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大师的演讲录.doc大师的演讲录.doc A Story of China, Past and Present 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲中国的去和在 The 2005 NSW History Awards Address 在新南威士州史式上的致辞讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 Sydney, 14 November 2005 悉尼,2005年11月14日 ,上, I want to start by saying how impressed I am by the seriousness with which Australians appro...

大师的演讲录.doc A Story of China, Past and Present 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲中国的去和在 The 2005 NSW History Awards Address 在新南威士州史式上的致辞讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 Sydney, 14 November 2005 悉尼,2005年11月14日 ,上, I want to start by saying how impressed I am by the seriousness with which Australians approach history. In every state and city I visit, there is always a museum—or many of them—recording local history. Even at Port Arthur great care is taken in preserving one of the darkest periods of the exiles. In Australia, history is not only stored in museums, but also a presence in daily life. In Adelaide, for instance, almost everybody can tell how the city was originally designed with extraordinary foresight and imagination and how it grew over the many years. 首先,我想的是,澳大利人待史的真度我留下了非常深讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 刻的印象。我所到的一个州、一座城市都有一座或者好讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲每每 几座博物着当地的史,就瑟港最黑暗的流放史也被悉讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 心地保存了下来。在澳大利,史不收存于博物内,也存在于讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 日常的生活中。比如,在阿德莱德,几乎个人都能述座城市最初者每讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 富有想象力和前瞻性的划,以及座城市不断化成的史。讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 In China we often say, history is a mirror for our guidance. For us, Chinese history is so long and multifaceted that it leaves us with many memories, sometimes glorious and sometimes painful. 我中国人常,以史,可以知替。中国的史漫而讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,留下多多的回,既有煌的去,也有痛的往昔。 Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, together with Athens, Rome and Cairo, are regarded as the four major ancient capitals of the world. It has a history of over 3,000 years, with thirteen dynasties having their capitals there over a period of about 1,100 years. In ancient times Xi’an was called Chang’an, which means, literally, long lasting peace and security. The city witnessed many major events in China’s history. Every brick, every object unearthed in that historic city can tell us a fascinating story. The Shaanxi History Museum there has a collection of over 370,000 items.讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲西省省会西安与雅典、、并称世界四大古都,有3000多年的史,曾有讲讲讲讲讲13个朝 代在此定都,延讲讲讲1100年。西安古名安,字面意思讲讲讲“讲”讲讲讲讲久的和平与安定。座史 古城中国多重大的史事件,里出土一一瓦都能讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 向我述一个精彩的故事,位于西安的西史博物藏品超讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲37万件。 The Palace Museum (Forbidden City) in Beijing features more than 1,000,000 historical relics, with more than 30,000 pieces of jadeware, 40,000 ancient paintings, 350,000 ancient pieces of porcelains, and 15,000 pieces of bronzeware. More than 10,000 items date back to ages before Christ. The collection is so rich that only20,000 items are on display now The palace itself is China’s largest national treasure. 北京故博物院,紫禁城,内珍藏了讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲100多万件史文物,包括讲讲讲讲讲讲讲3万多件玉器、4万卷古画、 35万件古瓷以及1.5万尊青器,其中有讲讲讲讲讲讲1万多件的史可以追溯到公元前。讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 故中的藏品非常丰富,目前展出的只是其中的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲2万件,故建筑本身就是中讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 国最大的国宝。 In our dynastic history, the imperial order was built on the legitimacy of the power of emperors, who wielded absolute power as the “Son of Heaven.” One can find in our history an almost never ending cycle from stability to chaos and from boom to bust. The ruling order was constantly strengthened dynasty after dynasty, until it became so sophisticated and consolidated that no attempts at reform could shake it loose. Budding capitalism and modern economic practices could hardly elbow their way to the mainstream. From 221 BC, when Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor, united the warring states, to the end of the last emperor’s rule in 1912, China had over 20 dynasties and more than 400 emperors, only one of them female. 在中国史上,王朝以皇中心,皇帝以天子自居,有至高无上的力。中国史呈出讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 从安定到乱、由盛入衰、周而始的循。随着朝代更迭交替,治体系越来越达,越讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 来越固,多次改革,仍然以撼其根基,讲讲讲讲讲讲 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲本主萌芽和代活以 成主流。从公元前讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲221年秦始皇一六国到讲讲讲讲讲1912年末代皇帝退位,中国了二十讲讲讲讲讲 多个朝代,生了四百多位帝王,其中只有一位女性。讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 The years between 1840 and 1945 were a period of frequent foreign invasions and great suffering. China suffered hundreds of invasions by foreign powers in a century’s time and was compelled to sign hundreds of unequal treaties. More than three million km2 of Chinese territory was lost. 从1840年到1945年,中国了一段受外国侵略的血泪史。一百讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 多年的里,中国遭受了列讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲的数百次侵略,被迫了几百个强 辱国的不平等条,先后共失去讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲三百多万平方公里土地。 China had too much chaos and wars. Its culture bloomed during periods of prosperity but was all too soon ruined and even destroyed by social upheavals. The greatest cultural calamity in the meantime occurred in 1860 when the Anglo-French forces invaded Beijing and perpetrated an appalling cultural looting rarely seen in human history. Yuan Ming Yuan, one of the largest imperial palaces in the world, the most magnificent palace in Beijing, 3.5 million m2 large and built over a period of 150 years by five emperors, was sacked and then torched to smoking ruins. Hundreds of thousands of cultural relics were robbed, many of them still sitting in museums such as the British Museum and the Fontainebleau Palace, and in private hands across Europe and America. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲的火中国人民受之苦,社会的展孕育出的文化 繁讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲。,毁期眼就在最大的文化社会的中被劫生在破坏乃至1860年,英法讲讲讲讲入 北京,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲行了人史上罕的、人听的文化掠。明园, 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲座北京最煌的皇家园林,也是世界上最大的帝王苑之一,占地350万平方米,讲讲150 年五代帝王的建,被讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲劫掠一空后付之一炬。成千上万的 文物遭劫掠,其中很多如今讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲列在大英博物、丹白露以及欧美 其他一些博物内,有讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 很多私人收藏。 Another major loss happened during WWII. Five complete skulls of Peking Man excavated in the 1930s and dating back over half a million years were shipped out of Beijing because of security concerns, but were intercepted halfway by the Japanese military and have never been seen again. 另一个重大的失生在二讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲期,20世讲30年代出土、有五十多万年史的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲五个完整的 “”讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲北京人骨出于安全考从北京移,途中被日截,自此下落不明。 Chinese are born lovers of things left behind by their forebears, things left behind by their forebears, regardless of political or religious beliefs. There are many moving stories of Chinese people protecting cultural relics during war times. 中国人自古以来就非常珍讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲祖先的物,份珍超越了政治立和 宗教派讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,涌出很多国人于火中保文物的人故事。 From 1931 to 1945, China was under a massive invasion from Japan. From 1933 onwards, a group of Chinese soldiers and civilians carried out an unprecedented mission to preserve Chinese cultural relics. They braved Japanese air raids and moved over 30,000 crates of precious cultural relics to the home front of Sichuan Province. After the war, the treasures were shipped back to Beijing and Nanjing. It is nothing short of a marvel that despite the massive scale of the operations, none of the relics were damaged or lost, not a single piece. 从1931年到1945年,中国遭受日本大讲讲讲讲讲讲模侵略。从1933年起,中国讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲民起了一前所未 有的文物保讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲行。他不畏日本机的狂炸,把三万多箱珍文物从北京安全移到了 四川——讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲当的抗日大后方。争束后,些文物又运回了北京和 南京。如此大讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲或失,模的文物大堪称迁徙奇迹,。途中竟然没有一件文物毁 In the civil war between 1946 and 1949, both Communist and Kuomintang (KMT) forces avoided fighting on historical sites, which saved the historical heritages in Beijing, Nanjing and Xi’an, the three foremost ancient capitals of China, from the destruction of war. 在1946年到1949年的内中,国共讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲两党的都避了史古迹, 古都北京、南京和西安的史存都讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲没有受到火的摧残。 What we value most are the intangible assets of history; that is, experiences, lessons, thoughts and ideals that figure prominently for the continuation of China as a nation. 比起些讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲文物和古迹,我最珍的是史留下的无形, 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲些、教、思想与理想中民族的存意重大。 I will focus on three of the many valuable legacies of the Chinese nation: 在讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲些丰富的宝中,我想重点以下三点: The first legacy is the concept of “Great Unity” so entrenchedin Chinese people’s minds. 首先是深入人心的中讲“讲”讲大一民族念。 