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[犯罪心理第十季名言]《CriminalMinds犯罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照[犯罪心理第十季名言]《CriminalMinds犯罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照 [犯罪心理第十季名言]《CriminalMinds犯 罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照 篇一 : 《CriminalMinds犯罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照 ?A lion’s work hours are only when he’s hungry; once he’ssatisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together. ---Chuck Jones ...

[犯罪心理第十季名言]《CriminalMinds犯罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照 [犯罪心理第十季名言]《CriminalMinds犯 罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照 篇一 : 《CriminalMinds犯罪心理》第五季精选名言中英文对照 ?A lion’s work hours are only when he’s hungry; once he’ssatisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together. ---Chuck Jones ?Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness.It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelityto a worthy purpose. --- Helen Keller ◎ Episode 22: The Internet IsForever2010?05?19 ?The single ◎Episode 23: OurDarkest Hour2010?05?26 “?andout of darkness came the hands that reach thro’nature, mouldingmen.”--Alfred Lord Tennyson 23片尾无名言 ◎Episode 20: ...A ThousandWords2010?05?05 ?A sincere artist tries to create something which is in itself aliving thing.----William Dobell ?I have seen children successfully surmount the effects of anevil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attributeof the soul.----Gandhi 你祖父个小鸭腿的~为啥22和23不显示,,,,只有编辑状 态才显示,,, ◎ Episode 21: ExitWounds2010?05?12 ?Nature in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous parts, is butthe background and theater of the tragedy of man. —John Morley ?Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle asreal strength.—Ralph W.Sockman ◎ Episode 22: The Internet IsForever2010?05?19 ?The single biggest problemwith communicationis the illusion that it has taken place.——George Bernard Shaw ?The Internet is the first that humanity has built that humanitydoesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we havevever had ——Eric Schmidt ◎Episode 23: OurDarkest Hour2010?05?26 “?andout of darkness came the hands that reach thro’nature, mouldingmen.”--Alfred Lord Tennyson 23片尾无名言 篇二 : 《犯罪心理》名言 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 第五季 第六季 第七季 Season 8 Episode 1: The Silencer ?As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. ——Andrew Carnegie ? ?A man is known by the silence he keeps.——Oliver Herford ? Episode 2: The Pact ?Evil is always devising more corrosive misery through man’s restless need to exact revenge out of his hate.——Ralph Steadman ? ?Paul Brown once said, if you win, say nothing. If you lose, say less. ? Episode 3: Through the Looking Glass ?The German author Goethe wrote: Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their true image. ? ?One of the deep secrets of life is all that is really worth doing is what we do for others. ——Lewis Carroll ? Episode 4: God Complex ?Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote: When a doctor goes wrong, he is the first of criminals. He has nerve and he has knowledge. ? ?Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies. ——Dr. Jeffery Miller ? Episode 5: The Good Earth ?I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ——Edgar Allan Poe ? ?Alfred Austin said: Show me your garden, and I shall tell you who you are. ? Episode 6: The Apprenticeship ?Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. ——Japanese Proverb ? ?The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. ——Benjamin Disraeli ? Episode 7: The Fallen ?You never find yourself until you face the truth. ——Pearl Bailey ? ?I am not concerned that you have fallen; I am concerned that you arise. ——Abraham Lincoln ? Episode 8: The Wheels on the Bus ?French novelist Jean Giraudoux said: I’m not afraid of death. It’s the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life. ? ?Frederick Douglass said: It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. ? Episode 9: Magnificent Light ?A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. ——Sydney Smith ? ?The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. ——Fyodor Dostoyevsky ? Episode 10: The Lesson ?William Shakespeare once wrote: love looks not with the eye, but with the mind. ? ?Thomas Merton once wrote: Love is our true destiny. We do not find meanings of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another. ? Episode 11: Perennials ?I have never yet heard of a murderer who is not afraid of a ghost. ——John Philpot Curran ? ?The doctrine of the immortality of the soul has more threat than comfort. ——Mason Cooley ? 