色拾取器中选择一颜色,以更改背景色. Windows 窗口菜单 显示或隐蔽窗口和浮动面板. Arrange Palettes 面板排列 Arrange Arrange To Default Positions Save Current Positions stage舞台 : 舞台窗口 打开/激活/关闭. z view Z 视图 : Z 视图窗口 打开/激活/关闭.. Rendering window 合成窗口 : 合成窗口 打开/激活/关闭. CelBank 胶片表 : F8 胶片表窗口 打开/激活/关闭. Layer Setup 层设置 : 层设置面板 打开/激活/关闭. X-sheet律表 : 把一个x-sheet 放到前面并激活它. edical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 131seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng met 命令 & 工具 做一选择 在 x-sheet 点按或拖动做一选择 : 在这选择中能注册在输入字段里输入的参数. cel 选定一帧 单击一数据 拖动一范围内的帧或层的做一更大的选择 按一箭头键移动一选择 : 在每次输入以后,选定区域也自动地向下移动.如果你的选择从视野中移开 了,x-sheet会跟随你的选择自动地 滚动. KeyFrame 关键帧 Continuous-Keyframe "Continuous-Keyframe" 在自己和另外的先前或下面的关键 帧之间创 造一连续性.它成为 InBetweening 的一 " 集中点". 1.对 60 帧和 4 层创造一新建的 x-sheet. 2.保证自动 InBetween 设置 InBetween 速度 "uniform 匀速 ". 设置视图方式 " 所有帧 "打开帧路径 3.把帧 1 设置为关键帧,单击位置按钮 然后移动镜头 " pegbar 定位条. 4.把帧 60 设置为关键帧,单击位置按钮 然后移动镜头 " pegbar 定位条 5.把帧 30 设置为关键帧,单击位置按钮 然后移动镜头 " pegbar 定位条. Noncontinuous-Keyframe "Noncontinuous-Keyframe"在自己和另外的先前或下面的关 键帧之 间不创造一连续性.它成为一规则 "出发点" 或 "结束点 ". 范例同上: Alt/Opt-拖动 设置了一 "Noncontinuous-Keyframe".自动InBetween" 在帧1,20,60路径上创造了 一锋利的角度. month rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 132alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nation Continuous-Keyframes & Noncontinuous-Keyframe 混合 1.重复步骤 "2.Noncontinuous-Keyframe". 2.把帧40设置为关键帧.单击位置按钮帧40现在为Continuous-Keyframe设置了. 3.当 CoreRETAS 4个关键帧 "帧1,20,40,60"之间做 inbetweens时, 由于 "帧20"是一 "Noncontinuous- Keyframe", 不管你怎样移动 "帧40",都不会对"帧1和20"产生效果. InBetween InBetween 设置对话框 : 选择 "Sheet ->InBetween -> Setup...". A.速度 : 速度选项. A-1.Accelerate 加速 : 逐渐地增加速度.主要用于在一移动的起始时使镜头 /cel 更平稳 . A-2.Decelerate 减速 : 逐渐地减少速度.主要用于在停止时使镜头 /cel 更平稳. 33seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 A-3. A >> D: 加速,然后减速主要用于平动. A-4. D >> A: 减速,然后加速.除了用于镜头工作外,主要用于改变透明度. A-5.Uniform 匀速 : 总是一样的速度. A-6.Graph Setup 图形设置 : 使用一图片的编辑器设置速度. A-7.Spline 图形区域 : 在这区域里编辑图形.,水平的行显示时间,垂直的行显示速度.默认值 (重置) 图形是一直线,显示 " 匀速"速度. 1(图形设置单击任何地方添加一控制点.拖动控制点编辑曲线.对于 1 个控制点,如果曲线向下, " 加速".曲线越背离, 速度越大. 它显示 2(花键 : 使用花键实现多个关键帧的 Inbetweens. 详见 " 命令 & 工具 " 中的 " 有关 InBetweening 的注意 " 一节 . B. B-1.Integer Only For Position InBetweening 位置 InBetweening 使用整数 : 位置 InBetweening 值仅仅为整数.由于位置 InBetweening 不计算小数 位,可以减少合成时间. 就算小数位没计算,一高速度 运动不会有视觉的问题. B-2.InBetween Same CelNumber 同样的 Cel 进行 InBetween : 通常这选项被选中.当激活时,同样的 Cel 会进行InBetween如果你不想要一人物在走路或跑期间的脚发生 滑动,关掉这选项.当它关掉时,一样的 cel 将有一样的位置值. B-3.Match Position And Speed InBetweening On Stage 在舞台上匹配位置和速度 InBetweening :详 见 "命令&工具" 中的 "有关 InBetweening 的注意" 一节. 有关 Compositing (合成)方式 Layer Setup 窗口/Setup 1(Normal 标准 : 当前的层的每象素反映它的原始的 RGB 值,不变化. 2. Add 添加(叠加) : 把每象素的 RGB 值加到下面层. 3. Lighter 较亮 : 与下面层比较,显示较亮的那个象素. 4. Darker 更暗 : 与下面层比较,显示更暗的那个象素. 5. Subtract 减 : 从下面层减每象素的 RGB 值. 6. Difference 不同 : 与下面层比较,取 RGB 值差的绝对值. 7. Multiply 乘 : 与下面层乘 RGB 值,然后用255 除. 8. Screen 屏幕 : 反转两层的 RGB 值, 乘他们, 然后再次反转.again. 9. Backlight 背光 : 增加一背光蒙片. 详细情况,参阅 "命令&工具"中 "添加&背光 " 一节. 10.Gray Mask 灰色蒙片 : 把层作为灰色蒙片. 详细情况,参阅 "命令&工具"中 "关于蒙片 " 一节. 11.Alpha Mask Alpha 蒙片:把层作为Alpha蒙片. 详细情况,参阅"命令&工具"中"关于蒙 片" 一节. 标准的插件过滤器 : oreRETAS 5版本标准的插件过滤器列表和解释. 条件 : CelBank :要求或不要参数 :可选择的参数类型设置 :在 " 设置..." 里面的 选项 1. Effects/Add/Blur/Soft Blur 轻微模糊 : 把轻微模糊使用于一层. CelBank :不要求 参数 :没有 设置 :轻微模糊设置 *重复几次 2. Effects/Add/Blur/Focus 焦点 : 应用聚焦 (强模糊效果) 到一层. CelBank :不要求 参数 :透镜 设置 :没有 34alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 3. Effects/Add/Other/Smoothing 平滑 : 通过对一层使用强模糊效果模拟镜头聚焦. 与 " 层安装 " " 平滑 " 相同 . 中 CelBank :不要求. 参数 :没有. 设置 :平滑安. 仅仅平滑内部边 4. Effects/Add/Noise/Noise 噪声 : 把噪声加到一层. CelBank:不要求. 参数 :强度. 设置 :噪声设置. *RGB 噪声 *HSV 噪声. 5. Effects/Add/Tone/Invert 反转 : 反转一层.与反向作用相同. CelBank :不要求. 参数 :没有. 