Though the Qin Dynasty, the first of many to come that unified China as we of the greatest emperors in the Chinese history. He unified the warring states, set common standards for weights and measures, currency, written language and law. He exercised effective governance by law and put in place an administrative structure of the country that ensured national unity. He started construction of the Great Wall and built post roads connecting different parts of China. It was the first time that Chinese people living across the vast lands truly form the bond of one and the same nation. 中国史上讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲第一位皇帝是秦始皇。尽管秦王朝在一天 下之后只存了讲讲 15年,但秦始皇仍被是中国史上最大的帝王讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲之 一。从一六国,到一度讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲量衡、、文字和法律,到推 行法家政策和郡制讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,再到修筑城和接全国的道,他的 些措讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,使生活在片广袤土地上的人民,第一次感受到国家的凝聚力。 In the 2,200 years since the Qin Dynasty, China was broken apart several times but was always restored to unity. The concept of “Great Unity” is deeply embedded in the consciousness of the Chinese people and is held higher than any political or personal aspirations. We Chinese are convinced that whoever attempts to break up the country or the nation will be condemned by history. China has 56 ethnic groups. Each one of the 56 considers itself a member of the Chinese nation, and sees others as members of the same family. 自秦朝以来的2200年里,中国曾几次遭遇分裂,但究讲讲讲“讲”讲讲大一的于一。理念已深 深植根于中国人民心中,不受任何政讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲或个人意志的左右。中国人深 信,任何企分裂讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲国家、分裂民族的人都必将被史唾弃。中国有56个民族,但我都讲讲 把自己当成中讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲民族的一分子,都把彼此看作中大家庭中的一。 This year is the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Beijing Palace Museum and it has a twin sister in Taiwan. When Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT forces retreated in defeat to Taiwan, they selected more than 650,000 pieces from around 1.8 million cultural relics in the collection of the Beijing Palace Museum and shipped them by air or sea to Taiwan. Most of the rest returned to Beijing because of time and transport restrictions. (These included bronzeware and stoneware, most of which are several thousand years old—but heavy, with the heaviest weighing more than a ton.) 今年是北京故博物院成讲讲讲讲讲讲立80周年,而在台湾,有一个故博物院,二讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 者同宗同源。当年蒋介石集撤讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲退到台湾,从北京故博物院的180万件藏品里挑 讲了65万件,空运或海运至台湾。由于和交讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲通的限制,剩余的大 多数藏品回到了北京。,其中大多数青器和讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲石器都有好几千年史, 由于重量的系都留了下来,最重的一尊达一讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 吨以上。, Today, the collections from the Forbidden City are kept separately in Beijing and Taipei. For example, Emperor Qianlong had a Buddhist scripture written in gold ink for his mother’s birthday. There were 108 books of them, now 96 in Beijing and 12 in Taipei. Emperor Qianlong also had in his study three masterpieces by calligrapher Wang Xizhi, his son Wang Xianzhi and his nephew Wang Xun, two of which are in Beijing[ Zhongqiutie by Wang Xianzhi and Boyuantie by Wang Xun 王献之的《中秋帖》和王珣的《伯帖》讲讲讲] and the other in Taipei[ Kuaixueshiqingtie by Wangxizhi 王羲之的《快雪晴帖》讲讲讲讲]. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲在,紫禁城的藏品被一分二,分保存在北京和台北的故博 物院内。例如,乾隆皇帝讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲母祝寿特旨御制的金共108函,96函收藏于北京,12函 收藏于台北。乾隆曾在其讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲房珍藏了法家王羲之及其子、侄的 三幅稀世墨宝,在其中讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲两件存于北京,一件存于台北。 The twin museums are even arranged along similar lines. They connect the feeling and culture of China like a link between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Every year, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits carry out many exchanges around these cultural relics. The research and protection of national treasures by both sides is an important part of cross-Straits cooperation. 两个故博物院讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲布局也极相似,就像一条接着海峡两岸的 情感和中讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲年,民族海峡两岸的文脉。都会以些文物主行每 大量交流活,国宝的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲研究和保成两岸合作的重要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 之一。 Regardless of the politics and unpleasant memories, people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits all aspire to see the splendour of the two palace museums. 不管政局怎讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲化,也不管有多少不愉快的回,海峡两岸 的人都讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲盼望一睹两个故博物院的采。 