首页 中餐宴会摆台示意图



中餐宴会摆台示意图中餐宴会摆台示意图 双山岛管委会后勤食堂 标准化服务规范 一、 食品卫生安全管理制度 1. 食品采购索证制度 第一条 对固定食品供应商,必须签定供货合同,保证供应的食品安全可靠。 第二条 索证范围包括所有购入的食品、食用农产品、食品添加剂等。 第三条 审核固定供应商的工商营业执照和卫生许可证,并索取其复印件。 2. 食品进货验收制度 第一条 由厨师长专门进行食品进货验收工作。 第二条 查验产品卫生状况,产品合格证明和产品标准是否符合国家相关法律、法规的规定。 第三条 从食品生产企业或批发市场批量...

中餐宴会摆台示意图 双山岛管委会后勤食堂 标准化服务 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 一、 食品卫生安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 1. 食品采购索证制度 第一条 对固定食品供应商,必须签定供货合同,保证供应的食品安全可靠。 第二条 索证范围包括所有购入的食品、食用农产品、食品添加剂等。 第三条 审核固定供应商的工商营业执照和卫生许可证,并索取其复印件。 2. 食品进货验收制度 第一条 由厨师长专门进行食品进货验收工作。 第二条 查验产品卫生状况,产品合格证明和产品标准是否符合国家相关法律、法规的规定。 第三条 从食品生产企业或批发市场批量采购食品时,应查验食品是否有按照产品批次由符合法定条件检验合格 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 或者由供应商签字,盖章,的检验报告复印件。 第四条 采购生猪肉应查验是否为定点屠宰企业屠宰的产品并查验检疫合格证明。 第五条 采购其他肉类也应查验检疫合格证明。不得采购没有检疫合格证明的肉类。 3.食品台帐记录制度 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 第一条 由专人进行食品进货台帐记录。 第二条 严格按照卫生部门指定的台帐格式进行登记。 第三条 如实记录进货时间、食品名称、规格、数量、供应商及其联系方式等内容。 第四条 台帐记录必须将所有供货情况记录下来,保证真实、及时、完整不得漏记。 第五条 在登记台帐的同时,按时间先后顺序整理好供货清单和票据。 第六条 台帐记录保存期限不得少于食品使用完毕后6个月。 4.食品仓库,贮存,卫生管理制度 第一条 仓库管理员对采购到的食品必须进行认真验收,防止腐败变质及过期的食品和三无产品进库。 第二条 存库食品应按主、副食和调味料等分开存放,做到离地、隔墙、分类分架存放、挂牌表明进货日期和保质期。 第三条 领用食品遵循“先进先出”的原则,按照存仓物资的最高存量、最低存量进行补仓。 第四条 食品及原料与日用品应当分区存放,禁止存放有毒有害物品。 第五条 临时存放的待处理食品及原料应有明显标记,并及时登记处理。 第六条 保持库房整洁、通风、干燥、无霉味,库内物品及时清点,防止过期变质。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 第七条 仓库做好消防及三防 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,仓库内严禁吸烟。 5.粗加工卫生管理制度 第一条 严格执行食品卫生法和有关规章制度,认真履行岗位卫生职责。 第二条 保持仪容仪表整洁,上岗前穿戴好清洁的工作衣帽,并洗净双手。 第三条 不许穿工作服上厕所,并坚持如厕后洗手,不在加工制作间吸烟和做其它有碍卫生的事。 第四条 不用腐坏变质、污秽不洁、有毒有害的原料,严防食物中毒。 第五条 按配方下料,按要求的温度和时间加工,保证食品的营养价值。 第六条 存放食品要做到生熟分开,成品与半成品分开,避免交叉污染。 第七条 使用工具容器前要消毒,使用后应洗净保洁,并定位存放。 第八条 坚持日常用具消毒,注意保洁。 第九条 搞好区域卫生及收尾工作,保持加工制作间环境整洁。 6.食品原料保管卫生管理制度 第一条 厨房食品原料由厨师长管理、负责。 第二条 食品原料、半成品、熟食品必须分开存放。 3y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and variousof voluntary service activities. formsities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitfacilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th 第三条 瓜果类、根茎类食品原料、以及冻库内的禽、肉类原料,应分类存放在货架上,距离地面和墙面不得小于10CM,严禁将食品原材料直接放在地面上。 第四条 存放食品原料的冰箱、库房应有明显的表识。 第五条 食品原料管理人员应加强库存原料的日常检查,如发现其变味变质,应及时处理,同时做好冰箱及库房的清洁卫生。 7.