扩展:犯罪心理第八季名言 / 犯罪心理名言 / 犯罪心理名言 录 Episode 12: Zugzwang ?Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.——Lao Tzu ? Episode 13: Magnum Opus ?My blood alone remains, take it, but do not make me suffer long. ——Marie Antoinette ? ?Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go, but rather learning to start over. ——Nicole Sobon ? Episode 14: All That Remains ?Love never dies a natural death. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. ——Anais Nin ? ?The tragedy of this world is that no one is happy, whether stuck in a time of pain or of joy.——Alan Lightman ? Episode 15: Broken ? The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, many are stronger at the broken places. ——Ernest Hemingway ? ? John 13:14: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. ? Episode 16: Carbon Copy ? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ——Charles Caleb Colton ? Episode 17: The Gathering ? Barbara Grizzuti once said:all acts performed in the world begin in the imagination. ? ? Oscar Wilde said, “I can resist anything but temptation.” ? Episode 18: Restoration ? I am dead. Only vengeance can restore me. ——Terry Goodkind. ? ? For darkness restores what light cannot repair. ——Joseph Brodsky ? Episode 19: Pay It Forward ? A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen. ——Edward De Bono ? ? There is no present or future; only the past, happening over and over again now. ——Eugene O’Neill. ? Episode 20: Alchemy ? Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?——Alfred Lord Tennyson ? ? I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.——John Ronald Reuel Tolkien ? Episode 21: Nanny Dearest ? Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.——Carl G. Jung ? ? Alone. All alone. Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone.——Maya Angelou ? Episode 22: Number Six ? We are not the same persons this year as last, nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love the changed person. ——William Somerset Maughuam ? ? I took you for better or worse and nothing is ever gonna change that.——James ? Episode 23: Brothers Hotchner ?Cruel is the strife of brothers.——Aristotle ? Episode 24: The Replicator ? Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.—— H. G. Wells ? ? The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.——Richard Bach ? 扩展:犯罪心理第八季名言 / 犯罪心理名言 / 犯罪心理名言录 篇三 : 犯罪心理 第四季 哲理名言92 ?SeasonIV? ——AxiomquotedbyBAU ◎Episode1:Mayhem恐怖分子 ?Neverthinkthatwar,nomatterhownecessarynorhowjustified,itisnotacrime. ◎Episode2:TheAngelMaker危险的爱情 ?Wealldie,thegoalisn’ttoliveforever,thegoalistocreatesomethingthatwill. ?Thepastisourdefinition,wemaystrivewhichcouldbethereasontoescapeit,or escapewhatisbadinit.Butwewillescapeonlybyaddingsomethingbettertoit. ◎Episode3:MinimalLoss自由山庄 ?Tofollowbyfaithaloneistofollowblindly. ?Reasonisnotautomatic,thosewhodenyit,cannotbeconqueredbyit. ◎Episode4:Paradise路沿线的杀人惨案?汽车旅馆 ?Afool’sparadiseisawiseman’shell. ?Thingsarenotalwayswhatthey’veseen,thefirstappearancedeceivesmany.T heintellegenceofafewperceiveswhathe’scarefullybeenhidden. ◎Episode5:CatchingOut铁犯?铁轨流浪汉 ?Plentyseatsstill,hungeriswonderer. ?Beyondtheeastthesunrise,beyondthewestthesea,andtheeastandwest,thew onderthirstthatwillnotletmebe. ◎Episode6:TheInstincts丢失的孩子 ?Whospeakstotheinstinct,speakstothedeepestmankind,andfindthereadiestr esponse. ?Ithinkthetrulynaturalthingsaredreams,whichnaturecan’ttouchwithdecay. ◎Episode7:Memoriam在Reid记忆中的父亲 ?Whatwassilentinthefatherspeaksintheson,andoftenIfindinthesontheunveiledsecretofthefather. ?Thereisnorefugeformemoryandremorseinthisworld,thespiritsofourfoolishdidsenhauntuswithorwithoutrepentance. ◎Episode8:Masterpiece自信的凶手 ?Letusconsiderthatweareallinsane,itwillexplainustoeachother,itwillunriddlemanyriddles. ?Menmustdevolveforallhumanconflict,amethodwhichrejectsrevenge,aggressionandretaliation,thefoundationofsuchamethod,islove. ◎Episode9:52PickUp男人因何改变自己?