Taiwan has been an integral part of China since ancient times. China has exercised effective rule over Taiwan since the Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago. In the 1620s, Taiwan was invaded by Dutch colonialists, but only to be recovered some 30 years later. In 1895, Japan occupied Taiwan, on the premises of an unequal treaty with the Qing Court. For 50 years Taiwan was under Japanese occupation, but was returned to China in 1945 according to the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation. The current situation is a legacy of the civil war after the KMT fled to the island in 1949. 台湾自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分。自朝以来的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲两千多年里, 台湾一直由中国讲讲讲讲讲讲讲行有效治。17世讲20年代,荷殖民讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲者侵占台湾,三 十多年后,中国将其收。讲讲1895年,日本迫使清廷讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲不平等条,从此始 了讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲台湾达半个世的占。1945年,根据《宣言》讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲和《波茨坦公 告》,台湾回中国讲讲讲讲讲讲版。1949年,国民党讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,逃至台湾,致了目前的局面。 More than half a century has now passed, but our cultural and emotional ties have never been broken. Most people from both sides recognise the oneness of Chinese culture, and several million people travel between Taiwan and the mainland every year. Taiwan also regards the mainland as its major trading partner and economic hinterland. The cultural and emotional bond of the Chinese nation was forged in history and is here to stay. It cannot be severed just because some politicians wish it. 半个多世去了,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲两岸的文化和情感系从未断,两岸人民大多 同中文化的一性,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲年,两岸同胞互每都达到数百万人 次。台湾亦将大主讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲要的易伙伴和腹地。中民族的文 化和讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲情感系是史的必然,不会因某些政客的个人意而割裂。 The second legacy is the Chinese philosophy of kindness to neighbours. 第二大是中国与讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲善的哲学。 Confucius taught us not to do unto others what you do not want others do unto you. China is not a country with a tradition of invading other nations. Most of the time before 1820, China’s economy led the world, accounting for more than half of the world’s GDP. Even in the 1840s, China still had an economy 1/3 the size of the world. 子曰:己所不欲,勿施于人。中国没有侵略国的。讲讲讲讲讲讲1820年以前的大部分讲讲讲讲史期 里,中国的力居于世界首位,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲GDP超世界和的一讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲半。即使到19世讲40年代,中 国的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲量仍占到世界的三分之一左右。 China showed no interest in expanding and colonising other lands, even at the peak of its power, but maintained a generally peaceful relationship with its neighbours over the millennia. 即使在国力鼎盛之讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,中国也没有外或殖民的趣,与邦 期以来基本上和睦相讲讲。 This year is the 600th anniversary of Zheng He’s first voyage to the Western oceans. The famous Chinese navigator led a fleet of more than 170 ships, the most advanced of his time, on several westward voyages over 28 years from 1405 onwards. They crossed the Indian Ocean and reached as far as the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa. There are also speculations, e.g. by Mr. Gavin Menzies, a Briton, that Zheng’s fleet also reached the shores of this country. 今年是和下西讲讲讲讲讲洋600周年讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲念。和是中国史上著名的航海家,曾170余条船只,讲 成了当世界上最先的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲船,从1405年起的28年多次出讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲海西行,横跨 印度洋,抵达遥讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲的海和非洲海岸。英国人加文?孟席斯甚至和的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲船曾 来到澳大利。讲讲讲讲讲讲 Zheng He’s voyages represented a peaceful model of seafaring and cultural exchange so different from colonialism. His main mandates were to demonstrate the strength and majesty of the Ming Dynasty, to mediate relationships with different the Ming Dynasty. Wherever the fleet went, it traded products from China for local rarities and promoted official trading relations.[/en]讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲和下西洋代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 了一不同于殖民主的和平航海与文化交流模式, 其主要使命是讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲盛和示国力的明朝的威,与各国之的系强, 并讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲海上易境的定。船所到之,都会用中国的 物和当地特行讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲交,促官方商的展。 In the 28 years of his voyages, it was recorded that China received 318 visits by envoys from across Asia and Africa, or fifteen visits a year on average. Nine kings from four Southeast Asian countries visited China eight times. In those 28 years, China was involved in only three brief wars for self-defence without occupying any land of any other country. 根据讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,和下西洋期,中国共接待了来自非各国的318位使者,平均每年就有15 位。