首页 骨干教师培训班开班讲话



骨干教师培训班开班讲话骨干教师培训班开班讲话 尊敬的各位教师: 今天是我县第三期小学语文骨干教师培训班的开班典礼,首先请允许我代表教师进修学校对前来参加这期培训班的各位老师们表示热烈欢迎~我很高兴也很荣幸能站在这里,与来自我县各个乡镇的精英骨干教师一起学习,一起分享我们教学中的酸甜苦辣。根据进修学校的安排,由我来担任我们语文班的班主任,在此,让我以班主任的身份再次欢迎大家的到来,预祝我们合作愉快,并请老师们在今后的学习中多多指教。炎炎暑期,本是老师们好好休息,养精蓄锐的时间,但是大家还是准时地来参加此次的培训,辛苦啦~老师们。 今...

骨干教师 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班开班讲话 尊敬的各位教师: 今天是我县第三期小学语文骨干教师培训班的开班典礼,首先请允许我代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 教师进修学校对前来参加这期培训班的各位老师们表示热烈欢迎~我很高兴也很荣幸能站在这里,与来自我县各个乡镇的精英骨干教师一起学习,一起分享我们教学中的酸甜苦辣。根据进修学校的安排,由我来担任我们语文班的班主任,在此,让我以班主任的身份再次欢迎大家的到来,预祝我们合作愉快,并请老师们在今后的学习中多多指教。炎炎暑期,本是老师们好好休息,养精蓄锐的时间,但是大家还是准时地来参加此次的培训,辛苦啦~老师们。 今年的培训,可以说非同一般,一是培训方式有了很大的转变;二是局领导高度重视;三是对培训对象的确定有了更高的要求。所以可以说,今天来参加的培训老师们都是各个乡镇小学教育战线上的“白骨精”(白领、骨干、精英教师),你们都是县里、乡镇、学校的领头羊,在各自的岗位上有着丰富的教学经验,有着累累的教学硕果。你们都是最棒的~能够结识大家,我由衷地高兴~在这里,让我庄重地向大家敬个礼吧~谢谢你们为山区教育所作的贡献。 我其实也是来自教学第一线的,作为我们第一线的教师,对于我们的山区教育状况是最有发言权的,我们最了解下面的情况,也就更有义务利用此次培训这个平台,多交流,多互动,多提问,抱着“学习理念,更新观念,交流思想,调整状态,进入角色”的培训目的,互相学习,互相constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 促进,互相提高。力争能现在解决的问题就地解决,还不能解决的问题,努力向上级反映,寻求解决。 为了让本次的培训能够愉快地、圆满地完成,在这里我提出几点要求和建议,从而使我们的工作更加协调,我们的学习更加有效果。 1. 提高认识,转变角色,增强学习的使命感和责任意识 在座的各位有的是自愿报名参加学习的,有的是单位领导从学习的角度安排来参加学习的,我想不管是哪一种情况,都要提高对参加这次学习的认识,增强学习的使命感和责任意识。这种类型的培训班是我县教师队伍建设的一项重要举措,它凝聚着全县教育系统上上下下的关心和心血,寄托着人们的期望,现时也将是对你今后的教育教学生涯产生重要影响的一个重要事件,如能把握得好,将会使你进入一个全新的境界。因此能如愿来参加学习是一种幸运,能被学校领导安排来学习是一种意外的惊喜。在人的整个职业生涯中,能被安排参加培训学习的机会是不多的。培训已成为现代社会奖励员工的最有吸引力的形式之一。大家有幸参加这样的培训应该要珍惜。各位教师要尽快实现角色的转换。把自己从老师的角色拉回到学生的角色中来,从一个管理学生的角色转到作为被管理者的学生身份中来,要充分认识到,你在这儿的一切表现,不仅代表了你个人的形象,还代表了你所在的学校的形象,你在这儿所取得的成绩不仅关系到你自己,还关系到你的学校和你的学生的发展,当你硕果累累时所有的人都将为你欢呼;当你无功而返时,所有的都会感到惋惜。著名教育学者胡适在《不要抛弃学问》一文中指出:“吃饭而不求学问,三年五年之后,你们都要被后来少年淘汰掉的。到那时再想做点学问来补救,恐怕已太晚constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 参考 了”。机会成就未来,把握现在就是把握未来,大家都是怀着一定的抱负来到这儿的,将成为揭西县小学语文教育的中流砥柱,意味着不甘于做教书“匠”的平庸,就要使出相应的行动。易卜生说:“你的最大责任是把你这块材料铸造成器”。我想在座的各位目前的最大责任就是要把自己铸造成一名真正的小学语文骨干教师。 2.静心定远,戒骄戒躁,增强学习的主动性和自觉性 学习不仅仅是种认知过程,更是一种意志行为,是一种苦行僧的生活,不沉下心来,去掉哪些华而不实的浮躁心态是读不进去书的。古今中外,大凡有成就者,都有悬梁刺股,囊萤夜读的精神,都有十年磨一剑,耐得住寂寞,板凳能坐十年冷的毅力。大家既然来到这儿,就要定下心来,避免一些无关的干扰,专心读书,认真学习,才能有所成就。 