冷冻柜卫生管理制度 第一条 严格把好入库关,严禁未经过粗加工的原料以及其他不符合食品卫生要求的原料入柜。严禁有毒、有害、不洁物质、个人生活用品进入柜。 第二条 各种食品原料坚持生熟分开原则,盛装容器严格分开并贴上标识,在库房内,各种原料分开分类分架存放,严禁将食品原料直接放在地面上。 第三条 厨师长应加强冷冻柜原料的日常检查,如发现其变味变质,应及时处理,同时做好冰箱及库房的清洁卫生。 第四条 加强对冷冻柜温度显示器及其他设备的巡查,发现异常情况及时 通知相关部门进行维修,以防食品原料腐烂变质。 第五条 冷冻柜食品原料坚持“先进先出”的原则进行取料用料。 第六条 坚持定期打扫冷冻柜的清洁卫生,保持良好的食品III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 存放环境,并对冻库定期进行清洗、消毒、检修,保证设备正常运行。 8.干货原料、调料管理制度 第一条 坚持食品入库前的验收制度,做到凡腐败变质的,有毒有害的、感官异常及可疑的食品不入库、生熟食品、食品与非食品、有气味食品的和易吸味食品要分柜存放。 第二条 定期检查干货原料、调料发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 应及时处理。 第三条 存放干货做到分类上架,离地隔墙,吊牌建卡,先进先出。 第四条 做好防尘、防蝇、防腐、仿鼠和食品保洁工作。 9.食品切配岗位卫生管理制度 第一条 加工前认真检查待加工食品,发现有腐败、变质或其他感官性异常的,不得加工使用。 第二条 各种原料在使用前应洗净肉类、水产类、蔬菜、瓜国类、禽蛋类分开清洗,必要时进行消毒处理。 第三条 易腐食品原料应尽量缩短在常温下的存放时间,加工后应及时使用或冷藏。 第四条 切配好的半成品与原料分开并依据性质分类存放,以避免污染。 第五条 切配好的食品原料应按照加工操作规程,在规定的时间内使用。 第六条 已盛装食品原料的容器不得直接放在地面上。 y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various5ities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitof voluntary service activities. forms facilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th 第七条 加工容器应符合食品卫生要求,生、熟食品加工容器分开使用。 第八条 切配完成后应将砧板、刀具清洁干净,放到规定位置,做好工作台和工作区域卫生。 10.烹调加工卫生管理制度 第一条 在烹调前应认真检查待加工原料,发现有腐败、变质或感官性状异常的,不得进行烹调加工。 第二条 需要熟制加工的的食品应当熟煮透,其中心温度不得低于70度。 第三条 加工后的成品与半成品、食品原料应分开存放,防止成品被污染。 第四条 需要冷藏的熟制品,应尽快冷却后冷藏。 第五条 烹调过程中严禁超范围滥用、超量使用食品添加剂。 11.凉菜房卫生管理制度 第一条 凉菜间的生产、保藏必须做到专人、专室、专工具、专消毒、单独冷藏。 第二条 操作人员严格执行洗手、消毒规定,洗涤后用75,浓度的酒精棉球消毒,操作中接触生原料后,切制冷荤熟食、制作凉菜前必须再次消毒,使用卫生间后必须再次洗手消毒。 第三条 冷荤制作,储藏都要严格做到生熟食品分开,生熟工具,刀、墩、盆、秤、冰箱,等。严禁混用,避免交叉污III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 染。 第四条 冷荤专用刀、砧、抹布每日用后要洗净,次日用前消毒,砧板定期消毒。 第五条 盛装冷荤、熟肉、凉菜的盆、盛器每次使用前刷净、消毒。 第六条 生吃食品,蔬菜、水果等,必须洗净后,方可放入冰箱。 第七条 凉菜间紫外线消毒灯要定时开关,进行消毒杀菌。 第八条 冷荤熟肉在低温处存放次日要回锅加热。 第九条 保持冰箱内整洁,并定期进行洗刷、消毒。 第十条 进凉菜间要求做到二次更衣。 第十一条 制作蛋类制品,需选清洁新鲜的鸡蛋,散黄变质的鸡蛋不得使用。 第十二条 使用食品添加剂,必须符合国家卫生标准,不得超标使用。 12.餐、饮具清洗消毒卫生管理制度 第一条 餐、饮具的清洗消毒在洗碗间由专人负责操作。 第二条 餐具的清洗消毒严格按照“一刮、二洗、三冲、四消毒、五保洁”的程序进行。 第三条 采用洗碗机对餐、饮具进行消毒时,漂洗过水温度应该在80摄式度以上。 第四条 采用消毒柜对餐、饮具消毒时,应先将饮具清洗干 forms7 of voluntary service activities. y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and variousities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitfacilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th 净。 