来自南四国的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲九位国王曾八次到中国。28年,中国只卷入了讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲三 次短讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲的防御性争,而且从未侵占他国的一寸土。 Now 600 years later, China still celebrates Zheng’s voyages, not least to carry forward our fine diplomatic tradition of good neighbourliness. 如今,中国隆重讲讲讲讲讲讲讲祝和下西洋600周年,其中一个很重要的主就是讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲承睦友 好的外交。讲讲讲 In recent years, Chinese leaders have put forward the theory of peaceful development. During the 2003 ASEAN[ Association of Southeast Asian Nations] summits in Indonesia, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao outlined China’s foreign policy with its neighbours as building friendship and partnership, to which our historical insights contributed a lot. We believe in winning respect by virtue, in peace and respect, in shared prosperity and harmony. And these reflect the best practice of maintaining good relations with our neighbours, as well as the rest of the world. They are not only in the traditional cultural genes of China, but also a strong guarantee for China’s development in peace. 近年来,中国人讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲提出和平展的理念。2003年,温家宝讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲理在印度尼西出席盟 人会,到中国与国讲讲讲讲讲“讲讲讲讲”讲讲讲讲讲讲与善、以相的外交政策是伴。史的启迪是 制定讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲些理和政策的重要依据,我相信,以德服人、 和平共、讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲相互尊重、共享繁、共建和,不是保持与 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲邦友好系的最佳途径,也是持与世界其他地区正常 交往的。外交往讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲模式不是中国文化的一部分, 也是中国能在和平讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲境中崛起的有力保。 The third legacy is the historical inspiration for China’s opening up. 第三大就是讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲奉行外放的史启示。 The Chinese media once carried out a survey, asking “If you could choose, in which era would you like to live?” Many people chose the Tang Dynasty. At that time, China was known for its power and prosperity, with 60% of the world’s trade being done with China. Chang’an, the capital city, was an international metropolis with a population of more than one million people. And the streets were crowded with envoys, businessmen, monks, priests, and foreign students from East Asia, Europe, Central Asia, and even Africa. Buddhism, Taoism and Islam spread and blossomed. The Tang Empire embraced the world with confidence and open arms. Chang’an, the capital, became a meeting point for East and West. 中国媒体曾讲讲讲讲讲讲“讲讲”如行果一次,其中一个是可以,你希望生活在很哪个朝代,多 人了讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲唐代。那,中国是一个繁盛的大国,世界上 60%的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲易都是同中国展的。当的都城安是有一百 多万人口的国大都市,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲街道上熙熙攘攘的有各国使、商 人、僧讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲、牧和来自、欧洲、中甚至非洲的留学生 佛教、道教和伊斯讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲教广播,蓬勃展。唐朝以自信、放 的姿讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲面向世界,方和西方在都城安交。 But China did shut its door in other times. 但中国也有国的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲期。 Zheng He’s seven voyages did not keep the Ming Dynasty open. Immediately after his death, the Ming Court thought his endeavours too costly with no practical use. Hence sea-faring and international trade were banned and ocean-going ships and navigational charts burnt. 例如,和讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲七下西洋并未明朝来持久放,他一去世 明廷便得讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲下西洋没有什价,而且成本高昂,于是 禁止了海外航行和国讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲易,掉了出海船只和航海。 Although the West’s industrialisation did not begin until 300 years after Zheng He’s voyages, it nevertheless left China in the dust. A weak state in a downward spiral, China became prey to Western powers. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲然欧洲是在和下西洋三百多年后才始工化,但它却超越了中国, 而衰落的中国西讲讲讲讲讲讲讲的物。方列强 Today, China has opened its door to a globalised world. Having learnt from history, we understand the importance of exchanges, cooperation, fusion and influence between countries. In an era of globalisation, only openness and tolerance promote prosperity and development. Self-isolation will do nothing but ruin the vitality of any nation. 今天,中国向全球化的世界敞讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲了大。史的教告我,国与国之 的交流、合作、融合和相互影响是何等重要。在全球化的代下,放和讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲容才能 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲繁一个和展,国毁民族的活力。