首先要认真完成培训班 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的各项学习任务,主动地、创造性地去学习。这次培训班安排的活动是丰富和全面的,主要是学科业务能力的提升训练,培训班将会对各位的作业进行量化打分,并颁发结业证书。 其次是要挤时间博览群书,广泛地吸取知识。有人说教师的真功夫在课堂,要聚焦课堂,要再造课堂的激情,就要有广博的知识作为背景。庄子曰:人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用。也就是说有些知识藐视无用,实为大有之用,比如说,艺术修养、审美修养。李政道说:没有美育,就没有艺术,就没有想象力,就没有创造力,它会将科学引向高处,引向深处,引向远处。教师面对复杂的教育情境,他所对问题所作出的决策大多数是头脑中的哪些综合性的、隐性的知识,这些知识就要靠平时大量的积累。要达到随手掂来的状态,平时必须要做学习的有心人。要不惜时间,-- constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 不惜精力,争分夺秒,孜孜以求。 因此,我衷心希望在这十多天的培训中,能完成三项很重要的事情:一是认真写出高质量的培训体会。培训体会是对自己获得的信息一次再融合、提炼、审视的过程,只有坐下来静心来将听到的、看到的、想到的整理出来,这样学习才会在你的大脑里扎下根来,加深对学习内容的领悟,结合自己的经验和知识来思考当前获取的信息,这样也能做到有针对性、批判地吸取精华内容,在写的过程中同时也能激发自己的工作热情。 二是记些有质量的学习笔记。我倡导的是大家真正的记一点学习笔记,能记多少是多少,不要过于苛求数量,要有质量。对于一些为了应付检查写的像大字一样、或者像罚抄书一样的学习笔记,我觉得没有必要去折磨自己,不如不做。要做就记着坚持一个 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,你记下来的东西,今后你能经常地翻看一下,查阅一下,并且想读一读。可以说好的读书笔记是你愿意抄下来的内容,是那些你认为与你的思想有相通之处,更多的是你想到了没有很好的表达出来,而人家也表达出来了。记笔记也是一种素材积累的过程,书到用时方恨少,笔记能达到这个效果就好了。 三是经常写点小随笔。将你每天所看所想所听记下来,过一段时间你会发现,这些平时积攒下来东西还很有意义,它记录了你的工作历程、心路历程,将你每个时期对事情的看法真实的记录出来了,这是送给自己最好的礼物。尤其是当你要完成某一个材料时能借用时,你会感觉到很轻松,下笔不是那么枯涩。记随笔也不要太看重自己写的如何,担心有没有质量,写得与发表的文字有多大的差距,其实随笔更多的时候是孤芳自赏,给自己看的,并没有很多人会来在意你写的好坏,记着这是给自己写的,constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor; 参考 不是给别人写的,写多了,或许也会给别人写点,那就是正式发表的文字。 3.增强规章意识,提升纪律精神,做纪律的模范遵守者和执行者 我们这种培训既是一种业务的培训,又是一种作风的培训、学风的培训。纪律是成功的保障,没有严格的纪律就不可能有好的培训效果。纪律精神是个人内在素质的体现,一个松松垮垮的人绝对不是一个素质高雅的人。对教师来讲,纪律精神又是教育的手段,教师对待纪律的精神和态度将会影响学生对待纪律的态度。因此作为教师特别是作为骨干教师的各位,一定要树立牢固的纪律意识,养成良好的纪律习惯,要模范遵守培训的各项规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 。 各位老师,未来不仅仅是我们想去的地方,更是我们要创造的地方,未来的路不是找到的,而是一步一个脚印走出来的,衷心希望大家脚踏实地,义无反顾,走出一条光明辉煌,成才成功之路。衷心祝愿大家树大志,干大事,成大师。 谢谢大家。 本新闻共2页,当前在第1页 1 2 -- constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0.5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2.4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2% Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2.5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X--sample, mg/100 g; 14.97--conversion factor;
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