首页 9安徽省地勘土地测绘工程专业技术资格评审标准条件(皖国土资[2006]175号)



9安徽省地勘土地测绘工程专业技术资格评审标准条件(皖国土资[2006]175号)9安徽省地勘土地测绘工程专业技术资格评审标准条件(皖国土资[2006]175号) 安徽省地勘土地测绘工程专业技术 资格评审标准条件(试行) 皖国土资[2006]175号 第一章 总则 第一条 为客观、公正、科学地评价地勘、土地和测绘工程专业技术人员的能力和水平~加强我省地勘、土地和测绘工程专业技术人才队伍建设~进一步调动广大工程专业技术人员的工作积极性~培养造就一支高技术人才队伍~营造人才辈出、人尽其才、多出成果的社会环境~根据国家和我省职称制度改革的有关政策规定~结合地勘、土地和测绘工程专业特点~制定本...

9安徽省地勘土地测绘工程专业技术资格评审 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 条件(皖国土资[2006]175号) 安徽省地勘土地测绘工程专业技术 资格评审标准条件(试行) 皖国土资[2006]175号 第一章 总则 第一条 为客观、公正、科学地评价地勘、土地和测绘工程专业技术人员的能力和水平~加强我省地勘、土地和测绘工程专业技术人才队伍建设~进一步调动广大工程专业技术人员的工作积极性~培养造就一支高技术人才队伍~营造人才辈出、人尽其才、多出成果的社会环境~根据国家和我省职称制度改革的有关政策规定~结合地勘、土地和测绘工程专业特点~制定本标准条件。 第二条 地勘、土地和测绘工程专业技术资格名称为正高级工程师、高级工程师、工程师、助理工程师、技术员。 第三条 对符合本规定申报条件的人员~通过评审或考试与评审相结合的方式进行评价~取得相应专业技术资格~表明其具备承担相应岗位工作的理论水平和业务能力。 第四条 对在地勘、土地和测绘工程专业技术岗位上做出突出贡献的专业技术人才~可不受学历、资历、职称、身份等条件的限制~破格申报评审专业技术资格。 第二章 适用范围 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 第五条 本规定适用于全省从事地质调查与矿产勘查、水文地质、工程地质与环境地质、遥感地质、地球物理勘查、地球化学勘查、岩矿鉴定及岩矿分析、采矿及选冶加工试验、探矿工程、测绘、土地调查、土地勘测规划等工程技术岗位工作的专业技术人员~以及与用人单位签订聘用 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 或劳动合同仍从事上述专业技术工作的离退休专业技术人员和在皖工作1年以上的省外专业技术人员。 第六条 已取得其他系列专业技术资格的人员~符合本标准条件的~可根据工作需要申报评审相应专业技术资格。 第三章 基本条件 第七条 拥护中国共产党的领导~热爱祖国,遵纪守法~团结协作~有良好的职业道德,身体健康。 第八条 爱岗敬业~勇于创新~努力进取~有钻研和创新精神~为本单位、本系统的发展做出一定的成绩,任期内年度考核或任期考核达到合格以上等次。 第四章 申报条件 第九条 学历和资历条件 ,一,高级工程师 符合下列条件之一: reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 1、 获得博士学位后~取得工程师资格并从事本专业工作满2年。 2、 获得大学本科以上学历后~取得工程师资格并从事本专业工作满5年。 3、 获得大学专科学历后~从事本专业工作满20年~取得工程师资格满5年。 4、 获得中专学历后~从事本专业工作满25年~现在县城以外,不含县城,基层单位或在条件艰苦的野外从事本专业工作~取得工程师资格满5年。 ,二,工程师 符合下列条件之一: 1、获得研究生学历或第二学士学位后~取得助理工程师资格并从事本专业工作满3年。 2、获得大学本科或专科学历后~取得助理工程师资格并从事本专业工作满4年。 3、获得中专学历后~从事本专业工作满15年~取得助理工程师资格满5年。 ,三,助理工程师 符合下列条件之一: 1、获得大学专科学历后~取得技术员资格并从事本专业工作满2年。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 2、获得中专学历后~取得技术员资格并从事本专业工作满4年。 第十条 外语、计算机、继续教育条件 ,一,按照规定参加国家统一组织的职称外语和计算机应用能力考试~并取得合格证~或符合免试条件。 ,二,按照规定参加继续教育培训~并取得专业技术人员继续教育证书。 