将摧 In China today, there are frequent lively discussions on how to build a more open society. One fundamental consensus is that openness to the outside is not enough. China also needs to learn from the successful experience of other countries, whilst taking China’s own situation into account in its effort for greater democratic decision making and a better developed society that ensures equity, justice and the rights and interests of its citizens, all of which vital if China is to achieve its objectives for harmonious development. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲如何建一个更放的社会,今天的中国常行激烈的 一个基本的共就是,个放的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲社会不要在外交事上放, 要合讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲推行民自身国主决情,学步其他国家的成功。一 策,完善平等、公正、保障公民讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲益的社会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 一切于中国和 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲展的目是至重要的。 Australia is an important partner of China as it moves towards an open society. You have good experiences in economic development, social security system, financial management and occupational health and safety. The purpose of learning and discussing history is to guide our life today. As China is undergoing the biggest transformation in its history, we look forward to closer cooperation with Australia. 澳大利是中国讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲走向放程中的重要伙伴。你在展、 社会保障、金融管理和讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲健康与安全等方面都有非常好的。 学讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲史,研究史,是了指我今天的生活。中国正 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲着史上最大的革,我期待与澳大利更加密地合作。 China and Its Relations with the World Amidst the Financial Crisis 金融危机下的中国与世界 Speech at the Political Society of Eton College 在伊讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲公学政治学会的演 Windsor, 20 April 2009 温莎,2009年4月20日 Eton College is one of the best-known private boy schools in the UK. Founded in 1440 by Henry VI, it has turned out a large number of influential people, including 20 British Prime Ministers, the poet Shelley and economist Keynes. It is also where Princes William and Harry received their education. 伊讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲公学是英国最有名的私立男校之一,由亨利六世于1440年,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲培了众多 声名卓著的人物,包括20位英国首相、人讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲雪莱和学家恩斯,也 是英国王子威廉和哈里的母校。 ,上, Head Master Tony Little[ Head Master of Eton College 伊讲讲讲讲讲公学校], Young Gentlemen, 托尼?利特讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲校,各位同学: I am very pleased to be invited to speak here. 很高受到讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲伊公学的邀来演。 Before coming here, I searched “Eton” on the Chinese search engine “Baidu” and it produced 68,000 search results. There are many blog posts in addition to encyclopaediaentries. The terms that appeared the most were “cradle of elites” and “home of gentlemen culture.” Is it true? Am I talking to some future Prime Ministers or Nobel Prize Laureates? It would make me so proud. (Laughter) 来里讲“” 讲“讲”百度上之前,我在中文搜索引擎搜索于伊的信息,得到6.8万条果讲讲讲讲讲讲。些信 息里,除了百科知讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲“讲讲讲讲”讲精网站的介英以外,有和很多伊价的博文,出最多的是 “讲”讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲士文化的。是真的,此刻我是否正在同未来的首 相或者讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲得者交,我倍感幸呀。,笑声, Talking about China, you all know the successful 2008 Olympics. Alex Hua Tian attended the equestrian event in Hong Kong. As an Etonian, he has boosted Eton’s name in China, especially among his huge number of fans. 讲讲讲讲讲 到中国,你都知道2008年北京奥运会的成功讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲。伊学子天出征奥运会香港 讲讲讲讲——讲讲“讲”比,一提升特了步伊是在在中国众多天粉中的人气。 For China, hosting the Olympics is a century-old dream coming true. Why? Let me tell you the story behind. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲于中国来,奥运会的是百年梦。什,我来你 讲讲讲里面的故事。 A hundred years ago, in July 1908, London was hosting the Olympics for the first time. China was then a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Poverty, social unrest and foreign oppression prevailed across the country. However, the London Olympics, though far away, did not go unnoticed by the Chinese youth. A magazine called Tianjin Youth carried an article by some students of the Nankai School, in which three questions were raised: When will China send athletes to the Olympics? When will a Chinese win a gold medal? When will China host the Olympics? 100年前,1908年的 7月,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲敦第一次奥运会。而那,中国是 一个半殖民地半封建社会,国家深受讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲困、社会和外国欺之苦。 然而,中国的青年人是讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲注意到了遥的敦正在奥运会。当 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲南学校的一些年人在《天津青年》上表文章提出 了三个讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲:中国何才能派出手参加奥运会,中国人何 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲才能在奥运会上得金牌,中国何才能一届奥运会, Although these questions seemed nothing but crazy at the time, many Chinese kept them in mind and made strenuousefforts for their fulfilment through the many decades. 