备注,一刮是指将剩余在餐具内的食物残渣倒入废物桶内并刮干净,二洗是将刮干净的餐具用2%的热碱水或在水中加入适量的食品洗涤剂清洗干净,三冲是将经清洗的餐具用流动水冲去残留在餐具表面的碱液或洗涤剂,四消毒是将已清洗的餐具用不同的消毒方式杀灭餐具表面的病菌,五保洁是将洗净消毒后的餐具存放到密闭的保洁柜中保持干净。 13.餐用具保洁卫生管理制度 第一条 贮存餐用具的保洁柜应贴上明显的标记。 第二条 经过清洗消毒贮存在保洁柜内的餐具,如果2天以上没有使用,需要使用时必须从新洗净消毒。 第三条 餐具保洁柜在不存取物品时,一定要关紧柜门,定期对保洁柜进行清洗,保持洁净。 第四条 已消毒和未消毒的餐具应分开存放,保洁柜内不准存放其他物品。 二、中餐摆台标准 1.仪容仪表 ,1,头发干净、整齐,面容清洁,男士头发后不盖领、侧不遮耳,鬓发不过耳,不蓄胡须,女士淡妆,头发后不过肩,前不遮眼,不梳怪发型,并避免选用色泽鲜艳的发饰。 ,2,手、指甲,干净,不留长指甲,不涂艳色指甲油。 ,3,衣着,穿着保持干净、挺括、整洁、不破损,不卷衣III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 袖、裤脚。 ,4,鞋,男士穿黑色皮鞋,女士高跟鞋或平跟皮鞋,并保持干净、光亮、无破损, ,5,袜子,男士穿的袜子颜色与鞋子的颜色和谐,以深色为佳,女士应穿与肤色相近的丝袜,并且袜口不应外露。 2.标准摆台程序 ,1,口布折花,放置骨碟内,需要使用席位卡时放置席位卡 ,2,摆台 A 铺台布 B 放转盘 C 花瓶摆放 D 骨碟定位 E 放小件餐具 F 放玻璃器皿 G 放菜单 H 拉椅 ,3,餐具摆放,从主宾位开始,整体要求合理、整齐、美观。一般摆放十位。 附:摆台要求(图, ,1,十个骨碟的摆放间距相等,相对的两个骨碟与台中成一线,骨碟与圆桌边距一指宽。 forms9 of voluntary service activities. y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and variousities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitfacilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th ,2,筷架位于骨碟右上方约45?,筷架上近骨碟一侧放长柄汤匙,外侧放筷子,筷子配有筷套,筷套上部约三分之一处搁置在筷架上,欢迎词向上,套口向下,筷套开口处或筷根部距圆桌边一指, 筷套底部中心距骨碟下沿中心约,18.5厘米,。 ,3,汤碗位于骨碟左上方,距骨碟1厘米,汤碗的上方外沿与骨碟上方外沿基本齐平。 ,4,汤匙放入碗中,匙柄偏向左上,放置后十个汤匙的整体效果基本呈圆形。 ,5,公筷及公匙每桌两副,分别放在主人席和副主人席三杯,水杯、高脚葡萄酒杯、白酒杯,的正前方,公筷及公匙按顺时针向左放置,筷架压台布中线,筷子近转盘, ,6,水杯、葡萄酒杯、白酒杯从左到右依次摆放于骨碟正上方,葡萄酒杯底距骨碟3厘米,水杯底与葡萄酒杯底间距为1.5厘米, 葡萄酒杯底与白酒杯底间距为1厘米,三杯中心线成一直线, ,7,烟缸四个,其中两个分别摆放在主人席和副主人席的右上方,主人席与主宾席中间,副主人席与副主宾席中间,,其余两个与前两个成“十”字形摆放,火柴放在烟缸上沿正面朝客人, ,8,调味品位置,胡椒瓶、盐瓶放置在主人席右方90?处,酱油瓶、醋瓶放置在主人席左方90?处,与胡椒瓶、盐瓶对III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 称成一直线,整体效果与公筷成十字形, (9)袋装牙签放在筷子与长柄汤匙中间,牙签底部与长柄汤匙底部平行。 (10)菜单二份,以整体效果美观为原则摆放,原则位置在主人、副主人右侧。 (11)从主宾位开始顺时针方向拉椅定位,双手拉出,椅子与台布下垂相接、正对骨碟。 3.斟酒要求 ,1,从主宾位开始顺时针方向交替斟酒,先斟红酒, 再斟白酒。 ,2,瓶口保持完整。 ,3,握瓶正确,商标展示给来宾。 ,4,托盘悬位在椅背外,托盘中酒瓶之间不碰撞, 瓶口不碰杯、酒杯不倒、不滴酒、不溢出。 ,5,要求10个酒杯酒量均等,白酒8成、干红5成。 三、中餐厅餐前准备工作程序 ,1,餐前了解就餐来宾姓名、人数、时间等。 ,2,检查厅房台面上的餐具卫生几餐位、检查毛巾数量、检查水壶水量、温度。 ,3,整理口布及鲜花。 ,4,检查备餐柜,骨碟、翅碗、瓷勺、筷子、筷架、毛巾碟、茶碟、茶杯、汤碗、大汤勺、牙签盅、纸巾盅、长柄勺、 forms11 of voluntary service activities. y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and variousities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitfacilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th 刀叉、服务勺、果叉、烟缸、烟缸垫碟、茶壶、备用酒杯等 ,5,托盘要按标准数量配备干净、无水渍、油渍 ,6,打开空调、照明灯组。 