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创建无烟单位方案创建无烟单位方案 灌南县爱国卫生运动委员会文件 灌爱卫【2012】2号 关于开展创建“无烟单位”活动的通知 县直各有关单位,各乡镇人民政府: 为扎实推进“四城同创”工作,切实履行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》,我县现开展创建“无烟单位”活动,特制定创建“无烟单位”活动方案并发给你们,请按照方案要求,积极开展创建“无烟单位”活动,并及时向县爱卫办反馈创建经验和提出建议 联系人: 联系电话: 附件:灌南县创建“无烟单位”活动方案 二〇一二年 月 日 design and construction is...

创建无烟单位 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 灌南县爱国卫生运动委员会文件 灌爱卫【2012】2号 关于开展创建“无烟单位”活动的通知 县直各有关单位,各乡镇人民政府: 为扎实推进“四城同创”工作,切实履行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》,我县现开展创建“无烟单位”活动,特制定创建“无烟单位”活动方案并发给你们,请按照方案要求,积极开展创建“无烟单位”活动,并及时向县爱卫办反馈创建经验和提出建议 联系人: 联系电话: 附件:灌南县创建“无烟单位”活动方案 二〇一二年 月 日 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 附件 灌南县创建“无烟单位”活动方案 为切实履行世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》,推进“四城同创”活动,按照《灌南县创建文明城市测评体系》关于“所有室内公共场所和工作场所全面禁烟,并有明显的禁烟标识”的要求,决定在全县开展创建无烟单位活动,特制定本方案。 一、创建范围 全县所有机关、企事业单位办公场所及室内公共场所。 二、创建 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 依据《灌南县无烟单位评定标准》(具体标准附后)开展创建工作,总分为100分,达到标准为80分。 1.申报程序 1.“无烟单位”评定工作,统一由县爱卫办负责受理,指导和评估。 2.各有关单位要抓好本系统和所辖单位的控烟工作,并分别于5月18日把本系统创建无烟单位 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 (包括创建无烟单位名单,创建时间进度,措施等和《灌南县无烟单位申报表》)报所受理的县爱卫办; 3.县爱卫办在10月份组织人员进行评估后报是爱卫办,经抽查审核,统一由县爱卫会对代表单位授予“无烟单位”称号。不达标单位整改后再上报。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 四、具体要求 (一)高度重视,加强领导,各有关单的主要领导要充分认识到室内全民禁烟,创建无烟单位是履行《烟草控制框架公约》的重要举措,也是营造良好的工作、学习和生活环境的措施之一,因此要切实加强对禁烟工作的组织领导,尽快成立由组要领导任组长,分管领导任副组长的禁烟工作领导小组,同时明确本单位禁烟管理责任科室和具体负责人员。 (二)落实措施,积极参与,各单位要按照《灌南县无烟单位标准》并参照《创建无烟单位工作指引》(详见附件),积极组织开展创建无烟单位活动,要将工作人员戒烟,不在工作场所吸烟、宣传烟草危害知识、劝阻吸烟等纳入创建工作重点,力争到2011年底实现所有单位包括机关、企事业单位、学校、候车(机、船)室、体育馆、图书馆、博物馆、影剧院等室内公共场所和工作场所全面禁烟的目标。 (三)加强指导、及时评定,各区爱卫办要加强对本辖区控烟工作的指导和检查,按照《灌南县无烟单位标准》对申报单位进行评定,并与2012年11月30日前将本地区无烟单位创建工作情况,包括评定达80分以上单位名单等相关信息报我办。 五、“无烟单位”称号管理及评定周期 “无烟单位”称号实行动态管理,由县爱卫会定期进行检查评定,达到“无烟单位”标准者保留称号;对于整改后仍不达标,撤销“无烟单位”称号。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 附件:1.灌南县无烟单位申报表 2-1灌南县无烟单位评定标准 2-2灌南县无烟学校评定标准 3.创建无烟单位工作指引 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 附件1 灌南县无烟单位申报表 基单位全称(盖章) 本详细地址 情主管部门 况 联系人 联系电话 现文明省级 省级 现卫生单 单位称市级 市级 位称号 号 区级 区级 自 我 评 估 报 告 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 附加2-1 灌南县无烟单位评定标准 评 定 标 准 分值 得分 一、成立控烟领导组织,将无烟单位建设纳入 本单位发展规划 20分 1.本单位有控烟领导小组,并职责明确(6分) 6 2.各部门有专(兼职)人负责控烟工作,并职责明确 6 3.