第五章 能力业绩条件 第十一条 高级工程师条件 申报高级工程师资格~除具备本标准条件第七、八、九、十条外~还须具备下列三项条件: ,一,能力条件 具有坚实的专业基础理论和专业技术知识~掌握本专业国内外现状和发展趋势~有参与重大工程项目或主持和承担大、中型工程项目、重要技术开发与研究课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的经历和能力~能够解决生产建设、技术开发与应用中关键性技术难题,有指导中、初级专业技术人员完成科研、设计或生产技术任务的经历和能力。 ,二,业绩条件 符合下列条件之一: reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 1、省,部,级科学技术三等奖,及相当奖励~以奖励证书为据~下同,以上1项,或市,厅,级科学技术一等奖1项或二等奖2项。 2、承担完成1项省,部,级或2项市,厅,级地质调查、矿产勘查、地质科研等重点工程、科研、技术创新项目~经市级以上主管部门评审鉴定,以成果评审鉴定书为据~下同,通过。 3、主持完成2项大型岩土工程勘查项目~经市级以上主管部门评审验收~取得明显经济效益和社会效益。 4、发现新矿种、新矿物、新的含矿层位、新的矿床类型或发现并提交地方急缺矿种普查报告~并经市级以上主管部门评审鉴定认可。 5、承担完成1项省,部,级或2项市,厅,级基础测绘、地籍测绘、行政区域界线测绘等重点工程、科研、技术创新项目~经市级以上主管部门验收合格。 6、主持设计、编制的省、市、县,市、区,政区图,册,专题图,集,、重要挂图获市,厅,级以上奖励或公开出版~取得明显的经济效益和社会效益。 7、承担完成1项省,部,级或2项市、县级土地调查,勘测,、土地规划、土地分等定级、土地信息,遥感,、reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 土地整理等重点工程、科研、技术创新项目~经省主管部门验收合格。 8、主持完成2项县级以上土地工程项目规划或设计~经市级以上主管部门评审验收通过。 9、主持完成1项市,厅,级以上重点工程、科研、技术创新项目~经市级以上主管部门鉴定~达到省内先进水平。 10、承担完成1项国家级二级课题科研、工程、技术创新项目。成果通过项目主管部门的鉴定认可。 11、主持完成1项或承担完成2项市,厅,级以上行业技术标准、规范的编制~并通过市级以上主管部门审定后颁布实施。 12、有1项发明专利的发明人或设计人,以专利授权证书为据~下同,~其发明专利已开发实施并取得300万元以上利税,有财政或税务部门证明~下同,。 13、解决生产、建设中重大技术问题~经市级以上主管部门鉴定认可~对提高产品质量、劳动生产率、降低成本有明显效果~并取得较好经济效益。 ,三, 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 著作条件 符合下列条件之一: 1、对外公开发行刊号的省级及以上科技期刊上发表本专业具有较高学术价值的论文2篇以上。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 2、出版发行本专业学术、技术著作,译著,1部,独著或合著~本人撰写部分不少于5万字,。 第十二条 工程师条件 申报工程师资格~除具备本标准条件第七、八、九、十条外~还须具备下列三项条件: ,一,能力条件 较系统地掌握并能够熟练运用本专业基础理论和技术知识~有参与或承担科技或工程项目的经历和能力,有参与或独立编写规划、设计书、技术成果报告或地图编制的经历和能力。 (二)业绩条件 符合下列条件之一: 1、作为技术骨干~参加完成的科技或工程项目~获得市,厅,级以上科学技术奖。 2、参加完成市,厅,级1项或本单位2项地质调查或工程勘查项目~成果通过同行专家和业务主管部门审定。 3、参加完成市,厅,级1项或县级2项土地工程项目~成果通过同行专家和业务主管部门审定。 4、参加完成市,厅,1项或本单位2项测绘工程项目~成果通过同行专家和业务主管部门审定。或参与设计、编制reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 的地图,册,、专题图,册,、较重要挂图和有关内部图,册,~经主管部门审定认可。 5、有1项以上专利的发明人或设计人~其专利开发实施并取得50万元以上利税。 ,三,论文著作条件 符合下列条件之一: 1、在省级以上公开发行的科技期刊上发表本专业学术论文1篇以上。 2、撰写有一定技术水平的科研报告、技术成果报告或勘测项目设计、专业设计报告3篇以上~经业务主管部门审查通过。 第十三条 工程师破格条件 破格申报工程师资格~除具备本标准条件第七、八条外~还须具备下列两项条件: ,一,能力和业绩条件 符合下列条件之一: 1、获市,厅,级科学技术二等奖1项。 