四、开餐服务要求 1.上菜 ,1,要先上开胃的小菜,然后冷拼、热菜最后上水果或者甜品。 ,2,上菜是要先找好上菜口,之后的每一道菜都要在固定的地方上,(每道菜另+小分梗) 。 ,3,切忌不要东上一道西上一道。上菜时不要端在客人的头顶或脸边,以免和客人发生碰撞。 ,4,上菜时要站在上菜口双手捧菜放于转盘上。转于主人、主宾之间。手不要转转台的边缘,手掌不要接触转台的台面或台底。 ,5,然后后退立正,伸出右手报菜名。” ,6,如果上鱼,将鱼转至主人主宾之间后报菜名“××鱼,各位请用,请问还需要剔鱼骨吗,”如果客人要求剔鱼骨,将鱼顺时针转至上菜口撤下,在家私柜上剔完后上桌。 ,7,如果上汤、面、饭类,询问客人是否需要分。 ,8,上菜时菜品的摆放要按照一点、二线、三品、四十字、五花的形状来摆放,注意给下道菜留出位置,空位不够时可以询问客人盘内菜品较少的菜是否可以换小盘或拼盘。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. ,9,撤空盘时要站在上菜口位置,征询客人意见,顺时针将菜盘转至上菜口将空盘撤下。 ,10,上菜时每道热菜都要跟公用勺。 ,11,菜品需要跟配料上时,要先上配料,在上菜。 2.更换骨碟 ,1,站在主宾右侧,顺时针更换。 ,2,骨碟内有汤汁,骨刺时(占量不超过骨碟的1/3)为客人更换。 ,3,上第一道热菜前为客人更换骨碟,再上海鲜、甜品、水果前为客人更换骨碟。 3.更换烟缸 (1)站在主宾右侧位置,顺时针更换。 (2)烟缸内不能超过3个烟头。 (3)更换骨碟和烟缸时要注意不要从客人的头上经过。 4.结尾工作 ,1,当来宾起身离桌时要提醒请带好随身携带物品帮领导共同检查,后将来宾送至门口送来宾出门。 13y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and variousof voluntary service activities. formsities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitfacilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th 附:中餐宴会摆台示意图 单位:厘米 水杯 红葡萄酒杯 白酒杯 1 1 05 味碟 05 长柄汤匙 1 汤碗、汤匙 筷子 骨碟 牙签 1.5 18 图示一 单位:厘米 副主人席 公筷公匙 酱醋壶 椒盐瓶 180 公筷公匙 主人席 主人席 图示二 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 15of voluntary service activities. forms y volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and variousities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of communitfacilthe first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, d to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becominger hanand reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the othes, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance cilitict to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal fation of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfenstruccient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly recomanagement, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and effie of is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scop e one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development,III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On th
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