将控烟工作纳入本单位的工作计划(包括资金保障)、制定控烟工作方案(8分) 8 二、建立健全控烟考评奖惩制度 10分 1.本单位有控烟考评奖惩制度(2分) 2 2.有控烟考评奖惩标准(4分) 3 3.有控烟考评奖惩 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 (4分) 3 4.将遵守“单位控烟规章”作为“优秀”选评的一项指标。 2 三、所属区域有明显的禁烟标识,室内完全禁烟 35分 1.本单位所属管辖区域至少在入口处、等候厅、会议室、厕所、电梯、楼梯等区域内有明15 显的禁烟标识(15分,缺1处扣2分,扣完为止) 2.本单位室内场所完全禁止吸烟(15分,每发现1个烟头扣1分,发现吸烟者无人劝阻115 次扣1分,扣完为止。如工作人员在室内抽烟,发现1个扣2分) 3.设置室外吸烟区(尽量远离密集人群和必经通道)(3分),有明显的引导标识(2分) 5 四、设有控烟监督员和巡查员 10分 1.单位内设有控烟监督员和巡查员(8分)、有定期监督、巡查记录(3分) 8 2.对控烟监督员和巡查员进行相关培训,并有培训记录(2分) 2 五开展多种形式的控烟宣传和教育 10分 1.有控烟宣传栏、板(如单位内电视、展板、宣传栏、标语等)(3分) 3 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 2.有相关控烟宣传材料(如海报、折页等)(4分) 4 3.有控烟宣传活动(如讲座等)(3分) 3 六、明确规定全体职工负有劝阻吸烟的责任和义务 5分 三、有对职工进行控烟知识相关培训(包括劝阻技巧等),并有培训等记录(2分) 2 2.有劝阻工作相关记录及相关制度(3分) 3 七、鼓励和帮助吸烟职工戒烟 1.掌握单位员工吸烟情况(2分) 2 2.对员工提供医疗机构戒烟咨询电话等服务(3分) 3 八、所属区域内如有商店、小卖部,均不出售烟草制品 5分 5 总分 100 评分 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 : 4.无烟单位评估标准评分表总分为100分,达标标准为80 分。 5.八项标准中有1项为0分的,即视为不达标。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 附件2-2 灌南县无烟学校评定标准 评 定 标 准 分值 得分 20分 1.成立控烟领导组织,将无烟学校健身纳入本学校发展规划 1.本学校有控烟领导小组,并职责明确(6分) 6 2.部门有专(兼职)人负责控烟工作,并职责明确(6分) 6 3.将控烟工作纳入本学校的工作计划(包括资金保障)、制度控烟工作方案(8分) 8 二、建立(健全)控烟考评奖惩制度 10分 1.本学校有控烟考评奖惩制度(2分) 2 2.有控烟考评奖惩标准(4分) 3 3.有控烟考评奖惩记录(4分) 3 4.将遵守“学校控烟规章”作为“优秀”评选的一项指标。 2 三、所属区域有明显的禁烟标识,室内完全禁烟 35分 1.本学校所属管辖区至少在入口处,等候厅、会议室、厕所、电梯、楼梯等区域内有明显12 的禁烟标识(12分,缺1处扣2分,扣完为止) 2.本学校室内场所完全禁止吸烟(13分,每发现1个烟头扣1分,发现吸烟者无人劝阻113 次扣1分,扣完为止,如工作人员在室内抽烟,发现1个扣2分,扣完为止) 3.设置室外吸烟区(尽量远离密集人群和必经通道)(3分),有明显的引导标识(2分) 5 4.学生不得吸烟(5分,发现1个扣5分,扣完为止) 5 四、设有控烟监督员和巡查员 10分 1.学校内设有控烟监督员和巡查员(2分) 2 2.对控烟监督员和巡查员进行相关培训,并有培训记录(3分),有定期监督巡查记录(58 分) design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 五、开展多种形式的控烟宣传和教育 10分 1.有控烟宣传栏、板(如学校内电视、展板、宣传栏、标语等)(3分) 3 2.有相关控烟宣传材料(如海报、折页等)(4分) 4 3.各科教师均能将“吸烟危害健康”的知识有机地融入到自己的教学内容中(3分) 3 六、明确规定全体职工负有劝阻吸烟的责任和义务 5分 1.有对教职工进行控烟知识相关培训(包括劝阻技巧等),并有培训等记录(2分) 2 2.有劝阻工作相关记录及相关制度(3分) 3 七、鼓励和帮助吸烟职工戒烟 5分 1.掌握学校所有教职工吸烟情况(2分) 2 2.学校对教职工提高医疗机构戒烟咨询电话等服务(3分) 3 八、所属区域内如有商店、小卖部的、均不出售烟草制品 5分 5 总分 100 评分说明: 一、无烟学校评估标准评分表总分为100分,达标标准为 80分。 二、八项标准中有1项为0分的,即视为不达标。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 附件3 创建无烟单位工作指引 步骤一 建立单位控烟组织 1.成立单位控烟领导小组,制定单位控烟计划、实施方案,管理和评估办法。 2.明确单位控烟负责部门和负责人,负责控烟实施方案的组织、实施、协调和管理。 3.设立控烟监督员和巡查员 (1)设立控烟监督员(有单位控烟小组成员及职能科室控烟负责人,骨干等组成),负责指导和监督控烟工作。 (2)设立控烟巡查员(可由后勤人员如保安、卫生保洁人员等组成),负责加强巡视和规劝。 步骤二 建立(健全)单位控烟制度和管理办法 1.