首页 污水处理管理规章制度



污水处理管理规章制度污水处理管理规章制度 ***污水处理站安全管理制度 为加强全程污水处理的安全管理,更好的贯彻落实国家的安全劳动法规,实现安全生产、文明生产、杜绝各类隐患事故和发生,特制定本制度。 一、 认真执行岗位安全操作规程,严禁违章操作,不准擅自乱动 机器设备、仪表及各类汽、水、油封。发现设备问题应及时 停机报修。 二、 严格操作程序,及时掌握,查看仪表,做好记录, 三、 上班严禁喝酒,酒后不准进入工作岗位;工作之中不准接待 客人、干私活等与本职工作无关的事情。 四、 处理区内严禁存放易燃物品,严禁烟火。值班室内应...

污水处理管理规章制度 ***污水处理站安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 为加强全程污水处理的安全管理,更好的贯彻落实国家的安全劳动法规,实现安全生产、文明生产、杜绝各类隐患事故和发生,特制定本制度。 一、 认真执行岗位安全操作规程,严禁违章操作,不准擅自乱动 机器设备、仪表及各类汽、水、油封。发现设备问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 应及时 停机报修。 二、 严格操作程序,及时掌握,查看仪表,做好记录, 三、 上班严禁喝酒,酒后不准进入工作岗位;工作之中不准接待 客人、干私活等与本职工作无关的事情。 四、 处理区内严禁存放易燃物品,严禁烟火。值班室内应配有消 防设备,定期检查,保持良好,每个人都要会使用。 五、 上班要坚守岗位,不准睡岗、串岗等。集中精力上班。 六、 保证各压力容器能在正常工作压力下工作。 七、 严禁无关人员进入生产区参观,需要参观学习要经厂部批准 后方可进入。 八、 污水处理操作人员必须学习业务技术知识,熟练掌握好全程 污水处理的原理及流程。 九、 掌握实用消防器材,仪器异常要及时采取正确措施和方法及 时排除。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe ***污水处理管理制度 为了创建清洁卫生文明车间,美化自然环境,特制定本制度。 一、 严格执行本岗位的操作规程和安全操作规程,认真做好各 项原始记录。 二、 上班人员不准干私活,不准看与业务无关的书报。 三、 上班人员不串岗、睡岗,违者罚款。 四、 不准在处理设施通道内堆放垃圾,经常清扫,保持清洁。 五、 处理设备、电器要保持外观无灰尘、无油垢,坚持每班一 清扫。 六、 不准在生产区内晾晒衣服。 七、 生产区内严禁吸烟动火。 八、 杜绝长明灯、长流水,如有发现,值班人员罚款。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe 污水处理站人员岗位培训规则 一、 认真学习贯彻环保法规、法令条例,积极做好污染治理工 作,造福于子孙后代。 二、 树立环保意识,保证净化水质达标。 三、 上岗人员必须坚守岗位,精心控作,工作期间不得干与工 作无关的事情。 四、 每月集中组织一次学习,学习业务知识,熟练操作确保运 行规范化。 五、 每周召开一次污水处理站 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 会,分析一周来的运行 情况,安排下一周的工作,做到有布置、有检查、有落实。 六、 强化安全意识,制定安全工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,每周进行一次安全教 育,始终坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的安全生产观念, 做到防患于未然。 七、 强化工作责任心,增强主人翁意识,积极工作,做到各负 其责,积极协作。 八、 定期对操作人员考核,对考核达不到要求的,要进行停岗 培训,直到考核合格后方可上岗工作。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe 污水处理站交接班制度 一、 生产操作人员提前30分钟做好交班工作,认真填写操作记 录和交班事宜,为下班创造良好的生产条件。 二、 要做到“五交”,即交操作记录和交接班记录;交污水处理 设施运行情况;交运行出现的故障情况及故障排除情况; 交可能出现的故障隐患情况;交卫生清扫情况。 三、 要做到“五不交”。即操作记录和交班记录填写不清不全不 交;设施运行情况说不清不交;设施运行故障排除不好不 交;故障隐患交接不清不交;环境卫生搞不好不交。 四、 要做到“三不离开”即接班人员不到不离开;“五交、五不 交”未做到不离开;接班人员不同意不离开。 五、 接班人员提前10分钟报到,听取本班长班长汇报和布置本 班任务。 六、 若交接不清,接班后发生的一切情况由接班人员负责。 七、 操作记录不准乱写、撕毁、丢失,每月用完后交生产部保 存。