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统计学调查报告统计学调查报告 我们是大二的学生了,对我们居住了一年的寝室有了新的感悟与领会,借此机会,我组人员想通过一次调查,了解10级新生对我们长春工程学院东区宿舍的一些新想法,并通过问卷调查的方式向他们传达某些信息,让他们对自己的寝室,对学校有更深刻的了解。 一、调查主题:关于长春工程学院寝室问的问卷调查 二、调查目的:为了解大学生对的寝室生活,了解他们对寝室的满意与否,方便我们为学校提出有益建议,更好的改善寝室,为学生们提供一个更好生活的好地方,我们做了这个调查。 三、调查方式:我们以一个大学生的角度,列举了一些值得...

统计学调查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 我们是大二的学生了,对我们居住了一年的寝室有了新的感悟与领会,借此机会,我组人员想通过一次调查,了解10级新生对我们长春 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 学院东区宿舍的一些新想法,并通过问卷调查的方式向他们传达某些信息,让他们对自己的寝室,对学校有更深刻的了解。 一、调查主题:关于长春工程学院寝室问的问卷调查 二、调查目的:为了解大学生对的寝室生活,了解他们对寝室的满意与否,方便我们为学校提出有益建议,更好的改善寝室,为学生们提供一个更好生活的好地方,我们做了这个调查。 三、调查方式:我们以一个大学生的角度,列举了一些值得我们关注的十个问题,做了二十份调查问卷,向长春工程学院东校区大一大二学生了解相关信息。 三、调查 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 : 关于长春工程学院寝室的问卷调查 组员:傅黎 李响 周玉朋 王夺 您的性别: , 男 , 女 1. 您对寝室硬件设施是否满意,( ) A 满意 B 比较满意 C 不满意 D 完全不满意 2. 您对学校对寝室的服务是否满意,( ) A 很满意 B 满意 C 不满意 D 完全不满意 3(您对寝室的 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 感觉是否合理,( ) A 很合理 B 合理 C 不合理 D 完全不合理 4. 您认为寝室的供水供电的作息时间安排是否合理?( ) A 很合理 B 合理 C 不合理 D 完全不合理 5(您认为是否应该处理好与寝室室友之间的关系,( ) A 很应该 B 应该 C 无所谓 D 不应该 6(您认为寝室是否应该拥有独特的文化,( ) A 应该 B 可有可无 C 没想过 D 不应该 7(您认为寝室发生矛盾时应该如何解决,( ) A 理性解决 B 武力解决 C 上报老师 D 不管 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 8(您对寝室荣誉报以怎么样的态度,( ) A 努力争取 B 争取 C 无所谓 D 没想过 9(您认为寝室适合学习吗,( ) A 很适合 B 适合 C 不适合 D 完全不适合 10.您对您寝室的评价是什么,( ) A 很和谐 B 一般 C 没感觉 D 完全不和谐 三、调查范围:长春工程学院东校区大一、大二学生 四、调查周期:2010年10月1日~2010年10月10日 五、调查过程:通过为期一周的调查,经过我组人员七天的努力,最后,我们得到一些数据,选取了几个最值得我们关注的问题通过表一、表二的形式,做一下显示。 题一:表一 满意程度 男生 女生 综合 满意 10% 20% 15% 比较满意 40% 50% 45% 不满意 40% 30% 35% 完全不满意 10% 0% 5% 表二: shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 比率 完全不满意, 5%满意, 15%满意 比较满意 不满意不满意, 45%比较满意, 35%完全不满意 题五: 表一: 程度 男生 女生 综合 很应该 20% 50% 35% 应该 50% 30% 40% 无所谓 30% 20% 25% 不应该 0% 0% 0% 表二: 比率 不应该, 0%无所谓, 25%很应该, 35%很应该 应该 无所谓 不应该 应该, 40% shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 题六: 表一: 程度 男生 女生 综合 应该 30% 60% 45% 可有可无 30% 30% 30% 没想过 40% 10% 25% 不应该 0% 0% 0% 表二: 比率 不应该, 0%没想过, 25% 应该应该, 45%可有可无 没想过 不应该 可有可无, 30% 题八: 表一: 男生 女生 综合 努力争取 40% 20% 30% 争取 50% 30% 40% 无所谓 0% 40% 20% 没想过 10% 10% 10% shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 表二: 比率 没想过, 10%努力争取, 30%努力争取无所谓, 20% 争取 无所谓 没想过 争取, 40% 题九: 表一: 男生 女生 综合 很适合 20% 20% 20% 适合 60% 70% 65% 不适合 20% 10% 15% 完全不适合 0% 0% 0% 表二: 比率 完全不适合, 0%不适合, 15%很适合, 20%很适合 适合 不适合 完全不适合 适合, 65% shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 题十: 表一: 男生 女生 综合 很和谐 70% 60% 65% 一般 20% 30% 25% 没感觉 10% 10% 10% 完全不和谐 0% 0% 0% 表二: 比率 完全不和谐, 0%没感觉, 10% 一般, 25%很和谐 一般 没感觉 完全不和谐很和谐, 65% 六、调查分析与 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf : 总的来说,大一大二学生对寝室都挺满意的,但也还是存在有不少学生对工程学院的寝室硬件设施存在一定的意见;对于同寝室的室友,大多数同学都与同寝室之间关系应该处理和谐;剩下的对同寝室的关系还抱着无所谓的态度;从调查中数据显示,学生的集体荣誉shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider 感十分强烈,70%的同学想要争取寝室集体荣誉;另外,同学们认为,在寝室里学习还是比较合适的,但是有一部分还是觉得寝室只是一个休息生活的地方,不适合学习,希望能上图书馆学习;最后,从调查的寝室了解到,他们寝室内相处还是非常和谐的,还有矛盾。 对此,我们组对长春工程学院东校区寝室提出如下几点建议:第一,学校在能力范围内,如果还能够提升一下寝室的硬件设施,可能会让同学们更好的学习生活;第二,建议学校多组织一些宿舍的活动,让学生多参加,增加寝室之间的凝聚力,在活动中促进他们之间的交流与合作,增强团队合作意识,与集体荣誉感;第三,我们还希望学校,能够提供一些学习类的设备,例如书桌之类的,更好的营造一种学习氛围,为大学生创造一个更好的学习环境,不必每天为了去图书馆占位置而起早贪黑。 以上是我组人员通过此次活动得到的所有内容,以及从中提取的相关信息,分析得出的结论,并以此为我校领导提出一点建议。 二零一零年十月七日 调查人员:傅黎 王夺 周玉朋 李响 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider
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