制度控烟领导小组、控烟负责部门及负责人的职责及工作制度。 2.将无烟单位建设纳入单位工作计划,将创建工作结合到单位的日常管理工作中,实行领导、中层两级管理。 3.制定控烟考核与奖罚制度,以保证创建工作的实施效果。 4.制度控烟监督员及巡查员的工作制度,明确其具体职责,定期检查科室执行情况(进行记录),以保证创建工作的落实。 5.制度室外吸烟区设置和管理办法。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design; 步骤三 创建无烟环境 1.通过多种形式向社会宣布单位开始创建“无烟单位”,争取社会各界的支持和理解,并接受社会各界的监督。 2.单位室内全民禁烟,可在室外适当地点设置吸烟区(点) (1)单位室内全面禁烟 (2)在明显位置设立禁烟告示牌,张贴禁烟标识,告知进入单位的所有人员不得在室内吸烟。 (3)在室外适合的地点设置吸烟区,并有明确的引导标识,吸烟区的设置须在室外,通风且符合消防安全要求。 3.进行控烟知识宣传; (1)向进入单位的人员发放控烟宣传材料。 (2)利用电子显示屏、宣传栏、内部通讯、闭路电视等工具,宣传烟草危害和控烟知识。 4.单位室内禁止摆放烟草制品及烟灰缸等烟具。 5.单位区域内部出售烟草制品,禁止各种形式的烟草广告和赞助活动。 步骤四 进行终末(或阶段性)自评总结 对照《灌南县无烟单位评定标准》对开展创建活动的全过程进行总结,并进行自评打分。 design and construction issues. Practice of a large number of projects at home and abroad show that many of the most dangerous phase of the project is not in use, but during the construction phase and aging stage. For many construction accidents often occur during the construction phase, and because in addition to the construction quality assurance, unreasonable change in construction methods, human error and other reasons, one of the main reasons is due to the environment, geology, load factors, such as lack of knowledge led to the design and construction of certain errors and negligence. Deep Foundation pit engineering comprehensive technology is associated with many factors, is a systems engineering problem, must have a structural mechanics, soil mechanics, Foundation, Foundation treatment, in-situ testing and other subjects, and has extensive experience in construction, combined with the proposed venue of soil and environmental conditions, to develop local support structures and the implementation of the programme approach. It and engineering survey and support structure design, excavation, Foundation stability, dewatering, construction management, field monitoring, adjacent venue construction interaction and so on. Foundation design and construction related to geological conditions, geotechnical properties, environment, engineering, climate change, groundwater, construction procedures and methods, and many complex issues related to the business, is to be perfect, mature and comprehensive technology for the development of. Depending on the nature of engineering, hydrogeology, environmental conditions and rational design;
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