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe **化验员岗位责任制 一、 化验员要树立高尚的职业道德,热爱本职工作,钻研分析技术, 培养科学作风。 二、 化验员应经培训,考试合格后方能承担分析测试工作。 三、 分析人员对所承担的分析测试项目应熟悉方法原理,严守操作 规程,以便操作准确无误。 四、 认真做好分析测试前的各项准备工作,各项测试条件均符合实 验室分析质量控制要求,方可进行样品分析测试。 五、 严格执行监测分析质量控制的有关规定,发现异常数据应及时 查找原因,进行纠正,以保证数据质量。 六、 测试完毕做到及时清洗器具,保持实验室清洁卫生,并做好安 全检查。 七、 认真填报化验结果,字迹要清晰,记录要完整,要实事求是, 严禁伪造数据,校对要严格,做到准确无误。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe **化验室安全操作制度 一、 化验室需安装各种必备的安全设施(通风橱、防尘罩、试剂柜、 消防灭火器材等)。 二、 对消防灭火器材应做到定期检查,不任意挪用,保证随时均可 取用。经常对化验人员进行安全防火教育,保证每人都能正确 使用所备的各种消防灭火器材。 三、 化验室内各种仪器设备应按要求放置在固定的处所,不得任意 移动,各种标签要保证清晰完整,避免拿错用错造成事故。 四、 加强对剧毒、易燃、易爆物品、放射源及贵重物品的管理,凡 属危险品必须设专人保管。 五、 使用易燃、易爆和剧毒化学试剂要首先了解其物理化学性质, 遵守有关规定进行操作。 六、 使用各种仪器设备必须严格遵守安全规则和操作规程,认真填 写使用登记表,发现问题及时报告。 七、 剧毒试剂的废液,必须排入废水处理池进行转化处理,不准任 意排入下水道。 八、 用电、用气、用火时,必须按有关规定操作,以保证安全。 九、 化验室内不准抽烟、吃食物,存放与实验无关的物品。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe 化验室仪器设备使用管理制度 一、 精密仪器及贵重器皿需有专人保管,登记造册,建卡立档。仪 器档案包括使用说明书、验收、调试记录、初始参数、定期保 养维护、校准及使用情况的登记记录等。 二、 精密仪器安装和保养维修,均应严格遵照仪器说明书的要求进 行,上机人员应考核合格后方可上机操作。 三、 使用仪器前,要先检查仪器是否正常。仪器发生故障时,要查 清原因,排除故障后方可继续使用,决不允许仪器带病运行。 四、 仪器用毕后,要恢复到所要求位置,做好清洁工作,盖好防尘 罩。 五、 计量仪器(包括天平、砝码、滴定管、容量管、容量瓶等)要 定期校验、标定,以保证测量值的质量标。 六、 对实验室内的仪器设备要妥善保管,经常检查,及时维修保养, 使之随时处于完好状态。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe 化验室化学试剂使用管理制度 一、 化验室内使用的化学试剂应有专人保管,分类存放,并定期检 查使用及保管情况。 二、 易燃、易爆物品要放在远离实验室的阴凉通风处,在实验室内 保存的少量易燃易爆试剂要严格管理。 三、 剧毒试剂应放在毒品柜内,由专人保管,使用时有审批手续, 两人共同称量,登记用量。 四、 取用化学试剂的器皿应洗涤干净,分开使用。倒出的化学试剂 不准倒回,以免玷污。 五、 挥发性强的试剂必须在通风橱取用,使用挥发性强的有机溶剂 时,要注意避免明火,绝不可用明火加热。 六、 配制各种试液和 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 液必须严格遵守操作规程,配完后立即贴 上标签,以免拿错用错。不得使用过期试剂。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe **化验室原始数据、记录、资料管理制度 一、 分析测试的原始数据应记录相应的取样量,校准曲线试验、密 码样、空白样的结果和样品测定结果。记录应统一记在编有页 码的记录本上,不得随意涂抹、撕页,更不得丢失。 二、 修改错误数据时,应在原数上画一条横线,表示弃去,并保留. 原数字清晰可辨的字迹。 三、 原始数据应统一管理,归档存查,常规化验的原始数据一般保 存8-10年。 四、 任何个人都不得将化验数据据为己有,检测结果未经领导批准 不得随意向外提供。 五、 化验室有关数据记录,技术资料等应立卷归档,实行集中统一 管理,凡归档的技术资料必须保证完整、准确、真实、字迹工 整、图表清晰,要注明项目、时间、地点、工作者、保管期限、 机密等级和资料页数。 六、技术资料档案、管理人员要定期检查资料的保管和使用情况, 严格履行借阅手续,要忠于职守,不失密、不泄密。 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe
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