设置 :参数. *反转打开 / 关掉 6. Effects/Add/Other/Alpha : 变换一层为Alpha 蒙片. CelBank :不要求 参数 :没有 设置 :Alpha设置 7. Effects/Add/Backlight 背光 : 变换一层为一背光蒙片. CelBank :不要求 参数 :强度 设置 :背光设置 详细情况,参阅 " 命令 & 工具 " 中 " 关于背光 " 一节 . 8. Effects/Add/Backlight2背光 2 CelBank :不要求 参数:强度, 溢出设置:背光设置 详细情况,参阅"命令&工具"中 "关于背光" 一节 9. Effects/Add/Composite/Mask Replace 蒙片替换 : 增加一附加的蒙片层. CelBank :要求 参数:蒙片数字 设置 :蒙片设置 原始的蒙片 打开 / 关掉 使用 RGB 蒙片 打开 / 关掉 Mask : 详细情况,参阅"命令&工具"中 "关于蒙片" 一节. Effects/Add/Tone/Invert on/off 10. Effects/Add/RGB Filter RGB过滤 : 把一RGB过滤加到一层. CelBank :不要求. 参数 :R 过滤. G 过滤 B 过滤. 设置 RGB过滤设置. 红色,绿色,蓝色 ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 135seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4 11. Effects/Add/Distort/Mirror 镜像 : 水平或垂直地反转一层图像. CelBank 不要求. 参数 :应用 (0 = 开,1 = 关闭) 设置 :镜像设置 12. Effects/Add/Distort/Distort 扭曲 : 使用一蒙片层扭曲一cel 层的图像. CelBank :要求 参数:蒙片数字,强度 设置 :没有 详细情况,参阅"命令&工具"中 "嵌套" 一节 . 36alscular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the nationmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiova-linical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12tions in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, cmonth rota-12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical onths12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 m or clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medicalrelated tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree f-hnical research laboratory diagnosispection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and teced instreatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limitcimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and 3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and spe-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1 镜头工作 打开Window/Stage舞台窗口,单击"Pegbar选定 按钮"选定 "CAM" 这里我们将滑动"蒙片" 创造一移动的cel蒙片. 1.确认帧1是当前帧.如果不是,使用舞台控制面板移动到帧1. 2.单击在舞台上的"Pegbar 选定按钮" 和选定 "蒙片". 3.单击舞台上的"P positon X" 字段选择它.当字段高亮显示时,单击Continuous-Keyframe 按钮将它设置 为一关键帧. 4.使用舞台控制面板移动到最后一帧 (帧150).单击 "P Position X" 字段选择它.在"P positionX" 字段里面输入 "-2000",按Enter键确认它.当 "P positionY" 高亮显示时,单击Continuous-Keyframe按钮将它设置为一关键帧.在 "蒙片" 层下面的输入参数选择菜单选定 "P position X" .双击" 蒙片 " 层标题栏选定全部帧.选择"工作表 ->InBetween ->"设置..."打开对话框. 选定 "匀速" 然后单击 "应用"保存工作表为 "mask.tsf". 工作表嵌套 1. 打开在步骤2保存的 "SheetNest.tsf". 2.选定 "-BG" 作为当前的层.选择 "效果effects -> 添加add -> distort扭曲 -> distort扭 曲". 3.选择 "工作表 -> CelBank->Insert插入..."添加一celbank " 蒙片". 4.引入在步骤5保存的 "mask.tsf"进celbank"mask". 5.在celbank输入对话框中,选定"X-sheet"作为文件类型,然后双击 "mask.tsf" 引入它. 与引入图像文件的不同之处:一嵌套的 x-sheet 不显示预览图标. 6.在效果层 "distort", 更改CelBank选定菜单从 "=" 到 "mask".确认输入参数菜单在 "Mask No." 方 式.选择 " 工作表 ->Cel Number Auto Input Cel 序号自动输入 ". 37seases 7 Professional. Through the nationalmonth rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious di-ry situation. Phase II: 12unology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratomonth rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Imm-hod (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4ng metedical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and traini(test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (myears cine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 , training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medirelated tasks. Second-sis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosisies of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnoa ser ults of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion andives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret res3 years. A, training object-diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1
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