搭讪达人 ?Theminutepeoplefellinlove,theybecomeliars. ?Cleanlinessbecomesmoreimportant,whengodlinessareunlikely. ◎Episode10:BrothersinArms搏击俱乐部中的弱者?浴血手足 ?Weareallbrothersundertheskin,andIforonewouldbewillingtoskinhumanit ytoproveit. ?Forhetodaywhoshedshisbloodwithmeshallbemybrother. ◎Episode11:Normal马路枪手 ?Everynormalmanmustbetemptedattimes,tospitonhishands,hoisttheblackflag,andbegintoslitthroats. ?Thereisnotragedyinlife,likethedeathofachild,thingsnevergetbacktothewa ytheywere. ◎Episode12:SoulMates完美父亲的另一面 ?Nomortalcankeepasecret,ifhislipsaresilent,hechatterswithhisfingertips,Betrayaloozesoutofhimateverypore. ◎Episode13:Bloodline挑选儿媳 ?Thereisnodoubtthatitisaroundthefamilyandthehomethatallthegreatestvirt uesofhumansocietyarecreated,strengthened,andmaintained. ?Thestrengthofafamily,likethestrengthofanarmy,isinitsloyaltyeachother. ◎Episode14:Coldcomfort灵媒 ?Andso,allthenight-tide,Iliedownbythesideofmydarling-mydarling-mylifeandmybride,inthesepulchretherebythesea,inhertombbythesoundingsea. ?Forthosewhobelieve,noproofisnecessary.Forthosewhodon’tbelieve,noproofispossible. ◎Episode15:Zoe’sReprise连环杀手的终极粉丝 ?Ineverteachmypupils,Ionlyattempttoprovidetheconditionsinwhichtheycanlearn. ?Inyouthwelearn.Inageweunderstand. ◎Episode16:PleasureisMyBusiness色字头上一把刀 ?Theprostituteisnot,asfeministsclaim,thevictimofmen,butrathertheirconqueror,anoutlaw,whocontrolsthesexualchannelsbetweennatureandculture. ◎Episode17:Demonology驱魔仪式 ?Hewhodoesnotpunishevilcommandsittobedone. ?Thereisnoheresyorphilosophysoabhorrenttothechurchashumanbeing. ◎Episode18:Omnivore波士顿屠夫?杂食动物 ?Fateisnotsatisfiedwithinflictingonecalamity. ?Menheaptogetherthemistakesoftheirlivesandcreateamonstertheycalldesti ny. ◎Episode19:HouseonFire疯狂纵火犯 ?Weallliveinahouseonfire.Nofiredepartmenttocall,nowayout. ?Ihavelovedtothepointofmadnessthatwhichiscalledmadness,thatwhichtom eistheonlysensiblewaytolove. ◎Episode20:Conflicted双重人格 ?Lightthinksittravelsfasterthananything,butitiswrong.Nomatterhowfastlig httravels,itfindsthedarknesshasalwaysgottentherefirstandiswaitingforit. 犯罪心理 第四季 哲理名言92_犯罪心理第四季下载 ?Monstersarereal;ghostsarerealtoo.Theyliveinsideusandsometimestheywin. ◎Episode21:AshadeofGray少年杀手 ?Toloseachildistoloseapieceofyourself. ?Withoutfamily,manaloneintheworld,trembleswiththecold. ◎Episode22:TheBigWheel强迫症杀手 ?Inorderforthelighttoshinesobrightly,thedarknessmustbepresent. ?Nomatterhowdarkthemoment,loveandhopearealwayspossible. ◎Episode23:RoadKill流动记忆 ?I’mnotsureaboutautomobiles,withalltheirspeedforward,theymaybeastepb ackwardincivilization. ?Thehumanvoicecanneverreachthedistancethatiscoveredbythestillsmallvo iceofconscience. ◎Episode24:Amplification病毒传播?瘟疫蔓延 ?Securityismostlyasuperstition,itdoesnotexistinnature,nordothechildrenofmenasawholeexperienceit. ?ItwillbecomefinedustoverallthelandofEgypt,andwillbecomeboilsbreakingoutwithsoresonmanandbeastthroughallthelandofEgypt.—— ◎Episode25&26:ToHell...AndBack1&2食物链 ?Iftherewerenohell,wewouldbeliketheanimals.Nohell,nodignity. ?Sometimestherearenowords,nocleverquotestoneatlysumupwhat’shappenedthatday.Sometimesyoudoeverythingright,everythingexactlyright,andstillyoufeellikeyou’vefailed.Diditneedtoendthatway?Couldsomethinghavebeendonetopreventthetragedyinthefirstplace? ...LikeIsaid,sometimestherearenowords,nocleverquotestoneatlysumupwhat’shappenedthatday.Youshouldhavemadeadeal.Sometimesthedayjust...ends ——Hotch’smonologue *独自在末尾的碎碎念…… 如今追到第四季,咱对伟大的编剧钦佩不已无以言表。随着一个又一个psychopath的解决,能让咱逐渐接受BAU的新鲜血液——对E姐由一开始看不顺眼到渐渐喜欢,也慢慢习惯这个面相严肃内心可爱的R叔的存在,不再深陷Gideon大叔的崩溃隐退的遗憾。可不知怎的,忽然之间就有那么些感伤……固然“悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追”,后来者皆拥有离去之人所缺乏的东西,Elle与Gideon不堪忍受的执念,后来者Emily与Rossi却能有尊严的带着伤痛继续前行,然而内心深处对Elle与Gideon的离去依旧不能释怀,仿若戛然而止的旋律,未完待续的断章,无法相守的初恋。终究这不过是drama,人物终结的现实原因复杂多样,即便我们事后参透,也已是覆水难收无力回天。天下无不散之宴席,对于早早离场的他们,咱只有衷心祝福并将遗憾深藏于心,放下过去的牵绊,珍惜拥有的当下。 [特以R叔的魅力靓照为此季背景,表达咱永远向前看的精神~]
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