尽管在当讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲提出的未免得狂,但中国人无法忘些 号,随着代的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲迁,人从未放弃些目而苦努力。 The first question was answered 24 years later, when Liu Changchun, China’s first Olympic athlete, crossed the Pacific Ocean to attend the Los Angeles Olympic Games of 1932. Though he did not make it to the finals, he has been hailed a hero in China’s sporting history. In 1984, Xu Haifeng, a marksman, won our first Olympic gold medal, again in Los Angeles. It took China exactly 100 years to finally host its first Olympics in Beijing in 2008. 《天津青年》提出的第一个在讲讲讲24年后有了答案,1932年,第一位中国运讲讲讲讲讲刘春 漂洋海抵讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲达洛杉参加奥运会。尽管刘在中就被淘 汰出局,但他仍然成中国体讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲育史上的英雄。1984年,是在讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲洛杉奥运会上,中国射 手讲讲讲“ ”零海峰的了中国奥运金牌突破。整整100年后,2008年,中国于成讲讲讲讲讲讲功 了北京奥运会。 When the world marvelledand wondered why and how China could make the Olympics such a perfect success, they may not have realised that this was an effort of 1.3 billion people, trying to fulfil the dream of their great grandparents’ generation. 当世界中国如此讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲完美的奥运会而不已,他可能不会意到,是13讲中国 人讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲祖的梦想而作出的努力。 For the Chinese, it was a global celebration of sports, and also a celebration of China’s triumph over hunger and poverty as well as a good riddance of social upheavals and foreign bullying. This has not been an easy journey. Having our 1.3 billion people fed and clothed is probably the world’s greatest project. And it deserves a celebration. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲中国人来,奥运会是全球性的体育盛事,也是中国人 民讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲与困、脱盛事,也是中国人民与困、脱走了的程。 13讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲人温大概是全球最浩大的工程了,确得。 During the 16-day Olympics in Beijing, half a million people watched the Games on site and about 4.7 billion people around the world enjoyed the events on TV. The whole country was immersed in a festive mood. I went back to Beijing during the last week of the Games and what impressed me the most were the smiling faces and the happy families. 在16天的北京奥运会期讲讲,50万人讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲摩了比,全球大47讲讲讲讲讲讲人通收看 了事,国上下一讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲片。我在奥运事的最后一个星 期赶回了北京,我印象最深刻的是无数的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲笑和幸福的家庭。 The Olympics has left plenty of legacies. For example, it has generated great interest in sport, especially amongst the young. It has broadened awareness of the importance of environmental protection. And it has also brought the world and China closer together. 奥运会中国留下了丰讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲厚的。比如,它极大地激了中 国全社会尤其是青年人的健身讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲潮和保意。奥运会也拉近了中国与世界的距离。 After the Olympics, the world is seeing China more and more as a power. With the worsening of the financial crisis, China, which has been relatively less affected, is regarded as a power second only to the United States and therefore should play a greater role in the world.奥运会后,外界越来越多地把中国看成大国。随着金融危机的深化,中国因受到的影响相 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲小而被世界看作是次于美国的第二号超大国,理在世 界上更大的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 作用。 But if you ask the average Chinese how they see China, they would strongly argue that it is still a developing country. There is a wide gap between how the Chinese people see China and what the world expects of us, which is not surprising. 但是如果讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲烈持中国老中国仍然是展百姓自己怎看强,他会 中国家。中国民众的自我意和外界中国的讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲期待之出了很大的 落差。也是讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲很自然的。 The financial crisis hits the US and the UK hard and many have suffered. It is also hurting China, no less painfully. Let me give you an example of how it affects an ordinary migrant worker in China. 金融危机美讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲国和英国造成了冲,很多人深受其苦,中 国也同讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲有很大影响。我你一个普通民工的例子。 A migrant worker in a toy factory in Guangdong loses his job. He returns home and tells his little son, “Sorry, we are not going to have a big colour television this year. I haven’t made enough money.” 广讲讲讲讲讲讲“讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲今一家玩具厂的年我不了彩,民工失返,他年幼的儿子:因 我没讲讲讲讲讲讲讲”到足的。 The boy asks why. “Because the American children are not buying the toys I made,” says the father. 儿子讲讲讲讲讲“讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲”因美什,父国:孩子不我做的玩具了。 His son wonders why not and he explains it is because their daddies have no money for them.