2、完成1项市,厅,级重点科研、技术创新、技术改造、工程项目~经同行专家和市级以上主管部门鉴定认可~达到同行业先进水平。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 3、承担完成市,厅,级以上行业技术标准、规范1项~并通过市级以上主管部门审定后颁布实施。 ,二,论文著作条件 符合下列条件之一: 1、在省级及以上公开发行的科技期刊上发表本专业学术论文2篇以上。 2、公开出版发行本专业学术、技术著作1部,独著或合著~本人撰写部分不少于5万字, 第十四条 助理工程师条件 ,一,能力业绩条件 基本掌握本专业基础理论和技术知识~具有解决本单位科研、技术创新、技术改造、规划设计、地图编制或工程项目中一般技术问题的能力~并取得一定的工作业绩。 ,二,论文著作条件 在市,厅,级以上学术会议上交流本专业学术论文1篇以上~或撰写本专业技术成果报告、勘测设计报告等1篇以上。 第六章 附 则 第十五条 申报人的工作业绩和发表论文著作时间从取得现专业技术资格后开始计算。判定是否具备条件的依据reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 是个人提供的各类有效材料,原件或经与原件对比验印认可的复印件、复制件等,。 第十六条 全日制大中专院校毕业后~符合下列条件之一的~按有关规定可直接认定相应的专业技术资格: ,一,工程师:获得博士学位,或获得硕士学位后~从事本专业工作满3年,或获得大学本科学历~工作后取得硕士学位满1年~累计从事本专业工作满3年。 ,二,助理工程师:获得大学本科学历后~一年见习期满,或获得大学专科学历后~从事本专业工作满3年。 ,三,技术员:获得大学专科或中专学历后~一年见习期满。 第十七条 凡在野外艰苦岗位以及在县城以外,不含县城,基层单位长期从事本专业工作的专业技术人员~申报相应专业技术资格时~在能力业绩和论文著作方面可给予适当倾斜。 第十八条 先取得专业技术资格~后取得《工程技术人员职务试行条例》规定学历的专业技术人员~申报高一级专业技术资格~须从规定学历之日起~任满一个原岗位基本年限。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 第十九条 实行专业技术职务聘任制的企 事业单位 事业单位结构化面试题事业单位专业技术岗位财务人员各岗位职责公文事业单位考试事业单位管理基础知识 专业技术人员~在申报高一级专业技术资格时~须被单位聘任相应专业技术职务~并任满一个基本任期年限。 第二十条 取得非地勘土地测绘工程专业技术资格~转岗到地勘土地测绘工程专业技术岗位工作一年后应转评本专业相应专业技术资格,在申报高一级专业技术资格时~其转岗前后任职资格时间合并计算满一个基本任职年限。 第二十一条 申报正高级工程师资格以及破格申报高级工程师资格~按省工程系列标准条件执行~并统一报省工程系列高评会评审。 第二十二条 受党纪、政纪处分未满处分期的~不得申报,任期内年度考核不确定等次或被确定为不合格等次的~当年不得申报且任期顺延,申报材料有弄虚作假的~除取消当年申报资格外~在以后的2年内不得申报。 第二十三条 有关问题的解释: ,一,本标准条件所称的“学历”是指:国家承认的本专业或相近专业学历。 ,二,本标准条件所称的“主持完成”是指:该项目的主要完成人,“承担完成”是指:该项目成果鉴定书,主管部门鉴定认可,注明的前5名。 (三)本标准条件所称的“市”是指:省辖市。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide (四)本标准条件所称的“科学技术奖”是指:自然科学奖、技术发明奖、科学进步奖,“相当奖励”是指同等级与地勘、土地、测绘工程专业有关的市级以上政府及省级以上行业主管部门专业综合奖项。同一奖项多次获奖取其中一项最高奖项。 (五)本标准条件所称的“省级及以上公开发行的科技期刊”是指:由国家科技期刊管理部门审核批准的~具有CN,国内统一刊号,或ISSN,国际统一刊号,的学术或科技期刊,具有国外公开发行的科技刊物参照执行。著作须有ISBN,标准书号,。论文、著作、技术报告作者~须为本人独立撰写或为第一作者。 第二十四条 本标准条件由省人事厅、省国土资源厅负责解释。 第二十五条 本标准条件自公布之日起施行~省人事厅、省国土资源厅皖国土资[2001]297号文同时废止。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide
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