儿子又讲讲讲讲讲“讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲”因他什,父的:爸爸没了。 The boy then asks, “Then daddy, have you brought the toys to me?” “Sorry, my son, I do not have the money either,” was the reply. 儿子又:讲“讲讲讲讲”讲讲“讲讲讲”什没把父玩具我呢,回答:不起,儿子,我也没有。 “Who is having the toys, then?” “No one is making them.” 儿子讲讲讲 “讲讲讲 ”讲“讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲”:那来父些回玩具,答:已没人做玩具了。 This is the chain reaction of the crisis. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲就是金融危机来的反。 It is reported that 20 million Chinese migrant workers lost their jobs, because their factories can no longer sell products to the US or Europe. 我看到讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲道,中国有两千多万民工失返,因他的 工厂无法再向美国或欧洲出口讲讲品 At the London Summit, Chinese President Hu Jintao said that we are all in one and the same boat of the world economy and we should all work together if we are to ride out the storm of the financial crisis safe and sound. 就像中国国家主席胡涛讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲在敦金融峰会上所的,我都在世 界讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲艘大船上,面着金融危机的狂浪,要把艘大 船安全讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲向彼岸,需要大家心力、同舟共。 The crisis has posed unprecedented challenges to China, primarily in trade. China’s export had been growing by 15%-20% over the past decade. But the first quarter of this year saw a fall of about 20% in export. The economic growth rate also came down from 9% to about 6%.受金融危机的影响,中国遇到了前所未有的困讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,影响主要来自易域。 讲 去十年中,中国的出口保持了15% —20%的年增率讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,但今年一季度出口下降了近 20%,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲 增率也由9%下降到 6%左右。 China has introduced a huge stimulus package, worth about 400 billion pounds, which is mainly aimed at stimulating domestic demand. Much of the investment, coming from both the central and local governments, will go to infrastructure, public health, education and the environment. 中国采取了一子讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲刺激措施,以大内需主要目的。中央和地方政府将投入大4万 讲讲讲 元,合4000讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲英,,用以展基施建、展公共医 生和教育、改生讲讲讲讲讲讲讲境等。 Take railway for example. Over the decades China has increased its operational railways from 50,000 km to 78,000 km, but in per capita terms, an average Chinese only gets 5.6 cm of railway, shorter than a cigarette. The stimulus package plans to focus on railway development, among others, which will make transportation, in remote areas in particular, much more convenient and make it possible for them to share development opportunities. 以讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲路例,去几十年中,中国的路里程由5万公里建到讲讲讲7.8万公里,不人讲讲 均只有5.6厘米,不到一根讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲香烟的度。刺激措施将加大 路建,讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲尤其使偏地区的交通更便利,从而分享展的机遇。 In the Chinese language, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters: danger and opportunity. The question is always how to turn the danger into opportunity. 在中文里,“”讲“”“” 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲危机一是由危和机两个字成的,是要化危机。 The London Summit demonstrated the commitment of leaders to turn the crisis into opportunities through stronger cooperation and to get on the path to recovery. China, the UK, and the US worked closely with all the other participants. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲敦金融峰会体了合作各国人致力于危强机、走上通加 讲讲讲讲讲讲的道路,中、英、美等国与其他与会各方密合作。 We hope the crisis will not only teach us all a lesson in financial oversight, but also offer us an opportunity to strengthen our partnership. 我讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲希望次金融危机不在金融管方面所有人上了一, 同讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲我也之加强的伙伴系提供了机会。 According to Confucius, young men will have developed their ambition and understood the what, how and why about learning by the age of 15, which is about your age. I do not know what view or understanding you have about China. But I am quite sure that in the future, you will definitely deal with China in one way or another. 孔子云:“”讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲吾十有五而志于学。你恰个年,我不知道你中国 形成的看法是什讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲,但相信在你今后的生活中,必定要以某方式与中国打交道。 The point I am trying to make today is that, China is a country of diversity, different in many ways from the countries you may be familiar with. To understand my country, you need to have an open mind. 今天我要明讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲的主要点就是:中国是一个多化的国家, 在很多方面与你讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲所熟知的国家不同,希望你能用放的心去了解中国。 Thank you and I am happy to take your questions. 讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲讲大家,下面迎你提。
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